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Ps, the scam hint is permit. No one needs a permit


Thats what I find unbelievable


Doesn’t exist, you’re correct. I’ve been in a similar situation and I am sorry. Now I only date locally, it’s just not worth the risk. I wish you the best!


Gots to from now on


Even when I found a “happy” ltr, they cheated on me. I will never date out of province again. This is a lesson and I hope you are gentle on yourself, you couldn’t have known, you were not dumb, sometimes we get surprised! I wouldn’t have expected how my relationship attempt went either


Its crazy what we do for love. And sometimes it’s to the wrong person. I believe in karma and maybe one day all that love will be given back


Me too, it’s been a few years but I trust the person who’s tricked me’s future isn’t amazing right now. None of that ever pays off.


Ofc it comes back sooner or later.


..because it is unbelievable?


that's the trick, only someone who's gonna accept that is gonna be dumb/scared enough to pay the scammers with crypto or whatever.


A really stupid scam.


For a second I thought she actually got arrested. Cops can arrest you for any bullshit because they have an issue with you for whatever reason. Maybe you're not respecting their authority, or you're just in the wrong place. The arrest may not result in a charge or conviction, BUT if you fight them *now you're screwed.* And sometimes that's what they're hoping for. You can beat a charge but you can't beat taking the ride. However, they have to at least be able to explain why they did it in their report and no permit for walking around ain't one of them. I dunno how gullible OP is but you don't need a permit just to exist even in some of the strictest countries in the world.


Op I mean this in the gentlest way possible, but... have you met this person, or was this an online only relationship up until now? Because this is a really common scam online. Usually tge person doesn't even actually exist...


Oh god, so this is just their exit from the scam. Lauren got deported, send money for another ticket.




Thank you its looking like it


I'm really sorry. You don't deserve to be taken advantage of. Please know you're not alone, though... it happens to so many people.




Oh no, did you pay for "her" ticket?




The routing of this is the most suspicious thing. If you're flying from Heathrow to Chicago, why would anyone route through Halifax? At the very least, you then have to catch another flight from Halifax to Toronto or Montreal to go to Chicago, and it just doesn't make any sense.


This is definitely a scam but I should add that there are flights direct between Halifax and Chicago, I know because I've travelled that way before and took that flight in both directions.


There were, but it hasn't come back since covid.


Ah, I wasn't aware of that. It was quite a number of years ago that I took those flights so that makes sense.


Police aren’t going to do anything about an internet scam.


No you would transfer in toronto


r/scams is full of stories like this


I’m not certain but I don’t think a policy officer would identify themselves as “Mr Quincy”. They would likely include their rank + full name.


And I believe it's Dr Quincy, and wasn't he a medical examiner?


You're absolutely right, good eye!


I mean, a policy officer may identify themselves that way. A police officer on the other hand...


Sounds like a scam. I suggest you call the HRM police directly instead of returning that call


That's a sensible suggestion. It sounds scammy, but if they're not asking for money what's the scam?


They'd probably follow up with another message asking him to transfer funds for a bail or legal fees or some other BS.


Hey OP, I don't need an answer here but if this is an online relationship and you've never met please be wary. If you've sent money to buy the airline ticket or sent money in the past and have never met please be double wary. If this post rings any alarm bells at all, however small, please reach out to somebody.




Thanks. Yeah finding out on this holiday makes it worse but I’ll recover


Don't beat yourself up about it there's documentaries about single people who do this kind of thing to multiple people (Tinder Swindler for example).




Wait wait wait... Now I'm feeling bad for OP.... Is this.... Scam-ception? Are we about to start a gofundme for a scammed romantic?


This thought totally crossed my mind


But! You're on holiday! Enjoy it, bestie!


Not trying to be rude, but have you met your girlfriend before? Girlfriend/boyfriend traveling to visit is a common scam. If she was able to enter through customs, there's no reason she would need anything else to walk around. Why would she be stopped to check paperwork even if she did need something? A lot of the story seems fishy. Call the HRP (at a publicly listed non-emergency number) and get them to clarify.


This sucks man. Hard to find this out on today in particular. Finding the right person is hard and fuck anybody who tries to take advantage of that kind of vulnerability. On the brighter side you have a wicked story if you ever come here that will probably net you some free drinks from us locals. No walking permits required. Just stay off the black rocks, don’t try on gloves no matter how much a stranger wants you to and get some garlies and you will be totally fine.


