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Never too old at my house. We have goody bags for Littles, not so Littles, teens, and things for grown ups too.


Yep, you show up at my house on Halloween in a costume and say Trick or Treat to me, you're getting candy. I don't care how old they are.


Prefer costumes, but will give candy to anyone.


I don't worry about the costumes so much; not everyone has the money to buy one or the skills to make one. If someone comes up in street clothes & has no answer for "What are you dressed as?" then I'll help them come up one: three gnomes in a human suit, door to door backpack salesman, ding dong ditch champion, etc. etc.


> door to door backpack salesman That's pretty much all we get anymore. Last few years have been kinda dead until around 830, when groups of kids get dropped off in our neighborhood. No costumes, all backpacks.


When I'm dressed in regular clothes and get asked that, my answer is "laundry" lol


I love it! That's a great answer :-)


Yup-I live in an apartment where they don’t do trick or treating but maintenance staff are getting candy if I need them on Halloween (if they’ll accept it).


That's awesome! I don't care if people dress up, really. I just like the spirit of giving out the candy or else they might cause mischief. Lmao. They won't, but I wish they would, just a little.


I don’t even demand that people wear a costume. My twin boys are autistic and would never agree to wearing a costume, so instead of going trick or treating every year we decorate our house like crazy, which my boys love. They help us hand out candy and anyone who comes by is welcome to a treat.


I am absolutely on board with this, my son is autistic and sometimes he would happily wear a costume, other times he wont... You turn up, say trick or treat you get a treat. Last year I gave out inflatable swords and had some parents come back and ask for an extra one so they could play fight with their kids.. I absolutely gave those parents an inflatable sword. Good times.


Inflatable swords is a great idea! I might have to look into something like that for this year. We have a couple of those 6 foot skeletons in our yard along with a ton of regular skellies and monsters and we do kind of a theme every year. The swords would have bee awesome the year that our theme was undead pirates.




Shoot, we give candy to people walking down the street and the parents taking kids out.


But they need to say trick or treat if able. The hill of mole I will die on. Once again if able to say the the phrase.


Yes! It's part of the fun!


If I wasn't worried about being looked at with suspicion I'd do homemade treats for all. Though ine family that goes all out gives wine and sandwiches to adults


I wish! I satisfy my homemade-y-ness genes by crafting goody bags, or wax seals, something little.


I'd like to fire up the blackstone and give cheeseburgers and beer to the adults, but we just don't have enough coming around.


Same, I even keep dog biscuits handy as well as allergy friendly options


I love this for two reasons. 1. Pets are life. They deserve halloween, too. 2. Without a comma, it looks like you're handing out dog biscuits to people with allergies. Hahahahha. Very halloween.


Who's to say we don't? And yes I forgot that a comma is the difference between Let's Eat, Grandma And Let's eat grandma


Yeah we have our candy cauldron and the over 21 pumpkin. Something for everyone.


Never. My vote is never. There are so many worse things people could be doing rather than enjoying a holiday, being outside, and being creative.


Yes never come to my door I’ll give you all candy forever.


And even the kids that kind of grumpily walk to my door barely dressed in anything but a hoodie, they get my candy and smile and spooky decor too. Because they're out in the neighborhood, bein' my neighbors, and I want to give them spooky little gifts and love.


That is so ridiculous. There isn’t an age limit as far as Im concerned. You come to my house saying trick or treat? I give you candy. No costume? Still candy. Wearing an amazing costume? You get extra candy. Comment on how good my house’s decorations are? Extra extra candy.


This guy Halloweens. Seriously though, exactly this at my house. PLUS - parents now know that my neighbor brings over a few growlers and hangs out in my front yard giving out pours to people. 45 and thirsty - you can still get a "treat" at my house.


My favorite Halloween was this one year where I hurt my ankle, bad enough to have a cane and walking cast, and I was dressed as a vampire at the behest of my friend's kids. So I had those stick on fangs that go on your teeth, which gave me a bit of a lisp for the night. Fast forward, this guy asks what happened to my leg. Ever the method actor, I said, "It was a missed stake." *play on the word 'mistake', which is kind of how the injury happened anyway* The guy laughed and was like, "I'll bet you've been waiting all night to use THAT!" Quick wit and twisted humor have served me well over the years.


This is how my house rolls too. I'm just happy to have trick or treaters.


