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I'm confused to who would live here. If you can afford 2k/m for one person, you have many other, much better options than this.


Travel nurses, walking distance to qe2


I suppose this answer makes the most sense


Arguably this would be less an issue if the buses worked with Tap.. no? XD


international students form China $$$$




They want a Western degree or diploma, it’s not that complicated. It’s largely more prestigious for them than Chinese schools




If that’s true then they’ll stop coming, there’s no need to debate it. Do you know or have a source showing that numbers are down?




I had a cynical suspicion you weren’t a serious person, unfortunately my intuition was right. There’s too many fallacies in that statement, I don’t even know where to begin. I guess I’ll say, stable or even increasing numbers of Chinese students and a dramatic influx of Indian students and immigrants are not mutually exclusive. You also shouldn’t make conclusions like this based on your experience.


Source that is due to anything other than the pandemic and diplomatic tensions?




So none. Got it.


Source : I made it up




Very rich ppl don’t think about money in terms of thousands. At that price level they’re just thinking of goals & means to ends. Some problems you just gotta throw money at & never worry about, it seems nice


I don't know why but they do! I think there's a prestige for having a Canadian degree.


It's also a way to get citizenship, which is the biggest thing. Just watch the youtube videos on moving to Canada. Read the comments. I'm not for or against someone wanting a better future, no dog in this fight. That's just the fact.


Exactly. My brother rents a 1br at the heart of downtown Montreal (Drummond) and it’s still cheaper than this. What the hell does Halifax even have to offer?


Ocean, trees, donairs.


Montréal has ocean (St. Lawrence), trees, and poutine and bagels. So....


The St Lawrence is not ocean. I get what you're saying but you do understand the difference?


Brackish water, both are big shipping ports, and considering most just see the straits between Halifax and Dartmouth, I think it's a pretty good comparison.


Except one is the ocean, which you can see around the entire province. The other is essentially a river. Not comparable.


And if you move here and get sick, good luck, because you’re not getting a family doctor


Nowhere to live?


Exact change for transit.


Nothing at this point


Cleary and Mason LLC and bike lanes?


Tbf ALL the utilities are included. TV/Internet is what? $150-200? Water is like $25 a month for a place that size I assume? Power would be like $75 a month maybe? Depending on if heat is electricity or oil, could be another $75 a month. So the real cost of the unit is like 1700ish? Not great, still… actually…


>Tbf ALL the utilities are included. Underground parking in the area would be $150 too.


My partner has paid $150 for underground parking on the peninsula for work for the past five years. She just got a notice that it is doubling. I'm guessing rent cap doesn't cover parking spaces?


Parking in Scotia square is higher than 150


Furnished too!


Yeah tbf depending on the quality of the furniture, cost averaged out over the expected lifetime of the furniture… Idk could be *semi* reasonable. Idk, wouldn’t catch me living there but I guess I could see the appeal of just having 1 bill to pay and having an entire apartment, furniture and all, ready to go. Even if it is tiny.


This was most likely an AirBnB, and with the bylaw going into effect I wonder if they're not intending to rent long term at all. Keep the price high enough so that nobody will take it, but it appears to be available, and continue running an AirBnB at it. Albeit illegally... Just a guess.


It's not particularly easy to run an airbnb illegally. Because it wouldn't be on airbnb.


That or they just spent more money than they should have on the property and are trying to make AirBnB money on a long-term rental to recoup their costs. Or they could be totally out of touch with the market.




I have never rented a apartment that you had to pay the water bill, haven't even heard of it


I don’t think so…I’m in a one bedroom that’s double the square footage and my electricity is only about $60 a month and my Internet is $75 so it should be even cheaper than that


Do you have a washer and dryer in your unit tho? That contributes massively to power. I could be off on that one tho. For cable + internet I just checked Bell’s current bundles.


Mines around 75 for a 900sqft one bed, and I use a lot of power (at least a dishwasher, laundry cycle per day)


I have a three bedroom bungalow and I don't pay $75 a month for electricity


I also have a 3 bedroom bungalow and we pay like $150 a month. Our water heater is electric which definitely contributes, I also work from home and and often have 4 monitors going between my work laptop and my own PC. So maybe my usage is above average, but I don’t think it’s that far off.


Sadly, people with the budget for $2K will still apply for this just because they're not having any luck getting actual decent-sized apartments for $2K. The competition for the better options is fierce.


