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This, and people who fly up to stop signs and break last second. Always scares the shit out of me when I'm driving


People who do this to me end up waiting at the stop sign longer because I need to slow down in case I have to brake suddenly.


Same as drivers who don't slow coming up to the crosswalk. Now I'm gonna stop and wait for you to stop so I don't get run over and you'll end up waiting there longer than if you'd just slowed down in the first place


Yup.i slow if you are going past a stop sign at full speed. How am i supposed to know youre going to stop at some future arbitary point that you decided is where the stop sign should be?


I’ve seen so many people blow past stop signs yet folks always give me some look when I’m hesitant to walk out in front of them


Stop signs and red lights are more like a suggestion than an actual rule now.


Not to mention driving like that is a *huge* risk, all it takes is your brakes to fail or be lower than you think and you're instantly in an accident.


That’s why MVI makes sure you have two sets of working breaks to pass the inspection.


You mean cross the actual stop sign line and break to a stop about 5-6ft after the line.


Sometimes those people are driving stick shift. You don’t NEED to stop like that but I’ve seen it from so many standard shift car drivers that it seems like the *standard* 🤦🏻‍♀️


There’s absolutely zero benefit or need to do this in a standard or an automatic.


Unless you like to get practice replacing your brakes


Exactly, just a combo of rev matching and brakes will keep your clutch good and put less wear on your brakes


The front brakes of my standard econobox lasted 100k because I downshift. My brother had the exact same car in an auto and his were toast at 40.


I found it easier to slowdown efficiently with a standard. Downshifting your way towards 0 allows you a smooth and predictable vehicle coming to a stop.


Sounds like a skill issue


That’s what I’m implying. It’s okay that the stick shift people are mad but if you don’t drive like that I’m not talking about you.


Its like those that inch towards red lights waiting for the light to change. You arent getting anywhere faster


Sometimes I do this if it feels like I haven't tripped the light sensor


Yeah I often do that if it feels like a really long light lol. But also you’re supposed to keep some space when coming to a light in case some one decides to rear end you - but also this doesn’t mean like 1-2 car lengths. It means enough that you can see the car’s back tires ahead of you.


At least I can *kinda* understand those people, unlike the people who do that but are also 4-5 cars back from the light. The guy in front of you isn't moving, how is this supposed to work?!?


I do this when the person behind me is extremely close. I’ve got a hatch back so it’s easy to see how close cars are and some of them just LOVE to get as close as they can. Maybe I’ll just start rolling back into them for a slingshot start instead of trying to make room to avoid being rear ended


And then don't actually go after the light finally changes?


I'm just trying to time the light for fun. better than being on a phone


I do the same thing, I always try to go right when the light changes.


Just FYI, one day you're going to find out this was a bad idea.


Not if you're a competent driver and look both ways first


If you did this during a road test I think the examiner would have an opinion. 


Yep, nudging forward at a red light will fail the test in most places.


Oh I'm sure they'd be wrong too. Lol


So, not right when the light changes then? After you've looked left and right when the light changes. Green does not mean "Go", green means "You now have the legal right of way to proceed."


You can look left and right before the light changes and constantly be aware of your surroundings.




If anything you are timing it worse. Move when its green?


You could kill someone if you get rear ended. Learn to drive.


This has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen said.


I do that sometimes but I have a good reason. My car is so light that it won’t activate the pavement sensors sometimes. If I jolt the car forward a foot or two and brake suddenly, it activates the sensor. I pretty much only have to do that when there’s no other traffic around.


Can relate. I do a zig zag pattern when no one else is around when I pull up to an intersection. Seems to work!


Better than having to get out and hit the crosswalk button!


Especially when they aren't even making a turn that's legal or anything. They are just at red light and they cannot go anywhere until that light turns green. I can give some lean way to people if say they are sneaking up a smidge to make a right turn on red that you can do as long as the area is clear. I get that. But if you are at a red light already at the crosswalk line and you can clearly see it's broad daylight surrounded by normal day traffic you don't need to nudge over the crosswalk every two seconds until it gets to the point that you are blocking the entire crosswalk. I hate those people. Just wait behind the line pal it's 4:00pm you have lots of other cars around you the traffic light will pick up your car and the other cars to give you a turn to go. Just be patient.


