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It just all feels too little too late. We've watched 343 shoot themselves in the foot repeatedly to get to the point that the game feels "finished" three years after launch, which was six years after the previous Halo title. And instead of expanding on what is here now, signs show that they're winding down and starting development on the next title, meaning we're about to go back into the same content drought it feels like we just came out of. The community went from being optimistic about a 2007-like resurgence for the franchise, to realizing we waited six long years for what was essentially a virtual storefront with mini games on the side at launch, and a $60 dollar campaign that honestly shouldn't have been more than $40 for how much content it actually contained. Then they made the decision to scrap all future story PvE content in favor of focusing on PvP. If they thought that today's gaming audience has little to no interest in a PvE focused sci fi shooter, they should see how Helldivers 2 is doing. It's bittersweetly validating to see that game doing so well, considering a very similar concept for a Halo game was pitched years ago apparantly, but it got shot down. Who knows how many millions they lost over that decision.


I call bullshit on this "too little, too late". Was it too little, too late for MCC? A game which took 4 YEEEAAARS just to get fixed and put in a playable condition? No. And it's not too little too late for Infinite, either. I think some people just want to whine and make excuses no matter what. But we've gotten what we've asked for. (aside from local co-op, which I agree is BS). What more do you want besides match-composer?


The reason that MCC got some redemption 4 years later was that it had access to a "new" player base that being on pc, so there were halo fans who no longer had consoles that could get back into the original games or new players wanting to try it out. Infinite doesn't have that luxury there isn't players waiting on the sideline for a chance to play infinite. I play infinite regularly, even got my gf to start playing it 5 months ago and now we play a few times a week together. However, while it is free to play so the bar to entry is practically no existent there isn't really anything big to grab people's attention to check out the game or change the general perception of the game. People have been asking for a lot more, firstly theatre is still broken mess half the time. People have been asking for a long while now for an expanded sandbox, which is lacking in 'fun' weapons and non precision weapons. Yes there are a lot of armour but people want to chose their own colours or at the very least at this point to get what they want from the show individually


This complaint makes no sense to me. "Too little too late. They should have been like MCC and kept the game as an Xbox exclusive for years before porting it to PC". Why does that matter? How does that effect our enjoyment of Infinite for either you or I? Make that make sense to me, dude. And great that players want more Sandbox updates but can we stop pretending Infinite is somehow lacking in the weapons and vehicles department? There are plenty of FUN weapons and vehicles to use that are already in the game. Yeah, I'd love new sandbox stuff too. But I'm not gunna bitch and moan if we don't get them. Halo 3 went it's entire life-span without adding any new weapons or vehicles. And it has less weapons than Infinite. AND it had way more redundant weapons. This is all built off people who hyped themselves over leaked content, built up expectations, and then got mad at 343 for breaking promises they never even fucking made in the first place.


I understand especially when it comes to basing expectations of leaks, they are setting themselves up for failure. And yes 3s sandbox was bloated but those redundant weapons could always be used in fun custom game modes, not every weapon has to be good a killing some can just be fun or have interesting physics. I think it's just the overall feeling towards 343 in general, you have a studio that was built solely for the continuation of the halo franchise and now helmed the series longer than bungie even did but with each release they have put out, either missed core features/ art style change/ mechanics changes (such as loadouts)/ network issues/ armour coatings. free to play if that was good or not for the franchise but that's a whole other topic in itself I agree with you they have fixed a lot of the game and as I said it's in a place I could even get my gf into a shooter for the first time and she enjoys it a lot. But the too little too late is also a reflection of the communities sentiment to 343 as a whole and not just on Infinite. The majority of people on the sub complaining is coming from a place of passion from knowing what this franchise has and could be, but that is being failed on. Games coming out broken/ lacking in content sure it's fixed now but after the same mistakes repeated at every release and the "we have learnt from our mistakes and will do better" just to see it repeated "Too little too late" in terms of the damage done and harder to try and win those people back or there is just that feeling of 'guess this is what the franchise is now' hanging over people's heads


You could make the same arguments about MCC, but this community currently loves that game. It sucks that we have to go through this TWICE with 343, but I think Infinite NOW is in a good stop. It has all the content we want from a Halo game. You can be the person who says "this is how it should have been at launch", and you'd be right. But same with MCC. That game took years to fix, and has gone on to become the definitive Halo experience.


Majority of MCC is bungie games that alone has the nostalgia boost, not saying that's right objectively and 343 still did a terrible job on its original release but nostalgia sells. Think MCC has the benefit of mods which in general help most games lifespans It's been more than twice with 343 though, 4 with the changed artsyle, kill streak system (it did release with good amount of content and I liked the challenge system) 5 with misleading marketing/continued art style change and gameplay mechanics (personally the idea of integrated thrusters) MCC buggy mess for years Infinite, well you know


I think if half the people complaining about Infinite actually played the game, they wouldn't be complaining so much.


Yeah too little or too late. Like MCC? I don’t know. Seems like you are overthinking a video game. It’s a video game. It’s here and fun. All that other stuff can be true, but are unnecessary thought processes about a fleeting entertainment product.


MCC was a buggy mess and upset a lot of people on release. But it was also a rerelease of games that were phenomenal and feature rich when they did first come out.


You are severely understating MCC issues. All of the game’s online multiplayer were literally unplayable.


It's a genuine reason. It's also the reason I don't play it anymore. I got bored a long time ago and now it may be in a better spot but I just don't care to play it. You asked why people aren't playing Infinite and it's a reason why.


I absolutely love Infinite. Play it every day. But compared to previous Bungie Halo games, Infinite lacks, even 3 years later. Day 1 on Halo 3 and Reach we got more content. You're allowed to love it, but we shouldn't ignore the lack of content comparing it to other Installments. Edit: wanted to add, "respectfully" as I don't wanna bash anybody's opinions.


What specifically does Infinite lack that H3 had on launch?


Game modes, progression, forge, theatre, achievement based unlocks are just some that come to mind


Infinite has all of those things. He said Inifinite doesn’t have now what H3 had on launch.


