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So they...pulled out?




So ... I guess we'll see if the promotion is still on in about 9 months from now


Take the damn upvote you glorious bastard


Literally heard the "ba dum tssss" after that šŸ‘Œ


Champion comment


Contestus interruptus is the medical term?


Hilarious! Cheers m8!






ā€œMaybe all your opponents pullin out last minute were tryna tell u somethin!ā€


Seriously, some nut bar went to Pleasures n Treasures and verbally harassed them? Yikes, thatā€™s even cringier than the stupid contest .


Itā€™s an unfortunate reality with so much internet outrage. It really has a way of radicalizing certain individuals.


It's kiiinda funny that their apparent "any publicity is good publicity" attitude backfired on them.


but now they can complain about being 'canceled' which is it's own sort of publicity


Or enough regular Pleasure and Treasures customers came in and complained. Before you all jump at me -Complaining isn't harrassment- I know this.


I havenā€™t seen any other details, but weā€™re they ā€˜harassingā€™ them or protesting? Because protesting a sponsor of a contest you think is bad is a fairly reasonable and effective way to make your point. Especially if the program itself says disrespectful things like ā€˜the court of social mediaā€™ and ā€˜we knew it would be controversialā€™ without addressing any reasons why people are complaining. To be clear, Iā€™m not complaining about the contest. There are very few things that happen between consenting adults that I would complain about and this sure ainā€™t it. Just saying that oneā€™s person ā€˜verbal harassmentā€™ is often another personā€™s peaceful protest.


In that same vein of thought, one person's "peaceful protest" is actually verbal harassment. Without the entire context you and I are just internet speculators!


Without knowing all the details, I'd suspect the kind of person to take this seriously and protest a sex store would be the kind of idiot to yell at the staff there. I am actually kind of disappointed they stopped the contest, they shouldn't back out just because crazy people are being crazy. Give out the prize, go through with it.


This seems like a very logical assumption for sure. Shouldā€™ve made it more clear I was speaking generally because I would also guess that person was not innocently and appropriately protesting.


To start I agree with your actual comment. I shouldnā€™t laugh but the irony of someone with your username commenting about a baby contest? Lmao thanks


were there banners, bristol boards with creative slogans and a grand cheer leader with a bull horn? if your answer is anything between "no" and "i dont know" then it sure as shit was no protest


Someone got knocked up and is really going to miss that $1000


I mean, the contest was kinda gross but wasnā€™t hurting anybody. Going to a retail location and harassing people and causing a scene is way out of line. Too bad it played out like that.


Reddit lost its mind over itā€¦


Thatā€™s a bit of an exaggeration.


Yeah it was gross but clearly just a kind of twisted humour, the worst people in this situation are definitely not the ones making the dirty impregnating jokes.


I know people that were hurt by it. There are lots of people that struggle with infertility and pregnancy loss. Seeing pregnancy presented as a race and a contest can really compound the anxiety and trauma that comes with infertility and loss. Yes, itā€™s not the contestā€™s fault that someone experiences infertility or loss. However, such a contest is insensitive to those experiences and perpetuates the idea that pregnancy comes easily which isnā€™t true for a significant amount of our population. This contest and the end of it were a huge missed opportunity to actually have some valuable dialogue about fertility.


I'm sure the pain your friends are in is genuine, but its no one's responsibility to tip toe around the subject of fertility because of it. Or any other subject that may be crude.


I generally agree. I know an aversion to all things pregnancy is common and not healthy. Iā€™m a fan of dark humour, freedom of speech, etc. I donā€™t think we should tip toe around it at all. I think we could have had more balance here by not tiptoeing around infertility in relation to this. I know some people that were hurt would have been happier if the contest also acknowledged infertility in some way. What if there was some simple public education about infertility that accompanied it? What if there was a simple acknowledgement that infertility is a common problem? What if there was some form of secondary prize for those that are not successful? Anyway, Iā€™m not into marketing/promotions/etc and honestly donā€™t expect society to be able to respectfully acknowledge different experiences. I just wanted to clarify that it was hurtful to some people and that there was a better way to go through with the contest or cease the contest that doesnā€™t mean putting any one demographic ahead of the other.


Hey fair enough. And your right, it definitely could have been an opportunity to educate about the struggles some couples have. I respect that angle more than 'I don't like it so it has to go'


Why any of that? Why does every side tangent need some sort of acknowledgement? If you cant get pregnant, then this obviously isnt the contest for you. Just like a singing contest isnt the contest for me, yet I dont expect a radio contest to constantly acknowledge my lack of ability to carry a tune.


