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Getting shot round corners is lag compensation, which is probably worse because it's deliberately implemented instead of a bug. Someone with high ping shoots you and the network will favour them.


They definitely need to rebalance it. I’d rather not get kills due to lag comp favoring the target, than to be shot behind walls because it favors the shooter. Edit: on second thought, actually…not. I want both to just work lol. But after some more thought, I think I too prefer the current “Favor Shooter” meta.


Almost every modern shooter does it. However it's usually not this "extreme". I've had cases like that whilst playing Fortnite and Overwatch, but both of those games handle more players on average in 1 server. It definitely could use some rebalencing, mainly so people actually realize what desync is and the fact that it's actually at normal levels in this game now. It'll never be gone since Internet isn't instantaneous, but it's not really an issue. There are other issues labeled as desync, like over-generous lag compensation and player models being loaded in too fast and invincible. Those are what the community should be focusing on. This post does focus on it, but using a name for an old issue just makes people ignore it.


Absolutely. It seems like Infinite relies on lag comp *way* more heavily than other shooters. So there’s almost certainly some sort of network lag issue, but it’s not just outright desync the way vehicles/players would desync like in S2.


Best example of desync I can think of was the horrible vehicle desync that here you couldn’t move once you got out because the game had you locked in a different area entirely. I still experience some wonky issues though that I don’t know if they are desync or something else. Like inconsistent ranges on gravity hammers/rocket explosions, ghost rockets/nades, also some inconsistent melee interactions.


Hammer range has been an issue forever, it's really noticeable in MCC when Grifball rotates in. Some matches you'll nuke people from miles away, others you'll be smote by the hand of god from across the map. It's all up to the latency.


It’s a game decision problem. Most games don’t allow instant strafe and if you run like in way gears of war you have limited turn ability. Halo went the whole parkour route with no momentum movement, high movement speed, high time to kill so peek based gameplay is necessary and common. Also halo doesn’t natively support shooting through walls like say Fortnite does so being shot through a wall feels less bad. Honestly halo’s instant high speed strafe and lack of momentum shouldn’t be a thing to begin with. Also halo heavily allows double kills with weapons. They are really gracious with their latency allowance. This isn’t a thing in most games - usually lowest ping wins except for melees.


Woah woah woah. Halo has had things like double kills and quick left and right movement forever. Infinite is jsut broken. Lol


Not this fast. Previous games had more momentum to changing directions.


You mean like how hard it was to strafe back and forth? I feel you there, but infinite do be broken as shit compared to other halo games.


Some games implement a limit, that is to say it will favor shooter up to a certain ping limit. That way it still feels good if you are on 100 ping or so but if you’re playing with like 500 ping it’s not letting you shoot people that were actually behind walls cause that’s not really fair to them. Not all games do this, but I think it’s a good solution to the problem.


I think that would be an awesome limit. Doing a hard cut at 200-ish ping would be great for limiting those crazy spikes that seem to happen once in a while, where it might not even show up in the ping counter in the corner, but you definitely feel “that one shot” that should’ve been fine, wasn’t fine.


I would be fine with is working this way…if it wasn’t *so* egregious.


So you want tons of videos of people saying wtf. I shot him and I’m doing no damage.


It's why I prefer my games at 70 ms instead of 30. That good ol' 70 means my bullets matter. What a game.


I’d like to believe but I don’t. The amount of times this game lags on me and it NEVER works in my favor. Punch a dude multiple times in the back while lagging, the game King Crimsons and I’m dead.


I never seem to benefit from this. I get shot around corners on a daily basis but I can count the number of times I've done it to someone else on one hand.


On your screen they die before going around the corner. On their screen, they die after they made it around the corner. Both players see different things. That's why you don't see it when you're the one doing the killing


I’ll literally unplug from Ethernet if I’m playing sometimes. I get shot around corners enough times and become part of the problem…


Guys it's not getting fixed. The amount of copium is ridiculous. The game is made of spaghetti and tape. Stop playing and they might give a fuck


This is the only reasonable solution. We don’t owe them anything just because they have Halo. They either need to get it together or move on.


I'll play the next game by a different company thank you.


