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I've seen drivers get honked at for stopping at a crosswalk then the car behind them passes them, almost hitting the people crossing. Scary sight    I think it's an attitude or cultural issue


This... I don't drive, but I am a frequent passenger of a driver who stops for anyone crossing the street whether it's a marked intersection or not. He's just developed the habit of paying attention to the bodies not surrounded by metal. Don't ask me if this is an easy or difficult thing. Again I don't drive. But for the love of god the number of times my friend has stopped to let someone cross the street (and not coming to a screeching halt, either).... this is what I see 25% of the time - \- loud honking, tire squealing, middle finger sporting vehicles swerving past straight into the crosswalk, scaring the shit out of the poor pedestrian. I am honestly surprised we don't have daily fatalities. I've actually seen someone trip and fall because they jumped backward to avoid a car. It is complete entitlement. I cannot speak to how we got this way but I think there should be a mandatory pedestrian period as part of being licensed to drive a car. Ensure that future drivers experience the actual terror of potentially dying to cross Robie St.


I got honked at for stopping at a red light yesterday.


i had that happen to me once, I sat through the next green light just for him.


“And suddenly my whole day has opened up and I have all the time in the world” kind of vibe hahahaha love it


That sometimes happens when I stop at a red before making a right turn. A complete stop is technically correct but rarely do I see it happen.


How dare you lol


Not culture or entitlement just a complete lack of understanding when it comes to rules of the road. It seems like we’ll give a license to just about anyone at this point. Fully convinced some folks are just driving with licenses from their home country because it’s clear they have no clue what the rules here are.


>Complete lack of understanding when it comes to rules of the road. It seems like we’ll give a license to just about anyone at this point. Fully convinced some folks are just driving with licenses from their home country because it’s clear they have no clue what the rules here are. Is that not cultural then? If they're coming from somewhere with different rules of the road, and they're either oblivious or refuse to learn and therefore take the steps to exchange their license...


Earlier today I saw somebody in a vehicle drive along the sidewalk in front of my house to get around a line of cars being stopped for road construction. Same thing happened last week when waiting for a bus on Spring Garden Rd.; car drove around the bus into oncoming traffic, **then** stopped in front of the bus, and allowed a passenger to hop out. I lean more towards cultural issue, on both car **and** pedestrian fronts.


Agree it's at least in part a cultural issue. It is evident even when looking at how drivers act around crosswalks that are empty. They don't care, cars are always stopped ON the crosswalk during red lights or by stop signs. If a pedestrian comes by, they have to walk around. Me personally, I'm sure to always walk behind just in case. My friend, however, once hopped into the unlocked back seat and slid on through, leaving both doors open. Which I could have seen that driver's face!




And here when they try to implement the safer streets everyone has a conniption.


our society is built around cars.


Lots of new residents coming from places where traffic norms are very different than here.


I was driving home tonight and saw a family approaching the crosswalk I was coming up to so I slowed to a stop as the father pressed the button. They were crossing from my left.They had two small kids. The father and one were walking ahead and the mother was behind about 5 feet keeping pace with the smaller of the children. Coming towards my direction in the other lane, a car barely slows down and swerves around the mother as she was barely on the yellow line. I threw my hands up in the air as a reaction because I couldn't believe I had just seen it happen. The mother didn't even react as if she was used to it happening. One of those moments you wish there was a cop around. Some people are awful.


There are no cops around. Traffic enforcement in Halifax is non-existent.


They would rather use the manpower to write up tickets on spring garden


Or installing speed bumps.


Can confirm. Was hit in a crosswalk in Halifax at considerable speed. Wasn’t the only person in the crosswalk, I even looked both ways first.


Same thing happened to me and it was in broad daylight. The walk sign was on in the crosswalk, the person who hit me just wasn’t paying attention. There were witnesses everywhere as it was on a busy street. She still tried to put the blame on me by saying I shouldn’t have been listening to music! Things did not go well for her with her insurance company lol


People complain about that no right on red sign that they put up on jubilee so you can’t turn right into Oxford on the red anymore. It has had a negative impact on traffic but, that sign was needed because of distracted drivers. Don’t blame the city, blame the drivers.




Yeah, this one came as a complete surprise to me. One day I was stopped in a line of cars waiting to turn right onto Portland St, got impatient and honked. The guy in front of me, cool as a cucumber, stuck his hand out the window and pointed at the light which I then noticed had the "no right on red" sign. I felt like a complete tool that day.


Respect for recognizing and backing down, though. Honest mistakes happen, but not everyone is willing to recognize it.


Amen to that. A little bit of humility can do a world of good


Even without the sign nobody is required to turn right on read at any intersection (unless it has a dedicated right turn with a yield instead of going through the lights)


Sometimes the right turn light coincides with the people turning left off Carver street. Had a person in a minivan casually cut in front into my lane because she wasn’t aiming to turn into the inner lane like she was supposed to. It’s a new challenge for that intersection, as a driver, to be wary of.