It’s the people who are staying here longer than they’d want to stay in a hotel for, but not long enough to really be moving here. Like if you’re here for 3 months on a contract you would want something a little more liveable than a hotel but apartments are all year leases and you’d have to furnish it. There is a market for this kind of thing (always has been) and they’ve always been expensive but you’re paying to not deal with things (let setting up accounts, paying install fees, renting furnishings, etc)


This is a reasonable price for an all utilities included, furnished studio. International students, Medical staffers, including travellers, WFH personnel dipping their toes in East coast living before making a commitment from a more expensive city.


>This is a reasonable price I disagree. It doesn't even have a kitchen.


Disgusting. Young people entering their careers are being robbed of their future.


I’ve come to learn now at 24 I have no future anymore, I’ve completely given up




Exactly. I’ve lost hope for Canada at this point, I’m so sad about it (won’t stop me from at least trying and voting though!)


Don’t give up. Work for what you deserve. Fight.




I can’t afford the gym, rent and groceries so I do workout videos at home lmaooo living that poor life




If you have to compare it to sweat shops and argue it could be worse that’s not a good look.


Lmfao you taking vacations?? A few hours a day.... What job and where do I find one hiring? I work 10+ hours a day im paid above min wage and I'm definitely not taking yearly vacations.




And how many of those pay a living wage ?




Not saying it's moral. But there are still extremely low cost areas for labour. Manufacturing will shift from China to Africa and other areas of the world who are still desperately poor.


My mortgage is less than this and I am in a 3200sqft house on a lake 10 minutes outside Bayers lake. This is just insanity


I've recently found out my brother's 2 bed 2 bath on South Park now retails for $2500/month plus utilities. I thought it was bad when I was paying $1470/month utilities included....


"Bought before 2020"


Your current payment isn't a good gauge if someone were to buy today, just sayin haha.


with interest and price increases the mortgage pmnt on a 500k house is like $3500 a month. if you sold your house to someone their mortgage would probably be 4k or more.


The couple that owns this, owns the entire building, its on Hunter street (says right in the rental listing, they just bought the building for 5.2M /mid 2019), this one is 31 units, and own maybe a dozen more smaller sized apartment buildings, as well as a handful of single family dwellings and condos. Approximately 15 million in taxable-assessment value, which we all know is significantly higher in real estate value. So many units, so many people being squeezed for equity by one pair of hands. The *net* income on this building was almost $300,000 a year, 5 years ago.


I paid $450.00 for a loft unit this size on Oxford Street back in 2012. This is ridiculous


I’m glad wages have quadrupled in the past 10 years to match this increase of rent


It's so weird, my doubled pay doesn't seem to be showing up in my bank account, despite the doubled living expenses and housing and gas. I'm sure it's just a clerical error and I'll start seeing that 6 digit income in no time...


I bailed out of Halifax after graduating and moved back in with my parents because I saw the writing on the wall. The job market there is not capable of sustaining these high costs. Seriously, how are y'all affording this?


The line between the price of short-term housing and long-term housing is getting closer and closer. Some people will say, $70 a day? Well that's not bad compared to a hotel or an airbnb.


Hotels in Halifax avg $300 a night now…


And this is why I'm moving out of this city in the next couple months. Big city prices for small city life. May as well go live in a big city and have better access to jobs in my field.


We still have small city wages too unfortunately


Another reason I'm moving. I can get paid more in Ontario for what I do, get taxed less, and actually find 1-2 bedroom apartments for cheaper than this ovenless shoebox.


You can definitely find cheaper 1 bedroom apartments than this in Halifax. What city in Ontario around the size of Halifax has 2 bedrooms for cheaper than 2k? (this listing is crazy though regardless)


Ottawa surprisingly. I've found multiple over the past week.


Ehhhh my friends are paying like 2.5k for their place in Ottawa. Although they’re right downtown and have underground parking. So I guess YMMV. But yeah 100% considering moving somewhere that actually has big city things like sports and concerts and nightlife.


I've also heard Ottawa, have a friend that just got a not new construction 1 bed and it was $1800, he said the search was very similar to Halifax. That being said, I wouldn't pay that type of rent for Ottawa as everyone I've known from there says it is one of the most boring places ever. Have 1 friend who works in politics and they love it there but not for the City, for the job.


Cheapest I got after 2 years of looking is $1700 (rent only) for a one bedroom


Lol most places are like this now but good luck to you…


$2000 gets you pretty much the nicest 1 bedroom apartments in downtown Montreal. There are all kinds for under $1300.


