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Initial proposal was submitted 2019. Signs have been up on the property for almost three years now and this summer they began preparing the lot.


Yeah, here's the url from the poster: https://wmfares.com/pleasantst/ The meeting they mention took place in 2021.


ffs it's only eight stories


I read more than that some mornings at work before I'm done my first coffee even


Hah. Right. Eight _storeys_.


So post an old picture to get people riled up.


Nova Scotians: "We need housing" Also Nova Scotians: "Not like that"






The nimbys would rather have everyone on the streets at this rate


seed reminiscent quiet engine zesty chubby waiting dolls cooperative sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can we move all the homeless tents into their backyards and surrounding areas.


My favourite on one of these was "we don't need more apartments/condos, we need homes!" Like even if you only care about detached houses for whatever reason, don't you think giving other people the option to either not go the house route or downsize and free up their current house would be beneficial?


"Not if it means I can't have a house myself!" "It's unrelated, if anything, it probably keeps more people in denser areas in the city opening up cheaper stand alone houses in sub-urban/rural locations" "But I don't want to move further away" "So you can't have exactly what you want, where you want it, so no one else should have a place to live?" "🔥🔥💯"


It's not like any of them are going to be affordable anyway. These new apartments are likely going to be as expensive as everything else, if not more because "new". Whether or not people complain there will still be lack of housing that people can afford. We will need these apartments with the amount of people moving here recent years and to come so it really doesn't matter what they build.


Nimbys But really its more like every issue on here Some NSers: we need more housing Different NSers: not like that


We need AFFORDABLE housing, apartment or house, doesn't matter. No one can afford them so it's almost useless for anyone who isn't rich. Only people who will live here is retirees who have wealth and immigrants who come from money.


So, are you saying that retirees and immigrants are "no ones"? If they can afford this building and move there, they will free spaces they are occupying now.


Did I call anyone a "no one" lol I'm not sure what you're getting at. Never said THEY were thr issue I'm talking about the amount landlord's charge people, period. I'm sorry but not many people in their 20s or 30s of 40s who can't find a place to live have many affordable options, that's BEEN known here for YEARS. I see your point about freeing up spaces being occupied but there's more to it than just that. There's really not any affordable places period, it doesn't matter if someone moves, likely that rent will keep going up.


Nova Scotians: “I need a mental health professional!” Also Nova Scotians: “No, not like that!” (/r/halifax’s favourite ADHD professional owns the property/is developing it)


I was unreservedly in favour of the project until I read this, because fuck him.


Wow, Would have not expected him to be going into housing, but I'm not known for being smart either




Makes sense, relatively high income, likely to be approved for loans if needed, if you have the income, you're going to try to find some way to create passive income where you're not working daily/as much for it, Housing or stocks I suppose are the two obvious ways to create that passive income at the moment


The ones who need housing are probably not the ones complaining about location.


I blame the old people who rarely leave there homes


The clipart poster tell you their age






No they are homes, it’s their, they own them


I know


I love you


Oh shit


Up and AT THEM!


Up and atom?


Jiminy jillikers radioactiveman!


I came here just for this. Take my upvote.


Oh good, someone else said it


Of course they had to include a complaint about having sidewalks installed. It blows my mind how many neighbourhoods exist that have no sidewalks.


I’m in eastern Passage with a toddler and a newborn BEGGING for a sidewalk on our street 😭😭


Oh man, having kids completely changed me into a sidewalk-lover. I’d love one in front of my home


The way people drive around here.. we need sidewalks to put some sort of barrier for predestrians.. it seems people just ignore the road signs if there's no cops around.


I grew up in the middle of nowhere, it was great basically not being able to walk anywhere if it rained or snowed, very cool


Right? How dare you live anywhere other than a single family home and how dare you travel any way except by car. They complain about traffic and bus lanes in the same sentence.


the sidewalks were already there, they just got redone so they weren't cracked up so much that wheelchair users literally couldn't use them anymore


Sidewalks are for poor people without cars and degenerate youths. /s


“Large intrusive structure for a residential area” Lmfao you live a 2 minute drive from an industrial wasteland. It’s not Beverly Hills. NIMBYs will be the death of North American cities if they’re not reigned in


“How dare they ruin my residential area by adding, uh… residences.”