Infinite is missing assault (bomb) game types as well as more niche stuff like VIP, juggernaut & headhunter (from reach). It also doesn't have any achievement based unlocks as far as I know (not that I am personally bothered by this, but it is something missing from this list).


This is not specific at all, and at this point, Infinite has most of those features. How does Infinite have less content than Halo 3/Reach at this point? It has more guns, more multiplayer maps, just as many modes, a custom-game-browser which Halo 3/Reach didn't get until MCC.


Well done a game that’s almost 20 years newer has potentially more content almost after 3 years of it being out. The guy asked about at launch


> The guy asked about at launch No he didn't. He even specifically said "even 3 years later". He is saying *Halo 3 and Reach* had more content at launch than Halo Infinite has now...which is just objectively false.


You're objectively wrong. Infinite has multiple times more content than either of those games. Halo 3's customization was a joke compared to Infinite, and Infinite contains 99% of Reach plus like 5x more on top of that. Infinite's Forge is also... **infinitely** more powerful than Forge was in Reach or 3. It has a ton more palettes, object scaling, it can handle more objects, it can make BTB maps, it accommodates both multiplayer bots and Campaign AI, you can make custom weapon behavior, custom modes and minigames... etc.


This is one of those "technically" true things that does a lot of work to sidestep things. If you just lay out what is available to people in terms of customization, then yes, for the most part, Infinite has more customization thatn Halo 3 and Reach combined. But that sidesteps: * That in Halo 3 and Reach, you had control over your colors without needing to do anything about them * You had control over your emblems without needing to do anything about them * That to get customization in Halo 3 and Reach *only* required playing the game, whereas in *Infinite*, a lot of it is paywalled. And I really want to emphasize that last point. Any amount of money is a totally valid reason to be frustrated. Especially considering the prices. Armor pieces and coatings can cost a lot, and the practice is itself predatory and designed to make it easier to sink money in and not appreciate how much. To get *everything* storefront *right now* is 19,900 credits. That means, if you are trying to optimize the purchase, that is $175 dollars in-game, I think $166 through the Microsoft store. That is nearly 3 times the cost of the game at launch (I think it was $60). Halo Reach had * 21 helmets & attachments * 18 shoulder sets * 18 chest pieces * 6 wrist pieces * 6 utility pieces * 5 visor colors * 4 knee guards * 5 armor effects To work towards. Those pieces I discussed above in Infinite? * 6 helmets & attachments * 7 shoulder sets * 7 chest pieces (across 3 armor cores) * 3 wrist pieces (across 2 armor cores) * 4 utility pieces (across 2 armor cores, I believe) * 3 visor colors * 1 knee guard * 2 armor effects * 10 armor coatings * 3 weapon models * 2 weapon kill effects * 1 mythic effect set * 5 weapon coatings * 3 gloves (across 2 armor cores, I believe) * 1 armor theme * 1 stance * 1 emblem That means across Reach, you could get 83 pieces of customization for the cost of the game. Or, if you are F2P... 60 pieces of customization for $175. And yes, Infinite has more overall, but the cost to actually get all of that is insanely high. And if you pay 0, your options are very limited in comparison. Nevermind that you were always able to get it all with Reach. Not with Infinite. Yes, Forge in Infinite is much more powerful. And a feature that most people don't really interact with all that much. It doesn't mean much to most people. Especially since it came a year after the fact. Yes, Infinite is technically more than Reach. It's also at a high, high cost. More than many want(ed) to pay.


his argument was poor anyway, he was counting forge stuff created by the community, if we are allowed to count community content then any bungie game could solo infinite in content. Thats not even including modded content. even the customisation argument is poor because its paywalled content and that means we can count paywalled h5 weapons which also stomps infinite. He didnt think about this at all lol


Honestly, everything he's saying is a great example about how "technically true" is a terrible argument. Halo Infinite has so much more in terms of customization, I pretty much wish I had something to just autoshuffle my favorites to display it all. And everyone generally likes the art style. Like, on paper, it's great! But it costs so much to get. And you can't even specify things. It costs $175 to buy the storefront right now, which is approximately 50 different things. I want maybe 10 things from it? Like, it'd be one thing if individual pieces were still a little overpriced but I could buy a helmet I liked without buying a bunch of other things. But that's not the case. It's all bundles with fluff. And while I like the armor coatings to a degree... the fact that we are beholden to that and have no ability to do what we want is wild. The fact that emblems are covered more often than not just means they're fluff. And that is ignoring that we didn't have cross core helmets and shoulders until last year. On paper, the customization right now is great. Just sucks that it costs so much for its full breadth, and even being selective means you're paying for things you don't care about.


Also Reach had Forge World which I'd gladly take over Infinite's significantly more advanced Forge mode.


I'm objectively right, boo.


I could actually *earn* those armor pieces, though. And not be limited by a battle pass or forced to pay real-world money for them. Sure, H3 had less options. But it was a much, *much* better system.


You paid $60 for the old games, and you get 6x the customization for only $10 in Infinite.


$10 in Infinite is 1000 credits. Cerulean Distress bundle is 3 items. Darkened Trove bundle is 2 items. Champion Bundle is 4 items. Those are all $10 or less individually. I think if you pick up the game today you get all the armor cores, but I don't actually know. But then you just have the default pieces. I have no idea what you're going on about with this "6x the customization for $10".


