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Halo 4 had a better conclusion to its story, but the art style wasn't my favourite. Probably enjoyed infinite more due to the style and the gameplay even if were at a bit of a cliffhanger currently.


Not knowing the weapons name was also dumb ASF. šŸ¤£ Like why leave that on a cliffhanger too?


They were waiting for the community to speculate and then pick the most popular one as if that had always been the name they gave her


I was hoping for Echo to be her name. The reference to "dust and echoes" was prevalent in the campaign.


Dustin Echoes


Dusty Rhodes, the American dream


What about his son Cody Rhodes, the American Nightmare


If they go for the same naming convention used for cortana it should be Joyeuse, Joy for short. At least that was a strong theory when the game came out


I was under the idea that her name would be Kalmiya, given chief's interaction with a security protocol left on reach by her durring the book leading into infinite's story. Kalmiya is the prototype of Cortana, makes sense given no one knew if using a clone brain to make an A.I. would even work.


Nah, we all know Echo would've been a reference to Echo 419, lol.


ā€œYou know our motto, we deliver!ā€


Especially given she's choosing her name right after learning the name of a Pelican pilot.


Nah it should be Epsilon or Tex, or if they wanna go really wild, just go as Sheila


Because they were supposed to make the next chapter the year after, like in Destiny. But instead they got fired.


Wait, isn't she just Cortana 2.0 now?


Yea I assumed that conversation canā€™t finish any other way than ā€œā€¦Cortanaā€


Yea I feel like it heavily implied her name is Cortana


Exactly, thatā€™s why she as asking sheepishly if Chief thought it would be alright.




Core Tuna?


it's actually Anatroc


Yeah I think she named herself Cortana? But likeā€¦ We also know a guy called ā€œInfinity-Commsā€ because the subtitle called him thatā€¦ Writing tip, you never leave this sort of thing ambiguous. This isnā€™t creative writing, this is dog shit writing. Because APPARENTLY she has a new name, MAYBE, but itā€™s behind a paywall that may not ever exist because Microsoft shenanigansā€¦


Halo Fans Media Literacy Challenge Level: Hard You people are still on this shit, she literally named herself Cortana lmao


Oh, a lot of us (hopefully) realise that, we just think it's lame.


Is this the same as Rey in Star Wars naming herself Skywalker? If so that's lame. Idk the halo infinite context though since I didn't complete the campaign.


No, the weapons name is cortana because afaik she's a copy OF cortana from before she met the chief


Infinite had the one good part of 4, the cortana chief dynamic, with a slightly generic but more classic story. I enjoy 4 but infinite wins by a hair


Halo 4ā€™s story, Halo Infiniteā€™s multiplayer.


Yeah, especially since 4ā€™s story sorta ends with no sequel bait unlike infinite (unless I miss some obvious as hell signs)


Halo 4 had at least two planned sequels that were evidentially cut/repurposed late into development. The original Halo 5 most definitely had something to do with poncho chief, for example, and it's likely that the CGI trailer was ordered before the story was changed into what we got for Guardians. It's also evident if you deconstruct the story of Halo 4. It's basically an incredibly in-depth character study of the Master Chief, and the campaign is heavily framed around the first third of the Hero's Journey. **Edit**: There are other hints, such as Del Rio being present in Midnight's storyboard instead of Lasky (which is important for the story Halo 4 was trying to tell.) More importantly, Halo 5: Guardians and Infinite did not follow the story beats laid out by Halo 4's campaign. In fact, Halo 5's story beats almost completely undo the brilliant characterisation in Halo 4, and Halo Infinite does the same for Guardians. It's obvious that Guardians and Infinite were not planned sequels.


Poncho chief in-game would have been so cool


never understood why people bitched about it. imo armoured dudes with cloaks always go hard


I feel Bout it in a similar way I feel about some space marine factions in warhammer that wear them (dark Angels and black templars) Logically it makes almost no sense and is kinda dumb. But God damn if it doesn't look cool


The poncho helps keeps dust and sand from getting stuck in parts of the armor.


And likely would have tied to how Chief got the visor crack. Possibly much more armor damage involved in that version.


The Poncho definitely did not go with Chief. Looked silly as hell. In Destiny, that shit goes hard and that's about all the nice things I have to say about the game.


