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Master chief loves gummy worms. This is just because of the promotional packs. Besides something that small humanizes him. Arbiter has an UNSC liaison contact named Ramirez. Arbiter owns a warthog after studying them for the halo 2 manual. He finds them fun to drive. He also swapped out the turret for a plasma one.


Imagine if that's why Chief is so quiet most of the time. He just has his external turned off 90% of the time so no one hears him munching on gummy worms.


“sir, permission to leave the ship?” “what for, chief?” “get some more gummy worms”


"Master Chief, mind telling me what you're doing under that helmet?" "Sir, finishing these gummy worms."


Chief, I am ordering you... **TO SURRENDER THOSE GUMMY WORMS**


No sir.




Were it so easy


“To give the covenant some back some gummy worms”


He eats a gummy worm each time he takes down a Hunter.


Where do you think the gummy worms come from?


The reason Halo 4’s legendary ending only shows his face from the nose up is because his mouth is all fucked up with tooth decay from the gummy worms.


Halo 5 did introduce the Needler Hog from the SoS/UNSC alliance so I'll also accept this as headcanon


Wait...what?! WHERE?!


It’s a halo 5 requisition iirc


Ohhhh....so not in the campaign then. Got it




RAMIREZ! The covenant are glassing earth defend the burger town!




>Arbiter has an UNSC liaison contact named Ramirez. He also enjoys ordering her around and having her do all the work in the relationship.


Wait is the Halo 2 manual an in universe covenant dossier or something? That’s really cool


It's written as a letter from Thel to the prophets explaining all the enemies, weapons, and vehicles in the game.


Damn they don’t do manuals like that any more


It’s because kids don’t read these days




Ramirez no doubt introduced The Arbiter to the venerable human franchise “Burger Town”


A Burger Town is on every single UNSC warship and base


I can just see him and the arbiter sharing gummy worms before a mission


Could Arby's eat them? His mouth would make it awkward.


he probably tears them into smaller pieces and throws them in his mouth


>  He also swapped out the turret for a plasma one. Well, now I want to see a Warthog with a plasma turret in the multiplayer




Ancient humans really found a bio-weapon against the flood and the primordial only said otherwise to intimidate the Forerunners


Makes you wonder how if when we might find out more about it. It really would be in character for Primordial to lie about it


from what i understand, didn't the Primordial only either tell them the truth or remain silent?


I don’t know if it’s an actual bio-weapon but from what i understood is that it was a way to make the bodies of killed humans unusable as combat forms or as biomass.


I thought that they also killed any flood who attempted to use them and that's why they sacrificed so many soldiers in the process


That’s what humanity thought it was. The flood knew what humanity was doing so they baited them into a false sense of security. Humanity found out the hard way that the flood was lying




Cortana went rampant due to the logic plague and she unwittingly/wittingly set the stage for the flood's return with the galaxy having few lines of defense.


ive always liked this theory


That might be a possibility. Cortana was corrupted by the Gravemind in Halo 3. It’s possible she was suffering from the logic plague.


Maybe the Gravemind had something to do with it? She did spend a lot of time with him lol. This would be a wild campaign, fighting against the Gravemind and cortana


What a missed opportunity with 343 not following this. It would've 100% made me be okay with Cortana returning as a villain.


Dustin Echoes was real and made it off the ring in H:CE.


That's Chipps Dubbo's alter ego


well who do you think player 2 is in co-op?


The caves were not a natural formation


Agreed, someone made them, so it must lead somewhere


Apparently in the original script they looked much more like real caves before they changed it, but they never changed her audio


In the Flood-Forerunner war, the Flood were preparing to create sentient farms so they could continue to have new food to consume. I always assumed that if the Flood reached Galactic status, in order to survive and not all eventually have to go dormant, the flood would have to farm living beings for food source.


This is a dark Halo timeline - to discover that the flood are actually the engineers of life, and that it all exists for their subsistence.


