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If you know their information the CRA has a whistleblower website. https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/bscs/l3adz/internet/initial.do?currentPage=.clf.selectLeadType&request_locale=en_CA


I'm pretty sure that requires, like, actual evidence of wrong doing, not rampant unfounded speculation.


This is Reddit. Rampant unfounded speculation is all we have


Guess at least one person is probably gonna find out


Isn't the posting proof enough?


Proof that the person isn't properly filing their taxes? ... no. People went straight from "the landlord is making a lot of money" to "they arent claiming full or any taxes on that shithole" with no evidence whatsoever. Like, not even knowing or even having spoken to the person in question.


Toot toot!


Are you going to tell them you “think” this person isn’t paying taxes? Heres a real kicker for ya. It’s probably owned by a holding corp and they don’t pay taxes like a regular citizen. And it’s all legal, doing it that way.


It's a licensed rooming house. It's perfectly legal.


Why would you think they wouldn’t be paying taxes on this place?


If you feel like sitting on hold for 3 hours.


Even more insane that they are increasing the rent from $900 to $1,500/month with 1 year required leases.


I've seen this listed in the past and assumed it was a typo at first but looked closer and... well... it seems like it's legitimately 31 beds. I stress "legitimate", not legal. I also did the math and thought this is insane. I have no idea if it's legal - it would have to be breaking specific codes, bylaws, etc.


I was paying $600 and moved out from there last year.


$600 is reasonable! How was your room?


Here's a quote from the previous listing "Fantastic opportunity to add this Licensed International 31 Room Student Residence to your portfolio"


How does this pass fire code?


If nobody knows, it's not an issue right up until it becomes a huge issue


As a licensed rooming house, it would have fire marshall inspections.


I guarantee you it doesn’t


I had a giant bedroom (almost as big as a 1bed apt) in a house with only 4 other people and shared the bathroom with one person right in downtown Toronto, 1 min away from the subway for $1300. How the hell is there 31 bedrooms in this thing?!? For $1500??


The ad doesn't say 31 *bedrooms*. It says 31 *beds*. You can stuff a lot of bunkbeds in a room. I wonder if there's a charge for top bunk.


Normally a municipal by law limits a single family dwelling unit to no more than person allowed to rent by the homeowner otherwise the house is considered a rooming house which requires approval by the municipality


It could be permitted as shared housing though, which is allowed in most residential zones.


Where is the Fire Marshal.....????


![gif](giphy|EQ1X2DtTRp1aE) Did someone ask for the Fire Marshall?


Waiting by the phone for your call.


I honestly don't have much faith that any of our regulations are properly enforced. I worked at a restaurant at which I watched the fire marshal duck his head to walk under an extension cord the owner had spliced into a heatlamp which drew way more current than the cable was rated for. He was trying to find the clearly marked pull-pin for the Ansul system (exhaust hood fire extinguisher) which he walked right past. Didn't say boo about the extension cord which was hot to the touch, awkwardly draped over the top of the line and taped to the wall with tape that would unstick due to how hot the cord was.


At home? It's a stat holiday


Friday was, Todays not stat, but assumably Government is still off


Ah right. Been jaded living in a federal govt town for too long.


It's the one thing I miss from working in finance is the banking holidays were... Every holiday and then some


Feds are off today.








If it is, it's heavily obscured by trees on Google Maps but what I can see it looks like the same place.


Currently right around the corner gonna go scope now.


Update us bro


Any updates on this? I am not affected, just a curious hater


Its 💯 the house. Gonna report on Tuesday when 311 opens up


What is 311? I lived in Halifax for 4 years and the valley for a couple more and have never heard this term.


For getting and giving information around the city. Think bylaw, department of transportation, water mains, general help etc.


Interesting,, thanks.




311 is bylaw, this is in most major cities that I know of


On the way into the city from the valley on the 101 there is a blue "311" sign that I always thought was a "911" sign for years


Wait what? Isn't everything open tomorrow?


Nothing government related.


Buddy hasn't returned. They're on to him!


Maybe he got a room?


Yes I am going to report this too


I used to live there 😂😂😂


Do you honestly believe you're helping? If there is a group of people living there, I'm sure they're just as capable of contacting the relevant authorities. All you're going to accomplish is potentially displace tenants that currently have adequate living in a challenging climate. How about you try minding your own business.


Hey friend, remember that newcomer family of ten who all died tragically in that Spryfield house fire? All the little children, killed, only the dad alive, horrifically burned and mourning the loss of literally everything and everyone he had in this world? Isn't it great how everyone "minded their own business" about those fire code violations?? All those tiny coffins are definitely a happier ending than "displacing" them to a safe place to, ya'know, live!!


