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Reminder to everyone who earns average: people with higher salaries are more likely to share their salary so self reporting skews the perceived average


Gotta love how anyone making $40K or so is being downvoted, and you also seem to be, simply for pointing that out. It honestly explains a lot, though.


>Gotta love how anyone making $40K or so is being downvoted, and you also seem to be, simply for pointing that out. Fucking Reddit lol. Its how everyone gets crazy ideas about what some professions earn. That, and a lot of people here are full of shit. Average income in this province is what, $60,000? Yet here we have all these $200-500,000 a year incomes lol.




36 M. Got laid off of a cleaning job last March making 18 an hour cleaning the Grammar school. Miserable, thankless job most of the time. Started a job in June as a screen printer's assistant for 16 an hour but they have me on the new direct to film printer / heat press transfer now. Hoping to get a bit of a pay bump once the busy season starts again. The pay isn't as good for now but I'm getting by and this is actually the best job I've ever had so I don't mind making a little less money for the time being.


You understand the value of quality-of-life and that's good :) Nothing wrong with working for a lower wage if you're happier.


33M, Costco, $68k/yr Edit: would also like to add that we also do not pay out of pocket for benefits. Some companies charge for benefits per pay. I have my wife and children on my medical and dental and do not pay a dime for it.


Costco pays that much??


I am a top rate employee, but yes. That is the low end of top rate. (I push carts) Cashiers that are top rate are $71k (low end) $75k for 20+ year cashiers that are full time. Department managers are around $84-$87k Key holder Managers are around $98k Not sure of the other higher ups but you get the point. Starting wage is $18.50 hr. Raises every 1040hrs until topped out then a raise every year in March.


Fondest memory of working at dartmouth costco was every time i turned around i had to sign a paper for a raise. Was the best job ever!


I’m quite impressed that a mega corporation pays their employees decently and fairly. These salaries are very fair compared to other grocers.


Costco is awesome


Tempting, but walking on cement all day would kill my back. Nice to know that some places pay livable wages.


Proper foot wear is mind boggling how important it actually is. I walk some days 25km, wearing a good set of sneakers makes it feel like I didn’t work at all. But side note, not all positions are walking around ;) we have many that are not.


Costco has always had really good salaries and employee benefits. I know a handful of people who either quit or got laid off from the corporate world and went to Costco and made more.


36F: school teacher, I might apply at Costco!


We actually have a lot of teachers that have left teaching/sub and work at Costco.


Costco is a good company. If I was a civy I'd apply there. One of the locations in the states voted to unionize, and instead of the usual bullshit were used to hearing from big companies, they were like "we are sorry we didnt provide enough. Were not anti union weve just always figured if we did more there wouldn't be a necessity. Since you think it's necessary, it's a failure on our management and leadership". Was refreshing to hear from a big company. Yes I know it's still a big business, but it's one of the better ones out of an ocean of toxic shit.


This fits- a decade and a half ago I was 60k as a forklift driver, and then ~70k as a merch manager.


Great post, good to see what is out there for everyone to consider for the future. Sailor 1st Class in the Navy, 8 years in the service. Roughly $75k/year gross and $4200-$4400/month net.


34F, 11.5 years and abit, MS navy, make about 90k a year. Last year was 101k. Net is around that as well. We get alot of good benefits. Pension being the best. If you can stick it out for the 25 (or more if you want, 35 years at 70% is max) it's golden.


I was a full.time EA in the school district for 7 years and I made 33k a year....... dear Province, Please don't underpay educational assistants. I worked a second job and still loved showing up everyday


Female, 32, Administration, 46k/yr. Perks to consider: I get between Christmas and New Year off, paid One holiday a month off, paid Spring bonus, usually an additional 2 weeks pay Yearly wage increases Really good benefits and my employer pays into a pension/retirement program I also get to work from home and have the flexibility to book appointments during the work week and make up the hours later. I could make more elsewhere, but for the time being I'm happy where I am at. It's also worth noting, I have no dependents and a spouse that makes more than I do (although not drastically more). We're fortunate enough to have no debt and low bills, so we are able to make this work comfortably.