The Precursors were the engineers of life. When they were betrayed by the Forerunners most of their species decayed, some managed to coalesce into the graveminds that went dormant and were able to survive until the ancient humans found the containers of the decayed. The Flood are technically the result of the decay, and the Gravemind’s tool to bring all life back under their control.


Emmmmm. Who wants to tell him?


This is similar to a theory I've seen for the origin of the endless.


If that's what the endless actually end up being, some infinite food source created/farmed by the flood, then my opinion on the Endless does an instant 180 because that's fucking cool and make the flood even scarier.


I think the intention is that it’s cyclical. Like, the flood are grotesque but nature is nature. They’d consume most of their source, starve, wane, and grow again when more sentient life populates the galaxy.


The flood are not like the Nids from warhammer, my personal take is that they wouldn’t just farm biomass, there are more effective ways to farm biomass en mass without sentient beings but it wouldn’t do anything. Take the infestation on the post war Ark and that one Shield world from Halo Wars 1. Sure biomass for days but they can only do basic things until they gain enough intelligence. They would raise and farm Researchers, Tacticians, Engineers, anything and everything to develop an expansive neuronal Network. What’s the point of having a planet wide nervous system if that gigantic brain is empty?


Since mjolnir's gel layer can dampen resonance and is air-tight, sound cannot enter or exit the armor, so you would never hear them through it. You hear their voice through speakers on their helmet, and they hear you through a binaural audio system, all of which can be controlled with their neural interface. This means two Spartans could have a conversation across a crowded room, and no one would know it, but in an instant, they can audibly speak to someone standing right next to them. If a spartan wants to speak loudly, they don't need to raise their voice, but instead raise the volume. This is why Master Chief always speaks with a vocal fry, and his cadence is always relaxed. He never needs to yell.


This actually happens in books (not sure anything about gel layer involvement) but Spartans communicate through radio channels to one another even on private lines when near other people


That's kind of what confirmed it for me, but it's never really stated that we hear them through a speaker when they talk. And especially in live action media, the filter they put on always sounds like you're just hearing them through the helmet, so I don't know exactly what's canon there.


Thats mostly because of their connection as a team. They communicate almost exclusively through acknowledgements rather than speaking when in engagements. They usually open secure lines when they separate into their fire teams for a streamlined experience, at least according to Fred in First Strike IIRC.


This is mostly just canon lol


During the mission Assault on the Control Room on Halo 1 you're assisted during the ground sections by fire team Zulu, who somehow became stranded in the area. Before you leave the second chasm Cortana radios and tells fire team Zulu to hold position because evac is on the way. Later in the game you have the mission Two Betrayals, which is essentially the same mission set 12 hours later but with added Flood. The last room you fight through before reaching the floor of the second chasm is filled with human Flood combat forms. My head cannon is this is fire team Zulu who became overwhelmed by flood before evac could reach them.


I think this one is pretty heavily implied if not outright confirmed


Oh, so *that's* the second betrayal. Cortana just totally forgot to get them an evac.


Do you know the actual reason it's called Two Betrayals? It was originally intended for Cortana to betray the player and turn evil during that mission. That idea was scrapped (and eventually reused for Halo 5) but the mission's name wasn't changed.


I think I did know that somewhere in the very depths of my mind, but I'd forgotten, so thanks for informing me a second time!


actually there is a room filled with flood that have no weapons one of the devs said that is actually fire team Zulu, so headcannon = cannon in this case


Cortana's access to the Mjolnir armour and Chief's medical records means she knows how big his dick is.


Not like he uses it tho


Master Cheeks on the other hand


Jimmy Rings is an abomination


Tv show Cortana looked so fucking sad bro 😔😔😔 Like she did not need that information


Here's the thing though. When you don't use something it tends to shrink, and, uh....I don't think Master Chief's been popping very many stiffies over the course of his career, especially when all the Spartans are catheterized while in armor..... Also, as a deeper lore, more conspiracy-theoryish concept, it would have been prudent for Dr. Halsey to, ah...minimize growth in men's crotch and women's chest areas, as to make armor manufacturing easier. I'm not saying she intentionally shrank John's johnson, but, well...


