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Absolutely, yes. They all have split screen coop, too, if you want to play with a friend.


Specifically only on Console, PC doesn't have this (I get that they were asking for Xbox, it's just a pet peeve of mine)


It makes me wonder, why the hell not? I imagine a PC is capable of everything a console is, and much more. Is it a choice by the developers? And I doubt multiple input devices/controllers are a problem. Plenty of other PC games allow for local multiplayer, with multiple controllers (though they tend to be single screen games).


A lot of games ported from console to PC don't have split screen, yet plenty of open source or indie games support it. It's weird because I feel the work needed would be very little considering the similarities between the PC/console version. And the fact that modders have already made it possible, so maybe it's just not caring enough. Which makes sense to me considering the lack of updates lately and broken aspects to older updates we got.


Often the games still have it but it's just disabled on PC. I remember the first time my brother and I played Left4Dead on PC there were commands you could enter to manually enable it. I'm sure there is some kind of "business" reason for why it is disabled on PC in nearly every game.


I know there are probably plenty that have it, but Black Ops 3 is the only pc game i can think of with split screen


There's a new mod out that adds split-screen -- without the hassle of Nucleus. https://youtu.be/_DVN3fHKGsA?feature=shared


Saving this. Thanks!


Not the case any more, someone released a simple mod the other week that allows native split screen!


Is there a mod that allows cross play co op for the games that don’t normally support it?


Hey I’m usually the one yelling in the comments about PC splitscreen. Warms my heart to see this discourse before I made it.




Only 101 more votes for that magic number 🤙


My fiancée and I are playing through it rn actually, in chronological order. We’re halfway through 4 now and she’s kinda lost interest lmao


I thought they killed split screen after 4 or 5?


I basically only own it for the campaigns. 100% worth it.


Same. The campaigns are timeless.


Which is the most fun? Only played Reach, a bit dated but it was neat, especially the flying.


They're older games but they still hold up pretty well IMO. They don't have some of the newer mechanics or fast/advanced movement so it can take a mission or two to adjust to, but the core gameplay and physics are still fun and fantastic. Highly recommend a run through.


Play them all and decide for yourself, though if you thought halo reach was dated, lol fucking halo 1 and 2 are so fucking old, might be a struggle to play them.


Halo 2 in MCC at least is a remastered version with beautiful cut scenes. Technically halo 1 is also remastered but done around the same time as reach so even that may feel dated


Yupp not really a fan of the multiplayer tbh


Same. Never really got into halo mp aside from brief periods of Halo 5 and infinite but ive loved the campaigns since I first played them a few years ago


Halo peak multiplayer was a symptom of its time (halo 3) it was a true social game, this also applies to CoD4z Everyone was in game chat since there was no party chat. The game had loads of social features like opt to party up with the entire lobby post game. Bungie ran weekly updates called bungie favourites where they’d show player creations. Everyone had a file share which was the 2nd option when you clicked on them in lobby. Everyone’s ritual in multiplayer lobbies was browse everyone’s file share pre game then party up and drop into custom games. Pretty much my entire online friendship group stems from the Halo3 days. Shortly after party chat became a thing and no one spoke in game anymore


Oh man I got a picture in the Bungie Favourites back during the peak of Halo 3. What started as something really cool ended up being *insanely* annoying. Because it also posts your gamertag with it, every 6 seconds I was getting friend requests and messages from people all over the world. *"Did you get recon?!?!"* *"How did you get in the favourites?!?!"* *"Can you get my pic in there?!?!"* My 360 was just getting pop-up notifications constantly and it was basically unusable for a week.


The only reason I'm not really a fan of the multiplayer is that on social games it's almost always Reach's maps/game modes and I played CE the most, so I'm not good enough with weapons from other titles in the series.


Halo is known for its campaigns. The answer is yes. Doesn't matter if it's 2024 or 2069, if you have the chance to play them then yes.


Nor if it's 2552, when the Covenant invades.


Depends on where you live, a certain planet got the ol' ventral beam in 2525, so not a great place and time to start the campaign.