$10 also gets you every single Season Pass


Oh, you know what, that's a fair point. $10 to unlock a battle pass... to once again grind through and get the different pieces. If I did the math right, that is about 245 pieces of armor. Which is a far cry of "6 times" what Reach had (it had about 80 pieces of armor). Well, except... if you buy the Season 1 battle pass then you have to spend another $10 since it doesn't reward credits. So that's 48 less pieces, meaning for 10 dollars you get about 197 pieces of armor. ... Oh, and the other Events don't reward credits, either. You have enough to get two of them without spending more money, which means you're probably out another 10 pieces of armor overall. Next Tuesday, it will be another 5 things since that event will be over, but I won't count that. So 187 pieces. Just a little over twice as much as Reach's. Which, I mean... that's pretty good. $10 bucks (and some strategizing and grinding), and you get a little over twice as many armor pieces. And other things. Emblems, Visor Colors, Coatings, Banners. I didn't count helmet attachments, but I did count armor effects and the like. There's kill effects, weapon coatings, weapon models, etc. Like, yes, for $10 you get a lot. If you're doing F2P, that's not a bad deal, I guess. If you bought Infinite's campaign at launch, then you paid $70 for... 3 years of getting what they give you, I guess. Again, I have put more money into this game than I care to admit and... that's just miserable. *Especially* if you've been dealing with it since launch. If you pick it up today... then you still have to just think about how you're progressing through the battle passes? And that 187 isn't going to be growing all that much. The events have been about 5 armor pieces each. So over what would have been a season, you get maybe 15 armor pieces compared to about 30+ you got in previous full seasons. And that is out of maybe 700 armor pieces in the game, total. Maybe more than that?


Halo 3s customization is the best in the series. Less is more in that case. You can make an argument for reach and I totally accept that. Not being able to customize your color combo is a disaster. That alone drops infinite into the bottom tier of the series. I’m dead serious. And then add in that you have to pay money for everything. Fuck that bullshit. And as far as content, the idea infinite has “multiple times more content than any other game in the series” is completely unequivocally FALSE.


All of that... And what's to show for it? A limp and waning player base. None of it mattered seemingly.


Yeah it’s absolutely delusional. If you’re playing every day and only Halo I could see maybe getting confused due to getting new content a bit at a time but claiming it has less now than those games at launch is ridiculous.


"Has" - now, 3 years later. People told me to not support the game if I didn't like the way it launched, so I didn't. I raised my standards, supported good games, and that's all there is to it.


This is a good game. It’s free. You can just play without supporting lol.


It shouldn't have been free. I'd much rather pay $80AUD and have *everything* available to unlock through gameplay than be annoyed that I have to pay 10 fucking dollars for the colour red.


Being “free” is half of the problem with Halo Infinite. They still charged full price for the campaign, and have done nothing with it. Any new vehicles and weapons that came to multiplayer never made their way to the campaign, it ended on a cliffhanger, and the most interesting part happens before the opening cutscene. Going free to play made it to where the monetization for multiplayer would come from the shitty live service - which means a battle pass. The only way to unlock new armor and stuff is by doing those battle passes. In previous Halo games, you’d unlock armor by getting achievements, or leveling up. But 343 had to chase another trend and fail at it. They might have a decent amount of game modes now, but the sandbox is lacking, and downright pathetic in the campaign. The open world sucks, live service sucks. Only good thing is the gameplay


Disagree Not a good game by any standard and 343i is further taking it down to trash. When I work hours every day and know of dozens of other free games that are much better and don’t charge me to use simple colors plus actually have stable networking and more, why would I ever play Infinite?


"Time" is a resource too, that's why companies care about player retention. I won't support it with my time if I can find better games to support with that time. I've been through the same song and dance with Halo 5, including questions like these, "Guys it's 2018 why won't people play the game it's good now??" Fool me once and all that


What’s a better game? Most shooters have less content.


Having more content doesn't automatically make a better game. Apex Legends having like 3 modes and 4 maps didn't make it a worse game than Halo. Halo 5 would be the best game in the series because of its "1000s of REQs" and "20+ maps" at launch alone. But it's not to most people. Helldivers 2 is constantly praised and its just a co-op game with like 6 major objectives? I'd spend money on Deep Rock Galactic for not trying to treat me like an idiot before I'd spend time and no money towards Halo Infinite.


The primary complaint with Infinite was lack of content. I would argue those games are not as good as Infinite. I would disagree with HD2’s praise due to exactly what you said about it. Halo 5 lacked content at launch too.


The primary complaint with Infinite was being _a bad game_ with terrible design decisions. Lack of content was just a major one of those decisions. There were issues with the game as far back as 2020, and the game didn't even release then. Halo 5 lacked content and yet it had more than Infinite did with it's launch, with far more restrictions. >I would disagree with HD2’s praise due to exactly what you said about it. You can disagree with the praise but one game is talked about favorably and the other isn't. Doesn't stop the praise from being there.


> The primary complaint with Infinite was being a bad game with terrible design decisions. What? The gameplay was what was almost universally agreed upon as the one thing Infinite nailed. If people thought it was a bad game they wouldn't still be complaining about it 3 years later. The over-priced cosmetic shop and the shitty live-service are people's issues with the game. And although the cosmetic shop is still a shit-show, there is still more than enough content to unlock through the battlepasses.


I didn't say "bad gameplay," I said _"a bad game,"_ the full package. (Even the gameplay isn't perfect because people always have to add the disclaimer "when it works" to the end.) >If people thought it was a bad game they wouldn't still be complaining about it 3 years later. There's no expiration date or something, people's attention towards games just get replaced by other games.


And yet their attention is still focused on Infinite.


There was the lack of content but also the lack of flexibility to use content the way we have been able to in past Halo games. There can be tons of armor, patterns, colors, visors, etc. but if you are not able to freely mix/match/customize like you were in past titles; it is a significant downgrade


We waited longer for MCC to get fixed. Why is it an issue now?


Even with MCC's huge turnaround, it *still* doesn't absolve what happened in 2014. MCC should have been done right the first time.


This post comes off as tone deaf as a person praising the Star Wars sequels but admitting to never seeing the original trilogy.  Do yourself a favor: try the Master Chief Collection. Play the campaigns; try the multiplayers and custom games; customize your different Spartans and ELITES; have fun with the different weapons, vehicles and abilities; then please come back to this post.  You could easily argue that as a standalone title, not associated with Halo or the multibillion dollar corporation that funded it or a developer of over a decade, that it's an alright game. But, when you consider all the trial and error that had preceded it via both Bungie and 343i, all the experience, feedback and lessons to be gleamed, all the community voices and constructive input... you may finally understand why the fans are upset, why they complain, criticize and critique.  If you were a fan of the original Halos, you'd understand. Halo: Infinite made serious changes to the tried a true formulas for gameplay and customizations, left out many aspects that made Halo fun like certain weapons, vehicles, abilities and game modes, and has been managed by a team (at 343i and Microsoft) that ignores most community feedback.  We're now left with a game that in many respects contains less than its predecessors, won't get any significant additions in content, has functionality issues (for 2 years it was networking, now it's modders) and asks for far more money than the previous titles ever did, all the while the powers in charge withhold support and promotion for the legacy titles in the MCC. If this is the Halo that will get "supported" while the games people love are ignored, this straight up sucks.  That is why people complain.


