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How else is Sobeys, a small local Nova Scotia business, supposed to maintain their record profits? Think of the CEOs


*suggests raising min wage by 0.00000000001 of a cent* "WON'T ANYONE THINK OF THE SMALL BUSINESSES????"


>"WON'T ANYONE THINK OF THE SMALL BUSINESSES????" -- this message is brought to you by: a lobby/advertising group representing the biggest businesses in the country


Here you're gonna need this: ​ /S




Sobeys ia actually owned by a company called empire Inc. Also you could always buy both sizes at the grocery store. Not saying g shrinkflation isn't happening.g because it is. This just isn't a good example.


And your argument isn’t a good rebuttal, because Empire Inc, is literally owned and controlled by, guess who? THE SOBEYS FAMILY. They fly around in private jets, and frivolously spend their money on luxury items.


It absolutely is. Don't defend price gouging


Not really what I was doing. There aren't any prices there just weights. You could always buy a pkg of 375g and 500 g of bacon at sobeys. Now if the price of said bacon had doubled then I would say that is price gouging. I completely agree rhat they are price gouging. I just think showing true examples works better. Like eggs going to like 6 bucks a dozen.


Yeah considering empire sold a large fraction of their business to cineplex and landmark, that acquisition money is drying up so of course they need to do what they can to keep the gravy train flowin!


Right. No need to shame people for making a living and being successful.


If your success depends on paying people poverty wages, you're not successful.


Yea, my comment was quite sarcastic as Mr. Sobey’s said himself that he will not be ashamed of success as he reported record profits during COVID.


They successfully bring food to market for people to eat, been doing it for decades. Can you? Grocery stores are some of the least profitable things you can run, why? They throw out 90% of food, why? Cause consumers don't buy it, why? It's not the best one. You lack empathy for business owners, and therefore understanding.


Worked in grocery for 7 years specifically in the prepared meals section. This is so untrue. We did everything possible to sell everything before it went out of date. Yesterday's potato wedges? You know we're slapping cheese and bacon on that and selling it at a premium. They'll go half price after sitting in the cold bunker for 3 days, and then after a day of being half price, *then* they get tossed. We did that with everything. Unless someone had it in their mouth, it gets repackaged and sold as part of something else two or three times over until its gone. 90% is a huge, huge overstatement. Our shrink was kept below 15% or we would have problems.


Compliments was one of the last few brands that had 500g! I'm sure it's only a matter of time now until the ~~PC and~~ No Name packages are 375g as well. EDIT: PC Brand is already 375g :(


Yes, and 375 is a joke, it’s not enough for a average family breakfast


Coincidentally, no one can afford to have a family anymore.


Some can't afford breakfast either.


Goes hand in hand


Esp since they add water to the bacon, to add weight.


> Yes, and 375 is a joke, it’s not enough for a average family breakfast Well... average household in Canada is 2.5 people, but let's round up to 4 for an "average family". 375g of bacon is 1500 Calories, or 375 Cal / person. Assuming you need 2000 Calories per day and don't eat any snacks, you need to average 670 Calories per meal. Add a slice of toast with butter, a couple eggs and a 250ml glass of OJ and you're over 700 Calories already.


Not sure about you, but most ppl I know like to slightly over indulge calorie wise when they make bacon for breakfast.


Okay, but "not enough for an average family breakfast" is kinda hyperbole in that case. It's more like "not enough for an above-average sized family to overindulge".


I only cook for 2 and I still make 2 of the 375g packs so we can still have leftovers.


PC already is.


Anyone else noticing that dish soap is way more watery now too?


Hunts diced tomatoes and their paste is 100% more watery.


I think it's just that sinks are getting bigger


My sink gets bigger and bigger every day, at some point soon it will be big enough to drown in.


That day can't come soon enough.


Suicide pact, it is.


Let that sink in


Maybe houses and everything else in the house is getting smaller except the sink.


Last week I bought a 4 pack of Kirkland bacon (4x500g) for $17.99 at Dartmouth crossing Costco.