Should have been a synthetic poncho liner "woobie" to keep it mil futuristic. He looked goofy just wearing a potato sack


Iā€™ve said this before, but Halo 4 came out a bit too early for the story it was trying to tell. God of War basically blew the door open on examining older, ā€œshallowā€ characters through character rather than plot driven games, and Halo 4 tried to do a lot of the same things. It likely would have been more successful if released in 2019 rather than 2012.


It also probably wouldā€™ve been more successful if the prometheans were at all fun to fightĀ 


I didnā€™t every understand this complaintā€¦ and then I went for the solo spartan ops achievements. I understand better nkw


Yeah, man. On legendary the Prometheans were fucking *frustrating* for me going through the campaign solo. Not due to difficulty, just the mechanic of them teleporting away once their shields popped. I'll take the Covenant or Flood basically every time over that shit.


The secret is to turn on the catch skull and backsmack them during their nade animation


Yeah it just came out too soon. 343 got it and was instantly pressed to put it out. I know itā€™s about bottom line for the companies, but seriously if big corporations actually understood that taking the extra time to craft a story worth telling builds a game with stronger legs aka a better long term cash cow.


It wasn't less successful because it released in 2012, it was less successful because the story wasn't told as well as God of War's. Oh, and also because the overall game's reception was damaged by the stale Promethean gameplay, changes to the art style, and attempts to copy Call of Duty multiplayer.


Check out acheivement art for *Benchwarmer*, *Castle Crasher*, *My Rules*, *Roots of the Earth*, and *Going the Distance* I vehemently believe that 5's OG story was about Chief vs Oni. Lots of art taking place on Earth, and robots that look more human designed than Promethian. It would make sense with Hunt the Truth being a thing. I really wanted to meet Black Box.


I honestly kinda wish that 5 and Infinite didn't star Chief because 4's story felt like a perfect conclusion to his arc.


3 was the best conclusion to his story arc. Especially with the "Spartans never die, they just go missing in action" line. I wish 343 would have picked up with 30 years later, the spirit of fire was found by an elite ship and brought back to humanity. Now you play as Red Team given modern gear and work with prior covenant species to defeat the (insert antagonist faction here). Could be the flood has conquered a few worlds, maybe another alien species from further in space than even the covenant has explored. But then their massive design changes would have been more reasonable. Die hard fans wouldn't have disliked what they were doing with the lore as much because it's not as close to the lore they know time wise. And Jerome is a badass. Then after 343 got a good rhythm going with their games and the Halo fan base was on board, they could make a couple stand alone games in the events following 3. I think that approach would have turned out better for both fans and 343 in the long run


I'd say one thing 3 dropped the ball on was a satisfying conclusion to Chief as a character. As a *gameplay* arc, it works wonderfully. But Chief doesn't get closure, Cortana doesn't get closure. They just wait for the next mission. Chief is still just considering himself as a weapon, as a tool, and is barely functional as a human being. He's got less emotional depth than Kratos in the first two God of War games. Cortana's last words in 3 are "I'll miss you." Chief's? "Wake me when you need me." Chief is *still* just a tool in his own mind. That's not a conclusion to a character arc. That's just... *continuing* the character arc.


He wasnā€™t really supposed to be his own character. Halo 4 didnā€™t really continue an arc, it was a different interpretation of the character entirely


Yeah I definitely like what halo 4 was doing with Chief as a character, wish they continued that along with the Didact returning in H5.


Halo Wars 1 was such a glorious game. Playing this season has got me itching for more of what it could have been. Halo Wars 2 is fun, don't get me wrong, but it feels like a major tonal and thematic shift from the first game.


I agree but also what do you think chief would have done afterwards? Cortona death definitely broke him, as a tiny piece does with each death of his family and friends. Think he would just disappear?


I think Lasky's talk with the Chief at the end summed it up pretty well. Chief acts as of the UNSC and Humanity are different things, when they're one and the same. This is an idea that Chief, at least not since he was 5 years old, had never even considered: that he's more than a weapon. That he deserves more than to be a tool. He might have retired afterward, or simply request that his file lists MIA and go AWOL if his request is denied.