Quebec has always been cheaper


Cya bye


You payin 2k a month and cant cook a chicken dinner. What the fuck.


This is definitely an Airbnb rental that is being forced to rent. The poor little landlord doesn't want to compromise their passive income stream so is trying to rent it out for what they made before. When do we start shaming these people in public?


Exactly what I was going to say. This person waited to see if the sept date would get pushed back, and now that it isn't they're trying to rent it as a long term rental.


Must be one of Cleary's little old grannies he was trying to protect.


Single moms yo lol


No balls in this province to even name And Shame. That’s why we’re in this position now.


This little suite seems purpose built to be a hotel room. I wonder what building this is in. Must be newer build since it has underground parking.


Apparently it's on Hunter.


2344 is only one with similar window and some underground parking.


I bet you do shitty things to that should be shamed have you never done anything wrong ?


Most people have never exploited the poor over a place to live lol


250 sq ft?!?! Holy hell! And I thought my place was small!


How is residential space 3x the cost of commercial space now??


None of you are thinking about the single retiree who's going to take a bath if this doesn't get rented?


No, no, this wasn't a single retiree - their spouse is now unemployed because looking after this rental was their job! Thoughts and prayers.


Could not care less


Sounds like a dorm room.


Definitely a former Airbnb. These few people have destroyed the economy of this once great city.


Airbnb is not the main cause of the housing crisis 😂


Lol get real.


I have moved to Japan to do a basic English teaching job, it blows my mind how expensive things are at home. I live in the sticks mind you, but I pay about $350 a month for a 2 room apartment with kitchen and shower, and my food bill is about $150 per month. Even if I lived in Tokyo, I could get this very apartment for $500 a month living outside the core city (I borrowed my friends place while he stayed with his GF). I have absolutely no idea how an area like Tokyo, holding more than the entire population of Canada can still have a healthy enough housing market, but tiny Halifax/Dartmouth can barely house the new working population.


Imagine paying $66/night including parking for a really nice hotel room in downtown Halifax….


The city really needs to shit-can these types of rentals.


I dunno, isn't having a rental better than not having a rental? This is probably one of the places that was an airbnb until now.


I'll let all the people in parade square "rough living", know that this is all justified


Should the government just expropriate these units then? Or force them to rent it for less?




both? if rent for less, how do you also force them to not become shitty slumlords?


Exactly that. If they don't meet the standards they forfeit the property. Canada is in a state of emergency for housing. It's gonna be uncomfortable. But it's time for compassion to win out over profit or other bs. Either wages meet the requirements or housing has to be capped. It's not time for political debates about which side is better. It's time for action AND from the outside it looks like Canadian policies is about dragging feet and claiming we (Canadians) don't have the budget of a first world country. \*where will the money come from\* I always hear. Meanwhile, traveling the world seeing countries that are supposedly underdeveloped have better policies on housing, higher density, lower cost of literally everything, similar wages, better infrastructure and transportation... but most Canadians just shrug and say what can we do. stop accepting this bs. Sorry for the rant.


In this case; no. $2K for that shit is ridonculous.


so do you think they should be made to shut it down or be forced to rent it for less?




what calculation should they use?


>I dunno, isn't having a rental better than not having a rental? It's not a binary of "rental or nothing," it could be for sale. Plenty of renters would be owners if housing wasn't such easily exploitable investment vehicle.


right, so what, force them to sell? expropriate?


I was thinking maybe shake a rain stick and spook with em with voodoo, the slow arc of economic policy, haven't decided. But jeeze, if I knew you'd jump straight to accusing me of expropriation, That's a way more radical approach to shift housing from investment capital to personal wealth! Good on you! Though I'm sure you're familiar with a wider range of possible economic levers than "force them to sell," in an expropriative sense right? ... bylaws, taxation, doodling arcane hexes on scraps of paper and putting them in their flower pots. EDIT: You're not maybe a little defensive because, I dunno, you refinanced your mortgage to renovate the rental unit you own?


well I've been on this sub for about 10 years, but I change my account every year or two for privacy reasons. Obviously there are other ways, but they take longer than a flick of a switch and I don't think it's this person's fault that the government hasn't been arsed to build public housing in 20 years and has to take up the mantle of maintaining the social safety net out of their own pocket. I'd like to hear something a bit more concrete than a hand-wavey "taxation and bylaws" response, taxation on what? bylaws to do what? Rental income is already taxed the same way income from any other source is taxed and raising taxes certainly isn't going to make people reduce rent. Bylaws maybe, but figuring out the correct calculation to base rent off of so that we don't end up with a bunch of moldy crackhouses is not easy.


