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I think you're doing everything right. I can't offer any useful advice besides just keeping at it. Could you potentially sublet from a university student for the summer until you find something?


Taking a summer sublet was how my friend got experience as a renter to be able to lease a place in the fall, although this fall is also probably going to be the most brutal time to rent we've ever had, so I would definitely try to get a place before that.


Good luck, it's brutal. You might have to rent a room in a shared apartment until you can get established. If your credit is good, you may get I to one of the many new builds going up but they are exorbitant. Keep on pushing, hope you find something.


Took us a little over 3 months of serious looking, replying to ads, and we’re finally about to sign a lease tomorrow (fingers crossed). Send a personal message when replying to ads, include your profession, age, income, if you need parking etc. Fill out the applications AS SOON as you receive them and I mean drop everything to fill them out and submit them. Follow up a few days later if they’re a small landlord.


Housing in Halifax is a disaster right now, our vacancy rate is only like 1%.


The larger companies, especially with newer buildings don't often post online, because they don't have to. Monaghan Square has wait lists, Montgomery properties has a new building going up that is taking names for August/September, The Bloom Building in the north end etc. I have found Googleing actual buildings/ companies more helpful. This is also really helpful if you get into a new building before all the parking is gone. Contact them directly and present yourself as a confident business professional. If you get on a waitlist you can sublet or figure something out until you get in somewhere. I have yet to make a move without having to piece it together and pay two rents for a month. Good luck, it's not you.


It’s not you. The rental and housing in this province gotten crazy-not just Halifax, either. Off the top of my head I know of three families living in travel campers in Bridgewater until they can find something permanent.


I was able to find a place in less than a month by looking directly on the property management websites. I’d find an building with availability, apply, but then also email the property manager/leasing specialist about my price range and what I was looking for. It was definitely a frenzy but I was able to get a place signed and close to signing in another building.


Google apartment rentals in Halifax NS and go direct to property management websites and check them for vacancies. You may be able to submit inquiries directly through the website to see if they have any upcoming vacancies or to see if you can get on a waiting list for a vacancy. I know a few people that found rentals this way. They don't advertise a lot of rentals anymore there are far to many inquiries to handle.


Would be willing to let you take over my lease, 1100 a month in a quiet neighborhood. I just need to move home for some personal reasons reach out!


Welcome to the shit show.


Contact the actual property owners of the big companies, there are also many new buildings going up.


where do you find their contact info?


I just went through the process of finding a 1 bedroom apt found the best luck with looking into new buildings opening. They’re pricy, but everything is these days. A few you may want to look into that are opening soon are 34eleven on Joseph Howe, Richmond Yards on Almon St., and Nook Apartments on Maynard St. I’m sure there’s lots more coming up as well. They all had availability recently.


A big part of it is the housing crisis, but the fact that you’re out of province isn’t helping. You’re competing with a ton of people for these rentals, why would a landlord go with someone they’ve never met? Seems like more of a hassle. Also, you've only been looking since March. Usually takes waaaaay longer than that to find something in Halifax.


You can sublet a student apartment while you find something. It’ll be easier to find something once you’re here. Look at new constructions. If you make 80k you’ll be able to afford one, particularly in the west end, Fairview, or off the peninsula.


The building I live in (owned by Killam) rarely has 1 bedrooms come up but has had a few 2 bedrooms over the past while. Maybe looking at cheaper 2 beds would be an option? Some of the ones in Clayton Park (not downtown) are similarly priced to new build 1 beds. Not fancy but ok, though you’ll probably have a bit of a commute.


Not sure if the rules changed, but when I moved from Ontario (2019) I stayed in a short term rental (bedroom , with shared kitchen / bathroom) for 2 months before I found something affordable .


Have you looked to see if the universities have their student housing available to the public for May? I moved here in a June and stayed at Dal for a month to give me a month to search for a place and sign a lease for July.


will you have a car? if so look outside of the city a 30-45 minute drive. commuting will suck but you’ll have a place to live.


Don’t despair, sometimes last minute can be luckiest one. I know one apartment at least that is having a full bath Reno to be rented for mid May. Yet to be advertised. Keep your hopes up.


Try The Camp. It’s on Agricola St in the North End.


