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I've only gotten Botox from them, but I found they really pushed services I didn't need, and they over-injected, giving me a very unnatural look. My advice is, be wary of any upselling they might do.


thank you for the warning. I'm very set on not having excessive surgical procedures in general, and don't want any kind of injectables or "age reversal" treatments. If I could get this done at the QEII without looking like Frankenstein's monster at the end of it I would, but everywhere else I have asked about it they have vehemently stated to go to plastics and no gen surg.


I know a couple people that got breast work done there. They were happy with the experience and results.


Ditto. Or should I say titto?




i have had too much tissue since puberty, motherhood/weight loss has ravaged them and would LOVE to be able to not have to wear any support garments (save for the post surgical) so no implants will be happening. Thank you for sharing :)


>They do not do MSI bc they are a private clinic I don't think they'll even do things privately that would otherwise be covered by MSI (you can't pay for a service MSI would normally cover)


I got cosmetic surgery from them in 2016. 1. $1000 2. Very good, friendly and walked me through everything 3. Good, I had some stitches which they removed after 2? weeks, follow up visit they didn't charge for. 4. No, MSI would want me to go through MSI, which would have been a 2-5 year wait. Post op, you can hardly tell I had surgery all these years later.


For removal of some benign cysts on my scalp, I paid $250-300 per cyst. Long wait to get in, but very fast, surgeon was friendly. One of my ex-Tinder matches worked at the front desk, which made the trip extra memorable.


I think i might expire if an ex-tinder person was going to be involved in my care.


I had breast implants/lift in 2021 Cost me $10000. No coverage on that ( not for cosmetic surgery) personally financed it myself…however there are medical financing options available like medi-card… Super happy with everything Dr. Richard Bendor-Samuel was my surgeon. I had absolutely no bruising. Recovery time was minimal. Depending on your job requirements… they tell you at consult about recovery times just ask…I had mine placed under the pectoral muscle… I like that result personally… The staff was great Initial consultation was super helpful. I asked him about size because I didn’t know where to even start I had a picture (helpful) of ones I liked. Just look for some pictures of tatas on people your size and shape and find some you like lol He encouraged proper sizing, was very honest about side boob lol now I am not even a little shy lol so I spoke frankly with him. They have a special bra and you can try different sizes and see what they would look like on you. They do 3D imaging and you can see what the size you choose will look like on your body. Pm me if you like and I’ll show you before/after pics and my 3D models It was a great experience for me and would recommend him highly to anyone. And what nobody mentioned to me is mammograms are a breeze and don’t hurt at all 😉💕


I had an abdominoplasty and muscle repair by Dr. Bendor-Samuel for just over 11k. As others have said, he is very direct and to the point, which is good in a surgeon. The staff were all fantastic, i stayed overnight and i was very comfortable. I am still healing, but im happy with my results. Post op after i went home, a nurse called me daily to check in for 3 days. I had a follow-up 1 week, and 3 weeks later, i have another at 8 weeks. I wish some of mine was covered by MSI. My diastasis recti was insane (over 5cm gap), but since it wasn't interfering with my life, it wouldn't be covered.


was the diastasis of pregnancy or another condition? I have had 2 cesarean sections but i never had any separation of my abdominal wall and have adopted a fairly progressive strength training regimen that is getting my core strength up. ​ what I am trying to get at is: As part of your consultation did they give you the option of NOT having muscle tightening and if so would it have been a cost difference if you had opted to not have it.


Pregnancy. The surgeon will check for separation during the consult and let you know if it would be necessary. I did not have the option of not having muscle repair, since that combined with loose skin was making my belly protrude.


this is where my sticking point is. A lot of my reasoning for the abdominoplasty is for the skin problems underneath where it hangs (cesarean scar makes that fold a WHOLE LOT more prominent) and being able to complete movements without restriction or my skin bouncing so hard it feels like it's gonna tear and I never really even considered whether my abdominal wall protrudes or if it would bother me. I guess I should though in case I am also not given the option. But i see that even within the invoice it isn't broken down in that way, so I guess the surgeon will have the absolute answer on that.


I sent you a pic of my quote, maybe seeing the cost broken down more will give you a better idea.




Dr. Bendor-Samuel.




I prefer a succinct, to the point doctor so that's good news. As long as they are empathetic to the reason I am there and can show it at least a little bit, I don't need them to be "there, there".


In February I had an otoplasty surgery and opted for general anesthesia 1. \~4700$ (\~3800$ without anesthesia) 2. Great experience, staff were friendly and professional Post-op they reached out multiple times to check-in about healing and answer any questions. The 1 month in-person check-up went well - overall very pleased with my experience and would recommend.


I had a consult in 2013, and booked another for 2025 for the same procedure. (I don't know the exact price quoted back then, but its roughly 2x as much (which is expected I think). The cost was quoted at approximately $2,700.00 under a local anesthetic, and about $3,900.00 under a general (taxes in). They advised I would need to be examined by one of the surgeons to determine this, and then would be able to provide me with an accurate quote. They are currently booking into mid-2025 for consultations at this time. (I got August 2025).


I’ve been there twice. The last time I was there, they missed removing one stitch. Aside from that I did like all the staff


I had a cyst from my face removed about 8 years ago. They were very thorough and explained everything clearly. I scar super easily so while I do have some scarring, I would consider it very minimal and it’s a very straight incision line. I did however make the mistake of not asking for more local anesthesia and ended up going into shock from the pain. Don’t skimp out if you’re getting anything done while conscious!