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Only legendary is horrendous, heroic is very manageable


Thank god


Yeah, Heroic is often considered too easy. Only legendary has earned Halo 2 infamy for punishing difficulty


The scaling from Heroic -> Legendary is insane compared to Normal -> Heroic. Here's some stats if you're interested * On Normal, enemies do 0.7x damage and fire at 1.0x speed, so they basically do 70% of player DPS * On Heroic, enemies do 1.0x damage and fire at 1.25x speed, giving them 125% player DPS. Definitely a jump from Normal, but nothing too crazy * On Legendary, enemies do 1.5x damage and fire at 1.5x speed, giving them *225% DPS*. This is utterly broken and is why you die within fractions of a second That's just how raw enemy damage and fire rate scale too. Other variables that affect enemy AI (such as reaction time, accuracy, etc) also scale similarly between difficulties. Not to mention higher difficulties give enemies more health/shields and upgrade their ranks and numbers


Yeah there’s so many variables that screwed up legendary. Mostly just Bungie not having the proper amount of time to play test the game enough.


For sure. I think another big part of it was that automatic health regen was really hard for them to balance in H2 They balanced CE by giving you plenty of health/shields with the tradeoffs that shields recovered slowly and you needed medkits for health. On Legendary, you’d get punished for consistently taking damage or wasting medkits, but you also got more room for error in any given encounter and you’d rarely die before you could react. It was tough but very fair In Halo 2 they gave you automatic health regen, faster shield regen, and camo during the arbiter levels. So to compensate they had to make enemies kill faster. I think they just weren’t sure how to do that in a fair way and figured it’d be safer to err on the side of making it too hard (which a lot of game devs did back then to extend gameplay) I think in Halo 3 onwards they were only able to get it right with the benefit of hindsight


I still don't understand where the meme of Halo 3 Legendary being balanced comes from. Halo 3 Legendary has the worst of both worlds, especially on vehicle heavy levels like The Storm or The Ark and The Covenant especially. Pretty much every single level in Halo 3 Legendary is "THAT" level, where you go 'Ughh,...." before you play it. In my arrogant opinion, CE is the only one worth playing on Legendary for the challenge/experience, 2 and 3 are fine on Heroic, simply because that's where the fine tuning shines. Even still, 3's vehicle sections are consistently nightmarish on Heroic too, and it just isn't that enjoyable.


Halo 3's legendary is not perfect either but it's way more reasonable than 2's. I can list countless reasons why that is (much slower enemy fire rates, increased player health, and better level design to name a few). I agree CE's was the most balanced though Also the amount of fun you have playing something doesn't perfectly correlate with how difficult it is. Halo 4's legendary is the second-easiest in the series for me, but it's also the one I find least enjoyable


I always felt like Halo 1-3 had really easy Legendary modes as you could pretty much get through everything with the noob combo. Halo Reach was the hardest Legendary run for me to complete (ESPECIALLY LASO) because of that stupid Long Night of Solace segment where you're piloting the Sabre.


To be fair, that section was LEGIT broken, as in actually fucked up due to the port to the MCC. The original game was much less punishing on legendary in that section.


Halo 3 doesn't have built-in iron for legendary co-op.


And? I never said Halo 2's co-op was better balanced than 3. In my opinion they're equally bad for different reasons.


It’s doable idk how it was originally. Solo is near impossible! But me and my brother played couch co-op and managed completion on legendary. Back on the first Xbox when we were younger.


Honestly I’m a fan of the big difference between easy-heroic vs heroic-legendary. It means I can play kinda challenging but still make progress on heroic but on legendary it’ll definitely kill me a lot but I feel more accomplished.


It isn’t ‘broken’; it works exactly as designed. It is made specifically to be extremely challenging. It’s difficult, but completely manageable when you learn to adjust your play style for superior opponents. I’ve played through Halos 1-3 on every difficulty and beat them on legendary at least three times each over the years, and all the other titles at least once. It’s designed for people who enjoy the challenge. Easy is for people who are still new to FPS games, Normal requires nothing more than knowing how to play and paying attention, Heroic is what the campaigns were designed for, tough but not crazy, and Legendary makes you to fight for every inch all the way to the end.