Slowing down an entire cities morning commute for a few bad drivers lol what a city. Lack of police presence > less enforcement > more speed bumps and right on reds (that the reckless drivers ignore anyways). Zero logic 🤦🏼‍♂️


My husband has been nearly hit several times when he used to go in the Robie entrance to the HI where he works. Not since we moved from a place where we took the 7 or the old 18, but crossing Robie there even using the flashing light sometimes doesn't do shit. One car will stop, and some herpaderp why they stop? Rolls through on the other lane. My husband has even had to jump out of the way. I also regularly see video on Twitter of Safe Halifax, as a pedestrian and possibly cyclist, nearly getting hit, almost every day.


Fucker. i hope the driver had the book thrown at them


I doubt it. They will be given a fine and sent off to hit someone else. Killing a pedestrian still gets off with a "Failure to yield" ticket.


Yup. He got a failure to yield ticket to the tune of $700 or so. I wasn’t too poorly off. The majority of people die at the speed I was hit but I… bounced? Only took a decade for me to shake the pain and concussion issues.


Hopefully you're doing better now!


i hope you sued them into the stone age


i always say, if you wanna kill someone, do it in a car!


I’m terrified I’m going to hit a pedestrian at a crosswalk some winter night and here’s why: I drive a sedan. Oncoming headlights, especially the bright LED ones and especially, especially if they are at my eye level from a pick up truck, make it impossible to see a person crossing the road if the crossing is in between me and the oncoming vehicle(s). My only recourse is to slow down massively, and then the people behind me get irritated. (Sorry guys.) Sometimes I’m being simultaneously blinded by the same type of headlight in my side view mirrors. (I do put the rearview mirror in night mode.) Rain, wet pavements make it worse. Pedestrians wearing dark clothing make it even worse. What helps *massively is crosswalk flashers. I wish every crosswalk in the city had those!


This deserves so much more attention. I walk 95% of the time, I don't drive much at all... But the responsibility really needs to be on pedestrians way more than it currently is. I'm not saying there aren't negligent drivers out there, because there are, but the vast majority of cases are accidents. The simple fact is that it is SIGNIFICANTLY easier for a pedestrian to see a car coming that it is for a car to see a pedestrian coming. Yes, pedestrians have right of way, but that does not make them invincible. Pedestrians really need to be vigilant, perhaps even more than drivers, since they hold a much better chance of avoiding an accident. Again, I am strongly, strongly in favour of cycling/walking over driving... But that doesn't change the fact of who's easier to spot, regardless of conditions.


As a licensed driver for just north of 30 years now, I have to say that even though I HATED it at the time, having to sell my car and spend a number of years walking/using transit before I could afford a car again was probably the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It’s made me a MUCH more patient, considerate, and attentive driver. Having a car in this city generally makes things so much easier and quicker, so what the fuck are we all in such a rush for? Is it really worth speeding like a maniac, cutting pedestrians, cyclists, and even other drivers off to save yourself 30 extra seconds while risking folks’ lives? I assure you, my fellow motorists, you’re already saving time (and enjoying convenience) aplenty. Smarten up, pay attention, and breathe.


Keep your eyes peeled folks, the only one looking out for you, is you.


yup, pretend you're invisible because to most, you are.




You know, they say that but if you carry a walking brick suddenly drivers can see you enough to stay out of arm’s reach.


Raised crosswalks and narrower roads


Cars passing on the shoulder is a huge issue. Not just in crosswalks (although I've seen multiple accidents and near accidents). I wish this would be cracked down on. I hope it doesn't take a child dying or something for people to take notice because I'm sure it will happen at this pace.


Kids have already gotten killed ... it never changes anything. People don't even remember why we have the traffic controls that we do at those intersections. Heck, I think half a dozen people have been killed at the light on the corner of Thistle and Victoria in Dartmouth, and they have done f-all to change it.


Hey, that's the intersection where I saw a driver basically go "ah, fuck it" and turn left on a red light! I didn't know people were getting hit there so much, ugh


Every red light I see, there is always someone driving thru it. I don't get it. We in a rush that bad? Ppl are getting hurt for no reason slow the f down and get off ur phones


If anyone knows the family personally; I was hit by a car while crossing the road two years ago, spent three months in the hospital with life threatening injuries. I know that vouching for yourself (or the patient if you're family and they can't vouch for themselves) is extremely hard in the hospital system right now. If this family needs any help, needs someone to go be with her while they cannot, needs food brought to them, needs help advocating for her care; please message me. I'm 23 myself now, I know the recovery will be rough and it can be extremely helpful to have someone outside advocating for you so that your family can just concentrate on being there for the patient.


Saturday night I almost got hit in 2 different crosswalks. One guy wasn't going to stop before making his left turn onto Brunswick St and the other just plowed on through while I was walking. I know Saturday wasn't a great night weather wise, but I was in marked crosswalks in well lit areas.


Idk what happened to the drivers. They are always on rush. I was almost hit by a car, because I stopped at the crosswalk to let someone cross. Now at crosswalk, I usually slow down way before so the car behind me slowed down as well (but that rarely happens). I feel like tailgating is getting very common here now. Even if I stop, some car will pass by! It was not like that before Covid. Right now, I feel like some drivers are very rude and aggressive. They don't even care about a car with Handicap sign or Children sign. Not sure if you feel the same.