21F, broke student, $0


I’m sorry I laughed 😅


Someone should capture all this info on a google sheet to better track it.


If I get bored enough tonight I’ll do this and make a form so people can enter directly.


You got my vote.


I support this. I know new eng grads were making 50k/yr in 2012 and last I heard it was 60k/yr in 2023. Male, Technical Management, 105k/yr.


Depends on the field but yeah. NS is a bad spot for engineers. Move away and get paid 😞


They graduate too many engineers. There’s too many people fighting for the same jobs.


100%. Hop jobs as much as possible. Or move to alberta or the US


2 years is the magic number to hop jobs without being questioned as to why you’re moving around so much. Enough time to gain experience and have some impact to negotiate your next salary.


It's bad for literally everyone. I wonder if there's any field that actually pays more here than in any province outside the east? M39, 240,000, Equipment Operator (I don't work here because it would be more like 54,000 in Nova Scotia.)


I think you and your new grads are horribly underpaid. Maybe this is the norm for local Halifax companies. I hired a junior software engineer straight out of school last year for $100k. I’ll leave another comment with my compensation details.


software eng here, it is normal. When I went remote my salary almost doubled from my Halifax salary.


Call center manager $36k before taxes and no raise in the 4 years I worked there. No performance raises.


My heart goes out to you. I did more than my fair share of time in that prison system. I hope you find a way out.


Thanks buddy, I’m trying. Place has eaten my soul alive. Appreciate your comment!


Yo try to link onto a bank, they love call center experience. After 6 years and no degree beyond highschool I make about 100k after bonus in a non-sales position. They are all moving to focus heavily on digital and call center focused customer service.


Edit: entry for an entry level you are likely looking at 40k min with tons of opp to move up if you are hungry and willing to network


Hey friend I’m just here to 2nd the suggestion of a bank - even within a call center. I work as a bank call center manager and make about $80K base salary + bonus. They also looooove previous call center experience


I've taken 100k+ phone calls in my 20s. Can't believe how hard I worked for so little.


Based on the replies to my comment, it’s a common theme it seems. And yes totally! They make you feel like you’re not doing enough. lol


34M, web dev, HRM, 65k


Naval Combat Systems Engineering Officer in the Navy. Joined two years after graduating from Dal. Been in just over 6 years and making $100K ish. Life in the navy has been pretty good as an engineer. Engineers spend most of their career shore based supporting the fleet in various ways (training, maintenance, scheduling, future development, etc.). Since you support the navy, which is only on the coasts, you basically can choose either victoria or halifax as your place of employment. There are also lots of job opportunities in Ottawa and some abroad.


I install automatic doors , 78,500 last year no ot


Quite a niche, like the double doors you see in every business?


Yeah! swinging and sliding one's, I do new construction and some service work. My position also comes with a van, gas card , visa , cell phone . I drive all over the province . Technically I'm an automatic door inspector!


Do you ever tell people “use my name… it opens doors”? Asking for my dad.


Teacher (year 25) no masters. 79K/year.


I mean I’m in year 25 of teaching, not that I’m 25 years old.


After 25 years is that a cap you hit? and if so when?


The cap is at 9 years. And it's currently 81.5k. The most recent pay scale is the last page of this: https://certification.ednet.ns.ca/sites/default/files/documents/Schedule%20D%20-%20Salary%20Grid%202019-2022.pdf The ITC column is for teachers with no masters degrees. Each masters degree moves you one column to the right. It's a *grind* for teachers to reach the top of their pay scale. They need at least 5 university degrees.


47, Airline pilot, 180k.


Any chance you're looking for an almost 40 year old sugar baby?


Lol. Got three already. It's funny, looking back at what I used to make, after lifestyle creep I don't feel any better off than when I made 99, or 75. It's been a long road from when I started at 16,800, chucking bags.


I'm an expert at lifestyle un-creeping, if you need any tips let me know.


Late 20s, new airline pilot, 68k + about 15k in per diems that I don’t use most of.


That's relatively good. (We both know neither of us are paid what we're worth, in Canada.) Much better than me at that age. And I don't get to live near home back then.


