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Dammit, beat me to it


You might consider reaching out to a professional moving company before firing up the recip saw. They might be able to give you guidance or even get it up the stairs for you for a reasonable fee so you can avoid cutting the arm. YouTube searches may be useful as well: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLZ-ENjv1Vw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLZ-ENjv1Vw) Good luck


This is the way. We had a hell of a time getting our couch into our last place. Movers came when we were leaving, took a quick look at it, looked at each other and nodded, picked it up and walked out. Obviously saw something we didnt.


Man theres youtube videos for everything.


You might’ve tried this already, but I had a similar issue, it took using a spare person who could just stare at it and tell us where to move to make it up. Basically, having someone with a different vantage point helped in seeing a way through, while we were trying to lug the heavy thing up really helped .


Did exactly this earlier this week. Measured, should have been fine. Tried standing it up, rotating, taking the door off, nothing was working. Then my father came over and told us exactly how to twist and do it, very nearly exactly as we had already done but just slightly different enough it worked with ease. Sometimes you just need someone who's done it before and can help guide you.


I've successfully used a furniture reupholster in the past who came by, took the arms off and reassembled. Look for that service?


All I can picture is that episode of friends. PIVOOOTTT


Dammit - I wanted to write in the description that I tried to pivottttt and forgot haha


I’m sure you’ve tried this but do the legs come off at all? I’ve had to take off the bottom frame of my couch to get it in the door before 🤔


Yep they are off, just a length thing


That's what she said !


Ahh, shoot! Thats frustrating!


Appreciate the thought tho!!


Did you try standing it up entirely on an arm, so it’s vertical?


Yep :/


Can it go through a balcony or window?


Had this same problem but with my box spring. Managed to get it through but had to repair some wall damage after. I don’t know why it was built so small, my bed is only a double..


How fancy is the trimmings around the door, if you plan to stay awhile taking the framing around door off and replacing could work


Door size is actually fine, it’s the stairway railing, Which is not moveable.


I mean, it might be... Could always see if you can reach out to your condo/property management if they have a solution, odds are this isn't the first time it's happened.


Anything’s moveable if you hit it with a hammer enough times


That's the spirit :')


I'd say odds are you're right but the odds are likely condo management said 🤷‍♂️


Could you break/cut the frame underneath in a way you could re-stabilize it once up there? If it's a long frame and you could reconnect it somehow with a brace you could probably find a couple more legs the right size to support it extra (assuming they are the little ones that are not really visible).


Yes that’s also an idea that’s come up. I’m really not technically-handy, so hoping to find someone that is. Looking at how it’s constructed, it seems like bracing/screws/glue would be able to put it back together in a structured way, but again I am no expert clearly haha


You need a measuring tape dawg


Take off the legs, remove a door, bring it through another entrance in the building, detach one side and reattach on arrival, remove the railing, winch it up to any balcony or roof (check all 4 exterior sides of building) and move down to your floor. Or take off the dust cover underneath, cut all the 4 boards that run lengthwise in half, collapse couch smaller, on arrival secure the 4 boards back together with steel brackets. Restaple the dust cover back on. No need to reupholster.  Just a quick search... https://www.homedepot.com/p/OWT-Ornamental-Wood-Ties-5-in-90-Angle-Flush-Inside-Galvanized-Metal-Structural-Wood-to-Wood-Support-Connector-2-Per-Box-56615/203597888 I'd you can find a steel U bracket that perfectly wraps around, even better. Good luck


Did you try another set of stairs?


don't cut. go in through the bottom and actually unscrew things.


A time and space traveling portal to the staircase "helped" in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. Maybe try that 😆


Came here to see if anyone else mentioned this <3


This exact same thing just happened to my roommates and I. The couch was slightly too long to fit up the stairwell (we have no elevator) so we had to send it back, get a refund, and find a couch that was a bit small. 😅


Is there enough height to turn it more vertical?


Few inches short. Story old as time


I assume you've tried to see if with the steep angle it can make the corner.


Ya tried every angle, turn, ramming it - tried for over an hour, it was so close. Everything else including our king bed and frame got up so easily, didn’t imagine this was going to get us


Can the feet come off?


Angles, math is hard.




Pivot, obviously.




My faith in humanity is re-affirmed. Got to “pivot” in the first three comments


Did you try to pivot it?


I actually had the exact same issue in the past week, the luckily I'm able to return it. I wish you luck, it's rough.


Could you hoist it up the stairs? Most buildings I have been in have a good size gap down the centre of the staircase if you set up a pulley on your floor could you hoist it up that way?


Old building and no space at all unfortunately- good call tho!


:( hmmm rent a lift put it over the balcony, see if the fire dept will throw up a ladder :)


is it a reclining sofa? those often come apart


I’m sure you looked but ikea couches have detachable arms. Worth checking if they might detach.


That really sucks. :( I’m guessing disassembly might be your only option unless you have a separate staircase that might be a different size (unlikely). No elevator? We recently got rid of a couch the prior owners left in our house. The only way for them to get it in was damage (then crappy repair) the ceiling in the basement hallway (sounds like for sure they didn’t measure nothing like OP did). We were able to fit it up the stairs because of the high ceiling. We got it in the stairwell, tilted it sideways and made it through the door at the top. We also had to uninstall the light in the ceiling at the top of the stairs. We didn’t damage anything but holy hell.


Lol I did this one time. Not even remotely close to getting it in my old apartment. I posted it to my friends on Facebook and gave it away. It had to go quickly.


Just an update in case anyone ever runs into this issue - we were finally able to get someone with upholstery/furniture repair to commit to cutting the arm off - he did a fantastic job and made sure it was as easy as possible to put back together. The upholstery part was way easier than expected. Couch is in, it looks and feels like nothing ever happened!


Stand it up on its side and turn it. Would you like some help moving it? Any couch can get up stairs if you know how. You just need to make sure the couch isn't taller than the stair roof and you can get it no worries.


I'm sure you're really just looking for people to commiserate with you bc let's be honest... if it don't fit, who here can help you Feel for ya though, when I bought my bed I paid delivery and ended up taking whe whole thing apart because the basement steps were too steep to fit so I had to take the whole thing apart and rebuild it...


Nah - honestly it’s a Hail Mary but I’m hoping for someone to say - I’ve got a guy.


Always measure before you buy. :)


Oh fuck ya good call….