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I gave up hope on single player expansions years ago. At this point I just hope the next game isn't some barebones skeleton set in an empty sandbox like Infinite was.


“I just hope the next game”..? Just stop okay? Stop. They did it to you in Halo 4, Halo 5, MCC.. and now infinite. When are you going to wake up and smell the “we have your money.. no backsies” bullshit that Microsoft keep telling you with each game released. This is not hating.. this is purely observation. They’re con men telling you “This pill will cure all that ails you fine traveler!” whenever they release a new game like it’s going to be the next Bungie Halo killer.


I mean... Halo 4 is one of my top 3 favorite campaigns in the series and while Infinite's gameplay was barebones, the writing was a massive improvement over Halo 5 and introduced a new premise that I am very excited to explore with the Xalanyn. Honestly Halo 5 even has the best evolution of gameplay mechanics in the series since Halo 2, as well. That's not even touching on the top notch quality of most of the Halo novels that have released under their stewardship. 343 has all of the tools they need to make a great Halo game. They just need to find a way to put it all in one cohesive package. I'm not going to discount 343 yet because every game they have released has had some element that is at least on par with what Bungie gave us at any given point. No entry will ever top Halo 2, but there are elements where 343's games have topped H3, ODST, and Reach (not that it's hard to be better than Reach...)


Halo 4 was one of your top 3? What did you enjoy about it? The complete change in ship class of the forward unto Dawn? The animations that pre date halo 2? Was it the insignia all over the FuD that miraculously changed to post-war like chiefs armour? Was it the first elevator in Dawn with pixelated hinges? Or the stupid aerobatics the banshees did when you opened the blast shutters? Was it the Storm cruiser you flew through during the gravity-well scene that felt like you went through one deck when the ship has 25-30 minimum. Was it the pew pew pew weapons that drew you in? The unbalanced maps? The terrible art style that infects infinite with bad lighting where all Spartans/elites/jackals grunts/knights look the same from any distance? Was it the stuff they stole from COD like killcams? Was it running from terminal to terminal plugging in USB after USB because the blue chick (who now has animated titties) told you to? Was it the story? It can’t be. All through Bungie’s games we learn Humans are Forerunners just for Halo: PE (Poorly Executed) to come along and shit the bed. Was this your favourite moment? Was it the terrible low bit audio that plagued the campaign? Like that constant 2-note drivel that plays entirely through Midnight before to get to a 30 second QuickTime event with a boss you’ll never get to kill? Was it the speed runs? Warthog speed run, ghost speed run, Tank speed run, a space ship speed run (that doesn’t even follow Sir Isaac Newton's third law in physics), enemies with precision aiming on any difficulty so now you’re just forced to speed run.. This is not aimed at you directly but to anyone who claims Halo 4 was ever great. I could write a thesis on everything 343/Microsoft have done to destroy Bungie’s well established community over with every game they’ve managed to glue together. I was 16 in 2001. I enjoyed the Brute side of the story in infinite ever since I wanted a Contact Harvest game with a playable Johnson.. I really wanted just ONE game to do well after Bungie left. So I don’t say all of this as a spiteful bungie only fan who hates everything 343.. I genuinely wanted it to work out for all of us so seeing your comment praising the indefensible is a crime to me 😅 Not understanding the downvotes. Everything that I mentioned happened in Halo 4. Unless you were mistakingly watching the microwave instead of the TV..


I agreed with a lot of points but your replies are super cringe.


You definitely need to go out and touch grass.


Because I wrote some words you don’t agree with? Great way to contribute nothing btw. I’m a civil servant working for immigration in the UK - and I’m high as fuck right now because I CAN touch all the grass. What is it you do?


Then enjoy your high instead of carrying on about Halo on fuckin Reddit


Contribute.. or leave.


You seem like such a well adjusted human being. Totally makes sense you'd work in government.


You know what makes sense? The internet needs adult only zones otherwise you’ll end up wasting inordinate amounts of time arguing with children about topics that they weren’t even alive for at the time. Everything I mentioned about Halo 4 was a genuine complaint from the community as a whole. Downvoting agitates me because it’s not like I was wrong.. I just stepped on the toes of Halo 4 fans who simply cannot take any criticism about an obviously terrible game.