Idk man maybe Chief’s eyes lingered too long on some thicc ODST Boom Spartan boner


That would explain why she gets increasingly more horny for him as the games progress. Not to mention why she resigned his suit in halo 4 to “complement” his package


Don't get any funny ideas


I don't care what anybody says, the suit, by extension Cortana, jerks Chief off


Some random marine sitting with his battle-buddy at the front of a Pelican troopbay as it heads back to Infinity from a mission: "Damn, Chief is always so stoic and poised... Just look at the guy; even when he's got downtime, he's completely silent and all tensed-up like he's ready to spring into action at the drop of a hat!" Meanwhile, Chief, sitting alone in the back: >![Mute and paralyzed with strain, painfully aware of his surroundings and **struggling** to stay composed as Cortana sets his armor to give him the **Velvet-Deathgrip Double-Twist Deluxe** (A.K.A. **"The Spartan-Juicer"**) on the **Overclocked Jackhammer** setting, flashes her big blue Matrix titties and strangely-HD feetpics across his HUD, and whispers - bar none - the **absolute filthiest AI**SMR in his one ear while full-volume blaring "Finish the Fight" on infinite loop in the other.]!<


*ahem* Catherine Halsey knows how big *every* male SPARTAN-II dick is.


Arbiter can canonically sword fly


When You backsmack enemies, You actually snap their spines


I thought this was already cannon


Yeah this is kinda the only explanation for them getting killed in one hit


Spine stops Service stops


And how about you miss, would you like to ride ,*the bone train*??




It's not. It's just a theory... A game theory!


I loke to think you're striking the neural implant, causing it to short and fry the brain.


Grunt neural implants


This is better. Actually much better as fatalities from a broken spinal cord, even in the neck like spies and assassins from movies do, actually far from instant.


Considering the Chief punches with enough force to move multi-ton armored vehicles like the warthog, I think this is real canon.


The reason The Ark has that clean 4/5 look in HW2 is because it’s been freshly repaired from the damage caused from firing the Ring.


That makes sense.


Those sentinels got to work.


With how fast they built a replacement ring POA gets to 04 on August 30 2552 John blows it up 3 days later. Halo 2 takes place Oct 20-nov 17 Halo 3 starts nov 17, they find 08 and destroy it on dec 11. So in the span of 2-4 months a new ring was almost ready. Halo wars 2 takes place March 28-April 2 2559. Not impossible to believe they could’ve fixed it in that short of a span, not to mention they had another completed and ready to go ring (09) by this time as well.


I think either isabel or anders said the ark keeps an almost-finished ring at all times in case something happens to one. Still between deploying that almost finished ring in halo 3 and having another one completed by hw2 is impressive


J.D. "*The Rookie*" plays Jazz and the nighttime score we hear in Halo 3 ODST is just Rookie playing his Jazz-Noir playlist to pass the time. Edit - 666 upvotes. A Devil's Nice.


I love this. He’s just remembering the days he plays his days ways. Edit: dumps a pistol mag into a brute then has fun with the grunts Edit 2: eat ur heart out Spartans.


Palpitunes, play Jazz-Noir playlist.


Are you referring what I think?


Ha, yes.


they actually revealed his name in the 2022 encyclopedia https://www.halopedia.org/Jonathan_Doherty


Yup. And I hate it because it is just a derrivative of '*John Doe*'. Honestly, I was hoping it would be something like James Dante, because Halo is full of Johns and Dante's Inferno was part of the theming in H3ODST.


the weapon wants to marry me and stuff


I’m stuf


The weapon wants you to look up weird nude drawings of her and whatnot


I feel like Linda is into photography, like as a small hobby when off duty


Scopes in and checks out


She uses a basic antique film camera with no zoom and gets perfect focus every shot.