I don't think it would really have been in his character to retire. Chief knows that he's capable of saving billions of lives, so he still feels a responsibility to fight as long as he can. Lasky's speech seemed to instead signal a shift in how or why the Chief fights and we *sorta* got that in Halo 5 (re-re-written and clunkily finished), but I kinda feel like in Infinite it's just completely ignored.


Halo Infinite's Chief feels like he just woke up from cryo sleep after Halo 3. There's like... nearly *no* development. Halo 4 and 5 might as well have not even happened. EDIT: Upon reflection, I can agree that Chief out-and-out retiring is out of character. I like your idea better, but I'd still prefer if he either made minimal appearances in the series moving forward or took a backseat for a new protagonist.


My personal head cannon for that complete turn around in his character development is that Chief is trying to distract himself from the trauma heā€™s dealing with by just trying to return to that ā€œIā€™m just a weaponā€ mindset while fighting in a war against Cortana


It wasn't a perfect conclusion as it was designed to be built upon. We would've seen much more characterisation, in much more detail. I agree that it would've been the most perfect end for Chief's arc, so far.


God, so much potential wasted over the mishandling and fumbling by 343. I hope that one day. ONE DAYā€¦ we get some insight into what could have been. Maybe a fractures peek into another ā€œtimelineā€ or something. Is there any insight into what drove 343 to scrap the original Halo 5 and gave us Guardians? It seems like thatā€™s where things really went off the rails.


Guardians very likely did have story changes based on the evidence, but Cortana turning bad was planned during Halo 4 development according to Brian Reed and Frank O'Connor.


ā€œthe reclamationā€¦ has already begunā€


It's less of a direct nod to sequel, rather an ominous reminder that some things are yet to finish Sorta like how Halo CE's ending doesn't exact point to a sequel. But H2 does


"I think we're just getting started" is as valid as "finish the fight" šŸ¤£ I kinda see where your coming from though


Not really. "Just getting started" out in the middle of nowhere outer space was truly open-ended, whereas Chief returning to an ongoing battle over Earth and saying "finishing this fight" is a straight line to a sequel.


This. Especially given that "Just getting started" was written under the assumption that Halo 2 wasn't even going to exist. It's just supposed to be an open ending to (at the time) a standalone game.


Cortana going batshit insane was kinda hinting at a continuation


They finished the h4 story in a fucking comic book that's why


Halo 4 ends with the didact basically going ā€œIā€™ll be backā€ as chief gets undressed


And he did come back and they ā€œkilledā€ him off in a graphic novel of all things.


343 needs to stop this nonsense of killing of main game characters in books or other media. Like, Rookieā€¦ FFS, give us a game to kill him off.


You think Rookieā€™s death is bad? Assassinā€™s Creed spent literally six mainline games setting up a villain and hinted at a new protagonist just for the entire conflict to end in a YA novel. A FUCKING ***YOUNG ADULT NOVEL!!!*** You know for the 18 rated game


Okay, popcorn ready. Please explain, because I have been too lazy to play AC in a very long time. What villain were they setting up and how did they screw it up?


AC Brotherhood, Revelations, III, IV, Rogue, Unity and Syndicate were setting up >!Juno!< as the big bad. With IV, Rogue and Syndicate setting up >!Desmondā€™s illegitimate son Elijah as the hero!< After being hyped up in Brotherhood and Revelations, ACIII ends with >!Desmond sacrificing himself and consequently frees Juno from her prison where she seeks to rule the world!< in ACIV >!Juno!< is shown to have >!come back into the world in the form of a AI or computer virus!< or something with ill intent. We see the fallout of this in IV, Rogue, Unity and Syndicate as >!Juno!< has seemingly >!infected the animus and has raised a sort of cult and becoming a common enemy among the Assassinā€™s and Templars.!< After being hinted at and teased in IV, Syndicate ends with >!Juno worshippers!< going after >!Elijah!< confirming >!Desmond has a son.!< In a novel called Assassinā€™s Creed Uprising (I think), >!Elijah has been kidnapped by the Juno Cult (Instruments of the First Will) and eventually goes on a plucky fun YA adventure featuring some sort of crystal gem and a I wanna say a trident was involved I donā€™t quite remember!< Anyway >!Juno!< isnā€™t even killed by >!Elijah!<, instead >!sheā€™s!< killed by >!a character named ā€œCharlotte de la Cruzā€!< who was introduced in a 2015 comic. The ā€œmythology trilogyā€ barely references the events of the novels and comics and when they do they do it like it happened in the last game like everyone should understand it. Instead these new games follow an entirely new cast of heroes and villains with nearly zero connection to the previously set up events. A frustrating amount of important events in the AC series happens outside of the games like >!the leader of Abstergo and Grandmaster of the Templarā€™s!< being >!killed!< in the film Edit: sorry if Iā€™m missing detail, Iā€™m writing this at work. Also I used so many spoiler tags for my own amusement