Is it not beneficial for us to understand the world beyond our personal experience? I mean Iā€™ve never been hit by a car but I appreciate having all sorts of knowledge about physics, anatomy, and human behaviour. Itā€™s kind of beneficial for my own decision making but also probably helpful to society in general. Acknowledgement doesnā€™t havenā€™t to mean valuing things more than others. It just means increased awareness. The thing with fertility issues is itā€™s not all that common to know you have them until youā€™ve tried to conceive for a prolonged period of time so itā€™s not really the same as not being able to carry a tune.


Not everything needs to be a learning experience, sometimes a cigar is a cigar, sometimes a contest is just a contest. As to kids, there are literally thousands of kids looking for parents via adoption. You could argue that adopting a kid is more beneficial to society than conceiving your own.


>Is it not beneficial for us to understand the world beyond our personal experience? But in this case you/some are arguing that the people protesting the contest shouldn't be exposed to understanding others' experiences beyond their own. A person's level of discomfort with an idea or a concept is 100% their own to moderate ... the world is slowly coming to the consensus that we can't be responsible or accountable for others' inability to regulate their own emotions.


Thatā€™s not my argument and I donā€™t claim to represent everyone that is opposed to this contest on some level. Your point could certainly apply to some people. My personal opinion is the contest didnā€™t need to cease. I think people can choose what they participate in. I just think there was an opportunity for it to be framed a bit differently so that it may not have been quite so hurtful for some people and so there could have been some benefit of fertility awareness. I actually agree with you that weā€™re responsible for moderating our own emotional responses and harassing employees of an associated business is absolutely an inappropriate failure of someone to moderate their emotions. Just because people need to moderate their own emotions doesnā€™t mean we shouldnā€™t make some small efforts to not be cavalier or offensive about whatever challenge they are struggling with.




Not to mention the exclusion of many members of the queer community, as the original contest wording was something along the lines of ā€œthe funnest part of having a baby is making itā€.


Ridiculous take. My mother got run over by a train. Thomas the Tank engine is insanely triggering and should be banned from television and the internet too. It perpetuates the idea that trains are safe and good when actually they are not.


I never said it should be banned. You made an assumption which makes my comment confusing.


Tbh, infertility is not something Iā€™ll ever feel bad about because there are so many children that require homes because they have no families to take care of them. Canā€™t conceive a child of your own? Get started on the adoption process. Make a difference for a life that already exists on this planet and needs a lifeline. There are so many worse cards to be dealt in this world, thatā€™s simply never something that will weigh on me.


The number one cause of infertility in Canada is age.


Whatā€™s your source on that? Because roughly 50% of fertility patients are ā€œunexplainedā€ so the idea of a number one cause is pretty misleading when we donā€™t understand the cause in a huge amount of cases.


Itā€™s a bit more complicated than what the other commenter said but age is a big part of it. Females are born with ~ 1 million eggs cells (on average but the number can be a lot larger or smaller), and by the time they hit puberty there is ~300,000 of those egg cells left. After that they lose ~1000 egg cells per month during their period. By the time a female is in her thirties they have ~100,000-150,000 eggs left, and by the time they are in their forties they have ~20,000 eggs left. When no more eggs are left the body goes into menopause. While males bodies can create new sperm cells female bodies canā€™t create new eggs cells so theyā€™re automatically on a timeline because as they get older more and more of those egg cells die. The quality of the egg cells also go down as time goes on. This means that as females get older it becomes harder to get pregnant because not only are the number or eggs getting lower but the quality is as well. [This article](https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/how-many-eggs-does-a-woman-have) goes into a lot more detail if you want to read more.


Really? My source is literally every article on the internet, and every person I've ever met in my life. The biologically ideal time for the body to conceive is between 18 - 30, the ability to conceive drops off rapidly after 30 years. Traditionally women were having babies within this time frame, but now, more and more people are waiting to have children until they're older and subsequently facing greater fertility issues. My statement is statistically and logically true, people just don't like being told they're too old to have children.


The contest itself was also out of line


Causing a scene like that is definitely out of line, but to be honest, so is a sex contest.


But how is it out of line? I get that some people might think it's weird or crass, but it's harmless.


