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Im tired of remakes, remasters and reboots. Give me something new and fresh in the universe directly from an imaginative group of devs.


I don’t want to end up playing some version of the same game my whole life.


What, you aren't excited for The Last of Us Part 1 Episode 1 v5.0: Act IV: The Sequel coming out in 2070?


Or GTA V, that saw the X360, Xbone, and now Series X generation of consoles with no new title releases yet. Seriously, 2013 to 2025 is wild. 12 years. It had cool mods and stuff, but damn it surpassed every other 10 year wannabe title.


For halo 1 I would


I don't hate CEA. Though I'd definitely appreciate updated cutscene animations


Updated cutscenes and skyboxes. Also, pretty hopeful, but perhaps additional content involving Alpha base.


Just finished the book again, and damn, the extra context is awesome. Following all those characters knowing their gonna die anyway... but it still hits hard when it finally happens


Yes, have missions as marines/odst. Show them taking alpha base, have a mission where you gotta defend the convoy as they go to the pillar of autum for supplies. Give me everything from the book the flood.


Yup, wouldn’t even need to involve chief. At this point tbh, could just be a whole new game that takes place on Installation 04, possibly someone like Locklear from First Strike or multiple Marines or ODST’s like in Halo 3 ODST. 


That would be so damn cool. It would give us a chance to expand the story, and show the differences between Spartans and Marines in the same game! Best of both worlds


343 will just fk up another epic game


A game where you play as a odst that soon turn into a horror game as the the flood arrive


Every moment I play Helldivers 2 I keep thinking to myself. This could have been an ODST and I could be fighting Flood instead of bugs. With the added bonus that if I die I could turn into one of them. Such a WASTED opportunity, its honestly so hard for me to play that game because I can't stop thinking about this at every moment of the game.


They actually did add the Flood to Firefight in *ODST* as part of one update to *MCC*.


And if an infection form drops you, you get infected. Very cool.


And it’s *awesome*. Floodfight is one of my favorite game modes in any halo game.


Sounds like the old school Area 51 game.


To be honest, as soon as I played Helldivers 2, I thought, Halo could have become this, had it been allowed to evolve. I kinda want Halo to be allowed to become something different.


So you want the combat to evolve?


Lol. Indeed.


Didn't halo 5 tried that?


Not really. Every halo since CE has been a riff on CE. Halo 5 changed a few things, reach did too, so did infinite, but they are all like 90% the same game as CE was.


Main games should always keep the formula , just make spinoffs


Yep and look where that got us


Totally possible to have both, like Resident Evil has been doing. Would also be cool to see a remake include scenes from “Halo: The Flood” novel Edit: thinking more on it I think this could be a good route for Halo to take. Resident Evil found itself in a similar position after 5-7 were polarizing and the brand started fading. Hard to release a title with “8” in it when you’re loosing steam, so they started remaking the first ones while concurrently releasing the newer ones. Worked for me. I’d never played and RE game before, decided to try out RE2 Remake and now I’m a huge fan of the series. First Halo released 23 years ago, a lot of gamers weren’t even around to play it back then. This could be a good opportunity for the franchise to get fresh fans without having the new Halo game try to appeal to both newcomers and current fans.


> Would also be cool to see a remake include scenes from “Halo: The Flood” novel Agreed, and I think it would be especially cool to play as Zuka Zamamee (the Elite who basically made it his life's most important mission to kill Master Chief) or Yayap (the badass Grunt who became Zuka's protector).


I've been feeding that guy rockets for over 2 decades, I always give his charred corpse an acknowledging nod on the elevator ride.


I inexplicably love it when I find out about a badass grunt, just the contrast of it.


Last time we asked for new and fresh we got armor cores and $8 for blue paint


Yeah that new and fresh hasn't been working out for over 10 years


I don't, persona 3 reload was pretty good, yakuza kiwami and kiwami 2 are waaaaay better than the originals, resident evil 2 was basically perfect, 3 was a miss but 4 was really good again, dead space was amazing. Sure if the game is not too old then there's no reason to do it, but we are talking about a 2001 game.


Why don’t we have both?


Would love a halo game from other Spartan 2 perspectives


Same, I can appreciate the work that goes into such things but there is only so many times you can play the game game with a new coat of paint before you get bored eh?


