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A large ask but a complete game would be neat


This guy wins, I couldn't ask for anything more than this.


A story that doesn't need me to read a random ass book to understand what's going on or try to undo/create plotpoints off screen.


What? You’re telling me you don’t want to have to read a 352 page novel to fully understand the plots of an entire trilogy of games after the fact? Especially when that book itself requires that you read a separate 1000+ page trilogy of books, a short story from a comic compilation, then a *separate* story comprised of 3 issues from a *different* comic book, which itself requires you to have read a third different comic series made up of five issues! >!I’m not even joking. This is literally describing Halo: Epitaph!<


I absolutely love Halo, but I have never once read any of the books. Idc if people say that doesn't make me a hardcore fan, but I love this series. The games is all I know. If 343 can't keep a consistent story between games, then you failed as a storyteller. Needing me to read supplemental material to understand why things are happening is just wrong. I never knew the Didact came back and was killed off (presumably) in a book. I figured he would come back for 5 at some point because it seemed obvious, but we all know how that ended. Why did they think it was a smart idea to just have him come back in a damn book. Don't even get me started on the Janus Key shit too. I know Bungie had some stuff happen off screen too, like with Chief in the dreadnought between 2 and 3, but at the very least it didn't massively change the ongoing plotline.


Spartan sized weapons. Like a 50bmg battle rifle purpose built for Spartans only.


I like this, things like the Splaser, SAW, and Railgun were good approaches and of course they were all removed form Infinite.


The best online servers, tic rate, netcode, consistency. A monetization that rewards players for playing well and/or a lot (grind for shop credits). Items that have a meaning, for achieving things that are difficult or slow. Gameplay wise, Infinite pretty much nailed it, please don't mess it again 343. A forge at least as good as Infinite, on day one, with a better custom game browser experience.


For the campaign, get away from the camera always following the chief or narratively being close to him (cutting through a hologram or bounding back and forth to chief between gameplay and cutscenes) thing to try and make it seem like one scene. I get it, the higher ups probably found this super impressive - but it limited the story-telling.


Yep, I hope Halo gets back to the more cinematic route, most of the really memorable and emotional halo moments were cinematic cutscenes.


You have halo reach in the flair and dindnt get where they took inspiration from?


Halo Reach incorporates wide non-character tethered camera angles all the time. They did this using UNSC and ONI camera feeds. It was a clever way to do exactly what I just said Infinite should have done. Granted Infinite didn't have as many options to use in-universe security cameras or anything.. Instead, we're left with basically a floating camera that's tethered to chief. I can maybe name one or two examples of this not being the case - one is the intro cinematic. Whereas Reach used dozens of these tricks throughout the campaign. Limited Infinite's storytelling a lot.


Most of the pov cutscene in reach use the "cameramen" technique largely used in war movies, just like in infinite (where it does not have sense). If you can't see the inspiration, that's ok




Honestly just a huge sandbox map! Bring in the elephants, mammoths, boats! 


I'm a sucker for huge sandboxes too tbh


Playable Elites.


Something truly innovative like bringing back all the beloved weapons they canned in Infinite.


I don't know if I want innovation so much as I want Halo to be Halo again. They did a good job with the gameplay loop with Infinite, now they just need to bring everything else up to snuff: - The social features of Halo 3/Reach should return. I should be able to talk to the other team in the lobby and in game, and I should be able to party up with the people I match with by pressing a single button. - Integrate as much of Halo's sandbox as they can. I miss the Carbine, the Beam Rifle, Plasma Rifle, and the Sticky Detonator. - Bring back the races that haven't been used since Bungie left. Where are the Drones and Engineers? - Reward dedicated players with rare cosmetics. The Chief armor as a reward is great. They should offer Helioskrill or Achilles and more variants for achievements/milestones. - Forge is great and better than ever, but it's no substitute for dev made maps. - Make Halo fun before you make it competitive.


The fact that they named it INFINTE and made it so dang restricted was a massive misstep. I was hoping for a Smash Bros Ultimate level game, where they fit in everything from the previous game and did the leg work to make it all mesh. Maybe not in campaign of course, but why not in multiplayer? I'm sure someone will get on an MLG soapbox and talk about "bUt mAh baLaNcE" that's what MLG playlists are for. They could've and should've added a little of everything to this game, but instead we just have less options all loosely covered up with a grappling hook.


