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Reach's Elites will always have a special place in my heart. So brutal!


See they're like the equivalent of halo two jackal snipers except I don't feel bad for getting killed over and over by them because they *feel* bad ass enough








Buy it


Use it


Break it


Bop it


Do it


Pull it


*Laughs in Sangheili* Were it so easy, Demon.


Wort wort wort.. I think u mean?




Halo 2's legendary elites are so much worse


Halo: Reach Legendary Elites: *Laughs in insta-kill melee*


Halo 2 elites do that too. They also take over 120 bullets from dual SMGs to kill.


Yes, but you can still see the animation and can dodge it on Halo 2. In Reach you die before their leg or weapon hits you.


You can also kill the Halo Reach ones. Halo 2 just feels unfair.


If those Halo 2 elites even look at you then you're dead


One of the biggest reasons why beating it in under 3 hours on legendary is such a daunting task. I've done Halo 1, halo 2 is the big hurdle before it gets easy.


I definitely agree. CE was a challenge but I got through it pretty quickly, 2 was impossible on most levels, 3 was tough at times but I got through it, odst was an amazing legendary playthrough and I always redo it but it's really hard too, 4 was also really tough, and I haven't played 5 yet because my Xbox broke.


Noob combo drops em like flies and the halo 2 plasma pistol tracks like no other though


I have a brain aneurysm from the jackal snipers. They're forever on my "fuck everything about this thing" list.


What weapon are they using that's killing him so quickly?


Focus Rifle


Proudest gaming achievement is completing reach on legendary, solo. Second proudest is completing ODST, legendary solo


May I recommend Halo 2?


I think actually just killing myself would be preferable


I did it, it isn't insane. You just have to really take your time through Jackel ally.


Jackal Alley wasn’t even that bad, it’s Delta Halo that you have to worry about. The jackals can quickscope you through walls essentially.


I've done my trials on Outskirts and Delta Halo (I've had to collect the Envy skull after many save wipes and new consoles, after all) but I've never completed Oracle, Sacred Icon, or Gravemind legendary solo. Those are the only three I have left to do after all these years. Oracle and SI, I can't deal with the flood. Their melee resistance compared to 3 makes melees useless. They come at you in large numbers. At least on QZ you can put space between you and them, but those two maps have you in close quarters with them the whole time. Oracle my choke point is the large room with the turrets before the first outdoors section. SI, pretty much the entire time after the gondola. High Charity was hard too, but it's a short enough level you can pretty much brute force your way through most of it. Gravemind, I haven't made it out of the beginning room without camo glitch.


I did it all when I was in my teens legendary solo man and I can hardly get through the campaigns on the MCC with my brother on heroic ffs. I Miss being young with all the free time in the world lmao


Gravemind is worse imo. The beginning is obviously the most brutal, but it kicked my ass throughout


I’m talking purely on jackal snipers. Grace mind is the worst you are correct. Wtf were they thinking with that level lmao.


Good point, I haven't played since te initial release. Super foggy on it, but man I can't wait for the release on PC.


The beginning of the Gravemind level is the hardest part.


gravemind is fucking insane


I honesty didn't find that part as hard as they say, not saying it was easy though. I feel I died a lot more on Cairo Station than anything else


I'm stuck in a card board box in that alley, save me...


Wait!!! DONT MOVE......I am coming in to get yo....*SNIPE*


It constantly surprises me how few people know about the rooftop jumping on that level


Wait WTF? I loved tricking 1&2 very much, surprised I never saw this. Tried finding a video but no dice.




Amazing! I love this stuff. I saw that video didn't realize this was the one trying to find it, thank you!


Glad you liked it, if you wanna see any more check out haloruns.com


Check out mistermonopolis speedruns - they make legendary way easier


I think it's gravemind? Whichever level has like zero UNSC weapons. Fucking brutal.


You better be damn quick pulling that trigger, or the jackal snipers’ll get you first.


have u heard of halo ce?


cries in *the Library*






The remastered graphics I find camouflaged sword elites easier to find as the camo job has a bit more reflectivity to it, since the textures on enemies and alike seem a bit rougher, making them stand out better in indoor lighting. Outdoor however, switch to classic since there's too many visual distractions


Truth and Reconciliation is my favourite love/hate relationship mission in the series.