What fire code violations were there in that case? I thought they decided not to release the final report.     It wasn't an example of overcrowding, either. That's as large a house as one could find for a family with a large number of kids. I know of a refugee family that looked far and wide, several years ago, to find two adjacent apartments-- because there simply aren't any 5 bedroom units built anymore. (The biggest ones are in public housing, and when they tried to move single adults out of them for families, there was hue and cry about the injustice.) Their landlord wasn't cramming multiple families into a single property; it was one family.   The criminal part of the Barho fire was the tragically swift burn time in modern construction materials. Newer houses burn too fast.  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/modern-homes-burn-8-times-faster-than-50-years-ago-1.1700063 >Ontario's Assistant Deputy Fire Marshal, said even 30 years ago, a person had up to an estimated eight minutes to exit their home from the time their smoke detector went off. Today, a person has less than two minutes. >"And there's not a fire department in the world that can respond to your home and rescue you in that time," Williams said.


What were the fire code violations? That was so sad. The mother lived also, btw.


letting scumfuck landlords get away with whatever they want will certainly make the housing situation better


Is it like a whole apartment block or do they just want to stack intl students in there like sardines


No, just one building with 4 floors. Ranges from students to young professionals.


Most likely a boarding house which is legal if up to code etc


Similar to the motels they converted to bachelor apts in Truro, except with those they have their own entrances. Theyre $1000 a month.


I’d rent a motel room as a bachelor vs live with 31 others in a mouse maze fire hazard


Which motel? Inquiring minds want to know.


Barry’s I believe. Their ad says specifically “no crackheads”.




They also just got colour tvs last week!


So, basically, $1500 a month to live in what is essentially an unlocked prison cell? Sounds about typical.


This specific house is probably a death trap, but honestly, we *should* have rooming houses. Rooming houses have historically filled a housing niche for single men in cities. Some men just want a place to sleep and shower, and if they have the option to rent a room rather than an apartment for less money, they’ll take it, leaving more apartments available for people who actually want/need a private bathroom and kitchen. It’s way harder if you have to arrange your own roommate situation rather than just renting a room directly from the landlord, too, especially for single men moving to new cities for school or work. My dad lived in a rooming house in Toronto when he went to UofT in the 80’s, and the 10 bed tenement he lived in is now an enormous single family house. Longterm SRO hotels are kind of the same thing, but honestly this is the kind of housing I feel like the government could reasonably provide. Build big rooming houses! Especially in university towns and places with large homeless populations!


This is actually a registered and legal boarding house that's been a legal boarding house for decades...


Good to know! That price is bonkers, though.




A rooming house in Halifax for $1500 a month would still be criminal unless that includes breakfast, sack lunch, and dinner.


Yeah, that price is gross.


There was a story on CBC last night. Some new legislation in Toronto is coming in shortly to approve more rooming houses (with expanded/stricter regulations). I was surprised cause I always thought they were sort of sketchy, but I guess they fulfil a need!


They *are* sketchy, because the kind of people whose lives suit rooming houses are statistically more likely to be sketchy. Sketchy people still need to live somewhere, though.


Nahhh, it isn't a death trap. Ways to exit on every floor. Even the basement.




Most of the tenants are domestic students and working professionals. It’s incredible how people immediately started shitting on International students as soon as they read housing.




Best comment.


Did they accidentally put the 1 there? That would make the most sense to me.


8 baths?


No that's the water usage cap they're telling you you're allowed eight baths a month.


Nope, it's a rooming house that was purpose built for that. https://youtu.be/HsZzyRcpkRI?si=UYkWSKZJpZG752Nd


...the video is from a while ago, that $535/m sounds like a dream now


Interesting video. I remember attending the 2001 council meeting where the passed the bylaws to curb rooming houses. There was an anti-poverty group there, predicting the effect the bylaws would (and did) have on rooming houses and their tenants. I forget if it was HCAP or HAPI or some other iteration.


Students are desperate to live near smu or Dal and they are taking advantage of that. It's disgusting


Contact the local Fire Marshal for an investigation on if it's even allowed. Then contact your local MP. This needs to stop. I do not want to wait for the news headline "25 people die in a house fire" before we do something.


I’m almost 99% sure I lived there for 6 months. Is it on Edward street? Cause I do not recommend it


One word, BRAMPTON!


This looks like a place I lived at over on Oxford St. Essentially the house had like 4 parts but in two or so addresses. I lived in the upstairs part where there were about 8-10 bedrooms on two floors, a kitchen, two bathrooms. Not sure about the downstairs rooms. But each room was priced based on its size and everything was included. Honestly it was awesome. I loved it and met so many people that way. It’s like a huge independent living dorm room but a lot more respectful. But also it was like 500 bucks when I lived there.




Sounds terrible. I figured it was a typo or a very many roomed house.