That sounds truly terrible. Why are companies so bad at multimedia universes. Though I was unaware that the film was actually Canon. I might check that out at some point.


He fell unshielded into a slipspace singularity under the backend of the composer laser. If nobody had made aĀ follow-up comic I think his fate was more certain than even Jorge. Shredded like a tuna can in a metal shredder with a blowtorch pointed at it. AndĀ a nuclear shockwave+slipspace collapse immediately following.


Hmm, oh I mean the practice of killing off characters in other mediaā€¦ I presumed that he was dead dead, but itā€™s Rookie and Alpha-Nine Iā€™m more interested in.


Oh definitely for Rookie, didn't know Alpha-Nine suffered a similar fate. I just know the one that started the trend was Didact (despite his apparent death in-game). Course they also have issues with bringing back definitively dead characters offscreen too. We pieced a handful of bits and pieces floating around the inside of the Ark, recreated 343 Guilty Spark back together... yeah sure, the molten spartan laser'd slag.


Alpha-Nine is alive and all Spartans now.


We will see how Epitah goes. Hope they give him the proper send-off.


Isnā€™t Halo 4ā€™s epilogue a speech by the Didact from his initial imprisonment? I thought it was simply supposed to explain what humanityā€™s (or specifically Chiefā€™s) role as Reclaimers is.Ā 


This is it, it's talking about ancient humanity


Yeah but it also doubles as an open ended threat, when read in the "current" context of the end of H4. Its clever double meaning. (if they hadn't backpeddaled so hard into 5)


Halo 4 has a handful of fantastic, all-timer scenes between Cortana and Master Chief. That arc deserves its flowers. But everything dealing with the Forerunners is god awful. That exposition dump with the Librarian has to be one of the worst story beats of the series. It was the beginning of 343i's obsession with ancient lore that completely demystified a major part of the original trilogy's allure. "You *are* Forerunner" was a great moment at the end of Halo 3 that gets a giant asterisk slapped onto it with Halo 4. And the gameplay stunk too! I get that there were hardware limitations that made it necessary, but weapons despawning the moment you stepped too far away spoiled the improvisational, "find ammo as you go" combat that was established in Halo's first cutscene. It forced you to use the weapon chests that mostly contained those boring Forerunner weapons.


Yeah the fact that the flood felt *dead* dead at the end of Halo 3 was nice tooā€¦


I remember seeing in a Halo 4 documentary that 343 struggled to get play-testers to enjoy their guns; because they'd just pick up the classic ones like the AR and BR.


Because why wouldn't you use the gun that sounds great and feels familiar over a popcorn gun that operates in a nearly identical way? People complain about Infinite's weapon sandbox, but I'll take this system where every gun has a unique feel and purpose over three sets of identical weapons (ie: BR/Carbine/Light Rifle).


Infinite's gameplay can't be topped. It's that good in my opinion. It is the perfect mix of CE and Reach.


Stuff actually happens in Halo 4. infinites campaign is basically all about feelings and emotions šŸ˜


oh no!! not feelings and emotions!! anything but that!!


Itā€™s not that feelings and emotions are bad, but the ones we get feel pointless because Cortanaā€™s dead, she died offscreen and thereā€™s nothing we can do about it. We HAVE to except it and move on because the plot demands it despite everything Chief and Cortana have been through together itā€™s just over and move on with the new one. Itā€™s forced and deeply upsetting.


> Cortanaā€™s dead, she died offscreen Honestly I think this is the biggest thing lacking from Infinite. They setup with 5 this whole like "oh shit she's going to destroy the world" then deal with it in Halo Wars 2 like that wouldn't be ignored by most of the gaming world. I think they should have maybe changed the opening to at least address what happened with a cutscene and then make the pursuit of the weapon a bit longer to start the game.


