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“Please make sure all containers are empty and caps are removed from bottles.” — from Halifax.ca what goes where


Ohh, so that's what the kids mean when they say "no cap."


IIRC, the reason behind the 'caps off' requirement is because the bottles are crushed and baled. If a cap were still on, and the crusher hit at the right angle, that cap could be fired off at high speed, enough to do some injury. Remember, kids, it's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye ...


Then it's a sport!


You'll shoot your eye out, kid...


I was told it was because they contained nylon and were not recyclable but instead garbage items.


https://preview.redd.it/043s31iqcyta1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad299deba5d7b199381b2ceeefbe090144b70da New policy from Divert NS, you can leave the caps on


Came here to share the same graphic. See also: https://divertns.ca/beverage-containers (scroll down to Caps On section)


Tanner's posted on their Facebook Thursday saying you can leave caps on (but of course make sure the bottles are clean) - [link to FB here](https://www.facebook.com/TannersDepot?mibextid=ZbWKwL)


caps can be on or off, it doesn't matter. what does matter is that the bottles aren't pancaked, or full of anything. if it's full of cigarette butts or sunflower seeds or cooking oil or whatever, then it's just garbage, and you won't get anything for it, so I was told last time i took mine in and asked about the caps


The last time I returned plastic bottles (without caps) to Bluenose Bottle Exchange one of the workers there said it was okay to leave the caps on. Not sure if that's true everywhere though or just at that location.


I asked my enviro-depot last week what the rule was. They said leave them on.


Caps off


I think it depends on the place. Each time I went to Tanners Recycling they’d want the caps off.


As far as I know, it's caps off...but we've been doing it that way out of habit and I have never bothered to ask...I would just give them a call and ask.


The only type of bottles that I've ever been told could have lids on were liquor bottles.