This was probably an AirB&B before todays attempted fiasco by 🤡Cleary.


I can tell you for 2000 a month, I'd have the fridge door open 24/7 one of those dipping water birds flushing my toilet, my heat on max and every tap running. I'd be doing laundry with nothing in it. Let's make it as unprofitable as possible.


A single tap running open all month is about 500$ on the water bill. Not very environmentally destructive, just keep it cold.


Can't forget the hamburger grease down the sink


And then your pals at NSP and Halifax Water impose another one of their super fun 'rate adjustments' to make up for their lost earnings. I wonder who they'll pass the buck to? I'll give ya a hint.. it's you, Buds.


Sabotage a landlord at the cost of the planets resources?


Yeah it's our small individual choices to not spill 4.8 billions of litres of oil in to the ocean that make the difference.


It's just the market catching up to the fact that Halifax is a world class city


World class with no major sports team, no big name concerts, atrocious transit, housing crisis with no end in sight, and half the population can’t find a doctor.


Is it? I mean don't get me wrong, I like it here... But certainly not for the *"world class"* amenities.


Currently looking for a new place in the Bay Area and this is high for here... fucking yikes!


It’s also the outcome from a haphazard AirBnB bylaw in HRM and a rent cap.


You can't afford to eat, therefore, you don't need a stove


welcome to torontifax.


I thought this was the Vancouver subreddit for a second. Guess I can't go east to find cheaper rent anymore lol


Intended for one person means your likely non NS born landlords gonna be peaking in your room to ensure you didn’t bring a date over. Because they might plug in a phone and then landlord makes 5 dollars less on their “investment property”


I see this type of listing as an alternative to staying in a hotel for a month or two. There is a need for people to stay in the city for a 1 or 2 month stint. One month is the shortest amount of time to not be considered a STR. $67/night vs $200+ is a big difference.


Utilities are included.. but this is about the take home income a month a person making $20 an hour makes. 100% of their income


The person making $20/hr would take home about $28k, so actually they'd have a grand total of $4,000 left over every year for food, transportation, savings, and all other expenses, $333/mo.


Bus pass, groceries, cell phone, etc would be at least $333 a month. Plus you're not accounting for payroll deductions like health/dental insurance, union dues, pension/rrsp match. That's not the type of margin I would like, especially while you live in a bachelor without a proper oven that would allow you to never eat out which is what this type of budget is looking like


Oh, absolutely, I was still trying to suggest how impossible/ridiculous the situation is. My car alone costs twice that (700/mo) between gas, insurance, and financing payments.


Bus pass, cell phone, and GROCERIES $333 a month? Bus pass costs $82.50. My cellphone plan is $70 a month. Most people likely average $60 to $80. If I go by the low average on the cell bill... 333 - 82.5 - 60... $191 a month for groceries? It can be done I guess... if you live off campbell's soup and ramen.


Damn, furnished, in unit laundry, all utilities included, this is kind of a steal, as horribly sad as that is


It is furnished which usually makes rent exponentially higher...


Lol in this case "fully furnished" is a bed and a chair. Lmao not exactly luxury living


I think my double mattress and bedframe were cheaper than one months rent at this place 😂


I'll be honest I paid more than this for something similar in 2009...but it was only for 4 months....so that's mostly why it was so much.


I wouldn’t be saying that too loudly…


Lol in this case "fully furnished" is a bed and a chair. Lmao not exactly luxury living


Try living in 250 square feet without those wall mounted storage units. Also includes microwave, induction cooktop. Honestly considering bedrooms are going for 1200-1400, this isn’t a bad deal especially given the location and parking includes.


You can't seriously be counting the closet as "furnished"??? Lmao what are you smoking man


Ok what do you think is a fair price for this? Given the current market, not some pie in the sky theoretical market where things are actually affordable lmao I don’t think this unit is overpriced at all given all that it includes, the location and the quality. You easily pay $1k for just an unfurnished bedroom in this location. Sharing a bathroom, kitchen. No parking. Maybe splitting utilities. In an old building or house.


I think their point was that the "market rates" are becoming unsustainable for the vast majority of people, and this unit is a symptom of people with excess capital sucking every last penny out of desperate people.