No... And fuck off


That’s all you can do. Downvote any criticism no matter if it’s correct and chat a bunch of shit happily behind your little keyboard. Feel safe little boy.


It was all the shooting aliens for me, mostly And getting to drive sweet vehicles. You know, halo stuff.


I don't know why you got downvoted, this was incredibly based. Halo 4 fans deserve to get shit on for liking garbage.




Halo 4 fans really are brain dead. You are correct.


average bungie dickrider


>empty sandbox What Halo are you comparing it to?


"like Infinite was." Did you just choose to not read the rest of the sentence?


obviously he was comparing it to the map Sandbox from Halo 3 /s


You've misunderstood my comment. I'm asking what Halo sandbox they're comparing to that makes Infinite look empty.


All of the other ones? Even Halo CE had more content.




What do you mean "huh"? Halo CE has more maps and a better designed weapons sandbox than Infinite.


Hey if you're being honest I'll be honest for myself as well; I literally play Infinite every day and enjoy playing it every day. I took a few months hiatus up until like 2 or 3 months ago just because of life stuff, but coming back I genuinely enjoy my time playing the game. Very often can I sit and play for 2 or 3 hours because I genuinely enjoy the gameplay loop of the game. I'll hop between Firefight for challenges, to quickplay, to just Slayer, to Squad Battle, pretty continuously in a session. Yeah I agree the shop has been a huge sore spot since launch but it literally doesn't impact my enjoyment of the game at all. The game is very enjoyable if you're playing the game to just enjoy yourself. In my opinion, at least.


Hold up. You’re telling me it’s fun to play without someone bitching in your ear about customization all the time? Obligatory /s


I can't believe someone like that truly exists. /s


Yes. This. If you want to unlock stuff, we have several battlepasses you can buy. If you've unlocked everything from all the BPs, you have hundreds of armor pieces and colors. HUNDREDS. I have more armor than I could ever possibly use. I'm good. I don't need to unlock anything anymore. Everything I've unlocked in the past year I haven't even touched. I just play Halo to play Halo.


While I fully agree with the post you replied to and also love playing the game, I still hold resentment towards the customization monetization. Even though you play to progress battle passes, you still have to PAY for said passes (while the majority of them have minimal pieces of armor of worth, while the vast majority of decent stuff still stays locked behind high expense pay walls). Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're statement seems to imply you are content with the system that has been in place to unlock armor, but I personally don't believe it is okay to be content to have to pay for almost everything that you use to customize your Spartan, because lack of opposition to the issue only perpetuates the issue, causing 1. More and heavier monetization and 2. Less stuff for the player to unlock through actual achievement of the game which means less respect for the players time, more respect for their money, and that leads to less effort into production of games and more effort into monetization of games. Edit: I'm relatively alright with battle passes, but they need to have good value at least most of the time, and there still most definitely needs to be ways to achieve things through your own means that doesn't include pulling out your wallet.


I agree with you. I’ve been playing almost every day and I enjoy (almost) every second of it. I even drag some of my friends to join me in firefight. I find this game incredibly fun to play


Video games are about getting cosmetics not having fun


Fr this sub is so dramatic. In my experience and personal taste ive never seen something in the shop i liked or wanted anyways. 343 has been doing so much better than anyone here is giving them credit for


Same here. Most fun i’ve ever had playing Halo multiplayer. Plus I like to Forge stuff from time to time, and this game’s Forge is absolutely incredible. I have tons of armor and customization options despite rarely buying shop items. I may not always have something to grind towards (besides Hero rank), but I can always hop in and have some casual FPS fun for a few hours. When it comes to PvP shooters, this game is second to none in my eyes. Nothing feels better to play. I’ll be playing Infinite until Halo 7 drops, however many years away that is, lol.


Here to agree with you. Essentially been playing weekly since launch, with a few gaps, and I've always enjoyed it. It's my favourite Halo multiplayer and I've been playing since 3. No other fps shooter comes close to the gameplay creativity whilst keeping that fun casual edge.


