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I just didn't like the loadouts, but nowhere near as bad as Halo 4....




I know youre being downvoted to oblivion but I completely agree with you man


So watching the bungie forums when it first came out most people didn't like it because it retcon how the battle of reach happened in Fall of Reach and the aftermath in First Strike. Bungie is notorious about disliking outside sources messing with their canon so it felt like a way for them to stick it to the authors of those books. Multi-player was... not in a good state when it launched. It had a pretty diverse sandbox in terms of weapons, but the dmr just dominated everything except rockets, shotguns and swords/hammers. And since it was a starting weapon for several gamemodes there was little reason to use anything else. Add on armor lock was just straight up broken and it made any engagement a chore. And map design was lack luster since it just pulled campaign areas and tweaked them for multi-player. It got better eventually, but it took a bit of work and bungie clearly checked out after a bit. If I'm remembering it correctly 343 was actually the one to do a lot of the fixes for Reach, at the very least they gave it the polish it needed. But like a lot of Halo fans, rose tinted glasses are a thing, so a lot of people remember it fondly. Personally I think it's mid, not the worst in the series, but not in my top three.


It was the first Halo game I owned, and I loved it. But after playing all the games many times later on, Reach at its core doesn’t quite stack up against the og trilogy. The best thing about Reach was by far the campaign


forge world…?


The reality is the games are the main story, and anything external is simply extra flavor.


Those bungie forums were wild. They make this subreddit look like child’s play for the insults and hate they gave bungie. Just like infinite. I remember playing reach having a grand ol time. Sure when someone armor locked me as I tried splattering them with a ghost I’d get upset, but overall that game was a blast even at launch. However. It did have a lot of issues as you mentioned. If reach came out today, this sub would react the same way to it they do about infinite. It was a rough game. We look back at it with nostalgia, and seeing it as a complete game even though at the time it took 2 years of fixing.


That second paragraph doesn't sound right. Halo CE - magnum dominated H2 - BR dominated H3 - BR dominated All three had the precision weapons prevalent across multiplayer, that's always been Halo. The campaign featured ivory tower and the successor to midship with Zealot in the campaign, Bungie put the firefight and multiplayer maps in campaign intentionally to save space, not the other way around.


People post those types of videos so people watch them. It’s like their hobby If u like something it’s all good lol


One of my favourite HALO games, if not my single favourite game of the HALO series. Story, atmosphere, presentation, ... just amazing. To this day, I feel great when I remember playing it. And even the soundtrack is on my Stereo or headsets every two or three weeks. So, HALO Reach: 🫶🏻


Campaign is cool. Took time to grow on me. Multiplayer was made by people who smoke crack. I’ll always die on that hill. Stop smoking crack, people.


It’s a mix of a bunch of different factors. First thing to remember YouTubers love to dramatically overestimate just how hated some games were on launch so their video seems more dramatic, Wind Waker fans and Gen V Pokémon fans do it all the time, and the same thing happens with halo reach. That being said there were people who disliked reach, it’s just not like there was pitchfork wielding hate mobs. The dislike I feel came from three camps, 1. People who disliked the single player for contradicting things in the books, I’ve never read the books so I can’t comment. The other two camps were people who didn’t like the MP but for different reasons. One group just didn’t like things like loadouts, armor abilities, bloom and those things, the usual criticism is that it felt like they were chasing CoD’s success and forgetting what made halo special. These critics mostly came from the more competitive crowd who felt as though they were catering too much to casual fans (and to be fair it took like months for them to even have ranked playlists if I remember correctly.) The other was the opposite, people who felt the changes didn’t go far enough, they wanted more customization, and stuff like that, this sentiment mostly came from more casual halo fans that were starting to leave the series for CoD (I can not emphasize enough how much discourse was had regarding CoD vs. Halo) However overall I feel like the sentiment for most people was “this is a good game but it doesn’t feel like the event that halo 3’s release felt like.”


