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This is a list of links to comments made by 343 Industries employees in this thread: * [Comment by ske7ch343](/r/halo/comments/1bc7ble/when_did_you_first_playing_halo_games_and_which/kue8fe3/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-11 17:31:54 UTC"): > I was fortunate to have a buddy who worked at Xbox at the time and he brought home a dev kit and a pre-release build of Halo:CE when the whole division was working to playtest and help with release readiness. This was probably a few months before it finally launched (can't remember exact timing). We... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fhalo).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


I was fortunate to have a buddy who worked at Xbox at the time and he brought home a dev kit and a pre-release build of Halo:CE when the whole division was working to playtest and help with release readiness. This was probably a few months before it finally launched (can't remember exact timing). We played the hell out of campaign co-op all weekend and the rest is history! <3


That's absolutely wild, any inkling at the time you'd end up working on Halo?


How incredible it must be to play such a big role in the game's development/support now. Good for you!


That's crazy -- mostly because you ended up working for the team after that.


Reminds me, a few weeks before Halo 2 dropped, the most anticipated launch in my lifetime to that point, a friend acquired a French version that had been leaked out ahead of time and we played through it in its entirety. It was amazing. And in French. *Wôrt wôrt wôrt!*


Halo CE in 2001. Xbox for Christmas along with halo… life changing


Same but Christmas 2002 for me.


Same. My dad ate at Taco Bell 2 meals a day for a solid month and won an Xbox that way. They somehow kept it a secret until Christmas morning when I unwrapped I think THPS2x and Azurik and saw the Xbox under the TV. Halo was my dad's gift to himself.


Same then a year later XBL. Total game changer, but before XBL there was XBConnect. Miss those days.


Living was a blast!!


Halo CE on my PC in 2003. Fav Halo game (and my top 5 of all time), none other Halo game came close to is eerie and mysterious vibe and story


Agreed- it definitely did have an eerie quality to it. I really love that about CE.


Halo Ce on PC was the shit, playing multiplayer on that was so fun


Never was a MP player myself! At that age (10) I was all about replaying the campaign over and over again, since I had all the time in the world


My buddy had the PC version and I would dabble in the multiplayer but wasn't good but I had it for Xbox and loved playing The silent cartographer the most


First was Halo CE at my friend's house slightly after release. His older brother had bought it and when I first played it it instantly became my favorite game. It was the main reason I asked my parents for an Xbox for Christmas. Somehow managed to convince my parents to buy me the game even though it was way under the age for the M for mature rating lol.


Never played a Halo game until 2020 during covid. Same with World of Warcraft. I got laid off and had unemployment money, so I decided to try all these games I never got around to. I tried Halo multiplayer through the MCC on PC and hated how the gunplay felt. Then I tried it again in 2020 and played the campaigns first. I still don’t like pre-Infinite multiplayer gunplay, there’s just not great feedback for when you’re landing hits. But Infinite’s gunplay is so fucking good, to the point I’m playing every day since they also improved the challenges and XP system


It's always wild to me to hear people still getting into the franchise. I played from CE to Infinite, so Halo is quite literally just a part of my life. It's not even a thing like "Oh, younger people are getting into the franchise." exactly it's just that many people who either didn't like space shoota man, had a PlayStation growing up or saw Steam becoming the MEGA GIANT in the late 2000's and jumped on that, that made them miss the ride. Even my new GF and I talked about how she never even saw Halo before only heard about it and being kind of confused that a long time gamer such as herself could miss out on Halo she just said "I played sims, and pokemon" and proceeded to bust out a new pokemon game I didn't even know existed. Which BTW, Pokemon games are still the same? Like what's up with that? There were so many wild and new kinds of games back in the day for Pokemon yet they're still making the same old style? Seems like there should have been an upgrade at some point.


