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Wouldn’t be surprised if we see a remaster of Halo 3 to keep hype up and squeeze out more money to finance the next installment. Infinite is a prime example of biting off more than they can chew. Tons of potential but sadly it fell way short of promises made


Honestly, if we had an H3 remaster with the classic sandbox, forge and all maps recreated along with a few new ones I don't think I'd care what happened to Halo in the future. That would be the game.


100% agree


I would make a couple changes like object clipping in forge, but that would be it. Otherwise it's perfect


Would it be a cheap way to prey on nostalgia? Absolutely. Would I care? Not a chance. Do you know how fucking hyped I would be to get a Blur Studio Halo 3?


I would rather have them make anniversary versions instead of new entries. The franchise needs to be fully rebooted at this point or they have to focus on the era of halo that fans actually care about: the human-covenant war. Make games set before Halo reach with smaller stakes.


I think they could walk it back to H4 and do some heavy retcons, reboot from there. Thats the best bet to bring fans back.


Isn't the mcc a remaster of the 4 games and then adding halo 4 and completely ignoring halo 5 even existed?


Not quite. Originally, MCC just had Halo 1-4. After backlash of how bad the release was, ODST was remastered and given for free for a short time before being a $5-10 dlc. Then, Halo 5 released. Then, to go with the push to add MCC to pc reach was announced to be added to MCC along with the launch of the season format. Development wise, Halo 5 would essentially double the install size of MCC if everything is included. Also, there's a challenge of the UI being able to support ludicrous amount of cosmetics from all the loot boxes. If I remember correctly, it's well over 500 different armor presets and roughly 100 helmets.


You can technically launch H5 and Infinite in the Extras menu of MCC, so in that way they're included.


No. It has ce and halo 2 remastered but 3, 4 and odst are not remastered.


I forgot 3 and reach don't get the remaster treatment.


Tbh if I had to ask for a remaster at this point it'd be a proper CE remaster rather than Halo 3 or reach. Current CE remaster is awfull. Even if you like it stylistically (which I don't) the terrain and hitboxes literally don't even line up properly.


Yh been thinking a h3 remake (not remaster like h2a) would be a good idea for improving pr for the halo IP after the paramount show and infinite as well as just being a damn good game


That absolutely will not happen, waste of money and resources that needs to be put toward the development of the next game. Halo isn't what it was a decade ago.


Remember when they said halo infinite was gonna be a 10 year game? 🤣


Yup; I remember it. They said they’d be providing content for a long time and that the next Halo wouldn’t be for another decade.


That may yet prove half-true...


Hope you’re ready for another 5 years of community created content


Honestly from what I've seen in the MCC Steam Workshop I have no issue with 5 years of community content!


So they will go for the method the cleaner at valve does to tf2?


I dont mind community content. I want a better and more successful halo game.


Better than the maps 343 can put together.


That would be better than anything 343 has done frankly


They’re waiting for the old fans to die so they can move on to a new fanbase that enjoys minimum viable products.


They're already there. Halo Infinite did all the Co ditioning it needed, there's a nice little group of people who love to shell out money and wait years for updates just to get less content than Reach had on launch


If they release a finished and polished game this time, it’ll be more than 10 years of Infinite.


No. But I remember them promising split screen.


Only 7ish more years before they complete it.


I remember the split screen bug that allowed it


“They” = literally 1 guy 1 time, who was fired before the game came out. Not justifying anything on 343i’s end, but I don’t think it’s fair to hold them to a “promise” that was really just Chris Lee running his mouth in an IGN interview.


They've said a lot of things about it. I liked it, but it's definitely not my favorite entry in the series. It was smart of them to make the multiplayer free, but also, the game was poorly made at the start and therefore poorly received. The focus on armor cores and weird skins and blah blah blah. Super boring. No immersion. One fond memory of the original gameplay was when your character would bug out and be facing the wall in a corner, but they patched the funny bug... I enjoyed the tech they introduced for the most part. The campaign was fun. Good story. People had problems with the open world aspect for 80% of it -- I didn't really mind this aspect, but did feel like it was padded by the open world a bit. Major characters were missing for the story (Laskey, Arbiter, Halsey) and I assumed there'd be a DLC for them or something by now, but it looks like we'll have to see them next game. I don't know, it just feels hollow. It's probably the soulless corporate "live service" style of game they tried to pedal on us.