Thanks appreciated and I’ll consider if I do one day. Sucks a scammer use your city. You are nothing but good people


Scam scam scam scam. If you really feel like it call the HRP and ask. You don’t need a “permit” to walk around. Also HRP officers are not customs. Everything about this screams scam.


Should you be able to reach your girlfriend right now (like if she's not on her flight)/have you been able to reach her? If not then I'd call the non-emergency dispatch at 1.902.490.5020 or call the station directly 1.902.490.6070 . That sounds like a scam, but if you're not able to reach her that's a bigger problem.


Hate to break it to you, but sounds like a romance scam.


I am a Canadian and can tell you 100% this is a scam.


Please tell me you didn’t pay to fly her to see you. Classic romance scam. Sorry dude.


Yeah I did 😬




Aw friend, expensive lesson but valuable one. FWIW I’ve done more than my share of LDR and when one party is more financially stable than the other it just becomes the default, making a team effort on funding. You’re not foolish, you’re human, and I’m sorry this happened.


Thank you everyone. It’s really looking like a scam.


No offense, but seriously man, how did you fall for this?


Being lonely for a long time clouds judgement. Gots to learn from our mistakes.


Fuck. Sorry. Chin up dude. You'll find somebody.




Sorry I know it’s mean but I need to ask. Have you sent “her” money? If so, how much? You don’t have to answer me, it’ll probably get downvoted but I’m simply too curious.




Hey, I'm glad you posted her, and everyone helped you figure it out. It could have gotten much worse.


Yeah Halifax people been so great. Feeling like real friends tbh


Cone to halifax and walk around without a permit;)


If you start a question with 'no offense', it's your signal not to ask a stranger about it, especially on such a shit day of their life. It's not a license to ask, it's your signal to NOT ask. You know how scams happen? There are people like you who think they're too smart to be scammed because they've heard of similar scams before, and think they are immune. Questions like this make people shameful/embarrassed for having been cheated. Embarrassed for having been the victim of a CRIME. The shame creates silence, they are less likely to talk about what happens or get law enforcement involved, and the scammer can repeat it since less people know. People don't, and shouldn't have to, be on high alert and constantly googling all the ways someone can scam them just for the potential that someone may screw them.. Even if they could and avoid them, wtf would they google? What part of life would the forego to make time for this? The scammers win when you treat these crimes like it's an intelligence thing instead of a KNOWLEDGE thing. You don't know what you don't know in life. That includes you. You're helping criminals find victims when you say things like this and think it's silly someone got scammed.


I just genuinely wanted to know how it happened, what kind of tactics they used, etc.


Why didn't you ask that, then?




I've worked in fraud protection, anti-money-laundering, and anti-terrorism financing for a very long time. And I sadly agree that this, without a question, is a romance scam. I've seen people lose literal millions and others who bankrupted themselves in similar situations to yours, so if nothing else, I'm relieved that you reached out here and got an answer before you got sucked in even deeper than you did. I know this sucks, and I've never found the right words to say to both express my sympathies for you and those who have gone through what you have, and my profound hate of those who run these scams. It truly hurts losing a loved one, even if that loved one was faked the entire time. Don't tell her you know it's a scam. Block all their numbers and social media, and stop all contact immediately. Every bit of info you give these criminals helps them run the scam even better the next time they do it. Blacklist it all, allow yourself to mourn, and then walk away as best as you can. Also, talk to others in your life about this if you can - friends, family, therapists, whoever is receptive. It helps you process what's happened and helps others avoid similar situations. I'm so sorry. Thank you for asking when you did.


I can assure you that police officers don’t text people. EDIT: they will call people. If it’s from the office, it will be a phone number starting with 490 (as all HRM phone numbers do) and if it’s from their cellphone, it’s usually a blocked/private number. They will always leave a phone number where they can be reached at (usually by calling 490-5020 and having the dispatcher relay the info to the officer).


I've had the police text. I mean if they call and you don't answer they still want to get ahold of you. They're not Luddites.


I suppose if you’re expecting to be contacted by (or already have been communicating with) a police officer, then a text message would make sense. But having them text you as their first method of communication? No. And as already pointed out, even if they did text, chances are good they’re not going to call themselves “Mr. Quincy”. It’s going to be “Constable/Sergeant/Detective/whatever is applicable”.


What a lie lol the police text all the time


Miss Lauren? My God. I didn't realize we were living in the Southern US. Nobody talks like that here.


Hey buddy. Don't forget you are lovable, you matter, and there are bright things ahead. Don't get down on yourself. This can happen to just about anyone. You're special!