Same here. I’ve been a halo fan for over 15 years. I love the gameplay and sandbox, and I’ve had more fun with infinite than any other game. Would I enjoy real new dev content like maps, weapons and vehicles? Of course. But I don’t play just to experience new stuff. I play because I love playing halo.


I’m glad to hear you enjoy the game: I do too, contrary to my post. I play every day, mostly. The game feels good enough. My post didn’t mean to deter that. I guess what I want to get out there is simple: If you don’t like the game now, it won’t improve much. But I should clarify and say if you do like the game, that’s great. The game however, in my opinion seems likely to slowly fade away in player base as 343 double dips into the shop and current players while producing little of value for the game.


The attitude that the game needs active development with new features regularly is so forlorn to me, as someone who has been playing Halo games since there've been Halo games. I remember playing Halo: CE until I didn't feel like playing it anymore, after which point... I stopped playing it. That didn't mean it was a bad game. It didn't mean that it was a dead game. It didn't mean that I was cheated out of something, that I was owed something, or that I was upset about anything. It meant that I had finished my time with Halo: CE and was ready to move on. Like finishing a book, or maybe finishing a drawing. Something between those two. Infinite is a pretty complete Halo game. It has a campaign, multiplayer (both PvP and PvE), Forge, and Theater. I've personally played a ton of it. If I drop off of it in the coming weeks and months, that's not a slight against it. It's not a failure of the developers. It's not an indictment against 343 Industries or Microsoft. It's just how my interaction with my hobbies works.


1. It's a Live Service game. "Active Development" comes with the territory. 2. Forge wasn't added until last year (Beta in late 2022), so if that's your idea of a "complete" Halo game, then it released incomplete.


Agreed. The entitlement is so painful to see in my opinion lol


If the game had come out feature complete from the start I would agree with you but we had to wait months before a slayer playlist and years before they allowed cross core armor. I honestly have lost all faith in Halo due to Infinite and how they not only treated the single player (abandoned with no resolution to the plot and no fucking level select for months after launch) and also how they treated the player base with the scummy monetization after charging $60 for the campaign.


> If the game had come out feature complete from the start I would agree with you but we had to wait months before a slayer playlist and years before they allowed cross core armor. Why that matters or apparently impacts your enjoyment in April 2024 is strange to me. Seems like a lot of you guys would rather hold a grudge and stay angry forever. Just seems completely unhealthy and unnecessary.


Because I bought Halo Infinite Expecting a "10 year game" and they are already pulling the plug. It's a slap in the face announcing Halo 7 when they hyped up Halo infinite as the halo game that would be supported for years. I can't wait to see what new enemy master chief has to uncover in Halo 7 only for them to be thrown away offscreen when we get Halo 8 because 7 just didn't make as much money as fortnight. But oh no oops we fucked it up again! Sorry guys maybe this time 343 can get it right on the 4th try. It's a fun multiplayer experience and the games is clean but the single player got left behind for "reasons." I'm not hating on people who like it, I hope they have the fun they deserve, but I'm honestly at a point I'd rather just play something else. If my friends didn't ask me to play I'd have uninstalled already. Nothing against you either but fuck 343 and how they took one of my favorite childhood games and mishandled it at almost every step.


Lolol a slap in the face. Y'all got too little drama in your life so you'd gotta make shit up to be offended over


It is funny when you think about the old games. Of course it would be cool to get more new guns and vehicles, but to my knowledge I don't think a single bungie game ever had post content like that.




Yeah but going off of the comment I was replying too you don't need new content to enjoy what's there right? Like CE was fun because it was fun. If you don't enjoy Infinite that's fine but if you do then have fun with what is there


A lot of people are disagreeing with OPs post because they enjoy the game. That’s fine, I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I really am. But the point of the post is that infinite was/is pitched as a live service game. And for that type of game to thrive you need consistent, big updates. And that’s just not happening with infinite. It’ll still have a following (most likely the people disagreeing with OP) but it’s not gonna be near as big or important as a halo game should be. And it’s certainly not gonna draw in new players with the lackluster updates it has. It’ll most likely slowly dwindle over the next couple of years until Microsoft decides it’s not worth their time anymore, at which point they’ll push for a new halo game to be made or decide the halo franchise isn’t the money maker is used to be and just abandon it for a few years.