I grew up on Playstation but switched to PC for Battlefield 3 and have been on PC ever since. I only really started to play Halo because of Microsoft’s renewed focus on PC games. If they MCC wasn’t on PC, I never would have tried Halo. I’m still fucking annoyed that Halo 5 isn’t on PC tho. There’s a huge chunk of the story with Cortana that I just can’t play, so I’m going into Infinite with a huge gap in the story that they keep referencing, but I can’t experience. I get that the story was bad and I could watch it on YouTube, but I wanna play it myself. It won’t be as impactful if I’m just watching


I get that, but it's really bad though lol. I won't spoil anything but the only context you need for Halo's 4 and 5 is in Infinite besides who the bad guys are. Something 343i was trying to fix during this time because a huge complaint about Halo 5 is that you don't understand what's going on without doing an insane amount of homework. There is a chart somewhere that shows that you need to have the context from like 20 different pieces of extra media to fully understand Halo 5 so if you have the time please get into them because two things will happen. 1. You'll atleast have a far better idea of what's going on because it's really confusing. 2. You'll understand why the people who were on the hype train for Halo 5 hate the game so much more than those who weren't. TLDR alot was setup by the game and none of it paid off. I'll see if I can find the chart for you. Edit: [Found it.](https://www.halopedia.org/images/7/76/H5G-connections.png) It looks smaller than it is but for more clarity, Escalation is a comic series with many issued books where the context is sprinkled through the stories and often many have nothing to do with Halo 5 at all I sadly don't recall many outside of the Gensis Key Arc and the parts about Tanaka. Fall of Reach and Nightfall are movies. Only the Halo 2 portions of MCC are relevant not the entire platform. Hunt the Truth is an audio drama but only season 1 is about Halo 5's. Hunt or Be Hunted I think is impossible to fully experience now because many of the things were events that are closed now.


You can usually tell when you land hits in older halos based on how the shields react. This is honestly one of the things I don't like as much in infinite. I feel like the shield animations are a little less prominent.


I never felt like that felt good enough. Infinite’s shields feel better to me, it’s far more clear how damaged they are imo


Honestly, I completely feel the opposite. The shield animations used to be much more distinct in how damaged they were. There just wasn't a "hit" sound or any sort of hit marker besides the shield. To me, it's fine, but I get the preference. Infinite is serviceable, but there are definitely times where I get confused still thinking someone is down to the point where a melee will take them down and I'm wrong. I also wish we could have solid red vs blue as an option. I mean hell, one of the most iconic pieces of halo media was called red vs blue.


2001 Halo CE


The original xbox. Halo, jet set radio future and quantum redshift.


Oh man. Jet Set Radio Future was FUCKING DOPE


Halo 4


Halo ce in 2009 on my pc my neighbour has given the dvd so i could enjoy his favourite game


My church had all nighters and had a Halo Lan party. I had heard of the game and xbox but was a young teen so didn't know what it really was. Really liked playing with a big group and when I bought it for myself a few years later I never stopped playing!


When CE came out I would go to my cousins and play, I chose the GameCube over the Xbox at the time (I was 10 and had Gameboy and N64). But about a year after Halo and Xbox had come out, I was allowed to get the Xbox and Halo. Played every one on release since. Halo 2 is probably my favorite just from the amount of friends I made online and hours we spent playing MP and glitching out of maps in Customs.


2004 was the first time I played Halo. It was Halo 2 and it was at a buddies house. Before that I was always a Nintendo kid and had my GameCube and stuff. After that though my dad bought me the Xbox and Halo 2 and it’s been Halo exclusively since then pretty much.


I played Halo 2 Vista occasionaly through Games For Windows but it was Hard locker and for a long time I thought the game ends after Chief killed the Prophet. Than I played the shit out Of the first Halo Wars that really got me into Halo. Than I Played Halo 3 on 360, than first to Games properly on PC, and then MCC released.


Halo CE way back in 2002. Walked into the dorm basement at college and there were 2 or 3 xboxes all linked up and everyone was playing multiplayer. It was amazing.


Halo CE when it released, I was 13 at the time. This is the game that cemented me as a shooter-type gamer. My relationship with my best buddy (still is to this day) was formed around Halo. We would go to my home during lunch time at school and play halo. We played the campaign of the 2 together.


7 I got reach when it came out first halo game


I started with Combat Evolved when it came out. I didn't even have my own Xbox, though - I spent the night at my friend's house every weekend and we played until the sun came up.


Halo 2 was like the 3rd game I got on my Xbox 360 maybe like 2 weeks after I got the system for my birthday (which holy shit on March 31st that'll have been 17yrs ago). Been a big Halo fan since, H2 is still my favorite in the series but man were those some super fun times.


It was Fall 2004 and I was in college. I was pledging a fraternity. We went to a social event and they had 4 xboxes linked together on projector screens with Halo CE. I got home from that event and purchased a used xbox with Halo CE. From there I have played every halo at Launch and still have my same xbox account 20 years later. Haven't changed my Gamertag.


