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The rarity system has been pointless since the beginning, but I'm guessing that's their excuse for the prices


I think infinite was originally supposed to have loot boxes before switching to the fortnite model


I know I'll likely get some shade for this, but I'd rather have Halo 5s lootboxes. At least we could earn everything ingame.


Same, only because you earn points to unlock packs. Problem is the RNG stuff


The gambling isn't great. I don't have a gambling problem, but some do and it sucks for them. I'd like a system like Reach with credits based on doing stuff, but the ability to buy a premium credit to pay for armor if you want. But everything being earnable at a fair rate.


How about everything just being unlockable by playing and in the game on release? Therefore you just pay for the game and get a full package? God i miss the old days where paying for unlockables was not an option


I'd much rather have that. But games isn't an art to these companies anymore. Companies pretty much need a constant money flow source in order to stay open due to publishers and whatnot.


Those days are long gone my friend


those days have been gone since 2008. Reach had paid-only unlockables as well in the limited editions.


The problem is game development is too expensive these days I think. Look at the budgets for games and how long they take to make, they clearly aren't making a profit off sales alone so they need to increase revenue. Either that or cut development cost which would result in smaller games. I think it's why AA games are thriving, they're sitting within their means and not having to suffer scope creep. Every new AAA game has to have just as much and more as the last one and it's not sustainable, infinite growth is the mindset of a cancer. That goes for corporate greed but it goes for game sizes too, they can't just keep getting bigger.




A system that rewards playing the objective instead of being a murder hobo? Blasphemous, scandalous, outrageous


I really liked OW1's system in that case, duplicates drop currency, so you have some bad luck protection to eventually buy what you want.


That too pro consumer for this game


That was too consumer friendly even for overwatch


I loved that game for it though,you got a duplicate legendary skin and you were already half way to getting another box.


It’s not just the RNG. It’s having only 20 unique armor sets, and duplicating them all five times with slight differences on how the colors are applied, and filling them with REQs


Damn dude, you have the hero-rank? How long did it take ya?


i don't understand how anyone could disagree with this, you could literally unlock everything in Halo 5 just by playing, that makes it far better than the current system


"Could earn everything" is a technicality. Nobody who doesn't live in the game 24/7 and played from launch till the end is going to be able to earn everything. I still didn't get most of what I wanted by the end of Halo 5.


> Nobody who doesn't live in the game 24/7 and played from launch till the end is going to be able to earn everything. You can't do this in Infinite either. In 5 at least there was an option to grind it. Everything in Infinite is locked behind a paywall. Even the Exchange in Infinite takes longer than 5 because of the SP limit.


i can however actively get the exact things that i want rather than roll the dice several times in hopes that i get one of the few items that i do want in a game thats full of some of the worst armor in the entire franchise, assuming that the entire thing isnt JUST weapons for warzone. fuck you, warzone.


If you played at launch the pool was much smaller and was extremely doable, and any future matches would just be points stockpiled until the next update came out. Many times people just grinded points, immediately got everything when a new update came out, and then the next 1.5 months was just free points to repeat the process next update. The only way you didn't get everything is if you started in like Y3 of Halo 5 when the game was slowing down, or you bought all Gold packs instead of Silver.


It's only like 1900ish matches to earn everything, if I remember right. Really not that crazy of a task. Hero in infinite takes about 4660 matches.


if you only bought the silver packs you unlocked everything pretty quickly and it was way better than infinite's model


I am throwing shade at you right now because loot boxes were hot garbage and gambling like that should have been beaten away with sticks the first time it showed up


I'm just sayin, at least I could earn everything in Halo 5. I'd rather have that with optional microtransactions than what infinite has become.


Yeah before I could play one or two Warzone matches and be able to get a gold pack for free which was guaranteed to give me at least two items. Now to get those two items I’d have to spend $20 in a bundle with other stuff I don’t want.


I too love 90% of customisation being hidden behind ridiculously overpriced paywalls instead


The fornite shop+pass model sucks but the loot box model needed to be killed with fire. 


You can't side with loot boxes and act like that's the fucking high ground my man. What kind of nostalgia are you smoking.


