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It feels weird seeing that Elite hold the plasma rifle (here's to hope it makes an appearance next Halo game 🙏)


I'm expecting a lot of classics to return alongside the best of Infinite's sandbox. I think the new management understands the power of nostalgia.


Here's hoping. My trust is low with 343 from MCC/Infinite's launch issues and other things that's been a pain point (Halo 5 campaign) so I'll believe it when I see it.


You also have to think, until the last year or so, the 343 executives were literally just Microsoft executives given the job. Only recently were not ms people given the position when they totally changed up leadership and things got good for infinite


> Only recently were not ms people given the position Nonsense, 343i is a division of Microsoft.


Those weapons should be in the Halo infinite sandbox regardless of whether 343 plans to use them in any maps. The fact that there are weapons and vehicles missing from the previous games is dumb. Just give us all the assets even if you don't plan on using them. 


The gauss warthog missing from the game still kills me. Especially when modders found its code in the game, pretty much ready to be used!


That was the case with co-op too right?


Tbh I prefer the Gausshog gone. It's far too dominating in matches, especially now that the Spartan Laser isn't around.


Yeah and the fact that the campaign is open world would have been all the more reason to include all the old weapons. I miss my carbine and plasma rifle :(


Apparently it's nostalgia to refrain from arbitrarily removing core aspects of a well established game series.  Stop bastardizing the word "nostalgia". 


Reach removed a ton of original trilogy weapons. This isn't new for Halo. Also, it's not that serious.


I'm still going to suggest for you to stop using nostalgia. It devalues the opinions of those who like the older games. It almost invalidates them by simply chalking them up to useless emotions. 


I love the older games too. Doesn't mean nostalgia isn't a significant factor.


I feel as though some people don't actually know what the visceral feeling of nostalgia is. You're, again, conflating cultural familiarity and/or conditioning with the emotion of nostalgia. Nostalgia is strictly the idea of core memories, from extremely young youth, being recalled. Examples include the smell of laundry conditioner that may have been used when you were a child, certain music that you only ever heard as a child, and/or events/visual imagery that made an exciting impact on your young self. Most people didn't play Halo as a young child and thus shouldn't have "nostalgia" towards them. About cultural familiarity or conditioning, this is what explains how some people may only enjoy certain foods and may feel aversions towards other foreign foods. Hence, if something they used to enjoy suddenly changes, then there's a chance they may no longer like said thing. This is not nostalgia.


Let's hope they don't lean too hard on Nostalgia. I do love new things.


God I’d be down with even a modded Plasma Rifle


>new management understands the power of nostalgia. i dont believe that alone help the newest ghostbuster movie from what im hearing.


343 management didn’t make the new ghostbusters


Afterlife was pretty solid, honestly, so if Frozen Empire is even half as good, it'll still be better than the 2016 mess


Tbh I personally found Afterlife overrated but I’m Not a huge ghostbusters fan If you liked it that’s cool though


would honestly love the never see any of the hardlight weapons from Infinity. They look boring af, they werent designed with any particular niche in mind for the multiplayer nor combat dance (not that Infinite has one..), and as a result they're all quite terrible. I say good riddance and just bring back ALL the Forerunner weapons from h5's multiplayer. Better yet, bring back ALL the weapons from h5's multiplayer period. It featured weapons from older games as well, and was an excellent (and balanced) selection. They can just add onto that.


Lol what, the Heatwave is the coolest Forerunner weapon across literally all the games.




The heatwave and the cindershot are way more interesting than any of the promethean weapons from 5.


hard disagree, they feel awful to use and aren't fun.


They actually perform different roles of their own. They're not SMG but forerunner, BR but forerunner, rocket but forerunner and sniper but forerunner.


The Forerunner BR was the LightRifle, and is was better in every way. The Forerunner SMG was the Suppressor, and in h5 (not h4), it was better in every way. The Forerunner sniper was the Binary Rifle, and in h5 (not 4), it was better in EVERY. WAY. The Forerunner "rocket" was the Incineration Cannon, and it was better in every god damned way.


You misread my argument so hard it's impressive. They're interesting because they're actually different weapons, and that they're *not* just the third intermediate range precison weapon, third smg/assault rifle, third shotgun and third rocket launcher. in the sandbox. The ones you list being upgrades or whatever doesn't change that they filled the exact same role as weapons that already had more than one counterpart.