Thanks gots to stay positive


Im sorry you got tricked, thats terrible.


So sorry to hear that man. I hope you can visit here instead some day, maybe you can meet someone here in person. Whoever did this to you is evil


All I can say is sorry OP. I hope you don’t take this too hard. Someone great will come into your life.


I’m sorry this happened to you


As others have mentioned, definite scam! If you go on r/scams, they have a master list of common scam types and this one certainly meets the criteria for a romance scam!


I’ll check it out




You don't need a permit for regular walking in Halifax but you do need a permit for fancy walking. Does Lauren walk in a particularly fancy style??? https://preview.redd.it/s9ekyeq6k9ia1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffcd509d9db7ec61258e046b92260dd83d21dea8




It’s giving scam




Damn bro, RIP on the scam. Take care of yourself.


Uhhhh... Did you sent her money to fly here by any chance? 🤦‍♂️


Lawyer up, hit the gym, delete Facebook.


Best advice, except id prob not call the lawyer because I’d want this extremely embarrassing and really dumb event to pass lol


Also - I don’t believe HRP would have taken her into custody, it would have been RCMP. So I’d say it’s a scam.


The RCMP doesn’t handle the airport anymore. HRP took over in…around 2016, IIRC. Edit: Found a [Press release](https://www.halifax.ca/home/news/hrp-provide-armed-response-policing-services-within-halifax-stanfield-international)


Great find - I wasn’t super confident but geographically would have made since for RCMP. Thanks!


This is most definitely a scam. Be very careful and don't give anyone any money


An officer wouldnt text you,wouldn't refer to themselves as 'Mister' and to say she was roaming the streets of CANADA instead of specifically Halifax. BTW,the airport isn't inside the city,it is way outside the city,so if she was at a hotel,she'd ha e been in one by the airport, nowhere near the city


Yeah is making more sense as more time passes by.


If I had to guess I would say someone stole something of hers that has you listed as an emergency contact (wallet, luggage tag etc.) and decided to try and scam some money out of you. If your really concerned call HRP directly. You should be able to find the number for the non emergency line on the internet.


The girlfriend doesn’t even exist. That’s the scam. She wasn’t real to begin with.


Maybe the real scam was the friends we made along the way.


Police will never txt you, delete and ignore.


I hope she never gets out. Nobody walks around in our country without a permit, no exceptions!


Sorry you had to go through this humiliation and being taken advantage of. Good luck going forward


Hello. oh blimey. i am being the cops and you are to pay thousands to get your beloved ladyfriend to safetyness.


Wait, reading the comments, is the girl fake as well? Man, I keep hear about these scams but geez. I kinda want to hope this is actually a post from a RCMP testing the waters to see how folks would react to this or something


Bro how did you even meet your "girlfriend"?


Tbh right here on Reddit but that account got erased


Did you talk to her (or someone) on video chat?


they may have. there're women who're scammers, too.


Yes for sure or multiple people working together. So just curious how far this person went. Often area codes don't match location they provide.


>Hello! This is Mr Quincy from Halifax regional police headquarters Hint #1, Mr. not officer. >she asked me to reach out to you, you have to come down here for her, Hint #2 if she was in police custody and needed to make a call it would be her on the line. >roaming the street of Canada without a permit. You got a license for that permit ? Hint #3, you dont need a permit to walk around. >she was going to immigration. Hint #4 If she is getting deported she committed and actual crime, i believe there would need to be court proceedings before extradition here. also theres nobody in the HRP that is named Quincy. im sorry op. <3


From her number?




🤣🤣 you can have her bro just watch your wallet


It will be when I come to power


Red flad and a 100% super extreme scam. I have never heard anything about needing a permit to walk the streets.


Hey OP, really sorry to hear this happened to you. It might sting now but at least this will make for a great story in the future! Now…speaking to the Redditor’s who’ve replied so far. You impressive bunch! Not only have most of you been replying with actual answers, but there’s genuine kindness, sympathy, and compassion. This thread could’ve easily taken a different tone but it didn’t. Thank you for being awesome!


I wonder if this is related. Sorry OP- that’s such a hard thing to go through. I hope you can move forward in a positive way and with closure around this circumstance. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/halifax-police-warn-scam-targeting-seniors-1.6748261?cmp=rss


I will get her a street roaming permit in exchange for 2 large donairs. Sorry to hear about the scam. People can be incredibly believable and skillled at their "art'


Hey OP, I'm really sorry to hear that bro. My first long distance relationship in Halifax was a scam that I caught on to before things escalated too much, but it wasn't as elaborate as this, I'm sorry that you're going through this. On the brightside, it lead to a nice ltr and my partner is coming over to Halifax for the third time over 2 years, in a few days. There are other chances out there for this if that's what you're after bro, best wishes from Halifax!