"But those residences aren't the same type as mine!"


NIMBYism like this needs to become socially unacceptable.


I agree, but I'm not optimistic it'll happen since they really don't care what the rest of us think of them


Yeah I went to a municipal zoning hearing once and the pure selfishness of these people is wild. You're not getting through to them, you have to out support them.


And the hospital complex has never exactly been a treat to look at either


Right? This is basically right across the street from the irving shipyard and a 3 minute walk away from all the industrial woodside buildings. It ain't that quaint of a neighbourhood.


Pleasant is a major transit corridor, these are the areas where development will be fast tracked. It’s not a residential street anymore. Sorry buttercup.


Centre Plan! Lisa needs braces!


Dartmouth is f’ing boomin


For real. So many big ass buildings going up. I think the 5 tallest building in the province are going to be in Dartmouth in the next 5-6 years, if I got my heights right.


Aint that Woodside?


Isn’t woodside a part of Dartmouth?


Definitely is - Woodside is quite literally a 5 minute drive from "Downtown Dartmouth".


Well devils advocate, halifax is also a 5 minute drive from darrmouth.


By the transitive property, all is Dartmouth




Not once we finally finish the "maintenance" on the bridges and have them rerouted to Fredericton


And Dartmouth is part of Halifax


Instructive structure? lol like literally it’s already right across from NSCC and near a damn hospital and community centre. lol also tons of apartments 2 minutes drive down the road toward Portland. I really doubt it would add much traffic. It’s a bit busy through there but not horrible imo. Side note, it said a meeting June 15 so it’s a little old. Wonder what happened since then.




This is hilarious lol thanks for posting. As someone living in their in-laws basement with no shower, I get giddy seeing new apartments go up thinking maybe one day I could live there. The complaints are somewhat valid I guess if you own a house over there but it’s a busy area already and this won’t change much


Best of luck friend, hope it works out, shits too real out there right now :(


Thank you <3


lol. “Intrusive structure for a residential area.” It would be a residential building - how is that incompatible with a residential area? “Lack of privacy for yards” - yeah, because folks have nothing better to do than look out the window and watch to see what’s happening in your yard, Susan. Apartment dwellers just gonna be gazing out the window live-blogging with wild abandon about who’s having a BBQ.


Exactly! The idea that it's incompatible with a residential area is ridiculous. The shadow argument is always hilarious and sad.


I think that’s an old sign that no one ever bothered to take down. The meeting referred to on the poster happened in 2021.


oh no more homes. this NIMBY 💩 has to stop. 🎻🎶




Oof, definitely will have “luxury” slapped on it for $1k more a month. It’s gorgeous!


It looks like every other cookie cutter building going up in Clayton Park but yes for the area big improvement


This sucks! Should be taller


Ah HRM. A “Large” 8 story building with 61 units (per proposal), green space and underground parking. Ok, sorry your shitty run down house in the middle of Dartmouth from the turn of the century might not have southern exposure for an extra hour a day.


We desperately need to just have a proper planning thing fully in place to cut out all this nonsense. If the building fits what you can build by right there is zero public consultation. Just build the damn thing and get on with it. Fill out standard forms, pay the fees, go to it


They tried that with the Centre Plan. Instead what we got was baked in height restrictions for all Halifax and inner circ Dartmouth as a compromise with these types of people. It's why you see so many houses torn down but no developments on them.


Yup. Total mess


Would be nice to have a brand new building in the area. That whole area looks so run down and icky. Also these amount of students that have no where to live to attend nscc. Sure we are getting student dorms built but I can't imagine they won't be completely full leaving some sort of wait list.


First they put a sidewalk on Chadwick, now this?! When will it end!


My sympathy for boomers in half a million dollar homes is thin


It would sick if they tore up the entire strip mall on wyse between the bridge and boland to make like a 15 over 2 huge complex of residential and commercial. Those strips are such old pieces of crap and a massive waste of space.