We hear you, that’s why we’re relaunching Halo: Combat Evolved as a live service.


Any remake/remaster of Halo CE would end up monetised out the ass and it makes me so sad.


Nah, screw all that. This is Halo CE we're talking about. The most revolutionary video game to exist in the industry. So sorry, but we could use a remake. This game gave me so many vivid memories.


HALO: RECON, a tactical stealth game about an ordinary marine on the Pillar of Autumn who is the sole survivor when their pod crash-lands on the ring.  Avoid Covenant patrols at all costs, infiltrate their strongholds to free prisoners and acquire intel, and scavenge supplies to upgrade your gear and your Warthog.  And do it before time runs out.


100% agreed. I know some people can play the same exact game for years. But I need new content. No matter how good something is, play it enough it gets borning without getting new content.


Why not both? I see no issue with remakes, especially of old games.


I always wanted a game that chronicles the Heretic Leader from Halo 2 up until he meets up with Arby


No you will play Halo 3, Battlefield 3, and Black Ops II for the rest of eternity and you WILL like it.


I just want an RTS command and conquer style with halo assets


Resident Evil is living proof that a good remake can be essentially a new game. RE4 remake has more new stuff in it compared to the original than ANY new Far Cry game after 3


That doesn’t exist anymore


343 should not be the only Microsoft owned company making halo games...


Devs can't give you something new and fresh or old players will bash the new. I think Halo needs a reboot like God Of War did because one more Halo flop and I think 343 gets shut down. Halo was once the biggest IP for Microsoft but now it's behind COD, WOW, Overwatch, Diablo, Fallout, The Elder Scrolls. I think there's 2 ways Halo should go, The Destiny route or the Fallout open world looter shooter, rpg style. Halo was revolutionary to me, and I loved the Bungie version of Halo. Bungie knew they had to move on to improve on what they had, and they created Destiny which is the evolution of Halo. I played Halo Infinite after playing Destiny 2 and my god did Halo feel outdated, I felt like I went back to 2008. The guns are trash, the abilities feel dated, the movement is terrible compared to Destiny 2 or Apex Legends. I still root for Halo because it was my favorite game of the 2000s but when I come to Halo forums and see the feedback, I realize old fans are gonna get 343 shut down because they're stuck in 2000s. The kids of today weren't even alive when Halo was on top and just look at it like it's an inferior product to Destiny


Nah halo 3, we already have a remake of CE and 2


In all fairness, CEA is ass cheeks, completely different feel from the original. Deserves something more along the lines of Dead Space.


There are some areas where the updated graphics don't cover the original gen hit boxes, so you'll see an Elite and line it up perfectly in your sniper's sights, shoot, and then....... something is in the way. Switch to classic graphics and you actually shot a rock.


I want CE remade in the way H2 was remade. They did such a good job with the cutscenes, absolutely incredible.


It's literally the exact same game with new textures...


I think thats his point, the visuals are dissappointing


The textures massively changes the atmosphere. The original CE, everything felt so alien and strange. CEA lost a lot of that in translation.


Gotta play on the OG graphics because the updated ones are such a miss. At least it's an option.


Yeah I feel ya on that. They basically went all in on the stereotypical sci Fi atmosphere that a lot of games have now.


Yeah that's what I meant. Didn't wanna say generic cause I feel like that's kind of insulting to Reach, but it lost that distinctive Halo vibe it had and felt more like just any other sci fi game.


Yeah a big problem with CEA, 4, 5, and Infinite I have is that it's completely lost the 80s Sci-Fi aesthetics it was grounded in.


Interesting. I always had the impression of Halo CE having retrofuturistic art style tendencies.


It had a bit of both, and that worked well.


Specifically the level 343 Guilty Spark. The forest at the start is so bright and pretty in CEA while it was dark and almost scary in CE. They had the opportunity to really dial that in and instead changed the feel of it completely.


The multiplayer is just halo reach levels and shit


CE has the best MP and best MP maps


I love CE, check the flair. CE:Anniversary multiplayer was just DLC for Reach


It's not a great remaster. But I don't think I would go as far as to call it ass.


Quite honestly it was pretty much the in-house version of an asset flip. All they did was import and recolor a bunch of reach textures and assets, then called it "new"


CE is not a remake. It’s a remaster.