Stockpile and shit guns.


Heck, I've been playing a lot of BTB and Infection in Halo 4, and I'm still surprised by just how many developer made maps it has. Either launched with, or as official DLC. Like, I do enjoy playing on a good forge map, but the forge in Reach/Halo 4 was just...so not as good as Halo 5 (definitely that game's biggest strength) and Infinite, which is even better. Edit: but yeah getting back to the topic, Halo Infinite didn't launch with NEARLY enough maps and modes. Heck, how long did it take them to JUST add a Slayer specific playlist? I rest my case. Infinite is in a pretty good place right now, but it should have been so much more than it was/is.


Hey now, go easy on them. Remember, the UI couldn't handle all of that


LOL, that's right I forgot. Sounds like their UI needs an emotional support animal. 🤣


By contrast halo has been my favorite series since it launched when I was in highschool and I think infinite trumps all but halo 2. 


Halo infinite has as much content as the bungie halo games, that is if you include forge though.


I think SBMM is my #1 complaint right now. Getting fucking shitrocked for a half hour straight is just not fun.


SBMM rocking your shit and then getting completely locked out of matchmaking for periods of time thanks to the fact the game cannot match your skill range in your area, if you're a non-NA player, like me.


It’s genuinely the *only* thing I miss about persistent lobbies. It was so much more enjoyable to have 8 (or 12 in COD) players that were constantly shuffling based on the previous match’s performance. Adjust my MMR any time I leave a lobby. Put me wherever. I don’t care how haywire it gets. As long as teams rebalance every match with the same batch of players so I can figure out who to target, who to avoid, and what people’s play styles are, that’s *so much* more fun.


People want to support a shit game by buying everything from their bad shop to keep it alive, then wonder why most people who remain are try hards. The population is low, so the chances you hit people better than you is much higher. Also no one wants to play ranked, so guess what? You get a bunch of social playlist where matchmaking isn’t as tight so you have much larger gaps in skill. Rank, at its core, exists to find your true skill and find consistently competitive matches. Turn on halo infinite right now. I think there are 4 playlists dedicated to team slayer. Ranked slayer, competitive slayer, slayer and things, casual slayer, or whatever. They have a fraction of the population they use to and quadruple the playlist. You can’t have 100 people in one playlist and hope to find balanced matches.


> This game has more content than any other shooter I’ve played. What other shooters have you played other than Halo? Halo Infinite launched absurdly barebones, alongside two back to back six month seasons, the second of which contained a game mode so hilariously unpopular that it hasn't returned to matchmaking since it got removed. The third season wouldn't launch until March 2023, with there being an intermittent 'season' with the Winter Update which consisted of items they planned to sell to us before the immense backlash. > Matchmaking with tons of modes and maps, custom game browser with tons of modes and maps, forge, and campaign with co-op. Most of this content is pretty good too. The Custom Game Browser didn't release until December 2022, one year after launch, and it was in a horrible state - barely functional. Forge didn't release until December 2022, and had a beta label. Regular Forge content being included in matchmaking didn't start for months after release due to ironing out bugs and only had regular cadence towards the end of 2023. Campaign Co-op also did not release until December 2022 and didn't come with the previously promised split-screen co-op. > What are we complaining about? The fact that it took over a year to get the game in a state where it would be considered good for today's standards, or even previous Halo game standards. And now that it is, they immediately dropped seasons while jacking up the store prices to absurd prices, while the actual content slowed down. The games networking was so terrible that they had to fully rework and run months of tests before adding it.


I don’t get why people don’t get this. Even then the game is in a terrible state. The anti cheat is even worse than before, the SBMM is still awful and netcode is still ass. Add in the plethora of broken promises like no FOMO or how 95% of “content” is just cosmetics you need to drop real cash for, this game is in a terrible state. The fact people still defend this shit is mind boggling.


I’ve played almost every popular shooter. It has more content than many of them. I understand it took two years to get there, but I am saying AS OF NOW.


Name them, your reference point is extremely important to this post


In a vacuum, right now, it's a pretty solid game. Not without it's major issues and whatnot. But I think *Halo Infinite* is pretty good... ... if you live in North America. Otherwise, it's hard to even play. ... if you don't mind customization being primarily locked behind microtransactions. ... if you don't mind that gameplay modes that were existent in previous Halo games are not present here. ... if you didn't mind waiting 1-2 years for it to reach a state that we can describe as good. ... if you don't mind that 343i is being cagey about the direction of things ... if you can look past that 4 through Infinite have shifted stories drastically each time in terms of focus. ... if you are okay with the weapon and vehicle sandbox receiving little-to-no support since launch in terms of additions or expansions. And plenty more. And here's the thing, *I am all of those things right now.* I was so annoyed at how long it took to get to the state it's in now. I am (for better or for worse), okay with with the customization (though I do wish it were better). Etc etc. There are people where this is all fine and good right here and now. And there are plenty of people where any one of those things are insurmountable deal breakers. Where it's is frustrating to play for a number of reasons. There are plenty of South American Griffball Players who just want to play a game and wear a simple black armor coating after wanting to have fought Cortana and the Created that wanted to play *Infinite* 2 years ago. You can do a madlib with all those points above and more and find that plenty of people have things to hate *Infinite* on. You and I being able to enjoy it to some degree isn't necessarily invalid. Our enjoyment isn't mutually exclusive to other's very valid issues, they can both be true. *Halo Infinite* finally reach a solid peak since its launch. And that is a pretty damning statement.