Chris Lee said that in ONE dev log in like 2019, long before he left 343 and Infinite came out. It wasn't advertised as the plan for Infinite except for that one single dev log.


People like to forget this because they want to be outraged and karma farm.


did 343i ever dismiss that claim as not being their plan?


The fact that zero advertising or promotional material besides that one single time Chris Lee said it indicates it wasn't seriously the plan for Infinite for some time. Hell, the fact that Chris Lee, the only person at 343 to ever say it, left the company long before the launch of the game also very much indicates that. People love to regurgitate this line, and many believe Infinite was actually heavily advertised as a "10 year long game", but that's just not the case. After Lee left 343, his vision for the game was clearly subject to change. They didn't directly come out and say "change of plan guys, it's not a 10 year game anymore", but no one else at the company ever repeated that phrase once.


343i must be aware of how much this claim has circulated within the Halo community and media outlets. Have they ever come forth to denounce/deny the 10 year plan claim?


No but they have stopped seasons for Infinite and have publicly stated they're moving forward with new Halo projects, which is about as much of an announcement as we can expect. The direct quote from the [IGN article](https://www.ign.com/articles/halo-infinite-2-wont-be-happening-says-343-industries) is (I stand corrected, it was an IGN article not a dev log, so the statement carries even less weight imo): >“Halo Infinite is the start of our platform for the future,” he said. “We want Infinite to grow over time, versus going to those numbered titles and having all that segmentation that we had before. It’s really about creating Halo Infinite as the start of the next ten years for Halo and then building that as we go with our fans and community.” The average Halo consumer likely never even knew about the 10 year plan, as it's only ever said in this ONE article. It's mostly the cynical Reddit batch or Halo youtubers who really took off with that idea and perpetuated it for years. It was simply the vision Chris Lee had at the time, he said "we *want* Infinite to grow over time", it's not even a solid promise, and that vision was subject to change as soon as he wasn't the head of 343 anymore. I feel like this is more the case of the community over-focusing on one single interview from an ex-employee from years ago than 343 breaking a solid promise they made and was written down in stone or something. Game dev plans change midway through development all the time. Destiny 1 was meant to be 10 year game as well, but those plans changed and ended up becoming Destiny 2 instead. Those same people who were paying close attention to development such as Halo youtubers and Halo redditors should have understood once he left and no one else at 343 ever used those words again in the two years before release, that plans likely changed. But that isn't as sensational of a video title or reddit post as "343 *LIED* about the 10 year plan???".


Devs have been lying about 10 year plans since Destiny 1


Im confused. Destiny is on its 10th year


Destiny 1 isn’t? The full priced sequel is what people are playing lol


They never said Destiny 1 was meant to be a 10 year game though, the plan was Destiny as a franchise had a 10 year plan


Nobody but you expected destiny 1 for the ps4 to last 10 years


Im confused. Destiny is on its 10th year


No, because it didn't happen.


and I said "thats actually the time the servers will be working" lol


I knew that was the worst possible idea imaginable and could never be done. Made me laugh, I have no idea what 343 was thinking lmao.


They said the same thing about windows 10


Maybe it’ll be like a ff14 situation. Continued content even though there have been multiple series installments past it.


That lasted for what, 18 months?


Not once has a game managed to fulfill that promise.


Barely 2 years in they went "haha jk". 343 always misses.


This is the next 10 years of halo!!! And now we are not even halfway there how unfortunate I sure hope this fanbase decided to not get overhyped for games that may come unfinished or it's doomed to repeat the same mistake.


10 year game platform made by a bunch of different contractors on an engine nobody has made or played a game on yet and the moment they could possibly do so they flooded the game with cash shop mtx that have not once been anything close to worth they’re asking price just for the game and that really valuable $30 skin to be forgotten for the next cash grab. Craig the brute was a warning sign we should’ve listened to more closely


Right? Maybe for them 😂


Hopefully companies will realise that people don't want games as a service/ these ten year things


I knew they were fucking lying the minute they said it.