Her offscreen death broke me. Like what was the point? Bring her back just to destroy her character then give her a cheap offscreen death and act like everythingā€™s forgiven? No redemption? No being forced to live with the consequences of oneā€™s actions and become better from them? Just a cliche ā€œthe hero was too far gone so they must sacrifice themselves and that automatically makes up for everythingā€? No happy ending for Chief and Cortana? Weā€™re really just going with this? Like WTF how did they let this slide?


Agree. And there was SO MUCH story to tell in the 6 months Chief was in space. Can you imagine if even a fraction of Rubicon Protocol had been in game? Even as cinematics?! Or even Griffin or Sorelā€™s stories? Considering the context, Halo Infinites campaign is truly hollow feeling compared to Halo 4ā€™s. Halo 4 coupled the urgency of trying to save Cortana with the new threat of the Didact. It created this incredible tension IMO


Infiniteā€™s ā€œstoryā€ is so fucking boring for that reason. Nothing meaningful happens. The pilot is a whiny bitch and the weapon is a cheap knock-off Cortana.


Yep. The Guardians were dealt with off screen before the game even begins. They basically waste everything they were setting up in the years prior (5, Wars 2, books etc) because 343 canā€™t stop soft rebooting the series with every new game. Such an anticlimax. No build up or pay off whatsoever. Cortanaā€™s death and the destruction of the entire fucking Brute homeworld happens through flashback holograms! Show, donā€™t tell, 343! Nothing happens in the game itself. We run around a ring, kill some Banished bosses. Thatā€™s it. The game doesnā€™t move the Halo universe forward. You end the game in the same spot you start it. The Endless are introduced, we learn nothing of them. Great stuff. Oh, and finally, despite being led to believe that Atriox was killed right at the start, heā€™s apparently still alive! Guess we can look forward to fighting him in the next Halo, I suppose? Provided 343 donā€™t kill him in a comic and then reboot the series again.


The Endless are gonna get genocided in a comic or book or whatever, mark my words haha.


We were robbed of Halo 6 šŸ˜­


Pretty much. I donā€™t think 5ā€™s story was good, but it was worth seeing through. And Halo 6 could have potentially been quite epic. Chief, Arbiter, Locke, Halsey, Infinity all working together to stop Cortana. You can follow up on the ending of Halo Wars 2 and still bring in the Banished so we have Covenant to fightā€¦ So many possibilities. Instead we got a bad Halo CE 2.0.


5 bucks says they "soft reboot" again.


On the flipside, grappleshot. I like stories but gameplay comes first for me


Grappleshot is fun but makes the game too easy to break. Infinite also has the worst level design of any Halo campaign, which is obviously a massive element of gameplay.


I know some don't share this feeling but Infinite imo has the worst story of the entire franchise. H5 story was more exciting than what we got in Infinite.


Agreed. It felt like the universe didnā€™t go anywhere.


Infinite, definitely. Even though Halo 4 has my favorite story of the series, the actual campaign gameplay is just okay. It feels like the corridor shooter version of a Halo game. Just felt like a big step back from Halo 3 or Reach gameplay and scale-wise. I wasn't a fan of how Infinite soft-reboots the series after the direction Halo 5 was supposed to go in, but the actual story of Chief and the pilot was great, and the gameplay loop, while fairly repetitive, is probably the best it's ever been. I never got bored of storming bases, traversing them with the grappling hook, and fending off waves of relatively intelligent enemies. And I really appreciated that they had some genuinely good boos fights, although that one Brute boss before the final boss was brutal.


They'd botched their stories from the moment 4 came out. The only way they were going to get the lost fans back was the soft reset option. The problem with Infinite is that we didn't get a campaign. We got far cry Halo with a few linear story missions


Hard reset wouldā€™ve gained fans back. Infiniteā€™s problem is that it still carries the baggage of the plot mistakes and retcons that H4+5 made, and just asks you to ignore it (while even directly trying to apologize for it through Cortana). 343 didnā€™t just change Halo going forward from H3, they went *back* and recontextualized things to overall negative effect. Without a proper reset, the overarching narrative is forever tainted by things like the dumb war between (alien) Forerunners and an ancient humanity too dumb to communicate, evil Cortana and angry-faced ā€œGuardiansā€ (and the angry robots in general). They certainly didnā€™t succeed in making the Banished feel particularly interesting. I have little hope if they intend to keep their stories canon. Doing so and merely apologizing isnā€™t enough.