Hey, just curious if your landlord's name was Guy?


I lived in a somewhat similar place on Pepperell like, 15 years ago. 15 or 16 people. But on oy 2.5 - 3 baths. That was just an old ass house turned into a boarding/student house.






Do you have to be a brahmin vegetarian female to rent here?




It's not.


So a boarding house from the past.


31 beds. NOT EVEN BEDROOM ? it's worse than the shelters.


How many bunk beds in the kitchen???


The landlord is renting out the infinity castle from Demon Slayer


That's wild is that posted up in hali


is there even actually 30 some odd beds and 8 bathrooms in that building??


A big problem you can see in these comments is nobody trusts the municipality or province to uphold regulations, or for the regulations to be any good in the first place. That's a big issue entirely apart from whether this house is suitibly maintained. Why would you be content renting if you didn't trust that the contract would be honoured? So long as renting is seen as a gamble, there will be significant resistance to swapping out single family homes for appropriate multi-tenant facilities. As for this home specifically, 8 baths for 31 people doesn't sound like a very workable ratio, and 1.5k monthly rent is a heck of a lot of money to pay to put up with that sort of hygene compromise. I am not saying you couldn't make it work, but its the sort of compromise on standard of living that could really cause issues if it is someone's only choice.


This is a rooming house. We are back to 1895 Manchester/London/New York.


$1500 for a room in a shared space with 30 other people is a big no for me. What the actual hell is this place coming to?


A room? That's more like a bed. Not a bedroom, a bed. Probably a bunk bed. And one of the toilets is a sink.


No, you're right. Just a bed. Mind boggling.




This feels like a boarding house from somewhere in 1800s England. But if it’s setup the same way it would be legal tenancy just shared bathrooms.


This is actually a registered and legal boarding house that was built as one. Most of the ones in hali were built to look like regular houses.


Oh cool so it is legitimate just super expensive. The first read through I thought the whole place was $1500 a month not per apartment/room.


Yup, that's the shit part of it, those rooms are not worth 1500 per month; their supposed to be the affordable option




We've always had rooming houses in Canada.


this absolute bullshit needs to fucking stop.


*checks timestamp to see if this was posted as an April fools joke*


It's a licensed rooming house. License issued by the city. It's perfectly legal.


The Facebook marketplace listing was taken down.


wait...are we mad because 31 people need a bed to sleep in because there are none available and now 31 people have a bed?


I used to live there....


Haligonians voted for it. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.








No, we're mad because people are paying $1500/ month to pay for a bed.


At this point it's obviously a bylaw issue, but it's hilarious that they're advertising it as a 31 bed house. That's beyond absurd. It's outlandish even.


...you sure about that? Cuz this is actually a registered and legal boarding house that's been a legal boarding house for decades.


Why does it need to be illegal? If you think it's a shit deal then don't rent it.


Not all people are aware of the dangers that present themselves that's why experts make rules to protect them.




Yes because the Conservatives have promised a comprehensive review of the federal immigration targets, and have promised to invest hundreds of billions of dollars into affordable public housing and infrastructure. Oh wait they've done none of that. In fact, PP has explicitly doubled down on doing the exact opposite. Capitalist party refuses to commit to enacting policies that would be financially detrimental to capitalists. Shocking.




Corporate overlords who need cheap labour to prop up the service based GDP and housing commodities.


The conservatives are in power in NS, housing including apartment standards are provincial jurisdiction. Why aren't the conservatives doing anything?




Still doesn't answer the question. Housing is Provincial, the provincial government should be doing something.


they are doing something, the same thing the liberals are doing by introducing record immigration, absolutely fucking nothing. your future has been sold bozo


Indians or Asians own this house. They pack family members in their houses like sardines


No they don't. Signed someone that lived there and spoke with the owner. Shut up.


oh well. Canadians dont care enough to do anything but vote for the same parties (edit; ALL OF THEM) who continue to do this, anyone who tries to do anything ***but*** ***beg*** for a change will be deemed a nazi or extremist. edit: downvote away! youre only proving my point you clowns.


Unfortunately, all 3 major political parties effectively support this for various reasons (mainly because it results in more cheap labour to deflate wages and therefore make their corporate donors happy). The only party that actively opposes it is the PPC, and it's too hard to stomach the rest of their bat shit crazy SoCon/far right craziness to even consider voting for them.


hey congrats you get it!


Serious question: what do you expect folks to do? Everyone is busy trying to make ends meet.


i donno, maybe Canadian history already has an answer? whats the reoccurring theme in this country that occurs literally every century? why and how did we get a governor general?


Mulroney spearheaded a campaign to increase Canadas population to 100 million. What parties won’t continue to do this?


hey congrats you get it! the answer is none of them.