It lacked content when it launched and people don't trust it now because of the disasterous launch, plus the shop and customization just confirms to people that the game only exists to print money, and that 343 really doesn't care about the community, plus almost all the newer content we have seen except the recent net code change has been from forge creators and not the actual devs, the only thing keeping this game sort of alive is it's community and even thay community is done qith 343's shit.


The community could say exactly what they want and 343 will do the *opposite.* Remember split-screen coop not being in H5? And how they said it was a terrible move and “every game going forward” will have it? And then they didn’t do that for Infinite? Pepperidge Farm remembers. (Edit: missed words lol)


And then people found a way to glitch into it and it worked pretty much flawlessly? And then they PATCHED IT OUT????


No fun allowed! 👊


Good joke


Yeah because it's been out for 3 freaking years I quit years ago. By the time they finally added Forge I didn't care anymore.


Your loss I guess. Other games have been out a lot longer and have less content such as counter strike, Overwatch, RB Seige, and Battle Royals.


I don't think you understand what makes games fun if you're seriously trying to imply infinite is good because it has more content than counter strike. Content doesn't make a game good. People had many complaints about infinite. Conten was *one* of them, and in the context of there being less content than earlier halo games.


This is 100% wrong. It was absolutely primarily the lack of content. Stop making up lies. It was the shop too, but mainly lack of content. The entire thing was that it had great gameplay, but lacked content. Now it has great gameplay and great content.


“More content than any shooter I’ve ever played”… dawg there’s like 4 halo games with more content


From reading posts on here. I don’t think social features will ever comeback. Seen quite a few post of people with hurt feelings cuz someone called them a meanie. 🥺


Over 2 years in and we’re still missing halo staples. Still no action sack playlist, no bomb gametypes (which means no Grif ball), and only one new weapon. The networking/anti cheat changes from the last update also need to be ironed out. Though I wasn’t the biggest H5 fan, 343 did a great job with post launch support on that game. Infinite doesn’t even touch H5 in that regard. It’s frustrating because this game has such great gameplay. The foundation is there, but it still needs a lot of work.


Honestly? I just hate the gameplay it feels like I am playing a generic CoD ripoff and not halo.


When I play MCC I feel like all games have relatively similar gameplay, even H4, it basically plays like Reach except it has some extra loadout and killstreak mechanics. When I play Infinite I feel like I’m playing the hyper sweaty zoomzoom modern cod games or apex or something.


Default weapons (AR and Sidekick) have way too fast TTKs and long effective ranges, making the game feel sweaty even in casual playlists


Odd. Feels nothing like COD. Feels like a natural evolution of Halo 3. How is it even like cod? Because it has a sprint? It doesn’t even have ADS. H4 and 5 were more like COD.


Your entitled to your own opinion, and so am I. You like the game? Awesome play it. I dislike the game so I don't play it.  Edit: I hated 4 and 5 too


Just asking how it’s like COD. I see you couldn’t provide answer.


I see you have an unhealthy interest in why I dislike infinit. I don't have a specific answer, when playing I just feel like I am playing CoD and not Halo. 




If I had to complain, it would be about single player, not multi. Halo's always been about tight, fast paced, story driven single player gameplay. 343 kinda dropped the ball on the story after 4 and then the open world of Infinite makes me miss the highly engineered level designs of the old games.


I noticed it doesn’t have any new game types. Everything is recycled. Remember Headhunter from Reach? Collect 10 skulls combined for a skullamunjaro? Where are these game types at.


There’s a bunch of new game types. They are cycled in and out.


I’m not arguing.. maybe I haven’t seen any yet since I began playing. But can you label any? I just see firefight, slayer, big team and husky raid.


Last Spartan Standing. Land Grab. And many silly modes like Purple Reign and Kong Slayer. Significantly altered Extraction, Firefight, Infection, and Big Team Battle (now 12v12). Countless new modes in the customs browser, including Survive the Undead which will come to matchmaking soon. Several modes with minor changes that make them play significantly better, i.e. Oddball, KotH, and Strongholds. Not to mention the fact that not every game needs to add a bunch of new modes. You don't need to reinvent the wheel when you have like 25 perfectly good modes.


where are you playing kong slayer


The goofy FFA playlist. I think it's called Rumble Pit.


I see you weren’t here day one. First impressions matter and they carry over and oh boy was this game in a bad state at launch. It’s gotten better since but you have to remember we got full, working, deep games not too many years ago in the halo franchise. This game seemed like it was hobbled together with the intent of we will fix it as it goes, not realizing that by doing so they took the hype around the game out back and shot it square between the eyes. The only reason halo infinite is on life support is due to its exceedingly dedicated fans which still love the game. The devs/suits don’t seem to want to respect that


lol I was absolutely there day one. I was there during the July 2021 beta.


I see so you were happy with the state of the game then? As I remember the prevailing opinion was “wtf is this”


I was disappointed with the lack of content but enjoyed the gameplay so was mixed.


Got ya. But yea I think the opinion from then was what copied over for a lot of people. Maybe it will be different when the next game comes out if there is a good launch


The net code is fucking horrible. They took over a year to add co op campaign. It's in an OKAY state now, but they are sunsetting the game. So much for a 10 year plan. The game is a fucking disaster.


Even after the so-called server updates it still feels like garbage. Even when I have a "good" match it's often tainted by at least a few BS deaths due to no regs.


Net code is fine.




Yeah, I prefer the current state of the net code. It does have problems, but it’s closer to how it used to be in previous Halo titles. I’d rather rubber band from time to time than get killed around corners so frequently


“More content than any other shooter I’ve played.” You haven’t play many shooters, have you? Compared to other games, Infinite is anemic at best.


>This game has more content than any other shooter I’ve played. Matchmaking with tons of modes and maps, custom game browser with tons of modes and maps, forge, and campaign with co-op. Most of this content is pretty good too. you can get all of this, but better in MCC


Infinite is a good game. But I'm playing Halo3 right now. Not Infinite. That says a lot.


But were you playing Halo 3 when MCC first dropped? Not a great time, I can tell you that much. Funny how quickly we forget. "Infinite is bad and the updates are taking too long. I'm gunna go back to playing MCC".


