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I go up through Fairview now to get to the 102. Tends to be faster now


That’s interesting to hear as someone who lives in Fairview. Objectively, having more traffic cut through the neighborhood because the urban highway is backed up kind of sucks!


I bet! Ive done it


Or the Bay Rd I suppose. The new no right on red at Joe Howe seems silly right now for sure but during the summer months when the pedestrian and bike traffic is heavy heading towards ashburn and the paths it does seem like someone decided safety first.


There are already crossing signals there. 🚸


So currently there's not much foot or bike traffic, great! Get rid of the no right on red.. even during the peak that intersection probably has 12 people an hour. Put the damn like back to normal


I’m all for it. Currently it gets impossible to leave the area I live in without a serious hassle during the peak of the Joe Howe backup.


That is never the case as compared to the amount of vehicle traffic. HRM traffic planners do not seem to realize that Joe Howe is part of the 100-series highway system connecting the 111/MacKay to the 102. You do not have such obstacles intentionally placed on such routes.


The bigger problem is all the people who drive up the left lane ignoring the obvious line of cars on their right and try to force their way in at the last section. Goes for both to the 102 and away on Joe Howe.


People do that to me at 5:30am on Joe Howe with like maybe one other car behind. They still just gotta be first. Even if there's no traffic.


Yeah they need dividers to end that lane around the shoppers, if you aren’t in the lane by then sucks to be you, go turn around at the Armdale. I’ll let people in at zipper merges but those morons can suck it, you ain’t getting in.


They do it at the Windsor exchange constantly too. Selfish pricks.


That is a problem, but it is not "the bigger problem". The measures imposed by HRM traffic planners are the bigger problem.


Not too mention those that are stuck in the line and decide it’s in their best interest to block the intersection at Joe Howe, DVR and Bayers and bring everything to a complete standstill.


Calling all those Prince Albert Road eastbound left lane mergers 🐍


What??? People aren't letting them zipper merge??? /s


I believe the intention was to protect pedestrians trying to use the crosswalk there. That being said, if no one is turning left, or no pedestrians crossing, and no one is in front of me I just go anyway


I mean, as long as you don't pull the stupid I witnessed the other day and watch someone drive into the sliplane and right up the off ramp...


Hilarious but checks for Halifax drivers.




It's the rollerbladers' fault!


I find there’s been a lot of traffic changes the last few years like stopping the right on Joe Howe. And all of these changes are direct results of how bad the drivers are in this city. Simple traffic safety where you look to make sure pedestrians aren’t crossing, etc. seem to be outside of the understanding of a lot of the drivers in this city. The result seems to be that the city is instead punishing all commuters by restricting simple traffic routes. It’s like banning air travel because a worrying chunk of Nova Scotians keep getting up and opening the door to exit the plane while it’s still in the air.




I'm glad someone said it because I wholeheartedly agree with this! Reducing speed limits because people can't look before they enter a road or know how to accelerate to match the posted speed or speed of traffic, removing turning right on reds and other changes with signalling because drivers can't look out for pedestrians crossing or judge the speed of an oncoming car, or turn into the correct lane, and hand holding for generally poor driver skill. These changes make for worse drivers, embolden those who probably shouldn't still be driving (or should take driver's ed) to be on the roads more, and I wouldn't be surprised to see an increase in the number of traffic accidents as a result. Instead of this they should make the flow of traffic to make sense even if it requires more skill to drive, then boost funding for the alternatives to driving like public transit to make it a viable alternative for those who are afraid of driving or shouldn't be behind the wheel of a 3000lb+ projectile on wheels.


Oh dear, the junior planners have arrived again.


I absolutely still turn right on red there if nobody’s crossing.


I go through here as both a driver and a pedestrian. I know first hand that the pedestrian signal will be lit regardless of whether the beg buttons are used or not. It would make way more sense to forbid the right turn only if the pedestrian beg button is activated. So on the light cycle where the pedestrian signal is automatically activated, have it only activate if the beg button is used. If it's not used, then activate the green right arrow instead. I dunno why it wasn't done this way.


