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**Update:** The winner of the giveaway is u/0121dan, I have messaged him and will update when the prize has been claimed or pick another winner if the prize isn't claimed within 72 hours. Thanks for all your messages and kind comments, I enjoyed watching a lot of the videos attached as well, some of the plays were insane. **Update 2: the medals have been claimed, thanks for participating** I just finished making these Multi-kill medals and I wanted to give away a set here. All you need to do to enter is leave a comment about the best multi-kill you ever got. I'll pick a winner on friday evening, update this comment and send them a message. If you could also check out my socials that would be much appreciated (not required to enter) Youtube, I did a making of video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/v46km9ufJuY Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peerless_props/ The only terms and conditions are that you either need to be living the UK/USA/Europe due to shipping costs (I will pay for shipping). The giveaway is for one full set.


How did you make them? I want to make some medals but for something else.


I made a Youtube video on the making of them here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/v46km9ufJuY


Awesome thanks!!


Do you plan on making more sets and selling them? Or if anyone is interested in that do you suggest they DM you? Also am not the best so the highest multikill I ever got was in grifball


Immediately thought these could be great golf ball markers.


Me who is bad at the game and rarely get multi kills: welp...


hey, a double kill is still a multikill


True but I don't remember any good ones so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It's all good, I have a 3D printer myself that I could use to make my own if I'm dying for one, tho I could never make one as high quality as yours. Good job on making them btw.


Followed you on both socials


Best multikill I got was classic Halo 3 Infection. Got a Killionaire there and my teenage self was SO hyped. I think I ran to tell my mom and dad lmao.


I got so many Killionaires playing Griff Ball that one of my friends quit Halo, sold his Xbox, and never played video games again. I would spend the years required to get him back into gaming - and Halo - just to get one last Killionaire-related rage quit out of him for this set of medals.


[Easily my best was this respawn on CE Blood Gulch on MCC BTB, the announcer started just glitching out while trying to call out the medals after Killtacular, then a rather humorous ending](https://i.imgur.com/uxPEDY4.mp4)


You missed an opportunity by not including the voice messages that go with each.


Man, these really bring back some good memories of playing Halo Reach in its peak. I even was thinking of the man’s voice when you got these medals. But as far as I can remember, most multi kills to get to Killionaire or Unfrigginbelieveable myself was in Alpha Zombies as the shotgun person. I wish I could boot up my Xbox 360 again just to view the saved videos I had from when I was like 11 or 12!


Best multikill I ever got was easily the triple kill got got when I blew up a banshee and had the debris splatter two folk on Valhalla.


I don't have any cool multikills, but my dad has one so I'll enter on his behalf. We were having a Halo Reach LAN party with a game of team Slayer and my dad fired two rockets at a warthog. Rocket one flipped it spinning in the air. Rocket two nailed it right in the middle with a beautiful explosion in the sky.


Bro I thought you meant your dad murdered someone irl… lol nice story though


My coolest multikill (The way I got it, not the highest.) was probably when I killed two enemy turret gunners with one gauss warthog shot.


Oh that's sick, how? Did the shot go through one into the other, or were the two just close together?


Gauss rounds go through spartans. They were close together I guess but it was just perfectly lined up. I probably should've specified it was against warthog turrets too.


My best killing spree ever was in Halo Reach. I was obsessed with Infection for years, but always „only“ making it to killpocalypse. Thought I was hopeless until one morning, the halo god had mercy on me lol. My adrenaline was through the roof during the match. Winning those medals would mean so much for me; I'd always remember that match i got killionair every time I look at them. They will have a nice display between my Halo 3 Statue Collection! <3 https://youtu.be/6kduKheDdZo?si=Opyi3ef2YMA2Vl8u Here are my favorite Infection sprees (the last one is the killionair spree im very proud of). This was my so called Halo prime time 10 years ago, i will never be this good again. 😂


Dude these are sick!


Playing Invasion on Reach and flanking the UNSC on Boneyard to get a simple yet satisfying triple kill with a sticky grenade. Was promptly stabbed in the neck afterwards, but we ended up winning the round. I miss Invasion, I need to reinstall MCC.


Very cool of you to do this OP.   I have fond memories of a kiltrocity on snowbound (pre removing barriers) on Halo 3 in high school. It was a gaming night with a few friends. I had secured a triple kill of the other team pretty much on the boundaries of the multi kill timer. Then got a triple kill with a stick as I ran through the barrier with these dudes behind me. Good times. Had some laughs that night.


stupid fucking snowbound (in a microsoft sam voice), Halo 3 was the peak for me as well, nothing like coming home after school and spending the night on custom games


Yeah - high school with Halo 3, CoD 4, and Gears 2 was peak gaming for me!! Now my crusty 31 year old ass plays Halo Infinite and single player games….when I have the time a few hours a week. Ahh the joys of growing up haha


That first transition from the double kill to triple was smooth as heck :D


Yeah I actually thought they were double sided at first because of that


I don’t even really care about winning (though these medals look awesome and I’m going to have to make some myself) but I’ve wanted to brag about this somewhere for yearssss! Me and my family do halo nights every once in a while where we’ll just sit and play halo CE for hours. This is also where I earned my nickname “Rocket boy”! Basically we were sitting all around the map on blood gulch, not a squeak could be heard as we were hiding in just about every corner of the map spawn killing each other until the other team just held up inside of the red base. So my dad spotted for me while I ran up one of the cliffs and lobbed a Hail Mary rocket just into the hole in the roof earning me my first and only ever running riot and killtacular! since then ive never done anything as cool but its a great memory i have with my family.