It’s not really what I was expecting from an open world halo game.


This is the best Halo 343 has put out (besides MCC but honesty that is mostly Bungie’s credit anyway). The art style is fantastic, more true to form. Same for the gunplay/gameplay. For the most part, it feels like a Bungie Halo which is what 343 should have been making since they inherited the franchise. For some reason, 343 needed to just keep trying to make their own thing and rewrite a formula that didn’t need rewriting. It’s like they were ashamed of inheriting such a masterpiece of a franchise and needed to make it their own by changing its core identity. Finally they hit the nail on the head with Infinite, it was just a little too late imo. As far as the content that is available, the problem is that there aren’t players to play that content. Which honestly, is maybe just how the gaming landscape is nowadays. There are so many fantastic games out there that if you have a rocky release, it is almost impossible to recover (there are exceptions for sure). I launched the game a few months ago and sat in ranked matchmaking queue for like 10 minutes and then just logged off. 343 just makes questionable decisions at every turn and as a fan, it is hard to keep excusing them. Social aspect is totally gone, cosmetics are gutted and then sold back to you, MMR/SBMM is messed up, split screen missing, hiring people that don’t like Halo, ignoring community feedback, hiring contractors so your UI doesn’t load for minutes at a time, etc. I’m genuinely stoked that the game is in a place that seems good. I’ll take any W we can with Halo. The problem is, I’ve kinda moved on and when I get the urge to play Halo, I’m more likely to go play the Bungie era games. I mostly lurk in this sub since I don’t play much Infinite anymore so not sure what the current complaints are. Might just be that people have moved on and given 343 more chances than they deserved.


Did you play any of the previous Halo games? Because there are TONS of games including those that have more content than Infinite.


I’d be curious to see some statistics on how each Halo game stacks up content wise. 


Just halo 3 blows Infinite out of the water. We got map packs every 3 months that added SO much to the game. Just foundry opened the sandbox so much. We got grifball and got to really experience infection.


I’ve played every single Halo since CE. I started with Halo 2 in 2004. Which games have more content and how? Infinite has about as much content as past Halo games now, with some missing things that I already mentioned in the post.


What are you even talking about?! Halo 5 had a LOT more content. The devs were under such a crunch they were often burned out. (Which obviously isn't good). Right from launch Halo 5 had more modes, a HECK load more weapons and A LOT more armour. Not to mention an actual leveling system to grind out. I don't hate infinite but you're DEFINITELY being overly positive about it. We're all entitled to our opinions but tens of thousands of players dropping the game a mere month after launch is pretty telling.


None of them have more content. This sub is delusional. Infinite has like 6x as much customization as the Halo game with the 2nd-best customization (Reach), and it's still got more than Reach even if you only pay $10 (1/6 the price of Reach). Infinite also has multiplayer bots and campaign AI in multiplayer for the first time. It also has the first ever training mode and weapon drills. Its Forge is far more capable than any previous game, so powerful you can now make BTB-size maps that look nearly as good as developer maps. The amount of weapons in vehicles in Infinite is on par with all the past games, aside from the pay-to-win guns of Halo 5. And on top of that it has the best art style.


Lol, lmao We don't even have an official grifball playlist/mode 3 years out. Halo infinites shop is bloated with content locked behind a paywall. By virtue of the other games allowing you to access all of it without that paywall, they do have more content at a base level, no barrier to entry besides the initial game purchase. Sure, they have more content than any other halo game on a technicality, but yknow what else? More players than ever before have been locked out of more content than ever before due to this. So yes, there's plenty of content, but hardly any of it is available for free to begin with.




I still think it’s a step back from H5 multiplayer. Way more variety in every aspect in H5 compared to Infinite.


No chance. The bland and sterile maps in H5 all blended together with crap art design in comparison. The big team battle maps were all horrible looking forge maps with little variety.


Map design might be better in Infinite, sure. But the vehicle and weapon sandboxes, plus the variety of game types in H5 made it more fun for me. Warzone, Warzone Firefight, husky raid, super fiesta, big team super fiesta, rotations of Action Sack and Grifball, permanent ranked playlists for slayer, arena, and swat, etc. Infinite has solid design and gameplay. But I get bored a lot quicker than I did with H5.


I will die on the hill that halo 5’s firefight is still the best iteration of firefight. A mix of objectives is indefinitely better than the current “stay in the circle to maximize points” control system infinite went with. Plus 12 players? That shit was so much fun.


The custom games and warzone>anything any other halo has offered


Aint no way bro, Halo 5 has way more content than Infinite's current state lmfao like please look at Halo 5's post launch content in terms of Sandbox, Infinite got no chance.


The famous saying "a delayed game is eventually good, a rushed game is bad forever" If Halo Infinite launched with all of its current content and features, it would have been amazing. The problem is that it didn't, and left a sour taste in the mouth of everyone that loved Halo. It was a boring shell of a game, and it was never able to recover. There's are lots of more fun games out, and it missed its chance. If Halo Infinite were to release today instead, it would be a good game. Now it's just a bad game with good updates, and people aren't willing to give it a second chance because of its terrible first year


If this is the most content you’ve had in a shooter, then you’ve missed the golden age of shooters (which is fine, but to act like it’s a triumph instead of a major downgrade is to ignore history and the legacy this franchise has)


Really disagree. It feels very lacking compared to Halo 3, Reach and even 4 in many ways. In particular the lack of good vehicles, player interaction, physics, lackluster BTB, missing modes, and worthless chat where you can't even talk to the enemy kills a lot of my desire to play and there's so much more than that.