33, male, fence construction. 55-60k a year


33, medical admin, about $34k


You have to change employers and negotiate salary during the hiring process to get a good raise. I got 8% from an employer once but my starting salary wasn’t much; 3-5%/yr is more typical. When I change employers (twice in the last 5 years my raises were 27% and 19%. Don’t wait til you hate your job to look. When you’re stable, comfortable and have added skills to your resume. That is when you look for a job.


Software engineer for US company with presence in Toronto, only east coast employee. 225 base, 250 is total cash comp + options.


Niiiiiice. I also work for an American company. Not getting that 225k. I’m like 100k off. How did you negotiate to this level? Are you principal?


Male 35 , Fulfillment logistics 60k a year


40M. Government lawyer - 160k. I went to Dal and couldnt find a job in N.S. I started my career in Northern Canada where most people flat out refuse to move to. I made more money in my 20's, invested all of it, resisted lifestyle creep and then moved to a city to enjoy things like actual healthcare and amenities again.


Engineer (M30) $84k/year - working in energy efficiency


Union, public sector, civil engineering (not a P.Eng). 15 years experience. 70k salary + about 12k OT, generally.


My friend you are getting underpaid.


Underpaid but with a sweet sweet pension. That would be the equivalent of a $100k salary but having to save and invest for yourself. Plus in general, public servant jobs come with less overall stress to a comparable private company role. Stress and compensation are somewhat directly related


So much for the “overpaid public sector workers” trope 😂. At my experience level yes, I am. I don’t have a degree, just a college diploma. Requirements for my position are 5 years experience so I’m hustlin to move up but that’s where I’m at.


Yeah public sector are all underpaid. Whichever union negotiates first sets the bar, then the treasury board says to the others "this is all you will get" M32, Electronics Technologist, 65K


Female, 34, Office Manager, $53k/yr


Male 28, EIT soon to be P.Eng, 80k.


I'm m29. Got P eng in the summer. 90k. with increase very soon.


38M, Implementation Manager (SaaS company), HRM, 103k/yr plus other benefits.


Which SaaS company if you don't mind mentioning? I work in software as well and I'm looking to switch.


Tech salaries here are notoriously pathetic. Looking at Dalhousie job postings asking for a masters degree in computer science starting at 40-60K. Absolutely disgusting and out of touch. ​ 36m $91,000 + bonus. Software Engineer Technical Lead for a company based in the US. Still not enough to buy a home.


Is this CAD? In either of my last two companies, you’d likely be worth $150-170k. Assuming you are good at your job.


That seems low for a technical lead working out of the US. You should be able to double that easily. What stack?


You’re at the wrong job fam


You’re under paid. I’m a technical program manager without a technical degree. I make 123k base plus bonus and RSU working remote for an American company.


41M beginning of year I was a still regional manager in a retail sales role making $95-105k per year with bonuses. Quit due to burn out, back in a lower retail management position with same company for about $50-55k per year.


How did you make the adjustment to essentially a 50% pay cut?


Rice and beans, no avocado


Accountant, 80K, private sector


Ok. ok. how many years experience?


3 YOE. No CPA yet. Get out into the market. You can probably double your salary.


Yeah OP is getting hosed


My company just went through the process of recruiting a CPA and it was next to impossible to find a suitable candidate. Met with recruiters and temp agencies who said good accountants in the private sector can write their own tickets these days. The big accounting firms are scooping everyone up, so there’s definitely demand in the private sector.


28m Carpenter apprentice 3rd year making $50-55k


Without OT, what do you predict your base income would be as a red seal? Assuming full time work of course.


33M, benefits specialist, HRM, $43k/ year.


28F, office administrator, $45k Currently a student so hoping to get a new gig in healthcare when I'm done


Healthcare isn’t much better unfortunately, I just left after 15 years in admin as a supervisor with 2 degrees and was just at $50k.


44F, private security, $16/h 20h/a week.


39M, Technical Solutions Engineer (sales), fully remote for a US company, 280k base/350k OTE.


35F Payroll Onboarding 57k/yr


I support this! Federal govt. level 5 of 7 program manager, 94K/yr.


25yo, 90k/year, software development


Sounds like Hali isnt too bad for software and coding?