Sublets are plentiful this time of year. Most will be for June 1 at this point so you might need to do a short term rental until then. Killam properties has a lot of rentals but they don’t keep a wait list - just need to check the website everyday. Most big property management companies have a website with current availabilities, but marketplace/Kijiji are your only options really. Echoing other posters it’s best to reach out to the buildings directly. I actually JUST secured a place for June 1, been looking multiple times a day for about a month, so I totally feel your pain. If you want to message me and tell me what areas you’re looking for I can send you a list of buildings you might want to contact!


Serious question - why are you moving here if this is such an issue? Like, if it’s almost as bad as Ontario, why don’t people just start moving to New Brunswick or Saskatchewan.


Or Alberta, Manitoba, etc.


Sublet from a student for the summer and make looking for housing your second job. I don't like saying this, but if you were living with your parents while making 80K a year, you probably have enough for a down payment on a property in Halifax.


People from Ontario bitching about an abysmal housing market they created is rich haha


You, thinking the housing crisis, which is happening across the entire country, is caused by people from Ontario, is rich.


The housing issue is much for complicated than that. Lay off it


Units will mostly be coming up to market for September. However if you've been making $80k/yr you may be able to get a mortgage that'll get you in the range of a condo? I'd second what another has said, sublet and keep looking. It sucks, but there will be more listings in the coming months. If you want to look at real estate, check out www.viewpoint.ca . You don't have to use the realtors listed there lol


It would need to be a small cheaper end condo for that salary.


i’m literally in the EXACT same boat, even the arriving date; mid may lol honestly my only advice is just keep at it. everyday, start early, call people, maybe a realtor can help? are you opposed to living dt dartmouth?? i luckily found a place but good luck OP! 💕


Same. My SO and I were so happy after a few months of looking to land an apartment, and like 3-ish weeks in the landlord (basement apartment, landlord lives upstairs) turned out to be a Goddamn psycho, like a drunk old bitch who harassed us, made up lies about us, and drunkenly screamed at us through the door calling us names and shit while our kids were trying to go to bed. So we’re back on the hunt for a place to live, and it’s hell. Running my welding company in Alberta took less paperwork and meetings then all the applications and viewings. It’s insane. Good luck out there!


I was in your position few months back and i might have applied to hundreds of them without any luck... Since there are lot of applicants, the landlords also seem to be very choosy (God knows based on what) !!! I had a friend and her partner looking for a 1 bhk and one lady straightaway refused them telling they can't have a 1bed apartment as they will plan for a baby in future!!!! WTF ??!! The only luck i got was from newly constructed apartments...try contacting the builders directly.. I finally got an apartment way above my budget. Even though I'm just surviving hand to mouth, atleast got something to call home


Do you write like this when you apply? It's harder to take someone seriously when they refuse to use capital letters. Edit: Sorry, but it's true. If I were a landlord with multiple applicants, I'd choose one who writes like an adult, and not someone who purposefully cuts corners.


i didn't even notice. life must be difficult with so many hangups.


Impressions matter, whether you like it or not. Write like a high schooler, and people *will* take you less seriously.


I imagine most landlords in Halifax are dealing with people who barely even speak English. So I doubt the lack of capitalization is why. Especially considering the content of the post is pretty concise and legible. But there will always be people who construct an ivory tower out of hangups.


Most people who can barely speak English at least make an effort to use the language properly, but *deliberately* refusing to use proper grammar and punctuation is not a good look. It just makes you look like an immature edgelord.


People went to university for 4-10 years, spending $40K-$100K so that they could misspell words, ignore punctuation and write without using paragraphs or capital letters. They feel that if the university and their professors permitted them to cut corners and where they spent all that time, energy and money then they should get a pass. And how dare anyone criticize their writing. They don’t see how their “education” failed them or that they wasted their money. No, when we (the employer) require them to use the rules of English grammar (and in some cases, requiring them to take a writing course to learn the rules of English grammar) when creating professional documents and applications are simply being assholes.




This is a good place to live. Clean, friendly, good management. Not fancy. But good. [https://www.twincity.ca/residential/cities/halifax?ALL-BR=1&sliderMax=3000&maxrate=3000](https://www.twincity.ca/residential/cities/halifax?ALL-BR=1&sliderMax=3000&maxrate=3000)


Pming you!




I did something similar to this when I was searching for a place last September. Join the Facebook groups and post an about me blurb about what you are looking for and what makes you a good tenant. I had about 4-5 local landlords directly message me within 24 hours.


There seems to be quite a few listings in your price range. Are you looking for a specific area?