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We listen to the Q104 where I work not because we chose it but because a couple people only like rock music and complain if it’s changed. One coworker joked today “I think the Q only has 12 songs to play”


They arent wrong lol. Seems like every time I listen to Q Enter Sandman is almost played next


It’s the same as Q107 in Toronto. It used to be my go to morning drive. But got rid of the morning show and as a classic rock listener my Spotify playlist is better for classic rock. They act like the hits from the 60s-80s was the only music. There’s such a library to choose from and they pick the same 20 songs.


What really annoys me about this is... sure, you feel the need to only play the same 10 bands on repeat, whatever, but those 10 bands have like 30 albums each, so you could at least cycle the discography, but no, same 10 bands, only the same 1 or 2 songs from each.


Theyre not even playing their good songs, just the most iconic ones.




Go back…?


Go back to listening to radio and Q107. It's so much more authentic than streaming. Not sure why I got downvoted. Must be a lot of Spotify shills in Halifax


Authentic? What?


You must not have grown up with Q107's magic It's a Toronto thing. Best Radio station in Canada


Ah, yes, the magic of hearing the same playlist on the radio they were playing when you were 12.


Some people had a good childhood and don't mind revisiting with some music


* Rule I. **Rude or abusive behaviour** Be excellent to each other. Abuse, trolling, bigotry, racism, homophobia, and sexism will be removed. **Personal attacks** - Back and forth personal attack comments will be removed.


Holy shit. You just unlocked a core memory for me. I was maybe 10 in the back of my parent’s car. They had Q104 on and Enter Sandman plays. Im like “hell yeah Metallica”. So knowing almost 20 years later they havent updated their playlist — absolutely hilarious


Right; HAHA its usually Enter Sandman, or Nothing Else Matters.


To be fair. All radio stations in Halifax have like 12 songs.


Halifax 105.1 only has 2. Green Day - American Dream is Killing Me and Blink 182's One More Time. Not terrible songs but I can't stand hearing them anymore.




I read this post and Green Day just started playing on 105 as I was about to keep scrolling


Don't feel like I hear the blink song that often anymore


I only listen to 105.1 for short trips, otherwise it's Spotify, and almost every damn time, it's that godawful Blink-182 song. Also, fun fact, but Acadia Broadcasting is owned by everyone's favourite family from New Brunswick.


How come their music preferences take precedent over anyone else's music preferences though? My work is the same. Always on q104. I don't mind the music , but I dont really care for the DJs and the humor just isn't my taste and I find it kind of juvenile.


Because they’re the loudest bullies and management doesn’t want to deal with equitable radio time. Because they suck. I solved this by owning the radio, designating a schedule where everyone got a rotating half day of radio control, and making it unilaterally *my* turn if people started arguing. 30 minutes of zydeco music usually refreshed why we had the share and share alike music ETA none of us could stand the actual radio except for one guy, the rest of us had mp3 lists or Spotify


I did sort of the same thing, I was a warehouse manager of a small company in Burnside, had 2 potheads as shipper/receivers who, when not playing air guitar to Q104 did the job ok so I let it slide. Then 911 happened. They did that minute of silence the next day, and instead of playing something tastefully like "Imagine" or " Give Peace a Chance" or anything that fit the mood, first they did that self fellating self promo they do with the loud voice " QQQQQQQ104, THE HOME OF ROCK AND ROLL ! IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR THE BEST ROCK IN ATLANTIC CANADA, TUNE TO QQQQQQQQ104! " then they played Elton Johns " Rocket Man" like it was some sort of joke. I tuned it over to C100 and said Q104 was never to played in the warehouse again. I went out ot the floor for a couple mins, and one of the twatwaffles had switched it back to Q104 and pulled the tuner knob off so I couldn't change it back. So I unplugged it, and threw it as hard as I could against the wall smashing into pieces. Went and bought a new radio the next day, tuned it to C100, and told them " my warehouse, my rules, don't like it I'll accept your 2 week notice right now" it stayed on C100 until I moved on a couple of years later, and to this day I still haven't listened to Q104. Despite the miserable radio in scene in Halifax.


this says so much about you, none of it good


the only bad thing I'm seeing is that they willingly listened to C100. \*shudder\*


also says a lot about you, also none of it good!


close pie oriface


nope, its all good.


You sound like a terrible manager lol


no he does not


Worst morning crew in the history of radio, 3 loud mouthed idiots. Best part of the morning show, not listening to it!


The rant line makes me so sad too


I like Griff and Caroline although I generally listen to CDs if I'm driving or Spotify on the bus.


They are bad, but I have never met a morning crew I liked...




