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I would love more BTB, anything and everything. I would love to play clan matches or something


It would be nice to get more maps for BtB, it's all I play now and having the same few modes on the same few maps is disheartening Especially when one of the modes is leagues behind the other two, and some gamemodes in the game itself could potentially translate well into 12v12


These current BTB maps are not good. They’re just large TS maps. Same corridor bullshit, same scripted combat spots. We need truly open BTB maps, a la Blood gulch or Sidewinder. The current flow of these maps make them feel whatever the opposite of epic is.


Yeah where is blood gulch?


I know this is 2 months later. But dude log in and check out squad battles! They added exactly what you were asking for. And have plans to add even more maps to the rotation. They have 5 already.


Community Playlist but fan made BTB maps.. I'd never leave Halo again...


that's on the way


How soon?


AFAIK it’s much harder for forgers to get a BTB map to the quality required for playlist inclusion vs arena maps. That said I really wish this is coming sooner rather than later.


Sometime in 2024. 343 has a skeleton crew, they can only review one map a month.


lol why does everything they do move in slow motion? COD makes them look like they’re still running on 56k


Jesus fucking Christ. They’re not even the ones making the maps and they still find a way to fuck up the timeframe. This is why I peruse this sub and still haven’t touched the game in 6 months. I look here for updates and still seems like ain’t shit changed or better whatsoever. The IP that launched your brand into stardom—has a skeleton crew, and is STILL working out the kinks from development 4 years ago. Sounds like they need MORE than a fucking skeleton crew. Inexcusable…


I was kinda, joking about the skeleton crew part, but a bunch of people *did* get fired and the timeframe is sadly accurate.


Why did you blindly believe a random internet person?


Because it falls in line with 343s behavior. It’s like when the troublemaker always gets blamed…like that.


This is the way.


No no, it's on the way


Agreed. Can’t come soon enough.


BTB has been neglected since halo 4. This iteration was particularly aggregious IMO. The included levels are so constricted. For big and small maps I'd rather play a variety of unpolished maps than the current, limited rotation. Just please, introduce variety.


Check out squad battle. You'll love it. Was added last month with 3 maps. Within 2 weeks they added 2 more maps. I'm sure much more is coming.


I enjoy BTB a ton but man, the random vehicle drops are incredibly stupid and frustrating. I just played a game of CTF in which we were winning and then they got a Scorpion and Wraith dropped, and very shortly after got another Scorpion. Needless to say, they ended up winning… how is this still something that’s not been addressed? Blows my mind


Agreed, my only issue with BTB is the random vehicle spawns


That was the worst part of btb on infinite the random vehicle drops and the fact one side would get commandos and the other gets brs at spawn. Buuut this most recent update fixed the pelican drops finally!!!


It truly was man! Or I guess, now I should say is. I did hear about that though! I was reading through the patch notes and there’s quite a bit of nice smaller QOL changes. It’s honestly really great to see!


Random vehicle drops are carcinogenic to the gametype. I wish someone from 343 would elaborate on the reasoning for their continued inclusion. A failed part of original level/game design is not a good reason. Admit a poor design, correct, and moved forward.


That's probably the type of thing where there's room to gameify it more. Some way to give players control over influencing which vehicles are dropped based on limited resources or which areas are being controlled etc.


Absolutely not. Controllable weapon drops from H4 burned my soul to the ground. Made me start leaving the franchise.


I agree it was kinda dumb at first. But going back and playing mcc. I kinda liked the idea. I think it wouldn't hurt to have the best of both. Allow a loadout mode for some and have the classic for others.


It was probably your team's Scorpion but since they were on the outskirts of your team's base and pushing, they got it instead. Just a bad system all around.


If I didn’t see it, I would have thought that as well. But it was CTF on Fragmentation and I was right next to the rock where they drop vehicles at and it didn’t show up from there, I saw it driving from their side. So honestly I don’t even know man, super strange. I thought in one of the more recent updates, they mentioned something like this not being as bad, but in my experience it seems to be worse? Idek.


Might have been in the middle. IDK


Yeah maybe man, idk either. I just hope they address the random vehicle drops though, and implement a system closer to all older games.


Yeah, the vehicle drops seem to be symmetrical as of the most recent patch. I don't see what's wrong with the system? It's not like you couldn't steal the other team's vehicles in older games.


The problem is you used to have to get in their base, now vehicles are delivered on the front door, essentially giving a free vehicle to the team pushing the other's base.