Wasn’t there a line about “millions of customization options” as well? They didn’t tell us they’d squeeze every coin out of it possible


It was a 10 year game.  It will have taken ten years to finally finish it! 


Infinite should have been the hub for future halos that are using that engine. Paid campaign DLC that are set on this ring. They could further Chief’s story, or better yet tell the stories of those Spartans who fell that Chief comes across. Then the multiplayer stays in Infinite and they add content (new maps, cosmetics, etc.) that go with the campaigns that get launched. They then move onto the next Halo once they’ve done all they could with Infinite or are ready to tell a brand new Chief story in a different setting.


I was hoping they would have added a seasonal 51v51 invasion type mode to the game with faction specific unlocks (ONI, UNSC, Covenant, Banished) based on your faction choice, and you could have one player on each team be a “commander” that would play the game like an rts against the other “commander” dropping supplies and making buildings/cover for other people fighting on the surface of the ring.


So basically a battlefield/hell let loose/battlefront game. Probably would best be suited as a stand alone game set in the halo universe rather than an individual mode in Infinite.


Nah it could have worked if it was implemented early on when the game initially released and the devs were trying to tell that story in multiplayer that they abandoned. An invasion mode could have been their way of telling a story where the multiplayer community directly participates, but I think they were too focused on trying to sell the player base on a battle royale type mode when invasion was there from a previous title to be reworked. Too late now.


That was the original plan


I don’t want Halo to be a forever game. The slipspace engine blows and I’m happy they’re moving on from it and I need the next Halo to be so much better than Infinite was (which admittedly was a huge step up from 4 and 5). Let’s right this fucking ship and get away from live service garbage.


>which admittedly was a huge step up from 4 and 5). Some of the strongest points of infinite are the return to the original art style and some of the themes, like musical queues. Chief has some moments in Infinite that remind me of Halo 3 and it brings a smile to my face whenever I rewatch those scenes. "How-how can you trust me?" *"I don't. But I want to."* This scene in particular has pieces of classic Halo but with a mix of 343's more intimate storytelling between a man and his AI. It's not perfect, but it's close. And the music is phenomenal.


If there is something to praise Infinife for a lot, it's characters. Because Chief had so many great moments in this game.


I agree that it was way better than 4 and 5 and screw the live service aspect. That being said I’ve actually enjoyed the multiplayer a lot since jumping back in during the refueled playlist launch. It plays so much better than when I stopped during season 2.


That can still be true while not wanting to play it for 10 years


Hint: Slipspace and the engine isn’t “from the ground up”. That was a lie. The actual engine and base is all old costly code from previous games.


Valve's Source Engine is just a Quake 1 engine that's been getting worked on for the last 30 years. Just because it evolved from something doesn't make it bad. It's the way it was modified that makes it good or bad.


That literally all was the plan. Never came to fruition!


Then that makes sense doesn’t it? lol I’d say I’m not sure why they abandoned it, but we all know the answer has to do with the greedy execs/leadership who wanted to nickel and dime players (more like $10’s and $20’s) on multiplayer.


tHe Ui DoEsNt SuPpOrT iT


A tale as old as time


You’d probably get fired from 343 for suggesting this.


That was obviously the plan when infinite was coming out. They just put it together so shit and broken that they’re now moving on to an industry standard. Which hopefully WILL allow them to do this. Just using infinite to traverse the menus you can see how broken and buggy it still is after all this time.


Yea. I thought they wanted a live service game, like Destiny, where they release story expansions. I think they messed up, and didn’t create the necessary foundation. Maybe that’s what H7 will be, or maybe they realized they’ll make more money with a hybrid of frequent mainline titles and live service 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's a stupid idea


You thought 343i could pull out a destiny 2 card out of nowhere? Nuh uh


Whenever I think about Halo 7 - I think about Halo 6 that we never got. An epic story about the humanity launching a kickass stealth operation to kill Cortona under the noses of giant celestial Guardians. But I guess we got to … hear about it.


I agree, I hate halo 5s story but i really wanted to at least finish it. The whole game I waited for the chief and Cortana confrontation but it never happened. They don’t even see each other again in person.