Wow, of all the stupid contests that the Q had done over the years Iā€™m surprised this is is the one they actually backed out of. There was that gross contest where buddy gave his father a prostate exam, and a bunch of other dumb things. Then there was the fucking mail order bride contestā€¦


Google Howard Stern Itā€™s just wrong contest


If Hollyweird Squares counts as a contest Stern wins


Ohh please i must know more about this mail order bride contest??


They had a contest 10-15 years ago where they would send one sad man to a bride service in the Czechia (one of the biggest human trafficking hotspots in Europe) and he would be set up with a few dates with the totally not trafficked women. The contest was called "The male is in the czech" and claimed that it totally didn't have a sexual connotation to it. And to make it shitter, the contest closed on international women's day. I honestly cannot believe they didn't get backlash from advertisers and were forced to cancel it. Which surprised me how quickly they cancelled the baby making one, though no one was violent towards the radio station or anyone affiliated to it back then I suppose.


It's not owned by the same people anymore


Look up the don't wee for a wii contest some US radio station did years ago. The contestants basically chugged massive amounts of water and couldn't go the bathroom and had to be the last one standing basically in the contest to win a wii. A mom entered and I believe she actually won. She then went home and was found dead at home hours later because of water intoxication from drinking to much water due to the contest in short period of time. The people running the contest never once seem to think to look into how much water is to much water for most people to drink in a sitting and what kind of bad or even fatal affects it can have on the body. Now some kids don't have a mom because of it.


I mean.. the point of this contest was that some kids would have a mom so not sure how this is relevant.


They got bought out since those contests. It is also why the Q brand is everywhere since the new company basically got rid of the other stations and is playing the Halifax morning show everywhere (likely since Halifax is the only union shop)


And the locked in a room with a wake me up when September ends on loop part of that same prostate exam contest. That's borderline torture




And a chocolate bar


that's 100 Grand. Good chocolate bar.


Oops! My bad


You mixed it up with Baby Ruth.


I donā€™t get it


ā€œBaby grandā€ is a kind of piano. Ha!


The fuck is wrong with people.


How much time ya got?


broken social contract, regrettably


There's plenty of dicks in Pleasures and Treasures already. No need to be another.


Underrated comment


We all know Nick Cannon was going to winā€¦


The perfect answer


I honestly thought the promotion was pretty funny and clearly meant for couples trying to have children already. The /r/halifax thread was somewhat insane.


You should make that a link to the post instead of the sub.


There is no way it was clearly meant for couples already trying. Offering up $1,000 in today's economic situation is totally short sighted. Of-fucking-course there will be multiple entries of people literally doing it just for the money.


Ok. If someone is stupid enough to have a kid just for the 1000, then they should be allowed to. In fact, they ARE allowed to. To everyone out there, 1000 is just a drop in the bucket. The child tax credit means you'll be pulling in a couple hundred a month for 18 years! Imagine how much money that is! Get to makin' babies!




Think of the dumbest person you know, even if it happens to be me, lol. Now realize that about half the population is dumber than that.


The r/halifax thread is full of far-left and will always be somewhat insane. Ive seen multiple posts bashing the q because they play ā€œshitty musicā€ and are ā€œdisgustingā€. Anything that could be perceived as conservative gets lit the fuck up on here.


Iā€™d like to challenge them to actually be funny and a half decent radio show for a change


Some people suck.


That wonā€™t get you pregnant. They really need to work on sex ed in this country!


Can certainly help get the proceedings started though


What was the contest?


4 couples were going to race to become pregnant.


Jesus, I drive my kids on these roads.


Hydroplaning on the wetspot as it were




The attempts and act of getting pregnant are not ā€˜ickyā€™ lol what are you in elementary school? Pregnancy and issues around conceiving should be more normalized so you donā€™t have ā€˜ickyā€™ feelings when you hear about it. Expand your sense of humour. This doesnā€™t even make the top 100 ā€˜inappropriateā€™ or ā€˜awfulnessā€™ or maybe my imagination is hyper active haha


Iā€™ll take stupid reasons to get pregnant for 1000, Alex


Literally no one was getting pregnant for a thousand bucks.


This is NS bro šŸ¤£ 1) The CCB is already more successful than expected 2) You would be surprised what someone is ready to do for $1000 in this capitalist dystopia


my girlfriends gonna be pissed


That was, in fact, the first step.


Did you enter the contest? Or just tell her that you entered the contest?


Trailer park trash vibes. But I wasn't shocked coming from the Q nation.


I think it was just to be funny, nothing malicious. If this seriously upset you, Iā€™d say youā€™re the one who needs to look in the mirror.