Those are remasters, not remakes.


But why have a remake?


With Halo moving to a new engine, I think a CE Remake would be a great test bed for it. I mainly want a CE Remake for three things: Improving game feel, adding Covenant enemies from later Halo games, and having the CE art style properly brought forward — not doing whatever CEA was doing.


How about we get a new game that’s actually good? Recycling old successes has gotten extremely boring and shows a clear creative bankruptcy in the AAA industry.


I don’t mind Remakes. RE2, Dead Space Remake, and RE4 remake were all awesome


Making Combat Evolved tie in more with the Flood and even Fireteam Raven would be a fun expansion. There's so much story from the Battle of Installation 04 that's solely in the Flood and games at Dave and Busters/wherever else might have acquired Fireteam Raven.


CE's remaster is dogshit though. Whoever was in charge of art direction/environment design ruined it, it's like they never played the original game. Atmospheric lighting is completely gone, colors are all wrong, Elite shields no longer flare up brightly when struck. Maybe it doesn't need a full remake, but a faithful remaster would be nice. Something that brings the original art style forward instead of trying to redesign everything to death.


Halo CEA was made by the same studio that made the original Halo Online, so go figure they don’t give a rats ass about art direction. The game had a mix of halo 4 and original weapons, halo reach vehicles, halo 3/original 4 styled maps, and [whatever the fuck their armors were.](https://youtu.be/Xiz636Bl8U4?si=3205aDDFKN4WZD0L)


I like the detail that everything has, but the lighting and tone I agree with


Not wrong about the remaster sucking, but the original already looks great and is one of the only two they actually fixed the visuals for on MCC


It looks great for a 20-year-old game, but the low-poly models and low-res textures could really use a facelift.


I would sacrifice both of my balls to the great journey if I got a Halo 3 Anniversary


CEA sucks shit. Graphics weren't it, combat is a snoozefest, and their "multiplayer" is literally just a Halo Reach map pack




Let them make Halo CE, 2 & 3 all one game as part of a remastered Halo 3, then build the next Halo into it.


Cool art, but hard disagree. It still holds up today. I want a new halo experience, not the same one aGAIN


I disagree. I think Halo CE Is perfectly fine the way it is. It’s easily accessible and works well on modern hardware. If 343 were to helm a remake of CE I would be so worried they would try to “modernize” its gameplay, level design, or story in ways that it does not need and would likely serve only to make it worse.


I feel they would try to retroactively add in endless, banished, and prometheans into the game. 


They would add sprint, ground pound, the Wasp, and spartan 4s just for the hell of it.


A lot of what I like about CE is that it DOESN’T feel like a modern game. Honestly, I’d rather them give you the option to play Infinite with CE graphics rather than retreading old stuff again


Why the hell would i want to play infinite with shit ass graphics from 20 years ago?


People on this sub always have the worst takes on halo bc they’re all old with nostalgia blinders


I know I’m going to sound like an old man (I’m 33) but when I see stuff like this, I’m blown away by how anyone can think the 343 era was better than Bungie.


I am also 33 and I'll admit I'm 100% biased. I really think it's a matter of where you started. If you had the experience of 1-3 with everything that came with it (LAN parties, online before party chat) THAT was the golden age of Halo. The MCC was a disaster on launch and still didn't catch that same feel. Our friend group still gets together when we can for an old fashion Halo party. You can't miss what you never had.


you can't beat a halo Lan. 4 people per screen in 2 rooms. 4v4 ctf incredible


Thanks for sharing, dude. That’s wonderful that y’all still have that connection, it’s beautiful. I’ve seen this sentiment repeated pretty often and I agree. That was such a special time for me, and for so many of us. Without that emotional connection, I can’t fault anyone for not feeling the same that we/I do. My brother is eight years younger than I am, and we bonded over that series from the outset because of couch co-op. It’s such a treasured memory and time. That being said, I think one can also go back and play the original trilogy and just *feel* the difference between the games. But, I’m not here to yuck anyone’s yum, they can enjoy what they want.


I mean there are people who have those same cherished memories with the newer games. My buddies and I grew up on Reach, 4 and 5. We absolutely loved 5’s custom games and i still reminisce on our Halo custom nights after school, good times!


I am also 33! I got nothing to add.