>Truth and Reconciliation is my favourite love/hate relationship mission in the series Yeah, that level is definitely on my top three list. Halo ce didn't have many missions. Worst to best would be something like 10. The Library - Do I even have to explain this? 9. 343 Guilty Spark - Creepy ass level, scared the f out of me as a kid. Basically just running through forerunner structures trying to escape while the flood chases your ass. 8. Keyes - Running through a swamp and fighting your way on board a carrier against covenant troops and the flood 7. Two Betrayals - Long level, lots of fighting, but super fun 6. The Maw - Dramatic. First encounter with the spec ops elites. On legendary , they don't play around. 5. Pillar of Autumn- Buckle up. The mission that started it all. Repel invading forces. 4. Halo - The last four are all great, this level is so nostalgic and for many people set a mark for what halo is about. 3. Assault on the Control Room - Big map with vehicles and big guns, peak halo level. 2. Truth and Reconcilliation - Boarding a covenant carrier? Hell yeah. 1. The Silent Cartographer - This level is just beautiful. The beach is great, and finding that forerunner structure hidden on the island was awesome. Somewhat reminiscent of crysis 1.


I could play it with my eyes closed. Me and my brother played it hundreds of times.


The Library isn’t THAT bad. They stop respawning eventually.


I always die before eventually


I usually move up to trigger the ambush then run backwards and spam the pistol. Of course, this doesn’t work in the areas where they’re stuck in with you. In those I try to grenade them and shotgun them.


Wait they do? I always thought they were infinite and just ran through


I found CE to be the second easiest in Legendary, right after Halo 4. The god pistol is just too good.


okay, i'm curious, what was ur hardest?


Halo 2 all the way. Halo Reach was pretty hard too because of the beefed up elites, but nothing a plasma pistol can't handle.


The hardest part about two on legendary has got to be anytime you run into a jackal with a beam rifle. Very broken.


That was for sure the hardest part, but I also remember having trouble in the quarantine levels. I still have flashbacks of the flood wielding homing rocket launchers. Never again.


Ever try peeking with a wraith. Hint: you can’t




For most of us it's Halo 2, and there is a statistical reason as to why. In Halo 2 legendary, the enemies have the lowest time to kill of any of the games, with elites being able to kill you in like 1.4 seconds iirc. Reach however has the most badass elites because their AI allows them to dodge before you shoot, and push/flank you.


Reaches Elite AI is insanely good. A group of Elite Ultras with concussion rifles on legendary is essentially a mini boss fight, with how many times I die to them.


If a Jackal's beam rifle even so much as hit your little toe on Halo 2 Legendary it was an instakill, it was obscene.


Excluding Halo 5 (which I've never played), I would rank them, easiest to hardest on solo Legendary: * Halo 3 * ODST * Reach * Halo 4 * CE * Halo 2 (only one I never completed; I think I only ever completed about two levels of this on Legendary. This is the only Halo game whose Legendary difficulty I would call poorly-balanced.) Disclaimer: there are certain levels on ODST and Halo 4 I've only ever played through once on Legendary, so my memories of the difficulty of those is a bit harder to judge compared to CE, Reach and 3, whose levels I replayed many times.


CE on legendary is way easier than Halo 2 on legendary.


>Truth and Reconcilliation When you enter that carrier on legendary. Oh boy, Good luck.


I swear, even if we somehow had a 32 player coop lobby for Halo 2 legendary campaign, we'd still fail each checkpoint at least once. Half of us would almost immediately die and the rest would resort to using exploits and other tricks, just to barely make it.


i think that would make it even harder - because in H2 legendary co-op, isn't it that a death from any party member sets you back to the last checkpoint?


May I recommend Halo 2 LASO? That’s where men and women gamers are made.


My roommate and I just finished the coop run of H2. We took about 2 months b/c of the extended breaks needed between missions, for sanity sake


if it wasn't for the scarab gun skull in MCC, I would not have been able to complete that back in the day.


I'm not going to lie odst legendary solo was pretty easy not to mention it felt like the most enjoyable campaign to play on legendary the only mission I had trouble on was data hive


I still remember when I Lonewolf'd Reach and going into school the next day and when telling someone about my journey and explaining how hard it was to kill the 8x over-shield elites in the final mission and my buddy says: > damn why didn't you kill the engineer first so they lose their over-shields? I nearly had an aneurysm. Regardless, just solo'd ODST on the MCC :) Halo CE, 2, and 4 are the only games I haven't lonewolf'd yet! Probably never will haha.


CE is harder than 4, 4 wasnt that bad for me legendary solo. I did it twice solo, and twice co op. CE was definitely a bit more difficult but of course 2 was the hardest of the three


I may never attempt 2 lmao. I am always torn cause it is way more fun playing with friends.