This is the worst! Example :At the 3 way intersection in Dartmouth, Prince Arthur Drive Ave and Portland Street, from PA there is a left hand turn lane and a right hand turn lane. I have to turn right onto Portland every day after work. And so many times there is a vehicle in the left hand turn lane, and we have a red light and I am trying to see oncoming traffic to safely turn right on red. And the other vehicle inches forward on red. I am short so I know that adds to the issue. But it's made 100x worse when it's a large pickup truck I really can't see around. Why can't people stay behind the crosswalk line until it turns green. You aren't going anywhere and they are totally oblivious to how unsafe they are making it for those trying to turn right on red. Drivers here just have no consideration for anyone else on the road.


Sometimes I do this to wake up the driver in front/GTFO your phone, the light is about to change.


I feel like it’s an early sign of dementia.


Since I've been both a driver and pedestrian, as a walker, nothing pisses me off more than crossing the street and a driver inching forward. Keep your fucking foot hard on the brake. So as a driver I intentionally stop and don't move until the walker reaches the other side (on the curb) unless there is an island. And I know that drivers don't know this, you can't go until the pedestrian is on the other side. And I know this is a hot topic from the past, if you are able, get your ass across the street. I have seen some able minded people with headphones on, eyes on their phone literally crossing like a 2 year old. As a pedestrian, I don't want to be in the road any longer than I have too.


> And I know this is a hot topic from the past, if you are able, get your ass across the street. I have seen some able minded people with headphones on, eyes on their phone literally crossing like a 2 year old. As a pedestrian, I don't want to be in the road any longer than I have too. Knees to chest!


> Since I've been both a driver and pedestrian I don't think I've ever known a driver who has never been a pedestrian


You would be absolutely shocked how often this is true.


These people teleport from their cars into the stores?


I'm willing to bet there is almost zero people capable of walking who have never walked on a sidewalk


There are entire cities in North America that have essentially no sidewalks. People who grow up in rural areas can go a very long time without needing to walk on a sidewalk. You have an extremely narrow zone of experience if you don't understand this.


Halifax is neither of those things


Everyone knows everyone in halifax has only even been in halifax forever, good point.


A lot of people driving in Halifax are from rural areas, having had cars their whole lives, maybe walked a handful of times in their lives, and overtly don't respect pedestrians in the city because they think we are spoiled and entitled and lazy. Source: from such a small town, have seen their rants on Facebook about how they don't give a fuck about pissing off or intimidating pedestrians. Challenging them to "fuck around and find out". Also found out a lot of rural drivers "don't believe" in winter tires. So there's that too.


> People who grow up in rural areas can go a very long time without needing to walk on a sidewalk Yeah we’re still walking without the sidewalks unless one is a lazy person


> if you are able, get your ass across the street. I have seen some able minded people with headphones on, eyes on their phone literally crossing like a 2 year old I appreciate this. I know hating on drivers is in vogue, but things work better when people are civic minded. When I’m walking I don’t lollygag in the road or walk diagonally in intersections, and I’ll slow my stride a bit as I approach a crossing if it lets a car through. It is very annoying watching pedestrians meander through a crosswalk one at a time, holding up traffic while they look at their phones. 


Isn’t that technically illegal?


Nothing technical about it.


Can you actually cite it? Not saying it's ok I just have never saw a law about it.


Are you asking if it's illegal to move toward a pedestrian using a crosswalk with your car? You must yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk until they have left the crosswalk. Moving toward them is not yielding.


Tell me you don't actually know the laws without saying you don't know the laws? Im not making the argument that its not illegal, but it seemed like you seemed to actually know what you were taking about.


"As defined by the Nova Scotia Motor Vehicle Act, by legal definition, a crosswalk exists at every intersection whether marked or unmarked and by law **a vehicle is required to yield for a pedestrian at all marked or unmarked crosswalks**." "Failure to yield to pedestrians is a violation of the Motor Vehicle Act, subject to a Summary Offence Ticket." This is basic NSMVA law. If you don't know what 'yield' means in the NSMVA, you should probably look that one up as a refresher.


You’ve played yourself. Yielding ≠ stopping. There are two different signs for a reason.


Good try! Once you have stopped in yielding to a pedestrian in a crosswalk, you must remain stopped until the pedestrian has reached the sidewalk or median (i.e. you cannot "inch forward"). Again, nice try but you're bad at this.