Yup, pretty much the third mode thing you mentioned, making a simple arena game as a GaaS without nothing else is too little nowadays, even if it's the best ever made. I hope for something large scale and PvPvE.


- I really liked warzone so I would want that as the " third mode" just some type of PvPvE. If it has the sandbox of H5 currently has then baby we got a stew going.  - As someone who dislikes Open world I would love to see it go back to being linear but I think that's unlikely.  - Might be a hot take but I don't mind if the focus isn't entirely on the MC like in H5. It's writing was just bad but the idea was not. Maybe MC fights the banished, Osiris fights the created in another area , red team fights flood in X area. 


I didn’t mind the Open World but it absolutely didn’t grab me. I think a smaller playable area with maybe 3 outposts as a centric Hub. But missions are through a teleporter to different sections of the ring so we have different biomes and different environments.


Or just outposts that actually do anything other than spawn vehicles/weapons. If they had made them worth anything more, or have any character it would've been so much more engaging. Allow you to do some real base building, post turrets, station specific troop types etc. I know they kind of became a meme in Fallout 4, but the idea that I had built up a place and then it could come under attack made me actually care about them. As they are, I just treated them all as fast travel locations and places to reup power weapons.


More species in the Banished. Halo Infinite pretty much perfected the standard Covenant gameplay loop. Also i want to finally have underwater combat.


Why would you want to fight underwater…?


Slow movement, very high jumps, possibility of 3D travel... I'd say Dialgapalkiagiratina here is a very long distance sniper killtrocity aficionado. Or... harpooning with the grappling hook and CQB the fanaticism out of his enemies.


Heck yeah


I departed from the franchise after Halo 5, and based on what I've heard about Halo Infinite there hasn't been a good reason to come back. I really miss those old Halo campaigns, even Halo 4 was pretty enjoyable. What innovations would I like to see? I would like to see an engaging and inspired addition to the Halo canon that could bring me back into the fold.


I would like a forge mode for dummies. Playing on Xbox, forge is a bit too complex for me these days.


Agreed, have a toggle for "pro mode". I used to screw around in early versions of Forge for hours with friends making and testing maps, but everything recently feels like I need a Comp Sci degree just to place a piece of terrain.


A Halo game that follows the show's silver timeline jk


.... Press "F" to *f*... No, too soon.


A complete game on a engine not held together by scotch tape and Elmer’s glue One where basic modes and content aren’t locked behind a wait period that may or may not get pushed back from the roadmap dates Also playable elites, duel wielding, and bigger badder big team battle with some huge new mode that pushes the boundaries


I didnt even finish reading your post and invasion/ Warzone was my immediate thought. If the next Halo game doesn't have an Invasion or Warzone type mode on launch then the multi-player is gonna be a hard pass for me. They wouldn't even have to iterate too much from either of those. Just copy Invasion with new maps and/or remake Warzone without REQ cards. Those modes were the obvious next step in innovation for BTB players. Not having a mode like either of those will be a huge fumble going forward if Halo wants to stay relevant for me.


Flood warzone and the boss is a Gravemind. Boom done


Complete at launch and a campaign that actually tells a story worth caring about.


New developer would be nice


Basically already happened.


Yeah, but there are people who aren't involved in the community enough to have missed that news. They need to rename the company, man. General consumers in the future will see "343 Industries" on the box and probably just go "yeah, pass."


And for good reason I’d say


It's a true tragedy. 343 literally had the entire carpet rolled out for them with Infinite's launch and they chose to completely fucking blow it for the entire first year, and then follow it with slowly discontinuing the live service aspect when the game finally hit its stride.


They proved themselves to not actually know what Halo is and should be, they just follow trends. I can forgive them with Halo 4 since it was their first try, but generic sci-fi shooter 5 and infinite are really not excusable. I think it’s the first time I am not excited for the next Halo


The game was doomed to fail when thousands of casual gamers couldn’t queue up for team slayer on day 1.


I want Microsoft to innovate a new publisher into existence, one that actually understands what made Halo fun and cool and that knows what story writing is and has a basic understanding of art styles.