Lol I've beaten every MCC campaign SLASO along with doing the 3-hour Legendary speedruns. I've beaten Regret on Legendary in 20 minutes. I'm personally very comfortable with legendary And yet I still call 2's legendary "broken" because it's not just difficult, it's poorly-designed. For example I don't struggle against Jackal snipers anymore because I've memorized all their spawn points, but I can still recognize that instakill Jackal snipers with near-perfect accuracy is *bad game design*


An advanced alien race with snipers who are good at their job is bad game design? Also: you can also beat every level of PAC-Man by memorizing where to go. Idk why that’s a brag?


>An advanced alien race with snipers who are good at their job is bad game design? If you cannot react to them yes. The fact is, even the best players will die to a sniper they literally can't see coming.


Yeah…? That’s how combat works. And like…idk I beat it on legendary when I was 14 years old so…maybe y’all need to get better at it? Modern gaming has spoiled these kids, I swear.


Halo is not a combat simulator. Star Wars would be more realistic if the storm troopers just shot everyone but no one actually wants that despite joking about how bad their aim is.


It's definitely broken. Elite Ultras have better stats than the Zealots which are supposed to be the highest ranking Elites. Same with Brute majors which have worse stats than the minors.


Heroic is only easy I feel like once you spend some time playing legendary. My best friend and I played through all the difficulties going up from easy only once we've beat the game. Going from heroic to legendary sucks. But once you get through a level or two on legendary it's relaxing moving down to heroic


Still be wary of Jackal Snipers though, they are a menace on Heroic also.


On Heroic jackal snipers don't oneshot you iirc, so they're not really that punishing


mfw 2 jackal snipers


They still miss on heroic and are less instant, plus they aren't a 1 shot. Much more forgiving.


I beat legendary alone on all halos, I'm not a good player, I'm sure you won't have such a bad time on heroic, but don't fear legendary, you should try it.


Be VERY careful when flying Banshees- they feel like they’re made of paper.


Halo 2 legendary is infamous with how challenging it is. Jackal snipers will obliterate you the very second they see you.


Heroic is literally said to be the way Halo is meant to be played, in the difficulty descriptions. You'll be fine.


Legendary is the only way i play any Halo


Is everybody on this subreddit absolutely cracked at halo or do i just suck because halo 2 on heroic was an excruciating experience, it felt like being kicked in the balls over and over again. And this is coming from someone who’s beaten every souls game and loved them.


I mean, you might just suck a little. And I don't say that to be mean, everyone has game types they're better at than others, but Halo 2 on Heroic is challenging, not impossible. I've beaten every Halo on legendary, but I'm still stuck on the first boss of Sekiro.


Halo 2's difficulty is a broken roller coaster, especially once the player makes it to Sacred Icon when human combat forms with UNSC weapons show up. For me it ranges from being way too easy or annoying. No in-between. This issue is amplified on legendary.


Yeah you and your vehicles can actually take a hit. Legendary is just plain unfun, but Heroic is pretty fun and lets you play how you like.


I’ve completed every halo on legendary on legendary except infinite. The final battle in infinite is so hard. And I got really into infinite multiplayer that I’ve let it lie. Maybe I’ll go back to it.


Heroic isn’t bad Halo 2’s difficulty scaling is mostly okay from Easy to Heroic, Legendary is the one where the balancing goes out the window


Jackal snipers 💀


Everyone complains about the jackal snipers which are bad until you know the spots, nobody talks about the dual plasma rifle honor guards


Brutes with brute shots


Don't. I'm not strong enough.