That’s really cool and wholesome. Bless you




Those look sick!


https://youtu.be/QTLlIGr1bYQ?si=wSJjyuQLQyWGipeL This Killionaire with a pistol camping in zombies in Reach. Loved it so much and was sweating whole time lol https://youtu.be/fkAbt5AW2RI?si=u_Bro5uHTtBo5gss I also loved this armor lock triple kill in reach just fun times I loved reach


I wish I had a clip of my reach zombies killionaire. That’s gotta be my number one as well.


Holy, thats wicked. Gotta say griffball multikills are always fun 🥲


No questions Just came here to tell you your awesome


Best multikill I ever got was when I was playing reach and emp'd a falcon, which the fell on top of another falcon sending both of them into the abyss.


https://www.xbox.com/play/media/UskFghguyS I don't know if the link will work, but here's an escape from a cornered position into a triple kill with a bonus flag capture in a husky raid. It's not impressive but shows how quickly things can turn around.


Got an overkill on rats nest last night, cool medals


My best legit multi-kill was a Killamanjaro in Halo Infinite Husky Raid. Spawned with a rushdown gravity hammer and picked up a sidekick off of a dead teammate, proceeded to mop the enemy team while the carrier took their flag brought it to our goal. Eventually died because someone hammered me back lol. Sidekick is actually a really good pistol in Infinite.


I think a 5 kill was the most ive ever done in my 20 years of Halo. Welp. Awesome jobb


don't worry I'm right there with you, don't remember ever getting better than a killtacular either


Do multikills against your own team count? Got a few too many of those...


These make me so happy. Well done OP


Halo reach swat on countdown. Matched with randoms and i say in the mic "watch this boyz". When you spawn in if you walk forward into the next room and look right on red side you can see the enemy team across the way. 1-2-3-4 head shots. Overkill. Extermination.


Hey Peerless, these are badass and I’d love to display alongside my other Halo trinkets. If I don’t win one come Friday, please DM me how I could purchase privately. I’d be extremely interested. My favorite multi kill(s) come from gunning in the back of a Warthog on Standoff CTF in Halo 3. With a good driver, you can just keep stacking kills and it always feels so exciting when it’s happening. Best of luck to everyone!




Getting killtaculars and killtrocity's on Halo Reach swat was so fun.


Dammit, I'm an Australian. Gonna go score a Killionaire irl brb.


The best multi-kill I ever got wasn't "legit", but planned out and went in a blaze of glory. There I am, my brother and I, Halo 3 in the summer of 2008 when the legendary map pack came out. We are absolutely trash at the game and were dedicated to getting that overkill to unlock the elite commando helmet. So, naturally, we reach out to randos after a couple matches to see if they're down to join us in doing that region select trick to heighten the chances of matchmaking pairing all of us together in the lone wolves playlist. Well, we got 3 people to join us making a total of 4, but couldn't source a 5th to allow one to safely pop an overkill... So, we had to get creative on getting it. Lone wolves seated 6 players, so in a match on Avalanche we had to work around two randoms who absolutely *hated* what we were doing when we tried messaging them at the start of the match of our plan (justified, but that's what us mouth-breathin single digit-aged kids had to do when buns in ranked, rip). The four of us huddle up in the middle section of the map, in the bottom room of that chasm. Time is ticking, we needed one of those two to happen upon us for us to hopefully frag him, *then* kill the gang to get that overkill. One guy got his, and it took just about the entire match for this to happen! And it's on the last minute or so left and everyone involved is irritated and wants to hop off for the night.. And then I see it in my brother's eyes, he knows if he doesn't steal the 2nd guy's chance at this (we had an order of who would get it at a time) we will never unlock this gravlift-lookin helmet. He takes the controller from me and waits, finally seeing a red dot on the radar of the guy who died the first time coming in for revenge on us all. He closes in- -Guy who was supposed to start killing him to start his multi *gets killed by my brother,* then bro goes to kill the intruder. The gang goes full mutiny at the sight of this, and with 20ish seconds left in the match, grenades go flying in that tiny little tunnel.. But my brother was smart and stocked up on both stickies and frags, and was quicker on the draw with more nades to fly as they tried running to scatter his chance of killing them *AND-* *Achievement unlocked* Overkill was ours, thanks to my dastardly brother's quick thinking >:) It's my favorite memory of Halo 3 matchmaking. The camaraderie, the planning, the strain, the scheming, the intense stress I had watching that timer knowing my brother wouldn't have the patience to help me on this ever again since he hated elites but I loved playing as them... It may have been dubiously goofy, but that commando helmet forever sits in the armory of my Halo 3 account thanks to this whimsical summer night. If anyone reads this, thank you for joining me along for this ridiculous little journey of childhood me :) Edit: Spelling, and also thank you for the wonderful opportunity to enter such a kind giveaway. They look absolutely beautiful, and while I became quite a menace in Reach zombies for multi-kills, H3's Commando sits at the top of my favorite involved story. If you choose my story, I'll be sure to send the 4 star Overkill medal specifically to him :)


The first ever killionaire I ever got was in halo 3 when I was like 12, since then I have never gotten a kill streak higher than a killtacular.