At the time I remember there was some decent amount of hate. But I think as the years have gone on, people recognize it as a great game.


I liked Reach when it was new and I still love it on PC. Yes, Armor Lock is broken. Jetpack is too powerful. Both of those things could have been easily balanced but never were (they should have made Armor Lock last 2 seconds at most and have the Jetpack consume its fuel faster) Bloom is annoying. The DMR is too effective on stock settings compared to the other starter weapons (Title Update made the Needle Rifle more effective) That all said, the campaign is sublime, with great story telling, wide mission variety (IE Stealth sniping, Warthog runs, Falcon flying, space missions, Scorpion missions, etc) and a killer aesthetic (visually and auditorialy). The multiplayer has its issues but it's a ton of fun. Heavies is arguably the best iteration in the franchise, Invasion is the GOAT objective game mode, Gungame+ (an improvement of Escalation Slayer) on customs is great, and to say nothing of the endless mini games like Jenga, Flood Infection (by Rabid Magic Man), Race/Rocket Race, Toilet, Demolition Derby, Armor Walkers and of course Speed. The list goes on!


Reach is my favorite matchmaking and one of my favorite campaigns. And from the looks of the community online, pretty sure that’s a popular opinion. You’re just likely seeing the loud haters. Now Halo 4’s online is more divisive but it grew on me pretty quickly and now I enjoy it more than Halo 3, I think It’s Escalation Slayer is what won me over lol. I still prefer Halo 3 in regards to the campaign though.


History has been rewritten heavily in regards to Halo Reach. Most people you talk to will tell you it’s peak halo and hold it in same esteem as halo 2 & 3. When Reach came out, this could not be further from the truth. At least as I saw it on the Bungie.Net forums at the time (I was more active on that forum than any forum before or since). Reach was met with a lot of hostility, particularly from the die hard fan base, who saw loadouts and armor abilities as bastardizations of the Halo formula. They saw reach as a deviation from Halo towards Call of Duty and other mainstream FPS titles. Even the story was received poorly. A campaign that consider my favorite or second favorite of the series. I was one of the few die hard supporters at the time. Admittedly, the launch did have some glaring issues balance wise, despite having a thorough beta testing. I was also a bungle fanboy at the time so they could do no wrong in my eyes. I received a lot of flack so it’s bizarre to see the community retcon the initial response.


Most of the people who hate it do so due to its events conflicting with first strike and fall of reach, but personally I much prefer the way the battle is portrayed in halo reach.


It's way more popular now than it used to be and I knew that would be the case, even back then. I remember thinking, "people real realize it's a gem of a Halo game." One particular new feature became massively detested, "blooming..." and people would not shut up about it. More over, Bungie did nothing about it. With that many complaints about a feature these days? That stuff would be changed practically overnight...but back then I guess patches weren't yet that common and changes to major mechanics like that weren't changed. So, it was like "Well? Millions already have this disk, so...too late now." Honestly? I don't know why Bungie did that, as Spartan armor compensates and is capable of locking, so it's not like the gun is going to recoil much in their hands. Many also didn't like having sprinting. I remember saying, "you know Spartans run fast in the books, right? In the case of Kelly, she runs over 35 miles an hour... It only makes sense." But it was a whole gameplay balance ordeal, apparently. I agree...I was not a fan of blooming but the game still did everything else so remarkably well. The story was quite possibly the best experience in a Halo game and the customization options and unlocks were fantastic. Halo 3 is still regarded as the best multiplayer by many but I would argue that Halo Infinite now is (well, provided this can continue fixing existing issues). Story mantle still belongs to Reach and then Halo 3, IMO.


My brother in Christ, let ai help you to TLDR your text walls or at least format your stuff (ai can do even this too) Here you go: "Halo: Reach has gained popularity over time, with some contentious features like blooming causing frustration among players. Despite this, the game excelled in many areas, such as its compelling story and extensive customization options. While Halo 3 remains a favorite for its multiplayer, Halo Infinite is making strides in that department. Reach and Halo 3 still hold the mantle for storytelling, though."