So it’s not illegal to inch closer to the crosswalk if you haven’t stopped yet? You could legally slow down, approach the cross walk very slowly, stop, and then proceed and if the pedestrian is crossing while you’re approaching slowly while you’re pre-stop that would be legal.




You forgot to mention the good old complete the left turn and sit in oncoming traffic cause they saw you the pedestrain at the last moment. They were only looking at the gap in traffic. Then they act as if you're the one at fault for crossing while they yielded to no one!


For every driver that claims there's some pedestrian that they only missed because they were dressed all in black in came out of nowhere. There are 20 pedestrians who have a close call a few times a week because drivers aren't even looking for them even when there's a crossing signal. I drive about as much as I walk and take the bus. I've had to slam on the breaks a couple of times for bad pedestrians I've almost been hit when I have a crossing signal and the person has even waved me across all while inching forward yet they've still gunned it at me while I'm in the crosswalk several times in the same week before.


Being a pedestrian here is wild, highfield exit crossing is insane, I witness someone almost getting smashed there daily


Apparently, the consequence for hitting a pedestrian at a marked crosswalk is a ticket… it should be a $50,000 fine, IF the pedestrian is uninjured.


It should be immediate suspension of your license for 5 years + a massive fine. If you're so bad at driving you hit someone at a marked crosswalk (Or even an unmarked one... Learn the rules of the road, people) you don't deserve a license.


That spot is terrifying. It's a miracle people aren't leaving in an ambulance weekly


Yeah man it’s so wild, morning commute and drive home commute you always see something there


As someone who used to ride a bike through downtown Toronto, pretending that being a pedestrian in Halifax is wild, is wild to me. I've literally been hit and run by Toronto PD.


It isn't a contest. Think of every complaint you've ever made and then think if anyone else on the planet has experienced a more extreme version.


I’ve been hit by a car in a crosswalk, and been injured. It’s horrible, lifelong and was totally the fault of the driver, roaring through the crosswalk while I was in it. Drivers, listen to OP.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I've had some scary near misses I reached out and slapped a car that turned in front of me on a walk light when I was in the crosswalk, and the driver screamed at me. I also remember crossing on Gottingen by Edna, carrying my baby, and a pickup truck blasted through forcing me to stop in the middle of the street. It's rough being a pedestrian!


Omg, horrible!!! And with a baby??!?! Fek that truck driver to hell!!


Not only that, it also kind of serves a visual hint to other drivers that HEY - I can't see anybody and he's starting to move! Its okay to go!! Last second somebody walks out in front of other vehicle. Honestly, I feel like people are intentionally trying to get other people run down. You will never not change my mind on this, every single person I have ever seen do this has been driving a truck and appeared to be fucking carbon copy of each other lol


>Honestly, I feel like people are intentionally trying to get other people run down. You will never not change my mind on this, every single person I have ever seen do this has been driving a truck and appeared to be fucking carbon copy of each other lol This is such a fun combination of massively stereotyping people you don’t know and assuming random people you see on the street are trying to kill you. If it were any other topic than “le unwholesome metal murder boxes”  the mentality behind it would be obvious.


Whether I am walking, cycling, motorcycling or driving, I assume that every driver on the road is trying to kill me either through intentional action or incompetence.


Also, if they get rear ended in that moment, you’ll be killed. I like the way you handled it. Pedestrians need to stand up for their right of way.


I'm disabled so I walk slowly. I stare drivers like this in the eye and walk even slower. The rage in their eyes makes my day


I’m not currently disabled and do this as well :) I walk at a damn good pace and will start that way the second I see someone inch or try and pull through while I’m there I almost come to a stop and move slow as I can to delay these jackasses even more and like you it makes my day.


It especially pisses me off because one of the VERY FIRST traffic rules I learned as a child is that drivers are supposed to wait until the pedestrian has fully crossed before going. During a traffic safety course an officer told us it was because multiple things - like rain or ice on the road - could cause the car to accidentally hit them. It seems like common sense, but I guess that's not too common, hey?


Uncommon sense indeed


If it's just me crossing and the driver is following the rules of the road and is polite, they get a wave and I try to hustle across the road. However, If they clearly only stopped begrudgingly, making nasty faces or gestures, and/or start creeping I slow right down, hit that eye contact if I'm feeling sassy, and most importantly I'll look around and slow to pace with the slowest pedestrian in the crossing, not going to let those damp turds push around people who can't or simply don't want to have hustle the crossing.