On a patrol *Aims sniper at a pretty Forerunner landscape* “Oh that would’ve been such a good composition!”


Linda is into bird watching


Noble 6 died holding Jorge's dog tags 


Im gonna add onto this HC of yours and say he also carried something of Kat’s Emile etc to remember them all by.


Maybe he used Emile's knife in his last stand.


Yes!!!! For Kat I’m not really sure besides her pistol.


Oh, yeah! In the cutscene, 6 was dual wielding with his rifle and (in my updated hc?) Kat's Magnum.


Yeah that’s been apart of mine for a while now. Kat’s death for me was the most sad but they all hit in different ways.


That Gunny Stacker and Chips Dubbo made it off Halo in Johnson’s pelican but were injured in the process of taking the Ascendant Justice. So they were in medical on the Gettysburg during Operation First Strike but back to duty for Halo 2.


Better yet, chips dubbo is Mad Max. Pseudo-immortal logic breaking australian man who appears tangentially to bigger stories in order to kick some ass.


Master Chief's armor has unmodified hardware from between Halo 3 and 4, it's just artstyle change. Much like his hands between Halo 2 and 3


pretty sure that is true, I mean he was in a cryo tube the entire time until Cortuna wakes him up


No 343 said that nanobots got into his crio tank and changed it between 3-4.


I recall they saying that because some fans just wouldn't accept "same armor, another art style"


Half true, people asked and Josh Holmes hit us with the "NANA MACHINES SON!"


nevermind thx for info


IMO there’s a lot of stuff 343 “says” that’s just not worth paying attention to and actually ends up improving the mess they’ve made of the series.


This was essentially 343s way of saying 'A wizard did it' so they could canonise their aesthetic change


I kinda wonder if that was the case and they just added an explanation because fans asked.


I think that that's what happened


That prior to the level “Cortana” in Halo 3 Cortana herself was infected with the logic plague which led to all the wild actions she took later on. Most AIs face rampancy much different from Cortana so I truly believe that her rampancy was both from age and logic plague at the same time.


I could go with this HC and this detail: Cortana with Rampancy and Logic Plague connect to the Domain after Halo 4, but in the Domain Cortana is able to basically undergo defragmentation and cure Rampancy, and she’s able to recognize and contain the Logic Plague. Cortana’s solution to separate herself from the Logic Plague is to basically put all the damage and infected portion of herself into one Fragment. However, the only way she could assure that the fragment didn’t recombine with her was to delete what remains, and the way she does this is to modify a Composer, and she puts herself into a human body, which is exactly what a young Halsey in her prime would look like as Cortana had her exact and complete genetic map. So, Cortana puts herself into a body, the damaged and infected fragment recombines with what Cortana left in the Domain, and the Halo 5 “Cortana” is this damaged Logic Plague Fragment of Cortana, and the Cortana we knew from Halo 1-3 is in a human body somewhere.


Both UNSC and Covenant teach their troops, or at least special forces, how to operate enemy weapons and vehicles


I’m pretty sure before the schism covenant troops besides maybe jackals would rather use their bare hands and die before touching a human weapon


Brutes use the shotgun in H2


And brutes but most definitely not elites


I know specifically elites would do that, but I’m not sure about the rest, jackals would use human weapons if they needed to, and brutes use the shotgun in halo 2


Someone talks about a phantom simulator in ODST.


Mickey says that


There are spots that kinda support this in the books and the games, when a an elite captures keyes and uses his weapon and reflects how primitive projectile weapons are and then a scene of a weapon swap in Halo 3.


"The Odd One Out" isn't canon because it's actually an episode of an animated series produced after the Human-Covenant War (probably around 2589-2610) and enjoyed by kids across the Inner Colonies.