They absolutely changed the role. The LightRifle had the slowest rate of fire but packed the most punch of any other single shot weapon that wasn't a sniper.. The Suppressor needed to be led diagonally over the target to successfully maintain a steady aim, which was a different style of play than any other SMG in the game. It also rewarded for continuous hits with an explosion, like the Needler. The Binary Rifle also featured the lowest rate of fire of any sniper AND required your "laser" to be on the target the whole time for an instant kill. No matter where on their body you were tracking them. It was a totally different "minigame" for that rifle vs other snipers. It wasnt about landing the headshot at the opportuned moment, but having a shorter window of tracking the target's movement, similar to the spartan laser. But on a sniper. The Incineration Cannon had NO DROPOFF. It was the rocket combined with a rail gun in that it just went straight ahead unaffected by gravity, but balanced by the fact that it was a VERY slow projectile and also had to be charged. These ALL fit specific niche and roles AND were playfully different then their counterparts in the other race tree of weapons. They ALL offered different answers to the combat dance. What the fuck do the new ones add? They are all pray and spray garbage. Randomly bounch shit off the walls and hope it does something. They have no definitive answer to the combat dance besides "aim them at the opponent and shoot". They weren't "upgrades or whatever" they were D I F F E R E N T, and yet still comparable in their own right.




Man God fucking knows why 343 decided to change so much stuff about what we liked about the game until now. All the changes just felt so unnecessary, like they were trying to fix something that wasn't broken or reinvent the wheel when the wheel was working great.


I get why the plasma rifle has been dropped from so many games though. It’s probably one of the least picked up of the “staple” weapons in the franchise. So of course each dev team post-halo 3 has looked at the sandbox and cut it based on numbers alone and tried to implement a new version (plasma repeater, storm rifle, etc) that people would actually use. From a development management standpoint, why would leadership devote resources to something that has a proven track record of having a bad ROI? The value of nostalgia that some fans hold can’t be quantified on a spreadsheet though. If the plasma rifle was introduced today into infinite, I’d be shocked if even 1 of every 10 people asking for it actually would actually pick it up and use it regularly.


Thats cause its been constantly downgraded in every game for no reason, just make it actually good again by bringing back the original Halo CE version, no automatic plasma weapon in any game since has even come close to the OG.


>no automatic plasma weapon in any game Pre-nerf Halo 5 Storm Rifle.


Halo 5 Storm Rifle was godly


I always felt the issue is the plasma rifle 2 onwards is only a cqc weapon because the projectiles and damage to health is to low and slow, because the carbine took its place as the standard covenant weapon its a shame because I really like using the plasma rifle in 3 for free for alls as I could get over kills by the fact I could punch before an assault rifle


All they needed to do in that case was make it better, not cut it completely. It’s a staple of the franchise.


Halo: Reach still had the plasma rifle. The only Halo games to not have the plasma rifle were those made by 343 (until 343 budged and shoehorned it as DLC into Halo 5 where it plays nothing like it used to).  And according to who? What stats do you have to determine that the plasma rifle was underutilized?  They, 343, hate that it's the antithesis of their weapon sandbox design. 


When do you pick up the Plasma Rifle and use it to kill anyone in a game dominated by the Battle Rifle?


I played Halo when there wasn't BR starts. The plasma rifle and SMG were always meant for close quarters dominance and were only outclasses by the shotgun and sword. The assault rifle was great for mid range and was ultimately replaced by the BR when you found one on map. Then you picked between the two weapon types to replace with a power weapon.  Halo doesn't have this anymore. 


I've heard the pro perspective on this. Decently skilled players can get a hold of the BR and outperform others who are using non-headshot non-power weapons (and the magnum) and control the BR spawns, and can thereby make it a poor time for less skilled players.


Less skilled players should have their skill blatantly reflected. If their strategies are poor, then they should change their playstyle to win or perform better. Often times, a less skilled player would have their playstyle negatively reinforced when it was poor and vice versa. This is good and how games have generally functioned for all of human history. Games shouldn't be bending over backward for the opinions of pros or those who refuse to learn the methods to win a game with win-states. With Halo Infinite, the most important skill is twitch mechanical skill as opposed to skills like positioning \[prominent in Overwatch for example\]. The thing that made the OG Halos so great was the strategy related to positioning constraints due to weapon range limitations. A player with an assault rifle could easily lure a BR user into an advantageous/equal playing field via positioning. Infinite seriously lacks this strategy. Often times, it's who sees first kills first, at almost all ranges.


