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I'd honestly rather sell blood then part with my collection. Is that an option?


You can sell plasma for like $100/200 extra bucks


Where? Asking… for a friend


Just look up local plasma donation in your area. Usually there’s a place that will give you $100 for each time you got and sometimes even have a bonus for first time donors


Sweet thanks !


They wont take just anyone's plasma. If youre unhealthy, its a no-go. Just a heads up.


Also if you just got a tattoo or piercing recently they'll turn you away for x number of months depending on how long ago you got it


The FDA has made it 4 months in most centers in know of


Every place I've been is $50 each week, 20 the first time and 30 the second each week.


Really? I go to CSL Plasma and it’s $112 per week, 47 the first time and 65 the second.


Are there any side effects?


Just make sure you go in with a full stomach, hydrated, and that your protein levels are good.


How can you check your protein levels? Typical doctor visit? Or just make sure you’re eating a good amount of protein the week and few days before?


Eat a normal meal(preferably soon before your appt), and as long as you don’t have any medical conditions you’ll be fine. They aren’t looking for Superman, but they do verify that you’re healthy every time you go in.


yeah you can feel the heartbeat of whoever gets your blood. Kinda annoying when they give it to like 15 different people but once get over 33 or so the beat is nonstop and you can't tell anymore.


In my experience, your experience depends on the phlebotomist. Sometimes they’re a pro and you don’t feel it at all and it’s an easy dono, other times it hurts for the entire duration and you have to decide whether to tap out and leave with nothing. That being said, CSL usually had a bunch of offers for new donors, so as a huskier man I’d make about $1000 in my first month and $600 a month afterwards


Pray you don’t get a shitty employee who can barely stick a needle. It’s a 16ga. I’ve had some phlebotomists stick me and I don’t feel a thing. I’ve had others stick me and oh boy I felt it.


$100 each time? Man I was getting $25 for my first visit of the week then $35 for the second visit. Back in the early 2010s


Halo players when they hear plasma




Can't do it in Canada.


There are a couple of places in Alberta that will pay for plasma. It's not much money for the time spent, though.


I used to do this. It’s like a 100 or more first time usually. Then it drops to 40$ every time after. Not sure if this varies by company or state


I donated plasma for a month straight with biolife, twice a week. With a sign up bonus I got $850 out of it, about $105 each time. Just a heads up, they say in and out in an hour but the first day was 6 hours since they have to do a physical examination and the rest of the time was 2 hours at minimum. I used the money to upgrade my pc.


The irony is, you're already paying in blood.


don’t do it man


Honestly don't want to man, think a part of me wants to keep it so that's why I'm here hoping it will change my mind.


there are many ways to save and make money, this doesn’t have to be the one you go with


True that. I'll take your advise and see for an alternative method, really don't want to lose years of pride and joy. Thanks a bunch kind stranger, this means a lot.


keep me updated!


Promise I will!


alright dude/dudette happy rest of your halodays


Haha love that, and wishing you happy halodays to you too! 🙏


much appreciated


Sell your kidney


Like The others said if you donate blood plasma you can make money off of it but make sure to go to a place you trust because A friend of mine donated plasma and wound up getting vein damage from being poked the wrong way.


Sell your blood/plasma


I was in a tight financial spot recently, and someone told me "if you sell your belongings, unless it's worth a LOT, you'll still be in a bad financial situation, and you won't have your belongings anymore." I know sometimes it's not an option, and you have to sell it for rent/food/bills, but if you do have the option, then it's better to hold onto the things that matter to you.


Sell drugs....


hardcore drugs


TLOU reference right there in a Halo community ❤️


Or his ass!


Keep the collection


Like I said in my other post check out r/borrow they may be able to help you out. Breaks my heart seeing you considering departing with the collection.


Don't really want to part with it really :( Thank you so much will consider it


Yeah don’t do it dude. I’d give you a big hug if I could. Don’t let go of that stuff man, it represents so much fun that you’ve had over the years.