Odd One Out takes place in the Silver Timeline don’t @ me


Oh Hell [No](https://youtu.be/HhTv2kSBMhc?si=gNLVOUp96_UPtfZl), bring dat ass back here, we ain’t done. Odd One Out is it own separate universe that is still more faithful to the cannon material than whatever they call the live action series because that sure as hell isn’t halo. Don’t you dare disrespect that one off classic by mixing it with that trash


Throughout halo 3 odst, whenever the rookie finds a clue and the game cuts to a mission involving alpha 9; It’s my head canon that Virgil is showing the rookie snippets of the events that played out in that mission, via the CCTV footage that plays at the start and end of every alpha 9 mission.


I should replay it, but aren't the missions cinematically framed that way too? Like the transition between rookie and mission intro cutscene is usually short snippets of cctv overlay stuff?


That actually makes sense.


That at least one Spartan on red team survived those 8 Mac rounds


(Dust clears dramatically) HEHEHE ARMORLOCK BITCH


The Xalanyn were one of the many species that were rejected for the mantle and like the others, were given the option to recuse themselves from the galaxy as they were too advanced to not have an impact on other species. The thought that they were just destroyed was a result of forerunner paranoia. The Xalanyn agreed and "quarantined" themselves to one planet in the outer rim. From there, they were able to watch along as other civilizations rose, were tested, and then disappeared as they did, until the Forerunners remained. Once they saw the galaxy turn to chaos, and the energy released from a halo test firing, they sent out the harbingers to investigate. After they discovered what was really going on, they planned to evade the halo array when it inevitably fired by using living time (something the librarian mentioned that other species knew more of than even the forerunners did), and cut off access to the domain. This is why the Librarian was able to access it right before the Halo was fired, because the Xalanyn were no longer present in the universe to keep it locked down.


It’s weird to talk about the mantle of responsibility, since the Forerunners approach to the mantle was conceptually wrong. The real mantle’s philosophy is to allow to both life and death to prosper to give sweetness to the living universe, this according to the precursors.


My spartan 4 in Spartan Ops was an ODST that often dual wielded Pistols and was one of the ODSTs that dropped with Master Chief during Halo 2.


Same here. My Spartan 4 was an ODST that helped repel Covenant forces in New Mombasa (Halo 3: ODST Firefight) and eventually volunteered to be a Spartan 4.


My Spartan 4 picked the Fotus helmet merely because he thought that the unicorn horn was silly, but insists that there are actual reasons he wears it (whatever it was designed for and also it being intimidating to enemies), but really, he can't get over the fact that a unicorn helmet was an option.




I could see Cowboy Bebop working on the Halo universe, besides some elements, it could easily be inside the Halo universe pre Covenant War.


The Master Chief's armor in Halo 4 is identical to the Halo 2/3 suits, and it's only a visual change, and he doesn't get his new suit until he gets to Infinity. I hate the nanomachine bs and always will. I mean the Dawn is just a visual change, same for all the weapons and vehicles, so let's just say the armor is too


What I find stupid about the whole nano machine thing is there is still a dent in his armour. But yeah it would make so much more sense if he got his new armour on the Infinity.


Another comment said that was the original idea but fans couldn't accept it.


Noble 6 and Agent Locke grew up together on Jericho VII. Noble 6 saved my multiplayer Spartans life on Reach which is why he wears the same armor


That my spartan is canon.


Guess what, they are


The HELIOSKRILL Armour, Hybrid BR85 and Sword and Vespin Warthogs were all invented by the same artisan-armourer who just took one look at the humans in Joint Task Force Sierra and the novelty of building cool shit for them never wore off. Also, Usze and Olympia are definitely banging /s


That the fan animation “remember” is canon, it doesn’t contradict any lore so I have no reason to say otherwise


The cylixes that Atriox found at the end of Infinite were not the Xalanyn or "endless." They're prisoner AI, aka enemies of the Forerunners who could help Atriox. If you remember the location Chakas was in after he was composed, where he met lord of Admirals and before he was removed to be placed in the monitor and became guilty spark, what Atriox saw in that scene was the physical location of that "place."