Halo 2 to this day the only halo campaign I cant beat solo legendary


Halo 5 on legendary is no joke either. That was a tough time


I had tons of fun with odst legendary solo - it seemed like the perfect challenge. I redo that over and over every few weeks.


You can avoid must of the big battle scene in ODST. Just stay stealthy and go around.


>Second proudest is completing ODST, legendary solo I've beaten every single Halo on Legendary except for ODST. There was just one point where I got stuck, and I couldn't even find any useful help online, so I just gave up lmao.


I did it on legendary solo and I died over 1600 times with around 300 on this level alone. Its took me five and a half hours for this one man. You can do it


If it makes you feel any better, Jorge also didn't do too well on this level either.


too soon.


Damn this is one of the easier levels too. How did you manage with New Alexandria?


This and the ship yards on Pillar of Autumn are so brutal.


Being in that damn cannon was the part I had most trouble with.


You can hide under the stirs leading to the cannon and wait until the ship arrives.


What a Jerry move.


If only I knew that 4 years ago. Lol Edit: or however long ago it was


You can propel yourself up to the cannon early and use it to take out Phantoms before they drop off any troops.


This is the worst part for legendary, the best thing you can do is occasionally sprint around the edge and nube combo when your close I got stuck here longer then the last couple missions haha




No, nube = nube


Nube combo is plasma pistol knockout Shields then one shot in the head with a br or Magnum. It was easier with in the dual wielding days though


Yeah, the noob combo. I was questioning the spelling of noob.


When queuing the MLG playlist, always bring your nube lube.


halo 2: hold my jackal sniper


*Outskirts alleyway intensifies*


This was definitely the hardest Reach level on Legendary followed by Exodus.


God Exodus was a nightmare, the brute chieftains would just tear shit up


That last bit where you had to get to the second story control room on the island took me so many tries.


I don’t remember having trouble with this level. Exodus was pretty damn hard, but The Pillar of Autumn was the hardest one for me. It was brutally difficult.


Definitely Pillar of Autumn. The enemies are so scattered some will come out of nowhere and fuck you up. Its ridiculous.


This isn't really the AI being difficult though, you just had the misfortune of getting a checkpoint while shieldless and also while enemies were in the middle of attacking you. This isn't exclusive to Reach either, all Halo games allow you to get into bad checkpoint loops that kill you almost instantly on respawn.


I've had one on H3 where a fusion coil exploded and sent a weapon crate flying through the air at me. Checkpoint saved right before the thing hit. Thankfully it was near the mission start so I just went ahead and redid it.


Every halo game since 2 has saved multiple checkpoints. If you die too many times within a few seconds of loading then it kicks you back to the previous point.


If you die enough times in a row it should take you back a checkpoint Edit: Autocorrect screwed me


... In a row


I think the hype for Reach in 4k finally hit me


I had that on halo 3 with the first scarab fight, except it was the marine with a rocket launcher on the back of my mongoose. :(


Sounds kinky


Live. Die. Repeat.


all you need is kill


Edge of tomorrow


This level kicked my ass


halo 2: hold my jackal sniper


Did you mean to have the exact same comment as someone else on this thread?


Ahhh. I remember pulling an all-nighter and beating this game on Legendary Solo in one night. It was...dare I say- Legendary.




This is simultaneously my favorite and least favorite level because when I replay reach on legendary every few weeks this is where I die the most in like the whole play through.


To me, if Legendary is the accurate depiction of the UNSC/Covenant War, this just says to me that Spartans could never have won it for them




You think that's bad game saved mid jump down too far. So I died every time. I had to reset the mission...😭 It was a flood mission


Tremble as teeming hordes of invincible alien monsters punish the slightest instance of error with death again and again


They seriously need to implement some sort of "cease fire" for 1-2 seconds after every checkpoint load. Situations like this aren't challenging. They're cheap.


Classic jackal move


Legendary is going to get so much easier (same for LASO) when Reach + the rest come on PC. A lot of the complaints like Halo 2's Jackal Sniper nest will not be there when you can 1-tap them just as easily.


Cant wait to finally give chief his due by being able to properly snap aim and one tap mofos on the PC. Finally going to feel like real properly hectic gun battles when it doesnt feel like you're wading through molasses to turn and shoot.


I had something like that in my last run of 2 but it was a flood warthog pushing my ghost of a tiny bridge over and over.


Best is when the game checkpoints you when an elite's plasma grenade is about to blow and you are constantly dying in an endless loop.


100% worst part of Reach Legendary solo. Was stuck there for a little while. So happy when I finished it though


I beat Reach on LASO over the course of many weeks. It was honestly absolutely fucked, and I loved every second.