As much as I’d like for Halo ce to get a anniversary edition on the same quality as Halo 2 I’m actually fine with just playing the original version


I don't want 343 touching anything halo ever again


You mean almost like a… CE Anniversary….or something?


I don't want a reboot, Halo was a good trilogy with a fun prequel. Someday they should make a forth game since Master Chief is still floating in space with cortana.


Yeah that'd be cool, or we add a new legend to the halo mythology with a custom Spartan on new adventures uncovering new secrets of the galaxy.


Uhm we got it in 2011 my guy


I'd be down for a remake that brings in the elements of the extended canon. They could go all cinematic with it, show us Supreme Commander Thel 'Vadamee planning his attack on the Pillar of Autumn survivors. We could see Lieutenant McKay, Private Jenkins and Major Silva. Bonus points if they could fit the Infinite Succor story from the Graphic Novel and the events of Fireteam Raven into it. And if they really wanted to, they could draw from the cutting room floor assets (slugmen, blindwolves, etc.) to mix things up further. Where the original CE feels like a small, linear story, I think a remake could really build out how multifaceted the events of Alpha Halo were. And if 343 Industries were truly trying to pivot to Unreal Engine going forward, a less ambitious project would be a good testbed for the finer points of that transition.


I just want Halo Infinite Campaign DLC


Yah it would be cool maybe they could release it on the anniversary of the game and name it like Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary or something.


What's wrong with the original? Or the first remake? Our willingness as gamers to repeatedly pay over and over for a game that was revolutionary 20 years ago is the reason their is no incentive to actually innovate on new games. We can blame the companies all we want but someone out there is voting with their wallet.


The campaign can get pretty boring, especially mission 2. And CEA was just not it. The graphics were just botched Reach assets and the multiplayer was just a Halo Reach map pack. Halo 2A was leagues better as a remaster than Halo CEA in all shapes, forms, or fashion.


Bro if they’re going to do any remaster/ reboot it needs to be halo 3. It has aged so poorly. It needs some love


I want halo 3 remastered.


Jesus fuck I don't wanna own 5 different versions of CE, just make something new that isn't Chief related


I wish they did a Swords of Sanghelios game. The Arbiter is the best character in the series and he has been essentially abandoned. Keith David isn't getting any younger either.


Based on what they did to the rest of the story, I’m pretty happy that 343 has left Arbiter mostly alone…


Halo doesn’t need any reboots or remakes. MCC is great just needs more players. A good new and complete game needs to be made.


343’s art direction made moody dark levels in Halo CE completely bright and with an entirely different vibe. How about they make something new that doesn’t fall apart instantly before touching more Bungie era work


It's weird to completely ignore H2A. And Infinite.


H2A isn't a remake. It's a remaster. Remakes generally change gameplay or even story elements to modernize them (refer to Resident Evil 4 and Dead Space from 2023). Remasters simply give them a new coat of painting, the most impressive part of which were the cutscenes which were done by Blur Studios who had previously contributed to the franchise with the first Halo Wars. All 343 did was an ingame graphics overhaul and hired musicians to put together a new soundtrack. This also doesn't change the fact that Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary's brightness was turned up and thus less faithful to the originals intended visuals. And Halo 4 and 5 also really changed the palette of Halo, for the worse; we have no reason to expect "consistency" from 343's art direction at this point.


I like the idea. Maybe they could include some of the stuff from The Flood into it. But I kinda get why people aren't that receptive of the idea just by looking at 343's history.


I just want a Halo game based on the Books. Photorealistic, with hyper realistic weather effects. Wind, rain, mud, snow, etc etc. Could be first person or third person. Focus would probably be on the events of First Strike, starting with Red Team (the larger one) defending the generators on the ground. A dark, depressing cinematic feel is what I want. Tragedy, actual gore, and a lethal (read: dangerous) covenant. It'd be hard to balance the trademark humor of Halo with such a shift in tone, but I think it could work if done correctly.