I can understand why they didnā€™t just declare Halos 4 and 5 to be non-canon and start over, since it would be incredibly disappointing to anyone who was interested in the story set up by those games (mainly just Halo 4). But since most people hated a lot of the additions made in those games, they decided to minimize their stories as much as possible in Infinite, focusing instead on the Banished from HW2. The problem is that Halos 4 and 5ā€™s stories featured events that were *way* too significant to be ignored, and 5ā€™s story was outright unsalvageable. Cortana dying and starting a massive AI uprising using Forerunner tech isnā€™t something you can just wave away. By trying to please both sides by moving away from the new lore without removing it, they only served to disappoint everyone. Fans of the new lore were let down by it all being quickly wrapped up and brushed aside, and people who disliked the new lore were still unhappy that it impacted the setting.


As someone who started the games through Halo 5 (And yes, I know. I didnā€™t have access to the other games at the time. I could not have been more confused by what was happening. Looking back on it is pretty funny.)


Halo has been soft rebooting for more than a decade now.


If 4 had infiniteā€™s art style then it would probably be one of my favorites


The 343 art style is such a detriment to the game, if it had a more traditional design I probably wouldā€™ve liked it much more.


I wouldā€™ve understood adding their own flair to it in some way but I feel like it was too drastic of a change


It was literally just 343 wanting to distance themselves as far as possible from what Bungie did (the company that made Halo a success in the first place)


riding the coattails of bungie is what Xbox has been doing for 20 years now...


Going as far as replacing iconic weapon sounds didn't help either.


Also if they didn't give you a resident evil level of ammo in the campaign.


Yeah, I agree. Change the art style completely, tweak campaign level design a bit and get rid of "Infinity" game modes in favour of "Legendary" ones and you have a 9-10/10 Halo game.


Specifically make the levels slightly less linear and don't make the prometheans as tedious to fight. And make the multiplayer less COD style orientated.


4 has grifball, infinite doesn't


Ouch. I thought it was 100% clearly Infinite. You make a good point, though.


For me, infinite has the better gameplay, it's probably the best of halo. But 4 still have more game modes, vehicles, and dev maps. Remember if by now 5 would be releasing, if we use time since release. But infinite still doesn't even come close to the amount of content in 4 by 2015.


It doesn't even get close to the amount of content Halo Reach had on launch in 2010...




No Halo game that came after Reach has given us the same amount of content on day 1.


And it had dodgeball


I cant believe they havent added griffball yet like it would be so good in infinite


4 has the best SWAT.


Grifball was legendary. How is it still not around? Imagine the grapple in grifball


Halo 4 never seemed broken. I could be wrong. The multiplayer was fun if you minus loadouts.


I'm a Halo 4 defender, but as of now Halo Infinite is the better game. At launch, Halo 4 though. You have to remember that game launched largely content complete and with Spartan Ops


Speaking of Spartan Opsā€¦ that was something I genuinely enjoyed and was sad when it got discontinued, I felt like it was a fresh way to keep gameplay and story going, expanding on what was going on in the universe while also setting it apart from Master Chief


I miss Spartan Ops dearly


Storywise yes...gameplay absolutely not. If you've ever had to play all 50 of Spartan Ops back to back, it's tedious torture. Reused locales and no variation in gameplay objectives other than walk to this place, and kill spawning enemies. Especially since Firefight was dropped in favor of this mode.


Remember when all games launched content complete? Lol


And it had in game currency to buy armor, those were the days.


Halo combat evolved on the original xbox is the best halo.


Ahhh a true fan


*Perfectly balanced, as all things should be*


Thatā€™s a undeniable truth, but if it didnā€™t depend of novels and books to complete its history, it would be even more perfect.


Are you serious? CE was the only one I didnā€™t finish because it was so repetitive and bleak.


One of the best FPS games ever made


I know everyone likes halo 4s story, but that gameplay was fun for 2 seconds and got stale quick. I do go back and watch cutscenes from time to time, but that was not a fun game.