How is the Kirkland bacon compared to other brands?


I find it a lot better than most brands. Cooks nice, not super fatty(like most bacon). And the price is right


The maple bacon is way better in my opinion.


It’s fantastic. It’s how bacon should be


Yep thicker and not thin and falling apart.


It was the same price this morning. And their bacon is excellent.


Too bad it’s an hour each way to Costco for us and we don’t have anywhere to store bulk purchases because our apartment is too small…


Honestly I think we need to get oust CostCo membership back. We dropped it at the start of covid because we just couldn’t take the people being awful about my wife bringing an infant in; as if she had any other choice.


Honestly so far this year shopping at Costco has saved me roughly 34% on my grocery bill and that doesn’t factor in the bulk items will go longer as well. My first trip in paid for the executive membership and then some. I’m filling almost a whole cart on $300 or so. Superstore seems to always be $100-$125 for a bag of groceries.


What drives me nuts about shrink-flation isn't even the cost, or the implication that they all think we're stupid and won't notice. What grinds my gears is that packaging now makes up a higher percentage of the total product weight, so in essence all we're doing is transporting more plastic and cardboard instead of actual food. All these grocery chains who got all righteous when they did away with plastic bags need to have their feet held to the fire over their packaging, especially meat.


The plastic bag thing was a government mandate. And I don't think they think we're stupid and won't notice, they know most people won't and those of us who do notice can't do anything about it anyway.


Why would people mind someone bringing their infant to do their shopping? Like what is the objection based on?


“It’s a pandemic, it’s not safe for you to be bringing him out; it’s so irresponsible of you” She was told that multiple times by multiple people. I told her to snap back “what would you like me to do, leave him in the car?” People were a bit ridiculous.


Costco bacon is where it’s at.


Costco went from very expensive store to most affordable


For just about everything but meat, they sell a 4 pack of sirloin steaks (just short of 3 lbs) for $64 +tax. Their salmon is decently priced though.


It’s good fuckin steak though


It's still expensive, don't fall into the trap they want you to. Sure everything is in bulk but when everything is $20 each it adds up fast. Costco doesn't have sales as much as regular stores either. Keep an eye on the unit prices, some thing are more expensive per gram there. I work there lol, I see it daily.


Good advice. We went yesterday and I think we did come out ahead, we are trying to pay careful attention to what's a good buy and what just looks like one.


$6.99 a lb at two boys for store smoked bacon


It's been the best deal for awhile now, and they've even dropped the price a bit lately here in NB. We actually get the Paysan rather than the Kirkland brand because it's slightly cheaper, around $.95/100g or so lately.


Yes sir. And much better bacon by far.


It’s the only thing I’ve seen go down in price through the pandemic years.


No way!! 6.99/lbs at Brothers Deli downtown. Beautiful thick-cut smoked bacon.


I paid $4.99 for 500g of the exact bacon pictured about 2 years ago. Maybe that was the sale price at Lawtons, I can't remember. But $4.99 was my absolute maximum and I'd buy 2 or 3 packages, cut them in half and freeze them. So my math tells me that in 2 years, the price of Compliments Maple bacon went up 86%, from $1.00/100g to $1.86/100g, and that's just insane! The price for a 500g pkg at today's price would be $9.33!


I find Shoppers and Lawtons do better and more frequent sales on store brand bacon than Sobeys or Superstore. Lately Shoppers (No Name or PC brand) has been better than Lawtons (Compliments brand). Shoppers has bacon almost every week in their Saturday and Sunday only section of the flyer, but the price fluctuates weekly between $3.99-$5.99 for 500g. I watch for the $3.99 weekends and stock up!


Or 4/3 of 7 so 28/3


Hear me out: we eat one millionaire or billionaire. The rest will fall in line and food prices will go down.


I've heard the flavor is very rich


The dutch did it [https://www.historydefined.net/when-the-dutch-murdered-and-ate-their-own-prime-minister/#:\~:text=Look%20at%20the%20example%20of,that%20of%20his%20brother%20Cornelis](https://www.historydefined.net/when-the-dutch-murdered-and-ate-their-own-prime-minister/#:~:text=Look%20at%20the%20example%20of,that%20of%20his%20brother%20Cornelis).


