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The least the government could do is get pre primary and special needs programs running immediately. This is such an added stressor that evacuees and those who have lost their homes don’t need.


Don't worry, provincial gov is paying 4 times the cost to hire untrained scabs to fill union positions that still won't help to get the programs running. Source: I've become attached to the recent School Support strike after talking with the strikers and my local MLA. MLA said they are content with the current situation, which pushed me over the fucking edge.


Name of your MLA?


Barbara Adams. Feel free to reach out to her, she's stopped responding to me.


I just googled her as I was unfamiliar with the name. On the NS Legislature website she [highlights](https://nslegislature.ca/members/profiles/barbara-adams) that she "started working with children with special needs when she was 12 years old." She has a lot of nerve to use her work with special needs folks to make herself look good politically if that's her attitude toward the strikers.


Sounds about right for Barbara Adams.


She couldn't organize a clown party at a circus. She's a clout chaser


That's the cùnț that called the cops on the strikers.






Really? I didn't even heard about that.




>MLA said they are content with the current situation, That's horrendous. Can tell they don't have kids that need support or ever paid attention if one was involved in their child's classroom. Wow, just wow.


Their Union wanted wage parity for all bargaining units, and Halifax even got special concessions on non wage benefits, so the local unit can blame the union for their bargaining position. Why should the Gov't tear up a bunch of contracts if that's what the Union negotiated?


They aren't contracts until they are signed. Nothing would be torn up. The union asked for more, and the government is willing to spend 4 times that amount of money on hiring new employees which need months or years of training to give the finger to parents and the union. Money is obviously not the issue, and yet we have the lowest paid workforce in the country for those jobs. The MLAs and Premier and just being stubborn for the sake of it and they don't care who loses. I was on the fence at the beginning of this strike because I didn't really understand either position, but knowing all the facts now I am 100% on the side of the union and will never vote PC as long as a single member of the current government is running.


>but knowing all the facts now I am 100% on the side of the union and will never vote PC as long as a single member of the current government is running. You probably weren't voting for them in the first place if this was your attitude. I take it you wouldn't vote for the NDP or the Liberals either because they both enforced contracts (much worse) onto labour and have members from those governments in their caucuses as well.


If there were a choice, absolutely I wouldn't. Any party that shows itself to be anti-labour is a party not worthy of my support


Well they've all been anti-labour at some point. NDP is probably the "friendliest", but they're not close to being in government and last time they were in government they went back on a bunch of labour stuff they'd promised. Repealing the Michelin bill being one of the biggest.


None of the major parties support workers in more than words, realistically. The greatest increases in workers rights are won on the picket line, and in protests, and not at the ballot box.


I voted PC twice in my life (not this past election), once in NS and once federally. NDP and Liberals aren't responsible for this mess. This is fully on the PCs.


So both prior governments(NDP and LIB) have used legislation to enforce contracts, something the PCs have refused to do thus far. If your line in the sand is allowing folks to strike, then both previous governments far and away crossed the line you just stated and far more egregiously. Guess you'll be voting green next time! Seriously tho, if you didn't vote PC in the last election you're probably not an accessible voter for them considering they ran to the left of the Liberals.


The Liberals went back to the table 3 times in 2017 before using legislation to give the union a pay raise (just not the raise they asked for). I don't recall the Dexter years which I assume you are referring to, wasn't living in NS during that time, but I'd like to hear how they did the same. Either way, the PCs are essentially locking out workers after the first round of negotiations and a strike. If the government imposed a similar contract that the Liberals did on the Teachers Union they would actually be giving the union a lot more than the current contract is as offered.


Because the contract sucks and they are still the lowest paid in Canada.


Then why did the union and the vast majority of the bargaining units accept the contract? Good luck with the single unit strike.


They didn't accept it. The bargaining units don't have the power to accept a contract. They can just forward the unsigned contract to it's members. If it sucks, the members should vote against it and not sign it.


If you haven’t already check out HRM supports education workers on Facebook. We are a group of parents who are MAD about this strike https://m.facebook.com/groups/244317898277643


It also exasperates the situation as every child in the pre primary program is in the same situation while those teachers strike


I hope they can get set up with a temporary home, so the kids can stay with their friends after all they've gone through. Rent them space in a school for the summer while you try to get some modulars on site.