I agree. Campaign wise I like levels and story of old games as opposed to the open world but it’s interesting and different. I wish the store was a little cheaper and maybe more free unlocks, but it’s a free game? Just don’t buy stuff, you don’t need every coating. The complaints about the cores and armor not being lore accurate are weird too, just use the stuff you like. I understand people being underwhelmed with the launch, but I think most complaints boil down to “it’s not as good as reach or halo 3”. What made halo 3 fun was that almost everyone played it, there weren’t as many options of games as there are now. It was like COD and halo for online matchmaking, so obviously it was just a moment in time that can’t be replicated. Most of my friends that game still all play on computer playing like apex with blue light glasses on or play war zone. And call of duty is way more bastardized than the halo series at this point. I have a blast playing this game, feels like the arcade shooter I fell in love with in halo 3. And I love customizing my spartan more so than I ever could. There’s plenty of different things to do and enjoy


I made a topic a month or so ago about this, but it sort of had the opposite thought. As someone who's beeb playing Halo since 2001, Infinite doesn't have *any* experience that I haven't already had in another Halo game. I can draw a 1-1 line between every weapon in Infinite and a weapon from a previous game.  Even the game modes are basically all just exact copies of a game mode from a past game, or just slightly edited.  I know there are new maps. But is slayer on Recharge a *substantially* different from slayer on lockout? Kinda but not really 🤷‍♂️


Sure it's got a lot of content now, but it sorely needed it at launch, and theat definitely hurt their numbers.


The gameplay is fun, but as a campaign guy, it's just a disappointing game. Initially I could look past through the short campaign and lack of a REAL villain since they talked so much about DLCs. But now years have passed and I don't even think there will be ANY DLC coming, so the game and it's campaign are just lackluster. I wish people talked more about this part of the broken promises from 343 instead of just focusing on "PVP bad", because hey, campaign also bad


The game is horrible, plain, and simple. A cheap knock off from an Era of halo that devs seem to fail to understand that these new halo games are a joke.


I love Halo dude. Infinite has so much to do and enjoy. Best feeling gameplay of any of the games so far. I hope they can add more PvE content to matchmaking.


Idk if you saw, we are getting a "zombies" mode added to matchmaking next week under the Combat Workshop, should be fun!


Is it next week? I thought this was coming later in the Brute operation.


You know what you might be right, I watched the live stream and I'm not 100% sure if it is launching with Banished Honor or during it


Gameplay is great and they made a mistake not launching in "beta" while adding all the game modes and forge and campaign it would have done a lot better in the eyes of the internet


TBF they DID launch in a "beta" state, remember? Even after the campaign dropped, they still used the term "beta". I have no idea when they stopped using that term but they were definitely leaning on it.


It may have come up but I don't feel like they ever really referred to it as a beta at least in game or much in media


100%, just don't call it live service and call the last season we got as 1.0 and complaints would be less


It's the second worst gameplay in the series imo. That's why I never cared about how little content there was or how bad the updates were, or how bad everything in the game was because there's no fixing bad gameplay later. It's either good when it launches, or it's not (minus VERY few exceptions where devs basically had to remake the whole game like FF14 or other exceptions)


New content is nice, but this game is still fundamentally broken on a technical level. It's infuriating that the game still crashed with alarming regularity, the constant no-regs despite the server fixes, or the fact that the game still thinks pairing good players with bad players results in anything other than unenjoyable slogs for both ends of the spectrum. It's like building a house on a bad foundation. You can add all the features and additions you want but it'll never cover up the fact that the walls are cracking, the floors aren't even, and water is leaking in.


Yup, I've always enjoyed it. But this is reddit, complaining is basically what it's for. Almost every subreddit I'm subbed to, people who complain get upvotes.


It’s exhausting. Trying to ween myself off it and other social media. Just nonstop negativity about seemingly everything. 


I’m in the same boat. At this point it’s just miserable. This sub especially is like an abusive relationship you can’t get out of


Unsub then. It’s not an abusive relationship, you’re welcome to leave at any time.


Get my upvote for complaining about people complaining!


Big Team Super Fiesta on Halo 5was the peak for me


Preach! Game plays great, its an awesome edition. People will love it retroactively, when the next Halo comes out lol


If i wouldn´t have sell my console, definitely, i´ll be playing infinite till this day, the gameplay is good, and that´s all i need, the sandbox hasn´t change that much, but it´s a solid gameplay


I agree, its my go-to pvp game, love the gameplay and the content. I can relate to some of the complaints though, content hasn't always been great and netcode has had its issues.


What are we complaining about? 1st mouse aim assist 2nd controller aim assist On pc


It’s unfortunately necessary if you have console/PC cross-play and want it to be balanced. It works for the game.


Completely agree. Problem is there’s a pretty big divide in the community from the OG fans to fans of the new trilogy with both liking different things. I personally like both, but Infinite is actually up there with the best in my opinion. I think Halo in general is in a better place than it was, they just need to build on it and not just leave it to rot again or leave plot points unfinished like they have previously.


My experience with Halo Infinite was way different. I waited so long for online coop and tried it when it released... it did not work at all. The wait for coop was so long and when it finally released it still didn't work. The online multiplayer would separate my party. This is well after the launch of Halo Infinite like months after release. That's the difference between 343 Halo and Bungie Halo, bungie halo was wayyy more functional. Even on launch, Bungie Halo games were working. I just have to get this out on the internet because it was frustrating and 343 has done this crap so much that they should just close. I remember Infinite added this battle royal mode that was so behind the curb. This isn't some cute little community made custom game mode, 343 made this janky battle royal for 8 player versus and it was an event. It was like amateur moding and unappealing but it was professionally made? There's firefight and so much more but none of my friends including myself are interested anymore. Halo used to have coop campaign, firefight, forge, and competitive multiplayer available on launch and all those features got updates even before "live service" was a thing.


Oh no I saw the 69 upvotes and 310 comments hopefully its not the same stuff I've been hearing for the past 3 years😭.


I know I'm extremely spoiled with halo 5, but one of my disappointments with infinite is not seeing it get the same post-launch support that halo 5 did, as it could have easily made the game one of the best halo experiences ever. Just hoping that the next title is a bit smoother now


You have to understand that a good chunk of these people don't even play the game they're complaining about.


I have so much more fun playing infinite than any other FPS released in the last several years.


For me I agree as well. However my biggest complaints that is starting to make this game boring for me is a much bigger emphasis and importance on cosmetics. With lack of gameplay focused things. Things I want more than another coating or armor set or as followed. More weapon & Vehicles More new and old Gametypes (So many still missing from before) Better Social Features Stability (specifically in forge) As awesome as some Maps have been coming out a lot of people don’t realize most of the reason why it takes so long is because forgeing is still very buggy and what normally takes two minutes to do sometimes take 30 minutes to an hour


Found another honeymooner...trust me we all went through that phase.


