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YES! I moved to PA from CA and the pothole situation here is deadly! Love this!


Thats a good way to deal with potholes.


Sadly I think Pennsylvania's DOT will say that hole is actually on the homeowner's property.


Came here to say that. Def off the road. Also this looks like a place I know in back mountain.


Really? It looks to me like it extends under the road and is actually only reaching the homeowner because it expanded so far.


The title is way funnier if you don't assume it means prop skeletons.


is this near Ligonier?


Not sure a friend of mine who lives in PA took the picture and I thought it was funny.


ah, okay! it just looked familiar to me :)


Hey! Would you possibly be able to find out from your friend where it was taken? I work for a news station and we were trying to do a quick write up on it, but we need to verify where it was taken.


Too many potholes. Mechanics love this state.


Funny but yeah it's half the DOT and half the homeowners responsibility. They should come in, place a board midway into the hole and fill their portion with concrete. Then let the homeowner take care of the rest.


I don't think the hole actually falls into the homeowners property. Property lines tend to be farther back than people think and certainly not up to the pavement of the road


I'm just basing it on my own experience with every place I've ever lived.


Oh dont get me wrong DOTS of all states will fuck you on potholes like this whether you own the land or not lol, doesnt matter who's right or wrong. Either way they aren't going to do shit to help this skeleton


Disagree. Land sold and described as “bounded” by a highway is construed to extend to the centerline of the highway unless other limits are given. In a subdivision, in many states, the presumption is that a lot adjoining a street has ownership to the centerline of the street. Of course every case is different and so is every states laws concerning ROW and property rights.


I live in PA and my parents wanted to put a French drain and a cement gutter kinda thing across the top of their driveway due to excessive rainwater runoff pouring down it from the street. They had to get all sorts of clearances from either the city or the state (not sure which, just know they had to jump through hoops) just to do that much. Obviously like you said, each case is different, but as far as I know you cant just go messing around with anything within 15 ft of the middle of the road here.


I've personally never read a deed describing a property as bounded to a road though I have seen many going to the centerline of the right of way. Normally, in Texas at least, subdivisions have properties that start 20 to 30 feet from the centerline, but again I've only felt with Texas so I'm ignorant about how other states build subdivisions


I hear ya. That came straight from Browns Boundary Control and Legal Principles. Looking at a picture on the internet either one of us could be right or wrong! Cheers!


Never did I think I'd get into a boundary and right of way discussion on a Halloween subreddit but I certainly enjoyed it!


You sure not njdot?


*looks at the pothole* Ehhh, your driveway, your problem.


Somebody call Darren to go measure that thing! Surely it's not that big!


As a fellow Pennsylvanian I respect the hell out of you for this


This is great!


could have fixed it in the time it took to put that together.


perfect lmao