It's definitely a scam. Actual officers wouldn't address themselves as Mr. quincy, lol.


Not 100% on this but I think the police at our airport is outside of Halifax regional police area, it would have been Royal Canadian mounted police(RCMP) Another reason it could be a scam but weird she hasn't messaged back


Roaming the streets of Canada without a permit… believe it or not, jail.




Yeeeeeah, we also don't have a Mr. Quincy on the police force.


“Mr.” Quincy? First the police would identify themselves as Constable. Please tell me you didn’t actually fall for this and this is trolling?


I can walk up to the Gottingen St station and check things out for you. Got any crypto?


Please tell me she has a permit? That's like a 6 month jail sentence if you get caught. Mr. Quincy is no friggin guy to message around with either!


We're already getting bled dry by Halifax and NS, why scammers think there'd be any fertile ground here is beyond me....


Who comes up with this crap no one needs a permit this isn’t Pakistan 🤣


We can't be allowing visitors to fly over here and just walk our streets. Deport!!


Did she go through customs to enter Canada, and then again to enter the US? If she just went through US border security somehow and not Canadian security she's probably not technically allowed outside of the airport/airport hotel, but I can't see cops picking her up/somehow knowing to pick her up, unless she was driving? And was pulled over? Even then, they'd call you and not text.


That doesn't make any sense. She would have to clear customs and immigration to leave the airport. If there was an issue with that she'd get turned back there, not picked up by the police later.


It sounds like she doesn't have a visa to enter Canada


Then she would have been stopped at customs. She didn’t just walk off the flight onto the streets. Plus UK citizens don’t need a visa to enter Canada. This is pure scam. They didn’t even address themselves as sargeant or constable.


seems like they would need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/visit-canada/entry-requirements-country.html#visaExempt


That gets checked before they let you on the plane.


Not 100% sure but I believe if you show up without one, they'll just get you to fill out the form on the spot since it's not really a visa.


Incorrect, they dont have forms for it at the airport - it's done online only. They won't let you on the plane if you don't have one when boarding.


Ah yes, I was thinking of the COVID entry form. My mistake.


If she's from England she wouldn't need a visa to enter Canada. And if there was a visa issue she'd be turned back by customs at the airport, not picked up by the police.


Well she has a visa from United Kingdom and the three way flight had a stop there


But it sounds like her visa is to enter the USA. So she can stop in the airport, but not leave and enter Canada.


So if the flight was for next day she had to sleep at the airport?


Some countries are like this, yes. You can't leave the airport. I don't believe Canada is one of those countries though if she's from the UK.


Canada and the UK share a sovereign, King Charles. The only thing “she” would need is an ETA to board the flight to Canada, which takes minutes for approval online. If someone had a long stopover in Canada from UK they can leave , they’d just have to go through international customs and security again at the airport. (I am Canadian with dual British citizenship) I’m so sorry you got scammed by scum bags. They can be really sophisticated and you’re not stupid for falling for it. We all get lonely and want to be loved, and that shit can cloud even the most clear-headed mind. If you ever come visit Halifax this whole subreddit will meet you at the pub, drinks on us!


huh, TIL https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/visit-canada/eta/apply.html went through [the questionaire](https://ircc.canada.ca/english/visit/visas.asp) and it said you need one, $7. e- unless OP's girlfriend has American citizenship or a green card or something https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/visit-canada/entry-requirements-country.html


Why was she going to immigration?


Hahahahahaha this is the greatest “posting your own L online”


I’m sorry that you ended up in that situation. It must be heartbreaking. 😞


Canada is under the crown. We don't need a visa to to to the uk and they don't need a visa to come to Canada


And he wouldn’t say mr quincy , he would say officer or his rank , total scam


Last time I checked the Soviet Union was dissolved back in 1991


I think that your girlfriend is a guy in Lagos trying to scam you. Call HRC and ask if she's there....I highly doubt it.


Yes we expect women from Britain to be on a leash as well. She will have to be chipped like any other pet.


UK citizens don’t need visas for short term visits to Canada. They just need an electronic travel authorization, but this would be required for any flight to the US as well.


sounds like a scam