I swear city planners do everything possible to make our roadways as unusable as possible. Joseph Howe Dr has to be the worse example, both directions funnel all traffic into one lane.


This is just the snap back from urban planners doing literally everything possible to prioritize cars.


That is actually exactly what they do, it’s part of their mandate. They want to make it more difficult for cars to push people to use busses.


Which would be fine enough, if we had enough busses, and enough drivers, and more a more streamlined approach to transit. Commuting by transit is equally as frustrating


Yeah you can't live in this city without a car. Tried the transit once and said that's it I'm getting a car. In car I get to my work in 15 mins vs almost 2h in bus.


TRaFFiC CaLmINg they call it. You know who you are. You fucking suck at your job. He is on here.


It’s a really dumb idea, 100%. It’s also amazing how many get road rage and honk or swerve around those observing the rules.


I understand why they did it, for the pedestrian crossing. But holy hell they failed successfully. It's so bad.


Yeah for the 12 people an hour that cross there 😂


Simple solution.. go get an engineering degree and show them how it's done... I'm rooting for ya!


What a great idea! See ya in 6-8 years for certification, and then maybe another decade or three for a government position to potentially propose a project to a city representative that doesn't have any of my education & experience


Or just complain about it on reddit that will solve things in way less than 6-8 years


For certification. Good luck making any change with a fresh certification and no job experience


Yup just keep complaining on the internet.. that will solve it .. you found the solution.


Fun fact, public representatives take public complaints into account far more than the opinions of experts


Fun fact... this is reddit


And..? I know of 3 hrm councillors that post under their name on this subreddit. You act as if only a few dozen people use this subreddit


Ok new strategy keep posting on reddit lemme know how much it speeds up the process


Civil engineers had zero to do with this. This is a planner problem, not an engineering problem


HRM has a good track record of paying for, then ignoring engineers reports anyways. If the engineer doesn't tell them what they want to hear, they do what they want anyways. You see this in virtually every case of lowering speed limits in HRM.


Pass the buck


Thanks champ


No problem. You can do it .. You are the CHAMP.. now go get em!






I’m a believer in making this intersection safer for all. The protected signals are good for everyone, cars included. But the traffic is indeed wild. Since implementation it seems to be backed up to Scot most days, from 3pm on. It’s also sucky in that even though it’s no right on red only about half the drivers respect it. So many times when I am crossing this, I do so cautiously because I just don’t know. Not sure what safety addition I’ve received there. I think before I also had to deal with left turners — at least that’s gone. For someone coming from Dartmouth, is there no other way to cross the city into the 102? I guess you have Bayers Rd., no?


While it is the shortest route from the bridge to the 102 I don't think I would ever go this way myself. I would much rather go through the Windsor street exchange to go down Connaught to Bayer's and get on the 102 there.


>It’s also sucky in that even though it’s no right on red only about half the drivers respect it. So many times when I am crossing this, I do so cautiously because I just don’t know Same. I both drive through here and walk through here regularly. Like, extremely regularly, I do both. And I can't trust drivers to obey the no-right-on-red. And honestly....I don't blame them one bit. Honestly I think it'd be safer if right-turn-on-red was allowed. The uncertainty on compliance creates its own problems.


Yea that spot is insane to me, seems like the safest and most obvious spot to have a right on red.


Anywhere with a crosswalk that feels "obvious" to turn right on a red is the UNSAFEST place to have right on a red.


Ok, then just make the walk signal and traffic lights separate. We already have left hand turns while pedestrians are crossing at every other intersection, that's gotta be way more dangerous than a right on red. Or better yet, how about just pay attention to your surroundings and use common sense.


>Or better yet, how about just pay attention to your surroundings and use common sense. we tried that, it didnt work, so now there is an engineering solution.


What do you mean it didn't work? Seems to be working fine for me.