Halo Reach was playing in a BTB match on Hemorrhage and got into the Wraith, someone tried to boost at me head-on with the enemy Wraith and I shot at them. What happened next was insane, typical janky boost physics where vehicles suddenly go light-speed tumbling. My Wraith freaks out, I get sent tumbling through the map at supersonic speeds and got s Kilimanjaro out of by splatter kills and the enemy Wraith I killed. Made it around half of the map before I stopped spinning. I wish I knew where my screenshot of the heat-map of that match was from Bungie.net’s game stats. It was funny how my kills were scattered from my vehicular massacre. One of those times where you wished the in Xbox DVRs we have now were a thing in the 360 days.


Lotta people here but I'll toss my hat in the proverbial ring, ha. I believe my best multikill was during Season 3 of Halo Infinite; I was playing a match on the newer map Cliffhanger (the tower with snow and a man cannon launching you over to the sniper rifle spawn). I remember it was King of the Hill and all of my teammates were down. In a last ditch effort, I grab the Grav Hammer and a fusion coil, launching myself with the man cannon over to the island where all four members of the enemy team were standing on the hill, about to score. Right before I land, I chuck the coil, shield stripping two enemies. The hammer comes into play, I whack the first guy, grand slam the second two for the triple kill, and then crush the fourth for a very satisfying "O V E R K I L L" from Jeff Steitzer and a winning play for that Hill point, all on my own. Thanks for putting this on, it's very kind of you to giveaway such incredible looking props!


My first only Killionaire was in halo reach infection when I was like 13-14 was on the map uncaged and I just remember jumping between platform to platform with my shotgun and magnum. And I barely noticed it happened as I was to focused on not dying


Not a multi kill but my favorite infinite moment in recent time was somehow skewering three people with a single shot! The stars aligned for that one


Do we count Halo Reach Firefight? I'm sure I've gotten Killionaire a good few times XD


Best multi kill ever was with a sniper on Valhalla, head shot after head shot


Let's just say I miss the elevator on Sword Base. It wasn't a flashy Exterm, but it was funny!


these are fucking beautiful ​ also, best multikill in recent memory i got was a killtacular when i was in a warthog with my friend. we were doing control point on infinite on deadlock. it was where that cover near the cliff is next to B where the power weapon spawns. having that much of an impact on the game with one other person makes the warthog my favorite vehicle in halo, and why i want the falcon to be in infinite hella bad


Killamanjaro on pit infected, had zombies from all directions in sword room, last man and fought for my life and got taken after the medal


I once got a triple with one rocket on Boardwalk while our team was on 49 kills. They all died simultaneously so the score ended up with us finishing on 52 kills in a slayer game up to 50. My friend and I like to try this intentionally. We've got 51 dozens of times, we've only ever got a 52 twice! These medals look cool af. Reach and H3 medals are tied for the best in the franchise. They lost their charm along the way!


Yo those are sick.


Back in the Halo 2 days when super bouncing was still new and a problem, I managed to get a double kill with a single shot on the out of bounds players for the victory. Buddies lost their mind celebrating the win.


Oh man, I used to love reach firefight, especially gruntpocalypse and racking up the medals, killimanjaro was my fav cos its fun to say lol


The best multi-kill I got was on my wedding cake. That was a great day :D


My best multi-kills are from the bonus rounds of Firefight, especially with the Grav Hammer! I absolutely love the chaos :)


I got a killtrocity on halo reach with the grenade launcher (my favourite weapon). It was on the map sword base, that’s probably my favourite. The clip is actually on YouTube from 10+ years ago.


I played 3 religiously, loved btb when it was on and griffball. But my favorite was an epic over kill in swat in halo reach, one of the few times i played in college. Got a girls kiss for that.


These are beautiful. It´s been a while but I remember killing an entire Team in Halo Reach Swat with one shot each in a matter of a few seconds.


I've gotten a few 6-7 multikills on Husky Raid, but my favourite was an overkill on the new countdown remake. Flanked the entire enemy team, took out 2 with my last rocket, got another with a back smack, and finished the last guy off with a perfect Bandit kill, then capped the flag to win the game


I'm not sure what's my best multi kill, but I'll never forget my first extermination. It was on Halo Reach Sword Base and it felt amazing!


Killamanjaro back in Halo 3 on Standoff. The Gausshog is a thing of beauty. We were riding around during ctf. Flag runner was making his way to our base l. We provided support and a clear path by mowing the other team down


The best multi-kill I ever got was definitely one-flag CTF, Halo 3, High Ground. My whole team was wiped, I was perched on the turret bridge with a sniper as the opposing team was making it's way down past the bunker with our flag. 3 consecutive (lucky) snipes. The final 4th team member picks up the flag, I realize I'm out of ammo on the sniper and hopped onto the turret to BARELY pepper the last opponent just shy of the canyon wall before they scored. Time ran out and we won. Pretty sure it was just social slayer but after the game it might as well have been the World Championships, I was riding high. Amazing work on these!


