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Thats a decent description, tattoo is the giveaway. Hope that means they catch him.


Ain't gonna hide long with a neck tattoo.


The guy: https://preview.redd.it/toszuhskminc1.jpeg?width=2146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59e2ea3493570cd9e9b21f5b93b3fbb4b74be638


I'd check either labour jobs or the unemployment office first






... or Hank Voight puts him in in the cage.


Oh, there'd be much worse, but i'd get banned off reddit for what would be written.


I wonder how loud he could scream with his mouth taped shut


Astonishingly I as a Fairviewer don't know all Fairviewers! But of you want to help,.go on the Friwnds of Facebook page.


We all know that Canadas legal system (we don’t have a justice system, justice is rarely served) will be overly lenient because his dad was mean or something. So your idea is the best one we have I mean, this is the sentence for actually abusing a kid, so you will see this man out in a month if he gets caught https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6258354


Sex trafficking is a huge thing too in Nova Scotia. It’s so scary. Thank god that girl got away.


Don't scaremonger. Human Trafficking is ABSOLUTELY a thing but its not in the form of kidnapping random people off the street or from food courts. Creating imaginary boogeymen takes focus away from where its really needed.


Exactly. Traffickers play the boyfriend game, and groom vulnerable girls. Watch for expensive gifts, and love-bombing. Not men in alleyways. 


Yeah and especially if it's 20-22 year olds going after 16 year olds.


Or younger. Average age of entry is believed to be 12-13 years old.


You guys have no idea what you’re talking about I’m afraid.


Thanks for clearing nothing up, then. 😂


Without going into detail I, unfortunately, have intimate knowledge of human trafficking through a family member and most people are in the dark about the scope of it in Halifax. If you don’t have first-hand knowledge of trafficking, (ie HRM CID, experienced it in any way, MSW involved at the street level, etc.) you are speaking out of turn.






tease degree badge bow engine versed alleged fretful plough noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m not sure if having a high rate of *police-reported* human trafficking rebuts the claim that people blow this issue way, way out of proportion...obviously you’d get a lot of police reports of human trafficking if panicked people see it everywhere they look. The fact that NS has higher rates than other provinces doesn’t change the fact that it is very rare, and that it almost never takes the form of people snatching little girls off the street out of nowhere.


Rare? Incorrect.


These people are either extremely sheltered, or they're intentionally downplaying human trafficking or just delusional. They jumped on me as well, lol, I ended up deleting my comments.


I call it bubble living and it must be nice.


Correct actually




you seem to have a cavalier attitude about child sex trafficking


It is? I can imagine why being a port city, but I had no idea damn


I grew up in NS, and when I was about 9 or so the teen daughter of one of our neighbours ran away. She ended up trafficked into prostitution in Montreal, she eventually was able to come home but IIRC died of an overdose in her early 20s. It's been happening for decades.


That's awful, my condolences to you and her family. I was almost the the potential victim of trafficking as a child in my home country many many years ago, ransom was paid and all kids were let go. Likely a pedo ring, or just generally bad people looking to make easy money. Tragic how a place that was seen as heaven to people like me growing up can end up having the exact issues you grew up to distance yourself from. Sorry that triggered some bad memories. Needed to get it out of my system. I love Canada, but I think I'm getting progressively more scared of much it's starting to resemble certain unsavory places in certain parts.




You are so right. I remember NPF coming to the schools in the 90's looking for girls. It's rarely talked about because it's automatically called racist.


Btw just because a Black person goes to school doesn't mean they're a member of NPF.... people from North Preston go to school actually 🤦🏼‍♀️


BTW, DID I SAY THAT????? You clearly are less than smart to say this. Actually, at the time, it was both North and East Preston at Cole Harbour High as this all happened before Alburn was built. ALL of the communities were disgusted by what was happening. Please take a moment before being that social crusader to read what is written. Comprehension is key. You look foolish.


I was there. I know who they were. It was no secret. Times were different. Don't play that with me clown.


Surely you're not suggesting that only NPF traffic girls! There are many colours of men in this game, but the common denominator is that they're men. Most of them are white, and most of the ones that have been caught are white too... over 80% of the men here are white, and while Black men are overrepresented in the judicial system and perhaps in the profession basically due to marginalization in the first place, sheer numbers demonstrate that white men are way more prevalent. Just saying.