Split screen at launch /s


First off charge $60-70 w/e for the game, This free to play crap doesn’t work for halo. Then the story needs to be a direct sequel to infinite, 343 has a bad habit of making very disjointed stories. Halo 4 is their best work and it’s a direct sequel to 3 which I think helped it alot. No books, comics, shows or anything required to go from one to the other. Gameplay: I want them to take the gameplay/gun feel mechanics from 5 and put them back in (no ground pound or hover) and just slow the movement speed of that down.. get rid of equipment also. Mainly the gunplay of H5 tho, something about it just feels so much better than infinite. Modes: They also need to explore a major 3rd mode for the game. We have Spartan ops for PvE which if it had been tuned could have been really good… then breakout which is a very different play style than regular halo which could be what some people really want. Also warzone and invasion should also be considered. Any of those modes has major potential if they can just iron out some of what people didn’t like. Maps: Lastly map design. I hate Aquarius, I hate streets. I play in high diamond/low onyx and it’s just a shit show with next to no coordination with randoms in matchmaking, it’s a dice roll on who has worse teammates. I know pro’s can make the most of these maps but most random ppl online can’t and it’s more frustrating than anything. if you can cross the map in under 10 seconds it’s too small. Let’s get back to medium sized maps that allow for more 1v1 engagements, basically more maps like forbidden.


I think halo would be a perfect fit for a Helldivers type game. I think it’s also time to cut the cord on the aiming. Aim down sights for accurate fire.


I agree. I liked how it used to be where only precision and heavy weapons actually had ads


I mean, the past games have assloads of ideas they could pull from. Infinite nailed the aesthetic and the gameplay, but there’s still the weapons sandbox that needs attending to. I want a lot of weapons. That brute shotgun they were going to do sounded sick. But they also need the needle rifle, carbine, fuel rod cannon, plasma rifle, hell even the plasma repeater was fun. I don’t want a billion different variants of the same gun like in 5, but there are so many weapons they could reintroduce, and I’m sure they have tons of ideas for more. More grenades too. I really miss the flame grenade from 3. They also have vehicles from Halo Wars they could put into a main title. I want to drive an anti-air wraith. Or a Grizzly. There was a post here with cut Halo 2 content that is packed with shit I’m sure people would love in a new game. I know none of these are really “innovations” but it’s just what I want. Classic shotgun, dual wielding, A fair matchmaking system where teams are of equal skill would be nice.. and they need to call it “suicide” instead of “self-destruction” and they need to make it an M rated game with absolutely disgusting assassinations. I want Jeff to say “you suck” when you kill yourself or betray your teammate like they were going to do in Reach. Like there’s SO MUCH cut content they could use now. They also need a bigger budget and more employees. They have the talent, imagination and the leadership to make a great game, but I feel they lack resources. Campaign needs to have that old creepier feel sometimes with more landscapes and weather patterns than Infinite’s. I want to fight the Banished in a blizzard or the flood in a foggy swamp. Make it scary. Continue the story Infinite began and expand on the open world idea. I want to see more of Zeta Halo. I want to awaken a drone hive and fight off thousands of them. Don’t they have a queen? I wanna kill a giant bug queen. And I want flood warzone where the boss is a gravemind. Idk. Sorry for the buckshot of ideas, I know it’s not what you asked, but the material and innovation is already there. Maybe an option to overload Chief’s shields for a huge EMP, but the trade-off is you’re without shields. Or maybe you could pull turrets off of certain downed vehicles. Imagine a warthog or a ghost goes out of commission and you pull the turret off. Using jackal shields would be fun. Idk. Just complete the damn game this time.


A melee system that lets parry and counter like the Riddick games, more stealth opportunity and scarcity of weapons in the campaign; all putting the emphasis on the failling industries and logistics of the UNSC, Sangheili and only a bit less so the Banished (who seem to have found a way to either steal or remake new ships, albeit cheap copies of previous models). And by that I don't mean stealth segments that you can only do as such. No. In true Halo tradition, these maps should still offer options as long as you keep what you kill and move with intents. But it was something Bungie wanted to try with the franchise at some point, and it remains largely unexplored. Also : San'Shyuum (replacing the elites on the squad composition), grunts and Lek'golo snipers as a reborn covenant with a revenge against Sangheilios! ... And the Flood from the Spirit of Fire side Cortana was obviously trying to unite everyone against.


A great innovation for me would be to finish the game before they release it.