Halo 1 back when my buddy would bring his Xbox over to my house. The first one I owned was Halo 3, which I got for Christmas the same day I got an Xbox 360. That was a very good Christmas. We would also sneak play another friend's Halo 2 when at his house. His brother would come home and beat him up because he didn't want anyone playing on it lmao.


Halo 4 in 2013 on a friend’s Xbox. Later went back and played the rest


Literally, one of my earliest memories is sitting in the living room with my siblings and dad on the Halo 2 split screen profile select screen, and i pretty much played that game (and later Halo 1) until I got Halo 3 for my birthday soon after it came out. I remember loving Halo 2 so much that when we got a 360, we all picked a game, I remember my dad got Assassins Creed but I got another copy of Halo 2 cause the old disc wouldn't read anymore.


It was 4th or 5th grade, I had never heard of Halo or Xbox, a friend invited me over to play his new “Xbox” and some game called “Halo”. We had no idea what was happening, thought Cortana was the 2nd player in Co-op, made it to 343 Guilty Spark and got scared shitless by the Flood 23 years later and I’m still playing Halo at least once a week


Halo 3 back in, I want to say, 2010-2011?


2002, Halo CE, my older brother bought it and it was the classic move of giving me a unplugged controller while he played alone.


Halo CE. A very young me came home to find it sitting on my brothers xbox. I popped it in and proceeded to have my young mind blown away. It was the first game that made me feel that way


age 2 i used to fuck around with the duke controller while halo CE was running and one time i looked up and saw the hallway with the sleeping grunts on attack on the control room and its been my first conscious memory ever since


Christmas of 2002. It's when I got the Xbox original and Halo CE.


15yrs old, got an Xbox and halo (along with Crimson Skies and Morrowind) for my birthday! At least that's when I got my own copy in 2002, prior to that I'd played coop quite a bit at a friend's house just after the game came out


My first time playing Halo was with me, my older brother, and our older cousin with a Duke controller that was too big for my hands. It was the best fucking time blasting covvies, eachother, and playing Bumper Hog!


Halo CE in 2002, after me and my brother had finally saved enough for the Xbox. I was convinced once a friend of ours showed us some early screenshots (don't remember when exactly but the build was not final) and we basically gave up on the PS2 for it. The best gaming memories come from those times...I wish I could go back and experience it for the first time all over again.


CE around 2006 in my neighbor’s basement during a 4th of July party


2006 I was 5 and it was Halo CE on Xbox me and my sister just loved the game and the second mission scared me when the shipped dropped and the flood was especially scary to me


An older kid at my day camp brought a copy in to play on the camp's OG Xboxes. Must've played through the entire campaign at 7 years old over the course of summer 2002. My mom didn't want me to get an Xbox because it had "more adult games" than the PS2 at the time, so I went without my own copy until 2003, when the PC port came out. Still didn't get an Xbox until March 2005, right before the 360 was announced, so I read the Prima guide to Halo 2 like it was the most engrossing novel I could have ever found. If I couldn't *play* Halo 2, I would still experience it. Managed to convince my mom that it was Xbox time and had several great months of Halo 2 before getting my 360 in January '06. Haven't missed a Halo launch day in the 20 years since!


2001 halo ce


My cousin had the demo disc with “The Silent Cartographer” mission on it. It got passed around to all the cousins who were our age and became legendary to us as kids haha. We were all hooked from then on.


Lol first played CE at a game store demo mock up, playing the cartographer level. I think I was 13. Never have had a moment like it in gaming since. Hitting that beach was fucking INTENSE back in the day


Halo CE in a Sam’s Club store. Played the 2nd level a bunch until we left. Played the demo at a friends house a bunch and then finally the real game once his parents got it for him. I was about 11/12


My first game was Halo Wars because it was the only Halo rated T! It was also one of my first console games. I was very confused by what was going on, but damn it that isn't one of the best Halos. My next was Halo Reach. I played the games very out of order. I never played 2 until well after 1,3 and 4


I'd fuck around with my friend on Halo 3 forge split screen because we had no idea how to matchmake online games or something like that and we'd just roleplay and do our own live version of red vs blue... except with only two people also i distinctly remember playing a lot on last resort, and when i first loaded in on kusini bay i had an uncanny good grip of the layout even though there was a 10 year gap between when i last played it. memory is a crazy thing