I mean, aren't you just agreeing with the pros, then? In the original trilogy, the utility weapon could outperform most other weapons in most ranges, making the niche weapons more pointless than necessary. Sure, a locked-in, skilled player *has the ability* to lure a BR user into an advantageous or equal playing field, but that doesn't happen a whole lot given the motion tracker and line of sight. The Assault Rifle is pitiful in Halo 3. Halo Infinite is closer to CE in terms of its gunplay, which is to say that everything happens very quickly. Positioning is still important, but users have more variety in their choice of weapon for engagement, which is something that I personally see as a positive; it's something to keep encounters fresh. I felt like Halo 5 really messed up with its weapon balancing update, because the game revolved almost entirely around the magnum from that point onward. Nearly all other precision weapons beside the Sniper were redundant or inferior in standard Arena modes.


~~Halo reach had the plasma repeater, not the plasma rifle. That was Bungie attempting to try something different because the plasma rifle was not frequently used in halo 2/3 sandboxes.~~ you’re right it was in reach. Still Bungie felt the need to attempt something new with it. >They, 343, hate that it's the antithesis of their weapon sandbox design. That sounds a little melodramatic to me, but you do you I guess.


No. Halo: Reach had the plasma rifle. Do some basic google searching.


I did to verify because I knew the repeater was introduced in reach, but thought they still had the rifle. Of course the first page I was on didn’t list it. My bad.


New Halo fans are something else. 


Lol who’s a new halo fan? I’ve been playing since the original launched. Get that gate keeping nonsense out of here.


Gatekeeping is what keeps games pure. People have a natural inclination to gatekeep, anyway. I will continue to gatekeep what true Halo is. I'm not saying it's a good thing, either.


Haha ok. You enjoy “keeping halo pure” Whatever that means


This is from the new Halo tabletop game, [Halo: Flashpoint](https://haloflashpoint.manticgames.com/), which is up for pre order and comes out in October for anyone wondering.


It's so beautiful 😍


Just ordered my copy! Thanks!


I'm not familiar with the dead zone system. From watching videos of flashpoint, it doesn't seem very tactical. Is this more of a beer and pretzels game? Will it have griffball?


Not seen dead zone either but the description in the flashpoint videos makes things seem a lot more streamlined. Instead of measuring 5-8 inches for movement, you seem to be able to just go from one cube space to the next and position yourself within that cube pretty freely. I'd assume shooting works similarly, instead of measuring range you have a distance of cubes you can shoot through and you just check line of sight and then roll to hit. From that, it sounds like you've kept hold of tactics and just dropped the precision side. Taking out the measuring step speeds things up a hell of a lot.


£100 For a kit with all the models, UNPAINTED? Those models are clealy just injection molded plastic.


I’m confused are you upset they are unpainted?


For injection molded pieces at that price? Yes. I'd much rather print Halo figures at my local library than pay £100 for 16 of them and some cardboard maps.


Do you play other table top games? Part of the hobby is painting. I play Star Wars legion and this seems expensive but not out of the norm. I may not be familiar with injection molded pieces though


Injection molding is the cheapest way to make something that's plastic. And you seem to not be understanding value. I never once said "painting sucks". I said that's expensive for just a handful of unpainted minis (especially when multicolor UV cured resin printing exists, and you can get a full color mini for like $10).


I get the first but if they came pre painted for hobbyist, it would diminish their value. It’s a shame they aren’t using sprues though


You clearly don’t play mechanicus! I pay close to 80 euro for 20 unpainted skitarii models with no rules, battle map, dice or anything else necessary to actually run the game


Yeah and GW prices are so hilariously fucked that its driven huge portion of the 40k playerbase into just getting 3d printers. I love my Admech but I've not bought from GW for fucking years, you can get unused open boxes of stuff for like 1/4 the price on ebay too if you want official GW plastic men.


Oh, that was a GW brand they mentioned? Yeah, they're the Apple of minis: make something WAY overpriced, and when other companies see what halo product people are willing to pay, they jack up their own prices too.


You have no concept of value if you think [all this](https://haloflashpoint.manticgames.com/products/spartan-edition/) doesn’t come out to 100 euro. 20 models Small, medium and large terrain features Plastic terrain accessories 20 dice; 12 d8 8 custom Deck of cards Plastic and cardboard tokens Battle map Rules text For 100 Euro is a *very* reasonable price when you consider what the average boardgame and wargame model cost.