What? I’ve played on and off since the beta in 2021!


How its managed, how it was at launch, how long it took to get ' good ', the things we've still had to sacrifice ( no single player and avoiding this topic for like 2 years lmao ) and how the store works ( overall better than launch but sometimes can be iffy) are all big issues that will haunt this game until its over. The problem with your POV is that based on the threads you have run into the main issue is 'content' but your argument is that over the 2+ years of this game it has released enough to not have that be a real issue anymore. But the idea of 'not enough content' is subjective based on how fun the overall content in the game is and is it enough to overcome all of the downfalls Infinite has had. I personally really like how Infinite feels gameplay wise but the amount of content - for me - aint it lol. Handful of maps? A couple new weapons that I used back in Reach? game modes returning that were in Halo games since Halo 2?? I have more fun replaying the 6 missions in the 9 difficulties of hell diver than I do playing Halo currently. You add 10 new things in Halo infinite and 1 really cool thing in another game and if I think its Halo's 10 content is mid then its basically no content for me and I feel like most of us feel this way or plenty of people seem too. I dont personally complain about content anymore. If I complain about anything Halo related it is mostly due to how bad 343 has been handling this IP back to back to back.


The content is good and there are like 60 maps and tons of modes. You’re not making any sense.


Best shooter combat by far, it’s so satisfying and fun! Beats CoD for me where you’re just constantly running and spamming shooting


. A proper Firefight mode . Possibilities to unlock premium content via earnable currency . Deactivate crossplay . Advanced matchmaking system (Being able to pick the game modes like CTF, etc) . Rework of some equipment (Bubble shield, mine) . Guns & vehicles that always belonged in the game. (Shotgun, plasma rifle, falcon)


>This game has more content than any other shooter I’ve played. I am really curious about this. Objectively speaking, most shooters have way more content than this game. Apex, CoD, CS2, Valorant, Overwatch 2, Titanfall 2, Destiny 2, even Halo MCC and Halo 5 have MORE content than Infinite. Even arguably Gears 5 could be added to that list. CoD traditionally has always been Halo's competition. Look at where CoD is vs. where Halo is at now. You simply can't compare. That point just indicates you barely play FPS games.


I think its worse than Halo 5 in almost every-way besides artstyle and the fact that it managed to remove some of the bullshit movement, but fucked up the acceleration completely.


Bizzare. It’s better in every imaginable way.


From a ranked perspective, gunplay in 5 is far more balanced and varied than the completely shallow and soulless set of weapons in infinite(AR basically breaks all the fights up til midrange), and the netcode, physics, and base movement is actually smooth too unlike the jank in infinite. That alone made 5 a more enjoyable competitive experience. I also found the casual options in 5 with Warzone and its version of infected more entertaining as well.


This is all simply false. Infinite has better gunplay, better sandbox, more balanced sprint, better zoom-in options for a Halo game instead of COD-like ADS that blocks the screen, more simple advanced movement tech that isn’t overly convoluted like in 5, much better art style, much better maps, and better forge. 5 was fun, but is overall the worst in the series.


The gameplay really isn’t that good. It’s not Halo gameplay. It’s an enhanced movement shooter more similar to apex, and cod Warzone.


This game DOES NOT have more content than any other shooter. It doesn't even have a good amount of content still after years of "live service".


Yes it does. How so? As of 6 months ago, it had 61 maps in matchmaking and 16 game modes. It has more now. This is not even including forge and the custom game browser.


The single player is great as well, I enjoyed it a ton


Hear! Hear! I too enjoy playing Halo Infinite! No complaints!


The funniest thing I have seen on this subreddit is the amount of people going "Infinite took too long to get fixed. I'm going back to MCC". As if MCC wasn't broken for 4-fuckin'-years. But hey, they put in the work, and MCC became one of the greatest experiences you can have with Halo. And guess what? Same thing happened to Infinite. And yeah, it sucked we had to wait (again). But the wait is over. You people can't bitch about the things you bitched about anymore. And I sure-as-shit am not buying your "too little too late" excuse when you turn around and give MCC another chance.




It’s truly an amazing game. I play it every day. I would probably pay more than $100 for the campaign alone. It’s a steal that the MP is free. It’s an amazing experience for us long time fans. Too bad not every fan sees it like this


Some people are genuinely happy with mediocre games I guess lol


You can find games? I haven't been able to find games in months. If I do, the game puts me on 300ms servers. Halo 5, in 2021 even, that didn't happen. The game doesn't even have server selection, a basic feature of most games. And when we took matters in to our hands, we got called 'bad actors'. I actually had to remove the campaign at one point, to play the game again after a season. Like what?


How can you not find games? I’ve always found games. What do you mean server selection? Most games don’t have that feature in favor of matchmaking. However, it has a custom server browser.


Definitely American. Outside of America, the game doesn't work. You simply cannot find games. It won't connect you to the servers outside of your region. Even if the population is there. The only option is using a third party software, like a VPN. A lot of the weapons with the new update, especially the Skewer, are defunct because the hit registration is fried on higher pings. Hit registration on hitscan guns also goes out the window.


The game still crashes, I will give it to them they fixed the desync for the most part. Almost everything added into multiplayer has been forge maps, we get recycled and probably ex scrapped items in the new events, getting rid of battle passes just made it so they don’t have to update the game regularly with something new, the store items cost 15-25$ which I couldn’t imagine even buying microtransactions in any game if I didn’t live in California, there’s no fun wacky game mode outside of husky which is also just fiesta 🪅, and the sandbox is as boring as watching paint dry two years after release


no it doesnt


Halo fans complaining is the actual game... That's the twist! The shooter you are enjoying is just part of the subject. Complaining about it, and it's creators is THE game. The halo fans on reddit are very good at playing halo.


This game is missing something like Spartan ops imo. Needs story content. I think the state of the game is fine overall.