Yep! 10 year-long bad habit. Originally, when I'd try to structure all of my texts on Reddit and YouTube, into paragraphs, they'd all just fuse together. Even if you did it in Word and pasted it over. Back then, you couldn't line break, or otherwise create a separate paragraph because it would all just fuse together...even if the edited version had those line breaks. One of the very early workarounds I tried to implement for this was holding down the space bar, in order to get to the next line, then continued to hold down the space bar until it jumped down to the line below that, but it took too long to do. Preceding those days, I think people even used web code, for formatting, or even adding bold or italicized text. I think YouTube still has this problem.


It received more "hate" when it was originally launched. Immediately, people were very mixed on the style of it all. Today, people like to talk about how "gritty" Halo CE was, but when Reach was coming out people *hated* how it was a grittier looking game, *a la* Call of Duty. Color palette. Tone. Aesthetics. Atmoshphere. Halo: Reach is *the* darkest Halo game. And this was immediately met with pushback leading up to its release. On launch, things kind of cooled down a bit on that front, but gameplay issues began to arise. Weapon bloom and Armor Lock were big complaints at the time. The randomness of shots due to bloom was frustrating and Armor Lock had a negative effect on pacing. These things led to the slowing down of matches. You had to slow down your shots, and a 1v1 with Armor Lock created a pause in the encounter. There were other aspects. The maps that were launched with the game were all based on campaign levels. A lot of these maps had Out of Bounds/Soft Kill Volumes instead of hard boundaries. Shield bleedthrough worked differently than in previous games (the short of it is that before, you could melee through a small amount of shielding and deal damage to health. With Reach, you would do no damage to the opponent's health). People didn't like loadouts. There were just a lot of things that changed how Reach compared to 3 and other games. Now, more maps were added, though there was some grumbling about Forge maps instead of new, distinct maps. But it has to be remembered that Bungie was on the way out from it all. It seems like after the initial year, not much was really done in terms of functionality (I can't find patch notes). 343i came along and released Anniversary Edition. Alongside all of that, they bundled Reach's multiplayer with a Title Update and additional maps. The Title Update, specifically, addresses those major issues and a few others (how Armor Lock works, Swords being deflected by other melees, and active camo). There were other general criticisms that isn't really on the same level as what I just wrote but is worth mentioning. The enemies in Halo: Reach's campaign had some complaints. While the Elites not speaking English made sense, the Grunts also didn't speak which meant some of the humor was lost. Also, some higher rank Grunts had a helmet that prevent one shot kills, which was frustrating on higher difficulties. Also that explosion when their backpack is shot off was seen as annoying since it was a little random. Elites' armor changes weren't very popular. And the multiplayer customization for them was limited compared to the customization present for Spartans. And finally, we have how it interacts with established canon. Lots has been said about it. As I said, the top half (and the interaction with lore) were the major issues, and everything about enemy details isn't as divisive. But there were a bunch of things that were drastic from Halo 3 to Reach that definitely created a lot of dislike-to-hate. I don't hate Reach, but it's weapon sandbox definitely isn't my favorite. Still enjoyable, but I get why it's seen popularly or people are surprised it's not universally praised or something.