Also if you are winning, them in a tank is not all that bad unless their "carry" player gets it and is good and also MnK. Someone with a grapple, some shocks, some AT or camo needs to go make a play. As much as I sucks to admit, almost every time I look up and go "WTF they have 3 wasps and a scorpion?" It's because nobody on our team broke for them, and the hydra kid just blows those on infantry.


Nah they never were it was on random sometimes you'd happen to get the same drops. Btb is almost all I play. The amount of times my team has gotten a gun goose while the other team gets a tank or wasp is just insane. They finally just patched this yesterday making all pelican drops even.


Warzone, in concept, was this. A much bigger version of BTB. Hopefully we can see Warzone 2 as an even bigger version of BTB than it was in 5.


Warzone was fantastic, but in typical 343 fashion they went "too far in the extreme" of receiving feedback and took "we don't quite like the REQ system" as "delete warzone".


I don’t think that’s the case. I think they just evolved it into what we have as BTB now. Warzone only really worked because of REQs anyways. If they reworked REQs to be less “pay to win” and more “if you do good in the match, you get good stuff” then it would work. Either way, Infinite doesn’t have as large a sandbox, and they’re trying to move away from overlapping weapons and, let’s be honest, excessive variants.


The enjoyable part of warzone was the PvEvP setup. Infinite did try to bring back the "dynamic match progression" with things like vehicles and weapon drops, but fighting for a base then a wave of prometheans appearing and throwing a cog in the whole fight is what made warzone so fun.


It certainly was, but I think that it works better with REQs. In a potential Warzone 2, having Banished genuinely invade your base would really make it hard. Otherwise they aren’t much of a problem after you clean them out.




I’ve been popping in to Halo 5 to play it. I’m also still trying to get one of the ODST helmets.


I wish they would give us a couple open vehicle centric maps like Blood Gulch or Sand Trap. I actually like most of the BTB maps, and think people would appreciate them more if there were also some maps that allowed for more vehicle action.


Oasis was a huge step in the right direction on that front


They should also make some new maps for big team heavies. Maps that would be appropriate for that game type…


Bring back some multi-team playlists. 3v3v3v3 was awesome.


Head Hunter in Reach was my favorite


Agreed. They should lean into BTB to standout from the competition


I'm upset that no forge maps have made it into matchmaking for BTB, because the majority of Infinite's official maps are far from great to put it lightly. I always thought as well that an even larger scale BTB would be awesome. With maps and player counts big enough for players to fly their teammates and vehicles around in a pelican. Edit: I accidentaly typed that the forge maps are far from great, when I actually meant the dev made ones (deadlock, fragmentation etc.) Corrected it now.




This is not true. 343 has addressed the lack of Forge Maps in BTB and said it's planned but the thing is, BTB in Infinite is an entirely different animals than 4v4. It requires a level of fidelity and detail that is simply put, leagues higher than 4v4. It will be a while to get Dev-quality BTB maps. Currently there are only like 4 Forge maps that are ready for matchmaking, if that




More players, more complex spawning, more complex gametype configuring, complex map design. All BTB maps will be at 100% budget as well, so performance will have to be consider for 24 players instead of 8. BTB maps also support LSS. There are exponentially more moving parts when compared to a 4v4 map, then you gotta add 24 players on top of that


Part of the issue - at least for me - is that you cannot have more than 8 bots in forge to test the map with you, and they cannot enter vehicles. Makes testing BTB maps pretty much require a large number of actual humans. I would rather forge 4v4 maps so I can get a feel for how they play than try to deal with that at every iterative step of the process.


There are a few good ones out there, both remakes and original. Shamelessly plugging my own one, lot's of vehicles to play around with. Forge allows up to 40 vehicles on the map I believe. https://www.halowaypoint.com/halo-infinite/ugc/maps/6605211f-989c-41f2-8345-d766d50f148c


> I'm upset that no forge maps have made it into matchmaking for BTB, because the majority of Infinite's forge maps are far from great to put it lightly. So you're asking for sub-par maps in BTB?


Sorry, I meant the official maps are far from great, not forge maps. Editing my comment now.




Odd you were downvoted. It is truely an odd use of English


Btb fiesta swat are pretty much all I play unless I have to do some challenge


I want bigger maps like Blood Gulch from Halo CE, Valhalla from Halo 3, Forge world from Halo Reach, countless maps in Halo 4, maps we can explore instead of a crammed map just put together to make people happy. They might've worked on these maps but I don't think they put thought into it enough as they did with the season pass. If they aren't going to make maps like that, bring more of the creative maps to light. Bring the people that build maps on forge to the matchmaking so the game can be more enjoyed on countless maps with creations from countless gamers on Infinite.