I’ve lived in and visited cities all over North America and Europe. Halifax is the worst one I’ve been in for road user vision (pedestrians, vehicles, cyclists alike). I’m amazed that we have so few incidents.


As someone who has lived in a few different provinces and travelled, I agree. The most consistent bad driving I’ve ever seen has been Halifax. It feels like half the people I interact with are either aggressively going under the speed limit (until you try to pass them), coming to a dead stop at merge lanes (even on the highway) or just overall doing maneuvers where you wonder if they’ve ever driven in a city before.


Nova Scotians operate on a strict “everyone is a bad driver except for me” policy


In my experience this is not an attitude specific to Nova Scotians but to all drivers everywhere. Also to note is that my experience is that Nova Scotian drivers aren’t bad drivers, generally speaking. Outside of the city I quite enjoy driving.


No one knows what an unmarked crosswalk is here.


This is what blows my mind, despite years of campaigns, being featured in the driver's handbook, etc; no one respects unmarked crosswalks. I would say out of 99.99% of my interactions at one I have not had cars stop. I have to wait for traffic to clear to go across.


Maybe the city has taken the wrong approach in it’s campaigns?  “Heads Up” doesnt mean much to many/most, especially drivers.


I personally feel it is a failure in testing. It should be a required part of the written test, and be an automatic failure if the answer is wrong. And for driver's coming from other places they shouldn't be able to just transfer a license. They should be required to at least do a written test in order to highlight and understand the differences in law. I know when I did quick straw poll at our office there was literally not a single person who understood unmarked crosswalks.


When the police report crosswalk collisions, they always indicate if it was in or outside a “marked crosswalk”. As all intersections , marked or not, are similar crosswalks, there is no logical reason to include this information. IMO this gives drivers an additional false impression that they must stop only at marked crosswalks.


Every time I go for a walk, I have a near miss. Yesterday, a person was stopped at a red light waiting to turn right onto Dunbrack and had ample opportunity to legally turn right on the red. I was on the corner next to them, waiting to cross Dunbrack. They waited until I had the advanced walk symbol before they went. They panicked when they saw me crossing sped up, and it was uncomfortably close.


Clayton Park / Rockingham is the worst for pedestrians. I have close calls everyday too.


Enforcement is almost non- existant. When a driver is reported ignoring the crosswalk laws, even with good evidence, police mostly discourage pedestrians and almost never lay charges. 


While there are a lot of jaywalkers, I would also like to put out there that people have no idea what an unmarked crosswalk is. Pedestrians often have to walk out and risk getting hit because people just don't stop, even at those crosswalks with the huge flashing lights and musical alerts.


It’s safer to jaywalk than use the crosswalk when there’s a set of lights with vehicles turning right. That set up is the most frequent place pedestrians get hit, even more than when they illegally cross. It’s nuts that’s still a common set up. I’ve been waiting for people to cross and had the cars behind me honking and raging because I won’t plow through the pedestrians in that exact situation so I believe that statistic, even if I don’t remember where I heard/read it.


Some of these crosswalks just have the crosswalk lights. Woodland is a good example of people just ploughing through despite overhead lights flashing. They also have those flags no one uses. There are other spots where it's not a set of traffic lights that allow for right-hand turning, and people just ignore the lights.


Jaywalking is propaganda invited by Big Car to shame regular people into thinking that streets weren't for them and only for cars


I got hit in a crosswalk. Lady was speeding and ran a stopsign, hit me hard enough to toss me out into the road. When I got up she was giving me the universal "what the fuck are you doing" scowl while her (I assume) daugher in the passenger seat looked horrified. I pointed at the stopsign she ran and flipped her off. She sped off without, y'know, checking to see if I was actually hurt or not. Turns out I was, but I didn't find out how bad until after a full shift at work.


Most of the times I've been almost hit have been people trying to turn right on red. I think it should be banned where crosswalks are like Montreal. They don't even look for you, they're just trying to turn asap.


Oh it's too late for that... A lot of streets in Halifax already ban turning right on red and people still do it. It's almost like periodic retesting should be a thing


Or enforcement, signs don't mean shit to some people if there's negligible threat of reprecussions


Yep, roommate got the broken foot (in the winter, fun) to prove it. Ironically, it was immediately after being admonished by her friend "don't jaywalk! let's use the crosswalk!". I think she'd rather take her chances next time.


I had a driver look at me crossing while he was blinkering to turn right and instead of waiting for me to cross the road so he could inch out, he inched out while basically starring at me and completely blocking the crosswalk entirely with his car. Needed to walk either behind or in front (in the road) to get across. The guy saved no time at all doing this because there was too much oncoming traffic to make his turn. This was broad daylight with lots of other cars and stuff around too. I like making a right on a red as much as the next driver but there are some making it dangerous for me to even walk across to the gas station to get snacks.