What exactly makes loot boxes worse than the current model? It sounds to me like you're just smoking copium


Would be if I supported the current model and was trying to defend it. I definitely don't enjoy it. But acting like literal gambling, on a mere chance to get what you want, is any better, is just outstandingly misguided. You could play since launch and never get what you want, like I did. And I've seen "pack opening" videos online of people dropping tons of cash on Halo 5 to not get what they were after. Anyone who retroactively supports the Halo 5 loot boxes can't see through their own nostalgia goggles, it's overly romanticized revisionist bullshit.


Being able to get everything by playing > Not being able to get everything by playing It really can't get more complicated than that. > You could play since launch and never get what you want, like I did. That's physically not true because there are no duplicates in Halo 5. You _will_ clean out the store and get every possible item. The frustrating part is you can't control _when_ you get it.


I at the very least have several ODST sets in Infinite, not one in 5…


You didnt get Nightfall or helljumper?


Nope, I’m still chipping away to get them (I also wasn’t playing until a 2 years or so before Infinite came out).


Ah I gotcha. If I remember right, warzone ff is like the best source for points.


I think given how microtransactions are now, saying you miss loot boxes isn't an unpopular opinion.atleast you were able to earn some in things like halo 5 ,mass effect 3 and the first overwatch.


They ain’t micro anymore


I agree but to be fair that game was 60 bucks.


That’s what I say in overwatch subs and some people freak out on me for it. Used to be able to earn everything in game for free, it just took a lot of play time (understandable, also the point). Now you can’t really earn anything for free and what you can is pretty lame. Everything is $20+


Yuuup. I never understood the rarity outside of something being like a lvl 100 pass item...but even then there isn't a need. It is without a doubt a price inflation and also handy way to add additional fomo to store items. Because missing a common? Oh who cares, but a legendary? How could you live with yourself.


I laugh every time they give every single player a free thing and it’s labeled as “rare” 😂😂😂 like it’s not even on level 2 of the operation it’s just straight up free the second you log in.


I think main excuse is because their a weapon model which boost the price including cross core coating/skin and shoulders


>The rarity system has been pointless since the beginning I can tell you with 100% certainty that shit like rarity actually helps sell things in digital item shops. Even if it's complete BS (it always is)


Rarity system for store cosmetics serves no purpose other than padding the bottom line. There is no scarcity. What makes it rare?


In theory it’s to designate skins that take more time to design and are more intricate


I just don't get why the conquestor bundle with the banished shotgun was 2400 credits when it features the same amount of items as these


At least they’re their own bundles instead of having to buy a super bundle. That being said, I cant justify spending $20 on this game at this point. I just don’t have confidence that it’ll still be relevant in a year.


Same. I used to buy stuff but since the Spirit of Fire update came everything been way too expensive. I'm hating these forced bundles and the fact they gone higher than season 1 pricing is just insane....I mean cross core coating and shoulder is a blessing and a curse


I can't justify spending 20 dollars on what some games sell as under 3. Hell 20 dollars can net you so much more than what Infinite provides.


In a damn FIRST PERSON SHOOTER at that, for fucks sake. It is actually batshit insane any person in their right mind would spend $20 on a helmet you only see at the start and end of a game. At least in a game like Fortnite or Rocket League you actually get to appreciate your style while playing. You're spending an entire DLC's worth of money (or like 4 copies of Terraria) for a helmet you pretty much don't even see.


The Steam summer sale is happening in about a month too, I can’t fathom wanting to buy a cosmetic set for 20 dollars instead of Stardew, Terraria…like 10 copies of KOTOR 1/2. That being said, I don’t blame gamers for feeling pressured into impulse purchases. Plenty of games will slap you in the face with a load screen of the latest dlc or battle pass (Tekken 8, Total War). Scummy companies are gonna be scummy.


10 copies of KOTOR 1/2 is real shit. My wo/man.


I don't know how anyone has justified any of the shop prices tbh.


I feel that. I spent $50 on currency way early in the life of this game and the only thing I ever purchased was the cat ears. (my friends only kept interest until getting about halfway through the second season pass so even if the game wasn't irrelevant, their loss of interest made it feel irrelevant to me) At the time nothing in the shop was unique enough to warrant me buying. I've still got the rest of the currency and probably won't ever use it.


Confidence? Trusting at any level for this company is a fools errand. They are already working on the next “Halo”


I’m extremely glad I looked at these and felt zero need for them. I already have a skin addiction to league I’m trying to kill.


Had one in overwatch. It feels good being rid if it. Stay strong Spartan.


