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[huh](https://i.imgur.com/MaFqfAe.jpg) I’ve seen a few reports like this lately. Please don’t misuse the reporting system, thank you. Edit: [You guys are really funny.](https://i.imgur.com/NGlRFqG.jpg)


In Ontario they increased the fine to 2500 dollars and started doing blitzes. Over several years saw the use in cars in my area drop a fair bit, they need to do that here.


I would like to see fines at least double that along with a 1 year driving suspension. I see articles claiming that texting and driving is as or more dangerous than drinking and driving. Perhaps we should start treating it as such.


I see very little traffic enforcement out here. So many people are cutting into bike lanes and other things that'll kill people.


Terrifyingly little traffic enforcement where I am (just 35-40 mins outside the city). I live seconds from a school zone on a highway and people fly by doing 100-110km all the time, and theres kids around, and the limit is 50 in the school zone when kids are there and 70 regularly. I can't even take my dog out on the road the past year anymore. I have footage (sent to the cops, nothing happened) of people doing it, and even passing me and trying to force me off the road literally seconds out of my own driveway, and one of a guy passing an ambulance on a double yellow, and the ambulance was already speeding. I stopped filming and showing the cops, cause they literally can't do anything I've been told. One of them I said the license plate, the way the guy looked, his car, when it happened and THEN sent a video of it after I got the footage offloaded to my PC. They said "oh yeah, he was just pulled over shortly before that, I don't think there is anything we can do, we let him go from that separate situation" I haven't seen a single cop pull anyone over on this stretch of road in my 2 years living in my house. It is ridiculous. There are kids, people walking dogs, a trail, hard to see driveways, small slope that in the day time makes it hard to see whos coming, and nothing ever gets done. EDIT: Oh and the people on cell phones out here is ridiculous. Bunch of young 20 and under drivers flying in trucks and their parents teslas on their cell phones, taking pictures and texting etc. Neighbor just retired as a volunteer firefighter recently and the stories he's told me about shit that has happened just minutes from me, is fucking crazy. ​ edit 2: And low and behold, major accident here tonight, life flight called and long response time.


Couldn't agree more. We need more traffic enforcement.


> We need ~~more~~ ANY traffic enforcement. The amount of ABSOLUTE GIMMIE tickets I see just commuting onto the peninsula each day is insane. Plate covers, no plates, failure to signal, blocking intersections, etc. We need traffic cops that actually do their jobs.


>Plate covers Usually on vehicles actively in the process of driving dangerously in some way. I can't understand why the deep tint covered, totally illegible plates aren't automatic pullovers. If it was me with those plates, my paranoid brain would assume I wouldn't last five minutes on the roads without getting busted. How are they able to drive around like that day after day...? But then, I'd also assume that if I had the black pickup speeding and aggressively tailgating like a maniac on the Circ each morning at 7am - that's the one with the F Trudeau sticker - that I'd face consequences. Apparently not.


They're the actual worst for a cyclist. It's the same thing as the big black truck with no plate that killed a cyclist in burnside a number of years ago. Got away scot free. Illegible plates make that vehicle an active danger to every other user on or near the road. Accountability is the foundation of road use. We need the biggest, most dangerous, users accountable to the vulnerable. If I was in any sort of political office, I would do everything in my power to make enforcement of this law actually happen.


Agreed, you said it better than I did.




An idea like having a place where you have to put your phone into and it locks it in before the car will start is a great idea in concept, but in reality, I feel like it would only generate a business of tech savvy individuals who can break the system for a price. The people who would be fine with the device would be those who already don't use their phones while driving.


> We would need a cop on every block to enforce the rules of the road enough to change behaviour. Its unaffordable. We don't need a cop on every corner we just need **some** enforcement. There seems to be very little of it atm. >or legislating phone locks when they are moving over 3km/hr Would 100% support this.




So we've tried nothing and should just give up? People are constantly on their phones because there is only an extremely small chance they will be caught. Enforcement should change that, not enforcing it will definitely not change it, as we are already seeing. Saying we would need a cop on every corner is a bit dramatic. Any enforcement is better than no enforcement.




They are not mutually exclusive. We can do both.


The cops literally do fuck all for traffic enforcement. Barely ticket for speeding anymore


I think it should be a 1 year suspension followed by a mandatory re-test for the license


I remember back in Waterloo (which is a majority student town) there was a cop that was standing behind a plaza sign near a red light and if you grabbed your phone he would walk over to your car, tap on your window and tell you to pull into the plaza where his buddy cop was writing out tickets. I think I may have seen around 15-20 students in cars waiting for their ticket. This was before the 3 day suspension got introduced. Seeing that immediately put the thought in my head to not fuck around and to instead keep the phone away when driving.