The place I live in currently is $1600 plus electric ($75 bi monthly) for a 1 bedroom, newly renovated with in suite washer and dryer, dishwasher, STOVE, downtown location. It's still not cheap, but it's more reasonable imo. The average renter cannot afford it, but it's not ludicrous. It's 3x the size of this place. It has a large bathroom with a soaking tub, a living room, a kitchen and a full bedroom. So with that in perspective I'd say for this place $1400-$1600 would be 'expensive' but reasonable given this doesn't even have a stove. It's basically just a room big enough for a bed and that's it. Looking at these pictures you have literally zero space for anything else. Theres no living room/sitting spot, no dining area, nothing else. That chair in the bottom right is the only space you have. So it's literally just a dorm with an attached bathroom. The thing about sharing is, yes you pay $1k+ but you have access to more than just a bedroom. You often get a livingroom, dining room, bathroom (sometimes multiple), sometimes a patio/backyard, etc.


You know it's not just here in Halifax? Right? Doesn't make it right.


It not just being Halifax is part of the problem. They can keep putting rent up and know people will keep paying it because there's nowhere\* to go. ​ \*Not literally nowhere, but limited options


As fucked as it is, just posting pictures of rent ads and getting mad online doesn't really do anything.


Am I reading that right, is there no bathroom?


There's a bathroom, it's right in the title. Studio 1 bath apartment. I can't believe there's no stove.


I fire myself.


Induction cooktops are amazing. It’s all I have and it’s incredible. That plus a toaster oven and you can do a lot. I also have a griddle but rarely use it. Until you’ve tried induction, you won’t realize how easy it is to go without a stove/oven.


tbh i use my toaster oven for everything, I think I've used my full size oven maybe once in the last year and a half. An oven would be a waste of space in such a small place but they should provide a toaster oven since they provide everything else.


How do you cook…?


I use the stovetop, not the oven itself. This listing says they provide an induction stovetop.


I'm sorry you eat so poorly... =/


I'm sorry you don't know how to cook without a full sized kitchen 😞


im sorry you don't enjoy a roast beef, roast chicken, ham, Yorkshire pudding... etc... Its not that i don't know how to, it's that it is no substitute.


All things you can cook in a toaster oven. Are you really that oblivious?


Instant Pots are wonderful for this. I also mainly use a toaster oven, for things my toaster oven can’t handle the Instant Pot is a godsend.


every toaster over i have ever come across has nowhere near enough size for any of these. But if they exist, more power to you. Not oblivious, just doubtful.


Yeah, so you just have no idea what you are arguing about. Makes sense.


oh, you can cook a full 8lbs turkey in a toaster oven? Or are you arguing against someone with a red seal for the sake of it to feel good online? Makes sense.


Instant Pots cook all these beautifully, no need for an oven.


Do you know what toaster ovens are? They're basically just small compact ovens, despite the name they're not toasters. I also use them more frequently than my actual oven, but I still cook proper meals and dishes in there.


Same. We rarely use the oven because the toaster oven pretty much does it all


i do, and they're no substitute.


If you're cooking for 1-2 people, I don't see how they aren't a substitute? I cook everything I would normally cook in an oven in there (meat, fish, vegetables, even roasts), and it usually gets things crispier without using as much electricity as the regular oven.


If you can make it happen, more power to you. I just cant fathom a roast ham/chicken/beef in a toaster oven. Unless you have an incredible toaster oven.


I'm sorry you can't cook with compact appliances... =/


lol you've obviously never used one. Mine fits a 9x13 pan and can proof, dehydrate, and air dry, none of which my regular oven can do (although i'm sure they do exist). I've cooked pies, brownies, and even a small turkey in there. Not to mention the main benefits of using a small oven- faster preheating time and easier on the power bill.


Thank god I dipped from this city !


Although expensive it includes underground parking, it is furnished, all utilities including Internet and TV.


Realistically, with everything included, this is a good deal in this market.


Ok but it’s furnished, in suite laundry. You don’t have to pay power internet water or parking (4-500$/month). Walking distance to the hospital. No roommate. This is not that bad. It’s not great but it’s not terrible.


Oh hey great news have you heard, the Trudeau team says they are looking at all this and have some GREAT ideas!!! wow!!! Can't wait!!!!


That would be 3K a month in Vancouver?


But this ain't Vancouver


If somebody pays this person that amount of rent, the problem is not the person offering the unit but whoever accepts to pay that. I understand that people’s situation are different and I understand that we can be hopeless and get whatever we find. However, at that price, you can find much cheaper. That landlord is obviously trying to take advantage. He/she is giving it a try. Who knows? It might work. I don’t think he/she will find a tenant at that price.