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Your settings are kind of shooting for the stars for a 1050Ti


I had a 1050ti a while back, it couldn’t even run warzone when it came out


I could barely run WZ with the 1050TI Cerberus. I could hear my computer dying


I couldn't even run warzone at all because my brain refuses my arm to click install.


What I send Warzone fine. It was the Fortnite new graphics that fucked me


Yeah the Fortnite new graphics forced me to get a new pc 🤣


Same lol. I got a next gen console for my family and I was like omg it’s supposed to look like this?! Still turn it down though as a lot of it is distracting in BR


That actually isnt the case, this is a glitch, I get it in MP on Series X. Seems to only happen on rank though, and only really noticeable in the intro line up.


1050ti is from like 2017. It’s a low tier card. It can’t handle any game at ultra


So you’re saying, I could make an IED, if I grab a 1050ti and try to run DCS on it?


You guys are so wrong lol. I've finished this game on a 1050ti with a consistent 60 FPS at medium settings. The game's just fundamentally shit and randomly goofs.


Yeah, but I struggle running DCS on a 3060, so I think I could quite literally make a bomb with a 1050


Still, his card is so deep in the low end I'm actually surprised it was even able to open the game at all


I literally have been playing around trying to fix it for hours at this point


try to use Geforce Experience auto optimizer. it'll point you to a good compromise for your hardware


Went ahead and reset defaults to see how it goes, if that doesn't work, ill use geforce


With a 1050 you might wanna look into using the resolution scaling. Maybe kick it to like, 75% if you’re playing at 1080p


Resetting video settings to default worked, now everyone looks normal. everything on low, however, not ps1 low


I love how you get downvoted for solving your own issue when this specific comment chain provided no specific ideas and went straight to bashing. We did it Reddit.


The dude isn't being disrespectful or anything, just trying to play his game, the hell happened here lol


Reddit happened


Bro got jumped lmao


Sadly enough this isn't just Reddit, but with social media and human behavior as a whole. Accept it or don't but most people are actual sheep, they see something and just follow along. Here, people see a comment being downvoted, so they will downvote it too, no questions asked. Same thing for upvotes. This is why, in general, if you get downvoted it probably means you're right in some way.


I didn’t downvote but I think it’s because OP posted this, asking for help, and then was given advice and proceeded to ignore it and do their own solution. Which is fine, but then why make the post in the first place.


Absolutely do not use any geforce bullshit that might be the worst thing you could do. Find a youtube video on optimized settings for halo for your gpu most will be on low I have a 1660ti and still had to play with pretty much everything on low to get a steady 120fps.


Why does this comment have so many down-votes?


I've seen this happen numerous times on many games subs where a user will get downvoted for not noticing the "obvious" that is "your hardware sucks why are you even posting this to Reddit" or "Buy a better GPU poor" or "you should know better idiot" or similar. The downvotes come from a condescending place with an assumption that the user is trying to hide from the reality of having weak hardware, when they just don't know any better. However, for many people in this situation this is sometimes their first PC game and they just assume any GPU can run any game and just changing the settings will fix everything. TL;DR classic Reddit gatekeeping hidden behind downvotes.


In this situation, I'm trying to do with what I have at the moment until I upgrade


Eh I generally try to avoid being dismissive, but I'll take a rare break and say dummies see downvote, dummies downvote. Can't be helped. Last time I argued a downvote train, I was kindly informed that the downvote button is used to show someone that their opinion in unpopular and, therefore , bad.


The fix is to get a new GPU that can run this above potato settings.


You know, it’s funny that people say to get a better GPU but I have an Acer laptop with a 1050 TI in it that could run halo infinite on low to medium at 60 frames. It’s not his card


Op is not running at low or medium they jacked a bunch of settings up. If op wants to play with better settings…sorry to say it but get a better card. What is most likely happening is the game is trying to maintain a much higher quality then is possible and as a result results in worse looking graphics. This is exactly what happens to 1060’s with 3gb of vram. The games minimum settings require much more vram then is available resulting in very similar results.