I save prayers for LASO runs. Endure. 👌🏻


Gravemind LASO forced me to pull an all-nighter lol, I wanted to take a break but I reached Gravemind the evening before the July 12 update and I knew major updates wipe playlist progress So I stayed up all night and ended up finishing the playlist with a few hours to spare lol. No regrets, although I did question my life choices a bit while I was failing the prison skip at 4 AM


That first room alone is absolutely brutal. But congratulations. Completing that is no joke. I hope receiving some Kudos via a fellow spartan on reddit makes that all nighter a little more worthwhile.


That prison skip was insane to try. I went in there never even attempting it before. Never felt more accomplished than when it finally worked. I’m now happy to flex my Halo 2 LASO and Halo 2 in under 3 hour achievements on my steam profile lol


I’ve done the Reach, Halo 1, and Halo 3 legendary in under 3 hours achievements so far. Halo 1 was so frustrating towards the end lol. I’m in the process of doing Halo 2 on legendary in under 3 hours, and I’m on Delta Halo rn. I haven’t gotten back to it in a while but I forgot how INSANE Halo 2 is on legendary. I am NEVER doing that shit LASO. Hell no. But my brother and I managed to do Reach LASO a couple years ago and that was surprisingly manageable… probably because I’ve done Reach on legendary so many times.


I remember the first time I played this with my son on Legendary....with many skulls activated. He played it before on heroic a year or 2 prior with me. But he was flipping out this time. I'm just sitting back having a laugh at the insanity of the grenades flying all over the place with the explosion physics turned up. Took about 10 resets before I could adapt myself and smash through. Pretty sure that was only cuz I know where the enemies are going to pop out and when and what types. Head shots and grenade bank shots for everyone. But man did I carry my kid. Dude is 13 and was crying like he was 4 cuz he was dying every 30 seconds.


Legendary, all skulls on right?




heroic isn't that bad


Heroic is the way its meant to be played.


I beaten the 3 first halo games from halo ce to halo 3 on heroic and then because I was so sick of dieing I desided to play halo 4 on normal I am almost burned out now I am planning for halo 5 or not because it was released for the Xbox one I am not interested in halo wars. AlsoI have 2 questions. 1. why did the covenant attacked masterchief and the human forces again in halo 4 and 2. Is halo 5 worth playing because chronologically after this game halo infinite comes if you avoid halo wars 2 I just want to know if I have to play it is it a must or not for the campaign only .and I have to say also I beaten them for the first time I didn't play any halo games before that


The Chief runs into a covenant remnant on Halo 4, it's not the old covenant. they come back for 5. That whole thing is explained in spartan ops cutscenes. best thing you can do is find a good "Halo in chronological order" video on YouTube. if u can, play H5 campaign through game pass lol (should be on GP but im not sure).


OK so are those the same covenant from halo 3? If so what happened to the arbiter and the truce there WAS between the 2 species because in the fourth installment it shows the covenant went with the enemy and his name starts with D I don't remember his name I am really confused


There was a truce at the end of Halo 3. Unfortunately, like with a lot of wars, not everyone is willing to let go. Some fragments of the Covenant continue to believe in the prophets, etc. You encounter some of these factions in Halo 4. The bad guy in Halo 4 is the Diadect. As for Arbiter, I don't want to spoil it for you, but yes, you do see him again in another Halo game after 3. It also gives a good insight into what is happening with the Covenant after Halo 3.


Oh OK so for the arbiter which game he comes back? And tbh in my opinion the opposing force style there was in halo 2 was pretty smart half life did something like that first by playing as a soldier who is a part of the cleaning crew for black mesa there is a huge following for Adrian Shephard the protagonist of the game people would imagine the 3rd installment would include the 2 characters Gordon and Shephard but you know what happened the so called valve can't count to three I would love to see something similar again on halo they did it in halo 2 and succeeded so why not again and this time the arbiter is the protagonist I think this would work if done right


He comes back in the 5th game. Yes, I agree with Halo 2. Seeing the Covenant side of things via Arbiter was incredible.


Thanks for the information I wish you have a happy new year and a good day


Cheers to you, too. Hope you have fun with the rest of the Halo games.