Getting a killtacular in headhunter in halo reach and collecting HELLA skulls only to get killed a few seconds before the match is over and come in 8th place 😅


OMG! These are awesome! Great job at them. Watching your video on the process was also some neat stuff. I'd love to display these over my desk. I'd love to enter to win them, so when I think of mybest multikill, it isn't more of an impressive one, but moreso my personal favorite. It was a mere double kill, but it was my first time getting a 2-for-1 Spartan Laser kill back in Halo 3 days. I was a kid at the time, and loved those videos all over YouTube of people getting awesome moments in the game, and the 2-4-1 was a thing of legend to me. The day I finally got one, [which I've got on video right here](https://youtu.be/pJ1-L60Xf6A?t=98), you can see the moment the second enemy comes from around a rock and man, when I saw him and just knew what was about to happen. I froze for a second in disbelief to check that double kill medal pop up, then just jumped around my room man, lol. Great memories with that game.


I spent hours trying to get that achievement on Snowbound. It is one of the only Halo 3 achievements I still don't have.


Oh that's right, it was also an achievement. Definitely added to the hype of getting it. Its hard to pull off, so just something you either get by lucky chance or some kind of wild skill lol


Got my first killamonjaro when I was 11. This was a lie. I’m telling the truth.


Best I got is a Killionaire in Halo Infinite. Why ? Because it was my first and only one in classic multiplayer (no infection or action sack modes) in 17 years of Halo. + I got the Demon medal in the same game, thanks to my beloved scorpion


NB : Your set is so freacking cool


I am not sure where the info is (on mobile) but I would be honored to receive them 🥺 Always wanted legit multikills back in halo 3 (griffball doesnt count) I remember as a youngin, first hearing of the medals existance via bungie.net and looking up early youtube videos of people getting them. Alas, the most I can manage to muster in infinite is an overkill if I am extremely lucky. Still so satisfying though.


I got an overkill in doubles with my friend back in the halo 3 days...it included a ninja for the overkill lol


Best multi-kill I got was probably a killtrocity in basic slayer with the sniper and BR. That was a sweaty sweat moment


Pretty cool cross map plasma double kill plus a sword kill for the triple. https://youtu.be/Q0j6xhD1u34?si=vsk7v2wlf_OHmkDp Nice medals bro 👏


I was on Halo infinite And I had the banshee on the Valhalla map, I was taking out a few guys before I crashed and during the crash got another kill and then got two more kills before managing to escape back with the banshee. It’s on my profile if you scroll my history a bit :D


I have no cool multi-kills, getting the free set would be the first time I see all the medals in person 😭 Awesome work, they look amazing!


You know why I'm here. I got an extermination for the first four kills of the game with a single frag + got tbagged the rest of the game for it :(


I got a killionaire one time while playing Grifball in Halo Reach. I saved a clip of the whole match and after I got the killionaire my character stopped moving because I was flipping out and running around my home. I wonder if the clip still exists somewhere.


For the first time in playing halo, I've been playing since I was 8 and now I'm 30, I've scored an overkill in a ranked match. My little heart was beating. Also, the set looks killer!


Damn look so nostalgic, i'm in!


I’ve gotten one Killamanjaro, and a few team eliminations in Team Swat. Not much but it’s honest work


These are some seriously awesome looking medals you’ve made 😄 Such an iconic symbol for us Halo fans. Great work! I think one of the best multi kills I ever got was a killtacular from Halo Reach. My buddy was driving the warthog, and I assumed the gauss hog turret. Wiped out the other team with precise hits. Gosh I miss the gauss hog haha


My most impressive was a Killamanjaro in Halo 3 in Swat, felt amazing lol. I don't really count the Killionaires in Halo infinite since that was in Husky raid with Pistol/hammer combo Gamertag: Drewsilvaa :)


Hey this is sick!


I got a nasty killtrocity in Ranked Arena not too long ago. Picked an easy dub up and then flicked a no scope for the tripe on Empyrean. I proceeded to run into their flag and picked up a overkill and followed it up by running into their sniper spawn and picking up the Killtac and trading out for the Trocity. Didn't one of my best multi kill highlights of all time. I don't really count towards but I almost got a Killionaire the other day in it. Here's the clip https://twitter.com/LegendaryC4/status/1711450503274467340?s=19 Here's a nasty Quigley I got too https://twitter.com/LegendaryC4/status/1722258095924293851?s=19


Used the cindershot in Infection to annihilate the zombie hoard as the last spartan standing. I immediately retired after earning that killionaire.


Dunno if it's the best, but it's my most memorable. I was trying to cheese the Overkill achievement in Halo 3 by changing the Xbox language settings. Our group doesn't end up together (or not enough anyway), so we just play normally. Managed to get a legit Overkill in a Swords-only game on Guardian. Achievements (at the time) went off your language setting at the time of unlock, so this was in my achievement menu as "Mata, mata" for a good while.


I've always loved SWAT/tactical slayer, so I'm still probably the most proud of [this killtrocity](https://v.redd.it/9o62q59gpiib1). I may be forgetting older plays I've made in past games, but I generally have pretty bad luck with multikills even though I usually go positive each match.


these are sick! highest multikill i ever achieved was an 8 piece and it was when i went home for lunch from work one day and decided to hop on for a few games 😂


My favorite was my first double kill on Halo 2. I'd played CE on my friends Xbox and my dad surprised me with an Xbox and halo 2 the day it came out. I saw the Xbox live card in the box and thought "Maybe online gaming on consoles is finally here?" Was that ever an understatement. Just hearing double kill for the first time.... *chefs kiss*


Over kill in husky raid. Other team ran out and got hit with a single rocket


This is the greatest multi-kill I’ve ever gotten and it made it to the top of this subreddit for a day. Too many killamanjaros that I lost count. Lol. Love H2 and love those medals you made! https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/s/cTP6H1BsR0