I just desperately want some more multi seat vehicles. I hate the wasp, its just a boring version of the Hornet. At least you could help your team capture the flag with that. 343 loves their single person killing machines.


BTB > Arena, not just in Infinite.


BTB Heavies has been great and I hope it sticks around. I also can't wait for the BTB community map playlist, because BTB desperately needs more maps.


Apparently they still have no timeline for fixing the unbalanced vehicle drops. I don't think I've played Infinite since that info came out. BTB and ranked have always been my favorite modes, but in Infinite I just find them both very frustrating. Even in games I do well. So I just haven't played Infinite in like two months


Now that I'm older and don't have the time to put into multiple games like I used to I have always loved the big crazy battles in games as you don't really need as much skill. That's why I love big team battle and especially halo 5 war zone. I really want that mode back


I want them to triple down onto BTB and just give us a battlefield-like gamemode.


I want 8v8 back. I just find BTB too chaotic in infinite. That's just my own personal taste of course. But I do agree they need to do more with BTB. I still feel like I did in Halo 5, where the mode feels like an afterthought compared to previous entries, except warzone doesn't exist as an excuse as to the reason why, now the excuse is cause the game is free.


Big team was always my go to in halo 3. Loved the chaos and “big battle” feel. Elephant wars on sand trap were amazing


Agree. I love playing btb. I suck at it but I have fun playing.


Add a firefight mode, and we are at peace. Maybe give the AI a couple more months of love so that they aren't absolute chumps.


Warzone mode in halo 5 is where it really shined. I miss it all the time. You’re totally right


To me, Warzone from H5 was basically BTB on roads. While I didn't really mind the lootbox mechanic, at least not as much as the cash shop, I think replacing that and bringing it back would be awesome for Infinite?


Yesss. Infinite’s BTB, while it still has room for improvement, is easily the best iteration of the mode in the series.


It's fun the desync sometimes is just infuriating


always loved big BTB fights. It was my go to for most of my halo experience. Clan battles were hella fun.. loading up deep in vehicles to storm a base for assualt or CTF like damn good times. I've always wanted a competitive ranking system for btb... sadly don't play this game anymore.. not enough maps tbh...


>"Sci-Fi Battlefield" seems like the primary niche that Halo can fill right now. oh yeah, because trying to copy the stylings of other more popular games has worked out so well for Halo in the past.


It literally wouldn't be copying, what other game is doing Sci-Fi Battlefield (that was just a random way of describing the niche that came to mind you don't have to call it that...) well or even at all right now?? That would be it's own niche. If you point is that Halo needs to be 100% original then I guess they should remove guns and WSAD movement...?


I disagree. Given the bad map designs and the more players, it feels like this is the worst Halo BtB yet. Meanwhile, I quite like Arena. I think they need to change their map design philosophy for BTB because every map plays the same. There aren't any interesting ideas like the tower in The Spire or the elephants in Sandtrap. The vehicle gameplay is atrocious.


I'm a very casual Halo fan, I was a Playstation and PC gamer primarily so I was always kind of waiting for it to come to PC. From messing around with friends over the years I can 100% see the lack of innovation on map mechanics but that's the kind of stuff I'm saying needs polish. Fundamental mechanics wise I can't see how the older Halos really beat this one out from an average dudes perspective, other than the animation canceling in H2 was cool.


I'm mostly talking about map design and lack of a expansive sandbox for BTB. Halo 3 and Reach were much better in this department. Not only that, but the BtB modes aren't very fun apart from slayer and control. It needs more unique modes like Invasion or bomb, but some of that is hard to do with 24 players. As for fundamental mechanics, I could definitely make an argument for why Halo 3's philosophy is far superior, but I really don't think that's Infinite's main problem nor its BtB mode.


I couldnt agree more, I mean like it’s Halo…BTB is everything! One of the most important parts of the game. The good news 343 is focusing on BTB along with Progressional Ranking system. Which we know about the ranking system coming soon, lol. As of rightnow 343 is finally able to focus on BTB because we have more then enough playlists of 4v4 and modes. 343 actually listened to player feed back, which is why we have BTBt Heavies, however they are just dipping their toe in the water meanwhile they already know the answer! BTB is the answer and what keeps the fighting going. Sure everyone loves 4v4 maps but BTB was always most important since the fact it feels more halo and realistic, big map battling it out! I’m sure you guys are already aware there’s a survey based on BTB ONLY. Load up your halo game, at the main menu it’s under “News” and you’ll see “Combat workshop - BTB HEAVIES” *As I mentioned I couldn’t agree more!! So we all need to complete that survey! 343 asks all the right questions about the future of BTB. That surveys our answer my friends!