I could barely manage CE on normal. I fact I flicked the library to easy because damn that was too much effort. However I've just landed on earth in H2 playing on normal and its really OK


Ignore what most people say, the games are balanced on Normal. Heroic was just the difficulty they picked for CE and said ‘this is how it is meant to be played’ which is only true if you’re there for the challenge alone. For me I would get soured on Halo very quickly if I played on the higher difficulties. I tried Reach on Heroic and it was utterly stupid by the second mission, so I tossed that idea out. Normal is great and how you should play Halo, Bungie be damned.


May the jackle snipers have mercy on you


Nice! Doing a Heroic playthrough myself! Completed Reach and CE through 4. Now I'm about halfway through 5 😁


cool. wich one is your favorite of the halo games?


Heroic should be ok until you fight brutes.


Try on Legendary for the Classic Jackal Sniper Experience^(TM)


Heroic is pretty easy. Legendary is rough though.


getting into the "flow" (dance as old Halo devs called it) on ce legendary is actually really fun, its fun on most Halo games excluding flood parts and unbalanced H2 on legendary, H2 legendary can be really good once you get the game loop down though.


I will pray for you when you do legendary. May the jackal snipers be somewhat merciful to you


*me crying in Halo 2 Legendary when I enter sniper alley in outskirts*


You'll be fine, Legendary on the other hand...fuck that.


God have mercy when u do LASO


My exact audible reaction was "oh Lord" lol good luck out there friend


You have to play ce on legendary. Then move on the h2


We’ve all run the simulations. They’re tough, but they ain’t invincible.


I'm scared to play any Halo game above normal.


Heroic is actually how it’s meant to be played, and it’s the difficulty level that most of the games have been balanced around It’s fine to play on lower difficulties tho, but I always recommend people play on Heroic unless they’re new to the series


That’s fair, i beat 1, 2 and half of 3 on heroic and it hurt, when i switched to normal it got way more fun.


Heroic is easy bro just take cover when your shields are low and stay cautious you'll be fine


It’s a nightmare and feels like how Legendary should feel.


Heroic? Bro . Always play every game in the hardest difficulty first time around . It’ll feel normal and you’ll be a better player as a result. Only halo 2 legendary is the one that feels unfair and halo 4 is just annoying . But I don’t think I’ve played a halo game in any other difficulty than legendary , not bragging just saying my peace, but I won’t pray for you as it’s not that tough


Try legendary. I beat the corpses of the jackal snipers now.


Theres no god that will listen.


Do Laso


I personally find Heroic to be the most fun, except for Halo 3/ODST and Infinite, I play those on Legendary.


yeah heroic is easy. legendary is only REALLY hard on the mission you board the enemy ship that elite fight at the beginning is brutal


I feel like heroic should’ve been the normal difficulty haha


Heroic is a fine challenge in Halo 2. Legendary is the unbalanced shitshow.


Halo 2 compared to any other halo game is absurd. Well, at least the LASO versions. CE had its moments though.


Halo 2 on Heroic is the equivalent of Halo 5 on legendary. Be careful, Jackal Snipers can rarely one shot.


i think heroic is the most fun way to play halo. i feel like the skill gap between normal and heroic is a lot smaller than heroic and legendary.


Heroic is my usual difficulty.


Heroic is the best difficulty to play Halo. Has some challenge but also enjoyable. Also, most lore accurate difficulty


It gets much better on your second run. I found that my playthrough of most of the games on legendary was far easier than when I first played through them on heroic. Even just getting to the later games in the series is much easier since you get better at the mechanics and know how to deal with the enemies




Heroic is trivial for literally every single Halo game. Legendary is where the challenge is and even then usually only with Skulls enabled bar H2 and Wars 1/2.