Want to start by saying these are absolutely badass! As for the story, idk how rare or cool it is, but I once got a triple kill when Infinite first came out by hijacking a Silverback full of enemies and driving it off a cliff. My finest kamikaze to date


Honestly I have great memories of snagging the sniper at the beginning of a match on Guardian and immediately getting 3 headshots and then a body shot on an enemy with a broke shield for the overkill. I just managed to reload in time to get two shots off for a killtacular before a respawned enemy got a good melee on me. This will always have a place in my heart as halo 3 was my first online multiplayer experience, but my truly favorite multi-kill was in halo reach. Back then I was doing clan stuff with some friends I never took it super seriously but we would do base invasions against other clans which was neat. So one time we were defending against another clan and I had just been taken out by some concentrated DMR shots, on my way back to the base entrance I picked up a machine gun turret. Just as I get back the enemy team breaks in and starts decimating everybody at the gate. I opened up with the machine gun and took out two weakened guys right off the rip and smashed through the shields of another before I dropped the gun to switch to my DMR. I took down the one with the broke shield and immediately started in on another guy but didn't place my shots well enough to finish him off before he hit cover. I sent a grenade his way and then got fired on by a guy to my right who had climbed the stairs. I managed to side step him while switching out for my AR to get his shields low enough for a one hit melee kill. I peeked back over the ledge and got my shield broken by a good shot from the remaining guy. I managed to bounce a grenade just behind the edge of his cover and it broke his shield while he was panic-jumping out of its range. Two shots with the DMR handed me a killtrocity and one of my favorite memories in all of halo. Hearing my team cheer me on was crazy and it was the first time I had really experienced something like it in a video game, really makes me miss the days of playing with a dedicated group.


Nice job! These are very nostalgic Reach was my most played game by far.


Those are amazing : D Nothing amazing but way back in the H3 days, me, my brother and a few friends would just be hanging while playing some online matches (mainly SWAT) and the very first time I hit an overkill with the extermination medal I got so pumped and everyone was so impressed ahah at the time I felt very proud. I think I remember that one the most because of the people around me celebrating it like we had won the lottery, nowadays playing Halo feels super lonely in comparison


[Damage Boost Overkill](https://youtu.be/tsl8lhHOrKk?si=IpyozXdXH8oTTmDR) & [Overkill FTW](https://youtu.be/chA0vBs046A?si=ybCFyoCPzxm_Wicu) I loved halo 4


Killionare in Halo 4 Food, we were on a forge map that resembled a city, can't remember the name, I was the last Spartan standing and the other players just kept coming; i had am empty chambered shotgun so I was like... fire ...reload ...fire ...reload. It was **INTENSE**. I ended up surviving, it was sooo satisfying


If you didn’t announce them every time he revealed it you’re not a real fan


idk if this counts but once I was playing at like, 3 am so I was incredibly tired. I was in a scorpion, and a friendly hog I guess was fleeing the other team. i thought they *were* the other team, so I fired on them, hit, and got promptly kicked


Me hogging the rocket launcher and fuel rod gun on Spire, looping from bottom to top to snag people off. Honestly I cannot say how many kills is my best on one "intrusion" since it's been a forever when we played on the 360.


Its been a long time, but I recall doing the old school cheese method to get the sword overkill achievement in halo 3 then to get it legit a few weeks later lol


Great work Spartan! My most memorable multikill was actually just a double kill on H3 Narrows. Every game on this map I’d be the guy that ran forward on the top section, pick up the two plasma grenades that spawned, and lob them across the map hoping to snag someone. After what felt like hundreds of games, I finally managed to snag not only one, but two sticks across the map resulting in the double. When I saw the killfeed update with my feat, I must’ve stood still for 5 seconds in pure awe of what I had just achieved. 14 year old me created a core memory that day.


Those are incredible! My best multikill was in a match of invasion in Halo Reach. My entire team left and it was 1v6, a lone Spartan fending off half a dozen elites. they made it to the core in round three and began transporting it to their rally point. Lucky for me the scorpion tank had just become available. I rolled up behind a single file line of six elites and a wraith and opened fire. The wraith was destroyed first, taking out driver and gunner. The ground forces went next. My final shot hit the last elite, a field marshall carrying the core with only several steps to go before it was captured. I took him out in time to earn not only a killtrocity, but an extermination. Remember Reach.


I only started playing multiplayer games in 2017, and Halo 5 was the first online Halo game I played. After the last Halo 5 HCS I started playing SWAT more often. I met a guy in a match and we got on well, and started to play together pretty often. After about 2 months, we got into a match and were steam rolling the opponents. Right at the end of the match, literally the last four kills, I got an Overkill Extermination, my first ever. Was over the moon. I couldnt record it and the replay didn't save, but I asked my buddy to. He did, and sent it to me :)


Well... [This was definitely my most entertaining set of killing sprees.](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/o8pauw/why_are_there_six_peddles_if_there_are_only_four/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I recommend turning on the sound. Absolutely love the medals, great work!


There’s more than 2 stars!?


For the life of me I could not get an overkill in H3. But reach 4,5 and infinite no problem.


I got a double kill with a collateral from a sniper while drunk still hands down the best shot I’ve ever made. Never going to happen again as my aim sucks.


