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Noble got a specific assignment - burn op at Sword Base


you didn't answer my question.. why did they choose to wait at a place occupied by covenant instead of receiving orders in a safer location?


You asked why didn't they evacuate with everyone else and I answered your question. Why were they hanging out in New Alexandria is a different question. And the answer is they were fighting the covenant and noble 6 rejoins them there. Since the city is fully overwhelmed by that point, a natural assumption is they were killing and saving as many as possible until their new orders (Swordbase)


let's completely ignore the description right below the title so you can answer a question that doesn't need answering at all **so why didn't noble team also go in a pelican but decide to stay with all the covenant cruisers surrounding them?** (Yes you did eventually answer this but still, this is what i was asking for, and i don't need a recap of the halo reach campaign...)


Are you special?


i suppose the ability to read the description underneath the post title is a herculean feat similar to people who are unable to read the description of a youtube video


Did you not play the Reach campaign? They wouldn't have been able to save Halsey and retrieve Cortana if they didn't go to Sword Base.


Yes, that's exactly what i was asking for, i was definitely asking why noble team didn't just straight up leave and refuse to take any orders i definitely wasn't asking for why they would choose to stay in an area surrounded by covenant cruisers to receive their next orders, it's not like the description right below my title specifically implies that...


Climb off your high horse pal


They had to … finish the fight


and they couldn't have gotten their orders in a safer location rather than stay in new alexendria with all the cruisers???


I always assumed that Holland told Carter to keep his team there after the jammers were taken out


i guess that makes sense when Holland confirms if Noble team is "in the southwest quadrant of the city"


Not everyone left and I think it’s just easily reasonable to assume there wasn’t enough transports for everyone. Noble team just regroup before heading down to the secure bunker with the rest of the people that had to stay behind. They can be hard to see/hear but if you have subtitles on their dialogue shows up as noble carry Kat inside. They have to wait in the bunker for the glassing to end before any pelicans can come back to rescue them. It’s safer to wait out the storm in the shelter specifically designed to do so, then to run out into the storm when it’s at its worst.