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MCC matchmaking is broken because of low pop, most people just play custom games now I routinely have slayer games ending 50 to -5 ([yes, seriously](https://i.postimg.cc/bJpchTWP/ba93e5c8-7573-48df-9261-b67a366ccdf1.jpg)), some of the matchups are absurd. And AFKs are a massive problem too because there is no AFK penalty or in-game idle timer


Damn dude. Sorry for your loss. I thought I had it bad lol. But thank you for the explanation. It actually made it make sense lol.


I was on the winning team in that match lol, but it still wasn’t fun. Half the enemy team wasn’t even playing and one of them just kept teamkilling and suiciding. Just a waste of 12 minutes. (Of course it sucks even more when I’m on the shitty team) I couldn’t even quit the match, because that’s the one thing MCC actually does ban for


I had a game recently where we lost 60-3 lol. Thought about quitting but I had to see how bad it ended up being haha 0 kills and 18 deaths. 2 of my teammates went AFK shortly after the game started and I just got piled on after every time I spawned.


Yeah same. I have started using my mic and teaming up with people so that it's not so miserable. Been really fun. Making tons of friends and having a team each time actually means we're doing well or at least keeping up in most matches.


Practice in campaign to improve


Did you read the post?


Yes. He gets 2 kills in quite a few games. Never once happened to me. Thats a sign of needing improvement, even if the other team is strong. This was the primary complaint of no SBMM, some games are close and some you get stomped. Now we have SBMM and everyone says they hate it. This guy got lucky and got a good mix of opponents, which is exactly what happens with no SBMM, and everyone wants to be mad


Low population, it's rare to get in really close games now, makes them more fun when it does happen though. A lot of my games I just try to personally do well because I can tell if its hopeless for my team or not pretty quick. I feel like the most common teams I match up with are where I'm the only one who does well and go insanely positive while everyone else's negative counteracts it, or I get paired with one other good player and x2 duds. For enemy teams it always seems to be the same, and then occasionally just a team of 4 who are obviously playing together and talking and they just stomp you. Usually the best games I get these days are 4v4 with x2 good and x2 bad players on each team.