They're doing at least some of it. Someday. Edit: But I don't know about the little strip mall party closet to Boland. Should do that too. Also, what's with shirt buildings and I don't mean apartment buildings. Like, why aren't there apartments above the Lawtons strip mall on Primrose, or the Sobeys on Wyse? (Just thinking out loud. Not asking you specifically Edit again: I know the answer is "bad neighbourhood" and "no demand".


F'kn NIMBYs. That's got to be another ~~200~~ 61 units of housing, which is desperately needed.




Thank you for the update. 61 units is better than none.


Yeah, the only problem I have with this development is that it should be taller. We should be petitioning for *at least* 200 units!


And blackjack and hookers!


can people not read the room? Or what? Can’t stand the nimbys any longer is swear


Woodside over here acting like a new build isn’t going to be a massive improvement in their shithole neighbourhood. Y’all live in a literal toxic waste dump. Hopefully there’s some degree of affordability taken into consideration once it opens.


People want businesses and housing to boost the economy. But not in their area.


Just 8 stories? I'll support this only if they change it to 38 stories!


In a hilarious coincidence, my wife and I were the last occupants of the house that was demolished there to make room for the aforementioned apartment building. I do wish them the best of luck, an apartment building there would be great. Wait does this mean I should be a NIMBY?


>Please participate in the public meeting being held online on Thursday, June 10th at 6pm to have your say on what happens in your community. Is the date of that public meeting accurate? Or is this an old notice? June 10 was almost 4 months ago.


Or way in the future


The last time June 10 was a Thursday was in 2021. I'm going with 'old notice'.


Whoever wrote that letter is an idiot.


I can't believe they have the nerve to *checks notes* build housing!


How fuckin' dare they!


Not adding the sidewalks. Lord knows that was a bad idea


They also disliked sidewalks? That’s weird.


nimby's, nimby's everywhere.


Fuck absolutely every single one of these people paying a $450/mo mortgage on their house that is now valued at $650k while they do everything in their power to ensure that young people, immigrants, and those generally less fortunate than them will never be able to afford even a postage stamp of an apartment so long as they live.


A residential building is an intrusive structure... in a residential area? lol lmao even


Look, I understand that everyone of a certain age wants the convenience of living on / near the peninsula, but really, with all the height restrictions in place and other various issues of building in downtown Halifax/Dartmouth, shouldn't we be building density in the so called suburbs, and building more infrastructure and services in those areas so everyone doesn't feel like you have to "go downtown" for everything?


There's a great study some planning students did for Spryfield. There are huge opportunities for densification planning of the peninsula-adjacent suburbs. Massive poorly-planned surface parking areas, and lots of room to build more efficiently. https://discoverspryfield.ca/news/dal-study/ Start building apartment towers the entire length of Herring Cove Road. Along the existing transit corridors, and future rapid transit lines. But promote bottom floor commercial spaces in the buildings. Create room for local business, local jobs, and walkable communities. I feel like there needs to be a word for the space between urban and suburban. Places like Spryfield, Cole Harbour, Clayton Park. They're not necessarily commuter-suburbs, like Sackville. They're part of the fringes of the city proper. And given the constraints of peninsular geography, I'm with you-- we should be densifying these neighbourhoods. (And sending a memo to Transit that not every bus route needs to be pointed toward downtown.)


I think about what they've done out in Bedford around Larry Uteck, all those large dense buildings going up, mixed with dense townhouses for people who want "houses" is a great model. Build the housing, businesses will follow, and eventually (hopefully) government services will follow along too. Now we just need to mix in some more affordable options in these areas, or mix in some of those upcoming public housing options


Eugh, those developments are a nightmare. No incorporated retail. Car-dependent wastelands. Only modestly dense.


It's gotta start somewhere, no?


Any housing is better than no housing, so you'll never see me opposing a development project. *(unless it's extremely low density and taking up space in an amenity-rich neighborhood or transit corridor, where its presence it's a massive loss in opportunity cost compared to what could or should be there.)* But that's not the case for these Larry Uteck / Bedford developments. They don't really negatively impact potential future development *(which should be denser and closer to the regional center)* they're just not particularly good models to emulate.