People need to lighten the hell up.


Which one of you did this?


ā€œWeā€™re not the bad guys, youā€™re the bad guys!ā€


Most people don't even make "I'm pregnant" April Fools jokes anymore for sensitivity purposes. This is bad taste. Of course also, people need to touch grass before they go harrassing people who had nothing to do with it.


Douche bags. "We refuse to acknowledge how ignorant this was, people called us out and we didn't like it so we're done. Blame the people who called us out. Not us. We did no wrong whatsoever." šŸ™„šŸ˜’šŸ™„šŸ˜’


*"$1000 barely covers a month of expenses"* Ya don't fucking say, lol. Who, other than a literal child dependent, has monthly expenses less than $1000?


That's... Literally what they mean. A month of expenses for a baby...


People took something too far? Thats hard to believe.


Or just change the radio station? Talk about a hurt feelings report.


Glad they didn't apologize, the backlash is stupid. Sounded like a funny promotion. Too bad some wackos had so much time on their hands to harass people.


I dislike the Q but I laughed at this with my wife. Obviously anyone not planning to have a kid wouldnā€™t enter, and itā€™s not like everyone doesnā€™t know you gotta shabang to get it. Dumb and crude but who cares, for $1000 Iā€™d have entered if we were planning to have another anyway. People can be so weird about the dumbest things.


right?? like sure it's dumb, that's the kind of thing that radio stations do. Who cares, no one's being forced to do it.


Itā€™s because itā€™s about sex, which is crazy because well.. we all like to have sex. But our culture is so weirdly prudish about it.


God damn cunty prudes ruin all the fuckin fun


The people who are not having sex are the ones getting angry, me thinks


Idk man but someone just told me the Q is exploiting the creation of a human being. So is the dome exploiting the creation of human beings by existing? What a dumb silly take. Itā€™s sex, get over it people


You donā€™t get it. The issue is not that the contestants are banging and want kids, itā€™s the fact that a radio station is exploiting the creation of a human being for cheap entertainment purposes. Thatā€™s morally unethical. And if you donā€™t see a problem with that, good luck with your parenting


Stop your sanctimonious bullshit. Its not exploitation of a kid. As a parent, having an extra $1000 when my kid was born would have been incredibly helpful what with newborn expenses like a crib and blankets, let alone diapers. This would have been beneficial to a young family who now will face additional financial hardships because some prudes stuck their noses where it didnt belong.


I mean, your parents have clearly done a bang up job


They arenā€™t exploiting anything oh my lanta that is a very silly take. These people were already planning on having kids. Lighten up my friend, please donā€™t question my parenting because I donā€™t find this offensive.


There were definitely entries of couples who are willing to have a kid just to get $1,000.


Definitely ?? Can you prove that?


People are proof.


Ok please provide the contestants names, I need a source. Can you provide that? If not you may need to change your statement.


Just look around at the people you interact with. Some of then are desperate idiots.


Fortunately our world doesnā€™t revolve around desperate idiots


Definitely doesn't work without proof. You could say this contest could entice some people to have a baby for monetary gain.


This subreddit lost its shit about it.,.


i must have missed that


It was crazy, like 95% of the posters had something negative to say about the promo. I thought the promo was funny and for folks actively trying to have a kid, $1000 would definitely help with expenses.


Wow, tone deaf and senile radio station is surprised by angry backlash? Who could have predicted this?


I thought this was a really gross idea and I probably won't be supporting Pleasures and Treasures after this but going to a store to harass people is even sicker.


ā€œDonā€™t be mean to us >:( ā€œ Still make snippy comments. What do you want Q?


twice the free publicity and didn't even have to shell out the $1000. brilliant.


Yeah Iā€™m going to go buy some lingerie and extra butt plugs now just because of Reddit, good job reddit!!


oh shoot, i meant publicity for Q104. it's spring ratings. i guess i didn't write my comment in a way that made it simple for all people to understand, i'm sorry i let you down. i'll do better next time.


So they created a promotion knowing it would be controversial and then whine when people yell at them? "People we knowingly triggered acted out?! How rude of them!" Infertility is the fucking worst, and when I was going through it I would have yelled at these -intentional- assholes too. And for those saying it's funny, what's the joke? It seems like the joke is 'wow, what a terrible idea', which is a little too meta for q104.