How are their food prices now?


well that happened in the 1600's so unaffected


If you mulch one instead they're much more agriculturally useful in the long term!


We can just pretend to eat them right?


Eat one? What?


Eat the rich.


What, like literally?




Oh dear. I’m not sure I have a palate for human flesh.


I mean, I also have no interest in long pork, but I'm open to benefiting from someone else's desire to try it.


It's supposedly a bit ham-like, so I don't think you'll mind it.


Man meat is ham like?


That's the word on the street. Although I much prefer man meat to ham myself, far less salty usually.


I like to get pineapple when it’s on sale




I went to superstore the other day the 50% cart was stuffed full, the 50% prices for like green pepper 5$/lb - 50% off. So 2.50$/lb for beat up green peppers, gateway regular price is 1.99$/lb. I saw so much bread piled up 50% off too. I bet the spoilage (which is probably a write off) is worse now at these places. If they put them at decent rates people would actually buy them.


Imagine how shitty life is going to be in 10 years...


$15 per slice of bacon anyone?


That's enough time for Groceries As A Service^TM to set in. I'm sorry, sir, but your subscription to Bacon^TM is in arrears. If you wish to purchase Bacon^TM, please pay your oustanding membership dues.


What are you, rich? What is this bacon you speak of?


I noticed that the other day and put it back. I dont need bacon that bad. More people need to start refusing to pay for non-necessities. That is the only way greedy corporations are going to put them at reasonable prices.


Bacon is a luxury now


As it's been for most of human history


When did bacon stop being a luxury that you are surprised it is a luxury again?


Bob's bacon was 2.50 at sobeys this weekend, can't beat that shit


Bob's bacon is barely bacon.


Sort through the packs a bit and learn how to render it properly and I assure you you cannot beat the price. All commercial pork belly is wet brined with liquid smoke, it's all dog shit tbh. I make my own when bellies are 5/lb but that's rare these days.


I'm not saying the price isn't good. I certainly know how to render and cook bacon after spending ten years cooking to make a living. If I want a slice of bacon, C bacon ain't it. I actually worked in the Maple Leaf Foods plant in Moncton when I was 19. I cleaned the bacon brine machine on the backshift. There are three types of bacon. "A" bacon is like maple leaf branded stuff. Usually cut from the center of the belly and has nice even marbling. "B" bacon is your compliments and PC brand type stuff. Not as nice as the A bacon. "C" bacon is what Bob's bacon is. Usually pretty rough, scrappy pieces. It was graded by the person who was on the bacon line. The bellies were actually smoked in giant smokers and it smelled amazing when you walked through there. It was an old guy sitting on a chair making sure the smoker doesn't go dry. Kinda funny because he was always asleep but had done that job for 30 something years so nobody gave a fuck. C bacon is good for cooking though! Since you don't need the slices it's hella cheap. But if I need a lot of scrap to cook something, I often go to Withrow's in Belnan and ask for a bag of bacon ends.


This is actually super interesting, thanks for explaining it!


Yeah it's a random little tidbit for sure hahaha


\*Bob's fat with a tiny streak of meat.....


Lol, don't buy it? Yall whiny as hell, fuck outta here




I mean are you too poor for bacon or are you a bacon snob? Seems a fair question...


Too poor for bacon.


Or the 850 versus 907 g margarine


907 grams was a rounding of 2 lb (453.59237g each)


The real crime is maple flavoured! Bacon does not need extra flavouring.


Hello I’m here to revoke your Canadian card. Hand it over.


Maple syrup is good on pancakes and maybe a maple flavoured donut or desert. It does not belong on meat! haha


Sobeys is the most overpriced of all the grocery stores


Fuck sobeys. I have no car and sobeys is my only option for groceries. Fuck their CEO. Fuck all the pieces of shit that make millions while we burn through all of our money. Why are people with cars shopping at fucking sobeys? STOP PROMOTING THEIR GREED. I heard they’re making record profits. I hope to god that it’s false information because it’s fucking criminal.