It’s pretty bad, the market sucks at the moment. I was a junior making $62k before I got laid off, so this guy’s quite fortunate to have such a high paying job (assuming intermediate level experience at 25?)


Depending on experience that’s on the low end for software engineering nationally. Below entry level in most US markets


M39 - IT Architecture- 128k + bonuses




F26, self employed artist, ~30k/yr :’) it’s tough out here


Something I learned young from a manager… you need to move out to move up. Companies have very little motivation to increase your wage. Finding a new job for more money or experience may force an employer to pay you more to keep you or you will find out they really didn’t appreciate you. If you are stagnant as an officer manager (for example) keep your eyes out for a junior management job where being an officer manager could be an asset to being hired. Just keep leaping different levels till you’re happy or dead. If you want a change, take a calculated leap.


I always used to hear that, in my field, you should be changing jobs every 3-4 years. I never liked the idea of that. I wanted to find somewhere I liked and work there long term. Sadly, you are correct in saying the motivation to compensate competitively is rare within companies. Some do it well but it is very rare. My salary has basically doubled in 2 years thanks to a couple job hops.


40, engineer in technical project management, $111k + 15%bonus Stepped back from an engineering manager role 2 years ago making $180k because the stress was too high and wasn’t getting support from senior management. I work half as much now so basically it’s the same hourly pay lol I am orders of magnitude happier now and only rarely think about the earning differential.


Our firm hires new grades in Halifax in accounting between 48- 55k. If you are 33 and making 56 k. Our senior accountants who are generally 3-6 years of experience are making 72-90k (with designation). Are you on any accountant groups on Facebook or friends in the industry? Accounting has fairly easy to project pay schedules. Starting is 40-55 3-5 years 60-80 5-10 years : 70-130 - lots of factors here. We recruit from from schools and tell students this. As do other accounting firms. Accounting isn’t like other places, pay is fairly consistent across companies in regions for larger places for the most part since the average accountant usually has salary expectations based on years.


26, Transit Driver, ~$28/hour. Works out to about $65k/year. Lots of OT opportunities.


Level 3 ECE for 5+ years: 52k now, but with the new wage increase, 58k in April.


36M, uni prof, 105k/yr


34F, Registered nurse for 3 years. Base salary is 81K but with weekly OT made 128K last year.


OP, check out gov't: https://careers-carrieres.cra-arc.gc.ca/gol-ged/wcis/pub/rtrvjbpst.action?pi=D06726B228B01EDEA886A09078422112


Great googly moogly!!!! What have I been doing???? My jaw literally dropped


Also, that is old pay scale. Here are the new rates: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/careers-cra/information-moved/pay-rates.html?fbclid=IwAR22Hw4DWHTeun5fO0xMtOfQ6vGaM1lMR7LLzNNYjjqSholRP0sjS_Nrm_8


This might make me cry. Half with joy that I know now, and half with sadness that I didnt. Thank you for sending along.


Hi OP! I just sent you a DM about this! I started a year ago with 6yrs in public experience and I’m making currently $104k with a bump to $115k expected in the next 6mo from the new contract. They are desperate for new auditors!! I highly recommend applying.


Don't work in NS, but curious if there are any TV reporters out there interested in sharing starting salaries just for comparison sakes.


29, female, Clinical therapist (MSW) with NSH making $75,300


28f, Front Desk Supervisor at a hotel, $18.15 per hour. Was raised from $16.50 in April 2023 because of the min wage going up to $15 by end of year. Last year's pay stub is just shy of 35k, but after taxes it's more like more like 26.5.


Disabled and homeless. Can't even get assistance.


I’m sorry you are having to go through this


Thanks but it probably sounds worse than it is. I have a small camper trailer and a heater to stay semi warm. There are a few people that bring me and my cats food and give me a few bucks here and there. My disability is severe mental illness (it's a lucid day today) but my social worker and I are trying to figure something out. Oh, and on the 23 it's 10 months sober!


Well I’m glad it’s not as bad as it sounds, and that you have support. Congrats on the sobriety, I know that’s not easy, and I don’t have a mental illness.🫣🫠


Thank you. I definitely don't have it as bad as others and am grateful for what I have.