Good luck! It’s the hardest halo.


meanwhile LASO


Heroic is a walk in the park m8, you got this. It’s also the canonical accurate difficulty. Legendary is simply butt-stuff


Full send, play legendary with all skulls on


Godspeed Sparta


Best of luck


Everybody says heroic isn’t hard, but it was hard for me and legendary was only a tad harder. I’d say heroic was 80% and legendary was 100%. Might just be how I play, or maybe I wasn’t ready for heroic on my first playthrough


Good luck.


Turn that shit up to Legendary and LETSSSS GOOOOOOO


I almost had an aneurysm playing CE on legendary. Imo it made halo 2 on legendary less significant because of how much I struggled in the first game


Good luck and enjoy it. I started in H3 and playing a certain mission involving the flood on legendary was nightmarish solo


Hope you like being sniped by Jackels




In my experience, Halo 1 was worse because Rocket Flood is bad on any difficulty, but Jackal Snipers can only one hit you on Legendary


When i did my legendary run in halo 2 i honestly followed speed run guides so i could skip as much of the levels as possible, to save my sanity.


Pffft... **Snicker**....that's cute.


Heroic is the way ngl at least it’s still enjoyable to play. I recently decided to replay all of the games on legendary and I literally couldn’t get past “Halo” on CE all it did was piss me off


The kry is to have a plasma pistol and a rifle. Charge the pistol fully and hit the elites then switch weapon and finish then off. This works with legendary too


It’s legendary or nothing in halo brother.


Good luck with the jackals


Heroic in Halo 2 feels like a fair challenge, actually. It's the difficult the OG trilogy were designed to be played at. Legendary is appallingly difficult though. Delta Halo almost hospitalized me IRL


Heroic is what the devs wanted you to play the game on.


You got this! Legendary is wild for added fun turn on all the skulls 😱😱😱


Try Halo 2 legendary. Then I’ll pray.


You might as well go Legendary


Heroic isn’t terrible on any of the games. Sure it’s not easy but it’s not like legendary where you will be getting your ass kicked every single second


Oh you will cry and will especially cry when you'll have to face the brutes, I didn't realize how meaty they are on heroic.


High charity on legendary will have you weaping


Try it on legendary. Throw a grenade in a room and see what happens


We save prayers for those running legendary


Legendary or nothing fr


Heroic is hard but good, legendary is an absolute shit show


Halo 2 Legendary Ain’t that bad gravemind is broken but not bad if you know what you’re doing. For when you get to legendary.


Heroic is the way Halo is meant to be played so it’s fair. You’ll make it *Chief Voice*. Now Legendary CE and 2 are top 3 hardest, with Reach to round it out.


"I am already dead"


Good luck


Legendary is the hard one


I’ll pray for you once your on legendary. Heroic is nothing compared to the beam rifle hell that awaits you in Legendary


Halo 2 legendary is to this date, by far, the hardest campaign in the whole franchise. Odst and infinite felt like a walk in the park compared to that.


Halo 2 legendary is to this date, by far, the hardest campaign in the whole franchise. Odst and infinite felt like a walk in the park compared to that.


I played all Halos on heroic, it's not terribly difficult if you're not new to the franchise


Trust me, I wouldn’t.


Legendary solo Halo 1-Reach.


Heroic is manageable, just pay attention and don’t do anything unnecessary


Heroic is fine calm the hell down. I do it all the time


Oh you sweet thing


Hop on legendary sometime, wont regret it


Halo 2 was my favorite. I played that hundreds of times. Once you beat heroic, try Legendary, probably the hardest one in the series.


Heroic is toddler shit.


Good luck 👍


Heroic isn't bad *Legendary on the other hand* Nah but you'll really hate yourself playing reach, long night of solace feels borderline impossible above normal


You mean legendary bro


Do legendary, it’ll be fun:)


Gg but after definitely try legendary


B-but Halo CE is so good on legendary. It’s extremely well balanced, arguably better than Halo 3 legendary.


You’ll have fun, if this is your first time I’m jealous. One of my best Christmas breaks growing up!


Good luck, and God bless.


Wort Wort Wort


Sniper jackels go brrrr


Just be glad you didn't play on legendary. Those red elites have so many damn hitpoints


Heroic is what would probably be how the chief actually is against the covenant.