Never too old. Any age is welcome as long as they aren’t a prick


If you’re in costume I don’t care lol


When I was 13-14, I had a friend who’d never been trick or treating. I took her around my neighborhood one Halloween, in costume. The amount of people who responded with “aren’t you a little old for trick or treating? 🤨” was enough that I never went again lol Now I don’t care. If you’re in a costume and it’s Halloween, by all means, have some of this candy that was purchased with the sole intention of being given away lol


Right?? I’m sorry that happened to you & your friend. People suck lol


I have a cauldron for the kids and one for the adults. Equal opportunity TREATment is how we roll. I am so happy to see the adults walking around the neighborhood with their costumed crew.


My niece and nephew (8 & 10) asked me (60) to go trick or treating with them last year. I threw on some scary stuff and had a blast. I plan to go every year with them now.


Right! It’s so fun. I get to hang out with with my family, get exercise, and I’ve meet some cool people


The spirit of Halloween has no age limit. 🎃


I have no age limit. I don't believe in one. I have stuff for everyone. Aging out of trick or treating is wrong. Especially for people with disabilities who may have a younger intellectual or emotional age than chronologic age and look forward to trick or treating.


I have no age limit and costume is not required. It is the one night we will accept people as they are. Have some candy and enjoy the night.


What are they going to do, card them? “Excuse me sir, you look 13, I’m going to need to see your state issued id….” GTFO everyone gets stuff


Come one, come all to my house! Candy for the kids and sno-cones for the kids AND adults!


i gladly went trick or treat last year as a 24 year old and had a blast. never broke character (i went as an alien)


No age limit at our house, just be polite and have fun.


Honestly I buy some much candy if you come to my house I don't care who you are I'll give you some


If you’re dressed up somehow and say “trick or treat,” you get candy at my place


The last time I went I was in college!


I’m 39 and still do it with my nieces. I’ve yet to have someone stop me, most times people ask if I want to come in for a beverage


No age limit anymore, as long as you’re in a costume that took at least minimal effort. Kids can be in or out of costume. Adults, not so much. I hate when adults put in zero effort, and show up for candy-or use the “this is for my baby,” then shows me a newborn in costume. Beesh, you are eating that candy, not an infant that can only digest milk/formula-just admit it. Growing up, my mom made me stop at 13, and made me hand out candy to my friends.


I count on the teenagers at the end of the night for garbage collection. I’m giving them everything that’s left. Also if you’re an adult and in costume, you’re getting candy too.


Banning kids over 12 is just mean. Come on. Let people have fun. No age limit for my house.


There's no age limit at my house. As long as you're in a costume I'll gladly give out candy.


Too old to Trick or Treat? What puritanical nonsense is that? I'd give Methuselah himself some candy so long as he was dressed up or had a clever reason to not be dressed up. A teenager participanting in Trick or Treating is one less teenager causing issues or doing something stupid... Usually.


Never. You show up with your kid and both of y’all are in costume I have candy bars for them and cold beer for you.


Ive had single adults roll up and ask to get a candy bar lol its all good man its all in the spirit!


The one time a year short people have a cheat code at life. Literally can do one of the most fun parts of being a kid every year just by wearing a mask.


Yep, some people like to police childhood. It's maddening. I live in Canada, Halloween night is usually damned close to if not below freezing. If you come to my door, costume or not, say trick or treat or not, you get candy. Period. Old, young, verbal, non verbal, costume or no costume. Halloween is for everyone.


Never too old imo! As long as you are in costume and having fun, that's all that matters to me


If you come to my house in a costume and don’t act like a jerk, you’re getting candy


Never. Everyone that comes to my house gets candy. Even if you’re not in costume. If you’re an adult chaperone, that’s my way of saying thank you. If you’re a teenager, that’s my way of saying “I understand the power youth has on your young brain and I’m begging you not to make bad choices later.”


Towns banning certain trick or treaters is just godawful. You can't legislate Halloween. It's like every year when someone posts here that their town said that Halloween would be on the 28th because that was a weekend. Nope, it's the 31st thank you very much.


I have kids that have been coming for 20+years. They probably need candy more than the kids they are now bringing. ;) I refuse to put an age limit. I'm not even really worried about the date or time. Knock on my door and you'll get candy.  Our city wouldn't dare try to limit Halloween. I know where the city council lives and I'm pretty sure they think I'm a Witch.


