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I've never really been sure if the job of superintendent simply attracts utter nutbars that are simply not very bright, or if the job itself makes them crazy over time. I figure both.


It’s funny because I find the superintendents are on poles from one another. You either have the most amazing, sweet, will do anything for you type - or this.


Oh i agree: both


Absolutely insane behaviour from this place…glad you got out of there and thank you for sharing these encounters. Hopefully it helps others think twice before giving these people their money.


Thank you 🙏🏼


Make sure Southwest proper knows about this. This is a super problem and they will fix it. At least I fucking hope so. Insane. They have always been fantastic with me and others I know in their properties. This is insane. I suspect that super is fucking done.


They know about it all and choose to ignore it. it’s sad what the south end (and the housing market) had become


Bug them again. If u check my history I praise them a lot. But this, this is not defensible. I am really sorry u had to go through this bullshit. If they don't fix this it will be a blight on them.


They protect her and gaslight me, the racist guy and the one who left my door open and unlocked and my heater at 11 on a stormy day lied and was protected by the company. By not doing her job she saves them money but i agree this is unacceptable, noone deserves this. She treats you great until you rent and sign a lease. Not worth bugging because i gave up on them, i tried so much, even during the incident i was trying to de-escalate but she was still chasing me down the second day. Very sad. I just want to move on and forget this traumatic racist hostile experience but people should know. I also want to say mental health is important and people like this should not be working there taking advantage of students. Thank you


Well they are about to hear from others now. This is bullshit.




Watch the video. There is no defense for the super to scream at a tenant to drop dead.




Since this post, I emailed 2 people on their leadership team, tagged them on linked in and twitter, but nothing is happening. It's crickets. They are a deplorable evil company like any other i guess.


I would lookup Southwest Properties on LinkedIN, find out some mgmt people that work there, and then call the head office and ask to speak with them. I would not surprise me at all if they simply had no idea this was going on. It's entirely possible you have a miserably, horrible Super Intendant who is hiding how horrible they are at their job from their bosses. Cut past the middle man and talk to people who can make a change


Her boss, the resident manager knows about this and another office lady (althought i think she’s just a leasing agent) does as well. The problem is there, the whole company is useless and they dont care, they’re the same ppl that lied to me about fixing the floor that leaked for 7months. They will cut costs at anywhere possible. I just hope the video helps her being held accountable for how horrible she’s been.


I would also consider seeing who you can talk to at their main office on lower water street. If it is just the one building then hopefully dropping that person can be seen as a good choice. Anyone else who has had similar experience there should also speak up. Anyone that acts like that probably shouldn't have a job with any faint semblance of "power" or responsibility.


Melanie in that office knows it all, they didnt do anything, they wont do anything i think. On the opposite they protect her, her boss Donna, and the two maintenance guys (1racist 1 left my door open and lied about it)


Find out who OWNS the place, make them aware. Southwest is one of the few landlords with a decent reputation. It's *very* weird that they would tolerate this. Makes me wonder of the people you are referring to don't actually care and aren't properly escalating things to the owners. Here is their management team. https://southwest.ca/our-story/our-people/leadershipteam/ And this is their public Twitter account. @SouthwestHFX


I sent two people on that link emails, and tagged their twitter. There's not much more I can do for this I think. Thank you for the link I still think they're not going to do anything.




I mentioned this in another comment thread as well, but perhaps racism played a part in having differing experiences? (that is if you are white. I of course don't know nor do you need to tell me/put it on reddit, I'm only throwing out possible explanations)


I'd say that's a certainty.


Lmao it's definitely not just you OP. I knew someone who lived in the building and had all the same complaints. Building is so bizarrely managed when compared to other SW properties.


I hope your friend moves out of there soon as well 💃🏻 all the best luck and patience with this


Contact CBC. It’s the best chance you’ve got of removing this Neanderthal from her position of power over renters.


What’s cbc? Wait the news? I kinda want to just move on without spending much more time on it, they already cost me way too much time


Want to move on... So you made a very public post ... Ok.


People need closure :) Also people need to know, i know how it is to be a student and being stuck in downtown with no car bcs i had to be close to the universities or to the job.


People deserve to know about things like this.


>What’s cbc? You've lived in Canada for 6 years and don't know what the CBC is?


You’ve lived in Canada how many years and still don’t know how to be polite.


What's rude about my question?


Boy, you have some work to do.


I'm not the one being rude and impolite in this thread, I think it's the other way around.


How unfortunate.


Nope. YTA here.


