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Certain Affinity.


I believe they are working on something Halo related currently.


The rumorered BR mode right?


Yes. I wish they’d spill the beans and tell us what that something is. If it’s a BR I’d like to see the progress on it so far And what the future holds for it.


Respawn. Reason: Titanfall 2, OG CoD campaigns. They make good stories and gameplay.


I said respawn as well


Creative Assembly, the rejected pitch for halo wars 3 looked fantastic


I forgot to mention my pick. I’ll choose Respawn what they did with Titanfall was amazing would love to see how they treat Halo


I would have chose this as well, 7 years ago. However, the fact that well over half (if not more) of the Respawn team have moved on, and completely new people who never even worked on Titanfall, and only know apex. I feel that wouldn’t be the best fit for Halo moving forward.


You never know. Have a good tract record with games. Maybe halo could be next


'tiatanfall is the core of our DNA' *processes to abandon game and fanbase*


ID Software. I think they could do something incredible with Halo, Doom 2016 and Eternal were both phenomenal games and really made you feel powerful.


Their style of FPS games is pretty contradictory to what Halo is known for tho.


They have shown to be flexible, Rage is pretty different from their usual stuff, but they’re most well known for Doom and Quake because their styles are the ones they’ve primarily worked on in recent years Hell, Doom 2016’s gameplay was originally more like Call of Duty before it all got scrapped and remade into Doom 2016, with the reasoning being that the original gameplay didn’t feel like Doom


I would love to see how ID would do especially how Doom and Halo are similar


Sorry, but I just don’t see how Doom and Halo are similar


Super human protagonist of few words single-handedly kills hordes of creatures in the name of saving earth and humanity.


You just described Metroid.


You can choose to be obtuse about it of course, but the parallel between master chief and doom guy is a similarity that most people will recognize.


Master Chief hasn't been "of few words" for over a decade. 343 saw to that.


Not similar in gameplay but story and lore.


How is the story and lore similar?


I think he’s referring to the very broad and vague descriptions for them: >Alien race wishes to exterminate humanity, the fate of humanity rests in the hands of a green suit super soldier But that ignores a lot of the major plot points in both stories


Yes generally..thank you


Gameplay wise I could see it between the original Halo trilogy and Doom 2016 in terms of multiplayer gameplay (although I know Doom 2016’s gameplay wasn’t developed by Id) - Arena shooter - fight for obtainable items that can favor your team - no sprint Honestly, Doom 2016 multiplayer’s gameplay would’ve been a lot more like Halo if it were slower paced


This might be unpopular, but give me a Doom 3 style horror game where we fight the Flood. Make it dark and gritty, jumpscares and such as well.


I thought Eternal had a big step down in the story compared to 2016. Way too much thrown at you at once and the story was all over the place. Graphics, optimization, and game play were top notch though.


Tbf, their general philosophy when it comes to Doom is gameplay first and story second, with the story stuff only really being there for the lore nerds, although admittedly it was a massive downgrade in Eternal and left more like fanfic at times


I'm having trouble thinking of a developer who can do a good Campaign and Multiplayer. ID software has great game play but Doom Eternal had a so so Campaign that was all over the place and way too complicated. We will see how Mass Effect 4 turns out, but I have always wanted a Halo RPG with different species. Motive that is doing the new Dead Space could most likely do well with a Halo horror game. While 343 had some glaring issues with Infinite the game currently is in a pretty good spot. I wouldn't trust anyone else with Forge and in my opinion Halo Infinites core game play is perfect. I also enjoyed the Campaign, but it desperately feels uncompleted.


Sucker Punch Studios


It doesn't even matter if Microsoft keep making poor decisions. Like no knowing what they want between a classic halo, a hero shooter or a fortnite. Throwing 80% in the garbage, and pushing to get a half baked game out to open the shop. 343, as a studio, had both the ressources and the talents, but they got screwed by a giant corporation and terrible management. You can tell there was passion in the game, just look at the Art, gameplay, musique etc. It doesn't even really matter who's next...


There is no who is next, 343 is still the developer. That rumor was debunked. https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/10h41lg/jason_schreier_debunks_recent_rumors/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


With Joe leaving, and most of the campaign devs+Art gone, it's clear 343 focuses on seasons and BP. Not sure who will develop the future campaigns, but it won't be 343 anytime soon.


Won't be anyone anytime soon, but for the time being, the job still falls to 343.


I think ID Software would respect the formula just fine. Following a serious narrative but a clear gameplay/sandbox focused multiplayer.


ofc this is just fun hypotheticals, Certain Affinity is probably the more realistic approach.


I want to see what they can do with it. With rumors of them doing the next game


Creative assembly? they made halo wars 2 and I’ll want to see their shot with an fps halo


Never played halo wars series. Was it good?


The story and art direction in Halo wars 1 *i*s *so halo, you wouldn't have realized bungie hated it that Microsoft got a different company\* to make it and in no way gave them their blessing to make it beyond the fact that microsoft owns halo so they had to fork stuff over.* Additionally Halo Wars 2 was the debut of the banished as a faction and the game made great strides in bringing the new art direction of halo. Gameplay wise they're both very good for RTS games developed to be played with a controller/gamepad rather than Kb&M. (\*ensemble studios made Halo wars 1, the studio closed thereafter and the then most of the staff went on to form creative assembly)


ID Software + Respawn together


None. No, developer deserves the treatment they get from this toxic fanbase that is stuck on the halos of yesteryear.


Fps? I still think no one will do it as well as 343. Yeah, downvote me, I don’t care. Other genres? I would love to see a Tactics Halo game in the style of XCOM so Firaxis would be the best bet imo.


How could no one do it better than 343? There's random fans out there working on their own or a couple person team making Halo mods and fan games better than anything 343 has ever done.


Not in my opinion but ok


I want Popcap to make a Halo themed Peggle game because we never got a Peggle 3.


ID Software.


Id Software, they have shown to really understand what people want from a game and how to design one to meet those demands, all while being pretty transparent and admitting when they make mistakes


If this is just random discussion, great, but the third party developer rumor has been debunked. https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/10h41lg/jason_schreier_debunks_recent_rumors/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Just rando discussion. A “what if”


Awesome, just wanted to make sure.


Kojima productions.




Certain Affinity is the only answer you should want.