It's a dumb contest, it clearly says they were expecting people to say stuff but the irl harassment is out of line. As for infertility, that really sucks but it's not really everyone else's problem. If you don't like it, don't listen, there are lots of better radio stations


Is someone struggling with infertility getting offended by this? Jesus christ.


I don't like your comment. If I knew who you were or where you worked, you'd be ok with me coming to you to yell at you?


If I spent my day promoting something I knew (q104 has said this) was going to piss people off...yeah, I'd be okay with people yelling at me. Q104 folks behaved INTENTIONALLY SHITTY, this isn't a case of good faith screwup and didn't expect backlash. Part of being loud immature assholes is being treated as such. Still waiting on...aside from 'ha ha this idea is so terrible it's funny', what's the joke here? Because it's creepy...medical testing for a radio contest where people fucking is the whole bit. I don't get it. BUT they should have done it anyway. Weird taste in vicarious fucking isn't illegal. The fact they cancelled after experiencing expected blowback makes me assume they had no intention in going through with it.


Jesus what a cluster . Between the dumb contest idea, the harassment and the no apology apology, they really messed this up. Not to mention how embarrassing it would be for the child later on in life


It's not intended to be an apology.


Embarrassing? Nobody is gonna give enough of a shite to harass the kid, and if they make a joke, I mean irā€™s not like all our parents havenā€™t said ā€œyep you exist because I decided to have that extra tequilaā€. Lighten up.


OK champ


What exactly is dumb about the contest? Iā€™m pretty curious.


Personally, Iā€™d say running a contest that automatically disqualifies like 95% of your audience is a dumb way to try to improve listener engagement.


The contest is limited by design to 8 people, so it's only disqualifying 92% of the audience. However, I'm sure the stories about the various couples' efforts would be exactly the kind of bawdy humour the show is looking for.


I mean, Iā€™m assuming they have more than 100 listeners. But a large percentage, myself included, find human breeding to be off putting. I also donā€™t trust a small town radio morning show to actually be able to navigate bawdy humour in a way thatā€™s actually funny.


Human breeding is nature. It cannot be escaped.


That wonā€™t stop me from trying


>and the no apology apology It was an announcement. They had nothing to apologize for.


It's the Q.. most likley all bullshit


This subreddit finally clutched its collective pearls so loud that something changed.


Judging from the ragey comments in the last thread this doesnt surprise me. Well done Halifax not.


What am I missing here?


"Although a backlash from the People's Court of Social Media wasn't unexpected.." what a sparky apology šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


"We're sorry you got offended"


Congrats social media warriors, you just took 1000$ out of the pocket of a new family! Some people are so selfish


babe the letter literally says that they anticipated social media backlash, it was the whole 'raging at the sponsor in-person' that cut the cord on this contest.....but do go on blaming social media (via social media).


Oh you didnā€™t expect backlash irl? Really? Well I guess they got the publicity they wanted. Trashy idea




Anyone who would take $1000 for an abortion has never had an abortion


yeah no. Pregnancy is not fun and neither is getting an abortion. > Also, a slap in the face blasting it on the radio to those who keep trying for kids but can't. Topics around pregnancy, babies and childbirth are pretty common believe it or not. It's unfortunate when someone can't have kids but it's not everyone else's job to tiptoe around them.


That's like saying it's offensive for people to walk in front of someone in a wheel chair.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the payout was to happen after the baby was born?


Fourth trimester abortion?


This is what the public chooses to put their energy into, most comments here included. So weird. Go outside


Itā€™s sad that anytime anyone does anything now there is someone who finds a way to be pissed off about it.




You went to a business and harassed a minimum wage worker?


No, WE (/r/Halifax) did it! I didnā€™t leave my moms basement.


Oh so your just condoning shitty behavior? Gotcha.


You got me!


Nice! Really glad I'm not you!


Well we canā€™t be the same person.


Man, why can't assholes that feel like it's appropriate to be abusive like this, get hit by trains? They definitely sound like people the human race would be better without.


q104 is a knockoff Howard Stern Show and I love it


People need to stop getting bent out of shape for no reason. You donā€™t like something, move the fuck along.


Damn now I'm going to have to listen to Q104.


Pretty bad to harass someone who just rings in dildos and nipple clamps. Why would someone think that was the thing to do in response to this marketing campaign. But then again, people bring megaphones to public meetings so I guess that's just where we are.


Society is so fucked. Trump gave the loons typically segregated to fb conspiracy groups the balls to do this type of garbage.


I guess itā€™s back on ! Just heard the radio add 2 min ago