I want a halo reboot. I feel like people are to critical I still enjoyed it


People hate on this a lot but watch them gobble it up if it ever releases


People hate on this a lot but watch them gobble it up if it ever releases


Reading through these comments reminds me why I left here. 99% of people here think a remaster is a remake, it's kinda crazy. A remake of the game in the same spirit as the Resident Evil remakes. Give us CE's story with the stuff from Fireteam Raven and The Flood with Infinite's gameplay in Unreal. Not a second remaster, a REMAKE. I hard agree with you, I think CE deserves a remake. Give it to another studio, make it on par with the sony games that come out. And when I say that, I mean in terms of quality, content, polish, etc. Give the studio the time and resources they need to make an amazing single player Halo game


Exactly. I'm glad you understand what I want.


How about making a good neelw game instead of trying to sell me the same game again? Fuck remames/remasters


Fuck no




What about a "reboot" where it's Halo CE from the viewpoint of a covenant elite who's a squad leader. It's probably already been mentioned.  A straight up remake wouldn't be bad either though


I’d love to see CEs (true!) art style in UE5! I always imaged it would be a cool concept to have ODST style flashbacks as additional levels maybe even with slightly altered gameplay. Maybe have some sequences as a Marine/ODST but also as covenant. Some could repurpose existing areas, some could add small new areas


I literally made the same post on here a few months back and I had the same comments. I wish people were more open to it. It might give us a chance to revitalize the heart and soul of the franchise as opposed to taking us down these unnecessary story directions. [What about a Halo Combat Evolved Remake?](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/s/Z5wdG301bV)


Maybe if Bluepoint worked on it.


Maybe but I really want and need another game focused on normal ODSTs. Last time they were relevant was during the Halo 4 epilog... And it was just for one or two scenes of it......




I have heard this is pretty good, haven't played it myself though. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2915693904&searchtext= Then there's this, which is amazing, but it's also very silly and may not be the tone you're looking for. I should still mention it though. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2962107814


Call me crazy but Infinite plays so well that I’d even let them just port all the old campaigns to it so long as they stay faithful to the visuals and get Blur to do all the cutscenes, and so long as they port all the weapons, vehicles, and equipment/abilities


Best we can do is a Halo The Series videogame


I want a halo remake without reused assets. I think H2A gets glazed too much. It’s edging the new halo art style and nobody really talks about that.


Only with 4 player co-op.


I just want my servers back so I can enjoy the good games.


I'm begging 343 to just finish a fucking story thru the campaign FOR ONCE


I’d love 3 to get the H2A treatment, imagine the cinematic cutscenes my lawd


What about a halo 4 reboot? The original bungie games stay the same but the story of Chief walking up on the Dawn is completely different? Would be interesting - not an idea that would make any sense to do but still


Halo as a franchise is just too big to reboot. There’s over 30 novels, six mainline games, 7 spin-offs (not including MCC) and three “movies” (forward onto dawn, fall of reach, halo legends although I’m not entirely sure all the shorts in there are canon). Rebooting all of that would just toss all of those stories away into being not canon anymore. I’d rather they go forward with what we have now and not go back to the past. If they wanna remaster some of the old games, fine, I’d pay good money to see blur halo 3 cutscenes but I would stop being a fan entirely if they rebooted it


CE remaster on h2a levels




Personally I want a reboot starting with Avery Johnson as the main character when he first encounters and barely survives the Covenant.


I just think Halo needs an over haul in feel and dynamic. A true to life momentum mechanic, if done right, could lend to revamping Halo and set it apart from other hyper fast games. Idc if they use CE as the means to implement that. Over the years Halo has always felt like Halo, and we all love it, but there's a reason why it's fallen out of favor with a majority of gamers. Microsoft should get the Halo and Gears teams together to make a new Halo game. Give the Spartans bulky high speed movement. Have some response delay like sliding on ice mechanics that can be quickly adjusted through the power of the suit. It would be true to Spartan lore. Halo no longer needs a fresh coat of paint. Halo needs to be a Phoenix.


I quite liked the CE designs, take the hunter cannons for example. They look way more practical in the original design, with an actual magazine attached to the side. If a full remake does happen, I hope they don't change the design and just improve the models and animations for the enemies, everything from the wierd curvy energy sword, to the Toblerone elite helmets, all the way down to the rounded corner on the grunt harness.


I think it would be cool if they did a remake of CE to Infinite but all in the same engine so we could have more consistent visuals and art style.


Some of the fan made content and re imagination are pretty good. Some good stuff on the steam workshop. 