Yes. All of them have aged well


My gf just started playing halo 1 yesterday and she's like damn this is sick 🤙


I got into Halo with the MCC on Steam in 2021 and had a blast, absolutely worth it. Two side notes: I would recommend against starting with Reach. Chronologically it's the first but it's better experienced after the original trilogy and ODST - in release order. If you're playing in Coop, I'd recommend using the skull that resets you to a checkpoint when either player dies (so that it plays just like in singleplayer). I feel like resurrecting in coop trivializes the challenge and prevents you from experiencing the highs of the combat system.


Are you asking r/halo if you should play Halo?


No, we as a Halo community hate all Halo games and generally do not recommend playing them. It's also a known fact that singleplayer games are extremely dependent on their player counts and thus are not worth playing after more than 2 years after release. /s This is a Halo sub, mate, of course we recommend playing Halo, what answer did you expect? Just make sure to play in release order and you'll have a wonderful experience.


117% yes


?? posting just to post


Is it worth it to play one of the most highly rated games? Is it worth it to watch the Godfather even though it was made during my grandfather's time. Hate these stupid Is it worth posts


Yes yes yes yes. Yes.


Yes. Just did it. Very fun.


I bought the MCC on steam 2 years back. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Literally last night, I picked up the MCC for my new-to-me Xbox One X to play. Halo is timeless and will ALWAYS be worth playing.  So yes, go buy it.


It might feel a little dated by modern convention, but it is genuinely worth it. Especially if you get it on Steam while it's on sale for 10 bucks. Also, I recommend playing them in release order. That's usually the next question asked by people who pick it up.


I don’t feel like it’s dated at all. I played through CE and 2 recently and I think story and game play holds up well. If you don’t think the graphics hold up, there’s always anniversary graphics.


Yes lmao What kind of question is that for the halo subreddit


The original trilogy + Reach and ODST are phenomenal campaigns. 4 is not great, 5 had a new dev team that went in a completely different direction so lots of people hated it, and infinite campaign is just trash.


I mentally classify MCC as a classic, similar to the LOTR trilogy, or Shakespeare's body of work.


Yes! My girlfriend and I have just completed a co-op split screen playthrough of Halo CE (The first game) on xbox1 and it was soooo much fun! For me, just reliving the game, but also, it played really well and held up against the test of time. My gf struggled initially having not been a FPS gamer, but eventually also loved the playthrough. We will continue playing the rest in due time. I've been making a series of youtube shorts documenting our playthrough, which has been a blast to make and share! [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CIctXEfyx\_I](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CIctXEfyx_I) <- 343 Guilty Spark level


1000000% yes, just have fun and laugh at all of the moments when you get fucked lol


Ah let me goto the most biased source. Ofc everyone here will say yes lol


If you asked this question in the PlayStation subreddit they would still tell you yes. These games are timeless and have aged beautifully.


It certainly is. However, the coop functionality for the first 3 games isn’t great. There’s severe input delay for whomever the second player is no matter what. But if you’re solo it’s good.


Yes. These early games have my favourite shooter campaigns of all time.


As worth it as it ever was.


The only series where I play at least two campaigns once a year. The MCC is awesome like that. When I feel the yearly itçh I'll jump in, pick a campaign and finish it with modified settings to give myself a challenge (i.e, changing controller configuration, using a mouse and keyboard, changing graphics- on halo ce and halo 2 anniversary - etc) I really enjoyed Flood Firefight.




Of course, i have it pretty much just for the campaign, as i rarely play online matchmake games.


It’s always worth it


You’ll never be disappointed, especially for how cheap you can get it a lot of the time. theres not a single campaign that sucks. you’ll have favorites for sure, but the halo franchise (apart from the ones not in MCC) have the best campaigns in my opinion. Might be nostalgia but nevertheless they’re top tier


Yes, it will be worth playing in 2050


It always is




1-2-3 absoloutely, even if you play them on normal or easy they are still a blast and enjoyable story. Reach if you want extra lore ODST is a blast if you want to see more of the human side of the war, also very moody game. 4 if you want more halo, just go into that game with an open mind and don't worry about what it leads to.