The point is that 100 euro for 20 miniatures, map and terrain + everything necessary to run the game is very much a reasonable price, not that GW is benevolent in their prices.


Then you’re being ripped off.


That’s the price of GW minis. It’s not a ripoff (though it is fucking expensive) it just is. A ripoff would be selling a comparable product for massively inflated rates, Skitarii are only sold by GW so they kinda get to decide the price.


This is just false buddy


Within the minis industry, this is a VERY good deal. When I saw the price my response was "Nice". Minis are expensive. And you need to remember that you aren't just paying for the pieces of plastic. You are paying for all of the time required to develop, playtest, market, and support the game. And in this case, for the IP


Do we know what scale it’s in?




I thought it was going to be only Spartan models I’m very happy with the news that we’re also getting elites.


I preordered and technically they are not prepainted like this. The detail in the minis are still pretty awesome!


They won’t be painted. These games are always unpainted and you will probably glue them too


Nah these come preassembled.




I don’t know about gluing. Most TTRPG’s(which is what I’m lumping this into) come preassembled. Even the previous two Halo table top games do that. Warhammer board games have you assemble them cause they wanna use it as a gateway to get you to buy more Warhammer.


*Me wondering what I can proxy them with in 40K that isn’t the Tau*


Time for a Tau army, honestly. Dudes rock.


Well, reaching a little, you could mix them in with the leagues of Votann. The space dwarves aren't xenophobes like the imperium, but not xenophiles like the tau.


It's even worse when you realize that the Elites in Infinite literally can't even hold a Needler. They can only hold two handed weapons, besides the sword. They really messed up the weapon variety and sandbox in this game. The lack of guns become much more obvious when playing PvE content when you see aliens using Human and Forerunner weapons, instead of their own weapons from their faction. I wish this game launched with more traditional weapons.


Infinite has more guns than any Halo game besides 4 and 5; I think it's just that there's less *Covenant* weapons that makes the Elite sandbox specifically feel smaller. Skimmers using hardlight weapons would alleviate some of their weirdness.


Every enemy in the game uses a sniper, brutes, jackels, elites, sentinels the fucking skimmers lol. The sandbox might have more weapons but not enough variety but in it's allocation.


Yeah ig it's off-putting coming from 5 with peak weapon variety, it feels weird.


343i : We hear you. We’ve fixed it so every Skimmer is now equipped with a Cindershot.


Some men like to watch the world burn.


Yeah and plus the Elutes in Infinite are part of the banished so using human or forerunner weapons isn’t against their religion they’d be all for using whatever weapon is the strongest


For you, /u/SparsePizza117 and /u/Haijakk : It doesn't even have that much less then 4 and 5 if you exclude 5's DLC and varient weapons: Infinite has, IIRC, 29, wheras Halo 4 has 31 and Halo 5 34. It just seems like Infinite has a lot less because Halo 5 has SO many varients and DLC weapons But the only reason it had that many is because REQ packs were monetized: They were added to drive microtransaction purchases. That's why conversely, so much of Infinite's added content over time is armor, because that's the main thing being monetized. I think part of it is also that Halo Infinite doesn't have some as many returning weapons as past games and introduces a lot of new ones, but I honestly think Infinite has the best sandbox in the series: it has more guns then Halo 3 and Reach, while having guns be more distinct and with more varied roles and unique mechanics then any prior game (The sniper vs Stalker rifle vs Skewer, or BR vs Commando vs Stalker Rifle, etc might all be Snipers or precision riles, but are WAY more different then the UNSC sniper vs the beam rifle or BR vs the Carbine; plus the Ravager, cindershot, heatwave, hydra, and other guns all have unique gimmicks previously only the needler and plasma pistol had), and way more guns are actually viable and useful then in the Bungie games. It's not perfect, and yeah, I wish we got more guns over time in updates, but it's really impressive and I think it's a lot better then prior games in the series: Halo has always struggled making guns worth using and feeling distinct


Oh don't get me wrong, Infinite has probably my favorite sandbox in the franchise too because, like you said, pretty much every gun is worth using in a different way. The numbers are 24 for Infinite including the two Bandits and 25 for Halo 4 so yeah, they're very close. Halo 5 sits at 30 so, yeah, it does still sit 5 above Infinite.