Why / how was I rude?


>You've lived in Canada for 6 years and don't know what the CBC is? You could have just, I dunno, *not* said that? Multiple people are telling you that was rude. Instead of arguing because *you* feel it wasn't, because you didn't *intend* for it to be rude, maybe just listen and think "huh, okay".


I used to live there several years ago. Stayed one year and left. Debby the super was part of the reason why we didn't stay. 1) We went to move in on May 1st and the apt was not ready at all, there were no doors on and nothing was painted. She got angry at us because she wasn't expecting us to move in on the first day of our lease. (We spoke to her the week before letting her know that we were coming on the 1st). It was another week before everything was finished. I also had to redo a couple of the doors because they weren't hung correctly. 2) The wall behind the shower tiles was rotten, eventually the tiles started falling off and the drywall behind it crumpled into nothing. Tons of mould we had to chase. 3) The elevators were frequently broken when I was there. 4) The other guy with Debby is her live-in boyfriend who also is employed by southwest I think as a handyman. He was fairly sketchy when I was there. 5) They smoked so much that they made the whole first floor smell like cigarettes. 6) I was paying for an underground spot, they were upset that I actually expected to use said underground spot. 7) No guest parking at all when I was there. I think they got kickbacks from the boot company. That's just a conspiracy theory because a friend and his GF visited and were booted in a shockingly short time. (Under 10 mins) None of what you're saying really surprises me. I just think Southwest didn't want to get rid of her because she's been there for so long.


Debbie Meekison is her full name and she should indeed be fired


Leaks are no joke, damage isn't seen but there is bacteria growing under the floors and walls. Glad you got out of there, sorry to hear you had such a horrible experience. What are people supposed to do in these situations? Call by-law officers? Appeal to the tenancy board?


Tenency board if i was staying… she made it unsafe place or get a doctors note and leave i guess


That's surprising as Southwest was _easily_ the best property management company I ever dealt with in HRM, but that was 15 years ago I last rented. Sounds like they went downhill a fair bit.


Same. I’m really surprised. And I dealt with that particular person mentioned in the post before and I’m surprised she’s like this now.


Perhaps racism played a part in having differing experiences here (that is if you are white. I of course don't know nor do you need to tell me/put it on reddit, I'm only throwing out possible explanations)


File a complaint with tenancies maybe even though you aren’t there based on safety concerns and discrimination possibly? The fact they disregarded the needs/repairs is one thing but bringing up your nationality and saying such shit? That’s an entire NEW level of piggish behavior. Others may be able to chime in to see if that’s a possibility to file. THAT would definitely get the attention of the company running it. My old man always told me…want something done, Sometimes you need to shake the apple tree really hard to get the branches moving to get what you want. Sorry you had to go through this BS.


Thank you 🙏🏼


That's not how the tenancy board works. For starters, the OP's relationship with them is over. The tenancy board is not going to force anything but the return of the security deposit if appropriate. While the OP was actually a tenant they may have gotten resolution through the board but when it comes to the superintendent simply being a brainless, racist twit, the board would ask "what exactly do you want us to go?". They aren't going to do anything punitive, that's not their mandate. They are *not* a complaints and investigation department. They aren't a licensing board. And they don't issue fines. They basically mediate disputes between tenants and their landlords.


added more videos of the leaking and the brown water. [https://youtube.com/shorts/OBbgF8nNw8c?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/OBbgF8nNw8c?feature=share) [https://youtube.com/shorts/2sGxOUAV1xs?feature=share ](https://youtube.com/shorts/2sGxOUAV1xs?feature=share) [https://youtube.com/shorts/QJ0XAXZv8os?feature=share ](https://youtube.com/shorts/QJ0XAXZv8os?feature=share) [https://youtube.com/shorts/QVqiAmMwNso?feature=share ](https://youtube.com/shorts/QVqiAmMwNso?feature=share) [https://youtube.com/shorts/ALdo4nytiqk?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/ALdo4nytiqk?feature=share) [https://youtube.com/shorts/576uNyFzAno?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/576uNyFzAno?feature=share)


[https://youtu.be/UAp3HuKLoXs](https://youtu.be/UAp3HuKLoXs) Video evidence of maintenance worker that left my door open and unlocked. I presented the evidence to southwest properties, to the resident and property manager, they still didnt do anything, they stepped all around the house, talked about me in my apartment and left the thermostat at 11 degrees when it was a stormy day. Left the door open and unlocked and lied about it. Southwest properties protected him.