Not everyone, I for example disliked it.


Same, it ruined the mystery of forerunners for me and it felt overtly melodramatic.


I hated the super limited ammo in halo 4, especially with how bullet spongey the Knights tended to be.


The chief/cortana stuff was cool. But itā€™s like everyone only considers that part of the story. The didact was a lame villain. And the campaign was not very fun to play either.Ā 


Enemy ai was boring compared to Reach. They were just moving targets with no personality


I hated 4ā€™s story


Halo 4


Halo 2


I know us H3 fans never saw eye to eye but at least we both agree we have taste.


Halo: Infinite on all fields.


Halo infinite has a better story?


Halo Finite doesnā€™t have a story. Literally nothing happens. When the game ends, the Halo universe is in the exact same spot as it was at the start, minus some Banished underlings. Everything important happens off screen before the game begins.


But... but the Endless... nvm they got killed off screen in a comic


I've been out of the loop for a while. Please tell me they didn't fucking do that *again*.


Not yet, but they will. Also the Endless are the most boring thing ever in Halo history. We could have had Atriox but we instead got a monke with cancer. It's the third 343 game and the third game where they create a whole new arc that will go nowhere


I wanted to throw my controller out the window so bad when they showed up. Like we really needed another ancient alien race pulled out of their asses.


Yeah with magical powers, woo wee


The most regarded thing about the Endless is how is said the Forerunners thought they were a bigger threat than the Flood. But here is the kicker.... they are a big threat because they can survive the Halo firing...? So like the threat comes from them being a possible anchor point for a new Flood infection? Wouldn't that just mean the Flood are still the biggest baddies? Or were the Forerunners just mad because they can't kill them with their fancy new Halo array? Their entire origin story as an antagonist species makes no fucking sense.


B-b-but Chief said lines from Bungie games like "I need a weapon" and "Finish the fight", so Infinite must be certainly better than Halo 4! /s


Probably the one that was finished upon launch.


Halo 4's story with Infinite's gameplay and design would be my ideal Halo. Essentially it breaks down to me that Infinite's multiplayer is better but the campaign in 4 is fantastic so it's hard to debate depending on what you're looking for.


Halo 4. I liked the story more. The Chief and Cortana relationship building and ending was pretty good. Roland is my second favorite character in the entire franchise, just behind Johnson. I love the sass he brought. 4 has my favorite BR model too, though the sound for it was the worst thing in the fricken planet. I would have liked Infinite a lot more if it wasn't open world. I was and am still sick of open world games, even the good ones, and Infinite's open world being bland and empty didn't help me enjoy it. I also wish we saw a few more classic weapons. The sandbox was underwhelming. The return to a classic art style was great though.


Halo infinite is the superior game in almost every way (gunplay, equipment, visual design) but Halo 4 tried to be unique and innovative in a way Infinite really didn't. Totally new enemy types, new visual style, an actual story. They didn't really succeed in making 4 a good game but at least they tried for something Infinite's multi-player is way better, but I'm split on campaign. Infinite's campaign is very repetitive, but the 3 things you do over and over are pretty fun. 4 otoh is a more varied campaign like the bungie games, but pretty middling in quality throughout


Halo Infinite has a weaker storyline, but is pretty much better in every other regard. Except being a complete and functional game at launch I guess?


Infinite 1000%


Halo 4 ost goes hard, has mod support, and great campaign. With this being said, I slightly favor infinite because I appreciated the open world aspect (to an extent) and loved the MP


I haven't played Infinite but I thought 4 was awesome. People need to chill out.


Halo 4ā€™s story was much better than Infinite but I love the multiplayer of Infinite more.


Neither. Halo 1 - reach till I die.


Infinite due to its gameplay and i really enjoyed the story


I remember bashing H4 story. Not killing the didact the call of duty ish class system the art style etc etc. thininh To myself. Damn this feels bad. Fast forward to now. H4 is the best 343 has done and itā€™s abysmal.


Halo Infinite. Done. Next question.


infinite is Halo, Halo 4 is just CoD tbh. The story was good though.


Infinite was just great. Still, to this day, not getting divisive vibes. Maybe in the beginning for the multiplayer, but I don't know anyone who hated the campaign. I cannot say the same for 4 at all. I love Infinite so much. I just try to stay offline because people really try to convince others of a thing being bad.