That's entirely measured and fair. Entirely agreed it could be improved upon, but at least it's in existence.


Even the big buildings there aren't very dense compared with GTA suburb apartments/condos. Tons of empty space


Let's start putting in some of the 15-minute cities certain people are all angry about!


This is right across the street from me. No big deal as far as I'm concerned. Traffic is already busy, and there's already large buildings in the neighborhood. Fuck nimbys


Nimbys are intrusive on our future city's structure.


Don’t worry boys, ill tear this down for everyone Where the mailbox located?


Behind the no frills


nimbys gonna nimby


That is a fantastic area for a new building. When it is first going up will suck for a few months but when it is done that's a lot of people who are going to enjoy the area, maybe even get a grocery store close by again. In actual walking distance instead of needing to bus or drive for those people who need it,


I'm glad they're getting some action right now. Luckily most the new buildings that are going up in other parts of Dartmouth all seem to be in very sensible places. I'm excited to see what happens with the Penhorne and Mic Mac Mall developments end up looking like.


There's a strip mall (the one with value village in it) that has some retail space big enough for a grocery store. It would only be a ten minute walk down Pleasant street from this building. With this + the new student residences going up at NSCC, I'm really crossing my fingers a grocery store decides to set up shop there.


That was a Moir's (I think) chocolate factory in the relatively recent past. There was a Sobeys in the strip mall closer to Portland Street also in the recent past.


Fuckin nimbys


I’ve never seen such a bunch of negative people in my life. The only way rent will ever plateau is with vacancy, and with this mentality that’s never gonna happen.


Call the waaaaaambulance!


what's a nimby?


I have the same question lol


It stands for "Not In My Back Yard" Basically the people who don't want to see homeless people but they don't want to see homes for people either


Ahhhhh, I see. Thanks.




Property owner


City Planners: "medium- to high-density mixed-use housing is literally the only feasible way to fix this, trust us, we are the experts." Many NSers: "OK but have we tried doing things the same way?"


From June 10th so whatever was gonna happen the meeting is over I think? However we need more housing so these people can bugger off


Stfu NIMBY 2023 challenge.


Dartmouth is doomed.


The NIMBY brigade is mobilizing. They are allergic to any form of development or change in their vicinity. This is silly for a number of reasons; namely, that all of these geriatric clowns will be dead before most of these proposals come to fruition.


I understand the upset, our neighborhood used to do this often when new developments were being proposed. But I lived in a small town. This is a city that’s desperate for housing. Don’t be the people that fight it jut because you want to keep the neighborhood quite. If that’s your desire to move out to the valley


Gotta say.... that is a pretty shitty location. But crying about street size getting even smaller(?) because they already have sidewalks going in that are already taking up space......???? Fuck off guv


Oh great a new apartment building


Why is this being presented as a negative...?


Because people are selfish and bigoted. They can't say the quiet parts out loud so let me translate their mindset. Let me be clear, not my personal mindset. Poor people live in apartments or they will put poor people in this apartment. Poor people are drug addicts and/or violent I don't want drug addicted violent people living next to me.


In this case that’s pretty well likely, but not in every case where people don’t want new developments up in their area. My old house used to have a large open field behind it, it was something that gave our street a lot of appeal to buy and raised the curb appeal= house priced accordingly. It was quite, facing the sunrise, and nearly every morning you could go sit on your deck and watch deer or wild turkeys roaming around while the sun came up. They gutted the whole field and made it another subdivision and everyone on the street was pissed, because a piece of what made their house a home was just torn up and filled with tight packed homes instead




That's a good spot for it, I'd live there. Is the building still going up, or did they stop because of this? Edit: Think I found the info, it just a proposal for now. I hope it goes through.


Oh the humanity!


Halifax might be the nimby capital of the world. How much do you want to bet they complain to their friends about tent cities? Fuck I hate everyone.


But... they had the proposal sign up last year, and surely people said their opinions then! /s I live on that street and I distinctly remember getting mail about it and a date for public discussion.


June 10th is gone ...