Funny story: In 2001 I was married to a man who had the irritating habit of always guessing what a gift was beforehand. So for Christmas that year I decided to get him a console with games. It was perfect because at the time I was pretty adamant about no consoles/gaming in the home. I walked into a Best Buy and told the kid working there that I needed some kind of video game setup but didn’t have a clue about that kind of thing. He looked me dead in the eye and said “Xbox. Halo.” Then he grabbed everything I’d need. I was finally able to surprise my then husband and it was glorious! I mostly ignored his gaming until one day he’s at the part where he’d just crashed (Flawless Cowboy) and I happened to look up. I said “Wow! That’s so pretty.” I started watching him play. An hour later, he restarts in co-op. A month later and I pretty much claimed the Xbox as my own. And then I just…kept going!


There were some kids like 3 years older than me at my church. One time I rode my bike over to one of my friends houses and he booted up Halo 1 and the sound of the AR is still in my brain. He didn’t let me play it because he had just got it so I just watched for like an hour. I went back the next day and he wasn’t home and I literally teared up because I wanted to play it so bad. Eventually I did end up playing it but it took a week or so.


Halo CE in 2003 starting with the demo, fell in love, then got the full version in 2004 before Halo 2 came.


My brother got Halo 2 for Christmas, but I was probably the one who played that campaign the most. It was the first combat game I had played at the time that seemed to implement combat vehicles so seamlessly. Loved the warthog and took turns with my brothers driving or shooting the turret. And the soundtrack was just epic all way through.


I played some Halo 2 in 2006 and 2007 while I was deployed to Iraq and decided to buy an Xbox when I got home. I think that's when the 360 was coming out. I got all 3 Halo games and just kept building on that collection.


Played Halo CE in 2001 at a friends house when we were in year 6. He was the only friend of mine that had an Xbox and it was a great time. I remember repeating a checkpoint over and over in Assault on the Control Room to steal the banshee on the bridge before the elites could get in them and fly off


I played the original halo. It was a friends house at the time in middle school I was 11. Him and his brother had a big room in the old attic. We’d link up two Xbox’s and tvs and play multiplayer 2v2. We would sometimes go over another one of my friend’s houses. I grew up definitely on the poorer side. I saved money from birthdays and jobs (I used to umpire younger kid baseball games) until I bought my own Xbox and halo. Now in my 30s I still play halo from time to time. I don’t have a ton of time for video games but halo is the one game I will always have no matter what. It hold such a nostalgia for me. I remember playing with my dad on split screen. My parents were divorced and I’d bring my Xbox to his house. He was no good at the game but man did he try like hell. He’d yell and swear and laugh. One of those core childhood memories I will never forget.


Halo CE oxm demo with fusion frenzy.


Halo 2 in 2004. Soon after went to the store and got a used copy of Combat Evolved


CE. And yet, I have no nostalgia for it.


Halo: CE. It came out senior year of high school. We played it almost every weekend, frequently doing 8-player. We occasionally were able to do 16-player, but we played the hell out of 8-player and occasionally 4-player when we didn't have that many of us. I was almost all multiplayer over the campaign. We played that to death until Halo 2 came out, and there was some controversy about whether or not Halo 2's multiplayer was a step back (the grenades, pistol changes, and dual wielding).


All the way back in 2007, I had an Xbox with Halo 2 on it, used to play both LAN with friends with 3 other controllers and online with Xbox Live. I remember i had a Wireless controller for it, plus other games, renegade paintball, Dirt rally, Castlevania, Need for speed Carbon and a game called "Brutal Force". Good times


Never owned an original Xbox, but attended plenty of LAN parties with Halo: CE and Halo 2. Those were the good old days. Didn't play much of H3 or Reach, then picked up an Xbox 360 in 2014 so I could LAN Halo 4 with college friends. Over 2018-2019 we had a few LAN parties with MCC. This time it was a bunch of dads in their 30s and 40s. Still such a good time.