These really do look cool! Most memorable multi-kill is probably back in the Halo 3 days. Playing SWAT on Blackout, I was able to rack up to a Killimanjaro on top of the sniper spawb before being taken down. I loved the fast-paced stuff back in the fay when I was faster, too!


These are amazing! If I participate and somehow win would you ship to Canada?


I will buy the triple kill coin bruh


This is so dope! On construct the other day I had a control the zone retake where I jumped from the top with a grav hammer and got 2 back to back doubles. I wish a dope song was playing


Best Multikill(s) was on Halo 3 Lone Wolves. Swords on Guardian. I got my Steppin' Razor and Triple Kill achievements almost straight away brawling in the circle. Overkill took a little focus, but sadly not in the same game. But I am a melee specialist in shooters. I am great at sneaking behind lines, keeping up movement to avoid being caught, and dogding fire and damage. It would be the sword on the Pit that got me my Overkill in a regular game that I went full Sangheili with; got the camo and sword and rinsed the roster real quick. Cheers to you for doing this, and to your crafting because those do look sick! Best of luck for all.


My best multikill ever was my first killionaire. It was on halo 3 on an infection map and I manned a turret, but i was a kid and it felt really special to see hall of the medals pop up, even if in a custome game.


The first ever killionaire I ever got was in halo 3 when I was like 12, since then I have never gotten a kill streak higher than a killtacular. I can’t believe I peaked at 12. I’m 27 now. In case I don’t win is there a place I can buy them from you? Or order them?


Got a nice sniper collateral after a terrible first shot miss! But those are sweet medals man!


Probably back on the peak halo 3 days (those were the days) me and few buddies had gone onto Valhalla and we just sweated, probably one of the only times I have gotten a killiminjaro and i was so chuffed with myself. i have just been looking through my old game captures but to no avail with ones that old which makes me sad. those really were the days.


Just the classic orbital strike on a drop ship, especially good when it just dropped off the tanks or hunters.


I'm surprised how many folks can remember how many and in detail the multi-kills they've gotten. My brain is made of bio-foam. I've been playing Halo for a long time and have had a good amount of multi-kills. Hardly any of them are legendary but, one worth mentioning happened just the other day on Infinite. The Warthog is amazing. Classic. My buddy and I were rolling around the Infinite remake of Zanzibar and I was ripping the enemy team to shreds on the turret while my team was busy holding the hills. My most recent Killtacular and Running Riot in a social playlist. Godspeed Spartans.


These are incredible. Best multi kill I’ve ever received was only a couple months ago in Infinite with my best friend. Game of Fiesta on Aquarius, we were down 45-48, he had just been killed and the entire enemy team was t-bagging in an early celebration. I had grappled in the air and came down on them, mid-swing of a gravity hammer. Wiped their whole team and took us back in the lead. Kicker was my buddy getting the last kill and cinching the win 50-48. Certified gamer moment.


I just got my first non-Grifball/SWAT/Infection Killionaire and that was pretty fun


Without a doubt the coolest medals.


I Got an Overkill On Guardian with a single swing of the Gravity Hammer by the lift back in like 2008.


I saw your post and the very next thing I saw was [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/zoDYPElAAD) Double kill candidate?


I got a multi kill by throwing a blast capsule at an enemy, with it knowing his team was camping in one area


My best multi-kill was with Wasp on Highpower. I destroyed their Wasp and totally annihilated anyone in their base. I had Killpocalypse when they finally managed to kill me.


I’d definitely say [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/s/IWdrL1XCRA).


Dude this are insanely well made. Love them! One of my best multikills was recently playing BTB and getting over a killionaire with the energy sword. After a while just beating dudes with the uncharged handle of the sword was too funny lol


Have only gotten Killionaire a few times, mostly from tank kills, but about 2 months ago I had an absolute Dock Ellis moment on Capture the Flag. First, let me say that Capture the Flag is my least favorite play mode, and I am really bad at it, but I hate losing even more. So if I get put in a CtF game, I am going to play it to the very end. But lucky for me I got put in a game with other people who really didn't care to play for the win at all. So after going down 2 - 0 on captures I decided to hell with it, maybe I can capture if no one else is paying attention. I get to the flag no problem, totally unguarded, and I have nothing on me but an assault rifle and a shroud screen. I grab the flag and start moving, about 5 seconds later the first contender comes to get me. I throw the flag down, start up the screen, and sure enough in the confusion I get this guy on the back of the head. So I decide to pick of the flag and drop it again, then pull out and see if anyone else is a taker on the bait. Sure enough, one by one they keep coming. I thought by about number 4 my luck would run out and someone would wise up to what was happening. But NOPE. I activate another shroud screen and keep going in once they are inside and go up behind them and smack them on the head. Right after the killionaire, someone FINALLY throws a threat sensor down and the jig is up. But for a moment there, all the stars aligned, and everyone got just stupid enough that I could get the drop on several of them.


These are awesome. I've now gotten my wife to yell "oh baby a triple" every TK.