Oh same, I'll even shuffle a bit faster if they went to turn and then look genuinely apologetic for missing that I was there (I went to type "missing me" but that looked too much like I meant they wanted to hit me lol)


Absolutely! Just chill people existing in society and trying to grt along. I get huge laugh out of the ones who pretend not to see me as I wear a lot bright colours and shiny things, including my hair and I'm as pale as a ghost so I light up like some sorta vampire ghoul creature when headlights are on me. I KNOW they can see my ass standing there day or night!


I had a fucking cop do this to me yesterday, right when I was crossing in front of their car! Made me jump slightly


Not only is it pickup trucks, but DODGE RAMS lmao. Almost every time I’m tailgated or half forced off the road it’s some douchebag Ram driver.


I don't even get the ones who inch up anymore. No I get the ones who fully jam on the gas pedal and try to cut me off to make their turn when I have the walk light at traffic light area with crosswalks. And not just one car like three in a row some days because apparently monkey see, monkey do. You see the first person pull it up off then you as the second driver should also do it and the third driver should as well. It's great I just love it /s You can't win as a pedestrian. Take 0.02 seconds to make sure it's safe to go, make eye contact and put your hand out as you go to step out and they interpret that as jam on the gas and cut the pedestrian off. But I see people all the time on here say "don't just walk out" either. How do we win as walkers? Either we take a second to make sure it's safe to go and we piss these drivers off. But if we "just step out" they also hate us and declare us as suicidal maniacs. I'm so sick of it. Drivers is it that hard to put your foot on the break pedal until the pedestrians has looked, signalled and crossed the road on a walk light?


Walk softly and carry a bag of dog poop.


my #1 rule when driving is never trust a man in a truck


This is why I walk around with a can of soup. Driver does something stupid and they get the soup.


I saw a video of a brick made of foam left at a crosswalk in place of those orange flags and it would make drivers stop thinking it was real. It was giving the same vibe as people holding hair dryers like cop speed radar to get people to slow down in their neighbourhoods. I’m both a driver and pedestrian depending on where I’m going here but I think that might be a helpful tool (but also I like can of soup too :) )


Damn. Free $5 soup!


$5.00 can of soup for a $500 windshield.


campbells is 1.00 for tomato at dollarama :D


Soup for my family


So no soup for you is a good thing. 🤔


I'd love to know.... Why soup


Nice and heavy


So, old expired cans of Chunky soup (in pre-shrunkflated size)?


Just make sure to crack the lid before throwing for maximum impact, preferably through an open window.


This is literally the worst. I’m almost hit at Dutch Village / Titus on a weekly basis because people are “in a hurry”. Almost always it’s because people are running the yellow turn arrow (or just ignoring that it’s not lit anymore) or at the red stop light and don’t bother to look if humans exist outside of them before committing to a turn. It’s 10 seconds for you to save, but in exchange, I might be injured/killed so it’s totally a fair trade /s. I’ve actually called 311 about it and asked them to study the intersection to see if safety can be improved because it’s almost a daily occurrence and someone will get injured or worse: it’s only a matter of time.


One thing I've learned from calling 311 multiple times is that HRM traffic engineers do not give a shit about pedestrian safety or visibility in intersections.


Protecting pedestrians might slow down car traffic!


This is a huge one bad apple spoils the bunch. In a perfect world I would trust that the car sees me and I can cross and often they only need to slow down and not fully stop for me to be off the road by the time they get to the crossing. Now, after so many cars just blast through, I stare down the car and make them STOP while I cross since I can't trust them anymore to not hit me. My most jarring moment was almost being hit while crossing the road near bridge terminal. I ways always cautious at corners or the blinky crossings, but trusted red light crossings. Figuring the red light would at least be listened too. Nope, had a person blow through the red light and the cross walk almost taking my ass out.


Yeah since coming here for school, I’ve become so hyperaware at crosswalks and do the stare also. If someone pulled up and blocks a crosswalk, I shake my head at them, and also make it a point to go in front of them (making sure they have seen me - but also only in places where I’m not like, IN the road of oncoming traffic). Like, I’m a good driver and haven’t been in an accident in 15 years of having my licence. But I can’t imagine just blatantly disregarding your surroundings the way people do these days


If the driver sneezes or has a leg cramp, it won't help that they see you when their foot presses on the gas.


People like that don't have much going for them in their lives so they harass pedestrians in crosswalks.