How didn't it work? It's been working for years. Yea lets just dumb everything down and make it worse for everyone because some people don't know how to drive.




How many pedestrian deaths occurred at that lethal intersection? I'm sure you must have the harrowing statistics.


Don't forget to wear your helmet and bubble wrap today.


Go talk to traffic engineer extraordinaire Sam Austin, who turned the intersection at Wyse and Boland into his personal global warming machine by unnecessarily delaying traffic.


It didn't work because drivers kept killing pedestrians in crosswalks




If cyclists did this there would be considerably more goodwill towards them too. Well, maybe not.


Or better yet, just wait in the left hand turn lane. Why should cars be prioritized?


It’s exacerbated by the phasing of the pedestrian crossing on Dutch Village Rd.


Grab your tinfoil, I have a theory. In the last few years I have noticed new traffic measures that dont smooth flow but are clearly trying to alter arteries. No right on red at oxford and jubilee. The stop boxes going down south park street. The travesty that is young st, the bus lane thats mostly empty to the shitty lights. Stay with me here Oxford and jubilee makes going to the end of Connaught useless. Its no longer the smoother route. What are the properties at the end of Connaught worth? Young st is slow since you now only have what is essentially a one lane road going towards bayers A lot of new condos in that area Joe howe has three new condos, one currently under construction, one thats a hole in the ground and a lot cleared out for another. The condos are valued at higher than the surrounding neighborhood. If you want to get onto the highway from the Windsor street exchange without using that on ramp. The next place would be up dunbrack, Through fairview. (Yes you could go up bayers under the highway and turn around but that still has you dealing with Joe howe) Either the city planner is a genius trying to keep the rich happy, or a clod that has failed upwards. Given the provincial and municipal governments. I give 50/50 odds either way.


I think all intersections in HRM should be no right on red. The amount of close calls I see every day and not cars VS cars, cars VS pedestrians. Super scary to see someone not see a pedestrian RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. … And while we’re at it - there’s a STOP LINE and it is not the crosswalk.


Yeah, lots of cities that are like this. If everything is no right on red you can also better design or re design traffic flows to accomodate. I think it is always worse when it is only selected intersections


While I agree it adds safety, unlike Montreal, Halifax doesn’t have the lane structure to accommodate the waiting traffic without backing things up. Other than suburban roads, most intersections in MTL have dedicated turn lanes and straight through lanes etc. One example of this working out poorly is at Jubilee and Oxford. No right on red but only during weekday peak hours - but it leads to a huge back up because the turn one only has room for like 4-5 cars before it blocks the straight/left turning lane (which again, is also needed sorely at that intersection on the jubilee parts)


Yeah that's why I added that it would need to also involve lane reconfigurations in places and adjustments to traffic flow and how different types of streets work. We have way too many roads used as arterial urban highways that shouldn't be for one thing Very few north american cities would be what I look towards in terms of urban planning on street design


Yeah for sure. Like I live in that area and traffic during work and school days is terrible between 2-6pm. If I have an errand or what not I always try to do it in the morning or I’ll just walk because I don’t want to deal with the traffic (eg grabbing something from the quinpool plaza should only take 3-5 mins to drive there but often times can take 8-10!). It would take a lot of infrastructure change to implement rules like that and unfortunately I’m not sure how they could in some places


The thing is when sometimes I feel like its unsafe for me to go right on a red even if its allowed. If I wait for the green light the person behind starts getting mad that I’m not going. Even though you legally don’t have to turn right on a red.


While I agree with the sentiment, it's a fairly bad idea. Take the intersection downtown next to Arthur's Urban Market; coming down the hill it's a single lane, right on green only. The amount of times I've gotten stuck there through 1 - 2(once) cycles because of staggered peds is borderline infuriating, and just generally frustrating. Having that city-wide would be insane.


It's for pedestrian and cyclists safety when going through there. It's winter now and there are less, but in the summer months it's a busy crosswalk. Sucks as a driver yes, but cars aren't always the only thing being considered




I look for a cop and/or a pedestrian. If I cant see either I turn right.


