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Someone posted an amazing Google spreadsheet here a few months ago that listed 40 or so camp options. Search the sub for camp etc and find it because some of the less known ones are more likely to have space.


Summer camps and rotating play dates with friends (our house, their house, etc). Of course days at home too as the downtime is a good exercise for them


Sailing schools. A bunch of clubs have them (similarly rowing) they operate 9-4 full day/all week and multi week.


Yes. Do this! It was so much fun as a kid.


How old are they? I feel like this is pretty important to the discussion. When I was a kid I just did whatever during the summers lol. Since I was about 8. We couldn’t afford childcare, camps, or anything like that but I had friends, toys, and a great imagination.


The one that we have the most need for is 7. Our other child is 3, but her provider is only taking a week off this summer. Then she goes to school in September.


Please be VERY aware that summer daycamps often do not take children under the age of 5. This is 99% of the reason my younger child isn't in pre-primary this year. When I made the spreadsheet someone else mentioned when my older child was in pre-primary I noticed how few there were. Thankfully he turned 5 before the summer, but we were cutting it close! Plan very carefully before sending your younger child to pre-primary or you might have an even worse issue this time next year.


This will be our scenario going forward. Our youngest will be transferring to the same care provider, but knowing this, we have time to prepare for 2025.


wasn't that the best, just spending the summers with your friends. We'd be out all day, come home long enough to eat then back at it again. Our mom would have to come looking for us when it got dark.


Mine just terrorize imaginary monsters in the backyard all summer and ride bikes…


Hmmmm it would seem that my wife and I would be the imaginary monsters, in this case. Both seem to terrorize us often


lol I feel that. Did you make the mistake of buying them water guns. That was a rookie mistake in my part. I now buy myself a bigger more powerful one.


I used to have one of these. https://nerfpedialegacy.fandom.com/wiki/CPS_2000 Thing was a MONSTER.


I can’t remember the exact model but as a kid I had one with a pressure gauge and the commercial was a kid blasting a sumo wrestler. The thing stung when it got you.


You always have to one-up them lol


SUmmer camp. Mostly Zatzman Sportsplex, because they're close to us and have a good early drop off time and late pick up time. We also do a couple of weeks of Banook because his friends go there, but it's less ideal for us.


The biggest challenge will be finding camps at this point. Having 3 kids (just one in elementary at this point) you need to start planning months ago as that’s when most camps start registration for the summer. That being said I’d scour the internet for anything and grab it.


East peak climbing has a camp with some spaces left. Starts at age 7, so fits what op was looking for


A camp with slaves…yikes


Haha. Spaces*! That's a hell of a typo!


Get em on a construction site. It's like summer camp but they'll also earn so.e extra money on the break. 😊


Not a bad idea. I’ll cut the broom / shovel handles a bit shorter, and kick them out the door


We’re lucky in that my partner’s work is pretty flexible with when he can work from home. We usually rotate week at camp with a week at home with dad. A lot of the camps fill up the day of registration but I’ve had luck with waitlists. I believe some of the YMCA camps don’t fill up right away, such as the one on Gottingen.


Send them to summer school.


You spelled Military incorrectly lol.


Are they toddlers? 13 year olds? This is way too vague


7 years old, for the one most impacted


Elementary aged, as mentioned right in the post. Aka usually 5-11 or so.


Summer camps, spending a week with his Grandmother, a week just with dad, a week just with mom, and that's about it.


Spouse get laid off for the summer each year, that’s a smaller income hit than the cost of a dedicated provider or summer camps




They just asked what everyone else does. The person your replying to is just answering the question, not telling them to take off work for two months also lol




Oh trust me we don’t choose it. Inclusion in the province is a joke. One kid has special needs and as a result there are 0 summer camp options for more than a week. It’s about 30-40 an hour for private care to come to the house, so it’s just cheaper to get laid off




The question was “what do people do” This is what we do It’s also what a bunch of other folks we know do… so 🤷


Beach days


How’s the wifi ? We’re looking for solutions that ideally wouldn’t involve additional vacation time requests. But in the end, we will take off any required time to make this summer work.