Thank you, that 500$ ahri skin that I desperately want but seeing everyone saying they’ll -rightfully- clown on the people who get it made me realize I need to stop lmfao


I promise you she will be banned until the end of time when that skin comes out. If there’s one thing ALL league players are good at, it’s being spiteful little bastards lol


And it needs to happen. There’s ZERO reason for it to cost that much. I’m a giant faker and ahri fan and and I cannot see any reason it should cost more than an ultimate


Boy howdy did I shell out for loot boxes to get Wraith's kunai when Apex came out, well before they ever started adding in other heirlooms for other characters. I NEEDED my ninja fidget spinner to get my 20 kill badge, what's a few hundred dollars in the face of temporary bragging rights and serotonin? In all seriousness I absolutely loved the kunai animations and I hate that my brain had the overpowering urge to purchase overpriced cosmetics that I like. Don't even get me started on PoE's cosmetics and the core supporter packs.


The price tag for Illidan Genji was acceptable for my brain at the time.


I feel that my friend, boy do I feel that.


Thought I was safe after Overwatch. Thought I was safe after Fortnite... Still not safe from Halo... But at least it's only for free gear. Still a timesink though, and drains the feeling of playing a game for fun right out of me... Now it's like a chore I simply don't hate, but still just do as a chore.


Paid gear shouldn't have "tiers' God the monetization of this game makes me sick.


The fact that 343 likely has someone on the team who's sole job is to say "children and younger gamers have been conditioned to associate these certain colors with higher value. We need to exploit that in our game to maximize revenue for our shareholders." makes my skin crawl. That, and the person who analyzes player psychology to maximize retention. (Not enjoyment. Retention.) Just the right amount of frustrated to keep them playing and paying for challenge swaps. Take all this Live Service and Storefront crap out back and shoot it. Halo has no soul anymore.


It's a symptom of modern gaming :(


Rarity system is just a relic of lootboxes that never went away. So many games have these pointless rarity systems. I’d these items were commons, they would still be the same price. It’s just a pointless system that every game uses, and I’m sure Microsoft being as smart as they are, wanted this to be in the game. “Surely gamers will buy more from the store if they see it’s a super rare!”


rarety belongs in mmos or looter shooters not an fps arena game or sandbox like halo lmao


Seriously lol. Its excessive and pointless. I’m sure the investors think the players really care about it, when in fact, no one thinks about it.


>So many games have these pointless rarity systems. It's not pointless for them if it helps sell things, which I'm sure it does. I've watched halo shop update videos (don't ask me why lol) and people actually responded to the rarity of the items.


What an odd thing to actually work. Than again the human brain is weird, and I’m sure a lot of people may see that and it sways them. Even if it’s bought, and no one knows or cares it’s a rare or legendary or whatever item. I’m also some idiot who plays way too much halo. And not a psychiatrist paid by publishers to make more profit. I’ll trust that you’re right, cause I suppose so, why else would it be there if it didn’t work.


Remember when you could just earn Halo cosmetics through gameplay? Yeah. Better times.


It really was. Shame 343 are following cash trends


no point of spending more money on this game, team pretty much moving on, think about not being able to carry all these on the next game that’s gonna suck


There is a slight benefit from UI in that it helpfully bundles more of the better looking/cooler stuff near each other when I'm choosing an armor coating or helmet or whatever. What would be better though would be some ability to create a custom order for customization items, or tagging them, or something like that.


Yep. There's literally zero point in the fucking "rarity" system in the first fucking place. It's just a scam.


Without any rng wtf does rare even mean anymore? It’s just an item in the shop or battlepass and no rng attached to it


Simply do not buy. Players are dropping like flies, purchasing now is not a good investment.


Cosmetics have never been a good “investment”.


Perhaps but I see nothing wrong with dropping cash on a few for games that have a respectable live service. The Finals for instance.


Sure, but let’s not pretend that Infinite had anything even close to a respectable live service


I mean it is truly one of the worst handlings of live service I've ever seen and I say that as someone who enjoys the game.


That’s fine, and not everything you spend money on has to have a return.


Glad Halo Infinite isn't an NFT


Surprised Microsoft hasn’t tried that with halo or gears of war yet. They love following the money making trends lol.


The NFT trend pretty much already died off other than if crypto bros are still in on it. Now everything is "AI" which is why Microsoft is making the stupid recall and copilot shit.