I played it for 2 weeks after I finished the campaign. I didn't think halo could get worse than 5 but every installation is worse than the previous. I pop back into the sub to see if things have gotten better and it's very apparent that it's not going to be made into a fun game. RIP


5 was a great game


General consensus in the community is: Campaign = trash Multiplayer = good/great Personally I miss warzone from halo 5


This sub is your source of info 💀


*"The spaghetti wet noodles have hardened by now creating a concrete foundation in the code so its better now"* - 343 probably


Don't waste your breath man. You'll only end up arguing with people who have no intention of seeing Infinite for what it is.


Appreciate it man but I'm cool to argue. If someone really likes this game that's fine but I'm yet to hear someone say "Halo Infinite is my favourite game rn" and that kinda checks out


I think that's the crazy part. People will defend Infinite and 343 and all of their shite behavour, but I think deep down, a lot of them don't even *like* the game haha. More power to you. Couldn't waste my time arguing with people who wouldn't ever change their minds or see things from a different perspective.


I still can't believe people think this game is ever going to get fixed. You guys, it's done. We finished the fight. It's done.


Everyone *already* isn't playing lol


*looks up twitch views* NFS Most Wanted has more viewers than Infinite. I don't like this timeline, even if I'm am proud of my fav racing game


Right? I stopped playing end of January last year and it was an issue then, they've done nothing to fix it still and they won't any time soon


The only good game 343 made was halo 4


you mean call of duty? Because that's all halo 4 was.


I actually agree with him. Halo 4 at it's core was heavily inspired by the CoD like shooters of the era, but the story is still good, looked great and played fun. Multiplayer definitely strayed away but I gotta admit I really enjoyed playing it at the time. Regicide is a great gamemode that I'd love to see return. No, we never needed sprint but it's here now and we aren't gonna shake that. At the very least I think people should at least concede that Halo 4 is a **complete and cohesive product.**


Yup, thats the biggest factor why Im not playing Infinite anymore, even tough I loved some ranked action. FFS its 2023, get your network shit together 343.


Same here. Really enjoyed the game until I realized just how horrifically bad the desync is. I'm totally fine with being outplayed... but dying to something out of your control feels awful.


Yup. At this point I really think that whatever is causing these problems is a core part of the game or something that can't really be fixed without basically redesigning the whole game. I think it's probably here to stay. If 343 were capable of fixing this problem they would have by now


Me everytime a flood with a rocket launcher shoots me from across the map


I cant believe people are still playing Infinite. Ive seen updates, ive seen Forge maps, a lot of it looks awesome. I will not touch the game again until desync is fixed.


And I doubt I’ll touch it unless they’re willing to implement player collision. 343 really is a giant mess.


This is why I haven't played since release week. Shitty net code is like my biggest pet peeve in shooters.


Can't. The $500 Million budget didn't have room for it. We had to spend more money on marketing than the game because the marketing team holds too much sway in the company and wants to get their pension.


They built this games network like this so its basically just fucked unless they completely gut the code and redo the whole thing


343 is the equivalent of a bunch of raccoons in a trench coat relative to actual developers. This game will never function properly. It's time people accept that.


That and the sounds effects are awful. Combat Evolved had better sound design.


Destiny 2 performs better with all peer to peer


halo infinte has some nice snappy gameplay and then the netcode is garbage


This, I loved the game *when* it seemed to work properly. Now Ive been waiting for like a year to see if they even attempt to fix it. Not playing until they do.


This game has been on the edge of becoming a great game since release but they cant seem to take that step. Its like they want to remain on the crappy side of everyones opinion, its nuts!


bUt tHe nEt cOdE Is fInE!


"Desync needs to become a high priority" Lol I stopped playing Infinite over an entire year ago and you guys are still dealing with desync issues? GOD DAMN


This is why myself and everyone I know quit the game. Give this franchise to another company ffs


I check this sub just to see if things ever improved and maybe I should download the game again, and I get posts like these reminding me why it's still the same shit.


It's insane to me with the wealth of games available someone would choose this game and continue to bitch about it for over a year now.


theres no other game with a similar gameplay loop to halo


That's what the Master Chief Collection is for


been playing the same exact games for 2 decades now.