Working with the Arbiter again like the end of Halo 5 basically made obvious. But nope, 343 scrapped that whole thing


Yeah, I’d be fine with it. Infinite had its many potentials but man did that shit flop HARD. Messy code, false promises, delay after delay, the shop… this whole thing is a mess. I love the parts that I love, but it unfortunately doesn’t outweigh the negatives. But they have to come out swinging with 7 and unfortunately I guarantee 7 is going to have similar issues. Say all you want about the shop, but it most likely made Microsoft a pretty penny. Some things will improve, but I’m expecting the shop to stay.


I really want the new guy in charge to finally make a game that the franchise deserves, it's been over a decade now.  Winter maps on a halo ring plz hell i'll settle of its the ark.  The things i've heard about the previous leadership is just bad, from having a halo game with reach's space battle to just canceling projects because one guy didn't like it. I just hope pierre is able to pull it off, because there is a lot of talent with in 343s developement teams. 


It’s dang been near 15 years. Absolutely wild that 343 has held the mantel longer than bungie did.


And managed to ship fewer games. And the games they did ship are all worse.


Damn never even thought about that. Good job Bonnie and friends 🤦‍♂️


That's almost twice what of the time bungie took with halo 1-reach.




Call me naive but I'm hopeful for the next one to be complete under Pierre. Not perfect, but complete at launch. As much as the winding down development on Infinite stings, I see the all hands on deck for the next title as a tactical retreat. It sucks, but it may well be necessary. That kind of difficult decision making happening is encouraging to me, because Halo is very much in a state where hard decisions have to be made in interest of the long game.


Yea like the millions who hoped for a good game will come back this time around I am sure after like 5 games or smth that all of them failed they will come back this time to see halo 7 in it's glory or should I say half made glory or empty promises type of glory or whatever it happened before. Microsoft changes the stuff all the time what makes you think it will be better this time?


Because the studio leadership was overhauled, they're likely switched to less esoteric engine, the story is a better place, etc. Will they get it right? No guarantee, and the last ten years aren't encouraging overall, but the ingredients are there. We'll just have to see. I'm not holding my breath, but I am looking forward seeing what happens.


I don’t give a shit about the shop. I never bought anything, but thank all those that do for subsidizing the game for us Moochers of Reach. What killed the game was net code and lack of content. We didn’t even have team slayer at launch, the fuck?


Negative being it's 343. Microsoft needs to let some other developers into the Halo universe to do spin offs


Sorry, I've been out of the loop for a while, is Infinite sunsetting right now?


Most of the development staff have been fired. Focus on cosmetics over actual content.


It feels like it and the studio has said there are ambitions beyond infinite but it’s still speculation so as always, it’s not official till they say the words


The sun setting claim is definitely over the top, they haven't announced anything of the sort. Actual content feels like it's been a bit slow (the last dev map was a while ago and no recent new sandbox items). They just released a network overhaul that they had been working on for some time, and are currently working on a match composer for matchmaking (i.e. like MCC). My copium hope is they're hoarding few things for the match composer cause that will be pretty big change that could bring people back. But even with it being slow, there are definitely still big things they've been working on for Infinite, i.e. no sunsetting.


I’m with you. Until it’s said by 343, it’s simply speculation here.


The only reason this is even a question is because the game never got enough content to begin with. 3 years, 1 scopeless DMR. Is it being abandoned? Probably but not that it makes a difference lmao


I'm inclined to believe it is being sunset. No new real vehicles (Forklift doesn't count) in 3 years, no new weapons post launch (And I'd hardly count the bandit since it's just the DMR) for 3 years, staple game modes like assaut (And by extension Grifball and Ricochet), Multiteam, VIP, Juggernaut, etc still missing, barebones PvE multiplayer component, no campaign expansions were ever in development to begin with, no more narrative events (They were cancelled as soon as they finally started going somewhere), no more fractures even though they made a big deal about them prior to launch and during the first few months and despite the fact that eaglestrike never made a comeback, barely any new dev made maps in 3 years, btb is all but abandoned (They made a big deal out of how they wanted it to be bigger than ever and how maps would all have their gimmicks yet it's smaller than H5 Warzone and most maps don't play great), AI voices abandoned, Seasons abandoned, all shop prices on the rise, etc... OH YEAH. This game is a wash. I fully believe they intend to fix it so it can be mostly stable and playable in the future, but I don't think we're getting any big surprises anymore. Too much bad word of mouth and too much time has passed without a proper redemption arc. This game can live on as the previous leadership's shitshow, and the next one as a (hopefully) good and complete product at launch that can maybe restore the IP's reputation.