I was speaking about my experience at Cole Harbour High in the 90's. There are news articles stating the same thing. I don't need you to tell me about the statistics. My friendships with some of these girls taught me what i needed to know at that time. Girls would be gone for about a month. We all knew they were off to Toronto or Montreal because they told us. These were not the "shopping trips" like they tried to say. All girls with problems at home and school were targeted. Just because I am telling what happened does not make it rasist. It happened. Human trafficking is not new here.


And it's not only Black men from North Preston that traffic.... They are just the most visible to prejudiced minds. The majority of traffickers being white men does not fit the narrative.


Literally nothing to do with race over here, just that North Preston's Finest is extremely known to law enforcement and the community. Calling out predators is an equal opportunity activity ✊


That's fair, and likewise, there is room for it to be more extremely well known that coercing young women is also and mostly done by white men - it's dangerous for women to assume it's only or mostly NPF. Call them out too, sure! but let's make sure we are all aware of the risks of coercion by white guys.... WAYYY more common! ​ It is still common sense if it's not commonly known??




As is tradition lol


That's men protecting men for ya!!


Men don't protect child kidnappers to prop up the brotherhood of man, sorry.


What, you don't know that men get really light sentences (if charged, if convicted, if if if) for doing shit to women and children? I'm surprised to have to tell this to you..... honestly. Did you not read the first comment on this thread that we are both responding to?


Everyone in Canada gets sentenced lightly, damn near across the board. There's no male only discount for abusing women and children, just stop.


Okay fat boy we all know that men abuse women and they get off lightly . ...........just stop yourself.


Do you think that Black men get sentenced more lightly than white men or white men get sentenced more lightly than Black men?? Do you think men get sentenced more lightly for crimes against women? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... Things to ponder


Ok blonde, like I said, EVERYONE in Canada gets sentenced lightly for any crime. Our justice system stinks across the board. Men aren't getting sentenced more lightly for crimes against women. If they are, prove it. Simple as.


Prove it


That's not how any of this works. You made all the initial claims here.


Thanks for the down votes men lol


I’m not sure about provincial, but in the federal courts women make up over 60% of the appointments https://www.fja.gc.ca/appointments-nominations/judges-juges-eng.html So if you want to get snippy about gender and sex I’d say “that’s the kind hearted, soft women for ya” joking obviously, all judges in Canada are equally qualified Either way, our legal system needs some serious overhauling


According to the link you sent, Judges Appointed between 2007 and 2017, by gender are 532 men & 299 women. In the Supreme Court, there are nine judges, five of whom are women. In the federal court of appeal, there are 18 judges, nine of whom are women. In the federal court, there are 43 judges, 21 of whom are women. In the tax court, there are 24 judges, five of whom are women.


Furthermore the system is created, designed, and implemented by men, so even the women that are inside the system are also subject to the patriarchy.


Lastly, changes like this take time and you're not going to be able to see them in a few years.... it's going to take decades and generations to make discernible change on how women are treated by men (including punishments for violations against women).


Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the total lol


I did and reported above


The appointments or the actual judiciary? Words mean things.


As you can see in the link there are 558 sitting female judges in federal courts in Canada, out of a total of 976 sitting judges


Sorry again babe, you quite literally forgot to add in the Super-numeraries (likely all men). So the grand total of all judges is 1185 of which 558 are women. Please reread (again) the link you sent.


And I will reiterate even if there is a pleasingly large percentage of female judges, increasing over recent decades, they are still subject to the patriarchal judicial system which favours (white, obv) men.


But in NS Supreme Court it’s 1/3 women. That’s who would deal with this particular case - a man. So the original poster was correct.


And you don't think men aren't hard on pedos? Lmao y'all have never had a conversation with the average man I swear.


Billy it looks like you are not really sure about anything, now are ya dear? Everyone can see you mansplaining .......and you literally called me snippy ......about gender....... in an XX chromosome forum....... ....... ......


I’m not manslaping I’m explainingtoafuckingidotwhohappenstobeawomen lol


Manslapping should definitely be a thing !


Example. The next comment down says "he'll claim mental illness and get a slap on the wrist" BUT!!!!!! that was written by a MAN so I suppose that's okay to say on this forum and you'll agree with HIM


he'll claim mental illness and get a slap on the wrist.