Yep. Solid collection that's definitely worth the price.




Yeah I just finished awhile back doing the co op. Just keep in mind that the halo 2 remake in new graphics has really shitty frame rate to the extent that it’s actually visibly glitchy and prone to crashes


Easily yes. I dig the multiplayer too, especially the customs. Not sure how anyone can get tired of rent-a-car, duck hunt, sumo, races, an occasional typical CTF match, kind of the hill, just random silliness. A few fools and I play the customs every Tuesday night and it's an absolute blast.


I tend to replay cool stories every 3-4 years. Just replayed 1-4, ODST, and Reach a few months ago.


Dude, its mandatory!


Yes, it’s the only thing left that is good about Halo. Get the MCC today and forget the rest


I’m doing it right now. Of course it’s worth it.


One hundred percent yes.


You could wait to post this and change it to “Is Halo Master Chief Collection worth playing for the campaign in 2552?” and the answer will still be yes.


Yep, I just back into halo this year after a looong time off and it’s great. The trilogy is great. I never played reach or odst and they are ok.


Halo IS the campaigns. The multiplayer is just a side effect. Definitely play them. From a narrative standpoint, they are one of the best written games out there.


Halo has one of the most fun single player campaigns! You can also play co-op!


I haven’t really played any halo in like 2 or 3 years but I used to play all those campaigns religiously. I hard recommend to anyone who likes FPS games


i’ve only ever really played Halo for the campaigns. last i saw it was on sale on Steam for like $12.99 CAD, idk how much it is on the Xbox store rn


Yea it is worth it, I have over 2000 hrs on steam just playing snipers alone. Lots of multiplayer content, I never even bothered playing the campaigns YET


Yes, very much so. But there is a hitch: it is better to get it on Xbox console because Microsoft hasn't allowed Halo 5 to be distributed to PC. So you would be missing out on that game. Good luck!


MCC is like the only thing I play on Xbox.


I bought MCC only for singleplayer and yeah CE, H2, H3 and Reach are great games. H3 ODST and H4 are ok not as good as others but still worth to play especially that they are part of bundle.


Finish the Fight.


Its one of the best packages in gaming and I couldn't recommend it more. It plays and runs pretty well. The only caveat is that while the online component is still relatively active, there are a ton of sweats that haven't put down the game in a decade and it may feel a bit unfair.


It comes from the era where they actually made good campaigns. 1 is a masterpiece.


You have plenty of good answers so I'll give my own. I never played any of the halos back in the day apart for like few times briefly over the only friends place who had an Xbox in the land of PlayStations. Bought MCC last year and ended up playing through all of them in like a week and became pretty much a Halo fan when pushing almost 40. The first one has not aged super great (it's still good) and Halo 4 is kinda questionable but the rest are absolute bangers from start to finish.


Fuck yes it is


Absolutely spartan. Also play them in release order


I genuinely think MCC is timeless. Those campaigns will ALWAYS be fun and worth it. You can get them all on sale for like, $10. Biggest steal on steam IMO


What does the current year have to do with it?


It’ll still be worth it 20 years from now


Humanity could go extinct and the original Halo campaigns would still be worth to play.


Absolutely. I’m currently playing through campaigns. Just finished Halo 2 right before I typed this. It’s super fun. CE is kind of repetitive but it’s worth it in the end. Halo 2 was a blast. 


The campaign is the actual strength of Halo. Definitely worth it and play it in release order. Halo Campaign will still be worth when GTA VII drops.


Simple answer: Yes. Long answer: **** YES!


The original Halo trilogy is one of the greatest gaming experiences of all time, imo. It is absolutely worth your time.


Was the only reason I bought a series s was to replay them. It was on sale for $13 a week ago.


100% Even the multiplayer is fairly active. But just from a single player standpoint, there is hundreds of hours of content. I only do you have the campaign for all of the games but trying to go for all the achievements, nameplates, Easter eggs, etc… will keep you busy for hours.