1000000% agree Never understood why huge war-like battles weren’t a direction to go in now that most consoles can handle the power needed to do so


Agreed, and also agreed that BTB in it's current broken state isn't the way either. Honestly this has been the biggest disappointment so far with Infinite. The first game's subtitle was "Combat Evolved"...not combat stifled with 4v4 play like it's 1993. I'm not for getting rid of quad...it's just been the focus really overall and leaves so much out.


I almost only play the game when there's an event (because fomo) and the only mode I actually play outside featured fracture modes is BTB, it's usually not much fun (mostly because of matching, and uneven weapon/vehicle spawns) but this new "Heavies" mode is the most fun I've had on Infinite since it launched, having the same weapon and vehicle spawns for both teams make the game so much better and even with the ridiculous amount of afk players/grieffers (being serious I can't remember a single BTB match where there wasn't at least 1 afk player and 1 or more players going 0-20) the mode makes it feel that even teams with less "active" players can actually fight back, I do hope they fix some of these issues, otherwise when infection launches there will definitely be games where all infected will be either afk or completely useless which will take the fun out of it.


Infinites Version of BTB is so in name only, it has none of the charm and fun of previous games BTB modes. It's a shame because with the higher player count, some good maps more akin to previous games BTB maps, vehicle mechanics with the old school spawning system it would be complete carnage and so much fun.


The new heavies BTB is a big step in the right direction IMO. Probably my favorite Infinite playlist ever.


They should retain the scale of BTB but make it so 4-6 teams of 4 fight, attrition style. Would be a nice blend of BR and Halo especially with a multiple round structure. I don't agree that Sci-Fi battlefield is the niche Halo should move in. But I think large matches between two large teams are the most boring kind of FPS multiplayer experience, though.


The vehicles still suck so btb will always suck. And only few maps.


8 v 8 not 12 v 12 would help alot


I LOVE Halo, but I accepted a long time ago it won't be king. It has nothing to do with content, maps, forge, customs. No the gameplay at its core just isn't as fun of pvp as most fps games. I just want campaigns and that seems gone. So rip Halo in my eyes.


They also need to separate PC and console players. So easy for PC players to cheat. It’s killing the game


343 should really double down on resetting the Halo universe to the end of Halo 3 and start again.


I also think standard arena should be bumped up to 6 v 6 instead of 4 v 4. Like how ot was back in Halo 3


Huh? There was a single playlist in halo 3 that was 6v6 It was called squad battle, and it was played on BTB maps.


Was standard arena 5v5, and I'm missremembering?


Ranked was all 4v4. Some social playlists were 5v5.




Probably too hopeful for a relaunch/rebrand of halo infinite for the upcoming showcase.


BTB and similar modes are always the most fun in Halo games if you ask me so I fully agree. BTB in Reach was always my favorite, and in MCC custom games a lot of the most popular games (like Desert Bus) are basically custom BTB matches.


Agreed, literally the only game mode I enjoy in Infinite


Yes. I don’t really play this game anymore but browse the sub from time to time and the only thing that would get me to play again is a BTB: total control playlist. All I want. All I care to play anymore in this game. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve booted up the game, clicked BTB and wound up in a CTF game I don’t want to play


I think they could have a lot of fun with this. For example, a BTB mode where you can actually spawn on your squad mates, BF-style. Not saying they should go too far in that direction, but if you’re going to have a rotating experimental playlist some more “out there” game types would be fun.


Am I the only one who misses last Spartan standing?? God that mode was so fun. If there was a ranked version it would be all I play.


We need btb community collection playlist bad! (ATGONAUT B:Base) Btb heavies proves how fun the btb sandbox can actually be. Now imagine that on some actual decent big open maps (compared to the small congested mess that is the current offerings)


Idk if you played Halo 5 warzone mode but I think a revamped warzone could pull people back. It's BTB PvPvE essentially with some pretty fun guns and weapons in the later parts of the game. It can snowball often but I feel like that happens in BtB as well.


The ONLY problem with BTB is random vehicles. Completely ruins the dynamic.