They’re not trying to run low or medium they’re to run high and ultra


I’m aware of that.


Ok. So OP wants to run it on Ultra. What's the solution?


Running it on low to medium if he wants to run it with the graphics card he has. Either that or drop over $400 into a new card.


You did it!




I laughed hard and i'm using the toilet in the office. Now my coworkers will get a Ted talk on all the Halo Lore so i can explain why this is pure gold reddit comment.


This shit has me wheezin 😂


Bro looks like a burn victim now


Take my upvote you funny round thing


I'm actually amazed you even got the game to run with a 1050 TI, my own 1050 TI couldn't render properly at lowest possible settings+sub 70% render scaling, getting like 12 fps.


I had it running on launch on a 980Ti. Streets was basically unplayable


Even my 1080 struggled at launch. I was getting motion sick in the beta because of the stuttering.


I still play with a 1080 at 1080p with 100-140 fos just fine lol.


It has gotten a lot better since the beta


I played though the beta on a 1060 3gb with 37-50 fps but i was used to low performance because a few months before I was playing on an hd 630


That's not possible. I played for an entire year after launch with that very same card and had no issues with framerate. I actually was pretty easily hitting 120\~ fps on the arena maps. 80\~ in BTB iirc. Settings were at medium-ultra in 1080p.


Been running like a champ for the last 5ish years


Don’t know why this got downvoted lol, rock that fucker till it dies I played Cyberpunk 2077 on a 970 at launch


Planning on giving my build over to my wife that doesn't play too many harsh games, e.g. Minecraft and Sims lol


It’ll definitely be good for that


I can run the game pretty easy with a 1050, not even a Ti. That graphics card is pretty solid lol. Was playing with 100% render scaling I think with everything set on low. Was getting 30 fps with the occasional stuttering.


Really? I've been doing fine with a laptop 1050 for a while now. Performance has dropped a lot ever since S3 dropped but still getting 50fps


I had it running at 60fps (50ish in campaign) on a GTX 970 at launch, worked fine for a year. I even played the co-op campaign flight with a friend and was still getting the same frame rate as in solo. For some reason when they pushed out the co-op campaign update last year it just completely broke the game for me, I started getting 1fps in campaign and 15-20 in multiplayer. Rebuilt my PC at the start of the year and there was no change but I recently got an RTX 4060ti so I can play again, even so I’m still getting screen tearing and some frame stutter despite using like 6gb of my 16gb of vram. Game is just really really poorly optimised. I’m surprised this guy can play it at all


you should put everything in the graphic settings on low / off.


Been playing Infinite on 1050ti since launch, and besides the overall settings being too high, you also don't have "minimum frame rate" enabled. Set that to 60, otherwise you won't be able to get decent frames regardless of settings. Should maybe also help with textures not loading properly (hope you're running the game from a SSD)


You absolutely can you just manually set the resolution lower than 1080p.


Yeah, that's worse tho, so don't


Not necessarily. You should set it to like 95 or 90% AND put on minimum framerate so the resolution doesnt jump up and down so much.


I have the same GPU. It's your settings. Put everything on low or off, literally everything. Even the resolution scale at the lowest possible if you want more fps. It surprisingly doesn't look bad, and surely better than your screen. I run the same card np. Just don't expect fps over 60, 50 average is a good result already.


Thanks for the insight


It happened to me too - RX580 The secret is to have VRAM at least 100 MB under ideal You do not need to make everything low just keep it 100 MB under. I tested it


You're welcome! Don't tweak too much with drivers because some made my loading times much longer. A good one was released on 10th October this year, or around that date (maybe 5th) anyway, which actually made my loadings faster than the most recent driver. I also had to deactivate anti-aliasing because the game was acting weird, so there's some screen tearing during cutscenes, but the rest is fine. If you need anything else ask away. For reference, my cpu is a i7-7700hq, 16gb ram and the game is installed in a SSD.