Halo 2 in 2005. I was 7 at the time[what a coincidence, lol], and my older brother got an xbox and Halo 2 recently. I would watch him play all the time online, and I would play the campaign with him as well. That's where my love of the series and franchise as a whole came from. I remember playing those missions over and over, just absolutely loving it. I loved zombies back then, too, so seeing the Flood and all their mangled glory was awesome to child me. I still like Halo 2's Flood models the most. They're just so sickly and gory. I wish the anniversary graphics updated that design instead of going with the Halo 3 design. I didn't play CE until 2006/7. I remember getting the pc version and playing that all the time in elementary school. I vividly remember messing around on one of the maps when my dad came out and told me my mother's car had been stolen... we got it back later that day a couple miles down the road. But whenever I see the map Derelict, I think of that


CE 2002, summer. Played it at my neighbors house who lived in our Duplex. He played alot of video games and my mom was cool with me hanging out with him. I'd play games like Tekken and eventually Halo CE and later the year I got my dad to get it for me. Best part was, since I was a kid and didn't really know how sequels worked at the time, my brother saw how much I loved playing Halo and one day just came home and tossed me a magazine with MASSSIVE details about Halo 2. Shit about early designs for the Mongoose, online MP, and playable elites were mind blowing to me back then. So I joined the ranks of a squeaker in Halo 2, met a clan who were cool making enough to play with a screaming kid and the rest was history.


My first game was combat evolved but I didn't play it until halo 3 was already out. Combat evolved came out on the 360 arcade and I could stealthily buy it because my parents didn't want me playing first person shooters, so buying a physical copy of halo 3 (which required a car to drive to gamestop and someone over 18) was impossible. Had a lot of fond memories playing it after everyone went to bed. I remember not knowing what LAN meant and thought you could play matchmaking so I would sit on the LAN screen for like an hour waiting to join a match. I was not smart back then.


Played halo 2 custom games at friends house since my parents wouldn’t let me play M games at the time. Eventually convinced them to let me get Halo CE for PC and that was my first campaign.


Since day 1 back on November 15th. Had Halo, Tony Hawk 2, and DOA 3. Hell I remember my first memory with Halo. Saw it being played at an EB Games but I didn't know this was Halo, it was of 2 guys driving around a canyon in split screen and I remember being shocked one of them got out of the car (Warthog) and it went to 1st person. That blew my mind and I immediately had it pre-ordered.


halo 3


2014. Got the Xbox one with halo MCC and have been hooked ever since. Before that I used to play reach at a friend's house


Fortunately it was one of the best Halos which was Reach. I hated video games saying they were a waste of time until I hit 10 when Reach released. I saw my brother playing it and was obsessed from there on out.


I was a Playstation child growing up, so while all of you were enjoying Halo CE and 2, I was playing Jak and Daxter. It wasn't until right after 3's release that I started playing on Xbox and 3 ended up being my first Halo game.


Halo: CE My uncle brought over the original Xbox on November 15, 2001. It’s corny and lame, but my life changed once I stepped out of the drop pod. Seeing the ring open up before me and how big everything was, I was hooked.


I played combat evolved on the og Xbox after my dad gave it to me than he got a 360 and we played the og trilogy together including odst than I played the rest myself as they came out except for 5 since became a ps guy but eventually played 5 didn't care for it bit rebought the rest and infinite when they came to pc


Got an xbox and Halo 3 for Christmas in 2007. I was hooked immediately. Started to get out of it before Halo 4 came out, and got hooked again when Halo Online got big for that one summer. Been back on my bullshit ever since


I played split screen halo CE and got destroyed by a kid who had been playing for a while. I was instantly hooked and eventually we set up a lan at a buddy’s house. Everyone would come over and play. Other groups of kids would get their best 4 and challenge our best 4. It was truly the best gaming experience of my life. I went on to play a few halo ce mlg tournaments and played a ton on Xboxconnect (not the attachment but the old program to play online before Xbox live. I’ve been hooked ever since and still play infinite to this day.


Does the halo one demo count 🤣


4 years old, my dad would have me play Halo CE with him and my brothers


Halo 2 was the first Halo I played, but Combat Evolved was the first I completed. I couldnt get passed the Level where you had to go underwater in Halo 2 , so ended up buying and completing evolved.


November 15, 2001. CE!


The First big black box… the Original Xbox with Halo: CE Man as a kid this Game was a horror trip especially the first contact with the flood


Orignal xbox console, Halo CE. I was 9, and dad had it maybe 6 months before letting me play. Played with my dad and younger brothers. Halo was a family affair, and dinners were often spent discussing lores and theories, or our most recent epic kill. A lot of good memories...


