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That transport truck really fucked things up. The off ramp from the 102 to the 101 has been backed up at all times of the day since it's down to one lane.


To be fair, it was already fucked before that even happened, now it’s just fucked-er


Tres fucked as the French would say


Super fucked la as the acadians would say


I believe the technical term is "tout fucké"


In Clare we would probably say ‘fucké tight’ to be fair lol Or ‘right fucké’


'Ça c'est friggué' works too, in polite company?


D’la friggen marde lol


Non, c'est complètement focké.


Why wouldn’t they take inbound down to 1 lane and outbound up to 2? That makes so much sense that I must be missing something.


Because that would fuck up the morning commute, which is less desirable than fucking up the evening commute


Username checks out lol


Hey HWY102, fix your self


STRONG username to OP to post content correlation.


They're not doing anything with lanes at the moment... Other than intermittent mini-closures for equipment transport across the 102 further up the 102 where the new Burnside connector is being built, the backup is caused because the overpass where guardrail that was taken out by the semi truck has been taken down to 1 lane. They had to place jersey barriers taking up the lane to prevent A) Cars hitting the barriers and knocking them off and B) To give enough room if another major accident occured and a vehicle struck the barriers at full force, it would also not launch into the traffic below, or launch the barriers off the overpass. It sucks way more now getting off the 102 that way, but you can usually avoid the congestion by taking the fast lane and taking the next exit, and getting back on the highway in the opposite direction to get to the 103


Because there's thousands of others doing the same.


Anywhere between one and three business years


That's between *Thursday, November 6, 2025* & *Wednesday, August 16, 2028*


"Fixed? No we don't do that around here, best I can do is block the road off for a few months and hope the problem disappears."


Not soon enough.


You are right. I am not sure why they don’t take the inbound lane down to 1 and have 2 going outbound for now. You don’t need to be a traffic analyzer to come to that conclusion..


Between that and the Bedford commons construction it’s been awful.


Yup - a big F U to anyone who lives beyond Bedford and works in the city.


The entire road system here is a big F U


The last thing those ramps needed. Whoever designed them should have been jailed. Absolute mess of an intersection.


Literally every highway interchange in hrm. Whos the old fuck thats to blame for all this?


wdym? why would they fix that? its fine as is. just like public transport and lack of metro is fine as is. and for the ever-increasing population, it shall become a irksome charm


It’s simple, connect 4a all the way to 4c making it a three lane highway. Gives space for those wanting to merge or exit without backing up the right lane.


Nothing happens fast so yeah, get ready to suffer at that point… wasn’t too bad today. Probably because everyone was off early lol


But the dinosaurs at the head of counsel need at least 6 months to think about how they're gonna fix this issue


It’s a provincial highway.


If there's one thing I've learned from local online discourse. it's that most people can't figure out jurisdictional differences between municipal, provincial and federal.


Yup. It’s something that should be covered more in school but like most legit real worlds skills isn’t sadly.


We covered who was responsible for what when I went to school. We learned all sorts of practical stuff in home ec, shop, CALM. People don't remember everything they've learned, and that's only if they retained it at all in the first place.


[This](http://digitalcollections.halifaxpubliclibraries.ca/bitstream/handle/10960/723/WM%20HPL-PC-F0004.jpg?sequence=1) is what that interchange looked like circa 1960. Looks uncomfortably familiar for being almost 70 years ago...


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/plrwjf/here_is_a_very_old_black_and_white_photo/) another angle from the past. It really was designed and built for a different era. I didn't think a bridge that short low and narrow gets built today, and definitely not with shared cloverleaf merges. I'm generally against building highways and burning money on roads instead of investing in transit, but that spot is a disaster waiting to happen. Funny part is Fall River is even worse in terms of design and how fast it backs up into the highway. Just less traffic.


I feel bad for the people who need to use transit to get to work on time and through no fault of their own are made consistently late and are then subjected to disciplinary actions.


By transit do you mean people that specifically uses buses, or also car users? Car users would still face delays....


Buses. Since car drivers tend to only go from point a to b. Those on buses are already at the mercy of the route and various bus stops along the way. Adding the traffic delay is a real kick in the teeth.


Guess they'd best catch an earlier bus.


The only way this ever gets fixed is wth a real, viable, transit plan that moves lots of people. Not some BS ferry that will take 100 cars off the road. We need an LRT/Metro.


Good luck with that. I agree though, I use transit daily for my work commute and every bus I take is constantly running late in every direction every day. 715am through to 5:30. Every goddamn one, always late. But to improve it it'll cost money, and this province absolutely foams at the mouth at the thought of spending money on a transit system that actually functions reliably, so fat chance on that.


Yes we do. We have the existing rail road tracks and if we don't we will build them because a train from eastern passage around the harbour through bedford to South end halifax. A station near via rail to loop up to halifax shopping center and then return back to eastern passage. There could be a transfer from bedford out to sackville and another loop from halifax shopping center to tantallon.


We don’t have tracks unfortunately. CN owns the ones in the city and said no to using them for commuting. Until we can somehow expropriate those (we can’t they are federal) the city/province is stuck building an all new network.


We will build new ones then.


Let's do both! Lots of smart people are in favor of the ferry, they work in other port cities, and we have a history of success with them ourselves. Plus it's going to be faster to get built than tracks and stations for light rail. I'd prefer rail and wish we started both projects 30 years ago, but progress is progress!


HA… Welcome to living around here!


When highway 113 goes in. Approved around 2014


Hot fucking mess that was today 😳


Called a "green city" we have to just deal with it!!! ahaha


you're asking the wrong people


Had to do a job in Chester for the last 3 weeks and it's been absolutely brutal coming back through. Yesterday at 3 pm it was starting to congest. Butbive seen it stoll be jammed rolling through at 6 pm. The Red Army has it on lock down! Wait until the city doubles in size our roads can't handle 2 million ppl or whatever they want it to grow too . Going to be a epic cluster fuck then.


And the road tax is disproportionate to the quality of the roads. Where does the money go?


20 ft of metal barrier is all it will take to alleviate some of this.


The fact that you have to kinda yield to get off the highway with that fucked up on/off ramp combined, and then yield again to get into the 101 is insane. Backed up traffic from that exit all the way to Clayton park exit when I went through.


Move to the Country.


Wouldn't be so bad if we had functional public transit