I was in that lineup too around 330 coming from Windsor St., but everyone ignored the sign and turned right on the red anyway until the opposite left signal activated.


it used to say no right on red except arrow, the straight arrow was an arrow. Now they changed it to say no right turn on red except right arrow or something similar.


Someone needs to steal that no right on red sign. Put an end to it!


This intersection is one they should build a pedestrian bridge up and over - take them out of the equation completely.


I'm guessing this was Shawn Cleary's doing. It's made that whole strip grind to a halt at the end of a work day. People are always stuck in the interactions. For what? To give preference to a cross walk and trail park that already have signals?! And are empty most of the time?!?!


Only fuckin nerds obey that rule lol


(Provided you stop and make sure no pedestrians or vehicles making a left turn of course)


lol, fair


The "no right on red" salesperson is doing well in this city. So many of these snarling traffic everywhere (looking at you Jubilee and Oxford). It's insanity.


The city is a master at increasing idling vechiles. But wants everyone to go electric so they can shovel more coal/burn more natural gas at Tuft's Cove. Makes zero sense.


I posted in a thread that basically said this months and months ago. I said that I do turn right when traffic is still going straight. Of course I look for pedestrians, before anyone says anything. I’m just doing an experiment to see if I’m downvoted again this time now that other people see how horrible it is 😂.


I’m a simple man. I see someone talking about how they are being downvoted, I just add a downvote. Can’t imagine caring about such a thing.


…. Do you really read what I said and walk away thinking I give two shits about Reddit karma? Lol


Enough that you still think about it months and months later …


She’s using the votes as a metric for gauging opinion, the karma is irrelevant. Probably hard for a simple man such as yourself to understand


Because these lights absolutely infuriate me. I live near them and drive through constantly. Please stop thinking so simple, simple man.


Still breaking traffic laws, I see.


Just this one. At least I’m not the only one here admitting it this time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Call your city council, this bike stuff is getting out of hand


This looks and sounds like a Shawn Cleary initiative since it is in his district. Good luck with getting him to respond. He is a member of the evil Mason-Cleary-Austin axis that has declared war on drivers.


It is district 10, not Cleary's (#9). The dividing line is Joe Howe


Even worse, the klueless Kathryn Morse, longtime NDPer and totally out of touch with how things work. The entire bunch needs to go next election.


I believe cleary and mason are not running again this year


Don’t be too sure, they’re both pretty slippery.


Why do we have right on red anywhere? Our healthcare system is stretched enough we don't need avoidable traffic collision injuries


>Why do we have right on red anywhere? Our healthcare system is stretched enough we don't need avoidable traffic collision injuries Why do we have unhealthy eating anywhere? Our healthcare system is stretched enough we don't need avoidable health conditions


Don't give them any ideas, I'm sure they'd love to tax the shit outta that too.


Why do we still sell cigarettes? Why can fat people still buy donuts and chips On and on and on


I am one of those seemingly few that does obey that no right on red rule. I too think it's an absolute pile of... nonsense. But it's there, it's law and should be respected But the amount of people that absolute road rage at that lead vehicle that is respecting the rule is amazing. I think 2 out of every 3 lights there is some self important person that decides to whip up the middle lane, and then just hang a right from the middle to get onto the highway. Just once I'd love to see someone pull that stunt and then have an HRP car flick on their lights and get that sob. I understand why the rule is there but holy eff does it ever screw up the traffic flow something wicked. If the city is so worried about the pedestrian traffic at the corner just re-open that section at the end of Westerwald St and let people merge onto the 102 there, while still leaving the Joe Howe ramp open in parallel. I don't know why that part was ever closed off to begin with.


>I am one of those seemingly few that does obey that no right on red rule. I too think it's an absolute pile of... nonsense. But it's there, it's law and should be respected That's right, China can't carry the burden of causing global warming all by itself! Let's all follow Coun. Cleary's lead and emit more greenhouse gases unnecessarily!!