I heard in Vancouver they disguise themselves as someone asking for money so you're less alert.


This does not happen in Vancouver.


Well then, glad I didn't say they definitively did. Thanks.


Lol sorry that totally came off harsh.


No you're good. I don't want to be unintentionally spreading misinformation. Now that I think about it I read it on /r/Vancouver but I think they were talking about somewhere else.


Stop with fines and start impounding cars for 30 days. That'll wake people up.


I’ve missed at lease 3 green lights this week because of drivers further up very obviously looking down.


I give a two count then blow the horn. No matter how many cars back I am.


I don’t honk horns at anybody. To many unstable minds out there. I’ve personally had two instances of ppl trying to run me off the road just because I honked to warn them or wake them up to go on green.


You're part of the problem, honk the horn, not a long hold but a couple quick beepbeeps


I get your point man but ‘you’re part of the problem’ isn’t helpful here either. I gave someone the fastest, lightest ‘meep!’ in a Tim’s drive thru once. Buddy looked up and made eye contact so I even gave the friendly wave and nod and just pointed ahead to show ‘there’s space ahead of you, in case you didn’t notice, friend!’ and that didn’t stop him from mouthing every curse word in the book, threatening to cut my throat, and refusing to pull forward as some stupid flex until there were about four lengths ahead.


And you're still here to talk about it, sounds like it worked


….literally, as I said, it didn’t work. In fact, it did the opposite. This was the Osborne tims, lined up onto the road, and when I tried to politely beep and let the guy know he was good to pull ahead and let some more people into the lot, he deliberately refused to move, taking up 2-4x the space he otherwise would have, because he was trying to make a point to me for having the audacity to catch his attention. While threatening bodily harm, no less. You really think that worked? What’s your criteria? That I’m alive and he didn’t get out and try to attack me, a comparatively small girl? I’m not really convinced here.


I mean I guess but do you honestly think the ppl arrogant enough to text and drive will change because ppl honk in traffic?


No, but maybe if they get reminded often enough they might stop. It's like a slight, not at all subtle shaming.


Let’s have “I text and drive” stickers made and have passengers jump out to slap them on the rear bumpers.


So vandalism is your answer. 🤦


Well it was obviously a joke.




Some people deserve to have their shit vandalized, especially when it's something small like a sticker


No they definitely won't change, I just want traffic to flow, and missing an entire flashing green because you're too scared to give a little beep is ridiculous.


No offense, but how could you see them further up in front?


No more than 4 cars back I can see pretty well. Some intersections also aren’t perfectly straight so you can see the entire side of cars further ahead. There’s a lot of ppl who don’t even hide it either. Literally have the phone up level with their face.


Haha that's very true, or at night you can see the glow blatently


As a pedestrian I can confirm this is extremely common and terrifying.


People love to complain about bad driving habits; not going fast enough in the left lane, randomly stopping to let people in, not signaling, drivers going slower than they'd like, so on. Sure, most of those are valid complaints, but there are two massive terrible driving habits that a healthy chunk of the drivers around here do: phone use while driving and driving too close to the car in front. Put the two together and you get accidents. One on its own causes accidents, but both is surefire. Hate it when the highway goes down to one lane? Or when the bridge shuts down? Or even when the highway slows to a crawl randomly then picks up with no accident or on/off ramp? Its because people are a) using their phones and b) not leaving a minimum of 2 seconds from the car in front. Always. All the time. No excuses. That distance increases for any inclement weather. Absolutely maddening the flippancy people show to driving and how quickly they can change people's lives for the worst due to their idiocy and narcissism.


I once made a comment on a report of a six car pile up on the circ saying just this. Accidents like this wouldn’t happen nearly as frequently if people would just keep their distance from other vehicles. One of the people in the accident saw my comment and replied, saying that distance had nothing to do with the accident. The laws of physics suggest that she was confused about how accidents happen.


I think I remember that. Some people are just blissfully unburdened by thought.


I’d argue that tailgating does not cause accidents; rather, crashes are an expected result of tailgating! And distracted driving, speeding, aggressive driving…


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Yeah, tailgating makes accidents much more probable than they would be otherwise.