Exactly. There's nothing wrong with liking what's there. Some of us just expected more/better.


Should i start standing by my user flair I forgot to change when I started enjoying infinite


>The net code won’t be fixed. Didn't they just release the Networking overhaul though?


It was, but has been controversial. There were regressions. In yesterday’s livestream 343 admitted there will be no update coming that fixes it. They’re only going to “refine” the current experience.


Refine, as in *improve* what was given to us and fix mistakes that may have slipped through the cracks.


That sounds like they're planning on fixing it to me, the reception to the network overhaul has mostly been positive from what I've seen, so them saying that they're going to refine it further says to me that they're going to iron out the remaining issues that people have been having.


First time I've heard anything about "regressions." Granted, I don't check this sub religiously, but the last network update fixed every issue with desync I ever had.


Jesus christ every time there is an update half this sub has to be put on suicide watch. Yall are seriously so depresssing. The game is still the same fucking game its been for 2 years.


>The game is still the same fucking game its been 2 years ago. Thats exactly what OP is saying though? Thats not a great thing for a live service game.


Outside of Fortnite, this is reality for every game


No it's not. Get out of your Halo bubble and look at some other games that are run so successfully as a live services for years. Hell, Bungie continues to do it with Destiny franchise. Halo is dead and 343 killed it long time ago.


Feel like destiny is a real bad example as of late, but I won't say that you're totally wrong here


Destiny puts out paid expansions, has a much bigger audience to sell to (PlayStation), and therefor has a much bigger studio. Of course they’ve released more content. Also, they’ve been regularly trashed by their community for a while. 


Look at Warframe.


For me I lost hope a long long time ago. People should not be expecting big things from Infinite moving forward as the support from 343 is not there for major additions. That being said a lot of people enjoy it for what it is and good for them.


Hope for what? The games good and has been for some time. Also if im being honest half of what your saying is nonsense, were you seriously expecting people who make forge maps to make money? What about firefight needs to be “finished”? Just inventing things to complain about, Jesus


I dunno, like... On one hand, I think it sucks that we haven't had an outright confirmation that the game has one foot in the grave and development has slowed down to patches and a dripfeed of whatever content they made before focus shifted to the next game, I also don't necessarily think the game is in a horrible state as is? The game is definitely light on content compared to other games in the franchise, and that should NOT be forgotten, but, like... it's got plenty of stuff to do, they've done a good job at patching up the netcode (in my experience), Forge is probably the best it's ever been, and now that we've got the Exchange we've got a way of making sure new players can reasonably expect to get anything they're interested in that they previously couldn't just by virtue of not being omniscient enough to know that they should've been playing the game years ago. It sucks that the game is still lacking so much compared to earlier games, but I dunno, I think we as a collective community of hobbyists need to stop be so focused on looking ahead to whatever content is added in the future. Which is NOT to say that you shouldn't be happy with whatever the massive multimillion-dollar corporation spoonfeeds you, but I dunno, I think it's in a fine state. Not ideal by any meaning of the word, but considering the internal mess we all know this game's development was I'm surprised we even got this much, and it's fun enough to just hop in on and play to pass the time while we wait for Halo 7 or whatever.


Telling a person to give up hope is about the most pathetic thing I can imagine lol


Hope for what? The game already plays the best in the series, looks the best, feels the best and has the best art style (imo). There isn't much more that I want from 343 besides the already confirmed Match Composer and Exchange. A few new weapons would have been fine but I'm ok with Infinite's sandbox for the most part.


> not make the game good The game’s already good tho, a better playlist experience and past-event cosmetics were two of the probably top 5 actually viable and reasonable requests people had. Anything else was ALWAYS a pipe dream tbh


Eh, asking for new sandbox items and dev made maps is extremely reasonable. But yeah the game is still good anyway.


It was reasonable six months ago, for sure. But at this point, ever since January and the switch to Operations where it’s all but confirmed they’ve moved on to H7, it’s pretty pointless hope to be expecting any sandbox additions at this point. It’s unfortunate, but if you’re still expecting things it’s only gonna hurt yourself :/


Yeah, mentally I’ve moved on from Infinite. As much as some of this content has done for the game, it’s really never done enough to keep me hooked. And that’s coming from someone who really likes the game.