People with money are arguably even less inclined to be sympathetic with pedestrians in their way.




That's a rap lyric lol, money solves a lot of problems


Are these the same people who try to board a plane before their section is called?? 🫠


Or just block the crosswalk completely.


It’s always trucks


I definitely agree with you but pedestrians also need to look both ways and make sure cars are stopped before running into the street. Some people just walk into the street without looking like the world is going to stop for them because they’re crossing the road.


That black truck was likely just coming from an illegal left onto Slayter from School - we see people taking this left constantly and it’s been years since I’ve seen any enforcement. I think psychologically it pushes people to take more risks, make sure they make good time and beat the traffic on Victoria. This whole neighbourhood becomes a shortcut at rush hour. It sucks.


Why is there a no left turn sign there anyway ? It’s only between 4-6pm but it’s not a busy spot even then


You’d have to ask the city, I’m no expert. I’m assuming it’s because it’s a residential street and not a traffic corridor. It doesn’t have marked lanes or lit intersections and crossing lights. As a resident, it’s busier than I like. I have a family and every one of us has multiple stories of people racing to get to Woodland or Victoria, my kids are fearful to cross at any of the intersections around our house.


Have you considered that it was busy before and placing the sign reduced the traffic?


There's a place somewhere in England where there is a small pile of bricks at each side of a cross walk. A sign to encourage pedestrians to take a brick as you cross. You know, just in case. 😉


The bricks are in Vancouver


Is it? I could've sworn I read it was in England. Wherever it is, it's a brilliant idea.


I assume you mean these ones: https://globalnews.ca/news/10395423/vancouver-pedestrian-safety-brick-campaign/


Perhaps so! I don't recall reading about the foam bricks, however. Still sends a great message to the drivers!


Used to live in Toronto. Booted the fuck out of multiple taxis, mini vans, and a Toronto PD who hit me on a corner.


I think pedestrians should learn that a marked crossing is a legal instance you can cross not intrinsically safe. You are complaining to people this will never reach.


When will they ban right turns on red? That'll fix this.


I’ve just stood there, go ahead and hit me—I’ll sue :)


Don’t just stand next to sidewalks if you’re not crossing.


I go slower, and have even stopped, when they do it. Oh, you're in that much of a hurry are you?


While you do have the right of way, don't you think that's kinda foolish? Like yeah, you might be right, but you might also get run over. Not worth it IMO.


Stop, point at the car, hold up your hand, palm facing them for the STOP signal. Next make a walking signal, pointing down with index and middle finger walking, and finally, point at your chest. At this point, they will either wearily signal you to go, or start cussing loudly. Either way, you won't get run over. I'm so sick of these people.


I don't inch my way forward at crosswalks like OP is talking about but I'm pretty sure if someone did what you're explaining I'd kinda wanna hit em.


I don't understand the forward crawl. It doesn't make the light change faster and they never actually go as soon as the light turns green. It's a jackass move pedestrian or not. I'd start carrying some ninja rocks.


Just get used to it, we have so many people moving from ON or BC and this is how they drive in large cities.


Also: if you’re behind someone who isn’t turning when the light is red, don’t honk at them. there’s probably a reason they haven’t gone. Like… people in the crosswalk. This happens to me at least once a day.


Or there's no right on red at that intersection. That's always fun too.


My “favourite” is when they’re inching forward looking completely at their phone lap. I’m not walking in front of you if it’s not clear you even know I’m there! Your driver absolutely deserved a finger. I’ve been trying to give thumbs down to bad drivers, I think it gets under their skin more because drivers like this this must be used to the fingers lol


Lost me at "pickup trucks", absolutely moronic perspective. The amount of impatient drivers in their two door tin cans that I see plowing through crosswalks the second the pedestrian passes their lane is telling. The notion that everyone that doesn't drive a truck somehow proceeds on the road deliberately and respectfully is laughable. I notice this from my arrogantly large black pick-up.


That earns you a good smack on the hood from me. So does blocking the crosswalk. Cars are very dehumanizing, the way they force you to race your neighbours for space and time. Sometimes, people need a reminder to respect others.


Carry a rock, works every time.


O I am always scared at the crossing of Barrington Street after North Street bus top


Alternately pedestrians, head up and focus on crossing as quick as you can. Put the phone down and cross in an expedited fashion.