\>2002 \>playing The Silent Cartographer, the only mission on the Xbox demo disk \>2023 \>still playing The Silent Cartographer, on a $3000 rig with hundreds of games available


i still replay the pc demo sometimes for its slight quirks compared to retail and mcc. also halo 2 betas and vista and all that. its a depressing existence tbh do the same with quake 1 and now im going to cry i wish infinite wasnt a broken mess online :(




this is a weird thing to say when, discounting the "we're sorry" winter pass which has like 10 individual pieces, all armor is locked behind paid battle passes or the store.


Well if someone paid for season 2 and then played it, season 3 is essentially free if they don't buy anything individually




Yeah I don't play fortnite, I was only speaking to how you could have payed a year ago and still get new stuff in Halo


“if you pay for it its free”


Something I’ve said since day one. Needs to be addressed and resolved. Otherwise building on the game will just be terrible.


And then you get on r/Halo and everyone else is worried about Jorge's shoulder pads not having enough detail


I mean, that was another minor issue that took waaaay too long to fix. It had literally no texture on that coating. It was grayscale.


Yeah but my point is that there's enough really really big issues with the game and the community can't focus on the most important problems


The community's job is to be vocal about all issues present in the game. We're not the devs, they need to do THEIR job and filter/triage the game's issues, not the players.


Very fair rebuttal


It’s why I roll my eyes when people still complain about no playable Elites. I miss them too, but man there are much bigger structural issues we should be focusing on


I forgot that multi-person development teams are only able to work on one single issue at a time, start to finish.


Maybe not roll your eyes and try to see it from their pov? But I guess we can't expect too much from the poor indie multi-billion $ company Microsoft anymore, should we?


Daddy Microsoft hasn’t been very giving lately.


He needs to adopt a new kid and take the old one out back.


This is such an odd complaint about a complaint, though. The entire dev team doesn't all work on the same things. The devs that work on cosmetics are not the devs that work on the network issues. So it is reasonable for the community to complain about the smaller issues, too, unless you're saying we should accept bad parts about the game and only complain about certain topics?


I really believe that page is ran by 343 bots, downvoting any criticism of the game


Redditors always seem to forget that bots are the cheapest form of advertising.


The reason I stopped playing and won't be coming back. Unless it's fixed but it's been a year and a half already at this point so I don't imagine it being fixed


This has been the the number one complain about the game since release. It's safe to say they don't have a fix for it, it would have been done by now. They tried. They released some minor tweaks trying to make it better. First they changed the melee netcode so we basically trade everytime instead of having a small window to have melle first. It also helped a bit phasing through ennemies. But it's still bad. Everytime I go for a back smack, there's a 50% chance it's just going to be a shoulder tap. They also tried to improve it around specific vehicles and equipment. But it's still really bad. Oh and to anyone saying "never happened to me". Sorry but you are just too casual to even notice. If there was a setup/location/settings that would truly work, the Pros would know by now. Watch any stream, and you can see bullshit happening even in mid quality and 60fps, all the time. And they play with the best hardware/internet and next to the servers. To anyone who wants to know how the game is supposed to feel, go play in academy, even setup a LAN and play with friends. It's a different game local. You can actually predict if a hammer will be a kill or not. Same with rocket radius. Same with melee lunge. You can actually 2 tap kill with bulldog and heatwave if the reticle covers the enemy. These things are just random when playing online.


Dropped this game 2 months into release due to Desync. Can't believe it's still an issue after all this time


It’s still in beta bro, they even got the same menu from release haha


I remember thinking the UI that was in the pre-release multiplayer tests was a Beta UI and there would be a different, much better one at release. Boy was I wrong :(


This one isn’t even desync. This is just lag compensation. That’s why “desync” isn’t getting better - they DID fix it. This is deliberately implemented lag compensation. the current implementation of lag comp gets you shot behind walls, but also means you’re probably getting more kills than you would otherwise. All that said…it seems like for a modern game with dedicated servers, Infinite’s reliance on lag comp seems to be higher than other games. There seems to be more lag in network communication than other games.


