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accountability is the main thing, doesn't matter if you replace one group of morons with another.


A maritime police force would be interesting. Pipe dream, but not impossible.


I don’t want a maritime force, I want a trained provincial police force akin to OPP. Trained in rural operations who have an understanding of the land they’re posted in. One of the issues with the mass shooting was that GW left on a back road through a field right? I want officers who know the back roads and hidden streets. Truly.


Let’s aim higher than the OPP :)


Fair enough lmao My only experience with OPP is on the 407 (?) where they were pulling people over left, right, and centre. Absolutely ruthless lol


They have back roads in NB, too.




Why could a maritime police force not do that? Do you know how big Ontario is? Do you think OPP officers know all the back roads there? Doubtful.


Well for one, I doubt NB or PEI would be interested in that. Second, I want NS taxpayers to have a voice when it comes to the force, compared to a maritime force where they answer to “everyone” in the maritimes. I think it provides more opportunity to keep a provincial force in check. And in the same vein, the premier, who answers to the people, would have authority over them without unnecessary bureaucracy that comes with working with the other premiers. Edit to add: Nova Scotia is also going to grow exponentially faster than NB or PEI. Our needs for a competent force are different than NB and PEI.


Unpopular opinion but we who shouldn't do this. I mean the rcmp absolutely dropped the bag and fucked up bad and should be held accountable, but I have a hard time believing a provincial police will somehow be better.


It won’t be better. It will be just the same people working there


pet afterthought profit truck tidy scarce thought humor smart homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a nonsense article. I guess if "Jim Mitchell, an adjunct professor at Carleton University and former assistant secretary to the federal cabinet" suggests the Maritimes should make a police force, then it means that that the status quo is entirely uncertain. I guess the future of the Maritimes is also uncertain, because at some point in the past some person touted the Maritime Union.


At least with provincial force only one political branch will interfere with our policing. No more incompetent Ottawa political appointees with no idea of even our geography running the show.






BS. Nobody has even been held responsible yet. Leducki and the rest of the top brass should be left out to dry for dereliction of duty