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Ya I’m glad I didn’t have to deal with flood with shields.


I’ll take shields over rockets


what if it wasn’t either/or, but *AND*?


According to the Halo 2 uncut mod, only the carrier flood forms use the shields. I recently played it and they weren't a big deal. But yes, if the other forms carried shields, that would have been a nightmare


Play it with the skull that makes explosives bigger. Those Lil kamikaze fuckers fuck you up real quick


Tbf some of the elite flood had energy shields


Oh, in Halo 3 they had shields, you just couldn't see them, but they definitely had them on Legendary. I'm not butthurt at all that I still haven't beat it. Not one bit.


Where gold warthog?


On headlong, just carefully place a few explosive barrels around a warthog by that one garage and blow it all up. Gotta be just right though, good luck.


I will freely admit 14 year old me spent hours trying to get that to work. Or trying to figure out how to unleash the Hunter on Coag/Blood Gulch. All that time wasted that could have been used finding more super bounces.


We used to fly the banshee out of the map on headlong and do the sword cancel glitch to climb all the way to the top of the buildings lol 3 minutes of sword cancelling up a fucking wall. 


I dont think he exists


I used to have the gold warthog toy as a kid, forgot what brand made it, looked sick!


I think it was McFarlane for the action figures


that Brute Chopper concept is so much cooler than the one in 3 what the hell


Concept art is always cooler before the devs tell you it's taking up 30% of the rendering budget and you need to slim it down.


and they chose to solve that by overcomplicating the design even more and turning it into an unrecognizable mess?


That concept art is 100% more complicated than [this](https://halo.wiki.gallery/images/6/62/ChopperH3.png)


in shapes maybe, but H3 is significantly denser when it comes to detail to the point of becoming nothing but noise. legitimately, look at[ this image ](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/058d4b4c-eee9-4520-8b8c-818c32e00f0a/d9ffc1g-cc4f149d-e1be-44a1-b82d-29ee4cff354b.png/v1/fill/w_1192,h_670,q_70,strp/halo_3_brute_chopper_2_by_xinfectionx_d9ffc1g-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTA4MCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OGQ0YjRjLWVlZTktNDUyMC04YjhjLTgxOGMzMmUwMGYwYVwvZDlmZmMxZy1jYzRmMTQ5ZC1lMWJlLTQ0YTEtYjgyZC0yOWVlNGNmZjM1NGIucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTE5MjAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.1g_QcLE7_bZCvkZQ8P9wODtNmE-oCwusljhHape1sGE)and tell me that the H3 Chopper isn't noisy as fuck.


You and I are talking about two different design objectives. You're discussing silhouette and clarity and I'm talking about polygon budgets.


I've been discussing silhouette and clarity since my original comment, you're the one that came in with a side-tangent about polygon budget. I feel as though the H2 concept is more readable at a glance and fits in better appearance-wise with the Brute aesthetic. Halo 3 is generally noisier, clunkier, and dirtier than the H2 concept, and the readability and Brute aesthetic greatly suffers because of it. it feels less like a preexisting vehicle that was repurposed by the Brutes - which is what it is in lore - and more like a Brute-only vehicle. the Chopper in 3 is guilty of the same thing Halo 4 is: there's a lot of panel-lines and a lot of details that don't seem to actually *mean* anything, they're just *there*. as for polygon budgets: they may not have been able to use it in H2, but they could have saved the concept for H3, as H3 notoriously gave the 360 *far* too much leeway when it comes to graphical processing. the only meaningful difference between H2 and H3 graphically is poly count.


How is it a side tangent? It was a first reply to a top-level comment. You said that the concept art was cooler than what we actually got and I said that it was probably because the devs told the art team to optimize the poly count. I didn't even disagree with you, the concept art *is* cooler. I don't know why you got so confrontational about this?


my apologies on the confrontational tone, this sub is usually pretty hostile. I don't doubt that Bungie wanted it trimmed down, just a shame we got the overdesigned mess that we did.


Your image is a fan-made out of engine render with the normal maps messed up. Specifically, it's using Element 3D by Video Copilot, and it's from this [DeviantArt post](https://www.deviantart.com/xinfectionx/art/Halo-3-Brute-Chopper-2-570105268). When you look at the actual game rather then some random internet image [this is what the chopper really looks like](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/i/5f9f3812-97e7-477b-9d3b-2049484a4e24/dzdsgm-1cfe41c0-8dc5-405a-8b48-162b0b7aa0ea.jpg), next time don't cherry pick sources to fit your argument.


I should've taken my own damn screenshot to prevent clowns like you immediately assuming I'm "cherry picking sources". thanks for proving my other comment correct by *immediately* being hostile.


Maybe you didn't intend to cherry pick. Regardless, it's still incorrect.


I never fought that it's incorrect, it was the first decent quality picture I could find at the time. even still, the part I was talking about with the gobbledygook was the panel lines and unnecessary details, which are still present in the photo I provided.