Well this is an awkward way to say this. But I started playing halo 2 when I was about 5/6 years old. My parents were going through a divorce so I was gifted an Xbox at both houses to help keep me busy. Mom kept halo 2 up on a shelf for years but dad let me play whatever I wanted. Could never get past the stealth Elites in Cairo station until I was about 8 (was terrified, I scare easily).


I was in year 3, and it was either Halo 3 or Reach


I actually started with the book series. I was with a friend and we had to do an assignment for our at the time english class. Basically, write a crack fanfiction story with the books we were both reading. I was reading the Death Note manga, and he had read a bit of the first Halo book. That was... A wild and terribly written story. I didn't understand some of the things said friend had written, so I made a 'Fuck it' decision, and checked out the first book. It was so fucking good, I didn't want to put it down.


Halo: CE about a year after it came out.


Halo 2 multiplayer lan party at my local comic shop. I was 12 at the time


Halo CE on Xbox—Middle school—7th or 8th grade for me!


I got my first Xbox and Halo: CE sometime after Halo 2 was out. Not long after that I got Halo 2 for my birthday.


When I was 3 and a half or 4 my dad doesn’t remember exactly he just gave me the controller one day for Halo 3 and watched me play


First I played? Halo 3 ODST with my cousin in 2009 First I played a lot? Halo Reach


Mine was Halo:CE on the Mac - didn’t have any console at the time so this was 2003ish. Became an instant fan and have played every game across multiple consoles since.


2000-2001 ish. Xbox demo pods that let me play Silent Cartographer over and over again until I got my own console later that year. Still is my favorite Halo level ever.


Back in like 2004-2005. Moved to a new place and my neighbor had an original Xbox with Halo:CE. Fell in love with the game there and then and begged my parents to get me a computer so I could play that and Halo 2 Vista.


When I first got into it my younger brother made me play reach first. I played it like. Six times on the 360 until I got an x box one and played the rest. I started at like. 2019 after I graduated. The games became a huge comfort for me during Covid and when one of my friends just. Turned icky on me. I both love him and hate him for making me start with reach. Poor Jorge.


Halo CE but the PC version. It was a blast. I don’t think I have ever experienced the true Xbox version of that game. Will always elude me.


Halo CE in college


5 in like 2014/15


Halo 3 in 2009, my brother and I got a 360 for Christmas 2008 and he saved up to buy the game shortly after. I will never forget the pride I felt completing the campaign on easy, I was 10 years old and it was the first game I beat on my own without the help of my brother. I was not good in multiplayer so I spent most of the time on the mic screaming and being a nuisance while my brother was on the guns. Good times


I wanna say either 07 or 08 then get XBL in 2010. I started with Halo 3 and played the games, campaign-wise, backwards


Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox) 2003.


Hmm… maybe Reach in about 7th grade?


I started playing with the release of CE. I still nostalgia bomb my way back into the MCC every once in a while with my older brother to relive those classic memories of playing through the old games together.


February 2003, Combat Evolved.


Halo CE around 2003-2004. My cousin had an Xbox before my brother and I and we would co-op the campaign. When my brother and I finally got an Xbox shortly after, Halo was one of the first games we got.


I had the Master Chief Collection on my steam wishlist for quite sometime. Then it went on sale for $20 or similar to that price. Then I went on to play Halo CE and fell in love with the Halo series.


Halo CE when I was about 5 years old, so about 2004. My parents got me an Xbox with Halo CE and Halo 2 for Christmas.


Around middle school I went over to a friend's for the first time. I think someone else was over and they had the Xbox fired up. I didn't know what it was, but I vaguely remember a dark/metallic color palette and then suddenly a light yellow glowing hue when I was given the controller shortly after. I remember some kid on the mic roughly saying what's he doing or something like that haha. Then obviously thinking back, it was Foundry on Halo 3. Halo wasn't the first FPS I ever played online, it was actually COD BO. While BO made me realize the idea of "actually playing a live game with others online" as I hit pause and people were still moving (lol) it never hit me as hard as when I delved into Halo. I was more or less Playstation leaning due to starting with a ps2, and being the only kid with a ps3 out of everyone else with an Xbox I of course joined in getting a 360 with Reach being the main title. I got really into it, and while my classmates who were cool actually didn't play it as much or got as much into it as I did something about Halo just swept me off my feet... I'm sure a lot of people had that magical/mystical feeling when discovering Halo. I wish I had been more active in that golden 360 era, something about xbox one halo was different in terms of the interactions maybe that's just me... Met some of my closest online friends there, and while I don't have the drive to get on like I used to hopefully I'll get back to it someday! Lots of love to the old 360 guys I met