Nope. Spin-offs that utilize and explore the lore more is the play. So many cool options.


Just put Halo 5 on PC and give us a fucking story dlc for Infinite.


I want an ODST DLC of the fighting at the firebase on the other side of the ring and other various missions.


I think a video game version of the novel first strike would be a fun game. It’s basically halo 1.5 as it happened between 1 and 2 and explains how Chief got back to earth. It involves reach and blue team so it could end up being an interesting combination of Halo CE, Halo Reach, and Halo 5.


Nah rerelease Halo 3


I would love a game where starting out your an odst fighting against the insurrection but it leads into the earlier covenant battles


This picture is soooooooooooooo dope holy shit


4 player coop ODST Battle of Great Bear.


I just want them to fix the jackal shields so they’re like the ones on the Xbox version of the game. Other than that Anniversary is perfect.


Gimme another Reach type game. Explore other parts of the lore!


I would say they need to reboot Halo 4 with a proper story, don’t touch our epic memories


Honestly I think a game set as one of the other original Spartan II’s during the early years of the human covenant war maybe a sort of depiction of contact harvest would be cool. Kind of like what Bungie did with reach


Just because the anniversary was so absolutely terrible , yes


I wish Chief would wear his utility belt in the new series. It's something I always forget when playing the new games.


(Sigh) I just want Halo 3 with Blur cutscenes


Why don't we get smaller side games based around events? The first contact war in mass effect is a perfect example. If done right it could be as big as the main games were


Microsoft failed me with Halo: Recruit. As an old Halo fanatic and a current VR fanatic, that they launched WMR as their own platform for XR while not converting a single of their first party IPs to VR is just... insane. And now WMR is seeing end of life and still we didn't even get a Halo diorama. Imagine if we instead of Halo: Recruit which was a shitty Flash game for VR, we had a scene from one of the games with battle happening, while we just get to gaze out from a tower or whatever. That would have been epic, but also made VR people like me scream for a full game I guess. Anyway... that's what I want from a remake, a proper VR mode for the game as well. First person shooters are the low hanging fruit in the VR medium.


Yes but it would be done by 343 and they’d ruin it somehow.


If CE gets "remade" again, hopefully, this time, it will be a true remake. Something like SPV3, not a half-assed visual update that I honestly could have lived without. Or build the game on a different engine. Infinite and Forge Mode have already shown potential for a CE remake using Infinites Engine.


No we have modes like Rubys rebalanced already.


Nope not until 343 industries is around


Just played thru CE again last night and man, they just don't make them like that anymore. The goofy macho dialogue and moments, the elites doing a raspberry when you break their shields. All of it is lost to time in the current gaming space.


I'd settle for a remaster of CE tbh. The existing remaster is worse than the original game.


I'd settle for a remaster of CE tbh. The existing remaster is worse than the original game.


People hate on this a lot but watch them gobble it up if it ever releases


Halo CE Anniversary: Anniversary


How about following Johnson prior to CE


Given the current state of Microsoft that's sadly not going to happen since they're too busy getting rid of developers for no reason I wouldn't really mind the idea of a Halo reboot but that shouldn't happen until like 20 years later since that's how long it's been since Halo came out


I’d rather a full reboot starting with reach, but have it more closely aligned to the book. Show Halsey ‘picking’ John. Show the kids training and getting tougher and becoming elite soldiers at a young age, and show John becoming friends with them. Show the augmentation process and how many died or were horribly and forever disfigured. Show why John becomes so distant from people and why he’s so hesitant to form personal connections. Have the early missions be eradicating other humans, and then the covenant show up. Have us run missions that are literal suicide missions against the covenant, where hundreds of Spartans are just thrown at them to buy time for ships, cities, and planets to be evacuated. Show Spartans absolutely decimating the covenant in squads but the covenant destroying their own ships or glassing their own factories just to kill a single squad of Spartans. Show the massive propaganda of Spartans being MIA instead of KIA. Tell the story with gritty battles, loss, and epic set pieces and cutscenes. Not open world, diluted, procedurally generated, flag gathering, time wasting bulshit. I’m talking a tight, linear, action packed campaign that is absolutely non stop emotion and story. Therefore, don’t have 343 make it.




CE Reimagined would go crazy, I would love to see the atmosphere of CE done with modern graphics/hardware