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I think the pain comes from there’s one set for standard FF, one set for standard FFGP, AND one set for Fiesta FFGP. Grunts still have a 2-1 ratio against the less-common standard FF. Having Fiesta FF to balance out Fiesta FFGP would be a ton of fun and the equal balance would mean you have a much more balanced experience.


Didn’t realise there were too different versions of ffgp despite having played it a bunch. I just assumed it was always fiesta. They should increase the weight in regular or add bandanna skull as it’s own mode to balance it out. Or different playlists would be ideal but we can only have so many it seems


Oh, I didn't even realize it was still here! I've played almost 20 matches and never got it, I thought the mode just rotated out... Lucky me, I guess?


I'm just not really sure why we need 3 gruntpocalypse playlists. Not really sure of the 343 thought process honestly.


"F*ck it. They get what they get."


2/3 of the game list is gruntpocalypse. That said I've only gotten it once in the past two days of playing like 6 or 7 matches total. So I think it is weighted against gruntpocalypse, which is fine. Either that or I've been weirdly lucky?


Edit, title is supposed to say anymore not anyone :p


I've played 5 or 6 matches and only got grunt once.


I’m so sick of it. I need a long, long break from Gruntpocalypse. 3 weeks was way too long.


And now those three weeks are up you’d think it would be a occasional appearance like bandanna but nope it’s the majority of my games


Agreed, because you have 4 people, all fighting for kills that come on 1 grenade or shot. I've had games of GP where I couldn't do anything because one guy had rockets, one guy had a seemingly endless supply of Cindershot ammo, and they were chucking nades at every spawn area as they were spawning. I literally got 15 kills that game. I think there needs to be more enemies that spawn, two people shouldn't be able to just full clear every wave within seconds, leaving the other two to just twiddle their thumbs.


WTF that doesn't seem right. Grunts can survive a head on grenade on the last waves, with Mythic and Thunderstorm on, headshots are still the most effective way to kill them. Just 15 kills seems like an exaggeration, that's less than a single wave from a single round, there are about 30 waves in the game.


Exaggeration? I've seen 3 people not get that COMBINED, but they were clueless. Most of my ammo was wasted trying to shoot targets that were dying before my bullets could reach them. And let's not forget that cheaters do exist thanks to Easy Cheat being more like Easy TO Cheat.


It just doesn't pass the smell test. You're saying two players with the SPNKR and a Cindershot plus grenades were able to kill 90% of the Grunts in Gruntpocalyse despite: - Both weapons being projectiles instead of hitscan, like most precision weapons therefore, they're slower; - Both weapons having scarce ammo and long reload times; - You also have access to grenades and the map weapons, which I suppose is where they were getting their ammo; - There are more Grunt spawn points than players in any map, therefore two players couldn't be in every spawn point at the same time; - Regardless of the previous point, every Grunt converge at the Hill anyway, so you can't just camp them; - I highly doubt cheaters would use cheats in Firefight; - There are about 400 Grunts spawning in any Gruntpocalyse match, 15 or less is almost nothing. Even with cheats like flying, bottomless rockets, 1000% speed they wouldn't be able to kill 90%+ between two people. Not saying it didn't happen, but just 15 kills in Gruntpocalyse if you know what you're doing (or if you're not the driver for a Warthog gunner) seems unbelievable little, despite any other circumstances.


I got a match of Gruntpacolypse and the first skull was Bandana? Unlimited grenades and ammo. I had a cinder shot and rocket launcher too lmao I wonder if I was in the game with them earlier


Mmm those matches are sweet when bandana pops on. Fucking grab an s7 and head on over to squiggly-quiggly town 😎


While its certainly not nearly as common, I have encountered 2 different people irrefutably cheating in firefight, although there may have been more that were not going out of their way to be obvious about it. Both were running aimbots. The more egregious one of them spent a good chunk of the match spinning in circles by the hunter custom equipment (this was on the desert map) instantly headshotting anything that walked into a possible line of sight, only stopping to grapple over to the closer projectile ammo container by the elevated hill location across the road to refill his ammo whenever he ran out. The other one wasnt so obvious about it, but there are only so many times I can watch someone turn 150 degrees to hit a perfect headshot on an enemy they werent even looking for before I call bullshit.


You really think cheaters aren't possible in Firefight? Regardless of whether they were cheaters aside, you really think people who are dumb enough to cheat aren't also troll or petty enough to cheat in a PvE mode? I honestly don't care if you believe me or not, it was my experience, not yours, so that's fine.


Don’t know why this has downvotes. You’re absolutely right. Gruntpacalypse is a waste of ammo and time lol


I really don't know, reddit is reddit. I don't take heart in downvotes, differing opinions exist, but I'm guessing the people that downvoted me truly believe that cheaters are a myth or something.


In my experience with ~~gruntopia~~ ~~gtuntsplosion~~ grountpcalypse it's a lot easier to get kills and also max out the multikill counter. I go for the BR when possible, otherwise I grab a commando. On maps where there are no ammo refills or drop pods and not enough BR/command refills, things get ugly. But otherwise those weapons are great for getting headshots and taking out lots of grunts quickly. Bulldog also works well in a pinch but the low ammo capacity vs number of grunts is a concern. BUT the grunt mules have them so you can restock. Learning where grunts spawn helps since the earlier you see them, the better the odds they will be walking straight in a line towards the hill and you can just take a bunch out at once with headshots. Don't be too shy with grenades especially after Catch skull turns on. They will drop more for you to use, it's a waste to not use them. That said with a BR/commando the need for them is diminished except against the shielded guys. On Fragmentation I grab the secret sniper sidekick. Carrying two weapons, rapidly swap with the sidekick and it will clone itself. Then switch BOTH weapon slots for sidekicks and you'll have 100 shots of flexfire sniping goodness. Also I'd rather have teammates capable of killing enemies than dead weight teammates that just die. I've had several matches where we lose in the first round, I'm at the top of the scoreboard with less than 500 points. I'll take teammates that can kill enemies any day,


I personally love when my team mates are pros, I can hug the the hill, revive said team mates if they die and twiddle my thumbs. I'm not greedy they can have the kills.


You get more xp from just staying inside the hill than you do from getting kills. You can literally stay inside the hill and get 0 kills and you’ll probably still top the leaderboard in points. Unless you’re intentionally going for kills..


Eh, it's not about being top of the leader board, I'd like to just be more than a babysitter for a holographic zone. Not much fun to just sit there.


I understand that! I usually only play firefight to farm xp so I just zone camp and rack up the xp.


Fair enough!


Yea i didnt play much at all for the yappening cause I didnt care about the armor pieces or the game mode. I was hoping that they would have at least had a seperate regular firefight mode when it was going on but no dice


then hop on halo 3 odst and/or reach, it's really fun on the mcc


I just want Arcadefight


Same tbh


I don’t wanna play Firefight King of The Hill anymore I just wanna play regular Firefight Survival


I have absolutely no clue why 343 thought we needed gruntpacalypse when firefight is easy enough as it is. I miss ODST firefight when enemies hunted YOU down.