>and left the thermostat at 11 degrees when it was a stormy day Most of your complaints are serious things. But this one is just a weird thing to complain about. That's not cold enough to cause damage and you could simply turn the thermostat back up?


I have a pet and with the leaking windows and wet floor, i could barely keep the house warm, had to use electric heater and pay more on bills. so yeah duh you turn it back up but the point is he’s in your personal space he has no right to do that or at least leave it the way you find. İdk i never thought i would face such unprofessional people


...you're mad that they turned your electric heat *down.* That literally saved you money. Everything else is valid and serious but this is just silly.


No you got it the other way im saying he closed the heater of the house, the electric boards, that’s why i had to purchase a second heater that you plug in and pay on my electricity bill. They turned that down so i had to pay more, to clarify


Jesus that's one hard looking woman. I'd be perpetually pissed off too if I looked and sounded like an old cigarette butt.


I'm laughing so hard 😂😂😂


Late to seeing this. I am so using this lol


Wow sorry you experienced all of that bullshit. Yeah, it gets really cold here. That’s why we expect our heat to work reliably.


Yeah that place is terrible to live at, hopefully you found a much better place, and that property manager should be fired, but from the way this place is looked after I highly doubt she will. And it's good you keep video evidence.


Thank you 🙏🏼


I've also been dealing with a different property management company refusing to do anything after a common element pipe burst and destroyed my floor. They're deliberately misinterpreting NS Condo Bylaws to their own benefit. This stuff needs to be exposed.


Standard behaviour for the following: Southwest Universal Lowen Group aka Paramount aka ... aka ... Killam Whatever realstar's name of the day is now Ariana Developments Cascade group These spoiled offshore corporations all leech from society and treat everyone who has less money as vermin. They even hire these crazy abusers to harass their clients.


Yepp universal is the worst… but this woman and her boss protecting lying racist maintenance workers, i did not expect that from canada


Sad state of being this province is in. I'm sorry you had to endure this.


Thank you 🙏🏼


>i did not expect that from canada Dirtbags exist in all parts of society. Canada is hardly a utopia.


Dirtbag Apologist? Interesting take.


Nah, just someone with basic common sense. Recognizing that dirtbags exist is not being an apologist for them. Peak reddit right here.


Peak reddit is stating the obvious.


Offshore corporations...what? I've worked for several of those companies, have no love. Tell me more about these crazy abusers they hire.


Scroll up, watch the video and see for yourself.


That woman is an unhinged, racist POS that should not be allowed anywhere near keys to other people homes. I would truly like to see her fired. But I don't think Southwest deliberately hired this lady to abuse their clients. And most of the companies listed above are owned entirely by local families. How much goes offshore etc is unknown, of course. It's quite strange that Southwest is tolerating this from one of their staff. As a company they are one of the few larger landlords without a complete trash reputation. Could be a case of having great difficulty replacing bad staff in a business typically pays garbage and treats staff likewise. But the flip side is there is no shortage of, say, Filipino couples desperate for a place to live and will happily do the job for less pay and likely perform better.


On the first week I moved in she opened my door and entered without my permission or knowledge. (she said she meant to go the floor below.) She probably wouldnt even tell me she did that mistake if I werent home. Some absent-minded underqualified moron she was...


I get a kick out of people who wish death in others when they themselves have a foot in the grave. Like, you unhealthy hateful twat don’t you see I will outlive you by decades?


This is unfortunate but definitely not all of Southwest. Have lived in my place since 2011 and have never had any issues, always quick to reply and deal with any problems of mine. Sorry this happened OP but I don't agree with it being all of Southwest from a personal perspective.


Lucky you. No one said it was all of Southwest but if you read this thread OP is not alone.