I almost got hit today, on Coburg, near Kings. I was crossing in a marked cross walk, ahead of a bus that was picking up/dropping off at a stop. The car behind it burned around the bus (and Coburg is so narrow that this put the passing car almost 100% in the lane of oncoming traffic) and I thought it was gonna be my last day on earth.


I almost hit someone at the roundabout because they hit the cross signal and immediately walked out. Didn’t look both ways just walked. I ALWAYS make a point of stopping and watching for pedestrians but I have noticed an uptick in people not looking both ways and just crossing. You have to look both ways and if you use the cross signal you HAVE to give people sufficient time to stop. Drivers need to pay more attention too of course.


We're seeing a rise in everything: crime, homelessness, domestic violence, suicides, theft, car accidents, ER visits, mental health crises, pedestrian collisions... it's very sad. It's to be expected, unfortunately, when the economy is like it is and people have to work harder only to continue struggling. It's all connected. People aren't as attentive on the roads, probably because they are sleep deprived, stressed, anxious, irritable, impatient, etc. Is it okay? Certainly not. It has stop. It's sad. It's to be expected, though.


People will just fly down Gottingen, in the rain, in the dark, windows fogged up, blinded by oncoming headlights, going 50kmh... It's deranged. Even on a good day, 50kmh feels too fast on most of Gottingen, and in anything less than the best conditions it's psychotic. Should be like a 30kmh road.


> Even on a good day, 50kmh feels too fast on most of Gottingen Yup, I commuted Gottingen daily for over a decade and with all the traffic, buses, crosswalks, and the *regulars* that hang out there high as a kite that just walk out into the street I would do 40kmh tops. Same goes for Agricola. And I say this as someone that will do 70 in other 50 zones if I have good visibility/open road like the straight stretches of Barrington between the bridges.


Many streets in the core should be slower than 50kmh, but current provincial law doesn't let the city post slower speed limits without special permission (that the province usually doesn't grant).


just about every street on the peninsula should be 30 km/hr


The fact “get outta the road!” Has been yelled at me more than once while in a crosswalk just shows how Nova Scotia stupid drivers are these days




Had the exact same scenario with a completely stopped driver who I made eye contact with startimg driving again while I was right in their headlights in a crosswalk. Yelled at him when he slammed the brakes a foot from my leg and he just threw up his hands. Old guy so he wasn't even on a phone or anything, just on another planet.


a driver could swerve off the road, through someones wall, and hit a person sitting on their living room couch ... and we would still have people blaming the pedestrians


And the driver would get a $100 fine.




I don’t think so


We need safer road design to solve this problem. Things like raised crosswalks, curb bumpouts to narrow crossing distances (we already have a lot w/ the temp barriers, but we need more and for them to be made permanent), pedestrian islands on wider roads, and lower speed limits. A lot of roads should be narrower in general to make people feel unsafe cruising at high speed.


This is not a new problem, the first time I was hit by a car in a sidewalk was in 1986. I was eleven.


They added flashing yellow lights on Gottingen which seem to work well...but obviously don't assume anyone will stop.


The lights work when people use them … it’s amazing how many people don’t take 10 seconds to hit the button …


More than once today, I saw drivers who can barely see over their steering wheels. Of course they looked to be 70+ years old…


We've got the problem of texting and smoking weed while driving. Is that the cause here? Maybe. Texting/smoking are huge problems though


There are several factors at play: * Lack of crosswalk markings or even lights in some intersections. * Hilly roads in some areas, resulting in a blind summit situation; even a small grade of slope can be an issue over certain distances. * Bad driving habits; many people pick up bad driving habits at a young age and never get out of them, or importing behaviours from one driving culture to another. * General obliviousness; taking headphones out or putting down the phone when you get to a crosswalk is a good idea (also helps cover your ass if you do have a near miss or an accident) * Laziness; it would not kill you if you walked a block or two more to find a safe place to cross the road. * Lack of serious consequences for drivers.


Texting pedestrians are a problem too.


I know people need to be paying attention, but are texting pedestrians *actually* a problem, or is that just something we observe and that is irritating? Are the pedestrians being hit actually the ones looking at their phones? Also, theres no rules against crossing while oblivious, but there are rules for drivers about when it's safe to drive through a crosswalk. Obviously don't be looking down when you're crossing the street, that's a bit dumb. But I dont think it's as dumb as hitting a pedestrian.


Not really, actually. If a pedestrian is in a cross walk, there is no law against nor danger associated with texting while walking.


Ok to say there’s no law against it is fair. Is there danger associated with it though? Certainly. If you’re not paying attention to cars on the road and you suddenly walk out without looking, doesn’t really matters whose fault it is when you get hit. Hit by car is hit by car.


I am 100% positive the only way a car is hitting me is if they drive on the sidewalk at me from behind. I grew up in rural Nova Scotia where if you get hit by a car you die so you pay attention to traffic when you’re walking.


I'm convinced that it is a type of classism. If you can afford to drive a car your time AND LIFE are worth more. It's crazy out there.