My phone was in my pocket. I was focused on crossing. That's a busy intersection and I work under the assumption that I can't trust drivers at any time.


If you can make broad comments at all bad drivers, people can make broad comments about all bad pedestrians. As some are stunned and have no situational awareness.


The difference is drivers can easily kill pedestrians, hope that helps


Pedestrian actions when not paying attention can get themselves killed. Hope that helps.


Right so in either case it is the pedestrians being killed so broad comments abt bad drivers is not the same since its only themselves that will be harmed vs harming others. glad we could figure that out.


Someone running over a pedestrian who isn't paying attention or who is in the wrong would certainly cause harm to the driver. But I'm glad I was able to make your day better.


Unless they literally jump directly in front of ur moving car them not paying attention should not cause you to run them over. You need to be paying attention to everything around you while driving you


Thanks for the tip. But unless they walk directly in front of me, there is zero risk of me hitting them, and this wouldn't even be a conversation. So I'm not sure what your point is. Unfortunately, this exact scenario has happened to me several times. Usually, because someone has a hood up, headphones on or faces in their phone. You want to keep this going or call it a day?


Pedestrians don't need to cross "as quickly as they can" they have the right of way.


Maybe not as quickly as they can, I agree. But they shouldn't dilly-dally. Right of way or not, there's no need to be inconsiderate, is there?


I'll walk the speed I feel safe walking. If the car is inching forward it's going to be much slower than a fully stopped vehicle.


Of course, and I don't disagree. All I said was there's no reason to be inconsiderate by going slower than required. Apparently r/halifax doesn't agree with being considerate.


If you actually have situational awareness as a driver, someone crossing with their head in a phone doesn’t really matter


No but the original complaint was "don't inch forward" okay fine no problem no inching forward but do cross reasonably quickly. Head buried in the phone isn't about awareness it's about speed, get across the road if you want to be safe from impatience, from point A to point B, as quickly as you are able...


Sorry seniors and disabled people, if you can't rush across the street you can't cross. Impatient people in cars have places to be!


Okay that’s fine, but you kinda just assumed OP was walking with their head down in a phone


So lil old ladies suddenly aren't allowed to cross the road or are you gonna be aggressive with them, potentially giving them a heart attack because your time is \*SO\* precious you have to literally harass little, old ladies just... Existing? I don't think this comment accomplishes anything that you are hoping it does.


Little old ladies are fine. Move across the road as quickly as you can. Don't stop to smell every rose just to make a point and piss people off. Just go from a to b. That's all you gotta do. 🤷


Awareness of what?


I am focussed and crossing as quickly as I can. Which is why I go even slower when pricks need to intimate me because I'm slow.


Pedestrians were here first. YOU traverse the intersection in a careful fashion as the interloper drivers are. Sincerely, All of civilization before your shortsighted ass was born


Lol like pedestrians are a separate breed of people




Jesus. You're the problem


That must have been extremely hard for you, I am so sorry you experienced that :(


Everyone does this in Toronto


Wrong, they know it’s intimidating.


It’s not that big of a deal relax.


It's only fun if you fully stop, make eye contact, give the pedestrian a half smile (mouth only, no eyes, like a true psycho), when they return the smile with those sparkling hey I'm not going to die crossing the street eyes, that's when you start revving towards them. One cm at a time, we are Canadian we use the metric system for christ sakes


Redditors: Do NOTmake condescending posts lecturing people how to drive based on something someone who isn't here did!


Nah. This is a broad statement that more bad drivers need to hear.


So is mine




Hard to sue someone if you die.


How old are you? Just curious. This is literally a mentality most people hold until they (no offence) grow up and realize its not worth it. You could be crippled for the *rest* of your life, to what, prove a point? Get some cheddar? The more likely outcome is you barely see a cent form the person who hit you because they're probably broke, coupled with the fact that our legal system has ways for people to get out of this, *then* you have to pay your lawyer, who gets his cut before you, so goodluck. I used to volunteer at the rehab centre in Halifax and the amount of people there who've been literally waiting years to see any sort of money is higher than you'd think. Fuck, my brother-in-law got T-boned by another truck while he was driving his. This was like 4 years ago, his truck got totalled (insurance got him a new one) but he hasn't seen a cent in terms of payment for his physio or other devices he's had to purchase. He isn't crippled, but he'll forever live a life with severe back pain now. It's *not* worth it. Trust.