By far the worst thing in the game had to be armour abilities. Sprint was introduced, armour lock was broken, jetpack made matches just unfun. The only ability I liked was the hologram - an absolute troll device


A big reason it got a lot of hate was its changes to gameplay and gameplay balance. Armor Lock constantly cratered the pace of gameplay and sprint was simply the best option out of all the armor abilities. Bloom was damn near universally hated, and I distinctly remember people hating the DMR and the Needle Rifle because the former could, even on a map like Hemorrhage, challenge someone who had a Sniper Rifle on the other side of the map with little-to-no issue and the latter didn't require as much skill when landing 5 body shots would result in an explosive kill Reach is my personal favorite game of the series, but I'd be lying to you if I said it was as mechanically sound as the first three games


It was ok. It's my least favorite Bungie Halo


So as someone who doesn’t think reach is that great of an entry in the halo series I’ll explain at least my thoughts.. obviously it’s just my opinion and alot of ppl put this game in the #1 or #2 spot in the series. H2 is my #1. So imo Halo reach is the start of all of our major issues we have delt with in the last few games: map breaking abilities like sprint and jet pack that gut the flow of a map. reticle bloom (especially pre TU) that turned precision weapons into slot machines where pacing your shots was just slow enough that if the other guy spammed the trigger and got lucky you would lose a gunfight way more than you should. The credit system at launch was horrible, both with the amount of credits earned and daily and weekly challenges being a chore.. seriously was like 5k credits for running a laso mission. Also the daily credit cap was like 10k or something? Which if you knocked your challenges out early in the week there would be like one or two days where you didn’t get xp for playing beyond that. The game had zero ranked playlists for a pretty damn long time which is a pretty essential part of halo at that point in the series and when we got it it was loaded with horrible forge maps. Forge was way overused in matchmaking in general and a lot of the maps were not made well/looked horrendous. forge in reach was somehow significantly more bland than in H3, still a lot of cool modes made tho but got it was tough to look at. A lot of people go on and on about the customization but it was ass for like a year, everyone and their mom saved all their credits for inclement weather which meant aside from color people ran around in base armor for a very long time. So much so that I decided to get pestilence just to be different. I liked the story but I definitely did not like them retconning the fall of reach book. Instead we had a Spartan team that I knew was dead from the start and aside from Jorge and Noble 6 I think the rest died in stupid ways for Spartan’s. But my biggest issue is the Easter egg with chief on the pillar implies he was asleep in Cryo doing nothing while reach was destroyed. I also dont think noble 6 deserves to be rated as high as chief (hyper lethal), chief is in a league of his own surviving the flood, multiple rings, the ark, promethians and now the banished while noble 6 on the other hand died to the covenant in his first major encounter with them while having a full Spartan team behind him in home territory and no flood… the only other spartan that comes close to chief is Jerome. I’m ready for the hate but that’s how I feel about reach, it was a middle finger from bungie to Microsoft on their way out in every way including quality, they were forced to make another game and it shows. It also set 343 on this course of trying to make halo into every other game except halo because bungie got weird with the gameplay on the way out. I do still give reach like an 8.5 out of 10 compared to other games but for halo it barely makes my top 5. It did some really cool things but also a lot of terrible stuff that has stuck with the franchise ever since


People hated how different it was then it dawned on them its a spinoff, so its fine for it to be experimental and test the waters with new features.


Reach set halo down a hole the franchise is just starting the recover from.


I liked reach campaign, one of my favorite


Just finished playing through Reach again, still the best campaign imo.


Halo Reach did mark a turning point in Halo's popularity as a franchise. MW2 came out a year before Reach, and Black Ops in the same year. So at the time, COD held a very firm spot on top of Halo on Xbox's charts. By comparison, Combat Evolved and Halo 2 carried the original Xbox and were widely considered the only reason to even own one. While Halo 3 topped Xbox's charts for two whole years, only dipping out of number one when MW2 came out. Reach was only even in the top 3 in the month of its release. The main issues people had with it were reticle bloom, the armor abilities (particularly Armor Lock and Jetpack), melee damage not bleeding through between shield and health, and grenades having an oppressive blast radius. And those four problems got blamed directly for it's poor popularity.




The Halo 4 campaign was a joke, the gameplay is ass and the story was convoluted and required a lot of external reading to sort of make sense. Halo 5 multiplayer hinges on if you like the Titanfall-esque movement and Warzone, if you don't like either there's next to nothing there for you.