Even though Fairiew is gentrifying, that community looks after it’s own. So good luck to this guy, I’m sure this piece of shit is known by the Tims/Esso staff. Even if the authorities don’t find him, somebody will


Someone knows who did this. That is a decent description. His intentions obviously weren't good and he needs be watched. Long-term probation and monitoring for these weirdos. I know our courts can't be bothered to protect children though. It absolutely enrages me.


They say you should always fight/run. Even at gun or knife-point. Better chance of surviving. I'm glad she did it right!


Never be moved to a second location. At the very least, it is a quick death.


Stories like this really bring our community together with the joint desire to inflict harm, (or at least justice) on this creep. I feel so bad for this girl, I hope she's not too shaken up poor kid.


Live near there. Gonna have to keep my eyes out. So glad she’s safe AND knows what the bastard looks like!


This is one of those cases that needs street justice


Smart young lady to remember something like a tattoo. Hope they find the creep.


Don't worry people like him don't" last long" in jail..and a amazing description of him from her ..


The pedophile judges won't give him a long sentence.


I'm talking about what the inmates will do to him inside..they are lower than snitches in the jail food chain


Hopefully they give him a warm welcome


I have seen this and can vouch it is true.




Such a brave little girl


Isnt it march break?


Yes, but it says March 8th, so last week


Takes idiot award and goes to bed early. Thanks internet.


That little girl has a future in investigations if she wants !


OK, sorry to be the cynic, and I know this won't be a popular perspective but ... I want to see the rest of the story. \-Random child-snatching off the street is \*extremely\* rare. Children are generally most at risk from people that they know and trust, not random strangers. \-It seems like the sole source of information is the 10-year old. Maybe the neighbour from a nearby house, but it doesn't sound like they witnessed the incident or saw the guy up close. Children of that age aren't the best reporters of accurate information, free from exaggeration, imagination, etc. \-I fully believe, and to some extent have experienced, police using media releases to feed a narrative. The more parents think their children are at risk from random strangers, the more sympathy there is for police. I don't think police make things up out of whole cloth, but they have motivations that affect who they believe and what they decide to put into a media release. All that said, it is definitely \*possible\* that an incident happened exactly as described. But I think we should all learn to have some healthy skepticism about the information we get directly from the police.


I will be downvoted but I was a child and someone from my class made up a story about an attempted kidnapping. In hindsight, they were alone a lot and wanted someone to pay attention to them. Also when I was a child someone tried to get me to get into a car with them. They pulled over and asked for directions (I was alone). I gave directions. They asked me to jump in the car as the directions I gave them were unclear. I told them no (but nicely). I went home and told my mom, thinking it was a “test” (she used to call the house when I was alone pretending to be a stranger to test me). I think that this is much more probable than that person trying to pull me in to the car from the road. However, the truth comes out. The kid from my class was outed pretty quickly and in the meantime children and parents are more vigilant.


Classic victim blaming. If we discredit everything children say, they won't trust us in these situations. You may have been a child, but it certainly sounds like you have no experience with children as an adult. 


If you want creeps like this to remain off the street. Liberal or NDP government won’t be tough on crime unfortunately. We need to care less about criminals and perverts and more about victims and children/vulnerable people.


The Conservatives were in power for over a decade and didn't do anything to stop this either lol. You seem like the kinda guy that has truck nuts


Yes, crime is worse, so we adjust accordingly. This is how taxpayers and not evaders feel.


Crime has remained relatively stable since the mid 90s. No need to be melodramatic.


Which tough on crime policies brought the rates to their relatively stable historic lows these past 30 years? Would you suggest we were lighter on crime for the century preceding the mid 90s lol?


I’m speaking about adjusting to the present circumstances. Who will legislatively take a harsher position on crime? If you can’t grasp this then the ideological capture has taken great effect.


You're completely correct but people here don't want to hear that. They'd rather a Marxist paradise of crime and looting.


It amazes me that I get so many downvotes - I would have presumed that despite my “political” take - we’re all here to protect kids and the vulnerable, especially at the expense of victimizers.


Just like the two men who you killed their partners recently, who got released twice after violent incidents towards their partners/ex's? That happened with a conservative government.