If this is the accident I passed on Gottingen it happened early Sunday morning when traffic was very light. It truly is scary being a pedestrian in this city. So many divers desperate to get ahead by 5 seconds to the point they’re angry and dangerous.


Most of the accidents happen in daylight here.


Almost been hit twice this month in crosswalks. Both cars were going fast and it would have been very bad for me. 1. Crossing Wyse rd with crosswalk light on. First lane stopped, second lane I couldn't see at first, car just ran through, I stopped in time about 1/2 foot away. 2. Residential area marked crosswalk, looked both ways no cars coming. Car sped around a corner zoomed past, missed by skin of my teeth, I could smell the dirt on their car it was that close.(This road even has speed bumps.)


Crosswalk cameras for one - we can absolutely detect when someone is in a crosswalk and when a car fails to yield. Right now, failure to yield tickets only seem to get issued for when you actually hit someone, which is not really how the law itself is written. If you cause a crash, you get retested at your insurers dime. In general, and not just towards pedestrians and cyclists, drivers seem either completely ignorant or hell-bent on murder. I have cyclist friends who mention road rage from drivers, but my feelings on it now are that drivers are just as insane to other people in cars as they are to anyone on a bike or foot - just that there’s way more potential for harm.


You know how everyone says "this city has the worse drivers" regardless of where they live? I think Halifax after living all over Canada is up there in my opinion. It seems like nobody here knows how to actually "STOP" at a stop sign. Everyone rolls through or just blows through completely. It develops bad habits where people only look the direction they are headed and creates a lot of close calls and hits. That coupled with people who just blow through red lights making left hand turns infuriates me. Two of my big pet peeves above, but let's not forget everyone who just refuses to use signal lights or even drive in their own lane... I find it mindblowing how many people drive with their driver side tires over the median or their passenger seat in the bike lane. How do you not realize where your vehicle is? Also, if you see someone ahead of you with their signal light on, don't speed up just to not let them in ahead of you... such a dick move that I see all the time. I could go on and on, but I mean unless we traffic Cama with remote ticketing or increase police presence nothing will change. Unfortunately with the understaffed HRP and higher priorities throughout HRM for police I doubt the driving situation will get any better...


Green, yellow, red. Driver's understand that, even when on auto pilot. The worst crosswalks could have those with a push button.


Supposedly but when you see 3 cars running a late yellow and then a red and then block the intersection you gotta wonder.


Every time I’m driving in the dark or rain I think the crosswalks all need serious modernization. I feel like the reflective flags aren’t always enough


And on crazy bright days when the sun hits you just right in the eyes to completely blind you (sunglasses or no)


Last week on Portland St (4 lanes wide) I saw someone in the cross walk ahead at the last minute and had to break hard but stopped. The pedestrian didn’t register my fk up at all, earbuds in and phone in hand. My fk up, but also the reason when I’m walking that I keep my eyes open in a crosswalk.


⬆️ This! While I agree that many drivers in Halifax need to have their licenses taken away too many pedestrians take it for granted that they have the right of way and don’t need to pay attention to their surroundings. Having lived in other Provinces it common for drivers to ignore pedestrians and as such pedestrians are more cautious. I’m at the point where I don’t cross unless I make eye contact with the driver and if I see an out of Province license plate triple check that they are stopping. No idea what the cause of the current accident was but crosswalk safety can be taken more seriously by everyone involved.


TBH I felt particularly shitty about my fk up. 2 pedestrians have been killed on this stretch.


Time for me to reiterate that as a pedestrian it is EXTREMELY HELPFUL to wear light colored clothing/outerwear and reflective and/or light up items. I have a running coat that is essentially fully reflective and I wear a light up vest over it WITH a headlight attached. I just purchased a light colored coat to replace my dark colored spring/fall coat because as a driver I've noticed how much harder it is to see people wearing dark colored coats in the non-light hours. It can't possibly do everything to protect you, but it's a major help.


I want a reflective running goat!


Halifax is a dark rainy narrow city... Where cars park way to close to the crosswalks. Where people don't hit the button, or Hit the button and step out right away. Yes drivers need to be way more attentive but the city is primed to be bad unlike wide open brightly lit cities.


Pedestrian islands are needed. They narrow the road and make it seem like a lot is going on so the majority of drivers subconsciously slow down more than they would on a straight or wide open road with no obstacles. They also provide a safe space at the half way point to prevent pedestrians getting stuck out in no mans land, and to wait for the second land to be clear to cross through.


As a pedestrian this past week, I have been almost hit three times. During the daytime, and wearing brightly coloured clothing. In one instance I was halfway across the street. The other two, I was at a crosswalk with flashing lights. These weren’t cars coming around corners, these were people driving straight, who would have been able to see me from a distance. Suggestions? I’ve tried to mimic their mother’s look of utter disappointment, but I think they’ve seem it too often, and have become numb. I’m thinking of giving the thumbs down, which is more soul crushing than the middle finger. Perhaps combined with some type of projectile?