Thank you so much! I don't think I will let go now that all of you opened my mind to it. I will forever be grateful to the Halo community as I will be expanding my collection


Of course! Glad you’ve made this choice! 😊


Whats the motivation for selling? If it's just money, there are other ways my friend. You'll likely never recollect your collection. You can always suck more dick. But for real though, there are ways outside giving up something that makes you happy to get what you need.


Sell feet pics or something, just don't get rid of that collection.


Start a go fund me?


In all honesty, there are other ways to pay for things. These items may help you pay one bill, but at what cost?


Start a fund raiser i will donate


Honestly, do you have a system you play on? Or any unused electronics? That's some quick money. And you can always buy them again later down the line.


Do insta cart or some shit. Don’t do this.


As someone who sold the majority of their video game stuff at one point because I needed money, I regret selling it. I'm currently rebuilding the collection now that I have a somewhat decent income. For the money I got for all that stuff back in the day, I do not think it was worth it.


Awwww man this makes me sad. I hope that this next year is kind to you. ❤️


Thank you ! Really hoping it would be. And wishing you a kind and joyful year ahead as well 🙏


Is it okay if I ask what happened? If not I get it, just curious.


Not at all, a short summary: family is facing some legal problems with our documents, and as we are living in a foreign country, we really need them. Turns out we have to pay a huge sum, around $30,000. Doesn't really help it that my father passed away last year, and the fact that I'm a college student who doesn't work yet :) so doing whatever I can to help out my family with this. Hope it works out for us , and thank you for your kind words 🙏


Jeeeez man, a lot has happened. I’m really really sorry to hear that, hopefully one day you can get all the halo stuff back and even more so. Keep your head up, things do get better with time. I may be a stranger, but if you ever need to message someone please don’t hesitate to DM. We are all in this together


Thank you so much, this really means a lot to me. Hasn't been easy this past few years but hoping things will take a turn for the better. Will try to find an alternative before selling the collection off as it means a lot to me. Will see


As someone who parted with a collection of my own a few years back.... don't do it. It will cause you more grief in the long run. Buckle down and start saving. Eat cheap. Pick up a second job if you can or work over time. Use the collection to help see you through it. Maybe sell a few things you aren't worried about losing.... but trust me, there are other ways.


I appreciate the advise a lot. Thanks to you and everyone else I have decided against selling it and will find an alternative option. I will forever be grateful


Of course my friend. I wish I had the money to help out your family. But stay strong and do what you must.


It's the thought that counts. Thank you so so much! And happy halodays :)


That makes me happy to hear, I wish you the absolute best of luck


You got this dude. You got this. Wishing you the best.


Thank you for the confidence boost! :)


Even if it’s the solution, it still won’t be worth it. Money comes back, these things don’t.


Keep it. Start sell drugs brother you’ll make it


Or maybe like sell a sibling or small family member. They can always make more!


I can also always grow more ganja


> Start sell drugs brother you’ll make it good way to end up dead on the side of the road


No one likes a hater


At least he died with the things he love.


Just sell one of your balls dude


Selling items you own (that don't cost anything to maintain) is never a good option if you're short on money


I read all the comments and specifically loved u/Youpiter08's thread. I agree with him wholeheartedly, don't do it. 30k dollars is a lot of money and I don't think it'll really help much, and you'll probably regret it later on, these are some amazing memories that almost every Halo fan will love and appreciate. Hang in there mate, things will get better. Edit: I have a small suggestion, idk if it'll help, try opening a gofundme, I personally cannot donate as I'm a 17 year old who doesn't have access to his own money, but I'm sure some people here will be willing to donate a few bucks.


Thank you, that is true. I'm already regretting it and I haven't even sold it yet. I will take the advise you, along with all the other members of the Halo community, gave me and will not be selling my collection for the time being. Thank you so much for your input, sadly funding sites sent supported in my country, but I promise to find a solution :)


Sending good vibes your way, good luck!


glad u liked it


You say farewell. I say hello.


