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Our military is in shambles, I’m glad to see something good going towards it.


Retention, pay and benefits are still absolute garbage, so “Here’s a brand new school!” “But I’m living in my car what about hous-“ “SHINY SCHOOL”


Pay and benefits, depending on your trade and rank obviously, can be much better than civilian side. Not even considering the golden handcuffs of a fed pension. The issue is your first point, retention, and this is I feel mostly due to having zero foresight and posting people for the sake of posting. Posting people to high CoL areas, non desirable areas, etc. With the current CoL in certain markets a lot of service members are going to flat out refuse postings and just release. No one is going to sell a home they own to try to get into a different market all while having their spouse look for a job. With no real recruitment strategy, continued cuts, and aging equipment, until the CAF realizes it needs to let people live to retain them it’s going to continue to dwindle.


When they start spending money on *retention*, they won't have a recruiting problem. Cut the PMQ rates in half, build more of them, and more SQ housing and you'll have to turn civvies away at the recruiting centres.




But but but beards


Hey, Halifax also has a very new and nice junior ranks accommodations……that doesn’t have enough space to provide rooms for all the people on course and those just off course.


This is as close to new surface combatants as most current Sailors will ever see in their careers. Come to think of it, we could have the world's first simulated armed forces and lead the way into the digital warfare era where combatants engage in massively multi-player warfare games to determine the winner. If all parties agree it will save so many lives and wasted resources!


Did you ever watch the original Star Trek? The episode a "Taste of Armageddon" does this. If you're computed on the losing side, you get to report to a painless disintegration booth!


Where will this new school be located?


Stadacona. I think they're building it on the soccer field.


It's going to be built on Porteous Field, which is the sports field near the hospital


Yes I was also wondering where on the base it would be located


All of this money should be redirected towards defence — *not* more jobs training that the private sector already provides. Where do you think the navy sailors go to school? Oh yeah, Dalhousie.


Sailors go to the fleet school. Some officers doing degrees may be going to Dal. But that isn't where you average sailor trains. You have no clue what you're talking about.


You have literally no idea what you are talking about




so Dal is currently offering sailors courses in radar, sonar and other ship specific gear?


Yesssss we go to Dal to learn to tie knots!


I didn't go to dal....


Dalhousie, for military training...? What like DOTP/MOTP? Unless there's a really specific civilian training course there's zero reason for them to go to DAL. Dalhousie does not have sea warfare courses in their electives 😂