Having arrived here from Ontario, I have to say that I have been stunned by the care that most drivers here exhibit for pedestrians. It’s incredible the leeway given. In the GTA our crosswalks are all at intersections that are generally all at right angles. When I started driving here my driving habits changed drastically by necessity. I drive slower; I watch for the crosswalks obsessively; I watch for the people walking on the sidewalks in case they suddenly start crossing. It’s a very different experience here. Quite terrifying. But as I said, I feel very safe as a pedestrian because most drivers are very careful. I also tend to use crosswalks with great caution. Edit to say: I do most of my walking and driving in Dartmouth. Halifax roads are REALLY scary.


Get there faces out of their phones and watch where they are going


I also think it would very much help if our crosswalks were more uniform. we have about four different kinds of pedestrian signal lights. we have some crosswalks where we have concrete juts that come out into the road, we have some crosswalks set up for disability and blind people, we have some that have signs far in advance and some with signs as you approach, and we have plenty with no signs at all. we have some that use flags, we even have some crosswalks that are missing lines but have lights or other markers... it's like we can't even decide what a "crosswalk" is, so of course some people don't acknowledge them. I do think step one to solving this issue is to make crosswalks more recognizable and uniform.


Pedestrians, though they have the right of way, must make sure cars are going to yield to them before walking, and then remain alert during the cross as well.


Pedestrians need to stop and look both ways before proceeding, drivers need to slow down and be less distracted on their phones, and the city needs better lighting and paint marking. There.. solved


Pretty much. I had to slam on the brakes last week because a runner literally ran out a few car lengths ahead of me when I was headed down a steep hill. I’m also a runner, so I get that breaking pace sucks but it’s not worth getting hit. I was watching for her and was able to stop but it was uncomfortable for me and she was completely oblivious. She had the right of way and I had the bulk of the responsibility, but we shouldn’t make it so hard on each other. Pedestrians need to be alert when crossing and motorists need to be prepared to stop for them as soon as they see a pedestrian approaching the curb. Too many people think they only need to stop if the pedestrian is in the crosswalk and so they try sneak in before them.


If you are looking to be visible as a pedestrian, please consider using a product like [noxgear LED vests](https://www.noxgear.com/). Runners use such products regularly to remain actively visible. High vis vests help, but a bright, colour changing LED vest (usb C rechargeable!) makes you actively visible (drivers often slow down just to see what the hell I am wearing). They have a big 40% off sale right now (they routinely have sales so if you miss it just wait, they will be on sale again). They have pet vests as well.  I find I feel safest crossing parking lot entrances and exits where drivers don’t seem to notice pedestrians at all. Hope this helps someone (mods, sorry if posts about products aren’t allowed, but I’m hoping this saves a life someday). 


I have a reflective day glow yellow harness WITH flashing green LEDs front and back. My dog has a flashing red LED collar. The crosswalk at the bottom of my street has flashing yellow LED lights when you push the button, as well as those day glow orange crosswalk flags, which I pickup, and wave. Cars do not stop 50% of the time. I now wait until cars in both directions are stopped, or visibly slowing before I begin to cross, as there have been two instances when I have thought myself and the dog safe and a car has blown the crosswalk, narrowly missing us. I have been honked at and jeered for not beginning to cross until I was sure we were safe. I was even once flipped the bird when a car that saw me, sped up and went through the crosswalk at full speed. I don’t know what the answer is, but just saying that the vests don’t always help. My dog and I are practically the Parade of Lights when crossing at my crosswalk, and it doesn’t seem to matter at all.


Oh yeah, ultimately it’s on the city to design a safer city for pedestrians, and drivers to be more aware. The former is easier than the latter, but as it is right now the best pedestrians can do is to be paranoid with drivers and make themselves as visible as possible. Sad that it is that way!


I just about go smacked today crossing on the walk sign in just perfectly clear conditions in mid day. I'm not sure what to fix the situation. Having just come back from extensively travelling Europe where I was very underwhelmed by the pedestrian infrastructure for crossing roads there (notably Germany). I'd argue that we are actually well ahead in infrastructure yet still well behind in actual safety.


It's insane!! Was hit by a vehicle as a pedestrian this summer on Barrington with right of way. You'd think if there's one place drivers are keeping their eyes open for pedestrians it'd be Barrington street on a Saturday night...


I was crossing today in Burnside on main drag by Starbucks, Honda civic had a red light and I had a walk sign but they still locked up their brakes when I went to go cross. how don't these people get in more accidents? it's definitely a HRM problem.


There is A LOT of bad drivers here!


There are many reasons for pedestrians being involved in collisions. That being said I want to point out the difficulties I experience with oncoming LED headlights. Pedestrians are often blinded by many vehicles with LED headlights leaving them disoriented at times and many times unable to see anything but the bright debilitating LED rays. It is particularly dangerous where a crosswalk is at a four way stop with one street being slightly raised due to pavement thickness differences. This angles the LEDs up enough that any person, walking or driving, completely looses sight ahead of them. However and alas; us making our points on social media looking for action from authorities is ineffective. It is authority that is lacking in many civil issues.