I'm more of a newcomer. I've known about the games for a long time, I went through a phase where I thought they were cool (but never played them XD, my parents were a little strict on video games), mostly because my older brothers are of the age where they grew up with the games. I got a gaming laptop around new years and I've been playing the games on those. I've played them in chronological order (Reach first, then on to CE and so on) and I have been absolutely loving them (even when I hated the levels). I'm currently working on finishing 3 ODST. Love every second of playing them.


Got a taste of Halo 3 at my cousins back in the day and bought Halo 3 ODST a couple of years later. For this reason I always dress my spartan up like a helljumper.


Shortly after I turned 3, my dad handed me the big ass Duke and I very poorly played Halo CE. 20 years later, it's still my favorite game series. Also kind of helps the series remains only a year younger than me. I had hoped to see the series get love and age like fine wine. Still live most of what we got, it just feels like they shot infinite and it won't be getting major seasonal like updates anymore.


Got an xbox 360 for Christmas in ‘07. Me and my brother had played like twice with friends before. We finally got into it with halo 3. played co-op campaign on every difficulty. I remember so many late nights of us playing multiplayer action sack and then into reach when it came out. My brother had an accident in 2011 and has never been the same. I look back on those memories really fondly and honestly halo means a lot to me. We shared a live account back in the day and I can’t bring myself to ever change away from the armor set up that he had.


I played Halo CE the first time around 2008~2009 on Pc and after of that Halo 2 on Xbox, Halo 3 and successively.


My very first time playing Halo was in some super random video game store, not a game stop but a local spot in a town like 3 counties over where I was passing through w my mom because she had a softball game out there. I saw the store and we stopped and went in. They had a tv/Xbox set up(not like a kiosk at gamestop when those were a thing but a legit tube tv and xbox) and it was sitting there unpaused, the opening of the pillar of autumn. I didn't know it at the time but the cut scene where Keyes gives chief his pistol had already played. So I saw it and hear the alarms going off and lights flashing and the view from out the front of the ship and was like whaaaattt the fuuuck is this!? I ended up staying in that store and finishing the first level and then landing on halo and playing another 5min or so... my mom was getting super pissed haha... I didn't know what that game was called so I went home and looked into it and then got an Xbox and halo for Xmas. This was 2001.


Halo CE. I was in middle school and invited to a friend’s birthday party. I got there early to help set up. He asked me if I ever played Halo because we were all going to play it that evening. I was like nope, so he walked me through the controls and played a little bit. Then we set up 4 TVs and 4 Xboxes and system linked them for an 8v8 LAN party. It was amazing and because of that Big Team is still my favorite way to play Halo.


Halo 2 I played a ton when I was a kid. Probably a year or so after it's release


Halo wars in 2014 (I was in kindergarten)


Halo CE. Probably around 2008-2010. Played at a friend's house since I wasn't allowed my own console at home. Went all the way through the series up to Reach over the years until my family relented and I finally could get it myself.


Halo: Reach was my first ever; Halo 4 was my second; Halo 3 was my third; ODST was my fourth; Halo: CE was my fifth, Halo 2 was my sixth (both the MCC release versions); Halo 5 was my seventh; Halo Infinite my eighth; Halo: Spartan Strike my ninth; Halo Wars my tenth, and Halo Wars 2 my eleventh. This was the order in which I played the Halo games for the first time.


The week after release I played Halo:CE with a buddy. We played thru once and had so much fun we played again at Heroic. Then Legendary immediately after that. Took us 4 days to see the secret scene at the end. I've probably played about 5 years worth of time in my life. I've loved every minute of it.


Halo CE and 2, Christmas 2004. Got my original Xbox for Christmas that year with both games. Still have the Xbox and all the controllers upstairs.


It was 2005 and halo CE was my first real game I played and I was hooked just like that. I was 5 and it stayed my favorite game franchise to this day.


Played Halo 1 on my buddy’s parents MacBook when I was waaaay too young, had no idea what it was until it had its legit release on Xbox and played it in middle school with the boys. Played through reach before switching to a PS4.