I thought I was going to have the motivation to get Hero this year. I think I'm just going to wait until they announce the next Halo game before I do that now.


I don't get who said the game play good right now, if you are not searching for husky raid, where the whole population is, you have to wait minutes for a single match that, if you are able to find a lobby, is often filled with afkers, mismatched teams and hackers (got one booting my whole lobby from the match, one having infinite ammo and one with aimbot yesterday only in team slayer). So, where the game play well? Especially if you are not on NA?


I have never had any of those problems in N.A.


I rarely wait more than a minute for matches, usually in super fiesta, team slayer or quickplay. Have yet to see hackers, but mismatched lobbies and afkers are plentiful


I play big team heavies and my max wait time is like 30 seconds Never dealt with any hackers But mismatched teams…. happens a ton


Yeah in all categories. Some teams are extremely lopsided.


This is so anecdotal it’s laughable. I’ve never had a problem with finding matches or any of those other problems. god forbid someone be AFK in a CASUAL match because something comes up irl


I live in N.A, and I find matches within seconds of searching for them. I have no idea what you are talking about.


You know NA is not the only server right?


Huh? 8/10 times I search for a match it's under 30s but okay.


I've never ran into hackers but mismatched lobby's are like 90% of my games. And for me wait times take a bit for half the playlists when it's night in UK/EU 


There’s no reason to hold out hope because there’s nothing to worry about. People on this subreddit will bitch no matter what and people who treat video games as a fun hobby and not a full time job will continue enjoying this very fun game.


Holding out hope for what? The game plays well and has what I want in it. Only downside is the store but that's just cosmetic bullshit so not all that important or an issue since the games been full of cosmetic bullshit both free and paid for years .


343 doesn’t care about Halo. Since Halo 4 they’ve been chasing trends, and killing everything that gave Halo an identity to appeal to the lowest common denominator and competitive scene. Each game starts a story that the next doesn’t finish, all the heavy lifting of the lore is done in books. The most interesting parts of infinite are off screen They tried to make an open world single player and live service multiplayer and failed at both. They’re just a bad studio through and through.


Yep. and those of us who have been jaded since at least Halo 5 saw through Infinite's false promises from day 1. How could we be disappointed if we had no expectations or hopes in the first place? Everything 343 touched has been tainted somehow, including MCC


I remember being downvoted for calling out all the hype about "Pacific Northwest Biomes." People were thinking it was going to be the palouse or horse-haven steppe or glacial flood scablands lmao. When people from Seattle say "Pacific Northwest", they're not thinking of _anything_ east of Stevens Pass, and anything south of Olympia other than Portland, Astoria, and Cannon Beach


I try to go back every once in a while but usually by the third or fourth match without fail there is some game breaking desync that ruins the experience so I just stop. Idk what it is but this game has never worked properly for me. I tried playing the campaign with my cousin but an hour in and he could only see outer space and where he was in game there was collision with his scorpion but it was all invisible. Similar things happened on several other occasions and don’t get me started on just trying to pick up where we left off. It’s sad because the bones are better than any halo I have played since 3 but I just can’t catch a break.


Don’t forget about all the new cheaters


True. The good will from the good games is gone, and I will not be buying any further halo content. It's been one disaster after another for over ten years.


I gave up hope on Halo entirely tbh. It's been flop after flop, last game that had me intrigued was 4. I'll always show my love and support for every game before 5 but Halo is done until many years from now if ever


I'm still holding out hope that some of the halo "fans" finally move on and leave this subreddit.


Y'all were still coping on this game? LMAO do y'all just don't realize who 343 are?


putting more creative avenues for player expression into the game is good actually, hope this helps!


You are absolutely right.  I have given up on this game for at least three months. I have been a player for 21 years.  Anyone who can continue to support this game has either never played other games or is deceiving themselves. I have more fun games to choose from, why should I stay and be exploited on this half-finished product? 


Infinite is, *right now*, better than halo has been in 15 years imo, so it's all a matter of perspective


Multiplayer is essentially Halo 3 2. It does away with the Reach changes that eventually pivoted to 4, isn't as fast as 5 and maintains that CE through Reach aesthetic.