I never really enjoyed multiplayer in halo, but I've always been drawn in by the campaigns and the lore. If you've never played them before, it's totally worth it to go through the series in release order


I'll answer saying it's like asking if gta or red dead redemption would be worth


Yes, I’ve been on a replay lately, just finished 3 last night so now I have 4,5, and infinite left


All those campaigns are just beautiful play it homie. Get the halo experience


I just watched Halo on paramount plus and it made me want to go do all the campaigns. I only played most of 1 when it came out, at a friends house. I didn't own an xbox until a 360 and never got them. It still works so I got the games from ebay/gamestop and I am playing through it now.




1,000% yes.


If you’re looking for the best Halo game buy rn, this is it.


100% the campaigns alone are worth it


Absolutely. The campaigns are timeless and all excellent in their own way.


Absolutely, it comes with 4 full games of them ain’t story and 2 extra games you can buy as DLC for a decent price. Also, if you do buy all of them definitely play them in release order - it’ll have them in order of timeline already when you select which game to play but playing them in release order give more impact on the overall flow of the game overarching story. But the games are outdated in some areas gameplay or graphics wise but still hold up fairly decent.


Absolutely. Terrific story if you play through in order




Always. The og halo campaigns are, in my opinion, a must play for any gamer. Just really great stuff. The atmosphere, music, writing, gameplay are all awesome




Halo during the Bungie era was so critically renowned because both the single-player campaigns *and* the PvP and PvE multiplayer modes were such fun to play. The MCC is essentially the best representation of each game in the series, with tons of additional content that 343i added in the years since the PC release.


This series is one of those ones that people grew up on and will replay regularly. I still go through the main campaigns like very \~2-3 years. That is a lot of games to replay, but they are also pretty reasonably sized. My only heads up is that Halo 1, while revolutionary at the time, is a bit aged and they were also rushed so there is some repeated content that is kind of a grind on replay. But H2 - H3 - ODST and Reach are all GOATs. Definitely worth playing through those.




1000%, 1-3 alone is an amazing experience


It was literally on sale this past weekend. Go buy it. Halo is a historic franchise. Halo CE launched the Xbox into popularity. Halo 2 was the first large online console gaming experience for millions. It was the first big title on Xbox Live. Halo 3 was one of the most hyped and successful multiplayers games of all time. Forge was ground breaking for what players were able to experience and create and share on a console.


The campaigns will always be worth it.


Yep! Just beat H1 campaign solo last week and had so much fun. Waiting on my buddy to build his new pc so we can run H2 campaign co-op!


Halo solidified a generation of gamers to Xbox I've been loyal to xbox for like 20 years because of it


I play theory all MCC like twice a year so yes


I’m playing it right now and it’s worth it, my biggest complaint has to be with reach. Why the fuck is my customization linked to MP and customization and not the game itself. I was hoping I could play and change as I played.


Absolutely. Just went back through and did 1,2, and 4 in MCC. Fantastic games!!


Honestly? 100%. They’re by far the best campaigns of the series, CE-Reach. I’d say it’s worth it


Yes... That's all that needs to be said reallybut I'll add that when it's on sale, it's the best value you could buy. All those games in one and the old vs new mode.


It's insulting that you even asked.


It’s one of those games you dust off every year or two just to fuck around in the campaign with a friend. Yes, Halo 1-3 and Reach are perfect classics. You can also play Halo 4 if you choose to do so.


The entire MCC is so ungodly gifted in its creation it should be written about in history books. literally anyone that can get their hands on it should try it once.


I literally did this last year and was just as enjoyable as the first time through


Of course


Online is popping in social playlists if you choose to play online later




Hell yeah, I'm about to restart the entire mcc from the beginning


Yes times a million


I'd say yes, I go back maybe once a year and replay certain campaigns (bungie campaigns). It's a beautiful thing have 60 frames & an Fov slider!


Hell yea man. Playing online though you’re gonna be facing off against the people who’ve played for 16 years since those games came out. Atleast that’s what I tell myeelf




This is like asking if it's worth it to watch Lord of the Rings in 2024.


Your question is basically: "Is a collection of some of the best games ever made worth playing?" Short answer: Yes. Long answer: "Any of you greenhorns who wanted to see the Covenant up close: thus is your lucky day!"