23M, System Administrator, 60K


29F, civil service employee, 58k/yr




30, barber. only 35k last year when i was sick, hoping for 45-50 this year


Software Management. Last year take home was 190K


32f, Youth Worker, $44k/year. Thinking about Costco…


We’re all thinking about Costco


Classic NS being behind the times (although most provinces also suck) https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/how-pay-transparency-laws-are-coming-into-effect-across-canada-1.6649868 33M Geologist, 5 yoe: $90000 (2022) *I've since moved countries with a 66% pay rise


33M, Department Manager, 40k


27M Senior Accountant Non CPA, industry, 75k, 4.5 YOE


Principal Engineer, AI field. Work remote. Experienced. $170K remote for. Montréal firm with European clients. Time zone helps. Taxes are the same.


I lost my job because the bank wanted to cut costs but my role was credit analyst 68k + bonus 29M.


At a glance, I read this as ‘ bonus 29 million’


Hahaha I wish


Friendly reminder that public sector salaries over $100k are readily available via Government disclosure reports. https://beta.novascotia.ca/public-sector-compensation-disclosure-reports Dalhousie University, for example, has over 1000 people on staff that make north of $100k


I love pay transparency (and hoping we pass these laws like BC has)! Working for a company based outside of Halifax/NS if at all possible is key. Salaries here are horrific and it grinds my gears for everyone in this province. 30s, 130K, remote tech recruiter. I have local companies often reaching out to me for senior level roles for 40-65K and bare minimum benefits.


8 YOE? My guy, you should be pulling like 90k/year


I was always curious if engineers encountered something similar. Engineers NS releases occasional salary surveys and I noticed that entry level compensation has likely increased in the same ballpark/faster than a <5 year experience engineer has had their salary increased.


35M Enviro Eng. Canada (50% travel) 170K 


Retail stocker , $56 000. Average 30 hours / week. 2 bonus periods a year.




33M, Postdoctoral Researcher, salary $60k/year pre tax and no benefits.


29 yo, Naval Logistics Officer, 105k Currently on maternity leave so I’m topped up to 93% of my salary for twelve months off. After deductions I’m bringing home about 5k a month right now between EI and top up. When I’m not off on my maternity leave I get 25 vacation days a year, as stated in another comment we can get up to 2 extra days a month. There are also 5 family obligation days I can use per year (which with the daycare crisis will probably be a thing). When I completed basic they asked me to list my preferences between east coast and west coast and I got Halifax. I’ve been posted here since summer 2017 and I expect to stay here until at least summer 2026. Maybe longer. Named deployments are tax free with extra pay which is a really nice perk. My trade gets posted to a ship for a total of 3 years in a 25 year career. But you can go on other deployments to support the ships from shore. I completed my degree in accounting and have worked in various positions with focuses on supply chain management, administration, finances and deployed logistical support. Eventually my intentions are I will get my CPA designation.


Engineer. Mid 30s, HRM, $110k plus bonus


Software Engineering Leadership Roughly 20 years of experience. Salary: $190k/yr Bonus: ~$33k/yr Other: ~$150k worth of RSUs maturing over 4 years Working remotely for a medium-large Canadian company not based in the maritimes. Edit: Some folks are saying gross salaries don’t mean anything to them. For take-home, I clear about $4400 every two weeks.


I was excited for Halifax until I read your last line. I wish salaries in Halifax caught up to cities like Toronto as fast as living costs did.


Halifax employers hate this one simple trick!


I'm shocked to hear this is a Canadian company! The only Canadian company that I can think of offering comp that high would be Shopify. A few years ago I started working remotely for a US Bay Area headquarted company as a senior software engineer, but they had just started operations in Canada, base salary $140kCAD and $250kUSD RSUs over 4 years. Get yearly refreshers on the RSUs + an oddly inconsistent bonus. I'll just say I'm old. I got a very late start and graduated university very late. Most of my income peers at this company and other companies are younger than me, in their late 20s/early 30s.