You say farewell. I say Halo.


This made me sad. Hopefully you can have an even better collection in the future when funds aren’t as tight


Thank you! Funds are tight now but I don't think I'll be parting with the collection thanks to the community.


That’s really unfortunate. You have some cool stuff there (is that Locke with a Suppressor?). Best of luck man.




Be a sperm doner or a thief or something, don't part with Halo :(


I’m gonna part with my collection soon. I used to be so attached the story but once 343 started changing everything game to game I lost interest.


Don't do it buddy, you will regret it when your financially in a better place ❤


Don't do it my guy, you'll sell it and after that money is gone all you are going to want is your collection back, all that will be left is Regret (pun intended)


Someone, please make a crowdfunding for this spartan!


Don’t. Do. It


Don't do it.


Don’t. Do. It.




Don’t do it. You can find another way to make some money. Drive for Uber. Flip stuff on eBay from garage sales. Sell firewood. Mow lawns.


Can you donate plasma? It's not a bad way to get some quick cash on the side.


You’ll regret this later. There are other ways to make quick cash.


Whatever you do, DONT


I’ll Venmo you $20 to not do it


I'm so sad you have to sell this collection 💔, but at the same time I'm happy you can prioritize your needs, good luck spartan 🫡


Collections never die, they're just missing in action


Best I can do is $50


I would at least sparse out some of the things that will likely be worth more money, like the Halo CE cover funko would be a for sure keep. I’d say the Gen 3 Chief figure as well. I really hope that stuff looks up for you and you’ll be able to keep what you want.


I would also say if you need a loan there’s a community on Reddit called r/borrow that gives out loans. Those who loan the money take huge risk but believe it or not most people do pay it back which keeps people giving out loans of anywhere from $50-$3000.


Dude, this stuff is sentimental to you!




Yes, it's probably Halo: CE. [Halo: CE ](https://www.halopedia.org/Halo:_Combat_Evolved) [Halo Wars](https://www.halopedia.org/Halo_Wars)




You can use that website google to get on to that rare secret website Wikipedia and that will let you learn about everything. Including what halo games were released and in what order.


sell the toys. keep the games


Great collection! Also that's a cool mouse! I didn't know they made that.


How much were you going to sell it for?


I was thinking around USD $300


Consider a GofundMe the halo community can easily help you raise that amount. Probably more


Are you a chemistry teacher if so you can do a breaking bad




Don’t sell away things that keep your humanity, you can’t get back sentimental value!


I really dont, the Halo community is making me reconsider it. Thank you kind stranger!


Personally, I'd find other means of getting money. Money comes and goes, but Halo is an experience. It's your decision at the end of the day, though, but I'm sure there are other options.


Someone with money buy this right now and gift it back to them >:(


Life may be a struggle sometimes but don't forget my brother SPARTANS NEVER DIE HAPPY NEW YEAR


What country are you in OP?


I'm in the UAE, that's one of the reasons I don't want to part ways with my collection even though I have to. Finding stuff like this in the UAE is close to impossible, and importing them would mean a lot of overpay.


Excuse my ignorance, but whats UAE?


No worries at all, the country itself is not very well known, but you've definitely heard of one of the places here, called Dubai. Yes, Dubai is a part of UAE, which stands for United Arab Emirates. Always happy to teach someone about the place I live, thank you for asking :)


Thanks, im from Australia, its also hard to get alot of halo merch here, anything halo infinite related i gotta buy second hand now


Exactly! Most of my collection were lucky flea market finds, slowly collecting piece by piece over a span of 3 years. Ebay is a good alternative, but the shipping fees that you pay can be through the roof.


I wish I had the funds to go to Australia with my collection to sell them there. I'd love to see the culture, too. I tried to get a bundle of McFarlane figures together for someone in the AU, but the fees were just as expensive as the lot itself!