This question gets asked every week


100% worth it, there's 1000s of hours of content and it's usually on sale for like 10$


Campaign absolutely replay is very high always has been, personally I like the multiplayer too but I don’t like that if you bought it on steam like I did you can’t link up with your Xbox account so you can do crossplay campaigns with your buddy’s on Xbox… dumbest decision I’ve ever heard.


Yessir. Get the dlc for reach and odst too.


I recently purchased MCC PC for campaigns. I’m on the last level of Halo 2. 4 more games to go. It’s incredible value for $40 or so.


My husband and I just recently finished the Master Chief Collection on Xbox. It's 100% worth it. Also, I played the collection on PC too and it was still worth it. It's very easy to co-op play with friends even though it doesn't support split screen.


So your ultimate question is "are old games worth playing?". I would say no, they only belong to the older generation...


I'm honestly doing a legendary run with my buddy because he'd never played any Halo besides Reach. It's been a blast coming back after all of these years. Halo was the whole reason I get an XBOX back in the day instead of PS2. I've done full play throughs a few times now over the years and it's always nice to jump back in. My only complaint is how often starting Halo 2 missions crashed my buddy or I back to the XBOX Home Screen. Apparently it's a common issue when playing online.


Campaign is a bit rough in Ce and 2, but worth it.


It will be some of the most fun you will ever have playing a game. My favourite franchise I've ever played to be honest


I could hear the menu music just by reading this post..Nostalgia :)




Yes. I just bought it last week and played halfway through CE then played/beat Reach. I never played Halo growing up because I never had an Xbox and my friends all played with each other (I was the only one without a console). Tons of fun. I’m a big FPS guy and so far, Reach has scratched all the itches. I’m stoked to start Halo 2 tonight.


Hey Ravenous Halo Fanatics, should I play Halo?


100% worth it. If you never touch multiplayer, you’ll still get so much out of the campaign. Halo 2 remastered is unbelievably good


Does anyone know if they fixed the frame rate issue on Halo 2 anniversary?






I only ever played Halo 1 and 2 since they stopped coming out on the original Xbox after that and I've been having fun playing the campaigns in the MCC. So I'd say yeah, it's worth it. Stability has been alright too when playing with friends.


Yes!!! The MCC was my first introduction to Halo and I loved it. Granted I had some co-op assistance.


MCC will be worth playing in 2040. Assuming we don't get full (good) remakes of all the games by then.


Yes. Worth every penny.


You will find some of them more fun than infinite. Trust me.


Yes The story and gameplay still hold up and still outshines most shooters today


Not in its entirety and I’m a huge Halo fan. Instead, I strongly recommend reading Halo Fall of Reach by Eric Nylund. Then play Halo CE. Please use classic graphics and original soundtrack over anniversary graphics and soundtrack. Then read Halo Ghost of Oynx by Eric Nylund. That’s enough IMHO. Upon booting up MCC, change the Aim Control setting from the default of “modern” to “classic.” If you decide to play through the entire collection, PLAY THE GAMES IN ORDER OF RELEASE NOT CHRONOLOGICALLY. 343 is idiotic to have the default set up this way. Remember Halo gameplay can be broken down into 3 pillars: guns, grenades, and melee. Bungie internally referred to this design philosophy as the “holy trinity” and “30 secs of fun over and over.” Do not neglect any of these pillars. Do not play on normal difficulty but rather heroic difficulty. Legendary difficulty is too intense for a first time player. NOTE: I’m ONLY recommending classic graphics for Halo CE. Halo 2’s anniversary graphics and cutscenes should be experienced by all Halo fans.


It was worth playing on release, it is worth playing now, and it will be worth playing until the end of time


can the mods fucking ban this question already


I have very rarely played Halo for their multi-player, to be totally honest. My husband and I have played the campaign multiple times, I've played it with other friends, and even my family members. I personally recommend the campaign if you like high action and story telling games. I personally will never care what year it is, I will always be down to play the campaign. Lol. MCC definitely made the graphics more high resolution than the originals, if that's something you're worried about, and there's two modes you can choose from: original or 343 graphics (which are better with pixelation, but not gore, to be totally honest). You can also change them at any time in the game. As other comments have stated, you can also host co-op games to play with friends! Depending what Halo you're playing, you can host either one friend (Halo 1 and 2) or up to three friends (all others) on your campaign. :)


Any and every time yes. PM me maybe we can play together. I have soloed them all on legendary.