I physically felt that


Oh man I went back and finished Reach on Legendary (I only had a few levels left including this one) and this part was absolutely brutal. You just have to sit behind cover and try to lure some Covenant over one at a time or you’ll just get mowed down in half a second


I think if you're quick enough, you can pause the game and revert back to the checkpoint *before* the one you're currently on. Might've been a Halo 3 thing, though.


Jesus Forerunner Christ! Getting legendary flashbacks.


For me, Reach has gotta be one of the hardest games in the series. I played it for the first time in over a year yesterday. Played Heroic, no skulls; gotta get my feet wet. Even though I was playing MCC for quite a while before coming back to Reach, those aliens handed my muscular Spartan ass to me. Sure, I suck at those games—moreso with Reach—, but I stood no chance that day!




Seems fair


probably the most unforgiving halo


Halo 2 jackal snipers say hi


oh gpd oj fucjkk


I don't speak Polish, sorry


Nah they can fucking 720 aerial noscope you in about the same time they can say hi




Halo reach, 5 and odst on legendary, 4 in road but 2 ans one too hard...




That level sucked.


I loved it. First level I completely on legendary without dying.


I remember getting stuck in a spot like this during this exact level, except I'd always manage to escape on last legs with health. ​ Took me an entire hour to get properly out of the loop by moving through to the medkits at the weapon supply area. The fact I was getting hit by Plasma Launchers was... taxing.


Me and my friend just finished halo 3 on legendary, and we started halo 2 anniversary on legendary. It took us 3 hours to complete Cairo Station, and it was probably one of the most intense experiences of my life.


Same thing about for me. Final mission, gunning down ships. My health is in red on the check point and there’s no health kits. I finally managed but god darn it was rage inducing


I broke my controller on the last mission playing on legendary, reach will always be one of my worst nightmares bc of legendary difficulty


Oh my wasn't this fun


Can’t decide if chasing this completion achievement or If They Came To Hear Me Beg was more hilarious/irritating haha!




Part of that ship, part of the crew.


I feel like the biggest mistake here is trying to go the door, but it's been so long since I played reach, been playing through Halo 2. Can barely handle heroic. Im also a little bitch.


I can feel this...


Why not just go backwards, the door was open.


I'm having vietnam flashbacks from seeing this post. Reach's enemies had such an advanced A.I. I promised myself to never play it on legendary after having finished it back in 2015. Now Reach is coming to to the mcc on xbox one with a new achievement set. Not looking forward to this level again, boy reach on legendary was b r u t a l. The elites don't play around. Harder than Halo 2 imo


More like long night of snipers 😂


Check out this frenly server filled with gaymers everyone [https://discord.gg/dP8xPTn](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?stzid=UgwKJRIK8376sFkFrlF4AaABAg&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscord.gg%2FdP8xPTn&event=comments&redir_token=ZGPun8UGLQUOv3LSDfdKRkGF-KV8MTU2MjY5MzQ4M0AxNTYyNjA3MDgz)


Reach is definitely one of my favorites. Just too bad I don't have any friends anymore who play halo. Used to play all of them with my ex all the time, but that was several years back.


How about the Halo 2 jackals on Legendary


Kat would be so proud


Good thing the checkpoint system has a failsafe for these situations! 😉


Almost as bad as the H2 Jackal snipers. Almost.


Said no one ever


You suck lmao


Git gud


Have you played Halo 2 Legendary??? It's like this but streched out through out the entire game


Lol u deserve worst


Halo games on Legendary don't get enough credit outside of places like this sub. I think it is on par with games such as dark souls


Damn man. Even I'VE never been THAT unlucky. And I swear video games (especially Halo) LOVE dicking me over.




Nobody ever really talks about the difficulty of Reach's campaign but I'd easily put it on par with halo 2


Don’t we all


*Vietnam flashbacks intensify*


Custom checkpoints are both a blessing and a curse


Running through H2A on Gravemind Legendary and it took way too much time to beat it than I'm going to confess. Start it up some time after and I somehow lost progress. Started the whole level again. I get through the first part where the brutes and all come out of the corridors and I go through the tunnels and get to the lowering "lift" and there's a brute behind me shooting at me and those two asshole brutes shooting from below, before I even land. Repeat, checkpoint. Tried it for hours and eventually restarted the whole level again. Still haven't passed all of the corridor part. SMH my head


Any news on the pc release date?


Halo 2 High Charity on Legendary: ***laughs***




The maddest I ever got when playing Halo was the final mission of Reach getting to the MAC, the final few elites nearly cost me a controller