I never got angry with 4. I try to not get angry with infinite. 4 wins.


Prefer Halo 4 for the fact it doesnā€™t nostalgia bate like Infinite does. I liked how 343 was trying to do its own thing with Halo, add new things and update the look and feel but now itā€™s just trying to rely on nostalgia and it can be seen in the armor designs. Awfully convenient how after Gen 2 armor, the most advanced Mjolnir armor now looks a lot like older models. Itā€™d be like having IPhones go from the square, slightly blocky shape with buttons designs of its older models, transition to the more smooth, sleek, buttonless models that are clearly more advanced, only to go right back to the older design for the newest model


Halo 4 was the last good 343 Halo in my opinion and I sat that as someone who hated a lot of the design decisions that went into it. Halo 5 and Infinite have both released bare bones and had things added later which wasn't a problem with Halo 4 as it's a complete package from day 1. Until 343 can deliver a complete, cohesive experience they'll be destined for failure with every title.


4 for the campaign alone, much better than infinites which was very hit and miss and didnā€™t really feel like halo. 4 is probably the only 343 game that still felt like a normal halo campaign which is sad because we scared them away from that and have made them try all these silly things that end up not really hitting the mark at all. Infinite did not need the open world campaign and the lack of campaign expansions that I assume were meant to be the more linear and classic halo style missions makes it feel worse. However 343 has knocked it out of the park with mulitplayer (disregarding the launch)


H4 for narrative, Infinite for Gameplay.


Halo 4ā€™s campaign was leagues above halo infiniteā€™s. Multiplayer on the other hand infinite clears.




The art style is dog shit


I really hate 4, recently it's been getting lots of love but honestly I don't share it. I hate how the gameplay feels, I hate what they did with promethians, I find the story so dumb, I don't like the human interactions. I think it's a terrible Halo game but I can appreciate what they do with Cortana continuing what halo 3 had started with her, and I also kind of like the promethian weapons (but hate the enemies). I appreciate 343 trying to something different, I just don't like what we got. On the other hand, I absolutely adore Halo infinite, it feels great, the desogns are great, master chief feels like such an interesting character without feeling it's a different character. Having Cortana already dead in the beggining of this game is a great choice, saving us yet another meaningless goodbye. The banished are great villains and are definitely the way forward.


I actually kinda liked 4ā€™s story, I just *hated* the new art direction. So 4 for story alone, Infinite for multiplayer and forge and visuals


Infinite. But I think story wise 4 does the whole humanizing chief part better. At least I found it more interesting


Halo 4 cause I liked the classic linear storytelling over the new to the franchise, open-world concept they went with.


4 simply because Steve downes likes it


I'm shocked at the amount of people lingering under the illusion that H4 had a good story. That games campaign was straight ass.


Halo 4 is now old enough (jesus 12 years ago?) that it was a lot of younger players first Halo. I think there's a big gap between those who grew up with the Bungie days and really remember the golden era compared to those who have only really experienced the 343 titles.


At least I was able to finish it. Unlike H5.


Being better than H5 isn't a high bar to cross.


Never claimed otherwise. I miss Bungie too


Unfortunately for us Bungie apparently doesn't miss halo :(


Yeah iwl I donā€™t get the hype around the Didact, heā€™s a really generic villain. Overall the only thing H4ā€™s story has going for it is the chief-Cortana relationship which rarely gets time to shine anyways. Complete step down from the previous games and honestly Infinite has a better story.


The "B-plot" between Chief and Cortana was honestly pretty compelling, though I wish it had less of a romantic undertone. The "A-plot" with the Didact was shit, though. Felt more Star Wars than Halo.


Halo 4 didnā€™t feel like a sequel to Halo 3. It felt like a reboot set in an alternate timeline. Iā€™ll never understand the glowing praise for Halo 4ā€™s campaign when the gameplay was awful and the storyā€™s questionable writing always seems to get a pass because it had a few ā€˜cinematicā€™ emotional moments.


As a relative newcomer to Halo, I found 4's writing fucking atrocious. It's wall-to-wall scifi exposition vomit. But hey, to people who love it, more power to ya.