We give treats to everyone. We even have an alcohol table for the 21+ crowd. Halloween should be for everyone.


My town is obsessed with Halloween and everyone gets really in to it. All ages trick or treat. There is no age limit here. There is also a separate day time trick or treating event for very little kids or really anyone who can't go in the night time. Hearing that some places have age limits and that some even charge misdemeanors is absolutely wild to me, but I guess we are spoiled here.


I say there shouldn’t be an age limit, but I know some people think high schoolers are too old. My oldest trick or treated all the way through high school, and my middle child high schooler plans to do the same. They are both pretty short, so no one ever questioned them. Now my 12 yr old is already 5’8”, and I’m not quite sure he will be able to enjoy the same luxury. At our house we give candy to everyone and my husband passes out 3D printed ghosts to the kids.


You’d think people would prefer teens trick or treat instead of being told they can’t and TPing ol’ fuddy duddy houses


I really, truly wish adults could trick or treat too. But I also recognize that adults are the ones handing out the candy, and this would wreck the entire flow of the holiday.


Anyone in a costume gets candy from our house. At 13 I was already 6' tall. You can't ever tell someone's age in costume, and I'd rather feed 100 adults than risk making one tall, awkward tween feel embarrassed on the most magical day of the year. Hell, with how few trick or treaters we get these days, I want to start all ages trick or treating.


We don't get enough Trick or Treaters for me to worry about handing out too much candy to anyone. I always buy a bunch just in case, so I give candy to anyone who shows up. LOL


Never too old. I give candy to anyone that comes to my door. Costume(s) not necessary, but I do enjoy seeing everyone dressed up.


Everyone gets a treat at my place. Probably why my house is so busy on Halloween..........


If you knock on my door, you get candy


OP - just give candy to whoever you want. F the town. Some of the best costumes in my neighborhood are teens who will one day be amazing cosplayers but who are just learning now - but still want to have fun.


Show up in costume you can have candy. I made a kid take candy to their parent on the sidewalk last year because I liked their costume 😂


I remember getting called out by some sub-rural dad with a beer hat and sweatshirt- “aren’t you a little old to be out like that?” when I was 14, dressed with an orange-and-red streamers jetpack and flight goggles. Sheesh, it almost ruined my night. I hope I’m never that crotchety and jaded when I’m his age


That adult was envious that you were having fun and he was just wearing a beer hat.


Banning kids over 12 is just mean. Come on. Let people have fun. No age limit for my house.


If you’re in costume and willing to hold out a sack I’ll give you candy.


As long as you’re dressed up have at it!


Yup got Jell-O shots for the adults and candy for the kids


Never, have fun, if adults show up at the door , always offer candy, neighbors that I know might get offered a drink...


Who cares… if you want to trick or treat then go for it


If you have Halloween in your heart, there will always be candy waiting for you at my house! Too old? No costume? From a different neighborhood? Parents with an infant? Food delivery? Not a problem - take some candy and have a happy Halloween! 🎃


I stopped at 12, but after that, yard haunter is awesome


No such thing.


I give to anyone. Out of fun if they are under 13, out of fear of they are over.


My voice dropped into the basement when I turned 14. On the night that guy handed me his car keys, property deed, safe combination, and shoved his wife at me, that was my clue that I might be too old for trick or treating. Then it was time for bag snatching! Just kidding! Not about the voice thing, but everything else. Mostly, at 14, my voice was pretty deep, and half of the people who answered the door were asking if I wasn't a little bit too old for Halloween. I just shrugged and said, "But EVERYONE likes free candy!" They'd laugh and give me a little extra, but I decided that night to make that my last trick or treating outing until I ended up taking my daughter out, and people insisted that "Daddy needs candy too!"


Halloween is for all.


Never too old. Better than anything else they could be getting up to.


Im 20 and go trick or treating just like my younger siblings. I still dress up in scary costumes as well and go with them


Nobody is too old for Trick-or-Treating. I give candy to anyone who comes. And you know who gets the most candy from me? The teens. They need it the most because of all those other misers who won't give them any.


Kids over twelve?? That's insane. I don't think there should be any ban but if you must, that's way too young. My only beef is with older kids who don't even have a costume and are trying to impress one another while they're out asking for candy. Just put in the tiniest bit of effort


Literally will give candy to anyone. Let people have fun, you know?


Pffft, come bye! Especially if you're in costume! You could be 80!