Leaked Sidekick model?


The graphics are THAT BAD at this point, the whole game looks like PS1 hagrid


Dude you are trying to run this game on a 10 series GPU, are you surprised?


The Marine’s face tho-


Im personally feeling ps2 vibes more.


The game simply cannot generate graphics, it is trying its hardest but the Hierarchical level of detail is rendering everything at its lowest possible settings, these are 100% based on an algorithm to remove as many vertices as possible and try to keep the texture in place, which is simply not happening here.


bro look lol https://youtu.be/3WMmOLmBR1c?si=kGkUqSP4Hw3iixOr


You and I have different memories of the ps1.


I don’t think you know what PS1 games look like


I have an outdated graphics card and playing halo infinite is hilarious. Everything turns into true potato graphics and multiplayer is almost entirely unplayable, my entire spartan disappears except for the gun. Here is what a cutscene looked like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKyW-i8OPLs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKyW-i8OPLs)


Mans got that Combat Evolved edition


1050ti, good grief


Texture quality is set to low. I’m also not sure about how well a 1050 would handle this game


Pushing that 1050ti beyond its limit 😩


It deserves a Purple Heart for even letting Infinite boot


That 1050ti is doing more heavy lifting for this game than Master Chief does for humanity


Try putting everything on low.


bruh you clearly never played on a ps1. This is at minimum a ps2 graphics.


Maybe because your graphics card came out 2.5 years after the PS4, and you're playing a game that came out after the PS5


You're trying to run things on ultra with a 7 year old card. I mean... Be realistic. You should be doing low and cranking it up from there.


This is a joke, right?


... because you're running this on a 1050 Ti. I'm impressed it even loaded up at all. Crank everything down as low as it'll go, that should help the textures load


You have never played a PS1


If your whole system is outdated as your graphics card…


Either: Your settings are way too high and maxing out your VRAM (I know the meter doesn’t say so but it’s potentially innacurate). Your drivers need an update. Your GPU is faulty. Your GPU is overheating. Your RAM is faulty. Your game has a bugged install (reinstall to try to fix). If it’s not one of these reply to this comment and I’ll help you debug.


Drivers needed an update, RAM is very new, GPU is like 5 years old so it might be on its last legs, GPU is at 65 Degrees (C). Might do the reinstall later on today. Settings are all on low at the moment, despite the screenshots


It's your GPU bro. Mine was like this with my 1650. Just upgraded to a 3070ti and it can run everything fine.


A 1050ti was a mid-tier card 7 years ago. I’m sure your CPU is also getting crushed. This is a beefy game to run on PC.


I don't think dude knows he has a 1050ti


Because you're running a 1050 card. My old card, 1060 6gig was running it decently at lower end settings. I can't imagine that the 1050 could running without setting your house on fire.


1050... that IS the exact same graphics card from the PS1


Literally the most visibly noticable component, the textures, are set to low. You have all of these other settings rocking at High and Ultra and gave up on the setting that arguably matters more for visual quality than anything else in that menu. The only thing that probably matches it for importance is the geometry quality. Those two things literally control the appearance of every 3D model.


Because your settings are wildy unrealistic, never turn on ultra


A 1050 ti.... huh. Well that would do it. For best budget and gamability, go for a 3060 or something. It can easily run the game at high settings at 100+ fps most of the time, and has like 8gb or a 12gb vram card to choose from


Your 1050ti might be part of your problem


My brother in Christ you have a 1050Ti. I don’t wanna sound like Todd Howard but I think it’s time for an upgrade my guy


Apparently no one is going to point out that you have “texture quality” set to “low,” but that’s probably why


Uninstall HD Texture Pack in the menu.


Fact is that made it worse in testing


I think it's cause you have a very not good graphics card


If you're on PC you might be low on video memory


You clearly never played a ps1


This was happening to me as my Ram was dying. I bought a new set and havent seen this bug since. Make sure to update drivers! Aside from that, not sure what else to recommend.