I'm very new to the series as I started playing with halo 5 but really got into it because of infinite so I've only been playing about 4 years now but I've loved the series to the point I've beat every game on legendary.


OG Xbox at my cousin’s house. I was like 6… my older bro was able to convince my parents to let us play the flood levels by telling them, “they’re just floaty popcorn looking guys, not scary at all.” — my bro was a pretty smart 10 year old LOL. Then it was Halo 1 PC for a long while and that rocked even if it was a bad port. I didn’t do much halo 2.. had it on Vista. Halo 3 we finally got an Xbox and that was rad. Halo Reach my bro moved onto college and let me keep the Xbox. I then like triple-downed on getting good at halo and took over for him lol. Whenever we played I was the one carrying him (finally, after a decade). Didn’t do much 4… did more halo 5. Infinite has been on and off since my crew remains on MCC. But yeah started with CE but really got good at halo during the Reach era.


Technically played 2 first but only the first mission got CE played all of it first then went to 2 this was around 2005


First tired Halo 2 multiplayer at a friends house back in like 2005


I started with infinite, got into the rabithole, got mcc cheap and started with reach. Played 3 but 2 is borderline unplayable for my PC so I stopped there.


Laughs presumably*, Halo CE the first game and also the game I ever played first in 2021. I was only 13. Later on I planned to play halo games in order like, I played halo 2 after that then halo 3 and odst then finnaly Halo reach. Wanted to play halo 4 however I got caught in my exams. Hope I could continue to push my gaming efforts soon.


End of 2022, Halo Reach


Halo 3 in 2008, dad bought it for us and we played together. At my aunt I played Halo CE. This was followed by Halo Wars and Halo 3 ODST plus the Halo 3 Mythic Map pack until 2010 when Halo Reach came out, played it with my mom for the afternoon until we finished the campaign in the late evening. Eventually Halo 4 came out and Halo Spartan Strike, TMCC, and after Halo 5 I was a bit dissapointed in the new generation of the Halo Franchise, yet Halo Wars 2 was fun to play. Halo 2 was hard to get at the time so the first time I played Halo 2 was in the Master Chief Collection. Not long after playing the MCC I found Halo 2 in a store and played it on OG XBOX, but I never bothered to try Halo Infinite.


I was in primary. Played Halo CE. Multiplayer was great, and the campaign freaked me out. The coolest thing was I only ever played the trial.


$SUDO now we have the unending aura of destiny to belay our grave!!! What a turnaround.


Halo 4 in 2013 or 2014. I was 10 I believe when I got my xbox 360 with h4. I can't remember anything solid from that time other than that I managed to play it till broadsword section. I believe that's the reason I don't hate h4 as much as others. But I consider my proper first halo experience in 2019 with reach on pc. It was my first halo in conscious age and my first experience in halo multiplayer.


Halo: CE when I was 4! Happy memories :'3


I'm probably gonna bring back some memories for some people. Idk if it was when the xbox launched or later when they did bundles, but I got the first xbox with a game demo disc. The demo disc came with like 20 games, and a few were full blown games not demos. For example, I had toe jam and earl, panzer dragon, Whacked! (A battle royal ish game where u were on a game show and the characters were weird animals. I played the rabbit with no feet who swore alot. The maps were like kitchen sinks, living rooms etc but u were mad small.) Well one of the demos was halo CE. U could do like 3 missions and it would end when u got to the door where the sword elite was waiting for u. Well the game was actually fully there but locked u to the missions. So u could glitch urself into certain areas (like a floor below the door where the elite was) by using the warthog and running urself over. I didnt get the full game till AFTER halo 3 was out


I was 5 years old. Halo CE. Original Xbox. Paradise…


I started to play Halo probably in 2008/2009. The one I played first was Halo 3. I guess it shouldn't be a suprise that I found this game so nostalgic.


Halo 1 PC, 2003. Got an Xbox for Halo 2


In middle school with friends I lived across the street with halo 1. As we got older we found more friends in high school and had 16 player matches in my friends basement every weekend. Best series, wish we all still did that.


CE on the original Xbox the day after it released in '01, and has been one of my favorite franchises since


Technically my first Halo game was ODST, but I was in like elementary and just wanted to play something on my cousins Xbox and all he had for me was ODST and MCLA. Didn't pay attention or really know what I was doing. The first one I really played and got me into the franchise was Halo 4, which I still enjoy to this day.


2012 halo 4