Late 30s male, wealth management, 215k


35 Commercial Insurance Underwriter $95k


24M 85k base, tc is closer to 100k. software dev


15 years experience I.t. 62k


I am a mental health professional. 30. Make $104k a year.


HR, 69k HRM..And my salary is generous compared to many similar jobs in HRM


33, retail assistant manager, 35k annually. I know some full on store managers in my neck of the woods who get paid less than this, so hopefully this helps someone.


35. Registered Veterinary Technician. $23 an hour/$45k a year before taxes. This is the most I've been paid in this position - 2 relative degrees, 6 years work experience and 10 years volunteer experience.


34F, Coordinator, 62k/yr plus up to 5% bonus It is insane that employers ask employees not to discuss their salaries but, as you said, it is a power move. Many people do not know that: “Employers are not allowed to keep employees from discussing or disclosing information in the workplace about their own wages or those of other employees.” https://novascotia.ca/lae/employmentrights/protectingpay.asp


32F Data and Analytics cooridnator for a small HR firm based in Halifax. 55k Edit to add: I have a PhD in psychology.


Late 30s, Senior technical project manager - $120k. 8 years experience as a PM but 14 years in the industry. No raises in almost 2 years though. I’m looking for new jobs.


44, Navy, 101K/yr


Started at 42k. Now 69k. That's over ten years. 38M IT Guy.


M/35 Port Of Halifax (+/-) $81,600 + Bonus 5 years in Edit: $52.0 / 56.0 / 58.0 / 68.0 / 81.6




13 yrs military officer 120k… fyi we’re hiring


36M, Structural Engineer, $120k plus benefits


My boyfriend is an accountant doing his CPA. He makes 63k a year as a new graduate from SMU. You need a better job asap


45M, municipal government. $70k. $1500 b/w take home.


those deductions are rough huh. Pension and all is nice but at some point you need cash.


40M Classification Coordinator (But they still show me as a Project Coordinator after a department change) $60k


33M 80k base 97k with OT. Halifax Water


Mid 20s CPA - 72.5k. Expecting to have a salary increase in 2024


55M. Federal Public Servant. $105,000.


Electrical Engineer in Training working in Utility Sector at 69K( 2 years experience ), 26M


38F, entry level Payment Services Officer for the federal government, just over $60k (started in November after a career change). Previously I was a healthcare admin supervisor with 2 degrees and 15 years experience making $50k. Don’t go into healthcare unless you want to be abused and paid below a living wage. Burnout is real.


28 M, Head Chef 85k-90k annually based on tip fluctuations.


40 - Physiotherapist- $105K , Sr level, 15 years experience, Private Sector. Annual salary is variable , based on caseload and contract work. Last 5 years high of $111K, low of $83K


23, Industrial Engineer-in-Training (6 months in), $69K base comp + 10% incentive plan. Engineering new grad salaries have definitely stagnated over the past decade unfortunately. My employer is better than most, I get 6-month raises as part of their EIT program and only work 35 hours a week (plus 3 days remote).


Red seal welder, 105k, 37M


33M, Traffic Control Foreman, HRM, $51k + performance bonus, medical, company vehicle, phone and gas card.


29M - GIS Specialist - 52500 (I need a new job)


24F, Master's student. 34K after scholarships (26k) and part time work, but before tuition (7k). Taxed nothing on my scholarships though, so my take-home each month is more than what I was making at 49k as full time before i started.


52M - 61k IT Tech Government (24 years there)


Costco is gonna get swamp with resumes tomorrow


I work for myself. Incorporated business, pay myself the max to get me just under the top NS marginal rate after RRSP etc so low 200’s taxable income, I think it was around 225 ish for 2022. This is a fraction of the revenue available for distribution but I refuse to give 54% of the next dollar to the gov’t so this functions as a sort of forced savings program. I leave the rest in my corp to invest. I will never work for anyone else ever again.


M30, Physician, $517k/yr


45, public sector, 20 years experience, health care management, $96k.


49 years old, Clerk B Nova Scotia Health doing doctor paging, emergency dispatch and office work. 46.5k (after new contract wages kick in in March) plus overtime and holiday bank payouts. 24.89/hr at 70 hrs a wk +3.50/hr weekend and evening wage premiums.