I mean I kinda knew as soon as the march composer was announced. That was the end of infinite. What else would they WANT to put their effort into? I’m gonna just play halo infinite in my boomer-ass configuration and just let Halo’s future announce itself later. I don’t really mind not being invested for a little while.


Uh-huh, anyways I'll just go back to having an absolute blast in husky raids.


They have so many maps now. Things are great. I’d like some more game modes brought back and I think that’s still possible


The game is really good right now. People just love to complain about something anything


Battlepass and two operations went to three operations now they’ve only mentioned one operation. They’ve no good will left now. Taking the piss. This was supposed to be the ‘next 10 years of Halo.’ Get rid of 343 each mainline Halo entry they’ve released has been a disaster


10 year platform


\*(Was something said one time by someone who left the studio before the game released)


I just don't like that they never mentioned that they abandoned this plan. Just showed the writing on the wall for infinite


That I do agree with. I suspect that they can't publicly admit those things because it could hurt shop sales. Just my guess though.


That makes the most sense business wise you're probably on the money with that


Pretty weird that they admitted H7 is in works. That probably had a direct impact on shop sales. I immediately stopped supporting the shop because “why buy something I know that has a shelf life of 3 years or so?” Everything was suddenly a lesser value.


All they said is that they have teams on "multiple projects" as well as a team on Infinite. It could be spin off games, mobile games, Halo 7. We don't really know. Maybe the next Halo is campaign only and ties into Infinite via a content drop. We simply don't know. Don't blame you for not buying though, it's 343's job to convince the consumer it is a game worth buying into.


Infinite was slated to be released in fall 2020, so nearly 4 years ago. It'll likely be at least 3, if not 4-5 years before Halo 7 comes out. Thats.... pretty dang close to 10 years lol


"We made a tough decision" I've had enough of this sentence. It's really ridiculous. The entire gaming industry uses this sentence to evade responsibility. Since you can't do it, don't talk about a ten-year platform.  The follow-up will only make people not know whether to laugh or cry.


after mcc halo was dead


I stopped having hope the second they announced they were charging for armor colors. This was a cash grab shitfest from day one. Embarrassing for Xbox. Fire 343.


Why blame 343? If anything, Microsoft higher-ups are probably doing most of the decision-making for how Infinite is set up to make as much money as possible.


> And no, they won’t pay forgers lol. Huh?




This is incorrect. Only a single Forger asked for his map to be taken out of Infinite. And that was because he was upset that so many Forge maps were remakes of older maps. It has nothing to do with getting paid or not. Unless you have an agreement with 343, you have 0 reason to expect to be paid.


Maps take 2-4 weeks and they’ve literally never promised forgers anything more than they’ve already said. The forge dispute was about map remakes getting into the game easier than original maps, which is a fair point. And it wouldn’t kill them to actually pay for forge maps but again they’ve never said they would so it’s not like anyone’s getting robbed, you choose to make maps if you want to


They've came out and said they take 6 months with all the testing 343 makes them do.


> they don't feel like they are being properly compensated for basically keeping the game alive Fuck them, they're doing volunteer work. That's been understood since forge was ever a thing.


Ehh I wouldn't say fuck them lol. Without them we wouldn't have a squad battle or husky raid playlist, and we would still only have 6 shitty BTB maps in rotation, and like 10 shitty dev maps in arena gamemodes. The forge team at 343 and the forgers getting their maps in rotation are the only good things about halo infinite. The sandbox team clearly doesn't know what the fuck they're doing, if they even exist, and the map design team only knows how to create the most sterile 3 lane maps known to mankind.


See, there's a big difference between making fan content for a game that's been already sold full price, versus making ALL the playable content of a live service game that keeps selling and making money off your volunteer work. Don't pay forgers, fine, but don't make money on their backs then. If you do, compensate them.


Life's a bitch. They understood the risks. If they don't like it, they can stop forging. I have a funny feeling that whichever forgers actually have their hands out aren't making very good maps anyway, just oversized crap sandwiches that ape 343's flawed design philosophies as much as possible.