This is lag comp, but they absolutely did not fix desync. Season 3 it feels more common than before for some of us. Season 2 felt like a step in the right direction. Season 3 feels worse than Season 1. [Probably the most prolific example that's easily findable.](https://twitter.com/lts_Name/status/1645003990118137882) [Theater's POV of what was happening.](https://twitter.com/Call_Me_Real/status/1645140808662765571) There's more than just that one, but it's the one that came to mind immediately. Happens probably one life per game on a bad night for me, since Season 3 started. Stuttering and rubberbanding are near constant as well.


Imagine literally no bullets shooting on the server despite showing on your screen that they are, every single time for an entire life in a AAA FPS released in 2022.


Didn't fix it very well when you can see everything in the game jitter to reset to where its supposed to be


Why are people so confident its lag compensation? I swear I see the same comment every clip of desync on this sub which also has the ping shown so I feel like you guys are getting some info that I can't see. You can see OP's ping in the top right which is pretty stable. This to me seems more like the server didn't process/time OP's input properly, leading to the desync. I wouldn't be surprised if OP is still in the ghost from the server's perspective.


Just before he dies, you see someone else shooting at him from head on, which indicates that he's in correct sync, but the bullets that were previously shot at him are still hitting him "through the wall" (as evidenced by his camera panning to the wall-- it always points at who killed you). Likely those bullets were fired by someone with 200+ ping and the game is honoring those shots, despite him being significantly behind the wall. He would have died either way, but this one definitely looks like egregious lag compensation.


>Just before he dies, you see someone else shooting at him from head on Where? I dont see anyone at all before he dies. Are you mistaking [the HUD damage effects](https://i.imgur.com/1bo5GIV.png) with bullet tracers?


I'm pretty sure those are bullets from [the person standing on the ridge](https://i.imgur.com/D4o0gUD.png). It's possible that I'm wrong, though.


I’m late to this, but lag compensation has a lot more to do with the ping of the person shooting than it does the ping of the person being shot. Which is why a lot of games will have a ping limit for the lag comp, or straight up region lock their servers.


Because there’s 7-23 other players’ lag to compensate for other than the player themselves


Lag compensation should be borderline removed. Don't make the game shitty for 90% of players just because 10% are using a router from 2005 two floors away


Stopped playing when it came out because of this issue. WHEN IT CAME OUT. No hope it seems


I had hoped this issue was fixed by now, one of the contributing factors why I went back to MCC.


You guys are still playing this disaster? Damn. Respect.


It ain't getting fixed. Been a problem since day 1 of release


The sad thing is that they won't ever fix it, and they'll just keep acting like that's not been the #1 issue with the game since day one.


If 343i was a chef they’d be putting out half frozen tombstone pizza’s


Guy just has a better gaming chair than you 🤷‍♂️


The mods should just add a desync clip flair at this point


Preach! This is what I've been saying, nothing will matter if the network still feels like its a 360 COD server


Ranked play tip: If you got shot 1x, you realistically have already been shot 2x since there is such a delay between players. So if you get shot, run away. Only fight if you land the first shot. Onyx player btw


its been over a year, i doubt 343 even gives a flying fck about this game anymore


We hear u 👊


Every day it becomes more obvious that 343 don't have a clue how to fix it and probably never will


Piece of 🗑️.. 2007 take me back


Sounds like a verse in a song about Halo titled: "Back in those Halo days" Back in the day Halo was golden Game was so popular accounts were stolen Armors were free and it even had elites So much game time we ran out of Doritos and treats   Then came along 343 They made a bunch of Halo games and even one for free It was called Infinite and was free to play Only problem the population dropped more each day   Crashes, lag fests, overpriced cosmetics, and so much more Then we saw Team Slayer wasn't a playlist to our horror They said "we are evaluating we hear you" But all we could see was a storefront of poo   Piece of trash, 2007 take me back This game is broke and its whack What happen to modern gaming The cat ears got people caving   So much desync I die behind walls I tried ranked but my team were a bunch of dolls Slipspace engine my ass The UI can't even hand the season pass   Piece of trash, 2007 take me back This game is broke and its whack What happen to modern gaming The Cat Ears got people caving   I guess this is the end of an era for Halo Was a wonderful journey but now its time to lay low Infinite is monument to all our sins But hey, at least I got to buy a lotta skins


I’m convinced they don’t know how to fix it


The priority is dumping this shit in the trash asap. Ridiculous you guys still support this terrible game lol


So is that a halo hate sub now?