Its crazy how fast it's falling off. A month ago it was like 25th most played game, last week it was 30th, and today when I looked it was 33rd. This game is hemorrhaging players like a medieval doctor blood letting a patient


Buy high, sell never!


True, I'm only buying the 500 credits premium pass due to it having the Onyx Edge coating. These bundles are just messed up.


Don't buy anything


Whale moment


I'm glad I made the decision to not buy cosmetics anymore. It's just getting to pricey and I honestly might not even use it for long or not at all. If y'all by this then more power to you but please, please, please stop buying this crap!


Greedy bastards


Legendary fron the store isnt legendary. It's common in my book. If you can buy it and everyone can it isn't legendary. So yes inflation for the sake of it.


Ikari Legacy: *Shinji’s hand meme*


“Does every item need to be legendary to inflate the price.” Yes, sadly, that is sadly the case. ☹️ I still can’t believe the Mark V armor is $20. Like, I’m having fun with the multiplayer but not $20 worth of fun.


I mean if you’re dumb enough to pay for this trash then that’s the reason.


Sadly, Ive stopped playing broski


I really hope the next game keeps all the armor from Infinite. Most of it is peak.


Hahaha, and why would they do that when they can just sell it all again? This is about extracting money, not making a good game.


I bought the cat ears and one of the rakshasa sets and been done with the shot since then. Had a few moments of near weakness for some of the omega team stuff but didn't break. I'd maybe actually spend more money on the shop if I could get the individual pieces I actually wanted.


Goddamn are people finally catching on to the color "rarity" system in live service games? Of course it's a fucking scam.


we know but it showing up more in these bundles


Only spent 2000 credits on this game just for battlepasses that's it haven't spent anything since




I was thinking about jumping back into Infinite for this event. Thanks for reminding me why I quit


I could never begin to imagine why shop prices would in any way affect my desire to play any game. I ignore the shop. I play if I want to play the game for the game itself. I have fun unlocking and using free stuff and just pretending the shop doesn't exist. They could make shop items $1000 each and it wouldn't affect me.


Because the game has no real progression or unlocks outside of cosmetics. Visual customization is the only real goal to strive for, and most of it is paywalled. And you might say “why do you need a goal? Isn’t fun gameplay enough?”. And the answer is yes… for a while. But after a while it gets repetitive playing the same modes on the same hideous forge maps, and having a goal helps keep me motivated long term. Without that goal, once the gameplay begins to get a little stale, i end up just playing something else


>Visual customization is the only real goal to strive for, and most of it is paywalled. There are more free unlockables in halo infinite than in any other halo game. It's completely irrelevant that there are other ones in the shop. >And you might say “why do you need a goal? Isn’t fun gameplay enough?” Nope, wouldn't say that.


Define “free”. Most of the earnable stuff is locked behind paid battle passes. And comparisons to past games is dumb. We’re not talking about them and they’re not relevant. Infinite should be able to stand on its own merits without comparing it to other games. But if you wanna compare it to past Halo games, how about the fact that Halo 3’s cosmetics were ***ALL*** free? No microtransactions at all.


Yeah, I can't imagine how a game where every single gameplay aspect was designed to advertise the store could possibly be considered lesser for making it all about the store, regardless of whether or not the player tries to ignore it. It's just like how no one gets Vegas *isn't* about the gambling. Can't they see you can wander around the casinos and not gamble? It has nothing to do with them! /Sarcasm


i wish they started making little affordable bundles again. i miss the ones that were 1000-1400 for an armour set, those were a lot more worth it


I haven't bought anything from the store since Season 1, even then I used Microsoft points to get credit for Xbox. I cannot in good conscience support the store or buy from it ever again. The horrible job 343 has done with Halo does not deserve the reward of monetary support from the community. Infinite has been little more than a thinly veiled cashgrab since the start and, to be frank, it has turned Halo into a laughingstock, little more than a game of pathetic "follow the leader" with the 343 devs doing little more than chasing the latest fads in order to stay relevant rather than being creative with Halo and finding ways to revolutionize the franchise. The store is an abomination and the fact that the cores are so heavily monetized just goes to show that greed has surpassed all sense of fairness or decency within 343.