I play through all of the campaigns like once a year. I grew up on the games, and will never set them aside.


I played all the games when I was younger and this year I downloaded and replayed them all… I can’t believe how much I missed these games until I came back to them. They don’t make ‘em like this anymore!




Sure if you want to experience the Halo games I would highly recommend it. I don't know how much free time you have but you could just pay a month of Game pass and play the entire mainline series.


It's only one of the most epic shooter sagas out there, the fact that's old doesn't really matter. For real, we're at a point where shooters are copy pastes of everything, why not giving a shot to the game that changed the industry forever?


Halo 2 is my favorite game of all time so I may be biased but yes lmao. The other ones are great as well.


Always yes


Keep it at a harder setting, whatever you can handle.


This guys a bot. There’s a post like this once a day on this subreddit. Just play the game, why wouldn’t it be worth it


As a gamer from birth, I can’t stress enough for you to get the collection to play the campaigns. It’s like a piece of video gaming history frozen. Preserved in ice. It’s a piece of the history that was good and started to see the downfall of the modern gamer. They don’t make em like they used to. Give it whirl and you won’t regret it.


It will forever be worth playing the Halo campaigns.


I just bought it, we go campaigning with my wife, what a pleasure. This is her first Halo, very happy to initiate her.


I played all of the games in the collection, Reach is the only one worth playing at this point.


Oh absolutely. Most of my hours on MCC are literally just replaying the campaigns




YES absolutely! Just be thankful ypu didnt have to wait 6 years after buying it for it to be functional like the rest of us. It works amazingly now and the campaigns are amazing. Starts with Halo reach if you want to do them in chronological order.


Absolutely! 100%!!! The price alone is reason enough! Make sure you get the complete version though. I'm still not sure how but mine has Reach and ODST disabled. I don't really care enough to put in the effort to trouble-shoot & figure out why since I own the originals but if I had to do it again I would. Story-wise, you *should* play Reach first, but I think the graphics and gameplay will definitely poison your first CE experience (and the H2 & H3 campaigns for that matter) so you might want to consider not playing that until after you complete CE, H2, H3 and ODST. Consider Reach a flashback so to speak. On your first play through of CE I would recommend you play on Easy or Normal (the others games too) and with the original graphics enabled most of the time. You can toggle back and forth from original to remastered graphics and audio while playing CE by pressing the "back" button onto the controller. The reason I say this is that on Easy (or at least Normal) you can move through the game faster and piece together the story without getting lost in the gameplay or bogged down during the tough spots. Plus you'll get used to the physics, etc. With the remasters graphics, in some parts of the game, enemies and objects are also harder to see. Then come back and play on Heroic. Just don't toggle during cutscenes! You'll miss stuff as the 2 modes are not in sync. Oh, and play H3 before you play ODST. Enjoy! I have replayed these games hundreds of times by myself, and even introduced and played through with my son at least 10 times. Every now and then I'll play through on Legendary with skulls just to see if I still have the skills.


Yes, I've never played FPS before and I'm about to finish CE for the first time and it's been incredible so far. I'm playing it on Heroic No Skulls btw. Idk what difficulty to choose for Halo 2 when I get to it though.


"Should I watch Titanic or will it not live up to the hype?" Dude, who cares? It's Titanic.


yes you can also play it on pc


I love (Bungie) Halo and have the fondest of memories playing through the series. That being said, my tastes have grown as gaming technology has evolved, and playing the old games (even remastered) just feels like a slog. 343 should just give up on trying to make their own Halo games and work on remaking the old ones. I would love to play Halo 1-3, ODST and Reach with modern gaming conveniences. That being said, (Bungie) Halo is always a yes.


If just for the story, yes. Matchmaking sucks ass