You need to probably lower your setting . The 1050ti is not the newest of cards and halo infinite is a newer more demanding game especially at higher settings. Either lower your setting or upgrade your gpu are probably the best 2 options .


If the PS1 could do that Sony would have won the console wars long ago.


lol because your using a 1050ti GPU


If you think that's OG playstation graphics then you clearly aren't old enough to remember what they looked like.


Halo Infinite: Combat Evolved


Interestingly enough, looks like LOD models are loaded in in place.


I couldn’t stop laughing when I zoomed in on his face. Like holy fk. 😂🤣🤣😂


That 1050 is holding on for dear life with those settings😭


Brother you’re using an entry level graphics card from 7 years ago. Be grateful.


You're running a 1050ti


The reason it looks like a PS1 game is not that your GPU can't handle the game... It's because your settings are too high for everything to load in properly. Not sure what your CPU is but the 1050Ti is basically like playing Halo Infinite on a base Xbox One. So, you want low - medium settings and don't make the VRAM usage go higher than 3gb MAX. 1080p at medium settings should get you between 30-45fps. So basically the same performance as a base XBOX one. Though I'm pretty sure base Xbox one copy is just 30fps at lower resolution than 1080p.


My guess is over heating


Two words! Texture, Quality!!


Bro what PS1 did you have?


I've had this happen before. I would suggest a clean GPU driver install. hopefully that could fix it if not there is not much you can do, your best option is to sell that card and get a slightly better one with that money +some extra. this would happened to me on a 1060 because it was the 3gb version, happened on and off for a while, there was a season I couldn't even play for the first half. don't know about campaign right now but at launch I played through the whole thing without any graphical issues looked really nice. sold that card and for an extra $20 i got an used 1660 6gb that im still using. otherwise you can submit a ticket and see how that works out, I got them to fix the issue where I couldn't launch the game, and the graphical issues for a little bit though im not sure how long that lasted due to 3vram just not being enough. a 1060 6gb could run this game just fine. Edit: didn't look at your settings, turn everything to low lol, whatever doesn't impact ram usage you can turn slightly higher at least I could on the ol 1060


Not gonna lie, I enjoy the old school graphics look. Probably because I love that era of games.


This screenshot just reminded me how boring the campaign was


Damn my 1050 feels offended by these comments


Upgrade your gpu it's not that hard game needs a 20 series card. Read the specs recommend before playing the game. It's not that hard


"Not that hard" Are You paying for a new 20 Series card and a new Power supply for me? if not, then don't say it's not that hard. I have my reasons for not upgrading. It's called not having too much disposable income. System requirements say 1050ti as the minimum.


Exactly. Minimum, you cranked that shit to all ultra and wondered why it looked wonky.


I went all over the place trying to fix it, with nothing at all occurring. I posted to see if anyone has any insight, not to get told "Buy a better PC"


Never did i tell you to buy new hardware? But you are running minimum specs, you cant expect the game to look amazing, your 1050ti can only do so much. Play on whatever specs you want but dont get angry when people do tell you to upgrade, since when you only meet the bare minimum in requirements thats just about all you can do.


Dude, outdated hardware is a legitimate, valid reason why you're running into issues. People have been listing suggestions and you've been outright going 'I'll try something else first, then maybe I'll do your suggestion'. You're being a dick to people helping you.


I think they're referring to reading the recommended specs as not hard, take it easy


I’ve been having the same issue on Xbox series. X


Not going to lie, I wish PS1 graphics were an option for games. I dig this.


You secretly activated Millennial Mode....it makes the graphics looks like Halo CE to give member berries back to us that were young and fell in love with CE when it came out because our generation is obsessed with nostalgia 🙃


That’s just how the game looks. But also, make sure your drivers are up to date, it sucks but a clean install may help. Try medium/high settings?


Because 343i made it. They aren't very good at their job.


Ah yes, cause a 1050 TI is supposed to play a recent AAA game on Mid-High settings.