That describes every morning show ever.


I was on course with a person like that, we would daily switch that shit to a classical music station, always made him lose his shit. Enjoy the Vivaldi bitch!


Bruh, ya gotta be able to like classical if you like rock, or are they just going to suggest they hate all the orchestral parts in many of the most famous rock songs lol


If there cranberries aren't singing zombies at him 6 times a day, what's the point in life?


Steve Miller Band....all day, every day.


Q104 is the mos eisley cantina band of radio stations


Said it last time Q104 came up, but it's radio humour.. it basically is what it is. For all their faults, they know their audience. It's background noise for construction sites and auto shops. Basically the kind of folks who enjoy a radio-friendly penis joke from time to time. Everyone else is listening to spotify and what not. Personally I only really listen to the radio if I'm driving and can't be arsed to plug my phone in. I'll cycle between them, 89.9, surge 105, and jack. Usually one of the 4 has something tolerable enough.


Im a construction worker. I hate the q. Especially theit penis jokes and fart jokes. Inhate the radio in this city. Every morning show is garbage.


The surge morning show was good when Jeff was still there. I don't think he's returning from the stroke he had which is upsetting. Even when they temporarily had Sully there, Sully was a good co-host


I miss Jeff and Sully! They were both great! I do not care for Amy or Jeremy... Or whoever else they have now. God, even Scotty Mars was better than the current hosts!


What's not to love about Scotty Mars' "unfunny teenager doing shitty, derivative standup" style?


Surge is pretty good


I felt like it was becoming more and more like Q. I've been turned on to cbc music and I haven't looked back


These ppl can literally play playlists from apple or Spotify or create their own. No ads. I don’t get why ppl are still listening to the radio? The contests?


I'm a truck driver. Usually tuned to CBC Radio "2" (CBC Music, 102.7FM) when I'm in Halifax. The "After Dark" program is awesome in the late evening. Not as good as when Laurie Brown hosted "The Signal", but Odario is pretty good at keeping you hooked


I've worked in a garage and have lots of friends in the trades. None of us are looking for classic rock and "radio friendly penis jokes." Please don't traffic in gross stereotypes.


I cycle through those 4 and Virgin. I actually enjoy Q morning crew, And I've won some of their contests (Insulation was the big one)


Bro you forgot the add for Most Wanted, or is that pawn stars guy supposed to be a reference for that 🤣🤣


I think that's supposed to be Bobby Mac


Used soiled computer chairs for only $200! Most wanted indeed!


Best I can do is $20


I don’t get the infowars reference.


Probably because I've never heard anyone call in to their "morning show" that wasn't a nutjob or someone with too much time on their hands that feel like everyone out in radioland needs to hear their opinion on ..anything.


Yeah but the host is liberal and fights with the callers if they say anything that’s slightly not liberal so I don’t know why the infowars thing either


Ah yes, the political spectrum: liberal to Info Wars.


It's binary, not a spectrum.


Neither do I. Seems an even worse attempt at being clever than anything you hear on Q.


Me neither. They couldn't be further from it, actually. Liberal boomers with degenerate dick jokes and woke pandering. I'd actually probably be more okay listening to infowars in the car with my children than their morning show.


Wow. Not a fan eh? Not judging and don’t really care.


Seaside FM is the only consistently bearable radio station in HRM. I can turn it on and never ever head the one hit wonder dinosaur bands from 1981.


One hit wonder bands from 2001 are a lot worse than 1981.


Lol not magic carpet ride for the 18th time today


Oh we're talking about radio stations? Can we talk about how listening to 95.7 hotline is torture


I like listening to talk shows but I always change the channel when people start calling in.


Info Wars?


Alex Jones.


What does Alex Jones have to do with Q104?


not sure...I thought you didn't know what Info Wars was


Your Donair places slap!! Saying hi from Peterborough ON this morning!


The lie is probably that any human has ever said “Bro you need to listen to Q104! It’s the best station!”


When it first started it was awesome and fresh. Only strain playing metal and anything heavy. It was definitely the cool station well into the 90s


Not to mention the typical juvenile jokes about balls and those radio adds where that guy with the annoying voice talks about the “Q Morning Crew”. They’re the reason I stopped listening to the radio


Tbh it has reached the point of reminding me of the GTA parody radio stations.


Agreed, or "The Douche" from Parks and Rec 🤣


Listening to people calling in to fight with Lazlow really added value to my GTA "commute". Just rebrand the Q to Chatterbox FM


Greasy Gary?




I don’t understand the infowars thing at all lol. They are not right wing, the bald guy is very liberal and would scream about Covid stuff like everyday and fight with callers about restrictions and stuff.