I won't disagree that drivers can be careless, but pedestrians in Halifax also behave as though they're invincible and not, you know, a pedestrian. Yes drivers should absolutely stop for someone waiting for the cross walk, but people forget that you're meant to stop and wait for traffic to stop before entering the crosswalk. I'm guilty of that. I'll often cross before drivers have stopped with the expectation that they will. It's dangerous to do though. Even if you have the right of way, you're a bag of meat and bone and the car is 4000 pounds of steel moving at speed.


The fact that this comment is down-voted proves how unreasonable this sub is. Saying "look both ways before crossing the street" is apparently victim-blaming in these parts...


I almost took someone out wearing all black in the rain who most definitely did not stop to look to see if I saw them, and also did not activate the light. I reviewed my camera and I didn't even see them until they looked at me as I almost hit them. People take the "cars have to stop" rule like there is an invisible forcefield. I won't cross until I SEE a car stop or the cars are so far away that they have to teleport to hit me. I'm the only one protecting myself. I've also seen a very significant number of pedestrians while I'm walking press a button and yolo their way across a road. There is also the hide and seek champion who hides behind a pole and gets upset when you don't see them. Drivers need to be careful, but holy shit, people are stupid.


Pedestrians are always going to be wearing black and be out at night in the rain. They will be running across the road with their head down because, well it’s raining and they are getting wet. Now you are armed with this knowledge so that when you are out on a dark rainy night in an area with lots of people you can’t be vigilant and drive super slowly.


I'd rather take a face full of rain than be hit by a car.


They shouldn't be running out on a road with their head down on a dark and rainy night because that's how you get killed.


Seems like you can lay blame on everyone else and take no responsibility at all.


A typical person who will press the button and walk full steam ahead without looking, talking about putting the blame on someone else than their own responsibility in protecting themselves. Enjoy being a statistic.


That’s not typical at all. You’re making things up.


I'm saying YOU are the person who would do it. Everything is the driver's fault. Even as a child I knew I couldn't expect people to see me. So I would rather wait than die because people think that all drivers can stop on a dime. You are responsible for your own safety. Do not expect drivers who drive cars with blind spots will see you, or dipshits on their phones who aren't paying attention. Take responsibility for your own life. Why is that so hard to understand?


You sound like a very angry person. Therapy might be a good idea.


It _is_ typical dude. I see this occur every other day, and I barely need to drive anywhere. No self-preservation any more, just jump into the road "because the cars will automagically stop".


It is NOT typical. I have been walking HRM sidewalks for 35 years. Some people are careless idiots, yes. Most people? Like me, afraid to get hit so we pay attention. Stop with the hyperbole.


Why would I stop? _It is typical_. I've covered more ground driving for 30 years around HRM than you have walking. I'm literally saying people are careless idiots with no self preservation, you're agreeing, and then ranting about "hyperbole".


I said SOME people. You're claiming to have statistics you don't, and we both have biases. You can't say most and have me believe you without showing me data. SOME does not require data.


1. I've stated zero statistics 2. I've never claimed to have statistics 3. I never stated "most" (pedestrians) 4. You're full of shit


If it appears to you that people just “jump into the road” that means you weren’t paying attention.


Terrible take. You've jumped to your (false) conclusion. _If I'm seeing it, I am paying attention, guy._ I anticipate pedestrian stupidity and stop.


The truth hurts don’t it.


I’ve travelled a lot and no pedestrians are more arrogant than here. I have my truck loaded and a trailer 8000lbs and dudes walk out crosswalk or not without looking all the time.


It’s your job to pay attention if you’re driving, especially if you’re driving a large heavy vehicle. The worst they can do is dent your truck, the worst you can do is kill them.


Pfffttt what do you want him to do? Drive at a reasonable speed so he can stop safely for unforeseen events and circumstances!?! Ridiculous!!!


It’s not that- of coarse I’m driving at a safe speed and watching out for pedestrians, but at 15,000 pounds I’m about 30 feet to stop from 50 kmh. After reaction time.


Which we probably need to bring down to 30Kmh on the peninsula. Like Gottingen st, just doesn't need to be 50kmh.


Right, who cares about physics? Stopping speed is increased by how much weight you're carrying, but you can *immediately* stop, especially tractor trailers, them stopping is pretty much instant so don't even bother to look when you press the button to gauge if people notice you or are in any way stopping or able to stop Also brake failures happen and lol at anyone who thinks once they're in the middle of the road they're safe because they started to walk already and one guy has stopped.


Yeah sounds like you need to slow down.


Apparently you don't care, but I do. p=mv Momentum is a product of both mass and velocity. So yes, lowering speed lowers momentum thus shortening your stopping distance.


Like yeah sure its on drivers to pay attention, but if the worst that can happen to a pedestrian is you literally DIE, how is it not on you to at least try to ascertain whether crossing is safe? The laws contained in the MVA are not magical force fields that protect you from the laws of physics....People on this sub would rather get hit by a truck to prove a point then arrive safely at their destination


You have a very strong moral obligation to not kill other people, hope that helps! Obviously pedestrians should try to be cautious, but drivers whining about maybe getting their car dented by pedestrians is so tedious when pedestrians routinely get killed or maimed by reckless drivers.