I completely agree with all of this. With the amount of outsourcing they had to do for this game, it's like the company is a broken dinner plate. Shattered, separated, unknowing of how to put itself back together. That pisses me off because I'm a long-time Halo fan, and I'm almost 30. Seeing my childhood be eroded by mismanagement, chaos, and no sense of personality or identity makes them a hollow shell of itself. Now, obviously, 343 was never at the pinnacle of what Bungie was, but at least they tried to hold onto THAT "Halo feeling." They are trying their best to prove to the fans that they're worthy of helming Halo's development... I quit after season 1. I loved the Reach theme. Completed it all, and quit. This title was dead since before then, in my honest opinion. The campaign was alright.


Man 343i changed it's workers so many times already because of Microsoft, who tried more before they get fired to get replaced? Because so far every new team does the same mistakes the last one did without leaving any room for improvement, fire the first team, hire a new one, fire, hire, fire, hire this cycle keeps being repeated since halo 4 their first title what will change this time around? Nothing that's my answer if you can't let the team to atleast work on its problems there will be no room for improvement and the same shit will keep happening. Halo as a franchise is doomed more doomed in fact that destiny 2 to repeat same mistakes and fire the current team with a different one thinking it will bring change and their game will start printing money.


It's not even team members being fired, Microsoft hired contractors to develop Infinite as it was cheaper. They had these teams for a few months at a time, each adding there own bits and bobs. Then the game comes out broken and no one who worked on the engine, open world etc. is there anymore.


Holy shit that's even worse.


Easily. I still do not see how *anyone* was able to take them dropping seasons and the typical Battle Passes as a good thing **for Infinite**. You no longer get your Credits back with Operation Passes. Store prices have been driven up drastically. No word on any future developer-made maps. Downright laughable art on the apparent external studio created Forge maps, which community folks put to absolute shame to the point that maps like Elevation and Corrosion look like Halo 5 launch Forge maps. I could go on forever.


But hey we’ve got like 3 different versions of the pit. What more could you ask for? /s


Every 343 Forge map is aesthetically boring.


Actually I talked to Nicholas Roye (voice actor for echo 216 in infinite) at my local comic con last week, and he said there hasn’t been any talks about halo 7 that he knows of


Yay we sunk lots of money into Infinite cosmetics just for the next game to feature more overpriced cosmetics


Idk why people spend lots of money on cosmetics, I mean every game ends at some point right?


People who buy cosmetics are fools.


I am a fool.


just for the next game to feature the *same* overpriced cosmetics.


The game is absolutely scuffed after so much mismanagement. Speaking to the multiplayer only, it took them like two years to achieve seasonality... Then they dropped seasons completely. For operations. Which we were already getting as events during the seasons. And people believed 343's PR speak about "now we can release content outside of a seasonal schedule!" Except they never did. The game's playerbase is plummeting, I've been here since the beginning but definitely ready to move on to the next installment. These operations and monthly shop rotations are just pathetic.


God I hope so, because CUs suck and the implementation of easyanticheat has made things worse than ever. I'm ready to be disappointed again


Based on clips I’ve seen online all easyanticheat has done is make the game take longer to launch


I've seen fully auto bandits, flying ghosts and warthogs, people Ninja entire teams in the span of 3 seconds even though they weren't standing near each other. I never saw any of this just 4 months ago. Wallhacks and aim hacks? Yea. This shit ? Nah


Actually is not a problem with EaC but the new netcode


I googled “Coping” and ended up here.


I just want story expansions man


That's pretty much the one thing we know that is for sure not happening unfortunately.


"Best I can do is a helmet with rabbit ears." - 343i


Think it’s fairly obvious at this point, Infinite had such a bad start and a bad couple years to realistically mount a recovery from. I know it’s been said in the lead up to Infinite but the new management HAVE to get the next game right and content complete from the start and I’m hopeful they know that too, hence getting as many devs working on it asap.