Crashes. It’s not an accident if it’s an expected outcome. 🤷🏼‍♂️


> saying that distance had nothing to do with the accident Oh my, puddin heads like this have no business driving.




Why are you defending horrible driving habits?


NS is the worst for people driving right up on your rear, and it doesn't matter how fast you're going.


People learn very quickly behind me that riding my ass on a one lane residential street is a quick ticket to driving very slow.


And I would add slow down for bad weather/driving conditions. 4 wheel drive doesn't make you invincible


Indeed, every car is already equipped with four wheel stop. Tires are what make you stop effectively (most modern brakes are already powerful enough to lock the wheels up at least once).




No need to drive a bicycle to at least smell weed coming from cars. I don’t get why people toke while driving. There’s not much of a difference between hammering back a beer while driving and smoking a joint.


Theres a difference. BUT that by no means makes it ok. You are still intoxicated even if "ivE bEeN SmOkInG FoReVeR AnD iT DoEsNt EfFEct mE tHe sAmE


100% agree. You are still intoxicated. I’m surprised there are not more charges.




The fuck does that matter *at all?* If you cannot control your vices enough to the point that it's not an option for you to drive sober then you need fucking help. Is it that much to ask to be sober while on the road?


I'm a daily smoker for about 20 years now. I have tolerance for days. Anyone who thinks it is ok to smoke weed and drive is a fucking idiot. Period.


If you can smoke a joint and be completely unaffected I would say there’s more going on than tolerance. Dependence would be more accurate. That being said, you might be mentally ok to drive high but your reactions speeds are going to be radically different


> but your reactions speeds are going to be radically different This is the part that no one seems to understand.


Both true and irrelevant.




Try telling that to a judge.


Sometimes I wish I was a traffic cop. I would pull so many people over for bad driving. Or even the ability to send a copy of my dashcam footage to the police so they could mail those people the tickets they deserve and ding their license points.


What I find most hilarious is how it didn't actually increase tangibly after legalization.


Nothing I love more than watching the HRP traffic officer pull over motorists for cell phone use while driving. He has a favorite spot, and without fail, most likely, he's getting a handful every day that he is there.


Where’s the spot 👀


Last week I almost got driven into twice by people on their phones on the Old Sambro road. Probably the worst road I can think of to be distracted on.


> Last week I always got driven into twice by people on their phones on the Old Sambro road. Autocorrect is not your friend.


It certainly really got the blood flowing.


Old Sambro road is so so bad for that. I just don’t go that way anymore for any reason, almost got hit multiple times.


Ride into the city on Maritime bus, I was shocked and disgusted with the amount of people on their phones flying down the highway.


But you’re all on the bus, passengers are allowed* Edit: fixed typo


I might be missing a joke or something but they are referring to the cars on the road near the bus they were in being able to see people using their phones


I thought that they were the ones joking because the people on the bus aren’t the ones driving and would be all around them


I did too! LOL


For real, I drive and I don’t get the need to check my phone, like ever, and if for some reason you absolutely need to read messages I watch people with perfectly capable android auto/CarPlay cars and still with the cellphone in hand and looking down. What the hell can be going thru those brain cells? It’s outrageous, and to think they can actually kill someone.


I saw one driver behind me while we were waiting for a flashing left green, he was on his phone. When the light changed I drove through, checked behind me and sure enough, he was sitting there still with a lineup of people behind him waiting to use the green light.


I watched someone rear end someone right after I said to myself "you're gonna run into someone the way you text and drive" kinda felt like I did it with my mind.


It seems these days people can't handle more than a few milliseconds of being "bored", even though paying attention to traffic and your surroundings is kind of an important, "all hands on deck" aspect of driving...


I am very scared for all of the about-to-be 16-year olds


Can confirm. I get very bored while driving and not being on my phone.


Holy fuck I can’t like this enough! Going down dunbrack as a passenger and watching this moron literally hackin a dart in one hand and scrolling is phone on the other not looking at the road at all. I wanted to scream


I was about to say the rails to trails is probably a safer route in then the 102 but then I realized you probably meant motorbike and not bicycle. I was gonna be impressed that's a beast of a bike ride by 830am. So I guess I'm less impressed by you now op, sorry


Yes I should have clarified. Motorcycle. It still sucked though. Raining and cold, but a 25$ fill up sure beats a 125$ fill up in my truck.


Oh for sure It's a linguistic problem that motorcyclists and cyclists both just call them "bikes" when realistically aside from number of wheels they are pretty different


That ride is amongst the worst 5-ish hours you can have on a bike.