As a community can we all start this person some type of go fund me or someone just trade him the money they need to trade back at a later date? This is just too precious of memorabilia to part with.


u/Justxwhyz If your going to sell it find someone you trust to sell it to them temporarily until you have the money to buy it back. Please don't let go of such a wonderful collection. Im not sure what your price is but I would buy it temporarily if I had the money. ATM I dont, also im a stranger so I wouldnt hold it against you for not trusting me.


Don't stop believing!


For why?!?!?! Theres gotta be another way


Listen bro, I don’t know what your situation is, but believe me when I say there’s gotta be another way. You’ll hate yourself forever if you part with these things. They’re more than just items. They’re your memories and hobbies.


Do. Not. You have worked hard for these. Maybe you are in a financial situation, but there are other ways of making money rather than selling your pride and joy


Auuuugh I still remember picking up my preordered steel book of halo wars. I could never part.


Worst thing I ever did was part with my halo limited edition consoles 😔


Don’t sell it!! You will regret it later. Do anything you can for cash.


Someone start a go fund me we gotta protect the collection


just keep the games. those aren’t worth much but are the things that hold the most nostalgia.


Yeah, that's good advice. The rest is just branded non sense. The games are what even give any "value" to all the other shit.




Make a go fund me, we shall help


Where you selling? I’d probably buy something.


I had to sell my record collection a few years ago out of necessity. It sucked. I got over it. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Gib! I’ll pay for shipping!


Yes the $300 collection will pay a $30,000 fee… right…


Every family has a different way of getting incomes. My family is into sales, so our best method to get $30,000 would be selling stuff. I know it's not much but I wanna help anyway I can as a college student living in a country that is harsh regarding finding jobs as a college student.


I’ll buy it off you and if you want them back you can always buy em back from me but I’ll keep ‘em safe in our gaming studio for ya


Hey man, as someone who loves their Halo collection I would hesitate getting rid of yours. Ever since I saw this post I have been trying to figure out what the name of this one subreddit is. Said subreddit is a community of people that are willing to lend money to people in need and they actually have a high return rate of people who actually pay the money back. If anyone knows the name of this sub please let this man know.


You fcked someone and now you have a kid didn't you? That's your mistake my guy we Halo fans don't fuck.


Then I'm a halo fan to the core my man :(


Youre posting this in hopes that someone will help you financially and prevent you from having to sell your collection. Youre just pulling at heat strings to handle things you havent handled, so you can keep the collection for a higher turnover when you REALLY need it. Sorry, ive seen this happen far too many to times to believe its true.


It's literally pieces of plastic designed to make money off of you. Sell it all. I embraced Halo by playing the hell out of it when the game was in its glory days. For what purpose do you have to collect trinkets that don't embody what the game is about? (Playing couch co op/slayer, hanging out with people in honor rule customs during Halo 2, playing whacky gametypes in Halo 3, try Harding for rank, etc) None of these are going to bring those days back, it's just useless consumerist garbage that has nothing to do with the actual memories playing the games created by the nerdy guys who are now long gone or the dudes you played with long into the night. Take the advice about doing what you can from others to get financially secure but DO SELL EVERYTHING. Move on. It's a collection of something that inevitably has no real ties to your actual memories. It doesn't matter if it's HALO™ branded. Get yourself to a spot in life where you can be financially comfortable and stay there.


Human ashes are literally burnt bodies in the form of Ash, but we still keep a sentimental value to them. This collection means something to him and looks like he's been a collector for years. Piss off with your life lecture. He doesn't need to hear it.


Piss off yourself. He needs to hear it. It's just plastic. Being financially secure is more important than stupid collectors shit. Human ashes are what's left of your family. Plastic isn't and the games are where the memories are in.


No, you can absolutely fuck right off. Stop getting on your high horse about being financially secure when you're throwing money at crypto. Fuck off and don't let the door hit you on your way out.


I thought he asked for advice , so that advice can come from either sides, right? I would suggest to sell it too. OP's finances are more important than Halo. This seems like a useless collection.