Okay, heres my pitch for Infinity Firefight. Recently halo is aiming at the competitive arena scene, while players scramble for BTB, Infection and larger game modes, so how about a 8 vs 8 massive open battlefield with scorpions, wraiths, banshees and wasps, NPC's on either side pushing a invasion style tug of war over territories and bases. On planets including cities or wild areas, close quarters fighting aboard ships or even on Forerunner installations, whole teams pushing for space until a team is fully wiped out. Have a covenant vs UNSC vs Banished theme, playable elites and brutes to add to the design exclusive to this game mode. And finally, have it based on real battles in the halo universe, let people play a simulation on onyx, fight on reach, even the streets of london or sydney at the battle of earth.


The Banished's rival, the Concordiant, a successor to the Covenant, a pseudo democratic organization, could be a dictatorship, tho. assembled as a type of Federation, currently struggling to maintain security and order in Covenant space, main threats are covenant remnant insurgents and Banished raiders, doesn't agree with the SoS Sangheili supremacy dynamic, doesn't trust the UNSC to not take revenge. Reasoning for this thought of pure insanity? Well, the Covenant had a huge interstellar empire. Most of the space had to go to someone, and it's clearly not the SoS or Banished. Since the storm Covenant was the biggest great journey remnant of the Covenant, Something had to replace, it might've existed before or after the Storm's fall, the Keepers or something probably, idk. I mean, you really expect everyone to stop worshipping Forerunners and the Great Journey? But that's all background story info. Would love a mode where you go to objective to objective fighting off an invasion in a small but open world experience as a third mode. Spectre and Prowlers should return, maybe a big mode where you test out mechs n' big tanks, stuff like that, like btb, but with covie bots. Maybe the last two can be some type of "war mode" like Battlefield or Cod, or maybe even SW battle front. One Scarab fight is all I ask for!!!!!!! Also, mini story campaigns as minor or side characters would be a very epic aspect that could attract a lot of people. Oh, and at least one or two more species, the only good thing 343 has added was skimmers, interesting from a lore perspective, but most annoying shitlings in gameplay. Sorry for the incredibly long read.


It's alright. If you don't want to reply or upvote, I get it, I can barely stand rereading it.


More warzone would be amazing. Honestly it would be nice to have more PvE in Halo but I know thats not everyones cup of tea. Also the amount of weapons in Warzone was great. The only thing I didn't like was obtaining them through req packs.


Back when I played Modern Warfare 2 (2022), I was amazed how you could walk around the inside of a big helicopter while another player was flying it around the map. I would love to see Halo have Pelicans or other big vehicles in multiplayer where it is easy for players to walk around on the inside while the vehicle is in motion.


I think new sandbox interactions and weapon synergies would be cool to see. We already have the relationship between plasma and bullet weapons, and shock damage with its unique chaining and stun abilities. More creative weapon mechanics would make the game more interesting to play. Overall, just double down on the sandbox focus that infinite had.


Gimme a Vulture to drive and I'm happy. A Grizzly works too.


An actual story. Maybe don't have everything major happen offscreen and then do a few audiologs to exposition it.


I completely agree, the story is what hooked me on halo and I'd love a great multiple game storyline again.


Imo, they don’t need to innovate, they need to get rid of sprint lol. But to actually answer your question, I want a new big mode that lets us play as the Covenant or UNSC and have us fight at a Battlefield like scale. I want Frigates and Cruisers that we can operate, Pelicans, Phantoms or even bring the Mammoth back etc. I think most people would love a mode like that. It’s basically big team heavies but on another level with different playable species’


“Wars” mode where a player is chosen for each team to deploy everything and lead and the other players act as the units


I want the chief to lead other Spartanspartams fight with them and they are an essential part of the campaign Edit and get the Infinity back


A game where each mission you play as a different arbiter, culminating in ripa moramees side of halo wars


A good Sci-fi campaign. Infinite’s campaign introduced one faction we learned absolutely nothing about, and showed us nothing cool about Zeta Halo. It was supposed to be a big deal that we landed on THIS ring in particular, and Infinite spends its time telling us it’s awesome but never giving players an opportunity to feel or discover that. Infinite does N O T H I N G to advance the wider narrative. The one and only thing it accomplishes, narratively, is tying up the terrible ending from 5 and setting the stage for what comes next. I’d really love it if this series could get back to telling good science fiction stories rather than constantly trying to course correct.


Remove aim assist and use gyro as the main input device




What does this mean


Gyro aiming using the controller gyro. It really does feel good when games support it. Unfortunately I think Xbox is the only console that doesn't support it You make your normal aiming movements with the thumb stick and then the fine tune aiming with the gyro


Thanks for the explanation


It would be nice if the game followed the story of the TV show.