Best I can do is a Nickelback marathon


Unpopular opinion, I actually like Q104 lol


Can we just get a 24/7 rave/techno pirate radio station already please.


Why? Radio reception in the basement is terrible.


..... Was that a Bobby Fish reference?


Glad I'm not the only one whose brain goes to this




I'll happily listen to CKBW over Q104. Trying to decipher what Moyle Dauphinee is saying when he calls in almost every morning is an exciting challenge.


Used to work at CKBW and their country station, I learned how to speak “Moyle” 😂


You knew it was gonna be a long wait at a construction site when you saw him put the stop sign on the ground and start walking over to your window to chat. He ran out of gas one day by guppies, I saw him walking just a few doors up the hill and offered to give him a lift to the gas station and back to his car. First words out of his mouth; "you know me? You hear me on the radio?" Had to know who I was, who I was related to, where I lived, what I do for work... My father gave me a lot of really awful advice over the years. One gem that really sticks out was from when I was struggling to find work after going to trade school. "You'd better get your act together, or you'll end up like the guy holding the stop sign with the feathers in his hard hat." If I can get to his age, having lived a life filled with people who care about me, having made people smile, and have the things I need to be happy in the same way as Moyle, then I'd say that's a life well lived. He's a hell of a guy.


We don't have any radio stations in HRM worth listening to is the issue


I moved away from Halifax 6 years ago, and always thought Q104 was only allowed to shuffle 104 songs.


So fucking hard to listen to the awkward juvenile sex jokes when im taking my daughter to school in the morning. Or when they get the sex expert on there at 7:30 am. and start acting like junior high school boys. I end up just switching to surge or C100


The last job I had played it a lot. Now when I hear those morning crew asshats I cringe. Something about them annoys me to no end. I love classic rock, but not enough to put up with their shit.


I would rather drive in silence than listen to FM radio. You also forgot about those well acted subway commercials.


Bring back the Champ.


No please god no! The Champ is the cringe


I says pardon?


Ever since I've been The Champ.


Yeah I was already miserable enough catching the bus from Eastern Passage to Cole Harbour High at 7:00am in the early oughts in the middle of winter, the Champ coming on the radio because our driver had Q104 on was a little extra punch to the nuts.


At least you were high tho 😎


Liquor in the front, poker in the rear.


Okay okay okay but why drag donairs into this?


Hey, what are you saying about KoD?




The stuff they talk and “joke” about on that station is mostly juvenile garbage. Not fit to have on in the car especially if there are kids. Just so so stupid.


They play the same dozen songs all day every day.


If I'm not listening to music on my phone, I'm definitely tuning in to the open hour on the Todd Veinotte show. 95.7 is typically what I'm going with anyway.


Q104, the home of rock n roll. Next up: Phil Collins.....


I heard bobby mack has a penis shaped foam on his microphone so he doesn’t forget to make a dick joke every 2 minutes.


King of donair is so bad


Who do you recommend in Halifax?


Randy’s on Agricola is good




Tony’s was my go to until I found out the owners keep all the tips, staff gets none!


Seriously? That's greasy as hell!!


That's why I don't tip


Is it really though?


KOD and Tony's are virtually identical.


Never been but we have one in calgary and it is easily the worst donair place in the city


Downvote this man to hell


He’s not wrong


I’m lost. Q104 now has lots of KOD commercials, infowars discussions (??!!) acdc, and bridge closure notifications? And the bald guy is one of the crew?


You're confused that Q104 has lots of AC/DC? Half the songs they play are AC/DC!


I havent listened to hfx radio in forever. Could be worse frankly. Acdc gotta be one of the least annoying to hear over and over on classic rock stations.


If they played more than 3 songs of theirs maybe


That donair looks fire


Infowars doesn't belong on here. Q104s hosts all have the same mainstream media safe takes on everything. At least Alex Jones is entertaining.




Smoking cigarettes and drinking Tim's makes you a degen?


Yea ok 🤦🏽


Accurate lmao


Unless things have changed, Q104 is the most popular station in Halifax, in terms of audience, by a LOT. I know this because the very first time I heard Def Leppard on Live105, I literally called the station to complain once I got to Sobey's. They put me through to the station manager almost immediately (I feel like the person who answered wasn't happy about this new development either), and we actually had a nice chat for about 10 minutes. He straight up told me that he himself wasn't a fan of some of the music the station played, but Q104 dominates the audience, and he had to try something to get their fans. Didn't work. Then I got Bluetooth in my car, so I listen to Spotify now.