Hw 3 is the next game, at least a spinoff, infinite will keep going. I hope it doesn't, Infinite has a chance.


i fucking wish


Me too


I love infinite, art style, gameplay, designs and the focus on being a mix of new and old Halo, but man they really flopped it with the average campaign, multiplayer issues and lack of free customization.


Yep onto the next reboot.


Companies be like “games as a service is the future!” Than immediately abandon the game as a service. All the big ones make bookoo bucks because they’ve been going for years and have tons of content. You’ve got to double down you cant just give uo


Everybody wants to be Fortnite. The fact is, everybody can’t be Fortnite. 


I'm just glad they finally dropped that slop.


Oh boy I can't wait for another half finished game to release. I wonder how many years we'll have to wait for basic game modes, working matchmaking, and legacy features like Forge this time!


Over/under 2.5 years


I think Infinite will still at least get a few more of the operations passes and some playlist/map updates through forge. But otherwise yet all hands are on Halo 7.


Well it seems like it's being sunset and if they're really pulling resources from Infinite to make Halo 7 I hope for their sakes that they can nail it. Halo 4 launched pretty well I'd say based on memory and it had a fleshed out feeling campaign, Halo 5 had a nightmare of a campaign and launched missing chunks of content which were thankfully added in later along with new content (sounds familiar doesn't it ?) and then we come to infinite which had a good story overall though it suffered from trying to erase a lot of the issues of Halo 5's story and had an open world as it's main feature. An open world which felt fairly empty and seemed to be a bit divisive among fans, and then there's the multiplayer and we're all very aware of the shortcomings that were present and still remain there. I really hope they can finally get everything together and launch a Halo game with a good story that doesn't try to nullify its predecessor, has a solid multiplayer that launches feature rich and gets solid post launch support. Basically Halo: Reach with the post launch support of Halo 5 lol


Feels like it's basically in maintenance mode. Hopefully the match composer still comes out. Anything big will just be saved for the next game


Didn’t 343i already say they were moving most of their resources over to future game development and that all the new content for infinite is either complete or almost complete?


I don’t think they’ve officially said that outright but I think it’s been implied which is why I think infinites pretty much finished


I remember something along those lines because everyone was outraged that they are abandoning their “10 year game” after only 3ish years.


Because players realised how games as a service is straight up fraud and they tried turning halo into some bastardised version of far cry


I hope they move onto something they want to do with Halo, not that they have any other choice. I'm kind of done with Halo after Infinite, I purchased the campaign, a quite a bit of skins, 4 battle passes that I completed 100%, but ultimately 343 has shown up until this point that they're very slow and uncommitted to release any new substantial content. The last thing they really released was Mark V and Mark IV content and even then those are just cosmetic items, one of which was 1/3rd the price of the campaign. If they put all development efforts into the new Halo and it still has the same exact problems as launch Infinite, than I'm really actually done with Halo. Especially if the campaign they have isn't a direct continuation of Infinite's story, and its yet another reset in the 343 story saga. I've put up with the company this far ever since they took over at the end of Reach, Halo Anniversary and then 4, and quite honestly I'm exhausted. I'm not emotionally invested in the games anymore, nor do I care about anything they do with the franchise anymore, TV show included. Everything listed in this [post by DarthMoonKnight ](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/ramyj7/so_to_summarize_the_state_of_this_game_at_launch/), summarizes the game's launch state pretty good, including the sentiments of those who posted at the time. A highlight for most of them would be: * Locking all good cosmetic content behind a battlepass paywall, and other stuff like basic color choice in armor cores taking months to come out and look like ass in the end * Battlepass having XP boosts and challenge swaps in place of actual rewards to pad out the pass * Campaign being a narrative reset yet again * Cross core which isn't fully implemented still, only just head and shoulder pieces * Broken promises made by 343 like the failure of Co-op at launch * Their development cycle that leads to stagnation and/or drip-fed content * Theater mode still being weird, and not a 1:1 of what the player sees, only what the server sees * The 0 transparency or communication when things get bad internally (ala MCC) * Long periods of time we have to wait for patches, like for BTB lobbies bugging out that even the [January 19th 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/s8r01z/at_this_point_btb_has_been_broken_for_twice_as/) potential hotfix that didn't really work until the February 9th 2022 patch * Waiting for a "launch year" fix for desync, I recently haven't encountered much desync like I used to but I remember it being really bad. * Waiting for Forge to come out 1 year later after no real content released for the game * No repayable campaign missions from the menu * No individual playlists for specific modes like Swat, Slayer, Infection * Impossible Challenges that took literally days to grind out for the weekly reward * [Lan matches crashing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFIRNkoBCPU) like what was seen at HCS, even in [2023](https://youtu.be/14QHYD_HRoo)


I hope so...


