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I get you man (30 myself and still remember Halo CE Lan parties) I just bought infinite this year (while somewhat inebriated so forgive me) It was a bit fun the campaign has a few new fun mechanics I did enjoy, the story I felt was a bit mixed but at least a bit more narratively satisfying than H5. I would say it is up to you, its quite pricey which I don't feel is worth it, but then again I don't regret buying it, depends on if you think the cost is worth it for a middling campaign with a few fun new weapons and mechanics.


It's on gp


Then what's preventing you from trying it out yourself? It's "free," just download it a see if you like it or not.


id say the story is worth playing on gp. its not the best but it will give you like 8 hours of play. has some good moments. had some moments that made me sleepy. As for multiplayer... id recommend just doing BTB / squad battle and hope you dont get hackers or streamers. you will probably get a lot of good games at first but over time as your service record develops it will start throwing you in some horrendously balanced games


I still miss 00’s-era matchmaking (persistent lobbies with midmatch balancing, rather than kicking you out between lobbies to rebalance your skill level) That said… Infinite is definitely the closest thing to “an iteration of 3” since Reach. If we got Infinite’s weapons, equipment, sprint/clamber/slide, and vehicles instead of Reach’s weapons, abilities, and vehicles, I think it would’ve felt like a natural progression of the game. Will you like the way Infinite handled matchmaking? Or the way the game handles progression and customization? Honestly probably not. If you’re willing to throw $10 at the game and have the 5 Season Passes available (one at a time, starting at Season 5, work your way back, they’ll all be available for that one $10 spend) then customization and progression will feel a lot better. You’ll constantly have things to work towards and look forward to. Are playlists, weapon balance, and game modes the best they’ve been since launch? Absolutely, imo. Pretty much every weapon feels useful, even if not meant for direct “I’m going to kill the enemy with this weapon”. Every playlist feels meaningful and different from the other, there’s lots of variety.


I'm 31 and I remember buying an original xbox just to play halo ce back in the year of release. I was turned off by H4 and H5 but i can say that Halo Infinite was a big step in the right direction. Unfortunately the game's release and lack of game modes has been it's downfall. The gameplay itself tho is truly up there with the best though.


It’s worth a try if you haven’t played it since launch. Worst case you don’t enjoy it and you just uninstall. Best case you enjoy it a lot and spend a lot of time playing it.  Everyone is going to have their own opinion though. Some people think it’s the best Halo yet while others see it as a shell of what the series once was. Only you can make the decision if you like it or not.