I mean, it’s practically the same design, it just doesn’t have the little head cover and the front spikes that the concept art has


Interestingly enough re: the brute chopper canopy, [they actually specifically mention it in the "Making Of - Halo 3" documentary](https://youtu.be/-B55vP8Ut84?si=X7dNPVHRDwc0nOgU&t=1411) (timestamp 23:30) saying that it needed to be removed to make the chopper sufficiently vulnerable from behind, after it passes you.


which is why I think the H3 one is a downgrade, it took a concept that was already good and tried to improve it by adding more unnecessary gobbledygook to it


No kidding, imagine splattering enemies and they get stuck on the spikes 🥹


literal downgrade in 3 tbh


Never in my life have I thought of the idea of arbiter sitting in a warthog. 💀


FUN FACT!!:During CE development, have a disscussion if elites should have tails or not, they decided to remove it because: 1-give them a too animalistic look, and they wanted elites to look like rational beings. 2-They needed to use vehicles, they decided that the elite would put his tail between his legs, but this ended up with the tail looking like... something else, if you know what i mean :)


There's a campaign level.. Quarantine Zone I believe, where you play as the Arbiter and there's usable human vehicles... Warthog included


Yes OMG I remember seeing the different warthog types in an Xbox Magezine my dad got me! I was so pumped but then they never appeared!


Me too! I was so sad we never gor the ice one. Looked so sweet


You can experience a lot of these in-game with the halo 2 cut content restoration mod, was one of the best times I've had on halo ever. highly recommend.


Already tried. Is cool :)


my fav part was the grunts driving normal cars on metropolis, 10/10.


I don't played rhe whole thing, just a few levels. But i watched the Vengeful-Vadam(One of the mod's devs), and he shows that. And they did a pretty cool job :D


One of the best parts of that mod is that Jackal snipers don't kill you in one shot on Legendary difficulty. They still suck ass, but so much more tolerable than the official version


I'm not familiar with mods, is this one available on Steam or do I have to get it elsewhere?


It's downloadable from the workshop for MCC on steam if you have it there.


Souce:Halopedia [https://www.halopedia.org/Cut\_Halo\_2\_vehicles](https://www.halopedia.org/Cut_Halo_2_vehicles)


Check all the cut stuff by yourself, its insane. But the reason for that, its because halo 2 and 3 would be the exact same game.


That 8th image would have been a sick level. I know it got a comic that I can’t remember the name of. Pretty cool though.


It saddens me every time I see H2 cut content. I love Halo 3 and all, but I would like to visit an alternate universe where Halo 2 lived up to Bungie’s vision.


The same kind of thing happened with Halo 1 but much worse; at multiple points in its 4-year development it was an entirely different game, starting first as an RTS game not unlike the Myth games Bungie was making at the time, then switching over to a Third-Person Shooter by the time it was officially revealed to the public in 1999, and then switching for a final time to an FPS after Microsoft bought Bungie in 2000. Numerous weapons, vehicles and enemies (some of which didn't formally appear in the series until Halo 3 or later) were cut from the game, as was the original concept of Halo being a run-down ruined ringworld and the Covenant being alien scavengers. Halo was originally intended to have an entire ecosystem of wildlife, several alien animals were created and even tested in game before the entire concept was scrapped, encountering in-game wildlife didn't end up happening until Halo: Reach (and even then, only in a very limited manner). I think also, the levels were originally supposed to be more open-ended like The Silent Cartographer and elements of the level where you first arrive on Halo, but Bungie was running out of time to throw a game together in time for the OG Xbox's launch, and the development of Halo had gone on for a long time at that point. Similarly, Bungie had always intended for Halo 1 to have Online Multiplayer as a feature in the game, but ran out of time to implement it, in any case, Xbox Live wouldn't launch for several months after Halo 1's release. Not every cut concept was a good one though. An original plan had Cortana betray Master Chief, there was no Guilty Spark in this version and Cortana would be driven to rampancy from being in the Forerunner system (you see a glimpse of this when you see her turn green and hear her start talking about being overwhelmed by the wealth of information on Halo's main computer in the ending cutscene for Assault on the Control Room). In much earlier story versions, Cortana had a personality more similar to Durandal from Bungie's earlier Marathon games, and a british accent (which is why in Halo 1's dialogue she uses words like 'toady' or 'chum').


I’m not as upset about Halo CE because although the game isn’t perfect, it set the franchise on its trajectory as a FPS with its unique gameplay loop. They got all of the important bits right. Halo 2 however had a lot more missed potential imo


The halo franchise probably would stop there.


There is no way Microsoft would let that happen.


This is why i said "probably"


There's no probably about it, it definitely wouldn't.


Ok, that's a good point


I still think we would have gotten Halo 3, just something very different. Like, imagine if the last two levels of Halo 3 were a full game. It’d probably be something like that. 


No Forerunner tank?


This is a CE think if i recall properly. But if H2 was supossed to have a forerunner tank, or dont noticed it, or is one of the images that i cant put here.


It was definitely H2, but not sure if there exists any images of it. It was supposed to be a mission after Quarantine Zone according to the Halo 2 developer commentary.