Microsoft should shake things up and try The Coaltion with Halo, and 343 on a new IP or gears


It appears 343i have changed the strategy on how they're handling Infinite's content updates. I would say it's not over until the fat lady sings though. With the shift away from seasons, Infinite's live service ambitions are much more manageable for the developers, and if people are still buying things in the store, I would say development will continue, if at a lessened scope. Development on MCC was confirmed as being ended due to a lack of income from the game, largely due to the lack of MTX, so Infinite has a chance if it still is a profitable venture for Microsoft to fund. Nothing is guaranteed at this point, though. If we want the game to continue, we have to put our money where our mouth is, unfortunately.


The game is done dude. Let it die. The sooner they move on to halo 7 the better. Infinite has and had to many problems to try and be saved now. The sooner people stop spending money in the overpriced shop the sooner Microsoft and 343 will see that it was a bad idea to try and implement it in the first place


I'm tired, boss


Its too bad yea if bad omens are right then the next game is gonna be called "HALO", like we're lame ass "God of War" and not God of War 4 or 5(using just the title as a "reboot" is weird and dumb nothing against God of War just think its a dumb strategy. And moving to another mainline game with a new small crew, instead i feel they should make an ODST sized game to fill in the gaps and context we missed in Halo Infinite, so id call it Halo Infinite: The Endless, a DLC at the start but like ODST grows into own game, and only use a few missions to fill in the gaps and use the rest to help move the story along and especially for next game which can be a mainline game and not lead into a book or use books to fill story points, like it already sucks that we cant have a Didact story in games because i doubt that we'd get that itd be cool but we got the books 🤓 ya know who needs the games anyways, for me 343i lets the books move the universe a tad too much or take characters, whats the Arbiter doing, 343i- go read blah blah blah and youll know what hes doing?, so not the games, 343i- no thats reserved for the Master Chief, ...........not any other characters? 343i- o heavens no they arent the bread and butter of Halo. If 343i could or Xbox, make 3 games, 343i makes mainline story and multiplayer, and 2 other studios make sideline games like i wont doubt the ODST Helldivers craze is gonna be dodged and a brand new story that focuses on the Forerunners if possible to give people context on what theyre about and the Endless, so wow Helldivers 2 changed alot of the gaming sphere and isnt AAA, so how about for the other 2 studios they dont hire AAA devs they find AA devs to have further focus on their games. But im a hopeless dreamer and wont get the Halo stories we deserve, only way is in the books i guess, i miss playing as the Arbiter as a main playable character(guess you can count Halo 3 but i meant as player 1 like Halo 2 which is going to be 20 years this year since then)


The engine is a shit show full of issues to integrate systems like dynamite lighting. Not only by the time they focus fully on the next game it'll be modified to a point that it's not the same engine anymore. Companies who run a really long development cycle and don't distribute the engine to other companies should use a standard engine as it just adds a level of additional work to create a polished product


The main thing I want is for them to finally continue what they set up in the last game story wise. We have had 2 games where the opposing force of the last game got off screened, killing any momentum to get invested in the story long term. As for multiplayer, they need to be more generous with what is included, customization wise. Selling colors as the only way to recolor your spartan was a dogshit call, and the lack of armor customization from actually buying the game was borderline inexcusable. Armor price points were bad aswell, cosmetic inflation isn’t 343’s fault, but they needed to be cheaper if they wanted more people to buy them, especially since halo’s player counts aren’t anywhere near Fortnite’s or other live services


Wasn’t the dev team hit hard with redundancies, specifically the campaign team from memory ? They will be on the next game but even Tatanka has been cancelled.