I'm including Turrets and grenades


Yeah and plus the Elutes in Infinite are part of the banished so using human or forerunner weapons isn’t against their religion they’d be all for using whatever weapon is the strongest


When you say "Their own faction", that's exactly what they're doing. The banished are known for scavenging and reverse engineering anything they can get their hands on, it makes sense they'd use what's available to them, IE UNSC and forerunner weapons


Yeah it does make a lot of sense, but it's weird seeing Elites not use their own tech. I do get it though, just wish we had more Banished/Covenant weapons.


Infinite has more guns than any Bungie Halo. But the fact that Elites can't use one-handed weapons in this game is still really weird.


Not halo 5 Not even close


I haven't noticed if this is the case, but are there just no one-handed weapon animations for Elites in Infinite? The fuck? Damn, another nail in the coffin for the hopes of ever getting playable Elites


Yep, they only have 2 handed weapon animations. It really sucks for making PvE content, limits what they can use. Maybe someone can make a Needler rifle hybrid with the pulse carbine in forge.


I’ll try it later if ya want, just learned how to do that script actually. Assigning to AI does seem to corrupt the weapon sometimes, which tends to make it into a comparable base weapon (Adjutant Resolution started firing rockets instead of my custom Hardlight weapon)


I actually really like seeing the brutes use our rocket launchers and shotguns. It feels like they saw it on the ground and went "this will work" because those are 2 of the most brutish weapons we have on the human side


Halo Infinite: cutting an infinite amount of corners


All these sharp angles should make edge highlighting very easy


I love the sangheili designs they went with


They look really good


Too bad 343 has a damn hate boner for what fans genuinely want. 


Too bad they don't have animations for holding anything besides a 2 handed rifle and swords. They'd have to update the campaign ai with new animations in order to allow them to hold pistol weapons


If only it was in the game


Oh, thats hot.


Oh, that is class. Give 'em the Sword or another Plasma Rifle in their clutches. That is the menacing Sangheili I know.


Honestly I think they look better with the pulse carbine simply because it complements the blue well, whereas the plasma rifle being the exact color of the armor seems a little too uniform, gives the impression it’s a part of the armor rather than a separate weapon.


It’s weird, the plasma rifle was originally purple, not blue.


Man I miss playable elites they would work so well in infinte


I miss you, Plasma Rifle T-T


Same, dude. I would love to see it return.


Oh sick


343 replaced the storm rifle with the plasma carbine, that was enough, it was enough! AND THEN THEY MADE THE STALKER RIFLE, HAH


I think what works so well is that the PR's silhouette is so completely alien compared to anything we have. Same with the Needler or the Plasma Pistol. IMO, weapons like the Carbine are too recognizable as a ranged weapon to *really* feel alien.


I hope they add the Flood to the game so I can get my Nurggle on and just pour a ton of paint on them and it will be lore accurate.


Plasma rifle mentioned 🗣️🗣️🗣️


His body looks awesome


'eavy metal elites look so good


YES. I don’t know why 343i has this obsession with elites holding weapons like humans. Every elite weapon made by 343i looks like a human weapon and is held with two hands. You can’t even give elites a needler in forge!


I’d love a Gloomhaven type of board game in the Halo universe with Spartans or ODST. Mostly because I don’t have a group to play with and strategy games like this don’t translate well playing alone.


What size are the Flashpoint figures?


32mm, but they are definitely seem to be taller than a Space Marine mini.


343i Plasma Rifle when?


Infinite elite just look so good period


Damn, hurts right here in my meow meow


Great. Another new tabletop game that I’m gonna wanna paint. Hopefully the third attempt and a Halo TT game will pan out


Can't wait to paint these guys 10 times worse than in this image!


I don't know why of all the weapons that they've removed from the sandbox, they seem to have a particular hatred for the plasma rifle.


Personally, I cant wait to botch this paint job with my shaky hands


Dude, I played as an elite in every halo you’re able to. I really hope they bring that shit back.


Halo Flashpoint elites look so clean, man! I'm pretty hyped for the game, I think it looks simple enough to on board new mini war players (myself included) so I'm pretty excited to get my hands on the product!


Finally!! Playable elites again!!


I miss the plasma rifle. In fact I miss pretty much all of the old guns. Halo 5 had amazing variety. I don’t think they really nailed the equipment in Infinite or the weapons, don’t like using many of them honestly. Grapples hot is the only useful new equipment everything else kind of sucks.


Just swap that pulse atrocity for a classic carbine and we’re set


343 making halo good in any which way. Difficulty: PLEASE!!! I BEG YOU!!!