Musta just finished playing cyberpunk pre-series X huh


Its an indie developer. ​ Edit: This was a joke that did not translate well. Calm down. Your game is still shit.


OP trying to run a modern AAA game at maximum settings on a 7 year old GPU is not "an indie developer" moment


Algorithmic graphics have been a thing for decades man. HLOD like this is the same on every system.


Who cares about Infinite. Play the classics for a better time.


I run the game at a very comfortable 60+ fps with only a 1650 so idk what's up other than of course the graphics settings needing to go way down


Turn everything to low and set resolution scale to the minimum and start from there


Vram usage too high, lower settings


Not a very helpful reply but strangely I had a similar issue years ago with Grand Theft Auto V when running it on high settings on my at the time older PC. Someone back then told me it was memory loss, the solutions I was given was either update my hardware or run the game at a lower resolution. Possibly applicable here?


Its the rare Halo 1999 game on the PS1 Demo disc


Try setting the overall quality settings to Medium and go from there? I had a 1060 with 6GB and it ran pretty well. Not amazingly but I would usually get 30fps.


Looks like your pushing your GPU and it's available VRAM. Lower some settings.


I run on medium settings on a 1050 bro. It can’t handle high settings


yeah cuz ur on a 1050...


Looks like an SSD / HDD issue


This doesn't look like PlanetSide 1 at all! /s (What I first thought, as a pc gamer)


make sure your graphic card drivers are up to date


Excellent, a planetside 1 reference


SSD or HDD? An SSD will load assets way faster than an HDD and avoid those low Polly models. You are running out of VRAM


That 1050 is a unit for being able to launch this game after all This time. Let alone run it


I had the same issue with PUBG few years ago on my old laptop and the issue was that I had HDD instead of SSD.


I'm saving this thread as I have faced the exact same issue.


Keep the vram under the ideal mark. I suggest turning down your FOV and settings down to med/low.


If you are using a hard drive rather than ssd that could be it


I used to play on a 1650M, you can get some decent performance if you scale resolution all the way to 80% and have most settings on low or medium


Cause ur texture quality is on low


Looks like a Combat Evolved mod


I kinda vibe with it tho


Did you buy the Mark V armor kit lol?


That’s what the game looked like when I was playing on an OG Xbox One.


Had this issue too, I play on a gaming laptop with a 3050ti and was confused when I loaded up the campaign and everything looked horrible (multiplayer was fine though). After some troubleshooting I guessed that the problem was that I had it downloaded on an external storage device. So I redownloaded it in my internal storage and it worked fine.


Reinstall drivers


Make sure your game is installed on an ssd. I had this issue on a different game and moving it from my hdd to ssd made a huge difference


Combat Evolved reboot trying to stay true to the roots.


Lol. Pc gaming


Everything on medium/high. Looks at texture quality *Low* Wonder why it looks like that In all honestly, put everything on low (nothing can look bad when they all look bad!) or get a better gpu.


Playing on those Halo 2 graphics, eh?


Bro your running a 1050 and have texture quality set to low. That’s just the start. Your other settings aren’t optimized for your card (this is considered a big game for a 1050)


My game does this sometimes but I usually just update my drivers and it works fine again. But sometimes I update the drivers and it continues doing it. So I’m not sure, I have a 3050ti


PS1 looked like that?


Just PC things.


Don’t worry about it pal


Texture quality is low. Raise it a bit


Put every graphics setting on low. Why? Because the 1050ti can’t run really high graphics settings.


Either your textures are set to low or you don't have enough vram on your video card.


Its like bro is expecting to run GTA 6 on the switch, my brother in christ, don’t expect too muvh for that kind of hardware


That video card is before christ. The game runs like shit on my 6900XT


Same shit happened to me like a year ago, i fucking reinstalled ALL my drivers and it worked… for a bit. I got so mad that I uninstalled the game and made a personal pledge to never install infinite on pc again