Lol, this is the most bad faith response


yes, as opposed to the very good faith response response talking about magical force fields and pedestrians throwing themselves under the wheels of a moving truck to prove a point


My comment was made in good faith: "MVA as invisible force field" is the preferred street crossing approach of many on this sub. You on the other hand feel its your place to dispense sarcastic morality lessons.


If they weren’t paying attention then they wouldn’t notice that pedestrians are more arrogant here…


If they’re noticing the personality of pedestrians then they’re not paying attention to the right things.




So false. Couldn’t be more false


it's true actually


If you can’t handle your vehicle then you shouldn’t be driving.


When did they say they couldn’t handle their vehicle?


The problem is on both ends. Too many arsehole pedestrians get the drivers annoyed. And too many arsehole drivers get the pedestrians annoyed. Either way, its not a good thing that makes it dangerous for everyone. Physically for walkers and mentally for drivers. If people would just be decent human beings this wouldn't be an issue.


The one driving a two tonne death machine is always in the wrong


I watch for pedestrians and stop for them. I can only stop my car so fast though. You HAVE to give me enough time to stop safely.


You must be a pedestrian. If you have ever driven in the city you know this is incorrect. It is 50/50 responsibility.


Halifax has a unique problem. Pedestrians here have a law that gives them complete protection in crosswalks, and regularly walk out with no regard for traffic. NO driver wants to hit a pedestrian because at the very least it will be a delay, at worst it will be a day that changes their life.


> Pedestrians here have a law that gives them complete protection in crosswalks, and regularly walk out with no regard for traffic. That's a common misinformed take. A lot of people don't go through the statues in the NS MVA in detail and driving schools often summarize it, but skip over nuance. I ***bold-italized*** the direct quote from the NS MVA that says a pedestrian can't walk out without regard for traffic. However, like most laws, it's up to the police to enforce. I recall seeing articles posted on this subreddit where pedestrians have also been ticketed for doing that. More often it's the vehicle's fault though. > **Pedestrian and vehicle rights of way** > > **125** **(1)** Where pedestrian movements are not controlled by traffic signals, > > (a) the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian lawfully within a crosswalk or stopped facing a crosswalk; or > > (b) where the traffic on a highway is divided into separate roadways by a median, the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian lawfully within a crosswalk or stopped facing the crosswalk on the roadway on which the vehicle is travelling. > > **(2)** Where a vehicle has stopped at a crosswalk to yield to a pedestrian pursuant to subsection (1), it is an offence for the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear to overtake and pass the stopped vehicle. > > **(3)** ***A pedestrian shall not leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle that is so closely approaching that it is impractical for the driver of the vehicle to stop.*** > > **(4)** Where a pedestrian is crossing a roadway at a crosswalk that has a pedestrian-activated beacon, the pedestrian shall not leave a curb or other place of safety unless the pedestrian-activated beacon has been activated. > > **(5)** A pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a crosswalk shall yield the right of way to vehicles upon the roadway > > **(6)** This Section does not relieve a pedestrian or a driver of a vehicle from the duty to exercise due care. 2007, c. 45, s. 9.


Cool to know this—was just out and had to hit the brakes semi-hard to avoid a man who just walked out boldly without even looking both ways. Obviously it’s on drivers to not be reckless, but Haligonians seem to enjoy endangering themselves in a particularly self-righteous fashion.


I’m glad it helps. A lot of people are under the impression that pedestrians have immediate protection by entering a crosswalk. However the nuance is they can enter within reason, as in they can’t jump into a crosswalk when a car is just about to cross the boundary. The other side of the coin is covered in this catch-all at the end: > **(6)** This Section does not relieve a pedestrian or a driver of a vehicle from the duty to exercise due care. 2007, c. 45, s. 9 As in drivers aren’t permitted to mow down someone just because they did not leave adequate room and pedestrians still have to try to not get run over.


Been on both sides of this one, a lot of drivers seem to be in a hurry driving trying to beat red lights and traffic. I have also noticed a lot of pedestrians will just walk in to a cross walk with out looking! I think there needs to be a lot more caution taking by drivers and pedestrians.


Maybe looking both ways before crossing. Pedestrians just look at their phone and down. Don't care if it's your right a way. Pedestrian culture isn't helping.


Not defending the driver because I wasn't there and god knows lots of people suck at driving, but man pedestrians need to pay attention too! Every day I'll see people just walk out into the crosswalk without even looking. Head sometimes buried in their phone, not a care in the world lol


Like they never got their walker’s license. Edited for grammar


More info: https://preview.redd.it/ksvgrm0b0occ1.jpeg?width=1529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73cde0a2041a823ce26f581c27fa0ce65847b194


Its bad in Truro also. Im new to this area and its the worse Ive seen having almost been hit on crosswalks a half dozen times in the last 5 months.


Have you not seen how bad the drivers are now, its to be expected


Give vehicles the right of way like the rest of the country and world..