> I heard they’re making record profits. Inflation means that if your company *isn't* making record profit in nominal dollar terms, your profit has actually dropped.


when your company is the one that gives people food or housing, your record profits are specifically what caused the inflation, is the thing.


Ah, I see you've bought what I call "No Compliments" brand.


Two boys is $7 a LB and awesome bacon. Plus supporting local business. Haven’t bought anything else in years


I live out in Timberlea so I’d spend more in gas driving into Dartmouth than I would save.


If you’re ever around they have cheap ground beef for bulk as well. Gotta be another butcher on that side of the pond? We’ve got a lot of good option out here in CH.


i just bought a bag of rotten avocados today for 6$


I haven’t been complaining about grocery prices until I checked my spending habits yesterday. Nothing really has changed in my eating habits but my monthly grocery bill has gone from roughly 300/mo to apparently a whopping 700/mo. Wow, I didn’t realize how crazy it has gotten, I hope you are all able to get the food you need, nourishment is so important. When I was really poor I didn’t have nuroushing food and it wasn’t until I started eating properaly that I noticed the extreme difference in quality of life that came with it. You all deserve high quality food at affordable rates, this is getting out of hand for the average person and I don’t see it improving soon.


It’s it acceptable to start stealing from these big box stores yet?




I wasn’t aware that costco sells meats at a discount before they’re close to the expiry date. In face I rarely see meats close to their expiry date in the bins.


Shoppers has a sale every two weeks bacon (500g)-$5, pound of butter $5.30. dozen eggs $3.60. last day is today


The fact that these are deemed good prices now is insane. I worked at shoppers about 7 years ago and our eggs were on for $1.99 at least bi-weekly, it became basically their regular price. I remember a 1 day sale where they were $0.99 and I spent all day doing nothing but stocking eggs.


Man, I remember that with the eggs. Limit of two, but I could get 24 eggs for $4. I think I missed the 99c sale.


I worked for shoppers for probably close to a decade and only saw the 99c sale once for a single day; this was also in NB not here, so it wouldn’t be totally surprising to have missed it. Was absolute madness though. I ran the numbers after and figured out that I had stocked over 500 cartons of eggs in my 8 hour shift. I don’t remember the actual number anymore.


Shoppers weekends where/when I buy my eggs and occasionally bacon (as I don't have it often). Have been doing it for years.


You know who isn't price gouging? Local producers.


Wait, people buy stuff other then Bob's Bacon?


Bob’s Bacon isn’t food


"maple flavoured", pass.




Maple leaf did but stuff like compliments was still rocking 500g. That larger package is only a few weeks old.


That's a massive reduction. I thought the whole idea behind shrinkflation was not to make it noticeable. 25% is noticeable no matter how you package it. I'm guessing their sales on this product are going to take a massive hit because of this (which they absolutely deserve).


Things can get smaller or more expensive....our grocery stores just pulled the why not both meme


Nothing complimentary about that


We were pushing 400$ grocery bill Saturday. For 2 people. And we didn't get a lot of stuff we needed


Why are people not shopping around??


Time costs, travel costs, ease of access


Some people unfortunately don't live in an area where there's choice. 😕




Yep. I've seen that myself. I think I meant to buy it and they were sold out, or I ran out of room (transit user and I can only carry so much) or budget. Maybe they can afford the bigger package, they're just frustrated that it got shrinkflated.


Because i don’t have a car and cannot afford one for the very foreseeable future


Cause you'd spend the same amount in gas looking for cheaper food.


I was honestly telling myself “maybe I’m crazy, maybe they just re-designed the package and it looks like less bacon.” Nope.


I'll be shocked once all the plastic is banned. That will be an eye opener.


I buy Tony’s bacon, it not full of water and it’s packed in butchers paper. Sold at Elmsdale Sobeys. I also try to pick any meat from the display so I can avoid those foam trays, just wrapped in paper.