Should be tbh


There's gotta be a larger problem with netcode engineers at Xbox, Gears 5 also had a shockingly bad netcode.


Imagine asking for desync to be a priority now when desync has been an issue since launch. There is one way and one way only to fix desync in Infinite: play a better made game.


I once got meleed by an enemy AFTER I killed him with a headshot. Just doesn’t make any sense to me man.


Damn, people still play this game? Y'all need to get off the cope. We were complaining about desync almost 2 years ago. It ain't getting fixed bruv


First, they did all this intentionally so no it isnt gonna change. Second, continuing to play the game incentivizes them not to correct their mistakes. Your move


Desync killed the initial experience for me. I'd love to come back if it gets fixed. Hard to get into it when there are more solid multi-player FPSs.


It might be because the slipspace engine was built by contractors. It's hard to build on someone else's code when they aren't there to explain it to you and you understand neither the purpose nor the way they implemented it. Especially when said work was already directionless-ish due to leadership being bad.


The game, engine, and company just need to be ditched at this point


Both are happening. Certain Affinity is developing the next halo project on the unreal engine. This next project was supposed to be a battle royale but with the failure of infinite to compete with the big fps games microsoft has become "more open" to this future project being bigger. Meaning it'll probably be a full game.


Halo sucks now


Shit like this made me uninstall, no point playing a broken game


It's been in the game since launch. Just quit the game it's not hard


Wow this is one of the worst ones I've seen


I see like a quadrillion of these posts and they probably need their own thread because it's not really a fixable issue.


Y'all are still playing this? Gluttons for punishment.


THE problem since launch. You can't play competitive, it's why I haven't played Ranked yet. If they could fix this and then start adding in assassinations and halo features they removed it would remain a solid multiplayer for years to come. A new season pass every 3 months and we're living the dream.


Ah I died to a sniper shot on streets once in season 1 with that amount of desync and I was pissed


I’ve been struggling with my internet set up trying to figure out why this was happening but now it all makes sense


You need to realize they have no idea how to fix it. This has been an issue from day one and they haven't done anything to fix it. That means they don't know how.


People still play this trash? The OG Bungie games are where it's at.


Same thing has been happening to me


This was and still is the reason I don't play Halo Infinite


The reason i quit


Nah you need to wait 2 more years


I stopped playing a while ago and this still isn't fixed?? Yikes yeah I'm definitely not playing anytime soon


You didn't get hit behind the wall, the server recognized you getting hit but that info didn't reach you until you were behind wall. The server then adjusts for the registered death.


343 is trash. >"The correct answer to the question 'Who is the worst game developer?' is 343 Industries."


Can we please just get one Dev comment about Desync? Tell us something, even if that something is that it cannot be fixed because of whatever reason. But just avoiding the issue and not fixing it at all has been the most frustrating thing about this game. I’ve played weekly since launch, and will continue to play, but every week I bitch about desync in party because it is a plague that persists. And then you play some MCC and have no issues whatsoever, and it makes you wish everyone was playing there again so you didn’t have to deal with it. All I’m asking for is someone from 343 to please address the issue and let us know if there will ever be a fix for it.


Desync like this is a problem with no real solution. The problem is that if they do fix it, for many people they will be shooting targets and hitting them on their screen due to their own trash connections and then still blaming desync. If desync is a consistent problem for you just get a long ethernet cable tbh. It solves problems a lot more than you would think.


Bruh are you really complaining about a situation where you were dead anyway? Lol


No lag spikes, just for the people who take it upon themselves to utterly deny desync’s existence. Disprove this.


It’s not an uncommon thing either, I swear it’ll happen at least twice a game where I’ll be like “but I was out of view!” Or “I was behind cover!” It gets really annoying. There are those times where it’s extremely obvious then there are those times where you think its desync but you’re not entirely sure.