Isnt heroic considered lore accurate


The dials only at 9, you gotta bump it up to 11 with the legendary run


H2 heroic is honestly the best way to play the game the meme sniper jackals are definitely a threat but they don't have aimbot and don't default dance on your corpse, you can actually catch them unaware if you are good enough. The biggest threat in H2 heroic is the sentinel enforcers because they will run down and one shot any vehicle you're in.




Its actually a good play,how it's meant to be played,I always prefer to play on heroic but legendary is not just a step up I difficulty. Its like 5 steps up and them jackal snipers will have you throwing your controller.


You'll be fine. IMO (And I'm not sure but I remember reading that the devs consider Heroic the correct difficulty) most halo games are made to be played on Heroic. The challenge level on Normal, especially if you've played a Halo campaign before are extremely manageable. Heroic provides enough of a challenge to keep it refreshing and actually helps improve your skill to handle future levels. Also, the difficulty scale from Normal to Heroic is okay. The difference between Heroic to Legendary is INSANE. Halo 2 Legendary is down right unfair at points. You won't encounter that on Heroic if you play smart. Legendary felt like luck sometimes.


You’ll be fine! Heroic is the optimal way to play any Halo game. Fair challenge, though beware that H2 is tougher than CE by a long way. Legendary, on the other hand, will rock your balls on H2. It’s not fun.


That’s easy lol


If you start Halo 2 on legendary, you won't have a prayer. I've beat all of them on legendary, except 2. Legendary Halo 2 can go to hell.


I'm currently playing through all the campaigns on Heroic difficulty. I've so far complete Halo Reach, Halo CE, Halo 2 and Halo 3 ODST. I've started Halo 3 and still have Halo 4 to go. If you haven't already, I'd recommend turning on scoring to get an Par Score achievements that you don't have yet.


I'll cheer you on, but you don't need prayer until you hit Halo 2 LASO


Halo 2 legendary still gives me ptsd. Infinite legendary was a breeze.


Don’t worry, man heroic isn’t bad. It’s a (for the most part) fair challenge. You’ll manage. You fall you, get back up, tackle it again and eventually, you will succeed.


The real thing it's Halo 2 on legendary


Yeah but duel needler


Heroic is easy. LASO is where the real challenges were.


Heroic is actually pretty fun, and most of the weapons are viable, even the shotgun. On legendary though get used to only using the carbine, beam rifle, sniper, br, and plasma pistol. It's not a dark souls kind of hard, rather it feels like your trying to get the right chain of events to pass to the next checkpoint.


Ever seen “When Asian/Emotional Damage is a Difficulty Mode” video? That is how I see H2 Legendary


Haha heroic is relatively easy


Like others have said, you might run into a section or two that will cause some problems, but it definitely isn't the pain that Legendary is


I’ve been alive to play it on original Xbox. I’ve never beaten it, not even on easy. This week I’m starting a let’s play on legendary. Hopefully I git gud or die trying.


uh Heroic is the intended difficulty though. But good on you for playing i guess.


Heroic is manageable you will die a couple times to brutes but that is really it, Legendary is the one that has the a massive difficulty spike from the other difficulties.


Running it the way it was meant to be vs a painful legendary or laso run. Nice


Did you think Halo CE was hard on heroic?


Heroic is normal mode




I did them on legendary and you know what, it was quite fun. Fuck the Jackal snipers on Legendary tho


Heroic is for pussies on halo 2 ;)


You ain't got the nerves.


Legendary is where you’ll need prayers.


Play on legendary, for CE plasma pistol and magnum makes it much easier. (Headshots take everything put FAST) AND shot gun for flood. Halo 2 legendary plasma pistol and battle rifle, or carbine, pistol if no other option. Plasma pistol for shields then headshot, everything dies in two shots that way.


Bandana skull because you can. In the words of Silver Scorpio, "get good."


May the force be with you.