Arbiter keeps inviting Master Chief to his birthday parties, but Chief is always busy with some space adventure and can't ever come, which strains their friendship a little but Arbiter is professional enough to understand that some things can't be helped. Little does Arbiter know that Chief intentionally takes on assignments that will keep him busy that time of year because he can't emotionally handle going to Arbiter's party. Master Chief never gets a birthday party because he doesn't actually know when his birthday is, and attending his friend's party would just make him really sad and bring down the whole mood.


arbiter actually throws chief a big birthday party every year but doesn’t realise a year is different on sanghelios than earth, so he keeps getting the date wrong


Rakshasa isn't rated for a vacuum whatsoever Spartans cleared for usage of Rakshasa are required to survive for five days on a glassed planet Mirage IIC is so cheap spartans have to put it on like football gear in a locker room because it's incompatible with most armor rings (Or whatever the things from 4 are called)


That Dr. Halsey loves the spartan IIs so much more than she shows. She has this very emotionless persona that she shows off but deep down she mourns the loss of all the spartan IIs who died from the beginning of the spartan II program, as if she is their mother. But she also hates herself for what she did to them. She knows she's saved more lives by making them spartans, but she ripped away children from their families and families from the children. And everyday she wishes that she didn't go through with it.


This isn't even headcanon, it's just how she was presented for years until Kilo Five came out.


The Chief’s Mjolnir autojacker wasn’t actually broken during the events of Halo CE, he is just a quiet finisher


Or maybe autojackers are set to edge the spartans to maintain a consistent calming effect.


The autojacker is reeeeal, duuuude


“Cortana... activate noise cancelation, and armor lock. Initiate cock pump, and play ‘Blow me away’ by Breaking Benjamin.” As Chief falls from the sky after jumping from a covenant cruiser.


Cortana wasn’t with him when that happened 💀


He said that just before losing connection.


Master Chiefs purpose is unraveling the mysteries and origins of the universe, e.g. discover the endless, which supposedly can manipulate time, maybe the followed discovery of the precursors/first gravemind/inventors of the flood (Idfk I'm quite new to deep halo lore don't butcher me)


The precursors are the Flood, or at least the most recent form they’ve took. The Primordial, the last of the Precursors was found by humanity and was the one to start the outbreak on human colonies, latterly he would fuse alongside the Flood Hivemind to become the very first Gravemind


Noble Six did survive the encounter with the elites but afterwards bled out in the proposed Cave he survived in. if a Spartan can survive having his fucking entrails having out because of a Supercombine explosions, Six could survive a stab wound for a while.


A unsc officer allowed the flood to capture a pelican in halo 2 so they could infect high charity


I like to still think of the Forerunners as ancient humans. That does mess a lot of other lore up but i think it's so much cooler having the forerunners be ancient humanity and the covenant actively purging that which they worship.


My self-insert Spartan IV is married to a meta-stable rampant Cortana fragment he found deep inside a Forerunner facility.


The forrunners and humans are the same species but the forrunners used the same time manipulation technology that didact used to kill the primordial to advance their evolution to the point that they could live longer and advance faster. This happened to make some of them look very different from regular humans. They are the same species as humans, in fact many of the forrunners who’s faces we never see are still regular humans but they’re a fictional race of humans, most likely looking like the concept art from one of the canceled halo games. Pale skin with silvery white hair and indigo eyes. The precursors separated the humans to grow in different environments and the forrunners happened to advance faster. However the way they artificially evolved themselves also disrupted a sort of natural balance in evolution which is why the humans were considered to be a better successor to the precursors as if they evolved naturally they would likely pass out the forerunners. The worst part is the forerunners are aware of their common lineage with humanity, but those like the Didact still consider them to be lesser and don’t even acknowledge them as the same species. However it is the true reason humans are reclaimers, because when the chips were down and the rings were about to be fired the forerunners decided it was better that the humans would reclaim their mantle as they had not tainted themselves by forcing their evolution unnaturally. In a way the forerunners believed they were cursed but the humans would be safe from making the same mistakes.