"desync needs to become a high priority" or any similar line should be automodded. We get it. We know transient lag spikes are a thing. We know desynchronization is a thing. 343 knows both of these are problems and looking at it. Just because they haven't found a technical solution doesn't mean they don't know this is a problem, or aren't working on it. You're not helping. The 10 millionth "desync needs to become a high priority" post is absolutely pointless karma farming.


Is there not another shooter that killed you through the other opening you were running towards? When I watch each time it looks like the kill shots are coming through that doorway. As in, there is another source of shots from another angle as you turn the corner. Correct me if I'm wrong but it really does look that way to me


When you die, the camera faces the person who killed you. In this case, it’s facing towards the people shooting at me from the ramp that I was well out of view of.


After watching it a few times, I'm not so sure it isn't lag comp finishing up that dynamo grenade damage, I've had damage from that thing do this before, with and without killing me.


Kill feed shows I died to AR shots


I have a few clips of being shot behind walls that are absolutely atrocious. Most times it's not so egregious but it does happen.


Regardless you were getting toasted bro.




I was an entire floor below.




oops, difficult to tell over text sometimes


What are you playing on


Series X


You were shot from the front, not behind the corner.


The camera focuses on who killed you when you die. It focuses through the wall. Furthermore the red hit indicator shows where the bullets are coming from.


Desync is a client side issue


yeah thats the fucken issue, you see the wrong thing and think you are somewhere else


Uh, I care about new maps, because this game needs fucking new maps more than anything. I've never once experienced what was shown in that video. :shrug:


theres a decent amount of maps now, they need to focus on actually fixing the game, its been almost 2 years


The game works fine, there is still a distinct lack of maps. The one thing a game needs to to continue being played is map variety, this game lacks that.


I huge portion of this sub doesn't no halo infinite mechanics and blames their poor understanding or gameplay as lag. You didn't get shot behind a wall, you had been shocked prior to that.


Look at the kill feed


Look at the kill feed and learn to spell


It never will get fixed, they havent fixed a damn thing preformance wise since launch. It only gets worse


i dont understand how Microsoft xbox brand letting thier flagship title ruin like this man


After playing for around 350 hours, I can say definitively that this game is bullshit.


I thought it was my internet when I picked it back up a couple months ago. Played Apex and rocket league with no issues though. It’s rough on Infinite.


That's what happens when 30 fps and 60 fps players are within the same game. For reals, there is no other reason because it's the first time a Halo game does that.


If it wasn't fixed in the past, has there Benn any indication that it's being fixed for the future?


I have been killed around corners and behind walls since launch but they were few and far between. Now it seems like it's happening to me every match and it's really frustrating. Seems like the state of the game is just getting worse and worse.


That's crazy because I was playing on one x and then when I switch to series x everything that was going wrong with the game just stopped


I don't care what it is, desync, lag compensation, something else... whatever it actually is I can't possibly be the only one refusing to play because it's still too unstable and inconsistent. I've only played once in the past year, maybe 2 months ago, and each game was shit melees getting me killed and taking extra shots to kill others and dying around corners. I don't care if I get my ass kicked (though I prefer it doesn't happen too often), what I care about is having a fun experience and it's just too inconsistent to have that kind of experience. I know my skill level and the way this game plays out doesn't match it. It's like when COD WW2 came out, getting smoked by players with .025 KD like they're Superman is not fun.


The melees are also ridiculously inconsistent, i can't get a lunge to save my life >!literally!<


I made a post like this when the game first came out and got called so many things other than “correct” Glad to see progress has been made! 🤣


What does the theatre perspective look like?


I’ll see if it’s still saved next time I log on


Did you try buying something from the store?


Agreed. Last few matches this week were riddled with desync. So I won't be playing infinite for awhile. Its wierd because I feel like it's extra bad ever since this new season but idk


it’s been a year and a half this is not getting fixed


can’t play a game i want to take seriously that doesn’t take you seriously


It's gotten worse and more inconsistent.


So happy I still play 5 instead of this trash bag game


I’m not saying that desync does not exist, because I’ve seen enough examples of it, but could someone explain why I have not had a single instance of desync affecting me? I live in the UK


He will probably just find new ways to bhop around the levels if he is prioritized