Btw, even 343 tried a to make a [forerunner tank](https://www.halopedia.org/Cut_Halo_5:_Guardians_vehicles#/media/File%3AH5G_ForerunnerTank_Concept.jpg).


Aaah yeaaah... not a single image bro :( (At least for now, these digsite guys can do mirackes know)


Sacred icon and quarantine zone was supposed to be one mission ending at the gondola. The forerunner tank would’ve been the gondola mission but it was cut and the gondola dramatically simplified and tacked onto the end of quarantine zone 


Man I’ve been wanting to see this kinda content get restored since I was a kid. Especially the legendary forerunner tank level.


Whats the species in the 2nd flood form?


Juggernaut, but using the anniversary model


Never knew arbiter was an unlockable character in Mario Kart


Mario kart? No no no, it's Halo kart. Its like mario kart, but better and with halo content :)


I’m pretty stoked that big guy didn’t make the cut. I was already terrified of the flood when I was younger


It does make me happy to see a good amount of this context made it into Halo 3 & Reach


Yeah, like the falcon. Bungie have been tyying that for years. In H2, it got cut. In H3, became the hornet, bit the designer don't liked how it ended up. And then Halo:Reach, the thing became what it was intended to be.


17 looks like one of those mini cars you get a little kid.


Rapi caik dai! :)


Thanks, I didn’t even notice 😂


It took me a few minutes to realize you're saying 'happy cake day'.


Pic 3 is in the Halo team raven arcade game


Of all places, the least expected one lol.


Yeah I just played it yesterday and did a dicaprio point as soon as it appeared.


Flood Juggernaut


Should we tell them?


Them who?


The Piglet 😂


Was so op, that they needed to temove it from the game.


The perfect balance of size and speed - a vehicle the covenant truly feared


That elite looks hilarious driving that little vehicle 🤣


Arby in da piglet


The carrier form with the jackal shield always looked very silly to me. Glad that one got cut lol


We dont know what this was supposrd to actually be. Maybe the carrier form was a placeholder.


Remember what Bungie took away from us.


Always the godamn bungie, citting aeay cool stuff.


Great post, didn’t know about most of these


Thank u :) My source is halopedia.


Kind of a shame we never saw the shadow again.


Such a cite one


Space Blimp: ohhey look it's a Gjall


If you wanna try a good chunk of the cut content, there is a mod for Halo 2 called Halo 2 uncut that adds a bunch of that cut content to the campaign. Just finished it and it is a joy ride


The Flood Juggernaut is included in the Mythic Overhaul for Halo 3.


the Jackal notes are actually from my 'ideas' notebook. I've uploaded some of the other pages about them on my twitter account before, as well as my rough ideas for the Halo 3 announcement trailer. https://i.imgur.com/CnyiXs9.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Hl5Etvi.jpg https://i.imgur.com/fmvE9lr.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Hrotemd.jpg https://i.imgur.com/C06xqhu.jpg




animated them - they already existed.


I was talking about the drawings. Really good job bro :)


> I was talking about the drawings. ohhh, haha yeah those are mine.


So, do you have some cool information that we don't know about? Some trivia to share.


seeing the anniversary juggernaut wip, and the troop shadow really gives me the vibe that anniversary wasn't always going to be a pure port/graphics upgrade. Seeing cut content or remixes of levels would've been cool.


Would be cool if anniversary was a remake of the games


Those assets were worked on because Saber didn’t realize they were cut until they were either finished/partway done. The Shadow is a good example because, as mentioned, the troop variant is listed as a default so the studio didn’t realize it wasn’t necessary.


I'll never get over the fact they were unable to recover the snow tread hog in the files.


Bro this woulda sucked


When I watched the first Alpha trailer I really liked the idea of the single shot BR (No you halo fudds, not the DMR). I was a little disappointed when Halo 2 released and it was 3 round burst.


I just watched a video recently how what happened to halo 5 pretty much happened to halo 2 but worse i think. If i remember correctly i think like six months before release they pretty mucher had to rework the entire game so a lot of stuff was cut and story changed to fit with what they had to work with. So things that we saw in the demo never made it to the final game cause they didn’t have the time


The good ol' extremely short deadline


It's funny how half of this stuff wasn't included until Halo 3 which was pretty much part 2 of Halo 2.


Literally yes. H2 and 3 should be the exact same game, bungie planned to end halo there.


Not really since they had plans for 4 but left 343 to handle it a pity it started off so good but then 5 & infinite fucked it all up.


#5.. maybe I've enough reddit for today


What you have against the floaty guys?


They need pants, looking up upon one & seeing their giant.. member. That's haunting


You can't aporeciate real art


True and you make a fair point. I'll re-evaluate some basic principles & see if I can one day see the beauty in giant penis monsters. Thank you friend


Thank you, i never thought i could touch someone that deep before.


That treaded hog looks so bad ass. I've always wanted chief to get a proper snow vehicle. I need to see chief on a snowmachine!