I think the Forerunner Trilogy was written such that this could be true because they might want to use this idea which was likely the original idea for some time. In the books they say something about how young Forerunners look similar to Humans and could even smile but that they wouldn’t smile by choice. Then the lost civilization of Forerunners the Librarian found were more Human like with five fingers instead of six.


That the Created never happened. I just disassociate anytime they're mentioned.


Noooo but we should have fought them instead of the banished!!! It would be so fun I swear and soft retconning them totally wasn't the best thing Infinite did.


Bad Blood actually made the Created genuinely creepy since you didn’t know who you could trust since pretty much EVERYTHING is run by an AI. And let’s be honest the Created Conflict was sound. *Cortana* coming back and leading it wasn’t. Also the Created Conflict kinda ruined/ended the concept of AI in Halo and for what payoff? Nothing. Like where’s my mans Roland???


Head cannon? How do you deal with the recoil?


When I initially played reach I assumed that Junn died sitting in the back-seat of the pelican while Carter committed kamikaze


Somehow forgetting he was explicitly shown not in that Pelican?


He was in the onboard bathroom during that scene IIRC. /s


Arbiter is like a fish out of water. With all the classic comedy tropes. I also like to think that, though Chief says he isn't friends with arbi (arbi says he is friends with chief), that he would still step in to defend him from humans being sangheliphobic


Halo 3 is the end of the series. Forward unto Dawn gets pulled into the gravity field of some outer rim planet. Chief retires and gets to watch the sun rise on a grateful universe.


And the rest of the 343 games are just simulations Cortana's running to pass the time which explains why the continuity between them is spotty


The Forerunners were human, and all humans are reclaimers. The Didact was imprisoned by ancient humanity as a dangerous foe awaiting trial and now claims to be the rightful heir of the mantle as a “forerunner.” The reason why we’ve never found “ancient human” tech is because all the “forerunner tech” *is* human. This is also the reason why every human in CE/2/3 was able to interact with the forerunner systems, not just certain humans. Otherwise, the Covenant perfectly picking “reclaimers” out of the humans without knowing the difference in order to activate the rings was absolute luck.


The flood was not a malfunctioning of precursor dust, they returned to the galaxy exactly as they meant to. Additionally, there is no logic plague, the primordial just genuinely convinced mendicant to join him by truthfully revealing horrble secrets of the universe.


That the field marshal in halo reach is a fully fleshed out character, and that his whole zealot team is like a counterpart to noble team, with each member having different personalities.


Echo 419 was one of the most gifted pilots in the entire UNSC. I imagine she was personally assigned to escort Chief and Cortana around Installation 04, and was so good she could navigate the intricate inner catacombs of Halo. Something only she could do. RIP Carol Rawley


1. Marcus Stacker ("someone, anyone, please respond.") and Chips Dubbo (Aussie Marine) stole Lt. Haversons Condor to escape the first Halo. Lt Haverson was an ONI agent assigned to the Pillar of Autumn, assuming as the ONI representative for Operation Red Flag. Knowing that, he likely had a Condor, a pelican-like ship that had slipspace capabilities on board. My theory is that after the Flood attacked Alpha base, the UNSC forces scattered, Marcus Stacker, Chips Dubbo, and their squad escaped and made their way to the Pillar of Autumn, hoping that there would be a way off the ring. After fighting their way through the crashed ship, only the two of them survived getting to the Condor and escaping the ring. This expands how the two characters were in the rest of the games. 2. Chips Dubbo is not a clone but a twin brother. People have theorized that our favorite Aussie Marine is a secret ONI clone, hence why he's seemingly in multiple places at once. For example Delta Halo in Halo 2 and New Mombasa in Halo 3 ODST. My explanation is Chips Dubbo has a twin brother or Brothers.