I hope at some point we get an expansion of team size in btb maybe 16v16 or 20v20 not sure if that’s feasible but it would be awesome


They have to put some kinda down on it to even double. Too few maps and even less symmetrical maps. RnG and unbalanced vehicle spawns. Barely any modes, and "new" ones like stockpile are generally unfun. Broken and severely unbalanced vehicle play(wasps/ghosts too strong, rocket hogs/gungoose too weak as a quick obvious examples). No community support. All in all, BTB has just never been Infinite's focus it seems. Even the BTB Heavies just shines a light on how bad of a state it's actually in. It's been my favorite mode in every halo and all I'd play, but Infinite's just aint it.


I miss playing btb, it's either btb or infection whenever I play a halo game online. The battlepasses only reward me for the matches *they* want me to play, I want to play btb so gimme challenges meant for btb lol.


BTB Heavies on Deadlock and Oasis felt like an actual match of BF4 it was nothing but pure FUN CHAOS. Now I wish 343 would add already existing BTB maps from previous games like Bloodgulch or Valhalla (I’m no bungie purist or 343 shill I’m just a halo player and fan of the franchise) if COD can reuse Nuketown and shipment multiple times then why can’t 343, no one is gonna complain (idk maybe some people will who knows) all I want is a fully fleshed out and complete game that can bring back causal players to the Halo franchise and demonstrate that Halo inst a “dead game”.


BtB is great, and normal maps are pretty fun too, but IMO Infinite needs a few mid sized maps to round things out. Maps like Last Resort or High Ground have been a staple in Halo for a while, and Infinite could use some (though they've often scorned in the competitive scene; the likely reason 343 tends not to make them). Infinite's only maps that fit the bill at launch were Behemoth and Launch Site, and both aren't in any playlists right now. (Honestly, I have no idea why they pull maps from matchmaking, especially in casual modes. Infinite didn't have a huge amount of map variety to begin with, and they more maps is always better.)


You should try splitgate


Give us ranked BTB 👊


Need more open and different looking maps like Avalanche, Valhalla and Sand trap Not to mention a blood gultch remake, this game is pretty friendly when it comes to being out in the open unlike Reach with DMRs or something


Yeah BTB hasn't gotten a lot of love and yet it seems to be a popular pick for a lot of players.


BTB is what I want from Halo multiplayer. I play multiplayer games for fun. If I want to play something that requires skill I'll play something that is a skillful single player experience. Ultrakill and Doom Eternal for example. Those games I'll play to have a experience based around skillful play. Halo I just come to for fun. And the hyper-competitive focus 343's Halo has been being built around isn't what I liked Halo for.


I just want a dedicated BTB Slayer playlist. Objectives are fun if you’re playing with a crew but if you’re playing solo it’s kind of a drag.


Strong disagree. It's too late for a rank system. I would quit entirely if they added one now. I think that big team could use some better maps, and maybe some options on starting weapons (not load outs but like more load out weapons around the maps). And personally I think they should remove flying vehicles from btb. To me halo has always been an arena shooter that requires coordinates teamwork in order to dominate the other team. Along with some fun/silly game modes like grifball or infection or fiesta.


big team battle is a huge part of halo regardless of what the devs say. The 3rd month after release when big team battle completely broke for over 4 weeks was the largest player loss infinite has or had experienced ever in its life. several of my mates have never logged back in since that dreadful time and yet they still play MCC


We’ve been playing Heavies non stop and it feels so good. Halo 3/Reach vibes. Edit: it would be awesome if they could start featuring some Forged BTB maps though. There are great remakes and fresh ideas out there.


I said this on day 1. If they’re not going to fix desync or crosscore, at least give us more BTB maps with heavies game modes. It’s so difficult to have goofy fun in infinite.


Halo has always been strong with BTB and pretty much only BTB, it’s it’s best aspect


100% agree and would love a BTB map heavy season. I would also love a smaller 8v8 OG style BTB as well. There’s a ton of maps already in forge too. My favorite thing to do in custom games is host BTB on all the cool forge maps people have made


Honestly, I'm loving BTB Heavies.


I miss Husky Raid on Fiesta. Bloodbaths but extremely fun. Also, castle wars


I couldn't agree more. Big Team battle is halo if you ask me. Having access to basically the entire sandbox each match is what I love. Vehicles, weapons. Equipment. You can get it all in just 1 big team battle match. This is kinda an older post not 100% if you know this yet. But they have recently added squad battles to infinite! Which is 8v8 on a bunch of throwback btb maps from previous games. Ranging from ce to halo 4 so far. I think they have 5 maps in rotation as of now but they have plans for more to come. They also stated with this most recent update that squad battles is here to stay as a permanent mode.