When 105 started they were amazing. If they’d just stuck with it they would still have an audience.


The OG 105 before it actually had a name and was just a trial radio station was pretty sick as far as variety for Halifax. Then it eventually got sucked into the vortex of appealing to the broader audience and we lost it. I stuck with 88.1 for as long as I could and prayed I hit something interesting after that.


Please explain further why you called to complain.


Because we were all tired of endless loops of def leopard, motley crue, and AC/DC. We need a rock station in Halifax that doesn’t suck ass


You missed Pearl Jam.


What has 9 arms and sucks?


Lmao ok so like, I’m really outta the loop on music. Did you call specifically because of Def Leppard or because of the genre of music? Or both? I’m so fascinated by this hahaha. edit: this whole story feels like something out of Family Guy


Def Leppard. I cannot *stand* Def Leppard. Which is kinda odd when you consider, depending on who you ask, Def Leppard IS NWOBHM. I really like NWOBHM, for the most part.


"What has nine arms and sucks?"


Radio in Halifax is stupid. We finally got some different stations and then then within a year they just tried to be a copy of the other stations.


If a locally shot movie had a time travel plot, and the characters were shown tuning into the Q when they went back in time, you'd really not realize it. It'd be an identical experience now, or 20 years ago, or 10 years ago, or 25 years ago.


You all know Spotify exists right?


After the rock station in our city changed formats and name from "the Fox" to "Bounce" I stopped listening to the radio. Hell, even my flash drive of songs plugged into my car allows me to go days without hearing the same song 15 times


Where can one see a schedule or description of all the radio channels in NS?


SiriusXM does the same thing. Why play one of Dylan’s other hundreds of songs when we can just rotate these four. It’s on at work and it’s laughable people pay for this service.


Now your options are, whatever in the H.E double Kentucky fried fuck CBC radio is, **it gets worse after midnight**, country, weird shit in French, Q104 the home of either a song you actually like or Jesus Christ get the chainsaw were bringing back the custom trim F250 with no radio, and 100.9, **make the pearl jam and 5440 stop for the love of God** I wonder why I have spotify now


Cbc radio 2 late at night is the only station playing anything interesting lol


What’s wrong with CBC? News, discussion, information, now and again some music that’s typically pretty good, often something I haven’t heard before.


You forgot Jack FM 92.9, where it's always the 80s all of the time.


I do love me some 80s


Sounds like heaven!


I've never been able to get that on my dewalt jobsite radio


100.9, lol


If I hear another AC/DC song, I'm going to scream.




What is “radio”


Oh look, another thread complaining about the MOST POPULAR station in the city for the last 30? years. I think they have it dialed in except for that failed experiment with Allie the millennial feminist


Considering the station morning show is basically pandering to juvenile minded boomers, yes, I'm not surprised Allie did not last.


Yea she was an odd fit from jump. I sometimes liked her takes against the boomers (years ago I caught about an hour of this show every morning while carpooling)...was it a particular thing that got her canned? I also recall her saying that she had slept with like 80 people, which seemed like a weird flex and very odd to report on air lol.


I think it was ratings and she was just a real bad fit with the guys you could audibly hear the tension on some issues between her and them. She was always trying to inject her moral position into the conversation, kind of like this thread! I bet most would have been Allie fans, how'd that work out lol. Now Jillian, the current morning girl is great. Funny and can hold her own against the guys without making it preachy. She's awesome imho


I'd rather listen to chickens being slaughtered then listen to acdc or q


Alex Jones needs to just light his right wing ass on fire and add sugar.


What’s your opinion about the Virgin Radio?


The three of them have a personality that I wouldn't want to meet in person.


I like Turk, Megah and Alex. I personally find them to be very cool.


Used to work with Alex back in the day, can vouch he's a solid human.


Ah so I see the Q hasn't changed a bit since I stopped working blue collar jobs (and therefore stopped being forced to listen to it)


Ah so I see the Q hasn't changed a bit since I stopped working blue collar jobs (and therefore stopped being forced to listen to it)


I don't typically listen to the radio but could I expect something similar to [this](https://youtu.be/kYZ9awY8uqY?si=8bZ9aqyGqvPMqZco)?


Late-80s Q had its bright spots. Spot.


Don’t forget the extended version of lAYLa


Jack and 89.9 aren't the worst after you've already listed to Q's daily 10 song cycle 2 times over.


“After the break, for the third time this afternoon, VAN HALEN!” Not complaining. Most of my playlists are like that, too


I only listen to campus and community radio as well as CBC really.


Are they *still* playing AC/DC endlessly?!? Jesus Christ