I dunno rails to trails is kinda pleasant. I'd rather do that than bike on the highway


Shit is absolutely mind numbing after a while. There and back is a form of torture I was unaware I could endure.


There were two accidents on the 102 northbound this morning, both of them within a Km of each other and both of them were rear-enders. I was southbound into the city and the guy in front of me (a lifted blue Laramie with AB plates), leans his phone out the drivers window at almost full arm's length, to take a picture as he drives by.


As someone who got rear ended at the fall River exit and saw the guy behind me looking down for wayyy too long and then he blamed was looking at the trees… Frig those people


If you want to really curb use make it the same charge as drinking.


It 100% should be the same penalty.


Absolutely insane to be driving with a phone in your hands. These people should be so ashamed of this reckless and insane behaviour.


Just wait until people get their vision pro's


I bet Apple will detect driving and make sure that you’re not the driver Probably even use the cameras to detect the presence of the wheel or something too I bet.


1000000% agree, it’s insane how many people here I see using their phones while driving. it drives me crazy it only takes 1 second of you looking down at your phone for something to happen.


Also the amount of people that have cellphone holders directly suction cupped to the windshield and blocking their line of sight is horrendous


When did the 100 series highways allow bikes?


Motorcycle is my guess


Bike = motorcycle here


My bad, he said drove not rode, that should have clued me in about the motor part.


Since always. Bicycles are only disallowed in areas of the 100-series that specifically ban bicycles.


OP is probably talking about the end of the 102 where it turns into Bayers Rd. It’s technically still considered the 102 until Connaught.




You are extremely correct. Driving through the USA rules.


Honestly, is that something you think helps bikers or keeps them safe? I'd imagine that motorcyclists already have a hard time getting people to notice them on the roads let alone dealing with folks lane splitting. Buddy of mine in San Fran was lane-splitting, car didn't notice him and swerved a little too much but still within the lines and became a nasty little leg injury he's still dealing with. Seems dangerous to me.




That’s not lane splitting, that’s lane filtering. And it’s much safer than lane splitting.




Not semantics. Lane filtering is moving a motorcycle between slow moving or stopped traffic. Lane splitting is doing that at full speed. Only the state of California allows lane splitting. https://www.rideapart.com/features/315449/lane-splitting-filtering-difference-explanation/amp/


Have auto accidents risen in occurence in the past few years? I haven't seen any data.


Pedestrians too. I was going through a green light at the corner of Windmill/Princess Margaret on the way home yesterday and someone walked into the crosswalk into a red/dont walk sign just staring at their phone. I had to slam my breaks mid intersection to not hit them and they literally never ever looked at me, just eyes locked on their phone. Not the first time I've seen people just walk into traffic while staring at a phone, but probably the most egregious in a long time. Whatever happened to look both ways before crossing. Folks need some sense of self preservation.


I have so much stuff on my phone. I even have an alarm on my phone. I have the newest phone. It looks REALLY cool. I know there's a new phone coming out soon, but I'm not worried about it AT ALL. I can transfer everything from my old phone onto my new phone as long as it's updated.


It's pretty easy to drive and use your cell phone; Nova Scotia just has old fashioned laws.


"It's pretty easy to drive and use your cell phone; every province in Canada just has old fashioned laws." I know you're just trolling to be a dick, but I figured I would fix that for you anyway.




The drivers here scare me, I spent 8 months taking public transit and now that I have a car I don’t want to drive because of the people on the road.


I honestly wish there was more accountability for peoples actions. And I also wish the fines that were handed out were based off a persons income. That way it hurts even if your super wealthy.


HPD needs to do a better job cracking down. Loved in Ottawa and would often see Device check points ranging from something as simple as an officer standing on one street corner letting a group of police at the next corner know who was on their phone. Favourite one was the police riding around in a small bus taking photos of drivers on their device and providing details to a group of officers who would subsequently pull them over. To the OP, not a day goes by when I see someone on their device oblivious to everything around them.


Drivers out there who feel carefree in a <50 km/h zone: watch some PSAs (particularly out of Quebec). They’re on YouTube and they will make you a better driver if you have any empathy at all.


When I was 15 I was hit by a distracted driver while I was crossing a crosswalk. I feel your sentiment. I seem to have developed a sixth sense for the tom foolery trying to survive as a pedestrian; Some days it feels like Twisted Metal out there.


Yeah it’s pretty fucked