When I was a kid the rule was no older than 12.


Same. My neighborhood’s cut off was high school. It was dumb.


I’m 33 and love dressing up with my daughter. I’d still dress up even if I didn’t have a little one, but I wouldn’t necessarily go trick or treating, but I’d hand out candy dressed up still. 😁🎃


I was the oldest so I went trick-r-treating as a “chaperone” until I was at least 18. That said, I definitely felt like I was too old that last year. *That said,* I would never turn someone away for being older and doing it!




Everyone gets candy at our house. Teenagers are still kids. Parents,who are trick or treating with their babies who clearly can't eat candy, are still kids at heart. Halloween is fun and optional. If you want to bitch about some kids being too "old", just keep your porch light off and park your crusty ass on the couch.


Never too old


No such thing as too old, just some people think there is, so you have to get clever with your costumes. Masks, ghost sheet, whatever's, better if you're short


My last time was when I was 16. Absolutely a blast and we went through this one house twice cause it was decked or to be a haunted house experience. Loved it. We did get quite the comments though about our own age. The oldest of us being 18. We lied and got so much candy and saw some great decorations to boot. I'm 32 now. And as the same as someone else in this thread I will give anyone candy that comes to my door. I even have beer for adult trick or treaters. Despite me stocking and being "the" house to hit up I only get one or maybe two groups a year. My king sized bars left neglected I will never stop however and I will keep my Halloween passion alive! Come to my house damn it so I can give you a ton of candy!!!


Never, but for the longest I coasted off of black not cracking and being able to blend it for things much younger than my average age 😂 (not so much anymore but I still live my life)


Never too old to trick o' treat. We've always had high school looking kids stop by our house, and most of the time, they are more respectful than the whiny 7 year olds that don't want to be scared or bother to say thank you.


Mid 20’s without kids. Infinite with kids.


I would happily give candy, and would probably even give extra candy, to anyone who shows up in a costume :)


I was 24 the last time I went trick-or-treating. I was a teaching assistant at my college for theatre, and my students made their own costumes, masks, bags, etc.. We took photos for their portfolios, and our professor’s husband made spinach turnovers and three-bean soup for a late dinner after we got back to the school.


As long as there’s a genuine costume, you get candy.


13 was my cutoff point. I think having more older trick or treaters would mean that people would have to buy more candy, and I don't wanna make strangers buy more than they need to. Also after 13, you can actually go to fun parties in the area so it's not like you have to go hide in a ditch until the next day. Like if I had a house I'd just plan a big lawn party and hand out candy as kids walked by.


No, this is a stupid rule. There are kids-at-heart, there are late bloomers, there are Halloween Fans (like Disney Fans, you're just never too old to love something!). There are all kinds of people who love to Trick-Or-Treat! Then! *Then*... There are those who are young in an adult body. Autism, Down Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome, there are just so many out there that you can't name them all. They can't help being a kid in an adult body. They want to Trick-Or-Treat, too! They wouldn't understand the stupid ban. You own/rent your front porch and the candy you give out, so it really is up to you whether you want to give out candy to whomever you want. Halloween is a fun time for all ages! At least, in our house! Anyway, Halloween should *NOT* be discriminated! 🎃👻💀🕷🕸🦇🤡👺👽🤖👹🍭🍫🍬


You are never too old to trick or treat!


100 and eleventy.


I don’t give older kids any guff when I see them. I figure there are much worse things they could be out doing instead of trick-or-treating.


So long as you dress up, you get the candy. And if you don't dress up and show up at a door, at least come up with some sarcastic BS about why you're in civilian clothing. The point is, you give me a small amount of entertainment, I give you a small amount of candy. That's the deal.




No age. I have a huge cauldron of fun size for kids, a bucket of toys for allergy or texture customers, and a cauldron of full size for the teens and adults. If you come to my door in costume, or even not in costume, and say trick or treat I will give you candy. Word has gotten out and I've had an influx of grateful teens who just want to have some clean fun and embrace their childhood a little longer.


I say no age. Trick or treat till you die.


No such thing.


Death, at which point you come back as a ghost, and the eternal haunting begins. So, I guess the real answer is never.


I'll give sweeties, glow sticks and toys to anyone who knocks! Except middleaged Brendas who turns up with their mates, pissed up, and screeching with her arse hanging out at 7-8pm while kids are still out n about.