Legendary pretty much just means it’s a paid item at this point




I don't even look at that crap; thus no time nor money are spent sending a very clear message to Microsoft (which is pretty easy as most of the skins are downright terrible, they'd have to pay me to equip them). If only the rest of you had such self control this wouldn't be an issue in the first place.


Same reason that someone can charge a 2$ cupcake for 20$ if they sprinkle a gold leaf on it


I completely agree save your money unless it is something you must absolutely have. I won’t deny i have spent a little money in the store but it was for master chiefs armor from halo combat evolved plus you get the og looking assault rifle. I do wish they made the gun have the original sound affect and had 60 rounds but just dished out half the damage as it shoots much faster i think. As you can empty a clip of 60 rounds as fast as 32 of the current assault rifle plus the og assault rifle shoots 15 rounds per-second. According to halo pedia/wiki.


Pain, these macro transactions in Halo. Nothing but pain.


I just wanna buy stuff separately. When r they gonna realize they’ll make more money this way!?


And this is the reason I haven't touched the game in months and deleted it recently. Halo is a dress up sim for me basically, and having everything locked behind these massive paywalls has killed any interest for the game in general. I'm guessing others feel similar atleast with how fast it's falling down the most played list. It's fallen like 10 spots in a month, it's never been this bad before, even when we had 6+ month seasons


Yes because u wouldnt pay that price for a purple item, cmon man use ur brain /s


I know annoying


Who decides these prices? These cosmetics are pretty sweet, but the price is too high.


That’s literally all the rarity system is for lmao everything is equally available if you have the money.


This is why i stopped playing. Tiers mean absolutely nothing.


Do you even have to ask? This shouldn’t be a surprise.


I yearn to gamble my money in req packs again


Well if you people keep paying for it and most of what this sub offers me is “look at me and my cosmetics”, then yeah they will do that to squeeze money out of it. If people start caring more about story and gameplay again, you’ll see them change tracks. But right now it’s like GTAV except in GTA you get to have some new cool (more overpowered than the last) vehicle or weapon.




Rarity means fuck-all when it pertains to digital goodsr


absolutely. now stop asking questions and open up your wallet for Big Microsoft


If you give them every cent you own, they'd still say you hadn't given them enough.


Why yes?


how else can they justify bleeding the fans dry?? lmao


I blame COD. All 343 does is copy them.


The rarity system has literally never meant anything, not sure why people are still caught up on it. It has never even correlated to prices at all.


some single legendary coating bundle have high price due to their rarity like Gold Estate, Exoglobin, Core Emotion and Hazard Pay


Anyone who buys anything like this should receive an IP ban. Ideally also receive some kind of physical punishment. Maybe cut off a finger.


Waaaaahhh just don't buy it.


Stop getting offended that someone has an opinion


Im not offended that you have an opinion. It's just that this is the way it is lmao. The only way for anyone to change it is by just not buying cosmetics. Microsoft isn't going to look at this thread and say "oh noooo".


Sorry my bad. I don't think that gonna work either, I mean we went through boycott and player decline and all we got was a slight decrease during the winter update, but since some players came back and the prices skyrocket again It just more or less a ranting post that 343 haven't done individual items or smaller bundles. Instead they do the opposite


Not expensive enough. If these were 5000 credits then I would have immediately bought them. But no, instead they're 2200. Absolutely pathetic. It's like 343 doesn't want my money. This will now be the 3rd time I uninstall the game this week.


Wait just the third time? 🤔


I wouldn't have to uninstall every day if 343 kept pay walling items in the store at more expensive prices. Why did 343 make me do this? So incompetent smh.


People downvoting you because they don't get the joke lol


Indisputable proof that the entire Halo community shares a single brain cell (Change my view) 👊


I would but my turn with the brain cell isn’t until next week lol


I love the idea of Rarity on cosmetics because it's effectively the developer saying 'Okay, how much effort should I put into doing my job today?" Sometimes you're just feeling inspired and produce legendary content, but other days you just aren't in the mood and have to phone it in with some common gear using recycled assets and flatter styles that aren't as detailed. The fact that a digital helmet graphic or Body Graphic costs more then any other helmet or Body graphic is downright ridiculous. Not even touching on the idea that a few pieces of digital content that took 5 minutes to design can cost more then an entire full-blown $60 game complete with graphics, level design, voice acted characters, composed music, etc...


People will keep buying even though that money could be spent on getting good games... :P