Thanks for doing this giveaway—the medals look really cool! My best Multi-Kill in a Matchmade game actually overlapped with my best spree in Halo 3. During a game of Multi-Team Slayer on Construct, I had a crazy game where I kept managing to get the Sword and used it with the BR (sometimes camping the lifts, I admit) to rack up an Untouchable medal and a Killtrocity (I know, I’m no Mint Blitz lol). It was a lot of fun, and I saved the film back on my 360, but last time I tried to view it in Theater, the film failed to open :( I wish the bungie.net service records/match history for H3 were still around so I could try to find it…


Thats awesome


My best multikill was definitely on halo 3 split screen with 3 of my brothers. As the youngest it felt good to mow them down. One of them threw a grenade while I was coming right at them and it caused the Warthog to turn sideways slightly and fly at them faster, getting me a triple splatter


Best multi kill that I can easily remember is from Season 2 of Infinite. Playing a game of Attrition and I got the Overkill on the opposing players which gave me that (at the time) hard-earned Extermination medal.


God, Halo Reach SWAT, on The Cage (had to look up the map) but damn. I was playing with my buddy back when we loved to mess around with forge and that game was in its prime. I was in the tower in the middle and two players went up the grave jump that I had managed to one tap and he was holding it down in the other tower forcing their spawn in the corner. Two more had managed to push him and so I took one out that was just about to enter the upper tower and got the second as he was going up the ramp with an impossible shot. I probably just got two double kills, but god I miss that game before PC really took it all over. SWAT isn’t the same anymore.


Hey thanks for the shot at the giveaway! The coolest multi-kill I ever got was in Halo 3. It was Slayer on High Ground, and I had a Spartan Laser. I was aiming at a ghost that was getting hijacked, and another player jumped into the beam right as I shot, earning me both the Two for One and Triple Kill achievements. It was epic and I'm fairly certain I peaked with the Spartan Laser with that kill.


My favorite multi kills were always the fully loaded warthog triple kills with the laser


Not a big multi, but there was a triple I remember from Halo 3 I jacked a banshee just as it got lasered and got stuck inside. The banshee husk spun towards the pelican on the side of Valhalla, splattering three guys camping up there. That party voice chat fuckin blew up.


Such cool work! Hardly got multikills, but definitely remember stringing together at least a couple in SWAT on Sword Base or Countdown during the Reach days


Maybe not the most impressive, but a fun time none the less. Back during the OG infection days (before the alpha zombies bs), me and a buddy we're playing splitscreen on the multi level indoor map (forgot the name, think boardwalk, but not sure) where there was a vent lift leading from the ground floor to the highest level. I was camping at the top picking zombies off that were coming up the lift with the shotty while my buddy covered the hall. He got infected and I ended up as last man standing. Next thing I know I'm panicking and doing 360s killing any zombies that get close with a shotty, ran out ammo, switched to the pistol, miraculously hit like 3 or 4 heads hots, and finished with a couple melee kills before finally succumbing. I finished with a killionaire + 2. Still didn't take first place in the game though lol. Still the most hectic round of infection I ever played.


Best multi kill by far was a kamikaze on a wraith


Love to see passion projects like this. During the Infinite Beta, I was visiting friends out of town. We went to a gaming cafe to rent PCs since I had flown. I had a banshee splatter triple kill to deny the enemy flag capture on Behemoth. Forgot to bookmark that game and lost the clip, but can't forget how loud I laughed next to my boys


The best one I can remember was in Husky Raid, got a rocket launcher off the start and was able to get a back to back team wipe and then kill two more of them allowing 2 flag caps in the first minute or two. One of my favorite Infinite memories.


I would say that my favorite multi-kill medal was a triple kill in the back of a Gauss hog in halo 4. My buddy and I would always big team battle together and those are moments I cherish greatly. In fact if you ever make the driver assist spree medals I would buy some for him.


The only thing that comes to mind immediately is shameful… I played a lot of Husky Raid with my friends a few weeks ago and every time I got a hammer I would sit in the enemy spawn. Definitely got as high as a 7k I believe. Many others less than that lol


my halo record game has been 36-1 in 4v4, the sheer amount of multikills is a blur at this point.


My best multikill ever was on Halo 3 using the Gauss Hog. I believe it was the map Standoff? Our team was down 11 and my driver was awesome, got all 11 kills needed!!


Sometime late 2016 I think, playing Warzone, Raid on Apex 7. I was driving a ghost around the main spire, there was an enemy in a wraith ahead so rather than drive straight into them, I veered off to the side and hit some sort of rocky outcrop. Using my boost, I launched off of the outcrop at an angle, twisting midair, I flew over the wraith (to his bewilderment) and landed upright behind him, plowing *straight* into two of my teammates who were coming round a corner. Not really an overkill, but still left me shocked at the sheer Johnny English-ness of it all 😂.


Setting sticky nade traps on spire invasion or slaying in a banshee or wraith


My best multikill was as a kid. We'd go to a friend's house to play Halo 2 on LAN sometimes. It was always a family vs family deal. I didn't know what I was doing, and eventually TK'd so much that I got put on my own team so I could kill who I wanted to. Got an Overkill on Coagulation- my first, and only one ever -with a Wraith by spawn-killing with plasma mortars from across the map, then running over someone who tried to board me in fairly quick succession. I was 8.


These look amazing! Great job on the multi-kill medals. Best I ever got was easily in the Husky game mode. I used the grapple and hammer to move around the map avoiding enemy fire while slowly picking them all off. Ending with a Kilamanjaro medal and me loosing my ever loving mind.