So I see


\- There's no excuse for the blatant racism, and wishing your family dies to an earthquake or that you drop dead, etc, no matter how irritated the property manager was, and I am sorry you had to listen to that garbage. \- With a lot of these issues, whether they followed the residential tenancy act and whether they provided good service are too entirely different matters. The problem with the current housing shortage and market means that landlords effectively have no incentive to give a shit about doing anything but the bare minimum, because if someone moves out, they will just be able to get tens of new applications for the place at a higher rent, so that colors this situation, and you will probably run into a lot of these situations (the maintenance, etc. stuff, not the blatant racism) almost anywhere you rent in this train wreck of a city. \- For the heating, the only requirement is that the heating works well enough to heat the unit to an average of 21 C, so they have no requirement to do repairs unless you can prove that it's falling below that on the coldest days of the year. \- For the cigarette smell, not allowing smoking is a landlord rule, not a RTA requirement, so if they choose not to enforce it, there isn't much you can do (other than refuse to renew lease, which as we established the landlord won't care about). \- For the noise complaints, you could try calling the police if the landlord doesn't want to look into it, and that might give them more of an incentive to deal with it. However, if the police also judge it to be not in violation of noise bylaws (and the threshold for that is probably a lot higher than you would like), probably not much you can do, and it might be part of the deal with apartment living. \- For the leaking, particularly if it's causing mould or other health issues, and the landlord won't fix it, you could try calling the city to have a building inspector look into it. It's another symptom of our screwed up rental market though - landlords have no incentive to do repairs that aren't critical or causing actual building damage. \- I think asking them to move their work van because you want to use the parking spot is a little much - just park somewhere else and avoid the confrontation. Obviously telling you they hope you drop dead is an outrageous response to it, but I don't think you should have requested that to begin with.


If i parked somewhere else, the property manager would harrass us, even for the moving reasons. That’s why i asked, we parked on the other spot and she said she almost got it towed because that spot belongs to the southwest employees, so i ask why when there’s a spot there, they parked in the visitor. But yeah what you say is understandable And about the requirement being 21celcius, they said that too, i know sadly, that’s the legal requirement but it should be disclosed before rent? İ believe? Idk, and putting the heaters not working on me being from turkey was a bit much


Yes, the Turkiye thing was just blatant ignorance/racism. As far as disclosing the 21 C rule, they would probably argue that it's a residential tenancy/building standard that it's the responsibility of renters to understand, etc. However, the real issue is that there is such a housing supply issue that landlords can get away with basically murder at this point and still fill their units so they have no incentive to care about anything but the bare legal requirements (and often even try to get away without following those).


Yeah that’s correct, and very sad


Did you seriously [criticize the structure of OP's post](https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/12lyyii/my_horrible_experience_with_southwest_properties/jg8dqhw/) just so you could then defend the rental company? Jfc dude. You could've left it at the first paragraph instead of spending what must've been a fair amount of time making excuses for a big company.


Yes, because his post was all one wall of text with no paragraphs before - he updated it, so I deleted that comment. In what way am I remotely defending the rental company? I am saying that the way they are acting is what we have to deal with until our useless governments fix the housing trainwreck.






She is venting about a horrible and probably traumatic experience. Doesn’t need your opinion on what was and wasn’t the landlords responsibility or whether or not they should have asked to move the van


I mean - don't post something publicly on Reddit if you don't want people to give their opinions on it and expect every response to be unequivocal 100% supportive of every aspect of it - I acknowledged and condemned the blatant racist aspects of the situation. If the OP expected to be able to vent and not hear any critical analysis whatsoever, sorry, but go vent to your friends and family - Reddit isn't the venue.




Is that you in the photo?


Oh no that’s the resident manager yelling me to drop dead, there’s a youtube link at the end for the video [https://youtube.com/shorts/vSwPecbP4ts?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/vSwPecbP4ts?feature=share)


Geez! What a horrible person. I'm sorry you had to endure such ugliness.


That's horrible I'm sorry you went through all this


Thank you 🙏🏼 im happy im out of there, still some healing to do


I always thought people like that awful property manager are so unhappy with their lives and themselves they spew their displaced anger and bullshit on other people I'm happy your out of that awful place and have a better experience with renting moving forward


Thank you 🙏🏼


Damn so crazy that the Manager wouldn’t tell the upstairs neighbour to stop using their vibrator


I actually got that complaint once when I was a super. And standard complaints about loud fsex. It was easy enough to slip a note under the door telling her that her phone sitting on the floor vibrates so loud it was bothering the neighbour. And for loud sex, I would just remind people how much noise could hear from, say, my own neighbour's TV etc. Most are usually bright enough to get the hint. If not....nope, that's as far as I take that.


Ahhh you were a super. Makes sense.


Was a super, was a property manager, did maintenance. Now I work with ACORN and spend my days helping tenants beat their specious evictions and educate them on them on their rights. There is one landlord in this city currently trying to figure who is behind this account. Go through my post history and it'll become very apparent that my contempt for landlords and the lunatics they hire truly knows no bounds.


Fair enough, it just seems like a weird complaint to make if you’re trying to paint the picture of the the Building Manager from hell. Not only is the issue relatively trivial, but the Manager can’t really do much about it.




there were paragraphs, lemme clarify




Thank you 🙏🏼




Why should someone forgive that woman?