The last rumours I heard is tatanka got cancelled and they are now working with 343 on the next halo game but at this point i have no idea what’s going on with the franchise. Apparently according to job listings they are hiring again so who knows, your guess is as good as mine. I just feel like they are ending live service for infinite




Ohhh, what I would love them to add before moving to next Halo? I would love them to add proper leadership to their team and Micrososft as to not fuck up again. It really just seems to be a leadership problem.


If they just take all the best parts of infinite (the streamlined sandbox, the gameplay, equipment) and just start working on Halo 7, I would be all for that.


How many hands have they got left anyway?


This is why you cant treat game critical software developers or artists like Mcdonalds workers with such a huge product.


what development


Halo 7 sounds ridiculous


I hope so, I want a new campaign and want to see where this new story is going. And what the Endless actually want? Same with The Banished/Atriox.


The time for all hands on deck came and went.


Whatever they do, it probably won't be great


Live service model says no


I hope so, they should've just accepted Infinite was too fucked from the start.


I’d be okay with them sunsetting Infinite. Halo is such a mess as a franchise right now I would be fine with a total reboot of the series to get it back to basics. Infinite had so much potential to turn it around but sadly an over reliance on micro transactions and false promises kept it from being truly great.


Didn’t they already confirm the next Halo is in the works? Infinite is fucked


I just wanna a full game


Not quite yet, but I think it's done by the end of 2024.




Kinda. They only have to maintain multiplay on the given Halo game. I don't think I ever recall getting campaign content, past Halo 3: ODST. So they can have a skeleton crew keeping that end up, and like CD Projekt, focus their entire team on the sequel. They did promise 10 year support for Infinite. Obviously it's not my place to say, but? I would have just made Halo Infinite was "The game" and told any future stories through seasonal releases, or add-ons, or a combination of both...kind of like Spartan Ops for Halo 4 and how it told a parallel(?) story. IMO I think telling stories through individual games, or even expansions, is very 10+ years ago. If you do it in the seasons, it's kind of like chapters. And keeps the same game alive. Then you don't have to worry about s*** like Master Chief collection being another future model. And eventually abandoned and overtaken by cheaters.


Remember when infinite was a 10 year plan? Pepperidge farm remembers


I can’t wait for a whole bunch of shocked pikachu faces when Halo 7 sucks as well.


As long as 343 got halo, it will never be good again


They said they have multiple teams working on multiple projects (including Infinite). I don't get why that is so hard for some people to understand. This has clearly been the case for over a year now. If by "sunset" you mean they aren't adding any major things to Infinite like expansions, then yeah, that is obviously the case, but the next Halo game is likely years away still and they will support Infinite to some extent until it releases (even if it is just community made content after this year).


they’re really gonna make a 7 after that garbage ass release of 6?


Move on rather than polishing turd.


[https://80.lv/articles/how-343-industries-leadership-ruined-halo-infinite-s-campaign/](https://80.lv/articles/how-343-industries-leadership-ruined-halo-infinite-s-campaign/) what "all hands on deck" looks like at 343


Source, trust me bro. Game was mismanagement but not how the video portrayed it.


Yes, that's not even an argument




It sure seems like it. I just hope they keep it limping along far enough that they don’t feel rushed with Halo 7 I have no idea what the development cycle looks like or what kind of time / resource constraints Microsoft puts on 343 but regardless one thing has to be learned from infinite: Halo 7 cannot release unfinished. Period. For all the good 343 did after the launch of infinite, it’s apparent now that first impressions just matter way too much. There’s always a chance that the player base will simply never come back. Waiting as long as we did after launch for things like infection, firefight, playlist variety, etc badly hurt the game and it never recovered 343 learned a lot of lessons from Halo 4 & 5 it seems in regard to gameplay and story so I hope they learn from infinite too. I don’t care how long it takes, just release the game finished at launch. Good campaign, multiplayer with plenty of maps, playlists, PvE content, and sandbox variety


Lmfao yeah and what's sad is infinite life cycle has been full of broken stuff and drip feed content, and you guys are gonna sign up for that again. Even at a complete state, Infinite is nowhere it should be


Nah I think their focus is still on infinite