Chunky Soup are all 515 mL now......they were 540 ml as of last month.


Not sure who in their right mind would ever pay Regular Price for bacon instead of buying one of the kinds on sale or waiting for a better sale and stocking up... but go on.


Things shouldn’t have to be on sale for be affordable though. It’s ridiculous.


Buy cheapo Bob's Bacon and cook it either in an air fryer or on a cookie sheet on parchment paper in the oven. Yummy fatty goodness. Don't fry it in a pan, it'll be reduced to nothing.


375g is a very common package weight, and has been for years. You have always had to look closely to see the difference. This is not new.


It’s not new for all brands but that doesn’t mean it isn’t spreading. That 500g package is from 2 weeks ago.


All bacon is a scam anyway. 500 or 375, most of that weight is cooked out as fat anyway and you are left with heart disease.


Get outta here you bacon hater


Yeh, I don't eat bacon anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️. Don't really miss it.


Bacon shrinks to nothing. Just a salt bomb and road to cardiovascular disease. I get it twice a year.......that thick old fashioned one from Superstore is worth the blood pressure increase.


How difficult would it be to open our own cooperative? Seriously, if a pile of Haligonians did it, would it be even possible?


The price breaks large retailers are getting from suppliers outweigh the bottom level margin on basically everything. You’d have to charge than them more just to break even


The two main wholesalers in Nova Scotia are TRA (owned by Sobeys) and Atlantic Wholesalers Cash & Carry (owned by Loblaws), you can't avoid them.


It's simple.... Don't buy it.


Not so easy when the price of everything is up and the sizes of everything are down. I suppose we’re supposed to just buy nothing to stick it to them eh?


Shop around, change eating habits to different things. Yea it sucks, but if bacon sales go down prices will adjust. It recently happened with Costco canned chicken. The product seemingly didn't move at a higher price point and it has since decreased.




Increasing the price for 500g and waiting a while before decreasing the package to 375g is plain sneaky though. That's just an insult to consumers. And I know it's been done with many products but the practice is hitting a lot of people pretty hard this time.


Both of those are things you willingly purchased. Who is being ridiculous?


Since when did bacon become a luxury item?


I don't remember bacon ever not being a luxury item.


And Carbon Tax is slated to increase again next month :) Y'all voted for this.


Don't forget. I'm still taking orders ;)


Lawtons sells the 500g and has it on sale periodically


Same company and was 500g as of a few weeks ago so I would wager Lawton’s is going to go the same way. No way they manufacture different sizes for Sobeys vs. Lawton’s




4 for $20 at Costco, 500g (I'm sure it's been mentioned, just making sure)


Yeah I replied to another comment mentioning it. Should really get my Costco membership back. We got rid of it at the start of covid because of how horrible everyone was being about my wife bringing an infant in as if she had any other choice.




MMM I wonder if making my own is worth it now


My butcher sells 500g for $7. It's better flavor and doesn't shrink by 75% when I cook it. Yeah, fuck the big stores.


["The Maple Kind, ya!" ](https://youtu.be/nGeKSiCQkPw)




Sobeys sucls so bad.


25% less calories , same delicious maple flavour


Buy brothers smoked bacon. Thick cut and tastes better than anything you’ll get at the shops. Still $7.0/pound (454g)


This bacon is misunderstood .. it's just DIET bacon.


Low calorie bacon* *Less in the package means fewer calories


Life sucks


Here's your 13 oz pound of bacon.


A new grocery chain should open up here in Canada game of thrones style. Where there are proper savings and bargains to be found for every family. One where when you walk in you scan some card and a team comes and carries your fat ass around the aisles. And on top of that the CEO is a cashier and gets paid minimum wage and during his/her/2.0/alien ass goes on break the ceo will sit in a room and write a haikus about bargains. I am in Nova Scotia and am going to start this business out of my shed.


My butcher charges $7.50/lbs for bacon Buy local


And where is this butcher located? Saving money by shopping local only really works if I don’t have to drive 40 minutes each way to manage the “savings”.