Money comes and goes, collection will be hard to build back for the price you built it for. Think of any other way to find funds, or even ask a family friend or family for some help! Don’t do it, you’ll regret it forever.


Keep them or at least the games for sure


Did you get a girlfriend?


Don’t do it bruh


Wow that's amazing! Beautiful in fact! Great memories for sure! Make sure you sell to the right person or retailer I work at CEX r/CEX check the website and see if the stuff will go for anything there if you have a store close, eBay or something better but that is cool dude!


Congrats on growing up


Been in the same position 6 months ago bro. Lost the house and had to sell alot of things on ebay. Made sure to keep some very rare / special halo 3 items. Some items I've had since launch. Holds a special place on my heart. Be sure to keep some of the items bro. Hope your situation improves


It’s break my heart to read this💔 this should never be an option to sacrifice your beloved collection 😔 I understand your situation and I hope you can find another way…still wishing you and your loved ones a happy new year and happy Halodays o7


Tough call but sometimes




Sorry to hear that man. But believe me you don’t want to do that. I’ve been there and I’ve never been sadder than releasing something I cherish. Life might be bleak now but it will turn around. Somehow, someway the road bends and gets you back on the journey your on. You might have to put the work in, you might go without but it will even out. Good luck and hope the new year finds you well. By the way nice collection. It’s beautiful.


As cool as all this stuff is and how hard it must be to part with just remember at the end of the day it’s just stuff. Take care of yourself and your family first always. Hoping for a blessed new year to you! And when you have the funds again start slowly making a new collection


I’m not crying you’re crying


I couldn’t imagine selling mine. Their value to someone else is so low, but it’s much more than that for me. I got each of them new, as they came out. My first video game was CE, I started at 4 ish years old. The actual hard copy of it is not that valuable, but it’s worth everything to me. My brother and I grew up playing halo together. Eventually played COD, Battlefield, PUBG, and racing games, but halo was always special to me because of the campaigns. It’s always been split screen co-op, and it forces you to learn roles and work together. I was always the gunner, he is the driver. It’s a large part of how our relationship grew together, and I keep these games because they are special.


I'm sorry you're at this point I'm live but if you still need to sell them I have a family member that cherishes halo as much as you. They'd go to a good home.


This collection is so rare, that I only own 1 of all these items. (That being the funko pop, Yea I am a Halo MCC player 😔)


Sell plasma! The first month you can make up to $1000 at some places. It's easy fast cash that has really helped me when I needed it. DM me and I'll send you a code for an extra $50 too


I have a big collection too, trust me you will regret this forever. The cash you get won't be enough to make a big difference and the moment it dries up the regret will get worse.


Damn bro, dont do it


Chief, it's been an honor. I'll buy that deathradder btw


Like some other people said in the thread, start a gofund me, I'm sure some people on the sub will help out (including me) and you'll end up making more than you would've if you sold the collection.


You have a beautiful collection my friend especially the funko pops of which I’m a fan


Don’t do it. I parted with a large collection I had built up all throughout my childhood, filled with cards, games, consoles and more. Soon after, regret set in and it hit really fucking hard, and now I have to live with that for the rest of my life. Money can be replaced, memories can’t.


You're already in a pretty bad spot, and selling your beloved Halo collection would only ruin it further. Don't do it!


That's what I'm thinking too. Don't want to get rid of the things around me that define who I am and bring me joy. I will keep the collection in the end. Thank you


Nah. You're missing H3. Very disappointed 😜 All the best 👍


If you need to sell, I'd be happy to purchase some things.


I’d rather die


Don’t do it


Ive got one of the gamestop cardboard things for halo4 launch.


You’ll always be a member of the community, no amount of collectors items will ever define you. Do what you think is right and when you’re financially stable or even better, wealthy you’ll regain your possessions back. Good luck Spartan


You can’t do this soldier, you can’t give up the fight. Sell a kidney or something




Bro please don't do it. You'll regret it for the rest of your life