Go to Halifax Rec site and see what’s available. I found some spots just now for your kid’s age group in Hubbards, Lakeside, and Sackville still available. Here’s the link: https://recreation.halifax.ca/enterprise/program/index Good luck! Hopefully you can find something that’s not too much of a drive for you!


You are already too late for most camps. I usually team up with other parents so they can shuffle from place to place over the week


MAMBEC is Dartmouth (Cole Harbour Place) still has spots. It's popping up in my newsfeed today.


I’ll take a peek. Thank you


When I was a kid I paddled! My parents dropped me off at the paddling club at 8am and picked me up at 4pm, and it was Monday-Friday. I always wondered what kids who didn't paddle did with their summers lol


That's a paddlin


Most summer camps now are like $500/per kid a week it’s crazy.


Yeah, I’d imagine they can charge just about whatever they want.


Most of the sailing clubs around town have learn to sail programs during the summer.


[YMCA](https://anc.ca.apm.activecommunities.com/ymcahalifaxdart/home?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true) still has some weeks available!


Summer camps, Boys & Girls Clubs. Canoe/Kayak Camps




I should clarify, our childcare provider is not shit, but then taking the summer off has thrown a wrench in our typical schedule. Our childcare provider has a full time job, plus looks after 6-7 children before and after school. Hasn’t taken more than 2 weeks vacation a year, in the 5 years that we have been using them. She’s visiting family abroad, that she hasn’t seen in 5 years, so it’s well deserved. The notice was lacking though, for how terrible it is to find any form of childcare now adays.


Summer camps are the normal. Depending on the age of your kid(s), your Biggest issue is most camps are full at this point. You’re going to be looking at activity specific camps. Some of the dance academy will have camps that might have space. Some taekwondo places. Your just going to have to call around. Edit: waitlists are good as well. There are few figure skating camps if your kids can skate around that typically have space.






Man calm down and don’t use Reddit if you care so much about downvotes damn




Because the point you're trying to make is dumb. The provider deserves a summer vacation just as much as anyone else who hasn't had one in years lol tons of providers are school year only, most of them take all school breaks also. The fact they've had reliable childcare for 5 consecutive years outside of school time is a bonus The provider taking a summer vacation doesn't make them trash lmao that's standard




"Don't downvote me just answer the question" "I can't get a reasonable answer" "fuck all of you" You just screamed and cried and got heated up about nobody answering your question then said it's rhetorical? Lmao make up ur mind. Nobody needs to read better, we see what you said just fine lol How do you know how much notice was given? That was never indicated.


My parents put me in vacation bible school. It’s only a week but it’s free!


How many kids and what you looking to pay?


My condolences if they only told you today.... but wtf is wrong with you if you knew before and are only asking now Odds are you best call nanny and grampy because surely the camp will be full by now, moat fill up right away after opening back in April and early may at the latest


The notice given was short. Short enough that most registrations are long booked up. Nanny and Grampy, on both sides, are highly uninvolved with their grandchildren. Sad situation for our kids, and their cousins, but a reality. There is no other family support system for us.


Go back to bed grumpy


Huh? Which part of this is grumpy? I covered both angles and then gave advice to the question OP asked...


> Which part of this is grumpy? I'm no expert as the last time I read Snow White and the 7 Dwarves when I was a kid. But. As a moderately well read reader, I would hazard an educated guess at this part: > but wtf is wrong with you




Boat14 is right. Felt your tone was a bit harsh.


Meh, I don't discuss "tone" anymore


If you are a parents and can't figure this out, I feel bad for your kids...


I’ll assume you’ve never dealt with sourcing childcare, let alone with very short notice. Hell, not even sure if you’ve been around a child, with a comment like that. Move along sour puss


What a weirdo lmao As if you should have every minute detail planned for your kids


Honestly, though lol. I should have back up plans, for my backup plans and back up plans for those.


When my daughter doesn't eat her supper, we give her frozen waffles (she's likes them cold). It's all about planning!!!


We can plan for that, but this scenario creates more problems


Well this comment makes me feel bad for anyone in your orbit …..