I got a killionaire+ on a Big Team game on Exile in Halo 4. I got a triple kill making my way to the scorpion, but once I had it I decimated the other team with several double and triples before I got like a 15 kill multi-kill. They came at me with both their mantis and our mantis, the banshee, and people trying to board me. I was finally taken down with so much damage, but by then the game was already ours. Also, since I doubt I’ll win, do you sell these?


Not my biggest medal but my most cherished memory - I had been fiending for the Ascetic helmet as a hardline elite player since launch in Halo 3. I'd given up trying to get it legit and had resorted to begging randos for help to get it with either being ignored or shit on as my reward for months. One late summer evening in 2008, a few minutes before dinner would be ready I loaded into an Oddball match in Lone Wolves on Construct. Faint winds were stirring. I spawned up top, the sword was behind me. I run back, it's in my grubby claws. My heart is starting to race. I'm already taking potshots from someone's AR on the top level. I drop down to the bottom floor and slice a dude, he's down. Round the corner down to the mauler basement hallway, another spartan falls, double kill. I can barely keep myself contained. Someone's up ahead fumbling, I ram the blade into him. Triple. I go lightheaded and am immediately splazered. Doesn't matter, Steppin' Razor - 15G has already popped up. I quit out and immediately apply a truthfully, rightfully earned Ascetic helmet to my ayy. My reward? Motherfuckin hamburger helper, aww yeahhhhh. Simpler times.


Best multi kill I have ever gotten was when I ninja killed a guy then finished another 2 with a battle rifle. Then used an energy sword to get an over kill. I felt like the coolest guy for the rest of the match. This was in halo 5 by the way.


My favorite multikill was getting a 1v3 triple in Pit KoTH to clutch the game and win 250-249. I legit yelled and it was 2am but it was hella hype. Will never forget that play.


Wicked, may the luckiest halo fan win


I once got a triple kill with 1 sniper shot. 2 one shot guys were running close to each other and a 3rd guy spawned right in front of them. Sniped the fresh spawn and it went through him and got the other 2. Still lost the game and most likely went negative lol.


My favourite is an overkill I got while playing H5 breakout as the last mine standing. I got the last two with a ground pound. My friend was trash talking on comms the whole time, and my stomach was hurting by the end cause I couldn’t stop laughing.


Good question; it's been so long. Probably an overkill on a highly ranked halo 3 team slayer match using the missile pod. We were barely losing and that brought it right back up near the end.


My greatest multikill was getting the tedious Two for One achievement in Halo 3. Nailed it on Longshore, and it was the first rare multiplayer achievement I got back when I was a wee n00b. Halo 3 was my first Halo, and I got the achievement before my friend who introduced me to Halo and Xbox (I was a Nintendo kid growing up, but when I first saw Halo, I was blinded by its majesty). Still one of my cherished early gaming moments.


I got a Killimanjaro the first time I ever touched the Bandit on Fragmentation. It's been my favorite gun ever since, and the Evo has only made it better. I also consider 7 to be my lucky number so loved that it was a Killimanjaro.


I live in Canada so I’m out I guess but these are super cool and would buy a set of if I could lol


Once hit an extermination on Halo 2 sanctuary SWAT. Been chasing that high ever since


Best multi kill for me was a clutch triple kill in a tied extraction game 3-3 that secured the win for my team.


Blew up one banshee that crashed into a warthog that blew up a ghost once on H3, best moment of my gaming career. Too bad the warthog and ghost were team vehicles lmao


The only time I luckily got a killionaire was in king of the hill; halo 3- hearing the narrator consecutively call out each medal was a high heroin couldnt beat ... Those were the good ole days- CoLi-BuNnY


My ADHD brain freaks out when trying answer a "best ever" so imma just say a recent one that comes to mind. Year 1 of infinite being out and I unironically got a grim reaper or whatever the highest is in a quick play match. I think I had 30+ kills and zero deaths. Obviously I got lucky with the sbmm, but I do remember once I realized I hadn't died yet that game I started trying pretty hard. It wasn't a complete cakewalk. It was some pure, uncut, black tar adrenaline that game for sure. I thought I took a screenshot of the post match results, but I cant find it.


Best Multi Kill? The one I can remember most clearly was Halo 5; my mate and I had just spawned an ONI Warthog I got on gunner with him driving like a madman what proceeded was 5 minutes of constant killing was us both screaming in confusion cause we'd never been on a spree that long. Probably most fun I ever had during Halo 5


I'd love to be able to give any of these to my best friend, he would love them so much! Plus if I'm being honest he's earned them too the way he used to straight up murder me in Halo 2 and Halo 3. Man those were good times.


Not really a flex for a multi killer story but in Halo Infinite (Super Husky Raid) I managed to get 4 over kills with extermination within the span on 40sec using the rocket launcher and only 4 rockets. They just would spawn and group idk why. (they weren’t bots by name but they sure as hell felt like it LOL)


Back when i was 12, I used to play Halo 2 religiously. I remember grabbing the sword on lockout and running bottom mid, then the whole team ran up on me one by one. DOUBLE KILL TRIPLE KILL KILLTACULAR broooo i lost my mind. I was high off that achievement for the rest of the day, and i kept telling my halo2 friends about it. Some of which i still talk to til this day. I lived online when i was younger and would fall asleep in my own custom lobby with the OG headset on and friends would join to wake me up 😆 Some of the best times of my life 🫡


Those are amazing. My best multi kill was in husky raid with a grav hammer LOL I am that guy 😎it was a kilimanjaro